recommendations of working group i concerning: categorization of industry objectives

Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives Proposed Norms Proposed Sction Points PROPOSED “CHARTER ON WATER RECYCLING & POLLUTION PREVENTION IN PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY”

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Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives Proposed Norms Proposed Sction Points. PROPOSED “CHARTER ON WATER RECYCLING & POLLUTION PREVENTION IN PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY”. Categories of Indian Pulp & Paper Mills. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Recommendations of Working Group I concerning:

• Categorization of Industry• Objectives• Proposed Norms• Proposed Sction Points


Page 2: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Categories of Indian Pulp & Paper Mills Proposed Categorization under this Revised Charter A1: Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing bleached grades

of chemical pulps, papers, paperboards & newsprintA2: Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing unbleached

grades of chemical pulps, papers and paperboardsB1: Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing bleached grades

of chemical pulps, papers, paperboards & newsprintB2: Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing unbleached

grades of papers and paperboardsC1: RCF and Market Pulp Based Paper Mills producing bleached

grades of papers, paperboards & newsprintC2: RCF and Market Pulp Based Paper Mills producing

unbleached grades of papers and paperboardsMills that attract classification in more than one category will be deemed

to be in the “highest” among those categories. For example, a mill that is both wood and agro based (A1 & B1) will be classified as A1.

Page 3: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Objectives of the Charter1. All time Compliance with Environmental NormsThis compliance shall be determined by long-term performance criteria

like a 30-day moving average. Besides, allowable “Exceedances” shall be permissible on the basis of an agreed:

1) % of operating time that such exceedances occur2) number of such exceedances per year/month3) % by which each such exceedance can deviate from norm

Start-up/shut-down periods, normal boiler soot-blowing sequences and exceptional circumstances (to be enumerated) should not be considered while determining all-time compliance.

Water consumption, effluent generation and emission limits shall be reckoned per tonne of “product” and not just “paper”. Besides paper, paperboard and newsprint, “product” shall include air dry tonnes of surplus pulp produced for short term storage (as wet-lap) or for sale.

Page 4: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Objectives of the Charter

2. Improved Environmental Performance beyond Regulatory Norms

This will essentially be a voluntary effort by the mills with performance targets proposed in advance, properly documented, and then validated by third parties.

Achievement of such improved performance should receive appropriate recognition from CPCB/SPCBs and, in particular, should qualify for fast-track environmental clearances.

Page 5: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Objectives of the Charter

3. Increased ProductivityFreedom to install minimum impact technology will not only improve better environmental performance but also ensure stakeholder relations, increased productivity, cost savings and competitive market advantages.Constrained by the General and Special Conditions imposed by Environmental Clearances and Operating Permits, increased productivity could only amount to achieving the same production levels with lesser specific consumption of any or all of the resources involved in mill operations.

Page 6: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Objectives of the Charter4. Compliance with International Commitments

Compliance with international commitments in the context of environmental regulation of the paper industry will be meaningful if effluent discharge standards are load based instead of the existing concentration based ones. Making ECF bleaching mandatory would then be the only residual issue.

Internationally, ECF bleaching is mandatory (BAT standard) and the only wood pulp bleaching technology to ensure safe AOx levels. Well-managed agro-pulp bleaching could still hold AOx levels to that of wood based ECF pulp bleaching without eliminating elemental chlorine. India’s compliance, in an agro pulping context, should be decided only on prescribed AOx levels.

Elimination of elemental chlorine in existing Agro mills, or wood pulp mills of capacity <200 tpd, could be either a voluntary initiative or a condition for expansion of capacity or establishment of new capacities.

Page 7: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Fresh Water Consumption Norms in the Revised Charter (m3/t of product)

# Tentative norms for Mills manufacturing specialty paper. Wide variation can exist, determined by grades (Hygiene grades/FDA grades/coloured grades, etc). Case-to-case consideration, based on product portfolio, would be required

Page 8: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Proposed Effluent Generation Norms in the Revised Charter (m3/t of product)

# Tentative norms for Mills manufacturing specialty paper. Wide variation can exist, determined by grades (Hygiene grades/FDA grades/coloured grades, etc). Case-to-case consideration, based on product portfolio, would be required

Page 9: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Parameters GoalspH 6.5 – 8.5TSS, mg/l 50BOD, mg/l < 30COD, mg/l 250TDS, mg/l 2100Colour, PCU 500AOx, mg/l 10SAR 12 (Short/Medium Term)

10 (Long Term)

Proposed Norms for Treated Effluent Quality for Integrated Pulp & Paper Mills manufacturing Chemical pulp

Deviation from the norms for a specified % of the time in a year (say, 5%) should be considered within compliance.

Page 10: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Parameters Goals

pH 6.5 – 8.5TSS, mg/l 50BOD, mg/l < 30COD, mg/l 225TDS, mg/l 2100SAR 12 (Short/Medium Term)

10 (Long Term)

Proposed Norms for Treated Effluent Quality for RCF and Market Pulp Based Pulp & Paper Mills

Deviation from the norms for a specified % of the time in a year (say, 5%) should be considered within compliance.

Page 11: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Water Consumption & Effluent Generation Norms w.r.t Irrigation Schemes

Mills that discharge all their treated effluents on land for irrigation through dedicated effluent distribution schemes have an obligation to dependent farmers. These mills will be entitled to a relaxation of water consumption and effluent generation norms, Such relaxation, to the extent required, shall be accorded to eligible mills through a validation protocol to be notified by CPCB.Such relaxation shall, however, be subject to the following conditions:1) The dedicated irrigation scheme should have been in practice for

a period of not less than five (5) years2) The scheme should have, during this 5-year period, used all the

effluent generated by the mill.3) The effluent ‘load’ generated by the mill shall not be in excess of

the norms. In effect, any relaxation in volumetric terms would entail a corresponding reduction in the concentration terms.

Page 12: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Odorous gases Existing Emission Normsmg/Nm 3

Proposed Emission Normsmg/Nm 3

Measurement Method Control technology*

H2S 10 10 Gastec Tube Sampling

Alkaline Absorption,Biological Methods,Adsorption, or

Incineration(Incineration is proven but

involves highest investment & operating costs)

Total Mercaptans (Methyl

Mercaptan, DMS & DMDS)

Not Specified

50 Gastec Tube Sampling

Proposed Norms for Odorous Emissions

These emissions shall be measured twice a year, as an odour control assessment protocol, to identify and evaluate point source emissions of odorous gases. Mills that operate with a Soda Process and with mill-wide sulphur-free operations, shall be exempt from this section of the Charter.

* Recommended by the Expert Committee on “Odour Polluton & its Control” constituted by

CPCB; Guidelines published May 2008.

Page 13: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Boiler Capacity

Control Equipmnt

Existing Norms(mg/Nm3)

Proposed Norms(mg/Nm3)


15tph& above

ESP SPM : 150 H2S : 10 Sox : Not DefinedNox : Not Defined

SPM : 150 (Boilers set up before 2008)

SPM : 100(Boilers set up after 2008)

H2S : 10

Norms for a Chemical Recovery Boiler & lime kiln will be same as that for a Power Boiler with capacity >15 tph

For boilers <15 tph

Multi Cyclone

SPM : 600 (10- 15tph)

SPM : 800 (<10 tph)

H2S: Not Defined

SPM : 600 H2S: 10

Proposed Stack Emission Norms

NOX & SOx has already been notified under National Ambient Air Quality Standards. H2S norms will be applicable only to stacks attached to Chemical Recovery Boilers.

Deviation from the norms for a specified % of the time (say, 5%) should be considered within compliance.

Page 14: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Conditions Necessary for Timely Compliance with the Charter

1. No regulatory impediments.Any process modification, construction activity or any other action

required to be undertaken by a mill in pursuit of the objectives of this Charter should receive necessary environmental clearances from SPCBs with utmost speed. CPCB/MoEF should set in place a fast-track, single-window clearance mechanism.

2. Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Conditions not to apply.SPCBs should be advised not to prescribe a ZLD condition in any of their

operating permits during the currency of this Charter. If mills were to be capable of achieving ZLD, there would be no need for this Charter.

3. SPCBs’ active support, and understanding,The transition from Short Term compliance levels to the next two levels

could entail disruptions in mill operations leading to temporary aberrations in quality of treated effluents.

Page 15: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Action Points

These action points are indicative of the systems, equipment, processes and practices that are considered essential to achievement of the objectives of this Charter. Actual actions required by individual mills may differ on account of their unique circumstances like ‘scale of operations’, ‘equipment & syatem configuration’, ‘product portfolio', 'raw material mix’, etc.

Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp & Paper Industries

Page 16: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Category A1: Wood based - Bleached Grades of Pulps, Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint

Page 17: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionRaw material

Preparation sectionWet washing of raw material using treated wastewater

Dust Extraction system in the chipping plant (chippers, chip screens & Re-chippers)

Digestion and Brown Stock Washing and Pre-bleach operations

Installation of extended de-lignification systems/continuous digestion followed by oxygen delignification stage(s)

Closing up the black liquor loop integrating brown stock washing, screen room and oxygen de-lignification loops to limit the pre-bleach soda loss to <8 – 10 kg/t pulp.

Black liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-outOxygen Delignification (Short-term target)

Bleaching Alkali extraction with oxygen & hydrogen peroxide (EOP) in the short termReplacement of elemental chlorine bleaching with ECF bleaching (Long term target)

Black Liquor Management

Installation of chemical recovery facility capable of recovery efficiency >95%. The facility should comprise:•Multiple-effect Black Liquor Evaporation Plant•Conventional Chemical Recovery Boiler with Electrostatic Precipitator•Recausticising Plant•Lime Mud Re-burning Rotary Kiln with Electrostatic Precipitator•Dregs washing and dewatering systemBlack liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-out

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

NCG collection, scrubbing and elimination by incineration, alkali absorption, Adsorption or Biological treatment

Colllection of foul condensate from Evaporation Plant/Cooking Plant for steam stripping and reuse. Stripped gases to be handled like NCG.(long term target)

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash handling,

lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Page 18: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionPaper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives)

and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage towers/chestsCollection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing waterUse of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and sheet

knock-offsEffluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary

clarification, anaerobic primary treatment, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation

Secondary Sludge Bio-sludge handling system comprising pre thickening, followed by decanting/centrifuging and dewatering in a belt press or sun drying

Monitoring and control

Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by competent authority) to monitor mill water intake

Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for regular monitoring of all parameters controlled by the Air, Water and Solid Wastes Regulations

Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit Annual Performance evaluation of ETP

Online monitoring(Medium term taret)

Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data transmission to SPCB/CPCB. Initially online measurement will be limited to Flow, pH, TSS and DO (aeration tank). Other parameters will be introduced once reliable sensors/instrumentation have been demonstrated in atleast one trial installation.

Page 19: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Category A2: Wood based - Unbleached Grades of Pulps, Papers and Paperboards

Page 20: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionRaw material

Preparation sectionWet washing of raw material using treated wastewater

Dust Extraction system in the chipping plant (chippers, chip screens & Re-chippers)

Digestion and Brown Stock Washing and Pre-bleach operations

Installation of extended de-lignification systems/continuous digestionClosing up the black liquor loop integrating brown stock washing, screen room loops to

limit the pre-bleach soda loss to <8 – 10 kg/t pulpBlack liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-out

Black Liquor Management

Installation of chemical recovery facility capable of recovery efficiency >95%. The facility should comprise:•Multiple-effect Black Liquor Evaporation Plant•Conventional Chemical Recovery Boiler with Electrostatic Precipitator•Recausticising Plant•Lime Mud Re-burning Rotary Kiln with Electrostatic Precipitator•Dregs washing and dewatering systemBlack liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-out

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

NCG collection, scrubbing and elimination by incineration, alkali absorption, Adsorption or Biological treatment

Colllection of foul condensate from Evaporation Plant/Cooking Plant for steam stripping and reuse. Stripped gases to be handled like NCG.(long term target)

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash handling,

lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Page 21: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionPaper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives)

and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage towers/chestsCollection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing waterUse of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and sheet

knock-offsEffluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary

clarification, anaerobic primary treatment, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation

Secondary Sludge Bio-sludge handling system comprising pre thickening, followed by decanting/centrifuging and dewatering in a belt press or sun drying.

Monitoring and control

Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by competent authority) to monitor mill water intake

Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for regular monitoring of all parameters controlled by the Air, Water and Solid Wastes Regulations

Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit Annual Performance evaluation of ETP

Online monitoring(Medium term target)

Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data transmission to SPCB/CPCB. Initially online measurement will be limited to Flow, pH, TSS and DO (aeration tank). Other parameters will be introduced once reliable sensors/instrumentation have been demonstrated in atleast one trial installation.

Page 22: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Category B1: Agro based - Bleached grades of Pulps, Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint

Page 23: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionRaw material

Preparation sectionDust Extraction system in raw material preparationWet washing & Sand removal using treated wastewater

Digestion, Brown Stock Washing and Pre-bleach operations

Installation of continuous digestion followed by oxygen delignification stage(s)Closing up the black liquor loop integrating brown stock washing, screen room and oxygen

de-lignification loops to limit the pre-bleach soda loss to <10 –12 kg/t pulp.Black liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-outOxygen Delignification (Short-term target)

Bleaching Alkali extraction with oxygen & hydrogen peroxide (EOP) in the short termReplacement of elemental chlorine bleaching with ECF bleaching (Long term target)

Black Liquor Management

Installation of chemical recovery facility capable of recovery efficiency >95%. The facility should comprise:•Multiple-effect Black Liquor Evaporation Plant•Conventional Chemical Recovery Boiler with Electrostatic Precipitator•Two-stage Recausticising Plant with purged lime sludge from 1st stage to be supplied to

cement mills•Lime Mud Re-burning Rotary Kiln with Electrostatic Precipitator•Dregs washing and dewatering systemBlack liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-out

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash handling,

lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Page 24: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionPaper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives)

and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage towers/chestsCollection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing waterUse of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and sheet

knock-offsEffluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary

clarification, anaerobic primary treatment, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation

Secondary Sludge Bio-sludge handling system comprising pre thickening, followed by decanting/centrifuging and dewatering in a belt press or sun drying.

Monitoring and control

Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by competent authority) to monitor mill water intake

Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for regular monitoring of all parameters controlled by the Air, Water and Solid Wastes Regulations

Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit Annual Performance evaluation of ETP

Online monitoring(Medium term target)

Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data transmission to SPCB/CPCB. Initially online measurement will be limited to Flow, pH, TSS and DO (aeration tank). Other parameters will be introduced once reliable sensors/instrumentation have been demonstrated in atleast one trial installation.

Page 25: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Category B1: Agro based - Unbleached grades of Pulps, Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint

Page 26: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionRaw material

Preparation sectionDust Extraction system in raw material preparation

Wet washing & Sand removal using treated wastewater

Digestion, Brown Stock Washing and Pre-bleach operations

Installation of continuous digestion followed by oxygen delignification stage(s)

Closing up the black liquor loop integrating brown stock washing and screen room and limiting the to <12 –15 kg/t pulp.

Black liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-out

Black Liquor Management

Installation of chemical recovery facility capable of recovery efficiency >95%. The facility should comprise:•Multiple-effect Black Liquor Evaporation Plant•Conventional Chemical Recovery Boiler with Electrostatic Precipitator•Two-stage Recausticising Plant with purged lime sludge from 1st stage to be supplied to

cement mills•Lime Mud Re-burning Rotary Kiln with Electrostatic Precipitator•Dregs washing and dewatering systemBlack liquor spillage collection sump(s) with level controlled pump-out

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.

Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash handling, lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Page 27: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section ActionPaper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives)

and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage towers/chestsCollection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing waterUse of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and sheet

knock-offsEffluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary

clarification, anaerobic primary treatment, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation

Secondary Sludge Bio-sludge handling system comprising pre thickening, followed by decanting/centrifuging and dewatering in a belt press or sun drying.

Monitoring and control

Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by competent authority) to monitor mill water intake

Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for regular monitoring of all parameters controlled by the Air, Water and Solid Wastes Regulations

Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit Annual Performance evaluation of ETP

Online monitoring(Medium term target)

Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data transmission to SPCB/CPCB. Initially online measurement will be limited to Flow, pH, TSS and DO (aeration tank). Other parameters will be introduced once reliable sensors/instrumentation have been demonstrated in atleast one trial installation.

Page 28: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Category C1: RCF and Market Pulp based - Bleached grades of Pulps, Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint

Page 29: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section Action

Waste Paper Treatment Slushing in high consistency batch/continuous pulpers or Drum pulpers. Pulper feed conveyors to be preceeded by sorting conveyors.

Installation of Drum washers/ presses for pulp washing and/or dewatering

Minimise use of fresh water and maximize paper machine backwater usage

Deinking Two loop deinking with two of flotation stages and one dispersing stage. The process water loops will be closed and recycled through DAF cells.

Two rejects handling systems, one for pulper and coarse screen rejects and one for the subsequent flotation stages (deinking sludge). The deinking sludge will be dewatered and pressed to a dryness >55%. Sludge disposal will be through co-combustion in power boilers.

Bleaching Single stage (Peroxide) or two stage (Peroxide + FAS) depending on the desired final brightness.

Effluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary clarification, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, dissolved air flotation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation.

Paper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives) and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage towers/chests

Collection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing water

Use of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and sheet knock-offs

Page 30: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section Action

Paper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives) and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage chests

Collection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing waterUse of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and

sheet knock-offsEffluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary

clarification, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation

Secondary Sludge Bio-sludge handling system comprising pre thickening, followed by decanting/centrifuging and dewatering in a belt press or sun drying.

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash

handling, lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Monitoring and control Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by competent authority) to monitor mill water intake

Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for regular monitoring of all parameters controlled by the Air, Water and Solid Wastes Regulations

Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit Annual Performance evaluation of ETP

Online monitoring(Medium term target)

Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data transmission to SPCB/CPCB. Initially online measurement will be limited to Flow, pH, TSS and DO (aeration tank). Other parameters will be introduced once reliable sensors/instrumentation have been demonstrated in atleast one trial installation.

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash

handling, lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Page 31: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Category C2: RCF and Market Pulp based - Unbleached grades of Pulps, Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint

Page 32: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section Action

Waste Paper Treatment Slushing in high consistency batch/continuous pulpers or Drum pulpers.Installation of Drum washers/ presses for pulp washing and/or dewateringMinimise use of fresh water and maximize paper machine backwater usageTwo rejects handling systems, one for pulper and coarse screen rejects and one

for the subsequent screening & cleaning stages (wastepaper sludge). The wastepaper sludge will be dewatered and pressed to a dryness >55%. Sludge disposal will be through co-combustion in power boilers.

Paper Machine Closed loop fibre recovery and backwater system using Polydisc save-alls (or alternatives) and adequately sized broke & clarified backwater storage towers/chests

Collection, cooling & reuse of vacuum pump sealing water

Use of clarified back or recycled water in high-volume, low-pressure showers and sheet knock-offs

Page 33: Recommendations of Working Group I concerning: Categorization of Industry Objectives

Section Action

Effluent Treatment Installation of coarse & fine screen followed by a stabilization pond/tank , primary clarification, primary anaerobic pre-treatment, secondary activated sludge treatment, secondary clarification, and site-specific tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation, dissolved air flotation, micro filtration and/or pressure sand filtration, activated carbon filtration or ozonisation.

Secondary Sludge Bio-sludge handling system comprising pre thickening, followed by decanting/centrifuging and dewatering in a belt press or sun drying.

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash

handling, lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

Monitoring and control Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by competent authority) to monitor mill water intake (short term target)

Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for regular monitoring of all parameters controlled by the Air, Water and Solid Wastes Regulations

Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit Annual Performance evaluation of ETP

Online monitoring(Medium term target)

Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data transmission to SPCB/CPCB. Initially online measurement will be limited to Flow, pH, TSS and DO (aeration tank). Other parameters will be introduced once reliable sensors/instrumentation have been demonstrated in atleast one trial installation.

Odour & Air Pollution Control Devices

Electrostatic Precipitators for all Power Boiler, Recovery Boilers and Lime Kilns.Dust suppression/extraction systems in raw material preparation, fuel & ash

handling, lime/lime mud handling and chemical additives handling areas.

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