recognition of nonformal learning

1 Non-formal Education goes W Non-formal Education goes W 3 3 Tallinn , 31 May 2008 Tallinn , 31 May 2008 European Commission, DG Education and Culture, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Youth Policy Unit Youth Policy Unit

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An overview of the policy context on initiatives towards increasing the recognition of nonformal learning.


Page 1: Recognition of nonformal learning


Non-formal Education goes WNon-formal Education goes W33

Tallinn , 31 May 2008Tallinn , 31 May 2008

European Commission, DG Education and Culture, European Commission, DG Education and Culture,

Youth Policy UnitYouth Policy Unit

Page 2: Recognition of nonformal learning


1. Recognition of non-formal learning1. Recognition of non-formal learning 1. Recognition of non-formal learning1. Recognition of non-formal learning

Education and Training 2010

o Definition of Lifelong Learning

o Future objectives of education and training systems

o Common European Principles

o European Qualifications Framework

o Europass

o Key Competences

Youth Policy

o White Paper

o Pathways towards validation and recognition

o Portfolio for Youth Workers and Youth Leaders

o Resolution of the Council

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2. Youth Policy2. Youth PolicyCommission White Paper (November 2001)

The White Paper describes youth work as part of the overall The White Paper describes youth work as part of the overall package of lifelong learning and demands:package of lifelong learning and demands:

– a clearer definition of the concepts, of the skills acquired and of quality standards

– a higher regard for the people who become involved in these activities

– greater recognition of these activities

– greater complementarity with formal education and training.

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3. European Youth Pact3. European Youth Pact Communication from the Commission on European policies concerning youth. DG EAC / DG EMPL(May 2005)

Actions in education and trainingActions in education and training

- Member States develop frameworks to support transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences, and for

validating non-formal and informal learning

- Commission to propose a European Qualifications Framework in 2006

- Commission to adopt a Recommendation on key competences in 2006

- Commission & Member States to develop “YOUTHPASS” from 2006

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4. Youthpass4. Youthpass

IImplementation of a recognition instrument for mplementation of a recognition instrument for the Youth in Action programmethe Youth in Action programme

To support

- the reflection on the individual non-formal learning process,

- the social recognition of youth work and

- the employability of young people and youth workers.

Launching of tools for Action 1.1, 2 and 4.3: July 2007Launching of tools for Action 1.1, 2 and 4.3: July 2007

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Individual data

General descriptionof Youth Exchanges


ID and References

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Learning in YouthExchanges

Activities undertaken inthe Youth Exchange

Individual activitiesundertaken by theParticipant

Information about cooperation and funding


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5. Council Resolution5. Council Resolution Resolution of the Council on the recognition of the value of non-formal and informal learning within the European youth field (May 2006)

invites the Member States and the Commission to

encourage (…) the development of a comparable and transparent youth-specific element within Europass for identifying and recognising the skills and competences acquired by young people through non-formal and informal learning;

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6. Europass6. EuropassDecision of the European Parliament and the Council on a single Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass)(December 2004)

Europass Curriculum VitaeEuropass Mobility Europass Diploma SupplementEuropass Certificate Supplement Europass Language PassportEuropass …

Europassi Keskus EestisKutsekvalifikatsiooni Sihtasutuse juuresPärnu mnt 142 Tallinn

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7. A concept for a webpage7. A concept for a webpage

““Recognition of non-formal learning Recognition of non-formal learning

in the youth field”in the youth field”

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8. Contents8. Contents8. Contents8. ContentsInformation

o History, framework, political background, current policy development

Researcho Scientific background, research material, references


o Conceptual background material, follow-up to developments, platform for exchange and discussion, working groups (ltd. access)

Practice o Examples and good practice, national, regional, local or sectoral

level, networks and links


o Technical solution to generate Youthpass at organisational level

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9. Relevant webpages9. Relevant webpages

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Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!

European Commission – DG EAC – Youth Policy Unit

[email protected]