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RECLAIM YOUR NATURAL BRILLIANCE 7 detox secrets to uplevel your energy, clarity, and creativity today SINCLAIR KENNALLY AND MICHAEL SPANDEL VISION-NATION.COM

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7 detox secrets to uplevel your energy, clarity, and creativity today


V I S I O N - N A T I O N . C O M

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Welcome 3

Why Detox 6

What to Expect 14

Secret #1: State of Flow is Everything 15

Secret #2: Binders are Your Best Bet 18

Secret #3: Water for the Win 21

Secret #4: Real Food is Your Friend 25

Secret #5: Remaking Your Microbiome 28

Secret #6: Smart is Stupid 30

Secret #7: Sweat is Your Secret Sauce 34

Bonus: 10 Quickest Tips to Get Started 36

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Welcome! We’re Sinclair and Michael, the founders of Vision Nation, and we’re here to support you in doing your best work.

We are coaches and entrepreneurs that have healed ourselves from chronic illnesses induced by toxicants. We now help changemakers recover their full health and reclaim their natural brilliance, by releasing the toxins that we’re over-whelmingly exposed to today. You can read our shiny bios here, or learn more about our journey here, and browse our beautiful marketplace for non-toxic products.

We want to show you how to become your own advocate for your health and well-being. Each of us has the ability to change our destiny by detoxing: by unburdening ourselves of toxicants, we reclaim our natural brilliance, our creativity, our health, and our very sense of self. We didn’t choose to be exposed to this onslaught of toxins in our environment and the products that flood the market, but we can choose what to do about it moving forward when we know what to do. Take back the power to heal that is your birthright. That’s what Michael and I are here to help you do. We only preach what we practice, and we only share the very best of what we’ve culled from the world’s leading experts. We’re only interested in stuff that works.


Become your own advocate. Tackle as much as you can, as

soon as you can.

Don’t wait to feel more motivated. Choose yourself today, and you will be amazed at how quickly you gain momentum. Welcome

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What’s in this guide+ The reasons you’re not feeling at your best - the truth of what we’re all

exposed to today.

+ Detox secrets so crucial and so powerful, if you only implemented one of

them, you’ll feel a major difference. Embrace this combo of one-time chang-

es, and ongoing practices.

+ Links throughout to the right products, because picking the wrong ones is

a huge waste of time and money. We’ve done the research, and learned the

hard way. Use our shortcuts!

+ 10 Quick Tips to get started now. We know this can seem like a lot, so if

you need start slow just implement one of these quick tips each week and

notice a difference.

Enjoy the process of putting your wellbeing first, and know that we are here to support you. Everyone is talking about self care, and this is what they are really trying to get at. Your journey has already begun!

DISCLAIMER: We’re not doctors, we have advanced degrees from the school of hard knocks. The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. You should always seek the advice of your physician or otherwise qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplements, health program, or other procedures discussed in this course.

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Let’s get to work! We always like to know why we’re doing something, so we’re starting with an

overview of what has happened to make detox so necessary. If you already know why you’re on this journey, feel free to skip ahead to Detox Secret #1.

Read, implement, let us know how it’s going, and please share the love.

Do you know someone who needs to hear this too? We gotta bring the folks we

care about along with us, so we can all enjoy our full well-being again.

All our love,

Sinclair and Michael

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Why detox? Here’s a quick overview of why life isfeeling harder than it needs to be.

Basically, modern life is making it very difficult for us to feel joyful, alive, and do our best work. We’re getting our asses kicked by toxicants.Our exposure to stressors has increased so quickly, most of us are not even

aware of how much this is affecting us. We just know life feels harder than it

did 10 years ago, and that our culture is seriously struggling. As changemakers,

as leaders in our own lives, in our businesses, and our communities, we need to

address this.

The trouble is, we’re not talking about the real reasons behind our stress. The people who understand this stuff are, frankly, working with their hands tied

behind their backs, and the media is ignoring it. Networks are cashing fat checks

from big pharma ads for those prescriptions that manage all of your toxicity

symptoms. They’re making a killing, while the public sinks underwater. Neat.

Why Detox

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Simply put, if you’re alive today, you need to detox. Here’s what you’re exposed to:- Heavy metals ingestion from air pollution, dental amalgam fillings, vaccines,

cosmetics, processed foods, and your favorite electronics. (Use a laptop? You’re

inhaling mercury vapors from the keyboard whenever it heats up. Good times!)

- Herbicides and pesticides are rampant in our foods, even organic produce.

Up to 70% of the amount of glyphosate found in conventional food (the leading

ingredient in Roundup) is found in organic foods. Pesticides are so pervasive

they’re now found in our rainwater and groundwater. They destroy your gut lin-

ing, create allergic responses, let toxins into the bloodstream, disrupt and

perforate your blood brain barrier, and create the perfect storm for cancer and

autoimmune disease to flourish.

- Every week you ingest enough plastic to form a credit card. Plastics,

microplastics, and plastic byproducts have contaminated nearly everything you

touch, from clothing to food packaging to our rivers and tap water. These par-

ticles mess up your endocrine system, throw your hormones out of whack, and

exhaust your liver, making it even more difficult for it to keep up with the heavy

metals it has to contend with.

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- You’re now irradiated with EMFs 24/7. Electric and magnetic fields, dirty

electricity and radiation from wifi, cell phones, cell towers, and smart devices are

aging you faster than smoking (but without the cool smoker’s voice? We’ve been

robbed.) They also:

• Stop your body’s natural detox process, because your detox enzymes

can’t form while you sleep when you’re subjected to wifi and excess

electrical fields

• Slow down lymph drainage

• Keep your immune system from resetting while you sleep

• Slow down tissue regeneration and healing

• Throw off your microbiome so that toxin-creating and -storing para-

sites can flourish. (Wifi agitates the bad bugs so they start freaking

out, overpopulating and dumping mycotoxins. #Scienceisdepressing)

The effects are long-term, and they’re already showing up:

• As of early 2019, the now US ranks last in health among developed na-

tions (39th) (WHO)

• “95% of stress people are experiencing today is toxicity related.” (Dr.

Klinghardt, MD, PhD)

• Americans averaged 10 toxins per cell in 2008. In 2018, the study was

repeated and we had increased to 500 toxins per cell. (SHI)

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• 3,000 new chemicals are created every year, and studies show that we

now each have over 20,000 different toxic substances in our bodies. Our systems must work incredibly hard to keep them separate to avoid

damaging interactions between chemicals, making it almost impossible

to recover from injuries, chronic conditions, or lose weight. Not only are

these chemicals not tested for safety, there’s no testing on their

synergistic reactions in the body or environment. (SHI)

• Our bodies come into contact with over 1 million toxins every day. It’s

the main cause of cancer, birth defects, disease, and overall sluggishness

and makes the possibility of getting sick from viruses or developing aller-

gies much higher. Some of the most challenging toxins are the ones that

resemble estrogen because they impact so many aspects of the body.

These include chlorine, pesticides, plasticizers, and many food preserva-

tives. (Dr. Tom O’Bryan MD)

• Due to pesticide and heavy metal exposure, by 2028 100% of American adults will die of, or with, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. (Dr. Seneff, MIT)

• Thanks to Aluminum and glyphosate exposure, neurological disease is already the #1 killer of US women and the UK. (AMA and WHO)

• We used to have 10 years of ill health at the end of life, but in the last 10

years our ill-health span has doubled to 20 years. We know what the

culprits are (toxicants), but the response isn’t coming fast enough. (WHO)

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• And before official “ill health” sets in, Americans are experiencing years,

even decades of exhaustion, chronic stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and de-

pression. (SHI)

In this kind of reality, how are you supposed to focus on creating your best work?

Sitting back in overwhelm is no longer an option. Waiting for someone else to fix

it isn’t the answer. We need to put ourselves first, today.

• Overwhelm and irritability

• Low-level exhaustion

• Brain fog and “background noise” - you just don’t have the clear head that you had when you were little

• Difficulty processing new info or problem solving

• Lack of stamina

• Decreased desire to engage


• Anxiety

• Depression

• Difficulty sleeping, insomnia

• Disproportionate reactions to stressors (flying off the han-dle, going right to despair like a WINNER)

• Epic PMS

• Headaches

• Decreased sexual desire

• Stress eating/cravings

• Stubborn weight gain (this is actually not your fault)

• Skin rashes

• Hypoglycemia

• Acne

• Allergies

• Constipation and bowel irritation

• Nasal Congestion/Chronic Sinus Infections

• Body odor

• Halitosis

Common toxicity symptoms:

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Any of that feel familiar, and now you’re bracing for the detox week from hell? Slow down, tiger.Detox is not an event, it’s a lifestyle. And it doesn’t have to suck.

Most “detoxes” out there - the 3 day, 7 day, and 30 day cleanses - actually in-

duce additional stress on your body instead of cleaning it up. Those approaches

mean well, but they fail to address the seriousness of the situation today, and

they mobilize a ton of shit while leaving your organs unprotected.

We focus on systemic changes that reduce stress on the body, instead of adding

to it. Think fast fixes and healing habits.

Detoxing is a commitment to protecting your well-being, your brilliance, and your birthright to joy. Let’s get it right.

Detox Benefits:Look and feel younger.

• Clearer, younger looking skin• Reduced pain• Faster recovery from injuries• Weight loss that lasts (nope, not messing with you)• Brighter and clearer vision

• Stronger, more plentiful hair

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Feel energized physically.• Restorative sleep

• Increased sex drive, stronger erections, better orgasms for women & men (hello)

• Better stamina

• Strengthened immune system

• Increased fertility

• Reduction in PMS symptoms, gentler cycle (halle-freaking-lujah)

• Increased adrenal/thyroid function

• Easy digestion

Experience emotional freedom.• Decreased irritability and overwhelm

• Decreased depression and anxiety

• Release of social phobias and harsh self judgment (yeah we don’t miss those)

• Addictive behaviors reduced/released

• More even-keeled experience, less lows (byeee weird behavior)

• Increased ability to feel and sustain genuine positive emotions

• Emotional “set point” naturally rises to a more positive baseline

Feel like the best version of you.• Heightened creativity and critical thinking skills (ca-ching!)

• Increased clarity

• Better discernment

• Higher standards - tolerance for mediocrity naturally evaporates

• Higher quality focus, longer attention span

• Greater resiliency, better able to recover from stress and bad news

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• Greater problem solving abilities

• Deeper spiritual connection (ommmmm)

• Stronger intuition

• Deeper connections with others (No really - you’ll like and love people

more. And not just your favorites. Kinda everyone.)

Above all, the pervasive, lasting sense of feeling fully like yourself again.Sound worth it? Let’s do this!

We don’t treat symptoms, we support your body to do what it was designed to

do: heal itself. Only you can make these changes. And guess what? You’re the

perfect person for the job. You’re the one you’ve been waiting for.

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Getting Started: What to ExpectDetox, like any journey, doesn’t occur in a straight line.

Everyone is different. The more toxic you are, the harder it may be to notice

changes at first. The improvements may happen immediately, in small incre-

ments, or you may notice nothing, and then dramatic shifts all once. In fact, you

may have to take one step back before shooting forward several steps. This may

mean some short term discomfort or symptom flareups. It depends on your toxic

exposure, your diet and lifestyle, your epigenetics, and of course - how much of

the program you implement, and how quickly.

Familiar inflammation, swelling, aches and pains will go down. You may see

changes every day, or you may wake up one day realizing that a long-term

symptom just isn’t as bad.

Things will feel slightly easier. Long meetings, stressful events, carrying heavy

groceries… everything starts to feel softer. Little by little, the world becomes a

gentler place as you lower your toxic burden.

Implement as many of these secrets as you can, as consistently as you can, and

as your body heals itself you’ll realize just how incredible your life and your work

has the potential to become.

One last note from Michael: Base hits win the ballgame!

What to Expect

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Secret #1 State of Flow is EverythingIt’s all about drainage, baby. A moving stream runs clean.

When you’re inundated by toxins and you want to see improvement in your

energy, vitality, and mental clarity, the first body process we assess is drainage.

While we can’t do that with you through a pdf, we can get you started with

some basic tips.

Here’s the most important rule for safe and effective detox: open up the drainage pathways before you mobilize any toxins. Drainage is about escorting unwanted guests out the door.

Today, all of your drainage systems are bogged down and taxed beyond their

capabilities. For optimal results, we address the key drainage components in the

following order: your colon, your kidneys, your liver and bile duct (+ gall bladder if

you still have one), then the lymphatic system, and finally the glymphatic system

(the brain’s own drainage system) and your skin. Start at the bottom, and work

your way up.

The liver is the lifeline of the detox system. We want to support it as much as

possible through drainage downstream from it, because all those toxins cause

stagnation and jam up the stream. That stagnation leads to the perfect

conditions for pathogens to thrive, clogging up your basic detox processes even

further and putting extreme stress on your liver. To help the liver, we start by

loving up the colon, which gets left for dead by our Western diet and toxic


Secret #1: State of Flow is Everything

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Basic rule of thumb: if the colon is backed up, everything above that is backed up too. You’re aiming for 2-3 smooth movements a day. You can sup-

port drainage with diet and hydration, but for most people that doesn’t go far

enough. Supplements with get you further, and you can get colonics from a pro-

fessional - a series of 6 will clear out a lot of built up material that has distorted

your colon, and release a major toxic burden. But the most thorough and cost-ef-

fective way to support drainage and deep healing is through coffee enemas.

If you’re horrified by this concept, I totally get it. Believe me (Sinclair), I was there.

I was dead set against them, and just assumed it was going to be an arduous,

painful, even humiliating process. Because we’re not so good at talking about our

bodies in this culture, I didn’t even want to consider it. I’ve done a 180 - they are

truly the best cure-all and shortcut to health. Headache, backpain, tummy issues,

skin conditions, joint pain, exhaustion, PMS cramps and many, many serious

conditions can be resolved with coffee enemas. It’s also an ideal tool to support

lasting weight loss. (And the best hangover cure! So we’ve been told.)

How to get started on drainage:• At a bare minimum, hydrate enough and eat enough plant material that

you work up to regular movements twice a day. (Skip to secret #4 for tips

on what to eat.)

• For a gentle approach, drink Boldo tea and take Triphala powder to


• Take it a step further and get your flow going with supplements like

Mag07 (“Secret #5”), or these amazing enzymes.

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• If you’re not ready to go the coffee route but you know you need extra

support, do a series of 6+ colonics with a professional colon hydrothera-

pist. • For the best results and biggest life change, do coffee enemas at

home. Use an organic therapy roast like Café Mam, brew at home using

these instructions. Use this enema kit, and these detailed instructions for an easy experience. Work your way up to holding the coffee for 15

minutes before releasing. Hand to God, you will enter a whole new era

of health and prosperity if you do these on the regular. For a gold star, do

twice a day for the first two weeks, then once a day ongoing. Many peo-

ple see results with just one coffee enema per week, so experiment and

find your rhythm.

• Get your lymph moving with 10 minutes a day on a rebounder like this one, a powerful way to support weight loss and detox at the same

time. If rebounding isn’t for you, walk briskly at least 15 minutes a day. To

make sure you’re at the right pace, walk “like you stole it.” ;)

That’s the most important part of detoxing, and the toughest sell. You made it, phew! Let’s move on to the easier stuff.

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Secret #2Binders are Your Best BetBinders are the bouncers that escort unwanted guests out.

Once you’ve got your drainage going, put those bouncers to work.

Some of your unwanted guests:

Aluminum is, unfortunately, ubiquitous. It’s not just in our cookware and per-

sonal care products, it’s in processed foods, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, dental

fillings, fuel fumes, tapwater, and the air we breathe. It causes brain fog, ex-

haustion, weight gain, lowers your IQ, and is used as a growth medium for Lyme

disease and many types of cancer. You don’t want this stuff around, much less

inside of you.

Mercury is just as bad, and is a lot more prevalent than you think. Ethylated mer-

cury is 600 times more dangerous than plain old mercury, and is used in cosmet-

ics, personal care products like contact solutions, vaccines, dental fillings, and so

much more. Mercury is also used in our electronics like our laptop keyboards, and

it vaporizes at room temperature. We inhale it and it crosses right through the

lung barrier, which was never designed to keep stuff like that out. From there, it

can wreak havoc and cross right through the blood brain barrier. Once it’s in the

brain, it’s a lot more problematic.

Why does this matter? Heavy metals cause lasting damage to every part of you

that they touch. They interrupt your natural well-being, causing exhaustion, anx-Secret #2: Binders are Your Best Bet

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iety, depression, brain fog, memory loss, loss of IQ, and deep psychological dis-

tress. There’s a well established link between neurodegenerative diseases and

mercury and aluminum poisoning. (Dr. Boyd Haly) Since none of us want to lose

our minds, let’s pinky swear to take our binders until the rest of the world catch-

es up to this problem.

There’s a lot more to heavy metals and detox, and each of these substances

deserve their own chapter: lead, copper, junk iron, cadmium, and more… you get

the drift. The smartest thing to do is keep your drainage going, steer clear of new

exposures as much as possible, and take binders every day.

Reasons why your body is holding onto scary heavy metals: • Our soil and food supply has been depleted of minerals, and your body is

doing what it can to survive.

• There’s just too many to keep up with the load.

• It doesn’t have enough energy to process them. (see Secrets #3 and #4

for the water, minerals, and food you need for more energy)

• It’s not able to build your detox enzymes in a wifi environment. (see Secret #6)

• Your drainage isn’t working. (see Secret #1)

• It’s using those heavy metals in place of missing minerals to keep your

neurons functioning, because a cell still functions better with a toxic

heavy metal than it does with no mineral to make the connection. There-

fore, it’s super important to remineralize (see Secret #3)

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How to get started with binders:

• Start binding up that aluminum by drinking Horsetail Tea (lovely and mild),

and taking BioSil (also helps erase wrinkles, tighten skin, and strengthen hair

and nails)

• Take Selenium to capture the Mercury

• Remove any amalgam fillings with a biological dentist. Confirm that they

use suction, oxygen, and proper dental dams before booking the appointment.

• Take chlorella (away from food and other supplements) to mop up the other

bad stuff. Bonus: it’s also a potent source of nutrients and supports higher

brain functioning and physical performance. It’s got methylated B-12 and is

an ideal source of amino acids. Yay for doing double duty!

Tip: Don’t use charcoal, it’s an indiscriminate binder that soaks up most minerals

that it touches, and doesn’t bind tightly enough to mercury to escort it out the


Now that we’ve got you flowing and binding up those heavy metals and many of the other 20,000 toxins in your body, let’s work on getting you replenished!

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Secret #3Water for the WinWater is supposed to hydrate, mobilize, replenish with electrical energy, and

assist in all major bodily functions. Our modern water supply makes this tough

to accomplish, so cleaning up your water source is one of the quickest ways to

safely and painlessly speed up the detox process. Implement this secret and

you’re well on your way to easier weight loss, increased energy, clarity, and cre-


Tap water is not your friend. It contains 19 “inorganic metals of concern”(1994 Safe Water Drinking Act), for

which maximum contaminant levels have been set that are far too high for opti-

mal functioning. (Tone 1994) Most American tapwater tested falls between the

ranges of 350 parts per million to over 1000 parts per million total contaminants!

(Colgan 1993) Over time, this adds a real burden to your body’s detox processes.

Municipal water treatment plants were also not designed to filter out some of the

biggest stressors on our bodies today, including microplastics, fluoride, chlorine,

and antibiotic waste.

Curious what studies have shown about your own tapwater?

Plug in your zip code here - Just remember

that those reports won’t show the whole story, because it’s not yet standard

practice to test for antibiotic waste or microplastics, which early studies report

Secret #3: Water for the Win

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are now ubiquitous. Don’t wait for Flint, MI to happen to your town - be proac-

tive today.

An important note on Fluoride: this is a potent neurotoxin, and it’s hurting you

not helping you. It’s lowering your IQ, and studies show that populations with

fluoride in the water do not have any lower instance of cavities than populations

without it. You don’t have to take our word for it. Check out this recent study (JAMA) that provides an eye-opening look at fluoride and its effects. Trust us, if

you spend any time looking at the actual research instead of reading the news

headlines, you won’t want this in your body. Or anywhere near your loved ones.

Use this map to find out if you currently live in a fluoride zone, or if you have

been exposed in the past:

Let’s talk filters:Cheap water filter pitchers can be just as harmful as they are helpful - while they

may filter out some toxicants, they may not do what they claim to do. They can

also acidify the water, adding additional stress on the body. Expensive osmosis

filters are effective in many ways, but they’ve been repeatedly proven to mold

within 6 months of installation, a completely counterproductive result that’s dan-

gerous to your health.

Distilled water is the safest source of hydration, and the most effective, too. Contrary to popular myth, it won’t leach minerals out of your body (, it actually enhances ab-

sorption of bioavailable minerals for optimal metabolic function. (Muehling 1994)

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It helps with myriad body processes, from weight loss to destroying cancer cells

(bladder cancer study).

It’s difficult to overstate just how much this can do for you - for every client

that has switched to distilled water, they’ve seen big gains in mental processing

and outlook, steadier emotions, reduced physical symptoms, and overall health


Bonus - it significantly cuts down on your cravings for bad stuff.

Water is nature’s binder, and in distilled form it’s particularly effective.

You’re going to want bioavailable minerals to complement that distilled water -

trace minerals to get your body’s basic processes up to speed again, as well as

replacing those heavy metals that were used in a pinch to cover for the missing

good minerals.

“I thought if I drank plenty of distilled water I would get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it and it worked like a charm. Within a short time my sciatic left me and I have been free of rheumatism from that day to this. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it.”

- Alexander Graham Bell

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How to get started:

• Toss your cheap water pitcher, it’s only acidifying your water and po-

tentially exposing you to mold.

• Get your own distiller. If this feels like a big purchase, you can buy dis-

tilled water to start. Just consider this - distilled water you can purchase

in the grocery store is often packaged in plastic, and that is less than ideal

for detox purposes. Distilled water is negatively charged which makes it

“hungry” to bind to toxins, so storing it in plastic is a bad idea.

• Remineralize to reenergize, and support detoxing those heavy metals.

(see “Secret #2”) only take bio available minerals like these: Ojio Fulvic,

and these trace minerals.• Install a good shower filter like this one: The CuZn TurboShower to lim-

it absorption of chlorine and other chemicals while you shower.

• Carry your own water source in glass or stainless steel - avoid plastic

and be cautious with ceramics.

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Secret #4 Real Food is Your Friend Yeah, you can’t address detox without taking a serious look at your diet.

Food grows out of the ground, it doesn’t come out of a factory. If the bugs don’t

want to eat it because it’s too heavily laden with pesticides, neither should we.

Think about it - if it’s too toxic for bugs to eat, how is it going to affect your gut


Food is charged topic for most folks - we’re just doing the best we can, and it

can be overwhelming to consider revamping the way we eat.

It’s important to have realistic expectations: our clients get meal planning guide-

lines, and our groups get detailed trainings on the best way to tackle your food,

layer by layer. The healing process takes time, and your body needs support to

unpack all of the stuff our culture and environment has subjected it to.

But you can get started on your own today with the basics, and see a HUGE

transformation. It takes a little time to get comfy with these protocols, but it’s one

of the most vital investments you can make in your health, your future, and your

finances. (Getting sick from your body breaking down because you eat crap?

That gets expensive fast).

Just do as much of this as you can, as often as you can, and life will get a LOT

easier. Promise.

Secret #4: Real Food is Your Friend

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How to get started with real food: Follow these rules of thumb to uplevel your eating, and it will change your life.

• If it’s processed, it’s polluted. Simply put, whole foods are the only real

foods. Look for recipes and foods that are as unprocessed and unmanip-

ulated as possible, to get the most nourishment available to your body.

Spend more time in the produce section than anywhere else.

Hot tip: If it has a label, it’s less than ideal. Don’t be fooled by mar-

keting. If the package says something shiny and wholesome like,

“These are beets that my grandmother grew and then we inverted

the molecules and sprinkled them with 17 types of fairy dust and

they’re broiled not fried so they taste like potato chips but they’re still

totally cool,” that is NOT cool. Those are not beets anymore. They are

now a substance that is hard for your body to digest, which means

that “food” is depleting you instead of nourishing you. Sorry, Charlie.

• Toss out temptations. Throw out the crackers, cookies, candy, etc., even

the “healthy” ones. You won’t need them to cope when you’re supporting

yourself with plenty of distilled water, minerals, plants, and satisfying oils.

Eat fresh organic berries as a treat, or dark organic chocolate. (If you’re

still craving junk, you have parasites and you need to address them with a

product like this.)• GMO means N-O. Organic heirloom food contains electrical energy that

your body needs to survive. Modified crops do not contain that light.

Learn more about biophotons here.

• Only organic. Worried about organic getting spendy? Think of it as an

investment in your future, your joy, your finances. If you’re not investing

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in your health, it’s going to cost more later. Eating in-season, locally avail-

able produce is often substantially cheaper, Costco always has cheap and

fresh organic produce, and local farmers will often sell directly to you for

extremely reasonable prices. Find more tips on our site for eating organic.

Buyer beware: non-GMO does NOT mean organic. Pay attention to your


• Eat only local organic meat, and sparingly - not because we’re trying

to turn you into vegetarians, but because livestock living conditions and

diet are generally not conducive to your health. Livestock is fed mostly

GMO corn and soy, and when you eat that meat you are effectively eating

distilled GMO, pesticide-laden corn and soy.

• Grains are gone. If you’re craving grains, you’ve got parasites. Gluten

gums up the system, and it breaks down the blood-brain barrier. It’s one

of the most stressful things on your body that you can eat. • Dairy is done. Keep in mind, dairy is basically mucus in various

shapes and sizes. Avoid dairy products as much as possible, because

they feed inflammation, biofilm and parasite production. Triage tip: If

you’re gonna eat animal products, go for sheep and goat, not cow. And

organic ghee is totally cool. It’s actually a prebiotic and rich in butearic acid, while making your veggies taste rich and flavorful.

Hot Tip: We’ve been programmed by the food industry to see our food as enter-

tainment, reward, and a stand in for real connection and fulfillment. Deconstruct-

ing that is a long term process, and so worth it for your ultimate well-being and

full aliveness. But that doesn’t mean your food has to be boring. Many spices are

antimicrobial, antiparasitic, help support the immune system, rich in antioxidants

and contain important adaptogens for your healing. Experiment!

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Secret #5 Remaking Your Microbiome

The gut microbiome is getting a lot of press these days, and rightfully so! Our gut

is the seat of our immune system, our emotional intelligence, and has more neu-

rons than our spinal cord. Believe it or not between your brain and your gut, your

gut is doing 90% of the talking.

Most of us know that modern life is putting stress on this crucial resource, but

you’re probably missing a big part of the story. Your gut microbiome has many

different flora, some “good” some “bad.” It’s all about balance, and everyone

has a job to do. Unfortunately, with our Western diet and constant assault from

EMFs, everything is out of whack. Our little friends need a helping hand to get

back in balance with each other. We need a multilayered approach to recreating

that harmony, and one crummy probiotic from the grocery store isn’t going to

take care of it. Diversity is key - most probiotics contain just a few strains of the

good guys. Feed the good guys and encourage their diversity by eating a wide

range of fresh whole foods, and following the tips below.

Secret #5: Remaking Your Microbiome

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How to get started:

• Get your gut moving! See “Secret #1” for those tips.

• Feed the good microbes with lots of plant fiber.

• Replenish with high-quality probiotics. Most probiotic products are low

quality, arrive dead at best or worse, create further gut disbiosis. At this time,

these are the only two brands that we recommend: Thrive and Megaspore.

• Turn your wifi off at night and reduce your exposure to electronics while

you sleep, so your gut can build those complex detox enzymes. See “Secret #6” for more info.

Be sure to read “Secret #6” to understand how electronics and cell radiation are at-tacking your microbiome, and follow those tips to protect yourself!

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Secret #6Smart is StupidCrackdown on EMFs to rest deeply and recover your resilience.

We have inundated ourselves with radiation from our awesome little

appliances and devices, even though there are over 14,000 studies that prove

EMFs are toxic to your health and wellbeing. The effects are myriad, but let’s

quickly recap from earlier:

You’re now irradiated with EMFs 24/7. Electric and magnetic fields, dirty

electricity and radiation from wifi, cell phones, cell towers, and smart devices are

aging you faster than smoking (but without the cool smoker’s voice? We’ve been

robbed.) They also:

• Stop your body’s natural detox process because your detox enzymes

can’t form while you sleep when you’re subjected to wifi and excess elec-

trical fields.

• Slow down lymph drainage.

• Keep your immune system from resetting while you sleep.

• Slow down tissue regeneration and healing.

• Throw off your microbiome so that toxin-creating and -storing parasites

can flourish. (Wifi agitates the bad bugs so they start freaking out, over-

populating and dumping mycotoxins. #Scienceisdepressing)

Secret #6: Smart is Stupid

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It’s difficult to overstate just how much your energy, health, and outlook can im-

prove over time if you tackle EMFs. We’re so indoctrinated that we have to have

these little conveniences, but we’ve been kept in the dark about the true cost.

Learn more at the Environmental Health Trust’s site.

Startling Cell Phone Facts: • A 7 minute cell phone call can reactive the Epstein Barr virus, effectively

giving yourself mono over and over again. Talk about exhausting!

• If you have amalgam fillings, a 5 minute cell phone call can agitate the

mercury enough to increase the rate at which your body absorbs the mer-

cury by 600 times. (Amalgam fillings have a toxicity half life of 32 years,

so it doesn’t matter if your filling was put in years ago. It’s still damaging

you todayl)

Still trying to decide if this is really a thing? Watch the first TED talk to address

EMFs from a Silicon Valley guy whose health tanked when his exposure got too

high. For him, smart meters were the straw that broke the camel’s back. It’s an

easy watch, and a great place to start. Or read up on the former CEO of Micro-

soft Canada, who quit when he was made aware of the devastating effects of

the products he was selling. He now runs this nonprofit that educates politi-

cians on EMF dangers, rebuilds schools to be low EMF to protect kids, and many

other worthy initiatives.

We’re not saying you can’t use tech - we’re urging you to significantly lower your mental, emotional, and physical

stress by rethinking how you use your devices.

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How to get started:

• Turn off every smart device possible. Your fridge doesn’t really need to

irradiate you, does it? You should be minimizing your exposure to devices

whenever you are physically in proximity to them. You can’t control what

everyone else does, but your own devices are creating the worst expo-

sures for you.

• Bare minimum: turn off the wifi at night. Plug your router into this self

timer like this one to do it automagically.

• Next level: put your router in a signal reducing bag like this one or

a wave cage. It will reduce the stress on your body during waking hours,

but still provide you with functioning internet.

• Go for the gold and remove your router. We went back to ethernet,

and saw huge improvements in our focus, energy level, weight loss, and

overall health. • Reduce your cell phone use, and keep it far away from your body

when you’re on a call. Get a landline for long calls (no cordless phones!) or

use facetime, skype, or zoom on your computer instead.

• Turn your cellphone on airplane mode whenever you’re not actively

using it, and especially at night so you can sleep! (You can still check it as

often as you need to, just silence that RF whenever it’s sitting around.)

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• Remove all electronics from the bedroom to rest easier - no radiating

smart TVs, clocks, or anything extraneous.

• Achieve sleep nirvana by installing a kill switch to protect your bed-

room at night, and make it an electricity-free zone. (Use the discount

“VISION5” to get 5% off.)

• Put up an RF sleep sanctuary net to protect you from ambient radia-

tion. It’s pure bliss. (We both became much nicer after we started sleep-

ing in this thing, because we could finally rest deeply and our own detox

processes started to function again.)

There’s so much more to this conversation, but if you get started on this topic today, you can be ahead of the curve and save yourself a lot of pain. There’s so much money in tech that the science is getting suppressed, and it may take everyone else a while to catch up. Please take care of yourselves. Life gets so much easier when you do!

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Secret #7 Sweat is Your Secret SaucePassive sweat, not active sweat, is your body’s favorite way to kick the junk out.

Sauna use is linked to longer life span, fewer heart problems (Harvard) and

many other general health benefits, but its secret superpower is its ability to sup-

port and speed up your detox.

A near infrared sauna is our favorite way to detox, because that wavelength of

light heats you up from the inside, encouraging a more effective release of


Benefits: detoxes heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides, plastics, and so much

more. Whatever you are sweating on your skin, your gut is detoxing 10 times as


Here’s the catch: most personal-use saunas are made of toxic material, and are

high in dirty electricity and electrical fields, stressing out your body as you try to

detox. Do you research before committing to one. Do not fall for the advertising!

(We don’t recommend any saunas made with treated wood or fiberglass panels,

which rules out most models.)

Secret #7: Sweat is Your Secret Sauce

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How to get started:

• For the cost-conscious or DIY minded, you can set up your own sauna

using recommendations from this book. You don’t need to be a carpen-


• For folks who want the purest and the best, we personally use this one.

• Remember that you’re mobilizing stored toxins whenever you sauna, so

take your binders beforehand! This will help those toxins safely exit

your body, without recirculating and causing more damage. Review “ S e -c re t # 2 ” for great tips on binders.

• Start slow. Your skin may not have functioned properly as a breathing

and detox organ for many years, so it may take a few sessions for you to

start properly sweating. Be gentle and start with 10-15 minute sessions,

and slowly work your way up to 30 minutes if you can. More is not neces-

sarily better - listen to your body and do not overstress it.

• Take a cold shower immediately after using your sauna. This stimu-

lates your immune system and safely removes the toxins that your skin

has excreted, before you reabsorb them. Sauna studies that show incredi-

ble health benefits are conducted with the cold shower afterwards - don’t

skip this step! Use this soap to complete the sauna detox process.

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Overwhelmed, or need to start simple? Just get going:10 Quick Tips to Change Your Life

1. Drink clean water, lots of it. (distilled is best, no more tap water) from “Secret #4”

2. Take daily trace minerals like these to detox faster, feel more ener-

gized, think more clearly, and prevent the absorption of heavy metals. From Secret #4

3. Take binders to safely remove those heavy metals - BioSil for Alumi-

num, this Selenium for Mercury, and this Chlorella are a great trio to

start. From Secret #2

4. Heal your gut lining by taking Humic and Fulvic acid for greater mental

clarity, reduced reactions to foods, improved immune system, and general


5. Eat whole, organic foods (mostly plants, with as little grain and dairy as

possible) from “Secret #4”.6. Get your lymph moving, every day. Bounce on a rebounder for just 10

minutes, or walk like you stole it for 15 minutes. Your body will thank you!

7. Get drainage flowing - take Mag07 on the way to bed to keep things

moving. When your body can’t eliminate toxins through drainage, they

end up in undesirable spots. From “Secret #1” 8. Keep your cell phone on airplane mode when not using it, and keep it

away from your body. The industry knows the risks and has decided not

to share that info.Bonus: 10 Quickest Tips to Get Started

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9. Turn your wifi off at night (make it easy by plugging it into this au-tomagic timer) and minimize your exposure to smart devices to heal

your gut and immune system. From “Secret #3”.Make your mouth metal free. Find a trustworthy biological dentist in

your area, and have all amalgams safely removed. The best way to detox

is to avoid toxins in the first place, and continually reduce your exposure.


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You made it! Great job! By learning about these concepts, you’re on your way.

Just a couple of parting thoughts...

You decide how fast to implement. There were days when we did less than we wanted to, especially in the begin-

ning, but we did our best. Now we’re happy, healthy, doing our best work, and

we want that for you too. Do what you can, as fast as you can. Be gentle and

loving with yourself during the process - it’s a key component to your success.

We’re here for you. For real. Send us your questions, we love to design content that meets your needs. Keep

an eye out for new podcast episodes, and watch for email updates on the latest

tips over on our blog.

Have you implemented any of these secrets? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

And if you know you want to dive deeper, check out our free toxicity assessment today.

All our love,

Sinclair and Michael