recipe for healthy life


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Post on 20-Mar-2016




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HAPPY 2014

6.The Aloe Vera Gel can be used for almost any type of problems with the skin, including disinfection and quick healing. If you have aloe Vera plants break some leaf and cut it in long slides. With the wet part cover the wound. Do this in every 2-3 hours.

4.The honey is also used a thousand years ago for curing wounds and injury. It can be used unlimitedly on the wounds, because the honey is perfect fighter against the infection, and its nutritious feed the skin and helps in its renewing.

2.The onion has the same antimicrobial element, called alicin. Put one half of onion into the blender and add a little honey for better results. Use this mixture as a medicine for your injury and let it works about 20 minutes, and after you wash it away. Use this 2-3 times at day.

7.The vegetable oil is also used as a protection and disinfection. The Extra virgin olive oil it is extremely powerful in disinfection the wound like many of the other vegetable oils such as the canopy oil and extra virgin coconut oil- the most powerful antifungal elements. You just sip a little oil and put directly on the wound.

5.The white vinegar sweetens with water is also used as disinfection. Although, helps in removing the crust if they appear into the wound. It removes all present bacteria.

3.The ethereal lavender oil is used directly on the injury. The oil usually doesn’t make an extra pain but helps during the healing process. It is also a great in destroying the bacteria.

1.The garlic was used hundred and thousand years ago to cure injury and wounds. It’s full with antimicrobial ageneses that protects your body form infections. To make this medicine you should mix 3 garlic into a blender with a glass of wine. Leave the mixture to stand still about 3 hours. Soak some towel into the mixture and put it directly on the wound for 2 times a day.

Here are some alternative medicine that contain antibiotic:

7 ways to cure yourself naturally

You will need:

30g mint 40g valerian

40g chamomile

15g flower from marigold

Powerful tea for regulating the period

Drink it hot few times during the day.

Brew 4 spoons from this mixture with 750 ml boiled water. Cover up and after 30 minutes it strains.


Add all the ingredients into a blender and mix them about 10 seconds until it’s all well done. Serve it with some chips or cheese creekers.

Bon appétit!


Nothing compares with this 5 minutes prepared


- 700 grams cut tomatoes- 1 onion cut in half - 1 cup of parsley cut in small peaces - 3 slides of garlic- coffee spoon salts- coffee spoon peppers

Guaranteed!You want to look younger - eat T matoes

The scientist advice you to eat at least 2 tomatoes per day so that your skin gets fresh and young look. This amazing vegetable also helps to decrease the appetite, speed up your metabolism and reducing the extra pounds. With consuming constantly, women can prevent them for high risk ovaries cancer, all the cardiovascular diseases and asthma. Men, who eat at least 4 meals with tomatoes, decrease the chances for 40% of getting prostate cancer.After you’ve been introduce with the benefits of this incredible vegetable, try to eat at least one tomato per day, of course if you want to be healthy and take care of yourself, and I’m pretty sure that you all want that.

The tomato is plentiful with potassium, vitamin A, and C, E and folic aid. It’s red thanks to the lipogen. Consuming this vegetable constantly your skin will be protected by every day bad influence from the sun and it will be more elastic. Before you expose yourself on the sun it’s best to drink 250ml fresh squeezed tomato juice. Doing this you can be sure that you won’t get any sun burns on your body and in the same time you’ll provide your organism with all the vitamins it needs.

Preparation:Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix them until you get even paste. Add 1-1,5l water and enjoy your morning smoothie

- 2 bananas

- 1 hand of blueberries and few chokeberries

- Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice

- 1 coffee spoon wheat grass

- 1 coffee spoon spirulina

- You can add 3-4 date palms

Must try - Unbelievable good morning smoothie What do you need?


Mouth-watering cauliflower specialty We are about to present something incredible tasty, low fat and extremely nutritive. If you prepare it in a bigger quantity it could replace an entire meal. Don’t hesitate- start preparing this specialty now, here is what you need:


1. Grind the garlic in a deeper bowl and then add all the spices- the rosemary, the olive oil and the lemon juice.

2. Soil the cauliflower in the mixture and put it in previous greasy pen.

3. Bake it on heated oven-180 degrees around 45-50 minutes until the cauliflower gets soft.

- 1 head of cauliflower- 150 ml olive oil- Salt, pepper- 1 Spray of rosemary - 2-3 cloves garlic - 1 coffee spoon curcuma - Fresh lemon juice

- 1 head of cauliflower

Home made soup and medicine that cures diarrhea

Here is what you need to prepare this recipe:

- 250 g water- 2-3 potatoes (depends on its size)- 1 carrot - Some salt

This home made recipe can help you fight the diarrhea which can be very unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous for your health. It can be caused by many reasons like stomach fly or consuming bad food.

The best way to cure this diseases it’s of course- the natural way with this amazing home made soup recipe, but if is more serious and it lasts more than 4-5 days you should call your doctor immediately.


Pill both the potato and the carrot. Cut it on small peaces and put it into the water. After 20 minutes or after it get soft removed it from the heat. Mix it all together; add the salt and you can enjoy your soup.

Helps you immediately Honey and cinnamon against the cold and viruses

For best results you should take one tea spoon honey and cinnamons, two times a day.

The honey and cinnamon are antivirus, antibacterial and antifungal. It stops the urinal infection, kidney infection, decreases

the sugar level, the blood pressure and prevents you from arthritis.

We reveal you the secret cocktail of eternity

The ingredients that we need to prepare this amazing cocktail are proven as very efficient when dealing with other medical conditions.Drink one cup from it every morning and it will protect your heart, improve the blood and anyone can take it as a prevention from cardiovascular diseases especially people that suffer from anemia.


We reveal you the secret cocktail of eternity

The ingredients that we need to prepare this amazing cocktail are proven as very efficient when dealing with other medical conditions.Drink one cup from it every morning and it will protect your heart, improve the blood and anyone can take it as a prevention from cardiovascular diseases especially people that suffer from anemia.

Here is what you need:

- 2 l red wine

- 200 g honey

- 100 g fresh leaf from nettle

- 100 g fresh leaf from wild nettle

Simple but powerful Swiss chard with mushrooms delicates

To prepare this delicious recipe you will need:

- 300 g Swiss chard

- 200 g cut mushrooms

- onion cut on small peaces - 1 shred carrot

- Some parsley

To prepare this delicious recipe you will need:

- 300 g Swiss chard

Preparation: Put the onion in a pan in previously salt water, wait until it gets soft. Than add the shredded carrot and the mushrooms. Mix them along adding the parsley, celery and breckland thyme and leave them to boil until the mushrooms get brown. In the mean time put the Swiss chard into a hot water and leave it about 10 minutes. Than add it into the same pan where you cook the mushrooms, mix them and leave it 5 more minutes. After it’s done serve it with some salad or other vegetable, and if you like you can add some yogurt to get a special taste.

Bon appétit!


happy holidays

Real vitamin bomb that cures fungal infection

The fruit salad is a perfect choice when it comes time for a healthy breakfast, midday snack or dinner. This recipe that we are about to present you is not only healthy but it’s also an extremely powerful medicine, especially for women who have fungal infection.

- To prepare this delicious fruit salad you will need:

- 2 pomegranates - 1 apple- 1 carrot - 1 lemon


Put the pomegranates grains into a big deep bowl. Then cut the apple on small pieces and add it into the bowl. Squeeze the lemon above the salad and mix it good. At the end shred the carrot on the top of the salad. You will get a really amazing combination of real vitamin bomb. Consume the salad as much as you can. Enjoy it in this fruity pleasure because every bite it’s blessing for your body.

Make for 3 or 4 servings

- 2 cups spinach

- 1/2 cucumber

- 1/4 head of celery

- 1/2 bunch parsley

- 1 bunch mint

- 3 carrots

- 1/4 lemon

- 2 apples

- 1/4 orange

- 1/4 lime

- 1/4 pineapple

Combine all ingredients in blender. Mix , serve , drink and enjoy in your Smoothie

Perfect Refreshing Green Smoothie Make the breakfast drink that is high with fiber, low-calories and rich with vitamins

Ingredients :