recent advances in variational autoencoders with

Received December 16, 2020, accepted December 28, 2020, date of publication December 31, 2020, date of current version January 11, 2021. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3048309 Recent Advances in Variational Autoencoders With Representation Learning for Biomedical Informatics: A Survey RUOQI WEI AND AUSIF MAHMOOD , (Member, IEEE) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06604, USA Corresponding author: Ruoqi Wei ([email protected]) ABSTRACT Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are deep latent space generative models that have been immensely successful in multiple exciting applications in biomedical informatics such as molecular design, protein design, medical image classification and segmentation, integrated multi-omics data analyses, and large-scale biological sequence analyses, among others. The fundamental idea in VAEs is to learn the distribution of data in such a way that new meaningful data with more intra-class variations can be generated from the encoded distribution. The ability of VAEs to synthesize new data with more representation variance at state-of-art levels provides hope that the chronic scarcity of labeled data in the biomedical field can be resolved. Furthermore, VAEs have made nonlinear latent variable models tractable for modeling complex distributions. This has allowed for efficient extraction of relevant biomedical information from learned features for biological data sets, referred to as unsupervised feature representation learning. In this article, we review the various recent advancements in the development and application of VAEs for biomedical informatics. We discuss challenges and future opportunities for biomedical research with respect to VAEs. INDEX TERMS Deep learning, variational autoencoders (VAEs), data representation, generative models, unsupervised learning, representation learning, latent space, biomedical informatics. I. INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, there has been a remarkable increase in the amount of available large-scale biomedical data such as molecule compound structures [1], DNA/protein sequenc- ing [2], [3], computer tomography (CT)/magnetic reso- nance imaging (MRI) [4], [5], and electronic health record (EHR) [6], [7], among others. Gaining insights and knowl- edge from heterogeneous, high-dimensional, and complex, biomedical data remains a key challenge in transforming bioinformatics research. Recent advances in several factors have led to an increased interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches [8], [9], that have greatly improved the per- formance of biomedical data analyses. However, due to the scarcity of labeled training data, data generation is a fundamental problem in several areas of deep learning. This is especially useful in imbalanced dataset problems and few-shot learning where a few classes may have low The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Kumaradevan Punithakumar . representation in the dataset [10]–[12]. On the other hand, due to the powerful development of deep learning techniques in recent years, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [13]–[16], the ability to learn meaningful nonlinear feature embeddings with little or no supervision has become a key improvement toward applying AI to the enormous unlabeled data acquired in the world, where a system, fed with raw data, provides its own representations. However, the CNN is mainly designed to automatically and adaptively learn features of spatial hierarchies for object-classification tasks [8]. Recently, Bengio et al. [17] proposed a concept of meta-priors to learn mapping from high-dimensional space to a meaningful low-dimensional embedding. In this concept, the high-dimensional inputs can be reconstructed from the low-dimensional manifold representations [18]. Recently, deep generative models have gained a lot of attention due to numerous applications in data gener- ation [17]. Among them, variational autoencoder (VAE) [19]–[21] is regarded as one of the most popular approaches to generative modeling as well as a low-dimensional manifold representation learning. The VAE can also be regarded as VOLUME 9, 2021 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see 4939

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Page 1: Recent Advances in Variational Autoencoders With

Received December 16, 2020, accepted December 28, 2020, date of publication December 31, 2020,date of current version January 11, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3048309

Recent Advances in Variational AutoencodersWith Representation Learning for BiomedicalInformatics: A SurveyRUOQI WEI AND AUSIF MAHMOOD , (Member, IEEE)Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06604, USA

Corresponding author: Ruoqi Wei ([email protected])

ABSTRACT Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are deep latent space generative models that have beenimmensely successful in multiple exciting applications in biomedical informatics such as molecular design,protein design, medical image classification and segmentation, integrated multi-omics data analyses, andlarge-scale biological sequence analyses, among others. The fundamental idea in VAEs is to learn thedistribution of data in such a way that new meaningful data with more intra-class variations can be generatedfrom the encoded distribution. The ability of VAEs to synthesize new data with more representation varianceat state-of-art levels provides hope that the chronic scarcity of labeled data in the biomedical field can beresolved. Furthermore, VAEs have made nonlinear latent variable models tractable for modeling complexdistributions. This has allowed for efficient extraction of relevant biomedical information from learnedfeatures for biological data sets, referred to as unsupervised feature representation learning. In this article,we review the various recent advancements in the development and application of VAEs for biomedicalinformatics. We discuss challenges and future opportunities for biomedical research with respect to VAEs.

INDEX TERMS Deep learning, variational autoencoders (VAEs), data representation, generative models,unsupervised learning, representation learning, latent space, biomedical informatics.

I. INTRODUCTIONOver the past decade, there has been a remarkable increasein the amount of available large-scale biomedical data suchas molecule compound structures [1], DNA/protein sequenc-ing [2], [3], computer tomography (CT)/magnetic reso-nance imaging (MRI) [4], [5], and electronic health record(EHR) [6], [7], among others. Gaining insights and knowl-edge from heterogeneous, high-dimensional, and complex,biomedical data remains a key challenge in transformingbioinformatics research.

Recent advances in several factors have led to anincreased interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI)approaches [8], [9], that have greatly improved the per-formance of biomedical data analyses. However, due tothe scarcity of labeled training data, data generation is afundamental problem in several areas of deep learning.This is especially useful in imbalanced dataset problemsand few-shot learning where a few classes may have low

The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and

approving it for publication was Kumaradevan Punithakumar .

representation in the dataset [10]–[12]. On the other hand,due to the powerful development of deep learning techniquesin recent years, such as Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) [13]–[16], the ability to learn meaningful nonlinearfeature embeddings with little or no supervision has becomea key improvement toward applying AI to the enormousunlabeled data acquired in the world, where a system, fedwith raw data, provides its own representations. However,the CNN is mainly designed to automatically and adaptivelylearn features of spatial hierarchies for object-classificationtasks [8]. Recently, Bengio et al. [17] proposed a concept ofmeta-priors to learn mapping from high-dimensional space toa meaningful low-dimensional embedding. In this concept,the high-dimensional inputs can be reconstructed from thelow-dimensional manifold representations [18].

Recently, deep generative models have gained a lotof attention due to numerous applications in data gener-ation [17]. Among them, variational autoencoder (VAE)[19]–[21] is regarded as one of the most popular approachesto generativemodeling as well as a low-dimensional manifoldrepresentation learning. The VAE can also be regarded as

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a mixture of an encoder and a decoder Bayesian network.The encoder maps an input data (e.g., an image) x to alatent vector z, and then, the decoder maps the latent vectorz back to image or data space [20]. The VAEs are able tolearn the smooth latent representations of the input data [17]produced by the encoder and thus generate new meaningfulsamples, balancing the dataset with more intra-class vari-ants in an unsupervised manner via the decoder. In addition,a key benefit of VAEs is the ability to control the distribu-tion of the latent representation vector z, which can com-bine VAEs with representation learning to further improvethe downstream tasks [18], [22]. Moreover, the generatedimage quality and diversity are improved by the existingVAE-variants such as β-VAE [23] and InfoVAE [24], whichcombine VAEs with disentanglement learning, GMVAE [90]and VaDE [91], which give the VAE the ability for classi-fication with unsupervised clustering, f-VAEGAN-D2 [92]and Zero-VAE-GAN [93], which combine VAEs with GANsand few-shot learning, S-VAE [94], which combines VAEswith spherical latent representation, VQ-VAE [95], whichcombines VAEs with discrete latent representation, VAE-GAN [96], which combines VAEs and GANs to generate ahigh-quality image, and S3VAE [97], which combines VAEswith disentangled representations of sequential data. There-fore, apart from the VAE being used as a powerful generativemodel, it is particularly important that its excellent nonlinearlatent feature representation learning idea be used to producea series of new research directions and various applicationsin biomedical informatics.

Due to the above characteristics of VAEs, current VAEresearch in biomedical informatics focuses primarily in twodirections 1) data generation approach and 2) representationlearning approach. In this article, we aim to provide a conciseand insightful discussion of the latest advances in applyingVAEs to biomedical informatics. We particularly highlightthe most important techniques in successfully applying VAEsin this field. Table 1 shows VAE research in biomedicalinformatics.

The structure of our paper is organized as follow: Section IIoverviews some background work about VAEs. Section IIIprovides overview the application of VAEs in biomedi-cal informatics. Conclusion and future work are given inSection IV and references are delineated at the end.

II. OVERVIEW OF VAEsIn this part, we first present the theory behind VAE. Addi-tionally, we introduce the data augmentation approach andrepresentation learning approach of VAEs. It should beemphasized that data augmentation is also the one of theresults of representation learning. In many studies, the twoapproaches can often be utilized at the same time in order toachieve the similar goal.

A. PRELIMINARIES OF VAEsThe VAE is an unsupervised generative model that pro-vides a principled way for performing variational inference

FIGURE 1. Architecture of Variational Autoencoder (VAE).

utilizing an Autoencoder (AE) architecture [98], [99].As shown in Figure 1, the VAEs enhance a normal AE byadding a Bayesian component that learns the parametersrepresenting the probability distribution of the data. The maindifference between AE and VAE is the AE learns the com-pressed representation of the input, and its decompression tomatch the given input. In contrast, the VAE is a Bayesianmodel which learns the compressed representation of the AE,and constructs the parameters representing the probabilitydistribution of the data. It can sample from this distributionand generate new input data samples. Therefore, VAE is agenerativemodel, where as anAEwhich just does reconstruc-tion does not have an obvious generative interpretation.

The VAEs use distribution estimation and sampling toachieve generation of new data [100]. To explain this fur-ther, suppose in a continuous or discrete high-dimensionalspace, there is dataset is X = {xi}Ni=1, and the regenerateddataset is X ′ = {xi}Ni=1. Suppose encoding process produces alatent variable Z in a relatively low-dimensional space. Then,the generated model can be divided into two processes:

1) Latent variable Z approximates posterior distributionqφ(z|x) - the inferred network - through the inferenceprocess:

pθ (z|x) = pθ (x|z)pθ (z)/pθ (x)

2) The generation process of the variable X ′ which thedata-likelihood can be defined as:

pθ (x) =∫pθ (z)pθ (x|z)dz

The distribution of the latent random variable Z cannot beestimated directly, and the integral of the marginal likelihoodPθ is intractable. Therefore, the EM algorithm can’t be uti-lized to compute the variational inference. To overcome thisdifficulty, VAE present an inferred model qφ(z|x) instead ofthe true posterior distribution.

Specifically, the VAEs consist of the following parts: anencoder network which parameterizes a posterior distributionq(z|x) of discrete latent random variables z given the inputdata x, a prior distribution p(z), and a decoder with a distribu-tion p (x|z) over input data. Suppose we want to approximatea distribution p (x|z) with some q(z|x) distribution via the

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TABLE 1. VAE research in biomedical informatics.

Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence [101], then by definitionof KL,

DKL [q (Z |X) ‖p (Z |X) ]



q (Z |X) log[q (Z |X)p (Z |X)


= E[log

[q (Z |X)p (Z |X)


[log [q (Z |X)]−log[p (Z |X)]


Since DKL is always positive, we can conclude that:

log p (X) ≥ E[log p (X |Z )]− DKL [q (Z |X) ‖p (Z ) ] (3)

Equation (3) is an important result and is known as the Evi-dence Lower Bound (ELBO) [102]. In a deep neural networkimplementation of a VAE, equation (3) is used as the lossfunction during training of the network. The E[ log p (X |Z )]term denotes the reconstruction i.e., the generation of outputfrom the latent representation z. The DKL [q (Z |X) ‖p (Z ) ]measures the similarity of the distribution of the latent spacewith the target distribution p(z). Thus, the two componentsof equation (3) try to make the output similar to the inputwhile keeping the distribution of the latent space as close tothe target distribution p(z) as possible.

The ELBO is tight if q (z) = p (z|x), indicating that q (z) isoptimized to approximate the true posterior. For scalability to

larger datasets, we do not optimize q (z) for every data pointX . Instead an inference network q (z|x) is introduced that isparameterized by a neural network that outputs a probabilitydistribution for each data point X . Therefore, the final objec-tive is to maximize:

3(θ, φ) = Eqφ(z|x)[logpθ (x|z)

]− DKL(qφ(z|x)||pθ (z)) (4)

According to the objective described in equation (4), afterwe introduced qφ (z|x) to approximate pθ (z|x), if we wantto sample Z from qφ (z|x), an easy choice is to assume thatqφ (z|x) obeys the Gaussian distribution and that the sam-pling of Z can be done in the following reparameterizationway [103]:

zi = µi + σ i ∗ εi (5)

where ε is an auxiliary noise variable such that ε ∼ N (0, 1)i.e., let q (z|x) be a Gaussian with parameters q(z|x) and p(z).Then the KL divergence between q (z|x) and p(z) can becomputed in closed form as follows:

DKL[N (µ(x), 6(x))‖N (0, 1)]



((exp6(x))+ µ2(x)− 1− log6(x)) (6)

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B. DATA AUGMENTATION APPROACHThe explosion of big data and the development of GPUsprovide sufficient training samples and advanced hardwarefacilities, which help to enhance the performance of deeplearning. However, many applications of deep learning canonly be realized under the premise of having a massiveamounts of high-quality labeled data [100] and there still existmany domains lacking sufficient ideal training samples.

Data augmentation is a strategy that can significantlyincrease the data available for training models so thatresearchers do not need to actually collect new dataand increase labor costs. In addition, insufficient orunbalanced data distribution can lead to over-fitting andover-parameterization problems, resulting in a significantdrop in the effectiveness of learning results. To this end,previous research in data generation is augmented data bymodifying images via simple transformations such as basicimage processing [104]. However, naïve method has limi-tations such as lacks intra-class variations that cannot wellrepresent the data variance. In order to solve these problems,attempts have been made to convert the original data varianceinto the feature variance.

In recent years, deep generativemodels have gained a lot ofattention due to numerous applications in machine learning.A generative model aims to learn the features of the inputand recover the original data or generate similar data froma latent space distribution, thereby increasing the varianceof the dataset [105]. VAEs [19] and Generative Adversar-ial Networks (GANs) [106] are regarded as the two mostpopular approaches to generative modeling. However, VAEsdo not suffer problems encountered in GANs, mainly: non-convergence causing mode collapse, and are hard to evalu-ate [105], [107]. What’s more, VAEs have decent theoreticalguarantee: first, by introducing the variational lower bound,the complicated calculation of the marginal likelihood prob-ability is avoided. Second, by the reparameterization trick,the complicated Markov chain sampling process of latentvariable is avoided.

Despite the above-mentioned advantages of VAEs, they dohave some premise constraints such as compared to GANs,the samples it generates tend to be blurry and of lower qual-ity [108]. In order to solve the problems, researchers haveproposed many variations of the VAEs based on differenttask requirements such as representation learning, disentan-glement and deep clustering with the goal of greatly improv-ing the intra-class variations and quality of the generateddata [109]. The ability of VAEs to synthesize images at state-of-art levels gives hope that the chronic scarcity of labeleddata in the biomedical field can be resolved.

C. REPRESENTATION LEARNING APPROACHThe performance of models can be improved by selectingdifferent representations to adjust the difficulty of machinelearning [110]. Feature engineering [111] is one of themethods that can refine the representations from raw data.

Feature engineering refers to transforming raw data intoadvanced training data representations. However, in machinelearn-ing, manually selected features rely on humanand professional knowledge, which is part of the mosttime-consuming and energy-intensive work, and its weaknessis the inability to extract and organize discriminant informa-tion from the data. Moreover, although our world is inundatedwith data, a large part of the data is still unlabeled and unor-ganized. Therefore, the ability to learn meaningful nonlinearfeature embeddings with little or no supervision has becomea key improvement toward applying AI to the enormous unla-beled data acquired in the world. Recently, many representa-tion learning models have been proposed based on the VAEswhere the goal is to learn mapping from high-dimensionalspace to a meaningful low-dimensional embedding. Fur-thermore, they can learn useful disentangled representationsautomatically. The representation learning of VAEs is doneby the meta-priors proposed by Bengio et al [17]. The goal ofrepresentation learning is to be useful for downstream tasks.The most important meta-prior is called ‘‘disentanglement’’which is an unsupervised learning technique that breaksdown, or disentangles, each feature into narrowly definedvariables and encodes them as separate dimensions [17].Assuming that the data is generated from independent factorsof variation, and if the VAE is trained to reconstruct thesample well, then the latent space between the encoder anddecoder keeps the important information of the originaldata. Intuitively, a factorial code disentangles the individualelements that were originally mixed in the sample, just ashumans recognize complex things by disentangling inde-pendent elements. If the dimensions of the latent vector areindependent of each other, it is factorial disentangled, i.e., agood representation. VAEs have made such nonlinear latentvariable models tractable for modeling complex distributions,and efficient extraction of relevant biological informationfrom learned features for biological data sets, referred to asunsupervised representation learning.

III. APPLICATION OF VAEs IN BIOMEDICALINFORMATICSOver the past decade, there has been a remarkable increasein the amount of available biomedical data available. Datatypes can include images [112], audio [113], textual infor-mation [1], high-dimensional omics data [2], heterogeneousdata [114], and other information from wearable devices.Recent advances in several factors have led to increasedinterest in the use of VAE approaches within the biomedicalinformatics and pharmaceutical industry [9], [115]. It is par-ticularly important that VAE not only be used as a powerfulgenerativemodel but also its excellent nonlinear latent featurerepresentation learning. However, using VAEs for validatingand visualizing learning in biological datasets is particularlychallenging and remains in its infancy. In the following sec-tions, we aim to provide a concise and insightful discussionof the latest advances in applying VAEs to bioinformatics.We particularly highlight the most important techniques in

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FIGURE 2. A diagram of the VAE used for molecular design.

successfully applying VAEs in this field: 1) molecular design;2) sequence datasets analyses; and 3) medical imaging andimage analyses.

A. MOLECULAR DESIGNVAEs has numerous applications in drug discovery, includingde novo molecular design. The general application of VAEsin compound dataset is to generate new chemical/moleculestructures. Compound screening refers to the process ofselecting compounds with high activity for a specific targetthrough standardized experimental methods. In order to dis-cover and optimize molecules, a chemical space of drug-likemolecules estimated to be 1023 - 1060 must be searched.Screening out compounds that meet the activity index [116] isa time consuming process. Moreover, during the optimizationprocess, adjusting one property by changing the molecularstructure often has negative effects on another property [31].VAEs can accelerate the development of this process, withp (x|z) learned by the decoder aiding in appropriate chemi-cal/molecule structure generation.

In VAEs, chemicals/molecules are represented as contin-uous and differentiable vectors residing on a probabilisticmanifold. By grouping molecules according to propertiesof interest, new molecules with desired profiles could begenerated by decoding latent vectors from the organizedcontinuous latent space back to discrete molecules. For agivenmolecule, we can sample nearby latent spaces to decodesimilar molecules. As we increase this distance, increasinglydissimilar molecules can be decoded. A diagram of the VAEused for molecular design is shown in Figure 2.

The two main molecular representations used by pre-viously reported generative models are 1) a string nota-tion called Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System(SMILES) [117], and 2) graphs [118]. Figure 2 shows thatgiven a starting from a discrete molecular representation,such as a SMILES string, the encoder network converts eachmolecule into a vector in the latent space, which is effectivelya continuous molecular representation. Given a point in thelatent space, the decoder network produces a corresponding

FIGURE 3. A molecular represented as a string notation called SimplifiedMolecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES).

FIGURE 4. Molecule represented as a graph.

SMILES string. A molecular represented as a string notationand as graph are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.Note that the sampling results are generated by the codeprovided in the original papers [25], [32]. Table 2 showsliteratures for the application of VAEs in molecular design.

Initial work in generative models for chemical/moleculecompound structures focused on SMILES based methods.Gómez-Bombarelli et al. [25] implemented a VAE-basedmethod that can convert discrete variables of a moleculeto multidimensional continuous variables to generate newmolecules. The encoder converts the discrete variables of themolecule into continuous variables, and the decoder convertsthese continuous variables back into discrete variables. Con-tinuous variables of molecules can automatically generatenew chemical structures by decoding vectors from the latentspace. However, above methods often produce outputs thatare not valid. Kusner et al. [26] used SMILES grammar,extracted from the training set, to improve the quality of thelatent space. Although they saw an improvement, the modelsstill struggled with invalid outputs and undesirable chem-ical structures such as large carbon rings and uncommon

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TABLE 2. Literatures for the application of VAEs in molecular design.

functional groups. Since complex non-linear methods wereused, molecules possessing desired properties could belocated inmultiple locations in the latent space, thusmoleculegeneration with an entire profile of properties is difficult.Mohammadi et al. [31] proposed the Penalized VariationalAutoencoder (PVAE), which incorporates a penalty term onthe decoder of the VAE and operates directly on SMILESstrings. It demonstrates that the PVAE results in a signifi-cant improvement in latent space quality and transferabil-ity to new chemistry over all previous VAE approaches.Schiff et al. [27] examined the latent space of a VAE trainedon molecular SMILES representations, and demonstrate howwell the VAE’s latent space encodes 3D topological structureof molecules. Pang et al. [28] proposed a VAE to learnenergy-based prior model with SMILES molecules in latentspace. Samanta et al. [29] trained a VAE that provides arapid and novel metric for calculating molecular similarity.Yan et al. [30] propose a re-balancing VAE Loss to generatemore valid SMILES molecules.

As a result of challenges encountered with SMILES-basedmethods, attention has shifted to graph-based methods withthe proposal that it could be a superior molecular repre-sentation for VAE approaches [121]. Jin et al. [32] devel-oped a graph based VAE that operates on a vocabularyof subgraphs extracted from the training set. Their methodgreatly improved the quality of the latent space over previous

approaches. Liu et al. [33] proposed a variational autoen-coder model in which both encoder and decoder are graph-structured, i.e., a sequential generative model for graphs builtfrom a VAE with Gated Graph Neural Networks (GGNN)for the application of molecule generation. This approachachieved state-of-the-art generation and optimization results.Simonovsky and Komodakis [34] addressed the problemof generating graphs from a continuous embedding in thecontext of VAEs, which combines standard graph matchingalgorithm to align the output to the ground truth. Tavakoliand Baldi [119] proposed a generative model in the form of aVAE which operates on the 2D-graph structure of moleculesin order to continuously represent molecules. Shervani-Tabarand Zabaras [35] presented a VAE-based framework forcomputing the statistics of molecular properties given smallsize training data set. Nesterov et al. [36] proposed anextended version of the VAE, which allows to efficientlygenerate 3-d molecular structures and explore moleculardomains within a continuous low-dimensional representa-tion of the molecules. Ragoza et al. [37] proposed a VAEbased model and a fitting algorithm to generate 3Dmolecularstructures by converting continuous grids to discrete molec-ular structures. Mahmood et al. [38] proposed a mask mapmodel based on VAEs, which can generate novel moleculargraphs by iteratively generating a subset of the graph com-ponents. Kwon et al. [40] constructed a VAE-based model to

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compress graph representation for scalable molecular graphgeneration. While the literature related to the creation ofnovel molecules using VAE models has proliferated, similarworks that strive to do the same for inorganic crystal struc-tures are less common but are on the rise. Court et al. [120]present an VAE-based deep-representation learning pipelinefor geometrically optimized 3-D crystal structures that simul-taneously predicts the values of eight target properties.Graph-based molecule sampled from VAE Gaussian priordistribution is shown in Figure 5. Note that the samplingresults are generated by the code provided in the originalpaper [32].

FIGURE 5. Graph-based molecule sampled from VAE Gaussian priordistribution.

In addition to generating new molecules, there are alsostudies on representation learning for decision-making basedon VAEs. Koge et al. [39] proposed a method of molecularembedding learning using a combination of VAE and metriclearning. This method can simultaneously maintain the con-sistency of the relationship between molecular structural fea-tures and physical properties, resulting in better predictions.

B. SEQUENCE DATASET ANALYSESAnother application of VAEs in bioinformatics is the applica-tion to sequence data such as genetic and amino acid datasets.Using deep learning tools for DNA/amino acid analyses usu-ally requires converting sequences to numbers because manydeep learning algorithms cannot work with categorical datadirectly. We can do this by one hot encoding our represen-tations dataset. A one hot encoding is a representation ofcategorical variables as binary vectors. Figure 6 shows anexample of a wild-type sequence represented as one-hotm×nmatrix. Herem is the number of categories and n is the lengthof the sequence. Red dots correspond to a certain category at

FIGURE 6. A amino acid sequence represented as one-hot matrix.

a certain position being utilized in an amino acid. Note thatthe sampling results are generated by the code provided in theoriginal paper [46].

As a generative model, The VAEs can be used for dataaugmentation with more meaningful intra-class variations.Therefore, the basic applications of VAEs in sequence dataare functional sequence engineering.Moreover, the VAEs canbe used as feature dimensionality reduction technique. Themain benefit of feature dimensionality reduction is to elimi-nate any redundant features and noise, which can improve theaccuracy of prediction or generalization ability and supportthe interpretability of research results. Feature dimensional-ity reduction methods can be divided into two categories:supervised and unsupervised techniques [122]. Supervisedtechniques such as filter techniques [123], multivariate wrap-per techniques [124] and embedded feature reduction tech-niques [125] select relevant features based on their abilityto compute differences between groups. Unsupervised tech-niques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [126],Independent Component Analysis (ICA) [127], AE, VAE andCoordinate-Based Meta-Analysis (CBMA) [128] are capableof selecting relevant features based on the results of inter-est. VAE utilizes the AE structure as a data pre-processingapproach to generating representations that represent thestructure of input data, and reduce its complexity, but doesnot reduce the quality or performance of the data.

In addition, since the structure of a VAE is a pre-expandable structure, it can easily handle the integration ofmultiple heterogeneous data. Therefore, the VAEs can besuccessfully utilized in a more representation learning settingto learn the representation in complex integrative analysesof data, and eventually lead to more stable and accurateresults [55]. Specifically, for many sequence databases thereare different information sets besides sequence informationcan be obtained. Such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)including gene expression levels information, so they canbe used for more in-depth biomedical analyses such as pre-dict effects of mutations, estimate gene expression levels,and DNA methylation analyses. A pipeline for building aVAE-based system in specific biomedical sequences analysesis shown in Figure 7.

The biggest strength of VAE in representation learning isthat it makes nonlinear latent variable models easy to han-dle and can model complex distributions. This has allowedfor efficient extraction of relevant biomedical informationfrom learned features for biological data sets, referred to asunsupervised feature representation learning. Since sequencespace is exponentially large, and experiments are costly andtime consuming, accurate computational methods are essen-tial for sequence annotation and design. In sequence analyses,every possible higher order interaction between sequencesneeds explicit incorporation of a unique free parameter thatmust be estimated. However, traditional methods such as pair-wise model for sequence analyses are still unable to modelhigher-order effects. Rather than describing them by explicitinclusion of parameters for each type interaction, it is possible

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FIGURE 7. VAEs in sequence analyses Source: Adapted from [8].

to instead implicitly capture higher-order correlations bymeans of latent variables. Latent variables models posit hid-den factors of variation that explain observed data and involvejoint estimation of both hidden variables for each data pointas well as global parameters describing how these hiddenvariables affect the observed. Towards this goal, numerousmachine learning models have been developed to featurelearning from evolutionary sequence data. Two widely usedmodels for the analyses of genetic data, PCA and admixtureanalyses [129] can be cast as latent variable models withlinear dependencies. Although these linear latent variablemodels are restricted in the types of correlations that theycan model, replacing their linear dependencies with flexiblenonlinear transformations can in principle allow the modelsto capture arbitrary order correlations between observedvariables [57]. Learning robust predictive models based onsequence data is a key step in the development of precisionmedicine. Extracting meaningful low-dimensional featurerepresentations from molecular data is the key to success-fully solving high-dimensional molecular problems. Recentadvances in VAEs have made such nonlinear latent variablemodels tractable for modeling complex distributions. Thishas allowed for efficient extraction of relevant biomedicalinformation from learned features for biological data sets,referred to as unsupervised feature representation learning.Figure 8 shows the contrast between traditional models thatfactorize dependency in sequence families with a nonlinearlatent variable z in a VAE model that can jointly influencemany positions at the same time.

The main research areas based on the application of VAEson sequence datasets include:

1) functional sequence engineering [41]–[45], [46];2) sequence structures dimensionality reduction [47],

[51]–[53];3) integrated multi-omics data analyses [55];

FIGURE 8. A nonlinear latent variable model VAE captures higher-orderdependencies in proteins.

4) predict effects of mutations [46], [57];5) gene expression analyses [53], [58]–[60] and6) DNA methylation analyses [55], [63]–[65].Table 3 shows literatures for the application of VAEs in

sequence analyses. Note that if the dataset is public, we showthe name of the data set. If the dataset can only be accessedby the owner or needs appropriate permission, we show it asprivate.

1) FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE ENGINEERINGProtein engineering is of increasing importance in moderntherapeutics. VAEs provide an alternative and potentiallycomplementary approach capable of exploiting the infor-mation available in sequence and structure databases. Suchconditional generation is of particular interest for proteindesign where it is frequently desirable to maintain a par-ticular function while modifying a property such as stabil-ity or solubility. Guo et al. [41] proposed an approach togenerating functionally-relevant three-dimensional structuresof a protein and show the promise of generative models indirectly revealing the latent space for sampling novel tertiarystructures. Killoran et al. [42] propose VAE-based methods

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to generate DNA sequences and adjust them to have therequired characteristics. Davidsen et al. [43] proposed a VAEmodel parameterized by deep neural networks for T cellreceptor (TCR) repertoires and show that simple VAEmodelscan perform accurate cohort frequency estimation, learn therules of VDJ recombination, and generalize well to unseensequences. Another approach has been to use trained modelsto directly move towards sampling sequences that have mea-surable and desired attributes. Greener et al. [44] indicatedthat CVAEs are able to carry out protein design tasks byconditioning output sequences on desired structural prop-erties. Hawkins-Hooker et al. [45] proposed a VAE-basedmodel that can be used to generate aligned sequence inputand raw sequence input, and showed that both can reproducethe amino acid usage pattern of the family. Guo et al. [41]proposed a VAE-based interpretative approach to generatefunctionally related 3D structures of proteins.

2) SEQUENCE STRUCTURES DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTIONAt present, the utilize of dimensionality reduction to explainthe structure of single-cell sequencing data is still a chal-lenge. Sequence datasets usually have high dimensionality,performing dimensionality reduction, followed by visual-ization or downstream analyses has become a key strat-egy for exploratory data analyses in sequence datasets,e.g., Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) [130], [131].Ding et al. [47] provided a VAE based computationalframework to compute low-dimensional embeddings ofscRNA-seq data while preserving global structure of thehigh-dimensional measurements. Wang and Gu [51] pro-posed the deep variational autoencoder for the unsuperviseddimensionality reduction and visualization of scRNA-seqdata and find the nonlinear hierarchical feature representa-tions of the original data as well as provide better represen-tations for very rare cell populations in the 2D visualization.Hu and Greene [53] evaluated the performance of a simpleVAE model developed for bulk gene expression data undervarious parameter settings and found substantial performancedifferences with hyperparameter tuning. Ding and Regev [52]introduced a hyperspherical VAE based model to embedcells into low-dimensional hyperspherical spaces, as a moreaccurate representation of the data which overcomes cellcrowding and facilitates interactive visualization of largedatasets. Rashid et al. [54] introduced a VAEs based methodconverts the single-cell genome data is into a feature spacewith a smaller dimension, so that the tumor subpopula-tions can be divided more effectively. The analysis of theencoding feature space reveals the evolutionary relation-ship between cell subpopulations. In addition, this methodtolerates dropout of gene expression in single-cell RNAsequencing datasets. Dony et al. [48] found that VAE witha VAMP prior is capable of learning biologically informativeembeddings without compromising on generative proper-ties. Oh and Zhang [49] utilized various autoencoders toconvert high-dimensional microbiome data into robust low-dimensional representations, and apply machine learning

classification algorithms to the learned representations.Way et al. [50] compared different methods include VAEto compress data dimensionalities and learn complementarybiological representations.

3) INTEGRATED MULTI-OMICS DATA ANALYSESMulti-omics data covers a wide range of data generatedfrom the transcriptome, proteome, genome, epigenome andmetabolome. Due to a comprehensive understanding of dis-eases and human health, it is necessary to explain the molec-ular intricacy and multi-level variations of the multi-omicsdata. By providing an integrated system-level approach,the availability of multi-omics data has revolutionized thefields of biology andmedicine. Simultaneously analyzing andintegrating different data types can better help researchersstudy the mechanism and internal structure of biomedicalprocesses at the molecular level. Simidjievski et al. [55] pro-posed VAE-based architecture is utilized to integrate hetero-geneous cancer data types which including multi-omics andclinical data, and perform extensive analysis. They designeda detailed computational framework for VAEs as a system,which can correctly model the nonlinear representations inthe integration data, while still being able to reduce the datadimension and acquire good representation learning. He andXie [56] adopt a VAE-based approach on the unlabeled het-erogeneous omics data in predicting anti-cancer drug sen-sitivity from somatic mutations via the assistance of geneexpressions

4) PREDICT EFFECTS OF MUTATIONSAccurate prediction of the effects of sequence variation isa major goal in biological research. The traditional methodis through site independent or pairwise models [132]–[135].However, they are unable to model higher-order correlations.The most recent improvement in model performance wasmade possible by the VAE. Riesselman et al. [57] used VAEsto infer biological sequences from large multi-sequencealignments and predict the effects of mutations and orga-nize sequence information, all while being grounded withbiologically motivated architecture learned in unsupervisedfashion. The accuracy achieved with the VAE approachesexceeds the site-independent or pairwise interaction models.Sinai et al. [46] generated protein sequences using VAEs withthe goal of predicting how mutations affect protein function.A nonlinear latent variable model VAE captures higher-orderdependencies in proteins is shown in Figure 8.

5) GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSESSince the VAEs model can perform meaningful representa-tion learning in the latent space, it can generate and explorehypothetical gene expression under the perturbation of dif-ferent molecules and genetic sequences. As an example,this could be used to predict a tumor’s response to spe-cific therapies, or to characterize complex gene expressionactivations existing in differential proportions in differenttumors. The low dimensional latent space generated by the

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VAEs have been used to reveal complex patterns and novelbiological signals from large-scale gene expression data andcarry out drug response predictions. Grønbech et al. [58]proposed a novel variational auto-encoder-based methodfor analyses of scRNA-seq data. It is able to estimate theexpected gene expression levels and model a latent rep-resentation for each cell, with support for several countlikelihood functions. They use a variant of the variationalauto-encoder which has a priori clustering in the latent space.Way et al. [59] proposed the research to which a VAE canbe trained to model cancer gene expression, and capturebiologically-relevant features. Dincer et al. [60] utilized aVAEs-based model to extract low-dimensional features Frompublic unlabeled gene expression data, and the effectivenessof these low-dimensional representations is demonstrated.And they further demonstrate that the learned features arerelated to drug response predictions. Kim et al. [61] intro-duced a VAE-based survival prediction model to extractgenes’ significant features that can be used for patient sur-vival prediction. Bica et al. [62] proposed a method based onVAEs, which can model cell differentiation by constructinglow-dimensional meaningful representations from complexand high-dimensional gene expression data.

6) DNA METHYLATION ANALYSESDNA methylation is a well-defined epigenetic biomarkerfor monitoring cancer development and its treatment effi-cacy because of role it plays in pathways and regulation ofgene expression. DNA Methylation using VAEs have beenshown to learn latent representations of the DNAmethylationlandscape from three independent breast tumor datasets anddemonstrate the feasibility of VAEs to track representativedifferential methylation patterns among clinical subtypes oftumors. Wang and Wang [65] showed that DNA methylationdata can be used with VAEs that can learn meaningful signalsfrom merged datasets that credibly represent the subtype ofthe samples. Qiu et al. [66] showed a representation learn-ing framework for transcriptome and methylome data basedon VAE.

C. MEDICAL IMAGING AND IMAGE ANALYSESSome of the popular medical imaging techniques for theearly detection and diagnosis of diseases include magneticresonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT),ultrasound, X-rays, mammography and positron emissiontomography (PET). Imaging enables scientists to see the phe-notype and behavior of host, organ, tissue, cell, and subcellu-lar components. Digital image analyses reveal hidden biologyand pathology as well as drug action mechanisms. VAEshave also succeeded in biological image analyses, and manystudies show superior performance. The main research areabased on the VAE use in medical imaging datasets includes:

1) Medical image data augmentation for downstream tasksinclude image classification [67], [70], [78], [79], image seg-mentation [71]–[75], [86], image restoration [84], [85], andimage reconstruction [71], [80]–[82].

2) Improve the interpretability of representation learn-ing [78], [86], [88], [89].

Table 4 shows the literatures for the application of VAEs inmedical imaging and image analyses. Note that if the datasetis public, we show the name of the data set. If the datasetcan only be accessed by the owner or needs appropriatepermission, we show it as private.

1) MEDICAL IMAGE AUGMENTATION FOR DOWNSTREAMTASKSDeep learning models have shown significant success inanalyzing clinical images and utilizing them for downstreamtasks such as medical image classification. However, manyapplications of deep learning can only be realized on thepremise of having a large amount of labeled data, and itis impractical to obtain large amounts of data in clinicalmedicine. Inspired by humans’ ability to learn quickly froma small number of samples, few-sample learning has becomea hot topic in artificial intelligence. The few-sample learningsolves the problem of the limited training data set throughthe process of imitating human brain, thus getting closer tothe application scenario. Data augmentation is a strategy thatallows researchers to have a significantly increased amount ofdata available for training models without actually collectingnew data. The easiest way for data generation is throughsimple image transformation [104] such as rotation, colorjittering, noise addition, and image translation. However,these methods only generate duplicate versions of the originaldata, so the entire data set still lacks intra-class variation.Since VAEs learn variations in the data, they can be used fordata augmentation to effectively improve performance of thedownstream tasks [136], [137]. This is especially useful inimbalanced dataset problems and few-shot learning where afew classes may have low representation in the dataset [138].

To themedical image classification tasks, Pesteie et al. [67]proposed conditional generative model based on VAEs thatlearns the latent space independent of the labels to furtherimprove the image classification task. Biffi et al. [70] pro-posed a 3D convolution generation model based on VAEs,which can be utilized to automatically classify images ofcardiac disease patients related to structural remodelingand also improves the interpretability of the VAEs to fur-ther enhancing the clinical value. Uzunova et al. [78] pro-posed learns the meaningful perturbations of pathologicalregions by defining plausible pathology perturbation basedon replacing the pixel values with healthy looking tissuelearned by VAEs, which also improve the interpretabilityof the black box classifiers. Uzunova et al. [79] learnsthe entire variability of healthy data and detect patholo-gies by a conditional VAE. Díaz Berenguer et al. [68] pro-posed explainable semi-supervised representation learningbased on VAE for COVID-19 diagnosis from CT Imaging.Thiagarajan et al. [69] proposed a VAE-based model to pre-dict the type of lesion. This model is used to distinguishdifferent types of lesions by extracting interpretable features.

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TABLE 4. Literatures for the application of VAEs in medical imaging and image analyses.

To the medical image segmentation tasks, Myronenko [74]proposed a semantic segmentation network for automaticallysegmenting brain tumors based on the VAE architecture and3D MRI data sets. This network not only improves the per-formance of automated segmentation but also consistentlyacquires excellent training accuracy for random initialization.To the few shot learning problem in medical image segmen-tation, Ouyang et al. [75] proposed a method that combines

VAEs and domain adaptation of transfer learning techniquesto learn the feature latent space shared by both the sourcedomain and the target domain, which can be utilized in thesegmentation process with only a few target set. Anotherapproach for few shot learning is the used of semi-supervisedlearning in segmentation with VAEs: Sedai et al. [72] pro-posed a semi-supervised VAEs-based method to segmentoptical cup, and utilized a small number of labeled data to

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accurately localize the anatomical structure. Chen et al. [73]proposed a VAEs-based semi-supervised image segmentationmethod for Brain tumor and white matter hyperintensitiessegmentation. Qian et al. [76] build a novel VAE for estimat-ing object shape uncertainty in medical images.

To the medical image reconstruction tasks, Biffi et al. [71]proposed a CVAE based model, which can reconstruct ahigh-resolution 3D segmentation image of LV myocardiumfrom three segmentations of a 2D cardiac image. Edupu-ganti et al. [80] introduced a VAEs-based method to ana-lyze the uncertainty in compressed MR image recovery.Gomez et al. [81] proposed an image reconstruction archi-tecture based on β-VAE, which can combine numerous over-lapping image patches into a fusion reconstruction of thereal fetal ultrasound images. Mostapha et al. [82] proposedVAEGAN-based framework to the automatic quality con-trol of structural MR images. Tudosiu et al. [83] proposeda model based on VQ-VAE, which can effectively encodefull-resolution 3D brain volume, compressing data to 0.825%of the original size, while maintaining image fidelity. Volok-itin et al. [77] proposed a method to model the 3D MR brainvolumes distribution by combining the 2D samples obtainedby VAEs and the Gaussian model.

Image restoration is the task of removing unwanted noiseand distortions, giving us clean images that are closer to thetrue but unknown signal. Prakash et al. [85] introduced afully-convolutional VAE to generate diverse and plausibledenoising solutions, sampled from a learned posterior. It can-not only produce diverse results, but can also be leveraged fordownstream processing. Zilvan et al. [84] proposed denoisingconvolutional VAE as feature extractor and also as a denoiserfor disease detection tasks.

2) REPRESENTATION LEARNING FOR DECISION-MAKINGThe VAEs can apply to large dataset with high dimensionalfeatures, due to high computational complexity. And it canlearn meaningful fixed-size low-dimensional feature repre-sentation in unsupervised manner. Lafarge et al. [87] pro-posed the VAE-based framework to learn orientation-wisedisentangled generative factors of histopathology images.The result shows the aggregated representation of sub-populations of cells produces higher performances in subse-quent tasks.

However, due to the scarcity of labelled training data ofmedical datasets, one drawback of such unsupervised deepneural networks is the lack of interpretability. Since manyneurons in neural networks turns into a many-to-many entan-gled mess, the learned latent representations are usually notdirectly interpretable. In medical research area, model inter-pretability is not only important but also necessary, sinceclinicians are increasingly relying on data-driven solutionsfor patient monitoring and decision-making.

Established methods like guided backpropagation [139]and gradCAMs [140] try to gain an insight into how neu-ral networks learn and create intuitive visualizations basedon the learned network weights. However, they are mostly

heuristic and depend on the architecture of the neural net-work. Another possibility is by using perturbations [141].e.g., Uzunova et al. [78] tackle the interpretability problemof generating plausible explanations by meaningful perturba-tions using VAEs. Recent scientific advances have combinedthe interpretability of supervised settings with the powerof VAEs. Zhao et al. [88] proposed a VAEs based unifiedprobabilistic model for learning the latent space of imag-ing data and performing supervised regression. Their resultsallow for intuitive interpretation of the structural develop-mental patterns of the human brain. Puyol-Antón et al. [89]proposed to use a VAE featuring a regression loss in thelatent space to simultaneously learn efficient representationsof cardiac function andmap their changewith regard to differ-ences in systolic blood pressure (a measure of hypertension).Chartsias et al. [86] proposed VAE based model to learndecomposed meaningful spatial disentangled representationof cardiac imaging data, and leveraging these for improvedsemi-supervised segmentation results.

IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE OPPORTUNITIESIn this article, we comprehensively summarized the essentialconcepts of VAEs and its applications in the areas of molecu-lar design, sequence dataset analyses, and medical imaginganalyses. It is particularly important that VAE not only beused as a powerful generative model, but also its excellentnonlinear latent feature representation learning capability beused to produce a series of new research directions, and vari-ous applications in biomedical informatics. We particularlyhighlighted the most important techniques in successfullyapplying VAEs in the following fields: 1)molecular design,2) sequence dataset analyses, and 3) medical imaging andimage analyses.

In molecular design, VAEs can produce molecular gener-ation in both the SMILES string, and graphs of molecularrepresentations. The encoder converts the discrete variablesof the molecule into continuous variables, and the decoderconverts these continuous variables back into discrete vari-ables. However, since molecules possessing desired proper-ties could be located in multiple locations in the latent space,molecular generation with an entire profile of properties isdifficult. Therefore, future work may include an extension totune VAEs to have desired properties and further experimen-tal validation. In addition, compared with sequence datasetanalyses, medical imaging and image analyses, there arefew studies on representation learning for decision-makingapproach using VAEs on the molecular dataset. We hope thatmore research will appear in this field in the future.

In sequence dataset analyses, VAE can assert not only itsadvantages as a generative model and feature dimension-ality reduction technique, but also its benefits in nonlin-ear representation learning. In particular, VAEs provide analternative and potentially complementary approach capableof exploiting the information available in sequences andtune them to have desired properties. Moreover, VAEs canbe used for more in-depth biomedical analyses, such as

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integrated multi-omics data analyses, prediction of the effectsof mutations, gene expression analyses, and DNA methyla-tion analyses, so that more accurate and stable results canbe achieved. In addition, the VAEs can be used as a featuredimensionality reduction technique. The main benefit of fea-ture dimensionality reduction is to eliminate any redundantfeatures and noise, which can improve the accuracy of predic-tion or generalization ability and support the interpretabilityof research results. Although the VAEmodel in sequence dataset analysis has challenges, such as lack of interpretabilityand increased potential for overfitting, VAE may be increas-ingly important in the high-throughput design and biologicalsequence annotation. The applications of VAEs in sequencedataset analyses are currently in a relatively early stage ofdevelopment. Therefore, its application in this area as well asthe improvement of its generality such as increase in qualityof feature reduction approaches [142], and interpretabilitywill be more extensive in the future.

In medical imaging and image analyses, since VAEslearn variations in the data, therefore, they can be used forimage augmentation to effectively improve the performanceof downstream tasks such as medical image classification,segmentation, image restoration, and reconstruction. Thisis especially useful in imbalanced dataset problems, andfew-shot learning where a few classes may have low repre-sentation in the dataset. However, high sensitivity to inputparameters and high running time are some disadvantages ofthe deep learning based VAEs [143]. In the future, we expectthat there will be more research achieving high classificationaccuracy with low computational complexity by the use ofVAEs. On the other hand, even though the VAE can learnmeaningful fixed-size low-dimensional feature representa-tion in an unsupervised manner, one drawback of such unsu-pervised deep neural networks is the lack of interpretability.

Currently, the application of deep learning in EHR datafor clinical informatics research has increased. Comparedto traditional methods in clinical informatics, deep learningmethods offer better performance and require less time, datapreprocessing, and representation learning costs. However,there is no research on the application of VAEs in EHR datayet [7]. EHR data is very heterogeneous and can includemultiple data types. This is in sharp contrast to the homo-geneity of the original input data type with only image pixelsor only Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) characters.However, the key requirement of EHR dataset analyses is toacquire recognized and meaningful findings from such high-dimensional, sparse, and complex clinical data. The featurerepresentation learning ability in a higher-level abstractionof VAEs mentioned in this article may be utilized to acquiremeaningful and powerful research results from EHRs. In thefuture, we expect that there will be more research focusing onthe application of VAEs in EHR data analyses.

One of the most important goals of representation learningfor biomedical informatics research is to make decisionsbased on VAEs. There are many biomedical applicationsthat require decisions. In this survey, we have described

researchers have accordingly attempted to use VAEs fordecision-making applications, such as mutation-effect pre-diction for genomic sequences [57]. To make decisions basedon VAEs, researchers implicitly appeal to Bayesian decisiontheory, such as taking the action that minimizes expectedloss under the posterior distribution [144]. Lopez et al. [145]proposed a three-step procedure for using VAE for decision-making.

One drawback of such unsupervised deep neural networksis the lack of interpretability. Since many neurons in neuralnetworks turn into a many-to-many entangled complexity,the learned latent representations are usually not directlyinterpretable. In medical research, model interpretability isnot only important but also necessary, as clinicians areincreasingly relying on data-driven solutions for patient mon-itoring and decision making. Recent scientific advances havecombined the interpretability of supervised settings withthe power of VAEs. However, more research is needed toensure the worst-case performance of VAE-based modelsin diagnostic problems before they are used in high-stakesdecision-making scenarios.

We provided a comprehensive review of the VAEs and itscurrent representation learning research directions in biomed-ical informatics. We also provided an interactive visual codeon GitHub for some papers to make this survey beneficial.We hope that this will be useful in improving the state-of-the-art leading to research breakthroughs in related fields.

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VOLUME 9, 2021 4955

Page 18: Recent Advances in Variational Autoencoders With

R. Wei, A. Mahmood: Recent Advances in VAEs With Representation Learning for Biomedical Informatics: A Survey

RUOQI WEI received the M.Sc. degree in com-puter science from the Department of ComputerScience and Engineering, University of Bridge-port, Bridgeport, CT, USA, in 2016, where she iscurrently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. Her researchinterests include machine learning, deep learn-ing, transfer learning, few-shot learning, computervision, and biomedical informatics.

AUSIF MAHMOOD (Member, IEEE) is currentlya Professor with the Department of ComputerScience and Engineering. He is also the Direc-tor of the School of Engineering, University ofBridgeport. His research interests include com-puter vision, machine and deep learning, computerarchitecture, and parallel processing.

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