reappraisal of the role of thoth-hermes - of...

1 Reappraisal of the role of Thoth- Her mes Thoth, (original name Theanor), was a member of the Atlantean high priesthood; but also highborn, on his mother’s side. He was therefore accustomed to the way of government and control in the caste system of Atlantis. The royal or nobility caste comprised of the pure Nordic divine race, whilst the high priesthood caste just below it was selected from among various races according to intelligence and was specially educated. The high priesthood exercised a control on the king, like a Senate, to safeguard against absolute power, but it exceeded its role, as the more knowledgeable caste, and tried to dominate government, as technocrats, and reduce the king to a puppet. Theanor’s father was Thotme, (birth name Gomorian), a high-ranking priest in Atlantis, a leader of a dissident faction; (the high priest was Quarion). His mother was Dandel, queen Atalanta’s sister. King Elessar disapproved of the marriage and disfavored both Gomorian and his son Theanor, also a dissident. After the first phase of the destruction of Atlantis, in which the main urban areas were destroyed, the survivors fled Atlantis, the various castes to different destinations. For his court’s escape, king Elessar had a flying ship equipped so that, unlike other regulation flying ships, it could go beyond the limits of Atlantis. Theanor found out about it from his mother and he commandeered the ship and flew with a band of followers to Khem/Egypt. As the leader of the surviving high priesthood, he adopted the rank-name ‘Thoth-88’ of planetary high priest and tried to establish his own autonomous domain, contesting Calicastia’s authority in the area; (Calicastia-99 is the planetary prince). The Life (Jhwh/Zeus*) project’ or Adamite* project’, was started around 9000 BCE in the valley of Uzbek Fergana (in Central Asia); a project meant to limit humans to a slow-evolving 666 Fire technology, hoping that they would mature before becoming extremely destructive. Lucifer also established a system of subconscious control, (the Matrix), using the computational genius of the Grays, who were employed by the 666 Titan Iapetos to promote and control the Fire technology. One of the Great Old Ones, from beyond Lucifer’s System, was the first high priest (the Hermes-353) of the project. Lucifer gave him the name Cthulhu-999, a rank name of planetary system Archangel, authorizing him to make his own plans for the project, yet under his supervision. For this, he assigned Satan as Cthulhu’s attaché/overself, to report on the project’s progress and Cthulhu’s plans. 1

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Reappraisal of the role of Thoth- Her mes

Thoth, (original name Theanor), was a member of the Atlantean high priesthood; but also highborn, on his mother’s side. He was therefore accustomed to the way of government and control in the caste system of Atlantis. The royal or nobility caste comprised of the pure Nordic divine race, whilst the high priesthood caste just below it was selected from among various races according to intelligence and was specially educated. The high priesthood exercised a control on the king, like a Senate, to safeguard against absolute power, but it exceeded its role, as the more knowledgeable caste, and tried to dominate government, as technocrats, and reduce the king to a puppet.

Theanor’s father was Thotme, (birth name Gomorian), a high-ranking priest in Atlantis, a leader of a dissident faction; (the high priest was Quarion). His mother was Dandel, queen Atalanta’s sister. King Elessar disapproved of the marriage and disfavored both Gomorian and his son Theanor, also a dissident. After the first phase of the destruction of Atlantis, in which the main urban areas were destroyed, the survivors fled Atlantis, the various castes to different destinations. For his court’s escape, king Elessar had a flying ship equipped so that, unlike other regulation flying ships, it could go beyond the limits of Atlantis. Theanor found out about it from his mother and he commandeered the ship and flew with a band of followers to Khem/Egypt. As the leader of the surviving high priesthood, he adopted the rank-name ‘Thoth-88’ of planetary high priest and tried to establish his own autonomous domain, contesting Calicastia’s authority in the area; (Calicastia-99 is the planetary prince).

The ‘Life (Jhwh/Zeus*) project’ or ‘Adamite* project’, was started around 9000 BCE in the valley of Uzbek Fergana (in Central Asia); a project meant to limit humans to a slow-evolving 666 Fire technology, hoping that they would mature before becoming extremely destructive. Lucifer also established a system of subconscious control, (the Matrix), using the computational genius of the Grays, who were employed by the 666 Titan Iapetos to promote and control the Fire technology. One of the Great Old Ones, from beyond Lucifer’s System, was the first high priest (the Hermes-353) of the project. Lucifer gave him the name Cthulhu-999, a rank name of planetary system Archangel, authorizing him to make his own plans for the project, yet under his supervision. For this, he assigned Satan as Cthulhu’s attaché/overself, to report on the project’s progress and Cthulhu’s plans. [*The patriarch of the Adamites is called ‘Zeus’, a ‘living (human) god’; ‘ζηωη’ is Ionian for ‘Life’. ‘Adam’ is not the name of a man but a Chaldean word for ‘fire-red’; the Ionian/Adamite equivalent is ‘Phoenix’. Cain and Abel are spiritual types; the Dragon and the Lamb. In Genesis, the patriarch of the Eden Adamites is Seth. Thoth’s name for Cthulhu was Rwanem (HorAmen).]

After a very long life, Rwanem got wise of the Matrix and freed himself from it. He realized that Lucifer’s plan was never going to work. Disregarding the authority of the Heavenly Father, (Lucifer’s fault), humans would not respect hierarchy and could not mature properly; especially under subconscious control. Rwanem also freed his closest disciples and introduced them to psychic technology; levitation, teleportation, mental remote control etc. When Thoth heard of Rwanem’s superior skills, he invited him to visit Egypt. Impressed by Rwanem’s wisdom, he became his disciple. Rwanem trusted Thoth with his software package, to the degree that Thoth became his software twin; (not personality twin). Subsequently, the Adamite priesthood was infiltrated by dissidents, mainly Nordic Atlanteans from Egypt, who abused these higher skills and practiced black wizardry, (the dark side of the Force), to subdue the Adamites and become their masters; (these were the Seth Lords alluded to in ‘Star Wars’). At first, the Grays also used their high tech openly, including spaceships and cities-in-orbit, on which the dissidents also built weaponry. (Both technologies are described in the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, which inspired G. Lucas with ‘Star Wars’.)

Thoth persuaded Rwanem that Calicastia had to be replaced and then informed the latter that Rwanem was planning his replacement. Informed that the project deviated from its intended course, Lucifer sent instruction to Calicastia to contain the situation. After failing to place Rwanem under


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oath of fealty, as member of his administration, Calicastia decided to get rid of him, with all rebel Adamites and dissidents; and Thoth went along (!).

Thoth told Rwanem that Calicastia was planning his demise and together they arranged for Rwanem’s temporary departure. (Like Jesus 7300 years later, Rwanem believed that he would be returning soon; he did not suspect that he would be bound in limbo indefinitely). In the arrangements, Thoth was left in charge of the project as Rwanem’s substitute; as Her-mes. He undertook to look after any new assignments and help with any plans they brought with them. (Thoth had his own secret plans in mind. Controlling the project, he could replace most of the Adamites (now disfavored) with his favorite Atlantic-Nordic race and Calicastia with his choice on the planetary throne, under his control.)

Using all the wizardry they could muster and their strongest binding spells, Thoth and Calicastia fashioned a long dagger, in the shape of a cross, with a pentalpha at the center of its cross-guard and the name ‘Cthulhu’ written on its blade, with which Rwanem was stabbed through the heart while asleep, to bind his spirit indefinitely. Thoth secretly added his own witchcraft, to place Rwanem’s spirit under his control; (thus, he could influence Rwanem’s plans for the End). Thoth’s wizardry includes codes through which he keeps tags on those bound in limbo (in AiA), so that he can call them out of this Netherworld prison at any time under his wing and under his control. [Controlling Rwanem’s spirit, Thoth could also control all Rwanem’s reincarnations.] Archives show the murder dagger stuck permanently in an effigy of Rwanem, used as a voodoo doll, in the same way that images of Jesus, with the name sign ‘JNRJ’, are perpetually crucified.

After Rwanem’s murder, Calicastia moved east to Mt Kaila, now in Tibet. In Genesis, Nod the land of Cain’s exile refers to Tibet, the Himalayas and India, where Calicastia is venerated as Lord Shiva. (He still keeps the swastika as his mark and his dominions in peace).

Conjuring terrible sandstorms, Thoth’s wizards destroyed the Adamite colony in Central Asia; (first destruction of Zion). Thoth moved some survivors west to a new cradle (Eden) in NE Anatolia of Asia Minor, around today’s Erzurum. Thoth’s plan was to protect a small remnant of the Adamites, to preserve the Adamite bloodline and, by infusing it into his favorite Atlantic Nordic race, (alluded to in ‘Star Wars’ as the Sith Lords), revive the Atlantis project (phases 2 & 3) all over the World under his stewardship. For this reason, he made it appear in Genesis that all races descended from Adam through Seth.

Calicastia wanted to place the Egyptian dissident group under a tighter control by granting the chrism of the Red dragon to its highest initiate, Orpheus, who was flirting for Calicastia’s favor. By cooperating with Calicastia in getting rid of Rwanem, Thoth outsmarted Orpheus and received the chrism of the Red Dragon himself. He thought that he could use the Chrism to his own advantage to maintain the autonomy of his domain, as Calicastia’s vassal in the Middle East, but this placed him under oath of fealty to Calicastia; though he never intended to honor this oath. He added two dragons to the wings of the caduceus and then dropped the wings, leaving only the dragons on his hieratic staff, as carried by his high initiates, the wizard priests of the Dryads and the Druids, as well as the high-ranking clergy of the Greek Orthodox Church. Ever since, Thoth-Hermes played a double game, representing both Jhwh and Calicastia; (but also serving his own plans all along).

Thoth christened his companion Mermek, (Atlantic name Arak-Thuron), as Christ and had him appointed at the head of Shambala-353, a Senate of high mystics behind Calicastia’s administration. Hermes thought that his mastery of wizardry and having his Christ at the head of the Lodge-Senate would give him an advantage until the final plans arrived. Hermes had several of his high


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initiates also accepted in Shambala, including one by the name ‘Rohan’; (either named after Rwanem or, most probably, Rwanem himself under cover and under Hermes’ control).

[Satan assigned an alternative project to Mermek, who was to replace Calicastia, as part of the deal; this was part of Thoth’s plan when he colluded in Rwanem’s murder. What was to be mere troubleshooting, the ‘Life project’ evolved into a conspiracy for the replacement of Calicastia by Mermek; Mermek’s aspiration ever since he came to Earth. (Mermek was the Prince of the destroyed 5th planet Nebadon and the patriarch of the Nordic divine race; he saw the Adamites as a rival divine race that had to be eradicated); a divine race has a distinct gene marker.]

After the Flood, intended to destroy Eden, Ptah appeared in Khem; he founded Memphis, (Hikuptah-Aegyptos, hence Egypt). He was the builder of the great pyramids, under Satan’s supervision; not as burial places but as chambers for high initiation, that of Khufu (Cheops) housing a Mercury-pool star-gate in a depression beneath it. Its default destination address was Lucifer’s throne, in the White city, on Illurania, a planet of Sirius. [Luxor-Thebes was founded by Ionian immigrants, worshipers of Amon-Zeus, after their exodus from Asia Minor around 2750].

Zeus guided Noah’s firstborn* Japheth (with the Adamite language) west to Asia Minor and beyond the Aegean. Rwanem (under Hermes) initiated the Abraham project while Mermek moved the Nordic warriors, (the Danaans, Aryans and Hittites), against all other Adamites. Hermes brought Abraham’s descendants for a while to Egypt. He also renamed Jacob to ‘Israel’ in order to place him and his descendants under the older gods, Isis-Ra-El. The Hyksos, the vanguard of the Hittites, reduced them to slavery, greatly diluted with darker races of slaves, wrongly considered today as ‘typical Semites’, descendants of Adam through Seth! (The Seth/Adamites are fair-skinned blue-eyed redheads; i.e. Phoenicians/Hellenes). [*In the Greek Septuagint Bible, Genesis 10.21, to Shem father of the children of Eber is in the dative case whilst of Japheth the eldest is in the genitive case; Japheth was the firstborn].

With all other Adamites destroyed or dispersed and the Israelites racially diluted, Hermes kept track of a thin line of Adamites, to receive under his control any new appointments that would bring new plans* for the project. (*Any new plans would come through the Adamite bloodline, with its distinct gene marker. Hermes has no authority to issue any plans; neither is he deemed worthy in Lucifer’s eyes to have direct access to these plans.)

Having received the Hermic initiation at Memphis, Moses was commissioned by Jhwh to lead the Exodus of the Israelites, now greatly diluted with older darker races, but Moses did not enter Canaan because he considered himself contaminated.

Most of what transpired with the Israelites was Hermes’ work in the name of Jhwh. He devised the name ‘Israel’ and made up that unlikely story of Jacob wrestling all night with god El. Ever since, the word ‘Israel’ means ‘wrestles El’. In the process of history, Rwanem renamed them ‘Jews’, (Jeus in Middle English), via the evolution of the name ‘Judah’; the reason why Jacob chose Judah as his successor instead of his firstborn Reuben. Thus, the process was set up for the succession of El by Zeus. [El is Saturn; hence, Israel’s sanctification of Saturday. Out of El (Israel), Zeus (the Jews) was born. Saturn (Greek Mythology), or the Red Dragon (Revelations 12), tried to swallow up Zeus or Jesus.] Ever since, Rhea-Jerusalem and her children, (the Jews), have been persecuted, first by the Romans (the Red Dragon in Revelations 12) and then by the Christians (the ‘beast rising from the sea’ in Revelations 13). Hermes shielded Israel but did not (or could not) shield the Jews. [The state of Israel*, established by those that persecuted the Jews for centuries, is the subtlest enemy of the Jews; a Trojan horse, ‘born of Trojan blood and German


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heart’ (Nostradamus V74), to destroy any sympathy for the Jews due to the holocaust and prepare a new universal persecution of the Jews. It is also a renewal of the old wrestling between El and Zeus.] (*The names ‘Judea’ and ‘Zion’ were rejected).

In late 8th century BCE, the Assyrians conquered the ten tribes and dispersed many of them in Central Asia. In 620, Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judea and carried many Judeans to Babylon. Zeus, having lost Ionia/Greece to Mermek (the Danaans*), used his devotee King Cyrus, a descendant of the ‘Great Ionians’, (refugees of the Trojan war), to establish a new Covenant with the Jews. [*The Nordic Dragons adopted the Ionian Zeus but turned his religion to reptilian; (see ‘Cadmus’ C).]

Shambala, (headed by Christ), decided to punish the Persian Prince by destroying his Empire. Hermes stepped forward and undertook the job, despite the disagreement of the majority of the Lodge. Driven by Mermek/Christ, his symbiote-overself, Alexander targeted the Adamites, from Thebes in Greece, Miletus, Lycia-Phoenike and Tyre to Central Asia and the Indus River. Hermes expected the final plans to come through the Abraham project and so he kept a close watch over Judea until these plans arrived.

Rwanem incarnated as Lamar the Essene Teacher of Righteousness*, under Hermes’ watchful eye, and prepared the Jesus-888 mission: to reveal the prophecy of the End. Hermes used Jesus to block Calicastia’s use of the ritual power of the Cross, (that he learnt from Hermes), and to transfer Jesus’ software package to Christ (Jesus’ symbiote-overself); after this, Judea was destroyed and the Jews dispersed; (sixth destruction of Zion). (Lamar was executed by order of Antiochus IV in 165 BCE). [*See ‘Dead Sea scrolls’].

Jesus’ biological father was the Essene Ezekiel, ordained Zeramas, the Hermic high priest of the temple of Isis at Petra (where Mary was a novice) and his spiritual father Hermes; (born in 18 BCE).

After he joined the Essenes, Jesus attended Memphis and graduated as high initiate. Hermes monitored Jesus’ 22-year mission and officiated over his crucifixion; Jesus went along. Christ left Jesus’ body with a copy of Jesus’ software just before the crucifixion. Jesus was crucified in the spring of 30 CE at the age of 47 years and 8 months. (John the Baptist was born in 61 BCE; 43 years older).

The Greeks that visited Jesus before the last supper (John ch.12, 20-23) were three Hermic high mystics, whom he knew from before. They brought him a gold colored potion, a potion taken in Hermic high initiations, to take for the crucifixion. It took Jesus to a deep cataleptic coma, (as in all high initiations), during which specialized angels carried out a transformation of his body. (It was these mystics that moved away the gravestone and resuscitated him. The Angel that the ladies saw in the open grave was one of them).

Jesus lived the rest of his incarnate life, incognito to the wider public, supporting his fellowship, mainly in Ionia, from where he ousted Paul. (It was during this time that he visited Lucifer’s throne for the Revelations prophecy). After Jerusalem was destroyed, he died so that the Counselor would come. Before he left, he appeared to John, with messages to his Ionian bishops and the Revelations. Though in his messages Jesus promised to return soon, (while some of the bishops were still alive), he was trapped in limbo by the perpetual crucifixion ritual. At first, this was practiced by the Romans at crossroads and squares as an anathema for the Jews and the followers of Jesus and then brought into the churches as the central theme in Christianity.

The first followers of Jesus were Jews and god-fearing sympathizers that also called themselves ‘Jews’. After three centuries of fierce persecutions by the Romans, Hermes established Christianity through his Dryad priestess Helen and her son, (his own spiritual son), Constantine I, under the death banner of the cross. Ousted from Heavens, (Shambala), Christ, now as Jesus-Christ (priest-king), declared himself autocrat in the West, independent from Hermes. The latter moved Constantine II with some Celts to the British Isles, where he established the Mother cult of the Druids; his exclusive alternative. Ever since, there has been a struggle in the Church between the spirit of Jesus (in the Gospels) and Christ; (the ‘beast rising from the sea’ in Revelations 13).


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Jesus was bound in limbo by having his image permanently nailed to the cross. Every Jew and everybody with the name ‘Jesus’ is subjected to this voodoo. Only an incarnate with the name ‘Jesus’ that identifies with Jesus can free Jesus from this limbo. For this reason, the name ‘Jesus’ was removed from the list of given names of the Greek Orthodox and, in extension, all European Christians; (until the Spanish started using it).

With Jesus bound in limbo, Christ, (now with a copy of Jesus’ software and exclusive use of the ritual power of the Cross-777), used the Nordic warrior race to extend Christianity into an Empire under the death banner of the cross, through conquering, rapine, genocide, slavery, colonialism and economic exploitation of the rest of the World, till today. This is a rogue Sith Empire established on the ashes of the true Seth, (the true Adamites), who for 9000 years, from the destruction of their colony in Central Asia to the Jewish holocaust, have been systematically exterminated or thinned out.

In the 7th century, Hermes established circumcision Islam in the Middle East, (an alternative easier to control than Christianity), and declared Mohamed, its founder, a great prophet!

When in the late 13th century the Judeans were finally called by the name of Zeus, Jews (Jeus in Middle English), a relentless persecution was unleashed against them throughout Europe, (starting in York England), culminating with the pogroms and the holocaust. The Counselor appeared around 1430. His present incarnation (CI) was born in 1940. Hermes appointed Rohan (Rwanem) as CI’s symbiote-overself, who undertook to control CI within Hermes’ agenda so that Hermes would take over management of any plans he would reveal. From his symbiote-overself, CI/RI inherited the witchcraft used in Rwanem’s murder and his supervision attaché* appointed by Lucifer. After his childhood programming, CI’s psychic vision was sealed shut by Hermes, with Rwanem’s consent (!). [*Satan stopped his reporting in August 2003, when Lucifer gave up his throne, but he stayed behind as late as 2010, when he also departed. (Upon his departure, Satan said that his presence also served to keep others out, especially the 666 Titan, whom Lucifer mistrusted).]

CI deviated from Hermes’ plan to enter the service of the Church, in 1952. Immediately, Hermes put ‘plan B’ into action. For this, Rohan appeared in the guise of Jesus to the Hosts, brought in 250 years ago, to help in the implementation of the Revelations, and called for a volunteer for a ‘special and dangerous mission’. Hermes arranged for this Angel to incarnate in Tibet first, (in 1953), under the name of ‘Yin Arasung’. Seeing his very special powers, Calicastia granted him the Chrism of the Red Dragon, at a very young age. His intention was to place the Angel under his control and exploit his powers for his own purpose. So, the Angel’s incarnation was closely monitored by Rohan and terminated at the preset age of 22, a couple of years after the Angel received the Chrism of the Red Dragon, per Hermes’ plans.

Then Hermes placed the Angel in white isolation (in AiA) for five years, in order to weaken the Chrism’s hold on him. He sent him to reincarnate near CI in 1981, with Christ as his symbiote-overself and without inhibition of his psychic vision. The Angel was sent to CI in 1998. He became CI’s disciple, according to Hermes’ subconscious instructions for plan B. CI transferred part of his software package to him and used him as his psychic eyes on various missions, though the Angel often followed his own whim. (Calicastia later protested to CI that he took his Angel from him).


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Hermes and Calicastia also used the Angel as a window to spy on each other, with Calicastia persistently trying to regain control of the Angel through the Chrism. There were altogether four Red Dragon initiates including the Angel and Hermes. After destroying two of them (the floating lamas) and a candidate, the Angel also knocked Hermes out in May 2004.


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Thus, he remained the only Red Dragon initiate. This happened just after he was taken to the Grays’ mainframe followed by several visits on his own power; (they may have implanted him with a symbiotic hacker). Or, probably, the Angel (or rather Christ) wanted to remove all serious competition to Calicastia’s final and full succession; or both.

When CI/RI heard that Hermes was one of Calicastia’s highest initiates, he became very suspicious of Hermes. However, he waited for a while before taking action.

In June 2008, the Angel told CI that Hermes had turned Mother Earth against Jesus. For this reason, CI summoned Hermes to question him on the matter. Hermes refused to appear in person (!). He appointed an angel to attend on his behalf and listened to the proceedings through his angel. He presented no defense but took refuge behind the ‘Seven Lords of Amenti’; (see ‘Emerald Tablets’ of Thoth). The Angel scattered these Lords and shattered their thrones and brought Hermes up. Jesus (?) appeared as a witness. His last words to Hermes were: “It is not so much what you have done but what you are planning to do in the future”. Hermes was handed over to the Angel of the Sun for confinement. (This may have been a scenario set up by Christ or the Grays, to turn CI against Hermes).

With Hermes removed, Calicastia considered his administration free from troublesome autonomists. He took a more evident place in the West; (he’s had annex headquarters in Switzerland for some time now). He also started cooperating personally with the Grays. (He was seen watching with them the ‘Atlas’ experiment at CERN). He said that he will either place humans under more effective control through more extensive programming, through education and subliminal messages in television and other media (with the help of the Grays) or, if he fails, the human species will destroy itself in about 150 years or so. (See ‘The Individual’s Aspirations-Humanity’s Doom’).

Hermes reappeared just after Calicastia was removed in early 2009. The Angel suspected that CI was behind this and he turned against CI also. Later in the same year, the Angel ousted Rohan from CI’s mind and disassembled him; (CI had him reassembled soon after).

In April 2012, the Angel blurted in defiance to CI that his mission was twofold: “to remove or burn the key* to the ‘house of God’ from CI’s mind and to take over Calicastia’s throne on Jesus’ behalf”. [“Recognizing Jesus’ superior authority in the Angel, Calicastia abdicated his throne in his favor”! (“the Angel’s words”)]. This was obviously Christ talking. He is the one that incorporated Jesus’ package and took over as autocrat in the West. Having secured Jesus’ package, Christ keeps Jesus nailed to the cross and his name shunned as given name, to have exclusive use of the Jesus-888 key. (* key to the ‘house of God’ is an embedded program for restoring psychic vision.)

The extermination of the Adamites and the dispersion of any few remnants was the worst ever genocide on the Planet. However, by making it appear in Genesis that all races descended from Adam through Seth, Adam was made the root of a new multiracial tree and a New Planetary Authority. The higher plans may be to graft the older races onto the Adamite tree but not after cutting off all its native branches. Lucifer, Calicastia and Thoth (!) said that the Adamites should serve as a new grafting on the existing tree and accept the Old Authorities instead of establishing a New Authority. (This was also Rwanem’s original intention. The idea for replacing Calicastia was prompted by Thoth.) The weeding out of the rebels and dissidents had Lucifer’s approval but Mermek took advantage of this approval to exterminate all Adamites or erase their memory of who they really are.


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Calicastia is the appointed planetary prince. Thoth-88 is a high priest (a god) and as such he can christen kings, as he did with his Christ in Shambala and with his substitute Christs, Alexander, Constantine I and Arthur Pendragon. These kings and Jesus, (a teacher), were Hermes’ spiritual sons. Their biological fathers, Nectanabo, Zeramas, Evxenes and Merlin, (in chronological order), were Hermic wizard-priests and their mothers, Olympias, Myriam, Hellen and Igraine were Isis priestesses; all mothers and their sons were redhead Adamites. Hermes used Jesus-888 to block Calicastia’s (but not Jesus-Christ’s) ritual use of the Cross; for this, Jesus was bound in limbo indefinitely through the perpetual crucifixion ritual.

Calicastia is Lord Shiva of Mt Kaila, with direct dominion over Tibet, the Himalayas and India. Mermek is the Nordic Dragon behind the Danaans, the Aryans and the Romans; the ‘Red Dragon in Heaven’ (Shambala) in Revelations 12. Thoth-Hermes was Calicastia’s vassal in the Middle East first, the Dragon behind Alexander and Constantine I and, later, behind Arthur Pendragon of the Druids. After the Norsemen prevailed over the Druids, he caused the Schism and took control of the Greek Orthodox Church.

Christ is the ‘beast rising from the sea’ in Revelations 13. He has been ruling the World for the last 1700 years; Europe first and then the World through Colonial expansion.

Today’s Economic Colonial Europe is yesterday’s Administrative Colonial Europe, the Holy Roman Empire of the day before yesterday and the Roman and Byzantine Empires of last week. It is the same Empire, ruled by the same Spiritual Powers, and has merely changed its clothes to look different. The last form of this Euro-roman Empire is described as a ‘Beast that has the patchy appearance of a Leopard, (many peoples and nations), the feet of a Bear, (Russia), the mouth of a Lion, (Britain), seven heads, (kingdoms, 1-Britain, 2-Belgium, 3-Holland, 4-Denmark, 5-Norway, 6-Sweden and 7-Spain), with one of the heads cut as unto death and yet healed, (that of Spain which was abolished for 40 years), and on its seven heads it has ten (10) horns crowned with 10 diadems; (actual authority is exercised by temporary elected governments): Democratic Europe with seven Constitutional kingdoms’.

After the establishment of Christianity, Hermes established the Mother cult of the Druids and Islam as alternatives to Christianity. In 1492, the Europeans discovered America and subsequently conquered it. In 1717, Hermes revived Freemasonry and through it secured almost complete control the World through Economic Colonialism. [Calicastia’s normal appearance is that of a wizard in white. (When he wants to intimidate he assumes the form of a huge red Dragon; this is a VR projection). Hermes also has the looks of a wizard but he is decked in all sorts of magic symbols, like pentalphas and stars of David, all over his wizardly garments down to his cuffs and a huge cross on his back.]

The second ‘beast’, also in ‘Revelations 13’, is Iapetos-666 the Titan of Fire, the Authority behind the Fire technology. The two horns of a Lamb and the voice of the Dragon allude to the Greek Orthodox Church. His man representative that “brings down fire from heaven” (holy flame) is the Greek patriarch of Jerusalem, with Benedictos-666 (1957-80) marking the time of the End in Revelations. (ΒΕΝΕΔΙΚΤΟΣ =2+5+50+5+4+10+20+300+70+200=666).

Part of the Apocalypse was already history. Chapter 12 is about Jesus’ time, followed by the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jews. However, with Jesus bound in


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limbo by the perpetual crucifixion ritual, (thus stopping the coming of the Counselor for the final restoration), the prophecy stalled. Hermes lived out a long replay by Christ, the Matrix reloaded (from the Nordic descent to Jesus), until the Counselor finally came. Revelations 22.10 says: “Do not seal the book for the time of the prophecy is near”.


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The Grays on Hermes (in the movies they subconsciously direct)

The Grays are doing their job as assigned to them by the 666. They closely control humans through their sentient hacker programs or thought-forms, (20 billion of these, including one assigned to every incarnate human): First, so that humans would not advance too quickly in the fire technology, which they promote, while humans are immature and very aggressive. They suspended technological progress when Jesus was trapped in limbo by the crucifixion ritual and resumed it upon the arrival of the Counselor; (the Renaissance). The latter agreed with them not to send down a software package like Tesla prematurely. When Tesla was sent down, intending to give humanity clean energy and gravity propulsion, they withheld the more advanced details of the package because they feared that it would also lead to very destructive weaponry. They boosted technology when the Counselor incarnated in 1940 and stepped up computer and communication technology to very high speed, after they averted a nuclear WW3 in the 60s, with the Counselor’s cooperation. [They keep Engineering, including Space technology, quite primitive; (multi-stage rockets (?); it certainly needs guts).] Second, that humans are kept blind to higher Science and psychic technology. If predator humans acquire psychic technology, they will be out of control. Chance evolution and the non-belief in designer Creators is promoted only by them through the Matrix. They themselves do not believe in any God. (2000 years ago, the Middle East was readier for enlightenment and psychic skills than Europe is today. The Upanishads, Zarathustra and Jesus paved the road for an enlightened New World. However, because of the reasons we explain on the previous page, all such progress was put on hold and instead of enlightenment we had the Dark Ages.)

In the ‘Matrix’ movie, they present themselves as the ‘Deus-über-alles’ or the ‘Source’. Naturally, their own survival is their legitimate priority. In this and other movies they subconsciously direct, they are bent on discrediting Hermes. Most of the things they say about him are true but exaggerated, presenting him as an outright villain: as Saruman, the Merovingian or Darth Sidious. They also consider the Sith’s psychic powers as the ‘Dark side of the Force’; these powers are what they fear most. They may be responsible for some of the things we blame Hermes for. After all, they have always controlled the Matrix.

Notice that the allusion to Hermes in these three characters is not clearly seen by many. It is however too obvious for CI, who might trust Hermes as an ally. This is why I believe that this message was intended particularly for him; either for disorientation or the Grays, (or some subtler sources, even the Counselor), are providing CI with valuable information).

Hermes is shown as thirsty for power, (like Saruman), hoping to use his proficiency in wizardry and the advantages provided by the Chrism of the Red Dragon, to become the supreme Authority in the West or the steward of a World Empire. He is said to have persecuted the Japhetites (Ionians/Phoenicians), without a direct order from Calicastia, as Saruman pursued on his own initiative the destruction of Rohan; Rwanem’s people. (In the book, Saruman does not ally with Sauron; he wants power for himself).

I would like to give Thoth the benefit of the doubt, thinking that he had no other choice but to go along with Calicastia, as the only way to preserve at least a remnant of the Adamites and keep the project alive. However, the binding of all Rwanem’s incarnations under his control, the binding of Jesus in limbo for almost two millennia through the perpetual crucifixion ritual and the history of European Christianity, with its conquering, rapine, genocide, slavery, colonization and exploitation show him as a power-obsessed deceitful villain; (though Christ was mostly out of his control during the Christian era). Hermes admitted that he made a few mistakes; he also admitted that he is a manipulator; but, whether serving higher plans or his own, he somehow kept the Adamite project alive; (with most of the Adamites wiped out). Lucifer said that Thoth has been “a thorn in Calicastia’s ribs”.


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Conclusive summary

(This conclusion may be tainted by the Grays’ attempt for disorientation. Between Hermes’ cunning and the VR scenarios created by the Grays, it is difficult to be sure.)

Like his father, Thoth was one of those of the priesthood who believed that government should be exercised by the priesthood, the wizards or ‘technocrats’, whilst the king should confine himself to duties similar to those of today’s Constitutional Monarchs or to those of a puppet actor, like the American President. (It is he that established American Democracy).

Thoth added the wisdom he acquired from Rwanem to his own basic wizardry to become a master wizard and aspired to take over control of the project. Calicastia learnt his wizardry from Thoth, including the ritualistic use of the Cross; (the ‘darkest side of the Force’, used for spiritual extermination and binding). The Cross is mentioned in Genesis as the mark given to Cain by God (?), as the supreme weapon against his enemies. Taking over control of the project would give Hermes an advantage in his contest with Calicastia. He secured from Rwanem the assignment of the management of the project and then bound by witchcraft all Rwanem’s reincarnations under his subconscious control, so as to maintain this position indefinitely. Hermes claims that Rwanem made an agreement with him that he would manage the plans brought by all new assignments. He said that the others honored this agreement and argued that CI should do the same. However, it is one thing to be assigned temporary management of the project and quite another to have all subsequent divine assignments bound, through guile, under subconscious control. Hermes held fast onto this position and treated all newcomers as disposable couriers of new plans for the project, to be managed by himself as high priest and steward of an upgraded New World.

After the Flood, some of the survivors sought Hermes’ hospitality in Egypt whilst Noah’s firstborn* Japheth emigrated to the west of Asia Minor and beyond the Aegean. When the Abraham project was set up, Hermes chose Jacob, a man of scheming and more ambition than Esau and placed his descendants under the older gods (Isis-Ra-El). He further trained them as a fighter nation, through a period of humiliating slavery followed by the forging years in Sinai. Hermes and Mermek persecuted the Japhetites to extinction but protected Judea; (only until the final plans arrived). The Japhetites, (Ionians/Phoenicians) were lost in oblivion. (*Thoth disfavored all firstborn, as difficult to control).

After his resurrection, Jesus visited Lucifer’s throne for the Revelations prophecy. Hermes took over management of the prophecy. After the establishment of Christianity, Christ, now expelled from Shambala, took over as autocrat in the West; Jesus was kept in limbo by the perpetual crucifixion ritual. Christianity turned out to be a worse Empire than the Roman Empire before it. It was extended all over the World through European Colonial expansion; a New Sith Empire.

In limbo (AiA) all Time is instant now. (See ‘Instant Teleportation’). AiA is the middle of nowhere, leading everywhere. When one is crucified or buried under the cross with his/her name on it, (as Christians are), s/he is held in limbo indefinitely. [Among these are ‘the saints under the Altar, (the Cross)’, of the 5th seal in Revelations]. They are kept in limbo (in white isolation), in a timeless state, until the resurrection. Hermes is the king of AiA, the Underworld; (he is the Merovingian in the Matrix movie). ‘Jesus-888', a name chosen by Hermes, is a key overriding the ritual (not the physical) power of the Cross-777. However, Jesus’ perpetual crucifixion and the removal of his name from the list of Christian given names keep Jesus stuck in limbo, whilst Christ has exclusive use of this key. As mentioned, only an incarnate with the name ‘Jesus-888’, that identifies with Jesus, can provide him with a home or default address. This is why this name was removed from the Greek list and all Christian lists of given names. The Spanish provided Jesus with such addresses when they started using it. [In Jason’s story, Æëtes, the wizard king of AiA, where the Golden Fleece of the sacrificial Ram is hung on the Dragon tree (the cross) and guarded by the Dragon, (within the Church), is the son of the Sun god (Ra); i.e. Hermes.]


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Hermes did glorify Jesus as he promised him but only as an incarnation of his Christ, Jesus’ symbiote-overself. When recently confronted by Jesus, he said: “If it were not for me, you would have vanished from history like many similar teachers before you”. To this, Jesus replied: “Yes, you are right; but they did not just vanish; you saw to it that they did”.

Mermek was the prince of Nebadon, the destroyed 5th Planet of our solar system, wrongly considered, together with other high Nebadonians that accompanied him to Earth, as Venusians; (Venus was never habitable). He thought that he should have replaced Calicastia upon human habitation of the Earth, on the valid argument that the latter had no experience with humans. After he incorporated Jesus’ software he became an absolute autocrat as priest-king. Hermes moved Constantine II with some Celts to Britain where he established the Mother cult of the Druids in order to have his very own exclusive alternative. It is for a similar reason that he established Islam; (more effectively controlled through circumcision). In 1492, the Europeans discovered America and subsequently conquered it. In 1717, Hermes revived Freemasonry and, through it, he gained almost complete control of the World through Economic Colonialism. All religions established by Hermes are control systems based on mystic ritual instead of scientific knowledge of the Spiritual world and are characterized by bigotry and intolerance of each other and of divisions within them. They have been the cause of most violent confrontations and wars throughout history. After Christianity was established, Hermes abolished the use of the names of Gods in Western mystic/ritualistic religions, (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Druidism and Freemasonry). When any of these devotees address God (?) or ‘Lord’ or ‘Adonai’ or ‘Allah’, they unwittingly address Hermes. [Calicastia changed the address ‘Amon’ (faithful and true) at the end of every prayer to ‘Amen-99’, so as to direct it to himself.]

In 2011 CI handed Hermes over to specialist Angels for rehabilitation according to his intention that nothing that can be saved will be lost. In the process, it was revealed that the witchcraft used in Rwanem’s murder was such as to perpetuate it in the minds of all his reincarnates, so as to place them under Hermes’ control. It was removed from CI’s mind in Feb 2012; actually, CI had long been out of his control. [Hermes planned a nuclear WWIII for the 60s but the Grays and the Counselor averted it. In Revelations, the 3rd Woe that was to come with the 7th trumpet never happened; the unwritten 7 thunders intervened.]

Affected by the Chrism and the Cross, as well as his experience in Atlantis, Hermes saw himself as the future steward of a World Empire. In May 2015, he said that all divine assignments were sent to serve under him. He rejected Rwanem (and CI) as superficial. He was hence stripped of his Rwanem package as Hermes. He is now just Thoth the wizard. He said that when CI sees the truth he will offer him back the caduceus; (if so, why doesn’t he tell him this truth now? is the Angel in the way?)

If Rwanem were not bound in limbo, the ‘Life project’ would have reached its objective thousands of years ago. If Jesus were not similarly bound, the Counselor would have come soon after his departure, as he promised his Ionian bishops.

The ‘Life project’ introduced a new divine race with a plan for an upgraded New World. Thoth and Mermek saw an opportunity to reestablish their Atlantic hegemony and continue it from where it left off. Their last card was the Angel’s mission, intended to neutralize CI and take over his software package also. June 01, 2016 saw the removal of both and all their initiates; (Thoth was groveling for mercy). The Restoration has begun.


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Hierarchy in Lucifer’s System before the arrival of the Counselor

As we have mentioned, Rwanem functioned under Lucifer and within an agenda laid down by Lucifer, who hoped that, restricted to slow-evolving fire technology, humans would mature before becoming exceedingly destructive and beyond control. However, as long as he and his System revered only the non-authority Universal Father (of the Trinity) instead of the Heavenly Father, there would be no respect of hierarchy and competitive humans could not mature properly, especially under subconscious control. This has always been his mistake.

Rwanem’s intention was to weed out the saturnine idiosyncrasy and remove all predators. Unless this was done first, superior technology would lead to an escalating disaster. The Old Authorities would also have to be replaced if they would not accept the authority of the Heavenly Father but, instead, recognized only the purely subjective, non-discriminate and non-authority Universal Father, the property of Unbound Space, the Cause of the creation of all unformed contents of the Universe. (It corresponds to Atman in Hinduism and to Aten of Akhenaten’s Egypt). This is where the problem of Lucifer’s System lies.

As Rwanem gained experiential knowledge of the local situation he set up his own plans for the transformation of humans from the idiosyncrasy of the predator to that of the Lamb. As his plans progressed, he cautiously trusted his closest disciples with primary technology. Introducing competitive humans to primary technology before they accepted the authority of the Heavenly Father would lead to its abuse. This would lead to a disaster instead of the salvation of humanity. (This is why in ‘Star Wars’ this technology is considered as the ‘dark side of the Force’. In the movie, some of this technology is also used by the Jedi.)

It would be impossible to keep humans under the Matrix to a long active age. This is how Rwanem freed himself in the first place. Dissident disciples abused primary technology (or psychic skills) for personal power. After Rwanem’s murder, the Adamite colony with its higher skills was destroyed and the life-span of the survivors was gradually reduced to less than 120 years through racial mixing* and diet; (see Genesis). The carrying of memories across re-incarnations was suppressed and Astral memory and psychic vision were blocked after the age of about 4. Thus, the continuity of learning was limited to one incarnation of less than 80 active years and only through the body faculties. Even after this, the Japhetites, (Ionians/Phoenicians), were persecuted to extinction as carriers of the sacred language, the key to higher physics. Though the Ionian-Hellenes passed this language on, (as the basis of Greek and Latin), its scientific ideography was erased from memory. [*When races are mixed, the offspring mostly turn out to be undisciplined individualists. An undisciplined people possessing higher powers will soon spell disaster. Circumcision is an attempt to discipline them.]

Though some, (Christ, Thoth, Rwanem and may be Jesus) challenged the Planetary Prince, nobody challenged Lucifer, until the Counselor did so on behalf of the Heavenly Father.

In Revelations, the one on the throne in heaven, surrounded by the 24 elders and the four living creatures full of ‘eyes’, is Lucifer. The ‘eyes’ are monitors through which Lucifer receives reports of what goes on in his System; just like the monitors in the Matrix movie surrounding the Architect that set up the Matrix, who is none other than Lucifer.

[Transport between Earth and Lucifer’s throne was originally through the Mt Kaila gate. After the Great Flood, an alternative star-gate was set up at Memphis by the Thoth-Mermek-Satan alliance. With the establishment of Christianity, all alliances broke up and the gates became defunct.]


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Zeus the Patriarch vs the Priesthood

Throughout our Super-Galactic System, Authority is Dual; comprising of the king and the priesthood or Law-givers that formulate the mandate to be implemented by the king. It is so throughout Lucifer’s System and it was so in Atlantis. This is a safeguard against absolute power. The two are meant to function in harmony, supplementing each other. Yet, as the priesthood are more knowledgeable than the king, they sometimes interfere too much with the king’s function, trying to dominate government as ‘technocrats’. This may lead eventually to dissidence on behalf of the priesthood, as it happened in both Lemuria and Atlantis.

Zeus is the Patriarch of the ‘Life project’; a human God of exceptional longevity. He was not just the first Patriarch; he is always the firstborn hereditary Patriarch, like Odin of the Phoenicians of Norway. The firstborn descendants are called ‘Holy Ones’ or ‘Aesir’; ‘Aesir’ is the collective of ‘As’ that means ‘holy’ in Adamite, as in ‘Asia’ the ‘Holy-land’.

Zeus was the overall Patriarch of the Adamite colony, whilst the communities of the colony were matriarchal, venerating Hestia (Vesta) as the Goddess of the household. You can still see a remnant of this matriarchy in the Mosuo culture in some parts of Yunnan China. This comes from the DaYuan (Great Ionian) culture, introduced to the Yunnan region when the DaYuan fled east over the mountains to escape the massacres in Central Asia by Alexander. (See also Princess Tamina in the movie ‘Prince of Persia-The Sands of Time’).

When Thoth spied the higher skills of the Adamites, he befriended Rwanem and, subsequently, the colony was infiltrated by dissidents, the Seth Lords, who practiced black wizardry to subdue the Adamites and eventually brought about the destruction of their colony.

After the Flood, the firstborn Japheth moved West and founded another Asia (Ionia). Around 2750 BCE, the Ionians/Phoenicians moved out of Ionia/Asia, establishing settlements and cities around and west of the Aegean, as well as in Tyre, Carthage and Luxor-Nubia.

Thoth disfavored all firstborn, as difficult to control. Ptah was a Hamite whom Thoth invited to Egypt. Yet, Ionians spread all around the boundaries of Thoth’s Lower Egypt.

A campaign was launched by Mermek to exterminate or subdue the Ionians and all Adamites, except the very few controlled by Thoth. Zeus was totally absent from the Egyptian Pantheon but he was still venerated, (as Jhwh), in the periphery of Lower Egypt, as in Luxor and in Median. (Rwanem was still active, even under Thoth’s control. He moved Jacob to choose Judah as his successor and also moved Moses into Median, where he gave him his mission.)

After Mermek’s Danaans, (the Nordic Dragon), prevailed over the Ionian-Hellenes, the Zevian religion in Greece degenerated to reptilian; (see Cadmus C). The true Zevian religion survived only in Ionia. With Ionia also ransacked during the Trojan war, Zeus moved some Ionian refugees to Central Asia; [known locally as the ‘DaYuan’ (‘Great Ionians’)]. As we mentioned on page 4, it was through the DaYuan King Cyrus of Persia that Zeus made a new Covenant with the Jews.

The Essenes* were a priesthood that originated in the Nile Delta and were always under Thoth. When Nebuchadnezzar moved against Judea, Thoth tried to move the Jewish leaders to Egypt but, as seen above, Zeus had different plans. (*It was through the Essene zealots that Thoth brought about the destruction of Judea by the Romans).


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The Counselor and the Revelations

The Counselor or the Divine Word is the Spirit of Truth mentioned by Jesus in John 16. His function is exactly what his title states. He is not here to rule the planet but to give counsel and appoint new rulers or rehabilitate the old ones. He will plan and lay down the mandate to be implemented by the Executive. As stated elsewhere, his intention is that nothing that can be saved will be lost.

It is obvious that humanity is overgrown with trash. Today’s civilized society, is characterized by vanity, deceit, greed and aggression; (these are the attributes one needs to make it big in the World today). This trash is mentioned in Greek mythology as ’the stables of Augeas’. Even if most of the present generation is vanquished in the coming cleansing, what is known as the ‘washing away of the stables of Augeas’, all will be brought back in the second resurrection, so that what can be salvaged will be salvaged.

Aura readers have seen Rohan, a Druid wizard (?), (or Rwanem under Hermes’ control), as CI/RI’s previous incarnation. This is how they see one’s symbiote and it is generally accepted as such. The symbiote is actually a co-incarnate acting as a driving instructor. Unlike Rohan, CI’s name does not associate him with Rwanem. The Counselor chose such a name for CI that helped him first resist and finally overcome the binding witchcraft. After Rohan was gone, no symbiote is seen in CI’s Aura but a triangle of Light frames his head.

The symbiote guides the incarnate and shares the software the incarnate brings with him or he subsequently develops under his guidance but does not usually share his software with the incarnate. Jesus has only his own software; Christ has both; as Jesus-Christ (899). However, though Christ incorporates Jesus’ software, he does not share Jesus’ personality. In this, he is Jesus’ opposite; (like Agent Smith and Neo in the Matrix movie). Christ, (previously a planetary prince), is obsessed with ruling the World, whilst Jesus is a self-sacrificed teacher of righteousness. (Christ left Jesus’ body with a copy of Jesus’ software just before the crucifixion; like a wasp hatching out of a butterfly’s caterpillar). Jesus’ teachings laid the foundation for the Brotherhood of Man whilst Christ promoted an idiosyncrasy of aggression; of conquest, domination and exploitation by predators of those that buy into Jesus’ idea and the weak; a society of grabbers and a culture of winners and losers. Rohan is a great wizard, proficient in alchemy and capable of teleportation. CI has no special abilities, other than a sharp analytical mind; he is just a man of science. His psychic vision was sealed shut, depriving him also of any outward psychic abilities.

CI never had any notion that he was either Rwanem’s or the Counselor’s Incarnate. What Hermes actually said is that the one incarnated as CI also incarnated as Rwanem and Lamar. Yet, though Lucifer had Rwanem under his close supervision, he recognized CI’s authority as Father’s direct representative, Father’s scaled down copy as he called him, and gave up his throne on his call, in August 2003. Rwanem was trapped under Thoth’s control and, for a while, so was CI through Rwanem. (When CI was sending Hermes for rehabilitation, the latter addressed him as ‘teacher’).

With the removal of the binding witchcraft from CI’s mind, and its destruction, Rwanem was finally freed from bondage. As for CI, he did not notice any difference. With his psychic vision sealed shut, rendering him incapable of conscious Out-of-Body experiences, CI developed a very sharp analytical mind, which liberated him long ago from Simulacra and Simulation and the maze of false convictions imposed by the Matrix.

CI promised Calicastia that he will be relocated to a planet more suitable for him and more to his liking; (he is very relieved). For now, he is given temporary administration of Earth until the ‘Life project’ and a new plan are rethought all over again. Ever since, Calicastia has been attending special educational forums with other Planetary Princes.


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Hermes, the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the ‘Committee of the Majority’

Ever since the destruction of the first Adamite colony in Central Asia, 9000 years ago, the Middle East and the Western world have been mostly under Hermes’ control. After the establishment of Christianity in Western Europe, Christ extended this Sith Empire all over the World through European colonial expansion.

We have seen the evolution of history since the Nordic warrior race, (the Danaans, the Aryans and the Hittites), moved southeast against the Adamites. Hermes always tried to influence history through pivotal individuals and small groups of initiates, seen more clearly since his initiate Nectanebo, the biological father of Alexander the Great.

Though history is seen more evidently through glorious conquering and Empire building, the establishment of Lodges of initiates spread along with it but in a subtler fashion. All Chthonic mysteries, including those in Samothrace and Eleusis in Greece, were established by Hermes through his high initiates since Orpheus. Some of the most illuminant Ionians, (Pythagoras, Hesiod, Apollonius, Eratosthenes, Hippocrates, Heraclitus, Thales, Aesculapius and many others), attended these mysteries and distinguished themselves as high mystics. Those that attended Memphis, like Pythagoras, trained in wizardry and other psychic skills. Even the wizardry practiced by King Solomon had its origin in Egypt though Calicastia claims, (and I believe it for a fact), that most of the spirits summoned by Solomon to help him in his various projects, including the construction of the Temple, were under the command of Beelzebub, Calicastia’s highest chieftain. This is also as far back as the Freemasons trace their origins.

The first Hermic high initiate directly involved with Royalty and the ruling caste in Europe was the wizard Nectanebo, mentioned above. From Nectanebo, the initiation passed on to the shaman wizard priests of the Dryads and the Druids. The Celts (Galatae) were moved by Hermes for a return migration into the lower Balkans precisely for this purpose. When they returned to their original home in Central Europe and, finally, to Britain, they established the Mother cult of the Druids, out of which stem the modern Freemasons. The link between the Balkan Dryads and the New Druids is seen in the ancestry of Uther Pendragon. His father was Constantine II, son of Emperor Constantine I and grandson of the Dryad priestess Helen of Byzantium. Uther was succeeded by Arthur Pendragon, whose biological father was the wizard Myrdhin (Merlin) and his spiritual father Hermes. Igraine was a novice priestess of Isis in Avalon before Merlin had her married (pregnant) to Uther.

Freemasonry has organized itself better since the establishment of the ‘Grand Lodge’ in London in 1717 and the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776. All 33 members of ‘the Committee of the Majority’ are elected from among their highest ranks. Hermes set up the ‘Committee’ as the ‘level 1’ equivalent of the 33-member ‘Great White Lodge’ at ‘level 2’ in Shambala. Ever since, their control over the whole World, especially America, Europe, South Africa and Australia has become very powerful; in some cases, almost absolute. Freemasonry has been behind most USA presidents. It has also been the main financial sponsor of some terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda. To demonstrate their control over all human institutions in the countries mentioned, they closely programmed Barack Obama’s career (as a quirk) since his early schooling. Obama is a classic example of a Freemason puppet. Their most shameless and arrogant joke on humanity was the award of the Nobel Peace prize to Obama, with no justification whatsoever; before he showed his worth. He gave the go for the ‘Arab Spring’, for the ISIS ongoing insurgence and for spraying the Ebola virus over Liberia, as part of a biological weapons test program. Yet, he is both elegant and eloquent; a real charmer.


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The Angel and his dangerous mission

Angels are not endowed with a very strong analytical mind or very extensive software but are programmed to serve their post. The Angels now manning the Base near the Earth have been assigned to help in the implementation of the Revelations; (Satan had supervised their training). Any problems arising in the Angel’s behavior are caused by the circumstances of his incarnation. As an incarnate human, his behavior is decided by four factors: a) his own whim, b) the Chrism of the Red Dragon, c) Christ his symbiote and d) CI’s software package. His incarnation in Tibet became necessary because 1) the Counselor would not incarnate under Calicastia and receive his Chrism to retain his psychic vision, as this would also place him under oath of fealty to Calicastia, 2) through circumstance (?), CI did not enter the service of the Church and, thus, did not become Hermes’ initiate either and 3) CI deviated from the Revelations prophecy.

As we mention on page 5, Hermes called in the Angel on a special and dangerous mission. Calicastia granted him the Chrism of the Red Dragon at a very young age in order to place him under his control and exploit his powers. The Angel’s symbiote-overself when he reincarnated near CI was Christ. He was named after Christ, while his surname sums 899, like Skywalker, a code name denoting both hieratic authority, (like Jesus-888), and planetary royal authority, (like Calicastia-99), equivalent to Jesus-Christ; (Priest-King). The Angel’s character and his behavior towards his guru were exactly similar to those of Skywalker, in all his facets and oscillating moods. However, CI showed great constancy towards him; as a teacher should. He never embarrassed him, like Obi-Wan embarrassed Anakin in ‘Attack of the Clones’. On the contrary, in public he humbled himself and praised him, pointing out his special gifts.

Together with the Chrism and his symbiote came deeply embedded override orders to destroy all exponents of the New Authority. In spite of his declared allegiance to the New Authorities, he turned against all of them, including Jesus, when the Chrism and/or his symbiote Christ took over control; remember ‘command 66’ in ‘Star Wars III’?

Thus, though he removed some high-ranking officers of the Old Authority on CI’s instructions, (but stalled only when it came to removing Calicastia himself – see ‘ENDGAME’), most of the personages he destroyed are associated with the New Authority and with CI, even after he was given instructions not to clash with them. (He perceived them as threatening). He destroyed Jesus, (considering him as Paul’s Antichrist), Zeus, when he saw him with Hermes, CI’s symbiote and other companions. He even stormed Lucifer’s vacated throne, seeking codes to destroy those in higher ranks. When his Archangel and Rwanem barred him from violating the throne again, he attacked the base also. (Any spiritual personages he destroyed on his own initiative were his own VR projections of them. It is not easy to really destroy spiritual entities. What usually happens is that they flip out of mutually common space-phase and disappear beyond your perception. You cannot perceive or interact with a spiritual or mental being that chooses to stay out of your space-phase. Only by command of the Spirit of Truth, can they be destroyed.)

The circumstances in which he destroyed Jesus are indicative of the Chrism or his symbiote override mental control: He saw Jesus advancing towards him threateningly. A voice in his mind told him that this was Paul’s Antichrist. (Paul’s Antichrist is the true Jesus). The inner order was to destroy him but at the same time he felt a resistance to the command and drowsiness overcoming him, due to his devotion to Jesus. Then he heard a voice, seemingly Elijah’s, urging him to wake up and attack. Then he woke up and destroyed Jesus. (He later said that this was a scenario set up by Hermes and/or Christ in order to test him).

On Nov. 28, 2011, following CI’s instructions, the Angel destroyed his symbiote. For the final con-frontation, the Angel summoned his troops (he is a centurion) but Christ made him see them turned against him and he destroyed them! (Angels will not even defend themselves against their comman-der). Then, the Archangels of the Hosts intervened and, with them behind him, he destroyed his sym-


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biote, who just before the end assumed the form of a Red Dragon; this was Christ’s copy in the An-gel. (Yet, Christ may stealthily still access the Angel’s mind, causing him to resent CI; or the An-gel’s dream visions bellow, against CI, come from his own deeper subconscious).

When Athena told the Angel that CI’s psychic vision will be restored in his present incarnation, he had the following dream vision: Some figures cloaked in black took him to a greater figure in black at the center of the planet, who introduced herself as the ‘Holy Mother’ and told him that he should not have any further dealings with CI and that CI is a vile and perverted person, whose time will soon be up. (On one occasion in the past, the Holy Mother barred the Angel to protect CI from him, though on that occasion CI had invited the Angel for a task. She said that CI is her son; she added that all mothers’ sons are her sons also. The Angel retorted: “Am I not your son too?” She exclaimed: “Do you also have a mother?”. The incarnate Angel does have a mother but the Holy Mother saw him in his native state; like all Angels, and herself, a sentient software that has no mother.) When CI told him that he remembers his earlier behavior, for which he never apologized, he had a dream vision in which the Counselor (*) had been killed and some of his Angels that went looking for him and found him dead had their memory erased and were reprogrammed by this somebody that killed him, to serve him instead! (He was then asking where deleted files can survive and how can they be traced and deleted permanently). Every time he is offended by CI, which is not difficult, he has a dream vision that CI’s mission is doomed. He sees the Counselor’s complete failure and then rationalizes that such failure is possible even in the Father’s plans (!). [(*) The Counselor is a copy (one of many) of the Heavenly Father. It seems that this somebody would attack even the Heavenly Father if he had a chance. (CI can be killed but not the Counselor).]

Sometime after this, when he visited the base of the Hosts, he was told that he (or CI) no longer had any authority there; on a still later visit, he found it abandoned or beyond his perception. Athena sent a covert message to CI that he can recall the Hosts when he needs them.

In 2014, CI transferred a fuller transcript of his software package to him; (or the Angel hacked CI’s mind for it; CI was not conscious of this). Hermes said that this was CI’s gravest risk. Lucifer said that the risk is that someone with both hieratic and royal authority (899), like Jesus-Christ, may try to become an absolute autocrat and end up destroying everything. When sent by CI on missions, the Angel assumes CI’s appearance; sometimes he does this, even when he follows his own agenda. (I do not think it is his conscious intention to take CI’s place; he knows he cannot).

Yet, the Angel has been transferring CI’s software to his 4-year old son David (!); to what purpose? In May 2017, the Angel told CI that his son, while on holidays with him thousands of miles from CI’s place, expressed the query: “Why is there a constant war around CI’s place?”. CI was curious as to what David was doing there. Asked to investigate the war, the Angel at first reported the presence of a powerful guard of CI’s Angels around the house; he dodged any further questions but reported that Christ had found access to CI’s mind through the Holy Mother. (As a sentient software, the Mother is programmed to identify Jesus with Christ, per Christian beliefs). This was the last Christ’s* copy to be ousted by the Angel, on CI’s instruction, after which he terminated his relationship with CI (!). [This ousting is alluded to by the last duel between Neo and the Oracle/Smith, at the end of ‘Matrix Revolutions’; (no spectators, as the rest had been dealt with in 2016).] Unlike in the movie, the Holy Mother’s protective interference, though all in good intent, has been an obstacle to change. Her protective fears were exploited by the Old Heavens to block CI’s every away endeavor. She eventually isolated him in a safe cocoon, with the minimum pension possible, such that his Scientific work, which would free Mankind from ‘the Matrix’, was buried beyond reach; (Nostradamus II, 27). Her own reality being defined through misery and personal loss, she has done more harm to humanity through clutching protective love than others have done through spite. (She will be replaced by Rhea Cybele, the human Mother goddess of the immortal Adamites of Zion).


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*Christ was also CI’s father’s symbiote. The Counselor’s plan was that CI would be brought up fatherless, to shield him from Christ, but the Mother’s compassion saved CI’s father from death, planned for the end of WWII and, thus, fouled up CI’s mission; (see ‘The Divine Word’, 51).