realestate fashionble merchant '''' tailor,€¦ · ural evergreen pastures,...

Los Angeles Daily Herald. VOL. IX. LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3. LB7B NO. 82 j Morning Telegrams. fiuswsisTan I'swhik ??\u25a0tat, Mojave, Jan. I.?Sir Latlirop, ;Mr fcjtarato, Mr Mongols, O Tab Walls)], J Jovine, E Jones, Miss Edwards. .'tin <l-'red Uy Jlouiltiiius. San Francisco, J«n. 2.?James Lyon was inind< red by young hoodlums, at the corner of Filth and Tehama streets, while return- ing from eliurch service yesterday ! tin mini;. The circumstances lead- ling to tho murder are unknown. Two young men have been arrested on suspicion. rllitusTe. la sue Hilar. San Francisco, Jan. 2.? Tho 'changes noted at the Mint are Tor Ithe purpose of effecting a reduction of the force in accordance with the new rules of civil service. T. 11. O. Robert ion is made Chief Clerk, vice Frank Gross, removed. Gross takes a position as First Book- keeper, vico Uiusou, resigned. N.w IT<.i«ra lit New York. New York, Jan. 2.?New Years was observed here in the usual manner, but more quietly than it has generally beon hereto- fore. Very fey disturbances fol- lowed an almost universal indul- gence in conviviality. flevrenaa In Ilia Public Drbl. Washington, Jan. 2 ?1 he pub- liu debt statement for December shows a decrease in the debt last month of $77,623. This is the first decrease of the debt in December since 1803. !;..\u25a0\u25a0;< BroUtn nt up: iukAVI.I, Itllt vol.. Springfield, Jan. 2.?That ex- tensive banking house of Jacob Hi mm, of this city, has made an assignment. Mr. Drunii lias long been known as one of the heaviest and strongest bankers in the State. The assignment was made to the Hon. C. C. Brown, of Springfield, to whom Brunn gives up every- Ihing, his wile Joining him in the assignment. The liabilities are said to reach about $800,000; assets sufficient to pay every thing if time IIallowed and property not sacri- ficed. The Immediate causes of fail- ure was the unproductive real es- tate which the bank hail, together with the heavy line of savings de- posits lately withdiawn. S tic Win- A«> uuili'sr ft kill) GruVer A.pec-i, London, Jan. Ud.?The giavity of the political situation is »urli as lo make the newt from the battle- field of secondary importance Itis known not only that Russia has declined Eng and's offer to mediate, hut every notion points to au ex- pected continuance of tlie war on it uraiid Fcale. A British Cabinet Council will bo hehl this evening to discuss the situation. Tr.-K.tlesj| mi KiiclAiKt** 111... London, Jan. 2.?There is great excitement hero to-day, caused by- news just received from Crete that a number of Christum families yes- terday attempted to enter Retimo, a small town on the north coast, liut were prevented by the Turkish populace, who assaulted them, men, women anil children. After driving the Christian! back, the Turks closed the gates of the town and tlieu turned upon the British Vice Consul, threatening his life and pursuing him with knives un- til he found trieiitily shelter in the house of a brother Consul. Turk- ish soldiers quietly stood by during these outrages, uot once attempt- ing lo stop the disturbances. The British iron clad Uupert arrived at Athens yesterday auti sailed last night fur Betimo. It is believed here that England will take tem- porary possession of tl )B Island, with a view to preventing a reieti- tion of these outrages. Uualtsll O.i-l,> oi War \u25a0.«,,! 111 pluiunc J , London, Jan. 2.?The war party will endeavor to make the most of Russia's refusal to accept media- tion. The anti-war party is be- ginning to agitate the country for the purpose of checking the sup- posed aggressive tendency of the Cabinet. It was reported in Lou- don last night that the King of Italy, in addressing the members of the Italian Parliament at the New Yrai's reception, made a threatening speech which wus in- terpreted here us* directed against Turkey or Englaud. The limea's Home special merely says: "The King alluded to the gravity of the present state of Europe and ex- pressed his earnest desire to con- tribute to peace. He recommended concord." Another Botue dispatch says: "The King recommended the Deputies to preserve concord and expressod his hopes that they would take care that the nrmy wanted for nothing, as he saw a stormy horizon around and it might be necessary fur Italy, which is desirous for peace, to make hsrself not only respected but feared, in case any power should wish to consult its own in- terests alone " sfoji merles gcrald. ui>ii«!ifd five. > morning ?XMpt Mon- day. \u25a0 dOMIGPH XJ. LYNCH. TERMS FOR DAILY HERALD: :r iiinum, by mall orexpresw tfl" \u25a0iit months " " ** .'Dree months " " « 8 >"Hver*d by carriers, per week, 2j MOti VJSANGELES WEEKLY HERALD li- i>ubllshed every Snturdu*- mnruing TURMS. »».syear,by malt '.;.»)>..(MX -Mt months, " H *' " ...I >t . lire* '? " " " " -1 W- \dveitisHineuts Inserted at reaaonablo \u25a0 lea. vt! Kl.iJs at Job-Work dOtse to ' rj.pete with Nns> Fr»nels«o In prlceitttrle, n«<l Eleaisuee ol Work. ixHiiublp. LAWYERS. V. E. HOWARD. F. H. HOWARD. J. BROS^EAU. Howard, Brossean & Hoivard, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Roms, 06, ti7 arid 68 Tem- ple Block, third floor, !»>» Angele*. lebStf HENRY T. HAZARD, A TTORNEY AT X, A.W /COLLECTION DEPARTMENT, O. A. \J Doblusoti, Manager. OFFICE ? Roms 8 aud 9 Downey Block. laHl-tf S. C HUBBRLL. ROTINEY HUDSON, 1 latrlct Attorney. HUBBELL & HUDSON, ATTORNEYS AT LA W,Rooms :t and I Ducommun a BlocU, corner Main A Commercial BtreetH, Los Angeles. may7-tf ..OLASSmX. O. 11. smith A. H. COAHAS, U. It. SMITH GLASSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITHS, AT LAW, "KFICE?TEMPLE liLl ICS up-stalr», Los Vugalae, California. oc2-tf?S A. C. BAKER, ATTORNEY - AT - Ij A.W, ROOM 50, TEMIE BLOCK, LOS ANOILi:S, CAL. JjrUU KI'IfMKY H. WHITS. I. D. DICKNBf.I.. Bicknell & White, ATTORNEYS AT L.A.VV. OFFICE?Room M, Temple Uiock. sun if C. J. C. Kewen, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ? Nos. 10 and 11, HI UELI J'Z Hill I.DIM*,Spring street. PKRRIE KEWKN pooupy the rooms, conducting a Real Estate Agency, together with the tm.-lness of loaning money and the col lection cf bills. sl">tf eapgafjgoaßßsaßsssEasasannanasaaaßsßw PHYSICIANS. L* M'("JIMXX, M. D. & McUuire, T. S. Stan way,) ver Hotter &Hrnd- strest, at the toot stt-lm HARDSON, «i i^»ii-f£*M>ll Offlcie.No. 13 How. leyBlook,up stairs. IYbJICIAN. RDONA BLOCK, ey Aveuue. East 'u.i of streot ruli- -12 A. m. | from 1 to aptw tf ;, m. d. IA BLOCK, LOS ly opposite Court ? 1 . 11.11 A auls 1 ITALIAN IN- ich M. B. Hocle- ICh Hospital In ;onlo obituiHLL- the eyej attend -amento street, Unce?sJE. cor eett, San Frau- oc3 ly \u25a0 TINE, and Rpaclnui Lrdon* Block, cupled by Dr. i happy to act* ?one. tg f tanchos, ? Trustee, tneiscv, < | 4 11 W \u25a0 ACRES OF LAND FOU O UjUV/Usals, in lota to suit, suit- »»)le for th* culture of Oranges, Lemons, ' <ms*,Figs, Almonds, Walnut*, Peachet,, apis*, Fears. Alfalfa, Corn, Hys, liar ley, ax, fUmli, Cotton, etc, and alvo muny usand acre* of ural Evergreen Pastures, Suit- able for Dairying. water Is abundant at an average 'x feet from the surface. On al- acre of this land FLOWING ki .i.s can be obtained, and ated portions can be lrrl- iteroftlte Santa Ana river, land, am natuially moist. T ood cultivation to produce fourth Ca?h; balance in irt*o y eats, with 10 percent pleumro in showing those lies soaking land, who are come and *<es this extensive a purchasing eliewbere. Wif. R. OLDEN, Agent. »Ibb, Los Aagelei ooanty, Dec. 24, HTOKIAN HOME, ornsr of Spring and g.reo'u streets. "re ai.d sunny room to letmi rt as '?-ms. Board, f per week. ? water diet, as some b- slate food, with the ion at nrlt-olasi pri- se,. .4 E. I. RICK, Prop's. At heme. Agents wanted, .and tarma free. TRUE at a.Malne. niarlldAwlr REMOVAL I litive removed m> oQleO lo No. 10, MOTT'S BUILPING, Adjoining tbe new l'ostofHee. J.\ X>. MOTT. d23-lm I nlAtCHnftk \ Uxlhlb* pi*** ?/ all atkara. T>«7 m I "ill fe?. v...... i v u.i TftaM M.IK. hj \u25a0uL lob. aM Prut..* -..) tblo* la ItMMI Mtoth. .""I' - MiNCF.KTI'EIiR »f tlx ?«\u25a0> i«f\j "K/INDIM UTHO»«l'« " M Mkn f-< I mmtm. ''????».\u25a0» ffliirl," fit. BTro«.oye» mailed fur tt w»u Satupl. Chart. St of p-«Ui ra.r.l fct mil p*rwi.l*r* > 8,-i tax irriofaaaani. Mtytt *»4 «aa fiiraiak prof iptlr aa< irti-.ii wntad bt imu or miom-1, rf AMrrtoa or Fotvlrti ra .l. 0. U. BftYAKT. Sola MmuMumi. KB W«*la«M It.. V-.11-, MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale Cheap. A Cottage and Lot on Hill St., Near First, Commanding a view of the ocean and valley. The under* jrned will dispo-s of the »OY« property, with a view in Im- prove and build on tb« adjoining lotf. Applyto M. KKLLEHBR, I'lty Hurvevor. Office-No. I Temple str et. d'27 ti FOR SALE. The bent piece of land In Indiana Col- ony (P«ts:idena,) containing 30 ACRES, One half Improve I. Will sell one- otirth, uno-hall.or (he whole. For Terms euquire of I. N. MUNDELL, On the premises, Thayer & Graham, No. £9BprliM street, or A. Eldred, comer of Fifth and Uliari.y stnstHs, Los Angules. d25-2w JPOJEIi SALE. CHOICE IRRIGABLE LANDS Near Orange and Santa Ana, Which wore heretofore r*serv*d by Qlas- sell A Chapman, are bow ottered for sale orrent. Ssß-UAILKOAD DEPOT VERY CONVENIENT. Apoly toCAFT.GLASSELL.In T.mple Block. Lo» ,\njtl«», or M, F. f AKKbK, orange, distr NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE, WHKRB CAH II OBTAINLO CANDYTOYS for CHRISTMAS And a fine assortment of CANDIES always ud baud Tae best COUQH SYRUP yet Intro- duced to tUe people of Ibis vielnfty, made by the subscriber, oau also be ob- tained, a*. No. 64 HHKI.NO ST., next door Bouth or N<-w ' idd Fellows' Hull and Posiortlce, Loi Angeles, Cal. diO-lin MRS. FRYE. V"y E RECOMMEND TO FAMILIES CUITTARD'S ACME COFFEE For a trial, and we let the consumers b. tho ludgesof Its merits. nwAlso, importers and manufacturers of Splees, chocolates. Teas, Cream Tar> tar, Soda, Halmtn uud Infallible Yeast Powder. 405 A 407 BANSOME STREET, n J") 3m SAN FRANCIMCO. AN OLD'AUCTIONEER IN A NErV PLACE. ALFRED MOORE, ( ram St. Paul, Minnesota,) is now to be found at 126 Main Street, Next the Ma hie Y*rd. <S>ttd along your Knrnitu ru, toVfS, Bed lin*. Horses Bug- Wagons an t uMiermurchamJise you may tiav<- to dispose of. Auction every Saturday moi nlng al 11 o'clock ireflse- iv. Kt-al Estate vales also attended to. u2O-6m T. W. STACKPOLE, S* SPRING ST., DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Silverware, Has this day received, direct ft MB the manufacturers, a large and clime- selec- tion of the above goods, expressly de- signed for the HOLIDAY TRADE. Bole agents for Lazarus & Morris' f»ele- < united Verrtcted spectacles and Eye- Q lasses. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and warranted to give satisfaction. All Kinds of Engraving Executed with neatness aud dispatch. asroira me a call before purchasing elsewhere. dlO-lm SPECIAL BARGAINS For the Holidays! SAM MEYER, Having Just returned from San Francis- no with a magnificent stock ol goods, Is now prepared to offor th. BEST BAR- GAINS ever obtained In this olty, con- sisting of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE, PLATED WARE, BRONZES, L tMPB, LAMP FIXTURES, And a full line of sets of every descrip- tion. Also, a full line of TABLE CUT- LBItYfrom the best Eastern niauuiac- turers. The Old Pioneer Store, dl» No. T COMMERCIAL ST. Land for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS i 60 Acres of Fire Farm* ~ Land, On IheOld LosNietoa ro-t<l, adjoin- ing the oily limits, for st>le. Apply to T. 1). MOTT, i! 27 lln Room 10. Motl's Building. WHISKY ! PONET BUILDING, Has received a shipment of H. * H. W. (IATHKRWOOD'H PHIL A BE LPHIA BOURBON WHISKY from their agents DICKSON, DeWOLF Jt Co., San Franols- oo. I can recommend this Whisky to purchasers desiring to buy by th. bottle or gallon. d2lm !Wyn||l|> u \u25a0*»?<««« />~. lor t.rms >d- NEW ADVERTISEMKNTS. GRAND REALESTATE A.xJo r noiN. GRAND AUCTION ?OF ? FIRST-CLASS COTTAGES AND BUILQING LOTS. On account of departure for Europe, I will sell at Public Auction, Tuesday, lanuary Bth, 1878, At 10 o'Clock, The well-known property on Olive street oornerorBth, near the new School House, wltKlu two blocks ofthe two Horse Kail- roads, consisting as follows: FOUR HARD-FINISHED Five Room Cottages, With markble mantles, and gardens tastefully embsllishel with trees and flowers. BUILDING LOTS, With paiuteil pijkot fences. One extra valuable OOniVHR. LOT Suitable for a Store. Sale POSITIVE and Without Reserve. Ti'RVlS?One-Half Cash, Balance In 1 year, at 12 per cent. Liberal Discounts.orail Cash. The Property can bo seen previous to llio Sale, by culling at ROOM 3, OVER COMMERCIAL BANK. L. STARBUCK. d2S-t1 E. W. NOYES.Auctioneer Montana Meat Market. FUOBLINO Xli&FRANK, fsf& The best and tenderer MeaUA££/J tti the market. None but the SSBSPa r'rlmost Seef and Mutton ever to be found. Note the address?Mon- tana Meat Market, Main Street, near First, Los *.acele* OUR OLD FRIEND, J. H, B UTLER, THE POET AND WATCHMAKER, Has returned from the East with a floe lot of CLOCKS,WATCHES, etc B*r He is in the Musio ftore of J. D. Patrick, a BPKINU STREET. nlgtf Dt*. Mtoinliuriis ESSENCE OF LIFE T8 A POWERFUL AND EFFICIENT X reasedy for the cure of nervous and physical debility, spermatorrhea,senaiual weakness asd premature decline. The Essence of Life Is the only safe and sure remedy and will restore exhausted vitality without fall, rtarmauently and effectually, no mutter rom what cause or of how long standing. The Essence of Life Is pleasant to take, and is free from all noxious drugs; itgives tone to the diges- tive orgain, strength to tha nerves, aad purllesaad anrlobes the blood, thereby eradicating all morbid eruptions of the skin. Price, S3 per battle, or four times the quantity in oase, fit, with full directions lor use. Sent t* any address, secure from observation, upan receipt of price, whleh may be sent byaxpress, registered letter, or PostoOlce money order, or C. O. D. within 4So miles of Han Franoisoe. References of the highest standing and unquestionable verao y from persons tbat have been cured. 5< be bad only at DA. S. KINHART'S, 42*- KEARNY ST., Ban Franetsco. Cal.. * here all letters should be addressed. } «i . .\u25a0- hours from IA*. . to 4r. ir. and 6 . > 8 P. v. marlB-3p-lyr Wm. FARRELL, >TONEER GAS FITTER / PLUMBER, tins reinnv.-J i « 12l Mar. .., No. 20 Commercial, opposite Wil- mington Street, Where he will continue bis old business. aarTIN WORK of .very description promptly attended 10. n4-im Livery Business For Sale. THE BUSINESS OF The Fashion Stables, Bmbraclng everything required In a first class stable, Is off-red for sale on reason- able terms. Vbis i- a rare opportunity to fnvett Inn well e«tablish;d livery busl- : Hess, with a liberal patronage. I SUM MACS', WILStIN A CO. MISCELLANEOUS. W. 11. NORTHCRAFT, (Successor Emerson, formerly the House of Jones «fc Kmurson t AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Cornerlspring and Market .sts. Regular stile day, SATUItDAYat li a k, Keal (-'state, Merchandise, rurnitui>*, Livestock, Viigtma, etc., sold under tho bait tnar. and the sxle* conducted <>n the be t business principles, awi ONSION- MKNIS O LICITED. BMU OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA lE. "W. ITOYES Has opened out at No. 1 MAItKKTST., opposite the Court House, and will he pleased to Nerve his o d frl nds and the public. Particular attention puld to Keal Estate sales. Kegular sale days for Horses aud roll lug stock, WEDNESDA Yri &SATURDAYS. As I have no partners aud do my own work, I intend |v make my cuartres less tii in those ofaus body else In the busi- ness, charging on real estate two per cc l. for tne Brat $1000 and one percent, on all sums above tuat iiuount. Will bay FUKNI I'URE, HORSER. WAGONS uud alt kinds uf property, and pay cash. N. U.?Saturday's sales commence at 10 a. m. and close at 4 l*. X. E. W. HOT A 4, Oldest Auctioneer in Southern Oalirornla. n«SI apple" trees. EIGHTY THOUSAND AP- PLE TrSEES. I am prepare l to sell, at unprecedent- edly low figures, elirhty thousand apple tree-*, of the most approved varieties. Those who prop )se to set out orchards would do well to call and examine my stoik. I iim al-o prepared to sell PEAK and other orchard trees, on favorable terms My mlect lv sacrificing theie trees is to retlro from tho nursery busl- G. D. COMPTON, COHPTON, Los Angelas Co., cal. an if J. G. JACKSON Liiimber Dcalei" Cernsir Alameda and First Streets. UF A I.UK JN DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS, SHAKES, HI ASTER OF PARIS, CEMENT AND HAIR 1, M. GRIFFITH & CB. Lumber Dealers. CORNER OF Alameda and First Streets DKALKRS IN DOOBS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, POSTS, LATHS, SHAKES, HA 18, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC. ETC. LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES ? AT ? Perry, Woodworth ft Co.'s LOMUEB YARDS -AMD ? PLANING MILLS, No. IH Couiinorelal etreot, near Railroad l>ei>o(. mrCO-tr? Garcia & Arzaca, 26 New Commercial St., Tin Smiths and General Jobbing. TIN ROOFINO, LARD. HONEY AND FRUIT ClNsa specially. Oas fitting aid plumbing In all its branches. ?VJORRINO promptly attended to. d4lm SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S . VITAL RESTORATIVE I The great English remedy for Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea and Premature Decllno of Physical Force. Tho Vital Restorative WIH positively cure, thorouarblr mn*> permanently, any case of KXH A. US FED VITALITY or Nervous Debility, either acute or of long standing, and in either ?ex, no matter from what cause pro- duced. The Vital Restorative Is a thoroughly sclentlflo prescription, Is not a quack nostrum, hence pcnectly safe to take; is pleasant to the taste, supplies to the cerebro-splnal and sym- pathetic system of nerves new force, Purifies and Enriches The bloo l. rejuvenating and roinvlgorat- lng both mtml and body. Thousands, both In this country and In Europe, can testify to the groat restorativo properties of this really grewt medicine. Price, S3 per bottle, or four times tho quantity for $10. Kent to any address se- cure Iron observation. Address all letters to A. E. MINTIE, M. D. t (Graduate of the University of Pennsyl- vania and !ato Kesideut Surgeon to the Orthopaedic Hospital of Philadel- phia,) No. '.. -..cry St., San Francisco, Solo Agent. P. 8.-DII. MINTII.', can be consulted in reference to the abuvec&rnp.amts dur- lutr office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 r. v. daily,and from A lo 8 In the evening. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 r. v. Consultatlo D FKKK. Thorough examination and ad- vice, 15. Full directions and advice free' wlt.iievery puckage of medicine, iylWtf ~ FOR J3ALE, HORSES, BUGGIES AND CAR- RIAGES FOR SALE, At CAMPBELL <fc WAKELY'S Livery Stable, 47 Aliao street. Also,a two seated CABRt -v'M for .ale or trade for top- buguy orfeed. dl» lm /X lAAA \u25a0alary, ''"".""s w?. 119 | llil II », G00d.,. rlh, I /1111 ao.i.r.. tiponsec Ad #ri \u25a0 Fill || dre..R.A b HAM' d CO. N*. 1, V * H W W ~ CI 4 8B?? BU. ClMlsaMt ?* agM BUSINESS CARDS. JUDSON. GILLETTE & SMITH, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, rtooßM 13 and U. MoDonald Block, Main St., LOS ANGELES, Cal. sepia 1/ Jolm E. Jackson, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Room 41 Temple Block. slStf Wm. 11. J. BROOKS, Searcher of Records and Examiner of Titles. ABSTACTS OF TITLE,Including every transaction from the earliest dales to the present time, made with accuracy and dispatch. OVAL LEX'3 BUIDING, corner Spring and Temple streets. James C. Kays, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CON- VEYANCER OFPICE-Temple Block (part of old Bank Building). Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Indiana. film HOTELS. K. S. BICKHEXL. P. B. F.Hint n Alt. PACIFIC HOTEL, BICKNELL4 FARQUHA R.Prps. Adjoining tho Union Depot. Convenient to all trains arriving or de- parting from Los Angeles. Street cars to ail parts of the city. Everything now and clean. Board by the day oi week at reasonable rates. u24tf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, LOS ANGELES, CAL., S. W. CRAIQUE&CO.. Proprietors. The St. Charles is located In the busi- ness centre *j1 the elty.aad is the largest, most elegant aud completely organized Hotel la Southern California. Free coach to the house. J. A. SORBON, Manager. orWeitom Union Telegraph In Hetel office. Jylltf MOJAVE HOTEL, Mojavo Juno t lon, Cul. npnis house im now pkparrb X to rooeive Its numerous patronsJb£L aud the traveling public lv general. IVo- tng entirely bow and spleudldly tur- nlfihed, It a fjords superior accommoda- tions. ITS TABLE D' HOTfi Is second to none in Southern California THE BAR is supplied withtho eholeest brands of wiuej*;,liquors t»nd cigars. An elegant BILLIARD ROOM. Is also attached to the house. All trains stop here for breakfast and supper, it is the point, of departure for the celebrated Inyo county mines, vis.? Darwin, Lone Pine, Cerro Uordo and Pan- iniiut. Theofliceof the LONE STAGE CO. Is at this hotel, The patronage of a traveling publlo N respectfully solicited. UATTUEIVS 4 BOYD, feai-tf Proprietors. THE Commercial Restaurant DOWNEY SLOCK, Formerly Hotel Dcs Princes, IS THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN THE OITY. V. DOL, Proprietor. Dos Palmas Hotel & Corral, S. 3P. B. A FULL SUPPLY OF GRAIN ANDHAY Kept constantly on hand. nS-lm H. W. KLEIN. Nevada Poultry Market, Corner of Spring and First Sts., Keep constantly on hand FRESH BUT- TER, EGGS*, FISH, POULTRY, GAME of all kinds, HAM B ACON, LARD, CHEESE, COUN- TRY PRODUCE, ETC. n2g-lm J. H. ONBTOTT. Spring St. Poultry Market, 81 Spring St., between First and Second Streets, Keeps constantly on band a full supply of Came, Poultry. Eggs, Butter, Cheese, etc. A'so, FRESH FRUITS, nighest price paid for poultry, gams, eggs and butt.r. U5-1 m SC&UMACHEtt 4 BRUNP. KWONC H.NC * CO., .17 SPRING BT. CHINESE STORE. Chinese and Japanese Goods andToya. FRESH TEAS, ebeaoest and best l(n town. CIGARS ol the best brands. / Servants and hands of all kinds fiar- nlsbed. o3otf i ffAOOLS PLATED WATCHES. V 4 lv 'lie ShuWD w.rld. Buuplu S .v* !? r.\. «Jy aims. Adam., A. Comm. Co., CUmwA MISCELLANEtIUS. MERCHANT TAILOR. J. STR EL ITZ, Fashionble Merchant Tailor, "VT"- 12 TKM '''' E "lees, Spring street, XV Los Angeles. He has the LARGKIsT, KINKBT ANI" HEHTB'OCKKD TAIL, R- -ING BHTABLISHM ENT in Southern Call'oraia. Hu old customers and the Eubllo will Had it the place 10 get BEN i TYI.Ks and Xl I T! - G obtainable. NEWEST BROADCLOTHS, BEAVERS, DOESKINS, DIAGONALS, FANCY CASSIMEREri, VELVET <k SILK VELVETING, OoaataDilyon hand. Refers to the prin olpal aentlemen of the elty, lor whom ho has made clothing. ?ae-No necessity to send to San Fran- cisco fer good suing suits. dcc3o-tf MERCHANT TAILOR. When you wish to hay* elotbes made to order and a good 111, call on J. BKKNSTKIN, NEW YORK TAILOR, Mo. IMMAIN ST., Between First and Market, Los Angeles, and you will be sure to get a good St. at prloes to suit. al, ltf BANKING HOUSES. FARMERS' A MERCHANTS' satiUtSK Of Los Angeles. CAPITAL 800.000 OO Isaiam W. hkllman President _ Cashier BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Isa ias W. Hki.ljia.n, Bvesxs Krveh, 0. W. Child., L. C.Goodwim, Ohaklss DwoeaiiiDH, Jose Mascarki., Johh a. Oairrm, C. E. Thorn, Frank Leooovrsck. Kxohange for sale on NEW YORK, LONDON, DUB- LIN, FRANKFORT, PARIS, BERLIN and HAMBURG. Receive Deposits and Issue Their Certificates. Buy and Sail LEGAL TENDERS, GOVERN- MENT, STATE, COUNTY, ANDCITYBONDS. Will also pay the highest price for Gold and silver Bullion. From and after this dftte.on all moneys lei as Term Deposits, interest will be al- lowed. Commercial Bank Of Los Angeles. Authorized Capital 300,000 M.S. PATRICK President K. F. SPKNOK Cashte' MnECTORS. M. 8. Paxhiuk, s. It. Moir, A. A. Wilcox. H. Ma sear, H. M. JOBWSTON, I. LANKBHSSIM, O 8. Withkkby, Jwe. a. CarsoM, J. E, HOLLBK BECK, K. F. SpgMCE. This Bank is prepared to reoeivs de- posit, on open aeeeunt, issue Oertlflcatee nf Deposit, and transaot a general Bank- ing Business. Collections made aud proceeds remitted at cm runt rules oi exohange. LOS AN6ELES COUNTY BANK. MAIN .STRUET. Los Angeles ? Cal Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000 J. 8. BLAUMON President K. s. BAKBR Vloe-Presidenl J.M. ELLIOTT Cashier DIRECTORB. X, «. Bi.AesoN, P. BKAunar, V.A. UooVSIR, KOBKBT 8. BAKER, 1. Hi* BY, nm. W. PBBSeorr A. W. 8.,n MAN. i'.ccelve Sarlugs Rink dcpealta. nuy and sell eielmuge on Ban Frauelaeo. New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Frankfort. Buy exehangs on all pails of th. United States asid Europe. Receive saene.v on ep.n account and Cer- tificate of Deposit, and do a general banking and Open Saturdays rrom 63£ to Ir. v. FINE COTTAGE, Containing Sr. rooms, In the heart ofthe olty. Hpleudld vl.w and good locution. Asix mora dwelling house, in good lo- cation: to business portion ef the oily; lias Just been newly painted and unpeted. Apply to VV P. BEAUDRY, No. SI New nigh SL.opp. Pico House. BJOTI A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage! OfMASpHBI iOsltek W*ellT>>ii v. tl.'f Of \u25bc f.l t ~ lsnaaS4.fii.dJ T»4>«>*ks «W Witia^l.' f \u25a0 W f/.T J A **** »W msjml «v »)) 7lJ!rf}*l»**>nvtv?* Sl^iJo^yi* J * I'm SatU .kmmej, lawiM, or KWtt DiMWI, vmH Mm bMI itsWUs-e/aw. IS* Wrffspyf, pri?*<*t, ktm «T tti« TlMttiadLuiic*, CWUarrii.liuyiiira), atv 3mmm wrim Mota. MMffTsßsff ai»4 Marpnlß* h*MI ?bwluteljT SOCIETY NOTICES ( Masonic Notice. \ H l.o» tatYln ? «Mta-e Ao. _ * *? \u25a0>? tha staled meet?; JT ° r "><? Lodge art Held on \ /\ov\ first MONDAY ofeaoh montea ', x 7:*> p. M. Member, or Peata? pka. Ma. 309, and ill Matter Miwuil goad .landing an oor(tally Invited. » By order <if the W:- M:- \ i'ias. Smith. Secretary. '| ~ A FItSMIPBt l-OIXJK, I M, f- A.* M. The Mated meet J ln «" a of i his lAKige are held on />r\ the TBIHD MONDAY of each month, at I p. M. Uy order of the w;- M'- H. Hillp, Boa-y. L,i Angelas Chapter No. 33, R: \u25a0 «:? t Stated convocations on t MONDAY of eaoh month 7H p. a. at Masonic Hall.' Sojourning companions In good standing oordlally In. vlted. By order of i ? a O. FOY, H. P \u25a0W. H. A. Kino, Secretary. Lot Angalet Council No. 11, Royal Tnd I Select Mattart, F. *a. \u25a0~ i Holds Us stated assemblies on the 4th Mandiiy of each month at Masonic Ball at 7iSO p. h Sojourning Companions In food atandlag ar- fraternally Invited to »"«n*. By order oftke Th;. m: R. O. CUNNINGHAM, Baoorder. %f KNIgHT » TEMPLAR ljosr Qmur DeLianCainßtßaaorjNa. Holds lis stated conalaves at the Asy- I turn in Mssonle Hall, on tha TfcXd THURSDAY oi ea h month, at 71?o'alaJk r. si. Sojourning Knights Templar In food standing are cordially Invited to at- tend. By order of the _ _ _ \u25a0;. o:- J. O. LITTLBPIKaB, Recorder. I. O. O. F. .vitt**.:*. An»ellto ILwlajo Mo. Its, ftPSHe I.l>. o. 1.-Regular ineetlac, this Lodge are held every ? MONDAYev.nln»at So'clott * t , od * Fslo*s' Hall, Downey JblowT. Visiting and sojourning brother! In (sod standing are invited to attend. M. I.EH MAN. N. fl. A. M. Lawbbscb, Reo. see. Golden Rale UdftXa I 80, a. 0.0.r. ?faJßS'l'l Regular met tine held on dggHfeKKiDAY EVEN INO ef each °eojHH*w.ek at ? colook. Sojourn- ,, ~'»» brethren in good standing are cordially mv led By order. » _ J. R. ALLEN. N. a J. B. SMITH,Recording Se^y. '?o« Angele. J.od fc . Ho. M, I. o. o. Y. 11 we,, « "i 7S o'elooi. Ho- . , lournlng brethren In good . standing are cordially lavlted. , ?_ J. W. BARD, N. O. A. Fkanst, K. 8. «? 9ran,e Grove Encampment, No. aTTTTo. . 0. F. ' jaflHaass. RK'iULAR MEETINGS held Ml fm»" the Second smd Feartn WW TUESDAYS of each month at ""' p. m. sojourning Palrt- arehs In good .landing are cordially Invi- ted to attend. ta ? c - 0. LIFB,O. P. B. Maiixskm, Sorlbe. » Knights of Pythias. OLIVE LODGE, No. 2v, meets every avenlnTit 7 o'clock, at the r«.tle-Han. Downer Blook. til sojourning ii..,«, 7.,« in good standing are \u25a0?lrdlalir Invited. H. 8. RUSSELL, O. C. \u25a0i. a. tarn, K. of R. a. Confidence Engine Csmpany N«. 2 « REGULAR MEETINGS ol fmU thl * Company will take place y-tatSL on tbe oihi NV.dnesd.y eve- tUMH. nlag of each month, at 8 edjaSuX o'clock. By order, ' W. B. MOORE. Secretary. C. P. HEINZEMAN * CO., Sueoeisors to J. B. MAUNDERS A no DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, 7C Main Street*. LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, * the PUREST L3UUB and PATENT MKDI. lines of all kinds, awr Prescriptions care- luliycompounded day and night. no2-tf-S FRENCH DRUG STORE! V. CHEVALIER'S ZDZR/TTC3- STOI2/E1 Has been removed from muNOKET'i BLOCK to Cardona Block, 118 Main St., Opposite the Mariposa Store. FRENCH AND HIUKR FOREIGN PATENT MEDIO Nt.M. PERFUMERY, BRUSHES AND ALL TOILETTE ARTICLES. o»rPrescriptions prepared with great i arto. EVERGREEN CEMETERY. The proprietors of the alove Ctrnelery offer lot. for the next NINETY DAYS al MALE PRICE and on EASY MONTH LV PAYMENTS. SPECIAL AItRANOEMBN . S will be made with those wishing to transfer Mend, from other oometeries to Bver- green Cemetery, at NOMINAL PRICES, It application is made immediately. For further Information apply to ISAAC W. LORD, Secretary, oltf 81 and M Main si., i .s Angeiee.Cal FOR SJLUEi. '~ I offer my plao*. Ihree-qn.rteis af a mile from Dowuey City, on ih. Wilnaiag- toa road, adjoining the College; at a bar- gain. It comprises TWENTY ACRES, of which ar. tr, fralt, of cuau.* varieties. Tb.r. a;e ettht .ere. of eat grapes. Cnmtoriable hoa.e ea «V> - prsmisee. I/3W PRICE a REASON A \u25a0Ur« r taeturar, w X with sn araer lmnaedUae Tnq'iiiy can be mads \u25a0 - (teslicd. with lb. II liu?' ir. ornvr of Beoond rll iiSj S>S<* Mreets \1 *t

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Post on 16-Oct-2020




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Page 1: REALESTATE Fashionble Merchant '''' Tailor,€¦ · ural Evergreen Pastures, Suit-able for Dairying. water Is abundant at an average 'xfeet from the surface. On al-acre of this land

Los Angeles Daily Herald.


fiuswsisTan I'swhik ??\u25a0tat,

Mojave, Jan. I.?Sir Latlirop,;Mr fcjtarato, Mr Mongols, OTab Walls)], J Jovine, E Jones, MissEdwards.

.'tin <l-'red Uy Jlouiltiiius.

San Francisco, J«n. 2.?JamesLyon was inind< red by younghoodlums, at the corner of Filthand Tehama streets, while return-ing from eliurch service yesterday!tin mini;. The circumstances lead-ling to tho murder are unknown.Two young men have been arrestedon suspicion.

rllitusTe. la sue Hilar.

San Francisco, Jan. 2.? Tho'changes noted at the Mint are TorIthe purpose of effecting a reductionof the force in accordance with thenew rules of civil service. T. 11. O.Robert ion is made Chief Clerk,vice Frank Gross, removed. Grosstakes a position as First Book-keeper, vico Uiusou, resigned.

N.w IT<.i«ra lit New York.New York, Jan. 2.?New

Years was observed here in theusual manner, but more quietlythan it has generally beon hereto-fore. Very fey disturbances fol-lowed an almost universal indul-gence in conviviality.

flevrenaa In Ilia Public Drbl.Washington, Jan. 2 ?1 he pub-

liu debt statement for Decembershows a decrease in the debt lastmonth of $77,623. This is the firstdecrease of the debt in Decembersince 1803.

!;..\u25a0\u25a0;< BroUtn nt up: iukAVI.I, Itlltvol..

Springfield, Jan. 2.?That ex-tensive banking house of JacobHimm, of this city, has made anassignment. Mr. Drunii lias longbeen known as one of the heaviestand strongest bankers in the State.The assignment was made to theHon. C. C. Brown, of Springfield,to whom Brunn gives up every-Ihing, his wile Joining him in theassignment. The liabilities aresaid to reach about $800,000; assetssufficient to pay every thing if timeIIallowed and property not sacri-ficed. The Immediate causes offail-ure was the unproductive real es-tate which the bank hail, togetherwith the heavy line of savings de-posits lately withdiawn.S tic Win- A«> uuili'sr ft kill) GruVer


London, Jan. Ud.?The giavityof the political situation is »urli aslo make the newt from the battle-field ofsecondary importance Itisknown not only that Russia hasdeclined Eng and's offerto mediate,hut every notion points to au ex-pected continuance of tlie war on ituraiid Fcale. A British CabinetCouncil willbo hehl this eveningto discuss the situation.

Tr.-K.tlesj| mi KiiclAiKt**111...London, Jan. 2.?There is great

excitement hero to-day, caused by-news just received from Crete thata number of Christum families yes-terday attempted to enter Retimo,a small town on the north coast,liut were prevented by the Turkishpopulace, who assaulted them,men, women anil children. Afterdriving the Christian! back, theTurks closed the gates of the townand tlieu turned upon the BritishVice Consul, threatening his lifeand pursuing him with knives un-til he found trieiitily shelter in thehouse of a brother Consul. Turk-ish soldiers quietly stood by duringthese outrages, uot once attempt-ing lo stop the disturbances. TheBritish iron clad Uupert arrived atAthens yesterday auti sailed lastnight fur Betimo. It is believedhere that England will take tem-porary possession of tl)B Island,with a view to preventing a reieti-tion of these outrages.

Uualtsll O.i-l,> oi War \u25a0.«,,!

111 pluiunc J,

London, Jan. 2.?The war partywill endeavor to make the most ofRussia's refusal to accept media-tion. The anti-war party is be-ginning to agitate the country forthe purpose of checking the sup-posed aggressive tendency of theCabinet. It was reported in Lou-don last night that the King ofItaly, in addressing the membersof the Italian Parliament at theNew Yrai's reception, made athreatening speech which wus in-terpreted here us* directed againstTurkey or Englaud. The limea'sHome special merely says: "TheKing alluded to the gravity of thepresent state of Europe and ex-pressed his earnest desire to con-tribute to peace. He recommendedconcord." Another Botue dispatchsays: "The King recommended theDeputies to preserve concord andexpressod his hopes that theywould take care that the nrmywanted for nothing, as he saw astormy horizon around and itmight be necessary fur Italy,which is desirous for peace, tomake hsrself not only respectedbut feared, in case any powershould wish to consult its own in-terests alone "

sfoji merles gcrald.ui>ii«!ifd five. > morning ?XMpt Mon-

day. \u25a0


TERMS FOR DAILY HERALD::r iiinum, by mall orexpresw tfl"

\u25a0iit months " " **.'Dree months " " « 8>"Hver*d by carriers, per week, 2j MOti

VJSANGELES WEEKLY HERALDli- i>ubllshed every Snturdu*- mnruing

TURMS.»».syear,by malt '.;.»)>..(MX-Mt months, " H *' " ...I >t. lire* '? " " " " -1 W-

\dveitisHineuts Inserted at reaaonablo\u25a0 lea.

vt! Kl.iJs at Job-Work dOtse to

' rj.pete with Nns> Fr»nels«o Inprlceitttrle, n«<l Eleaisuee ol Work.ixHiiublp.



Howard, Brossean & Hoivard,


ple Block, third floor, !»>» Angele*.lebStf


OFFICE ? Roms 8 aud 9 DowneyBlock. laHl-tf

S. C HUBBRLL. ROTINEY HUDSON,1 latrlct Attorney.


Ducommun a BlocU, corner Main ACommercial BtreetH, Los Angeles. may7-tf

..OLASSmX. O. 11. smithA. H. COAHAS, U. It. SMITH


"KFICE?TEMPLE liLlICS up-stalr», LosVugalae, California. oc2-tf?S





Bicknell & White,ATTORNEYS AT L.A.VV.

OFFICE?Room M, Temple Uiock.sun if


OFFICE ? Nos. 10 and 11, HI UELI J'ZHillI.DIM*,Spring street.

PKRRIE KEWKN pooupy rooms, conducting a Real EstateAgency, together with the tm.-lness ofloaning money and the col lection cfbills.



L* M'("JIM XX, M. D.

& McUuire,T. S. Stan way,)ver Hotter &Hrnd-

strest, at the tootstt-lm

HARDSON,«i i^»ii-f£*M>llOfflcie.No. 13 How.

leyBlook,up stairs.


ey Aveuue. East'u.i of streot ruli-

-12 A. m. | from 1 toaptw tf

;, m. d.

IA BLOCK, LOSly opposite Court

? 1 . 11.11 Aauls

1 ITALIANIN-ich M. B. Hocle-ICh Hospital In;onlo obituiHLL-the eyej attend

-amento street,Unce?sJE. coreett, San Frau-

oc3 ly


and RpaclnuiLrdon* Block,cupled by Dr.

i happy to act*?one. tg f

tanchos,? Trustee,

tneiscv, <w« | 4 11 W \u25a0 ACRES OF LAND FOUO UjUV/Usals, in lota to suit, suit-»»)le for th* culture of Oranges, Lemons,' <ms*,Figs, Almonds, Walnut*, Peachet,,

apis*, Fears. Alfalfa, Corn, Hys, liarley,ax, fUmli,Cotton, etc, and alvo munyusand acre* of

ural Evergreen Pastures, Suit-able for Dairying.

water Is abundant at an average'x feet from the surface. On al-acre of this land FLOWING

ki.i.s can be obtained, andated portions can be lrrl-iteroftlte Santa Ana river,land, am natuially moist.Tood cultivation to produce

fourth Ca?h; balance inirt*o yeats, with 10 percent

pleumro in showing thoselies soaking land, who are

come and *<es this extensivea purchasing eliewbere.Wif.R. OLDEN, Agent.

»Ibb, Los Aagelei ooanty, Dec. 24,

HTOKIAN HOME,ornsr of Spring and g.reo'u streets.

"re ai.d sunny room to letmi rt as'?-ms. Board, f per week.

? water diet, as someb- slate food, with the

ion at nrlt-olasi pri-se,..4 E. I. RICK,Prop's.

At heme. Agents wanted,.and tarma free. TRUE at

a.Malne. niarlldAwlr


I litive removed m> oQleO lo


Adjoining tbe new l'ostofHee.

J.\ X>. MOTT.d23-lm

I nlAtCHnftk \ Uxlhlb* pi***?/ all atkara. T>«7 m

I "illfe?. v...... i v u.i

TftaM M.IK. hj \u25a0uL lob. aM Prut..* -..)

tblo* la ItMMIMtoth. .""I'- MiNCF.KTI'EIiR »f tlx ?«\u25a0> i«f\j

"K/INDIM UTHO»«l'« " M Mkn f-< Immtm. ''????».\u25a0» ffliirl,"fit. BTro«.oye» mailed fur ttw»u

Satupl. Chart. St of p-«Uira.r.l fct milp*rwi.l*r* > 8,-itax irriofaaaani. Mtytt *»4 «aa fiiraiak prof iptlr aa< irti-.iiwntad bt imu or miom-1, rf AMrrtoa or Fotvlrti ra .l.0. U. BftYAKT. Sola MmuMumi. KB W«*la«M It.. V-.11-,


For Sale Cheap.

A Cottage and Lot on HillSt., Near First,

Commanding a view of the ocean andvalley. The under* jrned will dispo-s ofthe »OY« property, with a view in Im-prove and build on tb« adjoining lotf.

Applyto M. KKLLEHBR,I'ltyHurvevor.

Office-No. I Temple str et. d'27 ti


The bent piece of land In Indiana Col-ony (P«ts:idena,) containing

30 ACRES,One half Improve I. Will sell one- otirth,uno-hall.or (he whole.

For Terms euquire of

I. N. MUNDELL,On the premises, Thayer & Graham, No.£9BprliM street, or A. Eldred, comer ofFifth and Uliari.y stnstHs, Los Angules.



Near Orange and Santa Ana,Which wore heretofore r*serv*d by Qlas-sell A Chapman, are bow ottered for saleorrent. Ssß-UAILKOAD DEPOT VERYCONVENIENT.

Apoly toCAFT.GLASSELL.In T.mpleBlock. Lo» ,\njtl«», or M, F. fAKKbK,orange, distr


CANDYTOYS for CHRISTMASAnd a fine assortment of CANDIES

always ud baud

Tae best COUQH SYRUP yet Intro-duced to tUe people of Ibis vielnfty,made by the subscriber, oau also be ob-tained, a*. No. 64 HHKI.NO ST., nextdoor Bouth or N<-w ' idd Fellows' Hull andPosiortlce, Loi Angeles, Cal.

diO-lin MRS. FRYE.


CUITTARD'SACME COFFEEFor a trial, and we let the consumers b.

tho ludgesof Its merits.

nwAlso, importers and manufacturersof Splees, chocolates. Teas, Cream Tar>tar, Soda, Halmtn uud Infallible YeastPowder.



ALFRED MOORE,( ram St. Paul, Minnesota,) is now to be

found at

126 Main Street,Next the Ma hie Y*rd. <S>ttd along yourKnrnitu ru, toVfS, Bed lin*. Horses Bug-

Wagons an t uMiermurchamJise youmay tiav<- to dispose of. Auction everySaturday moi nlng al 11 o'clock ireflse-iv. Kt-al Estate vales also attended to.




Jewelry and Silverware,Has this day received, direct ftMB themanufacturers, a large and clime- selec-tion of the above goods, expressly de-signed for the

HOLIDAY TRADE.Bole agents for Lazarus & Morris' f»ele- <united Verrtcted spectacles and Eye-

Q lasses.Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired

at short notice and warranted to givesatisfaction.

AllKinds of EngravingExecuted with neatness aud dispatch.

asroira me a call before purchasingelsewhere. dlO-lm


For the Holidays!SAM MEYER,

Having Just returned from San Francis-no with a magnificent stock ol goods, Isnow prepared to offor th. BEST BAR-GAINS ever obtained In this olty, con-sisting of


And a full line of sets of every descrip-tion. Also, a full line of TABLE CUT-LBItYfrom the best Eastern niauuiac-turers.

The Old Pioneer Store,dl» No. T COMMERCIAL ST.

Land for Sale.


i 60 Acres ofFire Farm* ~Land,

On IheOld LosNietoa ro-t<l, adjoin-ing the oily limits, for st>le.

Applyto T. 1).MOTT,

i!27 lln Room 10. Motl's Building.



Has received a shipment of H. * H. W.(IATHKRWOOD'H PHILAB E LPHIABOURBON WHISKY from their agentsDICKSON, DeWOLF Jt Co., San Franols-oo. I can recommend this Whisky topurchasers desiring to buy by th. bottleor gallon. d2lm

!Wyn||l|> u \u25a0*»?<««« />~. lor t.rms >d-





?OF ?


On account of departure for Europe, I willsell at Public Auction,

Tuesday, lanuary Bth, 1878,

At 10 o'Clock,

The well-known property on Olive streetoornerorBth, near the new School House,wltKlu two blocks ofthe two Horse Kail-roads, consisting as follows:


Five Room Cottages,With markble mantles, and gardens

tastefully embsllishel with trees andflowers.

BUILDING LOTS,With paiuteil pijkot fences.

One extra valuable

OOniVHR. LOTSuitable for a Store.


Without Reserve.

Ti'RVlS?One-Half Cash, BalanceIn 1 year, at 12 per cent.

Liberal Discounts.orail Cash.

The Property can bo seen previous to llio

Sale, by culling at


L. STARBUCK.d2S-t1 E. W. NOYES.Auctioneer

Montana Meat Market.FUOBLINO Xli&FRANK, fsf&

The best and tenderer MeaUA££/Jtti the market. None but the SSBSPar'rlmost Seef and Mutton

ever to be found. Note the address?Mon-tana Meat Market, Main Street, nearFirst, Los *.acele*



Has returned from the East with afloe lot of


B*rHe is in the Musio ftore of J. D.Patrick, a BPKINU STREET. nlgtf

Dt*. Mtoinliuriis

ESSENCE OF LIFET8 A POWERFUL AND EFFICIENTX reasedy for the cure of nervous andphysical debility,spermatorrhea,senaiualweakness asd premature decline.

The Essence of LifeIs the only safe and sure remedy and willrestore exhausted vitality without fall,rtarmauently and effectually, no mutterrom what cause or ofhow long standing.

The Essence of LifeIs pleasant to take, and is free from allnoxious drugs; itgives tone to the diges-tive orgain, strength to tha nerves, aadpurllesaad anrlobes the blood, therebyeradicating all morbid eruptions of theskin.

Price, S3 per battle, or four times thequantity in oase, fit, with full directionslor use. Sent t*any address, secure fromobservation, upan receipt of price, whlehmay be sent byaxpress, registered letter,or PostoOlce money order, or C. O. D.within 4So miles of Han Franoisoe.

References of the highest standing andunquestionable verao y from personstbat have been cured. 5< be bad only atDA. S. KINHART'S, 42*- KEARNY ST.,Ban Franetsco. Cal.. * here all lettersshould be addressed.}«i . .\u25a0- hours from IA*. . to 4r. ir. and 6. > 8 P. v. marlB-3p-lyr


tins reinnv.-J i « .« 12lMar. ..,

No. 20 Commercial, opposite Wil-mington Street,

Where he willcontinue bis old business.

aarTIN WORK of .very descriptionpromptly attended 10. n4-im

Livery Business For Sale.


The Fashion Stables,Bmbraclng everything required In a firstclass stable, Is off-red for sale on reason-able terms. Vbis i- a rare opportunity tofnvett Inn well e«tablish;d livery busl-

: Hess, with a liberal patronage.I SUM MACS', WILStIN A CO.


W. 11. NORTHCRAFT,(Successor Emerson, formerly

the House of Jones «fc Kmurson t

AUCTION &COMMISSION MERCHANT,Cornerlspring and Market .sts.

Regular stile day, SATUItDAYat li ak, Keal (-'state, Merchandise, rurnitui>*,Livestock, Viigtma, etc., sold under thobait tnar. and the sxle* conducted <>n thebe t business principles, awi ONSION-MKNIS O LICITED. BMU


lE. "W. ITOYESHas opened out at No. 1 MAItKKTST.,opposite the Court House, and will hepleased to Nerve his o d frl nds and thepublic. Particular attention puld to KealEstate sales. Kegular sale days forHorses aud roll lugstock,

WEDNESDA Yri &SATURDAYS.As I have no partners aud do my own

work, I intend |v make my cuartres lesstii in those ofaus body else In the busi-ness, charging on real estate two percc l. for tne Brat $1000 and one percent,on all sums above tuat iiuount.

Will bay FUKNI I'URE, HORSER.WAGONS uud alt kinds uf property, andpay cash.

N. U.?Saturday's sales commence at 10a. m. and close at 4 l*. X.E. W. HOTA4,

Oldest Auctioneer in Southern Oalirornla.n«SI

apple" trees.


Iam prepare l to sell, at unprecedent-edly low figures, elirhty thousand appletree-*, of the most approved varieties.Those who prop )se to set out orchardswould do well to call and examine mystoik. I iimal-o prepared to sell PEAKand other orchard trees, on favorableterms My mlect lv sacrificing theietrees is to retlro from tho nursery busl-

G. D. COMPTON,COHPTON, Los Angelas Co., if


Liiimber Dcalei"

Cernsir Alameda and First Streets.






Lumber Dealers.CORNER OF

Alameda and First StreetsDKALKRS IN





Perry, Woodworth ft Co.'sLOMUEB YARDS

-AMD ?

PLANING MILLS,No. IH Couiinorelal etreot, near

Railroad l>ei>o(. mrCO-tr?

Garcia & Arzaca,26 New Commercial St.,

Tin Smiths and GeneralJobbing.

TIN ROOFINO, LARD. HONEY ANDFRUIT ClNsa specially. Oas fittingaid plumbingIn all its branches.

?VJORRINO promptly attended to.d4lm


The great English remedy forNervousDebility, Spermatorrhea and PrematureDecllno ofPhysical Force.

Tho Vital RestorativeWIH positively cure, thorouarblr mn*>permanently, any case of KXH A. US FEDVITALITYor Nervous Debility, eitheracute or of long standing, and in either?ex, no matter from what cause pro-duced.

The Vital RestorativeIs a thoroughly sclentlflo prescription, Isnot a quack nostrum, hence pcnectlysafe to take; is pleasant to the taste,supplies to the cerebro-splnal and sym-pathetic system ofnerves new force,

Purifies and EnrichesThe bloo l. rejuvenating and roinvlgorat-lng both mtml and body. Thousands,both In this country and In Europe, cantestify to the groat restorativo propertiesof this really grewt medicine.

Price, S3 per bottle, or four times thoquantity for $10. Kent to any address se-cure Iron observation.

Address all letters toA. E. MINTIE, M. D. t

(Graduate of the University of Pennsyl-vania and !ato Kesideut Surgeon to theOrthopaedic Hospital of Philadel-phia,)

No. U« '.. -..cry St., San Francisco,Solo Agent.

P. 8.-DII. MINTII.', can be consultedin reference to the abuvec&rnp.amts dur-lutr office hours from 9 a. m. to3r. v.daily,and from A lo 8 In the evening.Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 r. v. Consultatlo DFKKK. Thorough examination and ad-vice, 15. Full directions and advice free'wlt.iievery puckage of medicine, iylWtf



AtCAMPBELL <fc WAKELY'S LiveryStable, 47 Aliao street. Also,a two seatedCABRt -v'M for .ale or trade for top-buguy orfeed. dl» lm

/XlAAA\u25a0alary, ''"".""s w?.119 | llilII », G00d.,.rlh, I /1111 ao.i.r.. tiponsec Ad#ri \u25a0 Fill|| dre..R.A b HAM' d CO. N*.1,V*H W W ~ CI 4 8B?? BU. ClMlsaMt?*





rtooßM 13 and U. MoDonald Block,

Main St., LOS ANGELES, Cal.sepia 1/

Jolm E. Jackson,


Room 41 Temple Block. slStf

Wm. 11. J. BROOKS,

Searcher of Records andExaminer of Titles.

ABSTACTS OF TITLE,Including everytransaction from the earliest dales to the

present time, made with accuracy anddispatch.

OVALLEX'3BUIDING, corner Springand Temple streets.


VEYANCEROFPICE-Temple Block (part ofold BankBuilding).

Commissioner ofDeeds for the State ofIndiana. film


K. S. BICKHEXL. P. B. F.Hint n Alt.


Adjoining tho Union Depot.

Convenient to all trains arriving or de-parting from Los Angeles. Street cars toail parts of the city. Everything nowand clean. Board by the day oi week atreasonable rates. u24tf


S. W. CRAIQUE&CO..Proprietors.

The St. Charles is located In the busi-ness centre *j1 the elty.aad is the largest,most elegant aud completely organizedHotel la Southern California.

Free coach to the house.

J. A. SORBON, Manager.orWeitom Union Telegraph In Hetel

office. Jylltf

MOJAVE HOTEL,Mojavo Juno t lon, Cul.

npnis house im now pkparrbX to rooeive Its numerous patronsJb£Laud the traveling public lv general. IVo-tng entirely bow and spleudldly tur-nlfihed, It a fjords superior accommoda-tions.

ITS TABLE D' HOTfiIs second to none in Southern California

THE BAR is supplied withtho eholeestbrands of wiuej*;,liquors t»nd cigars.

An elegant BILLIARD ROOM. Is alsoattached to the house.All trains stop here for breakfast and

supper, it is the point, of departure forthe celebrated Inyo county mines, vis.?Darwin, Lone Pine, Cerro Uordo and Pan-iniiut. Theofliceof the

LONE STAGE CO.Is at this hotel, The patronage of atraveling publlo N respectfully solicited.

UATTUEIVS 4 BOYD,feai-tf Proprietors.


Commercial RestaurantDOWNEY SLOCK,

Formerly Hotel Dcs Princes,



V. DOL, Proprietor.

Dos Palmas Hotel & Corral,

S. 3P. B.

A FULLSUPPLY OF GRAIN ANDHAYKept constantly on hand.

nS-lm H. W. KLEIN.

Nevada Poultry Market,Corner of Spring and First Sts.,

Keep constantly on hand FRESH BUT-TER, EGGS*, FISH, POULTRY,

GAME of all kinds,


n2g-lm J. H. ONBTOTT.

Spring St. Poultry Market,81 Spring St., between First and

Second Streets,Keeps constantly on band a fullsupply of

Came, Poultry. Eggs,Butter, Cheese, etc.

A'so, FRESH FRUITS, nighest pricepaid for poultry, gams, eggs and butt.r.




Chinese and Japanese Goods andToya.FRESH TEAS, ebeaoest and best l(ntown. CIGARS ol the best brands. /

Servants and hands of all kinds fiar-nlsbed. o3otf i

ffAOOLS PLATED WATCHES.V 4 lv 'lie ShuWD w.rld. Buuplu S .v*!? r.\.«Jy aims. Adam., A. Comm. Co., CUmwA



Fashionble Merchant Tailor,"VT"- 12 TKM ''''E "lees, Spring street,XV Los Angeles. He has the LARGKIsT,KINKBTANI"HEHTB'OCKKD TAIL, R--ING BHTABLISHMENT in SouthernCall'oraia. Hu old customers and the

Eubllo will Had it the place 10 get BEN iTYI.Ks and Xl I T!-G obtainable.NEWEST BROADCLOTHS,



VELVET <k SILK VELVETING,OoaataDilyon hand. Refers to the prinolpal aentlemen of the elty, lor whom hohas made clothing.

?ae-No necessity to send to San Fran-cisco fer good suing suits. dcc3o-tf

MERCHANT TAILOR.When you wish to hay* elotbes made

to order and a good 111, call onJ. BKKNSTKIN, NEW YORK TAILOR,

Mo. IMMAINST.,Between First and Market, Los Angeles,and you will be sure to get a good St. atprloes to suit. al, ltf




Of Los Angeles.

CAPITAL 800.000 OO

Isaiam W. hkllman President_Cashier

BOARD OF DIRECTORS.Isa ias W. Hki.ljia.n, Bvesxs Krveh,0. W. Child., L. C.Goodwim,Ohaklss DwoeaiiiDH, Jose Mascarki.,Johh a. Oairrm, C. E. Thorn,

Frank Leooovrsck.

Kxohange for sale on



Receive Deposits and Issue TheirCertificates.

Buy and Sail



Will also pay the highest price for Goldand silver Bullion.

From and after this dftte.on all moneyslei as Term Deposits, interest will be al-lowed.

Commercial Bank

Of Los Angeles.

Authorized Capital 300,000

M.S. PATRICK President

K. F. SPKNOK Cashte'


M. 8. Paxhiuk, s. It. Moir,A. A. Wilcox. H. Ma sear,H. M. JOBWSTON, I. LANKBHSSIM,O 8. Withkkby, Jwe. a. CarsoM,J. E, HOLLBKBECK, K. F. SpgMCE.

This Bank is prepared to reoeivs de-posit, on open aeeeunt, issue Oertlflcateenf Deposit, and transaot a general Bank-ing Business.

Collections made aud proceeds remittedat cm runt rules oi exohange.


Los Angeles ? Cal

Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000

J. 8. BLAUMON PresidentK. s. BAKBR Vloe-PresidenlJ.M. ELLIOTT Cashier

DIRECTORB.X, «. Bi.AesoN, P. BKAunar,V.A. UooVSIR, KOBKBT 8. BAKER,1. Hi*BY, nm. W. PBBSeorr

A. W. 8.,n MAN.

i'.ccelve Sarlugs Rink dcpealta.nuy and sell eielmuge on Ban Frauelaeo.

New York, London, Paris, Berlin andFrankfort.

Buy exehangs on all pails of th. UnitedStates asid Europe.

Receive saene.v on ep.n account and Cer-tificate of Deposit, and do a generalbanking and

Open Saturdays rrom 63£ to Ir. v.

FINE COTTAGE,Containing Sr. rooms, In the heart oftheolty. Hpleudld vl.w and good locution.

Asix mora dwelling house, in good lo-cation: to business portion ef theoily; lias Just been newly painted andunpeted. ApplytoV V P. BEAUDRY,

No. SI New nigh SL.opp. Pico House.BJOTI

A PHYSIOLOGICALView of Marriage!OfMASpHBI iOsltek W*ellT>>ii'fOf \u25bc lsnaaS4.fii.dJ T»4>«>*ks «W

Witia^l.'f \u25a0 W f/.TJ A ****»W msjml

«v »)) 7lJ!rf}*l»**>nvtv?*Sl^iJo^yi*J *I'm SatU.kmmej, lawiM,orKWtt DiMWI, vmH Mm bMIitsWUs-e/aw. IS* Wrffspyf, pri?*<*t,

ktm «T tti«TlMttiadLuiic*,CWUarrii.liuyiiira),atv3mmm wrim Mota.

MMffTsßsffai»4 Marpnlß* h*MI ?bwluteljT

SOCIETY NOTICES (Masonic Notice. \

H l.o» tatYln ? «Mta-e Ao._* *? \u25a0>? tha staled meet?;

JT °r "><? Lodge art Held on \/\ov\ first MONDAY ofeaoh montea', x 7:*> p. M. Member, or Peata?pka. Ma. 309, and ill Matter Miwuilgoad .landing an oor(tally Invited. »By order <if the W:- M:- \i'ias. Smith. Secretary. '|~A FItSMIPBt l-OIXJK, I

M, f- A.* M. The Mated meet Jln«"a of i his lAKige are held on/>r\ the TBIHD MONDAYof each

month, at I p. M.Uyorder of the w;- M'-

H. Hillp,Boa-y.L,i Angelas Chapter No. 33, R: \u25a0


tStated convocations on tMONDAYof eaoh month7H p. a. at Masonic Hall.'Sojourning companions Ingood standing oordlally In.vlted. By order of i

?a O. FOY, H. P\u25a0W. H. A. Kino,


Lot Angalet Council No. 11, Royal Tnd ISelect Mattart, F. *a. \u25a0~ i

Holds Us stated assemblies on the 4thMandiiy of each month at Masonic Ballat 7iSO p. h Sojourning Companions Infood atandlag ar- fraternally Invited to»"«n*. By order oftke Th;. m:

R. O. CUNNINGHAM,Baoorder.

%fKNIgHT» TEMPLARljosr Qmur DeLianCainßtßaaorjNa.

Holds lis stated conalaves at the Asy- Iturn in Mssonle Hall, on tha TfcXdTHURSDAYoi ea h month, at 71?o'alaJkr. si. Sojourning Knights Templar Infood standing are cordially Invited to at-tend. By order of the_ _ _\u25a0;. o:-J. O. LITTLBPIKaB, Recorder.

I. O. O. F..vitt**.:*. An»ellto ILwlajo Mo. Its,

ftPSHe I.l>. o. 1.-Regular ineetlac,this Lodge are held every

? MONDAYev.nln»at So'clott*t,od* Fslo*s' Hall, Downey JblowT.Visiting and sojourning brother! In (sodstanding are invited to attend.

M. I.EH MAN. N. fl.A. M. Lawbbscb, Reo. see.Golden Rale UdftXa I80, a. 0.0.r.

?faJßS'l'l Regular met tine held ondggHfeKKiDAY EVEN INO ef each°eojHH*w.ek at ? colook. Sojourn-,,~'»»

brethren in good standingare cordially mv led Byorder.


_J. R. ALLEN. N. aJ. B. SMITH,Recording Se^y.

'?o« Angele. J.od fc .Ho. M,I. o. o. Y.

11 we,,« "i7S o'elooi. Ho-. , lournlng brethren In good .standing are cordially lavlted., ?_ J. W. BARD, N. O.A. Fkanst, K. 8. «?

9ran,e Grove Encampment, No. aTTTTo. .0. F. 'jaflHaass. RK'iULAR MEETINGS held

Ml fm»" the Second smd FeartnWW TUESDAYS of each month at""' p. m. sojourning Palrt-arehs Ingood .landing are cordially Invi-ted to attend.

ta ?c- 0. LIFB,O. P.B. Maiixskm, Sorlbe.

» Knights of Pythias.

OLIVE LODGE, No. 2v,meets every avenlnTit7 o'clock, at the r«.tle-Han.Downer Blook. til sojourning ii..,«, 7.,«in good standing are \u25a0?lrdlalir Invited.

H. 8. RUSSELL, O. C.\u25a0i. a. tarn, K. of R. a.Confidence Engine Csmpany N«. 2

« REGULAR MEETINGS olfmU thl*Company will take placey-tatSL on tbe oihi NV.dnesd.y eve-

tUMH. nlag of each month, at 8edjaSuX o'clock. By order,

' W. B. MOORE. Secretary.

C. P. HEINZEMAN *CO.,Sueoeisors to J. B. MAUNDERS A no





lines of all kinds, awr Prescriptions care-luliycompounded day and night. no2-tf-S


V. CHEVALIER'SZDZR/TTC3- STOI2/E1Has been removed from muNOKET'i


Cardona Block, 118 Main St.,Opposite the Mariposa Store.



o»rPrescriptions prepared with great iarto.


The proprietors of the alove Ctrneleryoffer lot. for the next



SPECIAL AItRANOEMBN . S will bemade with those wishing to transferMend, from other oometeries to Bver-green Cemetery, at NOMINALPRICES,It application is made immediately.

For further Information apply toISAAC W. LORD, Secretary,

oltf 81 and M Main si., i .s Angeiee.Cal


I offer my plao*. Ihree-qn.rteis af amile from Dowuey City, on ih. Wilnaiag-toa road, adjoining the College; at a bar-gain. It comprises

TWENTY ACRES, of which ar. tr, fralt, of cuau.*varieties. Tb.r. a;e ettht .ere. ofeat grapes. Cnmtoriable hoa.e ea «V> -prsmisee.

I/3W PRICE a REASON A\u25a0Ur« r taeturar,w X with sn araer

lmnaedUae Tnq'iiiy can be mads \u25a0 -(teslicd. with lb. II liu?' ir. ornvr of BeoondrlliiSj S>S<* Mreets \1 *t