real-time finite-temperature evolution equation for the higgs field in an expanding universe

PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 36, NUMBER 8 15 OCTOBER 1987 Real-time finite-temperature evolution equation for the Higgs field in an expanding universe A. Ringwald Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Heidelberg, 0-6900 Heidelberg, West Germany (Received 14 May 1987) We display the renormalized one-loop evolution equation for the expectation value d, L (d )T of the field operator cb in a hd4 theory in spatially flat Robertson-Walker space-times, subject to the initial condition that the system was in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T at some initial time. In this note we discuss the problem of renormalization of the one-loop evolution equation for the Higgs field 4, = (4) in a spatially flat Robertson-Walker (RW) universe. This equation determines the dynamics of the order parameter 4, during a phase transition in the early Universe; in particular, it is needed in models of new inflation.'-3 We extend the work of Semenoff and ~eiss,~ who represented the formal unrenormalized one- loop evolution equation derived under the assumption that at some early time to [earlier than the grand- unified-theory (GUT) transition] the quantum part of the system is in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T_D-' > TZyT and the further evolution is determined by the quantum equations of motion. In Ref. 4 the problem of renormalization was left open for the case of nonadiabatically varying background fields which will be treated in this paper. For definiteness we consider a hd4 theory in a spatially flat RW space-time, given by the action In (7) we have introduced renormalized parameters and counterterms of one-loop order by the replacements m 2=mr2+~m ', . . . in order to cancel the divergences in the last term in (7), the one-loop contribution. As usual the counterterms have to be fixed by renormaliza- tion conditions. Introducing the conformal time r and the conformally transformed field @--a9 we obtain M2(r) denotes the time-dependent effective mass squared I Ar where overdots denote the derivative with respect to t. M~(~)--~~(~) mr2f (5r-t)R jdc2(r) (I3) Here 4, m, 6, and h are bare quantities. Using the 1 operator field equations of motion of 4, making the In this paper we will assume M2(r)>0. The Hamiltoni- background split an corresponding to (12) is given by where ( . . . ) denotes building an expectation value, with a prime denoting differentiation with respect to r. and assuming that 4, is a function of time only,5 we get Let us suppose that the system is prepared at some in- the one-loop-effective evolution equation6 itial time tO(rO) in thermal equilibrium at a temperature TED-' with respect to Hq(ro). The density matrix at 4, +3~4, +(mr2+6m2)4,+(<, +6[)~4, TO is thus chosen to be exp[ -BHP(r0)] h,+6h r p(r0)= Tr(exp[ --OHq(ro)]] ' (1 5) + , , 4c3+,(92)4c=0, (7) J: L Since B and r0 are both left as parameters, the choice of where the operator q, of the quantum fluctuation satisfies initial conditions in our work is quite general (for further 36 2598 - @ 1987 The American Physical Society

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Real-time finite-temperature evolution equation for the Higgs field in an expanding universe

A. Ringwald Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Heidelberg, 0-6900 Heidelberg, West Germany

(Received 14 May 1987)

We display the renormalized one-loop evolution equation for the expectation value d, L ( d ) T of the field operator cb in a hd4 theory in spatially flat Robertson-Walker space-times, subject to the initial condition that the system was in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T at some initial time.

In this note we discuss the problem of renormalization of the one-loop evolution equation for the Higgs field 4, = ( 4 ) in a spatially flat Robertson-Walker ( R W ) universe. This equation determines the dynamics of the order parameter 4, during a phase transition in the early Universe; in particular, it is needed in models of new inflation.'-3 We extend the work of Semenoff and ~ e i s s , ~ who represented the formal unrenormalized one- loop evolution equation derived under the assumption that at some early time to [earlier than the grand- unified-theory (GUT) transition] the quantum part of the system is in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T_D- ' > TZyT and the further evolution is determined by the quantum equations of motion. In Ref. 4 the problem of renormalization was left open for the case of nonadiabatically varying background fields which will be treated in this paper.

For definiteness we consider a hd4 theory in a spatially flat RW space-time, given by the action

In (7) we have introduced renormalized parameters and counterterms of one-loop order by the replacements m 2 = m r 2 + ~ m ' , . . . in order to cancel the divergences in the last term in (7), the one-loop contribution. As usual the counterterms have to be fixed by renormaliza- tion conditions.

Introducing the conformal time r

and the conformally transformed field

@ - - a 9

we obtain

M 2 ( r ) denotes the time-dependent effective mass squared

I A r where overdots denote the derivative with respect to t . M ~ ( ~ ) - - ~ ~ ( ~ ) m r 2 f ( 5 r - t ) R j d c 2 ( r ) ( I 3 ) Here 4 , m , 6, and h are bare quantities. Using the 1 operator field equations of motion of 4 , making the In this paper we will assume M 2 ( r ) > 0 . The Hamiltoni- background split an corresponding to (12) is given by

where ( . . . ) denotes building an expectation value, with a prime denoting differentiation with respect to r . and assuming that 4, is a function of time only,5 we get Let us suppose that the system is prepared at some in- the one-loop-effective evolution equation6 itial time t O ( r O ) in thermal equilibrium at a temperature

TED- ' with respect to Hq(ro ) . The density matrix at

4, + 3 ~ 4 , +(mr2+6m2)4,+(<, + 6 [ ) ~ 4 , TO is thus chosen to be

exp[ -BHP(r0)] h,+6h r p(r0)= Tr(exp[ - -OHq(ro)]] ' ( 1 5 )

+,, 4c3+,(92)4c=0, (7) J : L

Since B and r0 are both left as parameters, the choice of where the operator q, of the quantum fluctuation satisfies initial conditions in our work is quite general (for further

36 2598 - @ 1987 The American Physical Society

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remarks regarding the choice o f the density matrix see with 2 Ref . 4 ) . The states o f the system will evolve via the G ( T , T ' ) = 2 y ~ ~ ' $ i k ' ( ~ ) $ i k ' ( ~ ' ) . ( 1 9) Hamiltonian H - ( T ) , such that i f we measure the expec-

P ,,I = I

tation value o f any operator Q in the evolved system we + j k ) are any two functions which are linearly indepen-

find dent solutions to the homogeneous equation ( Q ~ T ( ~ ) = ~ r [ p ( ~ O ) ~ ( r , ~ O ~ ~ ~ + ( ~ , ~ O ) ~

with $jk)(7)=0, i = 1,2 , (20)

U ( r , r o ) = P [exp [i J 7 1 d r 1 ~ F ( ~ ' ) ] ] .

Using path-integral methods Semenoff and weiss4 f L k 2 ( ~ ) r k 2 + ~ 2 ( ~ ) , (2 1 ) showed how to calculate ( p ) T ( r ) : it is given by the

and which satisfy the Wronskian condition coincidence limit o f

$\k )*ik 1' - ,$,k l'$$k 1 = i , d 3 k - (22)

G ( T , T ' ) = J - G k ( 7 , ~ ' ) (18) (w3 The matrix y ' k ' is given by

- ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ) c o t h [ B y 1 ~ " ) ( r ~ ) c o t h

Q k ( ~ o ) c o t h [ n k : T O ) ] + n k : n ) B--- - Q : ~ ) ( T ~ ) c o ~ ~ B - I '"I" I with

l k ) - i k ) ' 2 a 2 Q, -$, + k $ : k ' 2 ,

( k ) - (k" ( k ) ' 2 ( k ) ( k ) . Q - $ 1 $2 +Ok $ 1 $2

For the problem o f renormalization it turns out to be convenient to convert (20) into a set o f two linear first- order differential equations. W e introduce two complex functions a k ( T ) and D k ( 7 ) (not to be confused with 0 , T - ' ) via the ansatz6"


$ $ k ' ( ~ ) = [ $ : k ' ( 7 ) ] * , with the additional condition

e + ( r ) are given by

e i ( r ) = e x p [ii J T l d ~ ' f 2 k ( r ' l ] . (28)

W e choose a k ( T ~ ) = 1 and Pk ( T ~ ) =O. Putting all togeth- er we obtain

with 2

S k Z I B k 1 P

2 z k=akP$e- . sk and zk satisfy, by virtue o f (20), (221, (25), and (27),

with the initial conditions S ~ ( T ~ ) = Z ~ ( T ~ ) = O . Equation (29) can be written as

t q 2 ) T ( 7 ) = ( ' p 2 ) 0 ( ~ ) + h t ' p 2 ) T ( ~ )

with 2 Jomdk k 2 f i k 1 ( r ) [ 1 + 2 s k ( ~ ) + 2 ~ e z k ( ~ ) ] ,

('p )o(7)=-- 4 r 2 a2( .r )

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Note that for T-0 (8+ cc (34) vanishes and only (33; survives, which coincides with the expression derived in Ref. 6 for the vacuum case.

The asymptotic behavior for large k of the integrands in (33) and (341, in particular of s k and Rezk, can be ob- tained by an adiabatic expansion of the solutions of (3 la) and (31b). This is valid for

i.e., for large masses, large momenta, or slowly varying background fields [see the definition of Rk (2111. In this region we have s k , / zk << 1, and one finds6,'

where superscripts inside the parentheses indicate the adiabatic order8

Based on the fact that the adiabatic solution is an asymptotic solution for large k we conclude that A ( p 2 ) is finite and that the only UV-divergent term in ( p 2 ) 0 is that part which remains if all background fields are set to be constant ( s k =zk E O ) , i.e., the part

In coincidence with Refs. 9-12 we denote that part of the evolution equation which remains if all background fields are set to be constant the derivatiue with respect to 4, of the one-loop finite-temperature efectiue potential a vTr /ad, .

In order to regularize the divergent zero-temperature contribution (38) we introduce the physical wave number k, = k / a and use a momentum cutoff in physical mo- menta A,. In this manner we obtain for the zero- temperature contribution to the derivative of the effective potential (details of the following calculations can be found in Ref. 6)

The counterterms 6 m 2 , 66, and 6A have to be fixed by renormalization conditions. We introduce the following renormalization condition^:^, l 3

renormalization-group equations, which are discussed in the case under consideration in Ref. 13. Using (39) and the renormalization conditions (40) the counterterms are calculated as

The above choice of renormalization conditions means that we have chosen to define the parameters of the theory in the limit of constant background fields and of zero temperature. The coupling constants A, and 6, are defined at the energy scales corresponding to the values 4, =pl and R =p22, which may in general be different as the energy scales at which they are measured need not be the same. The renormalization points p 1 and p2 are completely arbitrary; different choices will lead to different definitions of the coupling constants h, and 6, (Ref. 9). How the coupling constants behave under the change of scales is determined by their associated

For example, in the case m , =0, which is usually called the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) case,' one obtains, for the derivative of the one-loop zero-temperature effective po- tential,

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The finite-temperature correction to the derivative of the effective potential reads [(34) has to be multiplied by ( hr /2 I#,, and sk and zk have to be set equal to zero]

The momentum integral in (43) can be approximately evaluated in the initially high- (DM << 1 ) or low- (DM >> 1 ) temperature regimes using the results derived in Ref. 11. In the high-temperature case and for

I M ~ ( T ) - M ~ ( ~ , , ) I < < M 2 ( r 0 ) we obtain, for example,

which coincides in Minkowski space ( a = 1 ) with the well-known result derived in Ref. 10. In our R W space- time we explicitly see that this term will be red-shifted away.

Putting all things together we obtain the renormalized one-loop effective evolution equation

with vZff = eff + A V ~ ~ sk and zk are determined by (31a) and (31b) with the initial condition s k ( r O ) =zk(rO)=O. The asymptotic behavior of sk and Rezk for large k (37a) and (37b) ensures the convergence of the momentum integral in (45).

Since sk and Rezk are integrals of Eqs. (3 l a ) and (3 lb) , which involve the background fields 4, and a , (45) is, essentially, an integro-differential equation, the last term on the left-hand side being a nonlocal functional depend- ing on the precise history of the background fields. In the adiabatic limit, when (35) is satisfied for all momenta k, the nonlocal term in (45) can be neglected in compar- ison with the other terms since then s k , I zk << 1 for all k. Equation (45) becomes in this limit similar (although not identical, because we have worked in curved space- time) to the evolution equation usually taken in the dis- cussion of phase transitions in the early universe,I4 in particular of new inflation based on CW In the nonadiabatic case, when the background fields vary more rapidly, it is not possible to neglect the nonlocal contribution in (45) from the beginning. Equations (3 la) , (31b), and (45) can be used in this case to study the influence of quantum processes such as particle produc- tion and vacuum polarization on phase transitions in the very early Universe when space-time curvature and dynamical field effects are important.

I would like to acknowledge various instructive dis- cussions with M. G. Schmidt. This work was supported by the LGFG of Baden-Wiirttemberg.

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