real life java ee performance tuning

Real Life Java EE Performance Tuning Matt Brasier Principal Consultant C2B2 Consulting LTD [email protected]

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Presentation by Matt BrasierHead of ConsultancyC2B2 Consulting


Page 1: Real Life Java EE Performance Tuning

Real Life Java EE Performance Tuning

Matt BrasierPrincipal ConsultantC2B2 Consulting [email protected]

Page 2: Real Life Java EE Performance Tuning

About Me

Professional Services Consultant

Customers include

• Red Hat (JBoss)


• Cape Clear

• Government/Finance/Telecoms

C2B2 Consulting

• SOA and Java EE consultancy

• Fast, Reliable, Manageable, Secure

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What we will cover


• How I approach a performance problem situation

Enterprise Java Performance

• What kind of things affect performance of Enterprise Systems

Case Study 1

• A new version of the application runs slowly

Case Study 2

• Logging in takes a long time in the live environment

Case Study 3

• The application does not scale

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What we will learn


• Suggestions to keep in mind when looking at a performance problem


• Suggested tools for looking at a performance problem


• How to use the tools, knowledge and skills to solve your performance problem

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‘A good understanding’ is the best

performance tuning tool

Prefer common and open source tools

Observe, Hypothesize, Tweak, Test

‘Trust no-one’

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Classic Java performance problems

Memory leaks

• Increased GC Time

Poor GC or JVM Memory configuration

CPU bound code

IO bound code

Memory bound code

• Increased GC time

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Enterprise Java Performance

CAVEAT: Consultancy Selection Bias

80/20: 80% of time finding, 20% fixing

Many ‘Enterprise’ Java performance problems turn

out not to be ‘classic’ performance bottlenecks

• Infrastructure/Middleware performance

There are many factors that can affect the

performance of an enterprise system

• Not just code

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Enterprise Java Performance

Not all Java EE performance problems are classical ‘Java performance problems’

Common types of Java EE performance problem

• Resource starvation

• Threading problems

• ‘Suboptimal configuration’

• Network related problems

• Scalability problems

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A Good Understanding

Consider the system as a whole

Know how infrastructure components work

• Not just what they do, but how they do it

How do the Java EE specifications say they

should work?

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Understand the system

Understand the environment

Understand the situation

Talk to people who know

• But trust no-one

Take a look for myself

Observe, Hypothesize, Tweak, Test

• Rinse and repeat

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Case Study 1

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Case Study 1

Existing customer calls

• “We deployed a new version of the application, and it is running a lot slower”

The Environment

• Sun Java 5

• WebLogic Server 9.2 Cluster (3 nodes)

• WebLogic Integration 9.2 Cluster (3 nodes)

• Documentum Document Management

• Oracle Database

• Solaris OS

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Case Study 1

The System

• Web Application

• WLI based workflow system

The situation

• New version deployed into the performance

testing environment

• Automated performance tests indicate the

application is approximately 30% slower

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Case Study 1


• No monitoring in place

• Some alerting, but no historical data


• If we had more monitoring, we would stand a better



• Put some monitoring in place

• Hyperic HQ from SpringSource

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Case Study 1


• Re-run tests


• Monitoring indicates that one server is slower Handling less requests per second Lots of transaction timeouts Higher CPU Less network traffic


• Add more monitoring to the slow server

• Examine log files

• Thread dumps!

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Case Study 1


• Thread dumps show lots of threads in logging code waiting to write to the log file

• Log files for the slow server have DEBUG messages in them The other servers don’t

“The logging configurations are identical, the servers are configured with Maven”

• Trust no one


• Log in to the server and manually check the logging configuration

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Case Study 1


• Debug logging was enabled on one server

• Turned debug logging off - the system was then

about the same speed as the old release

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Hyperic HQ

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Hyperic HQ

Monitoring tool

• Not a profiling tool

Historical data

• Trends

• Abnormal behaviour

• ‘Hot’ spots

Wide variety of data

• JVM level statistics

• JMX statistics

• OS statistics

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Thread Dumps

My Number 2 tool for finding performance problems

• CTRL-BREAK in windows

• Kill -3 on Unix/Linux

• Jstack tool

• Available from consoles of many application servers

All threads in the VM and what they are doing at that moment

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Thread Dumps

A number of thread dumps over time gives a

good picture

• Any operation that appears a lot is a suspect

• Understand what ‘normal’ thread dumps look like

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Thread Dump

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Thread Dumps

Look near the top of each stack

Look for stacks with your code in them

Look for long stacks

Look for deadlocks and other threading


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The Understanding

What does a normal WebLogic thread dump look like?

It is not normal to see logging code frequently in a

thread dump

Lots of threads all waiting on a single lock object is a

Bad Thing™

If three servers are supposed to do the same thing,

their thread dumps should look similar

• Over time

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Thread dumps hold a lot of information

Infrastructure configuration faults are more

common than infrastructure bugs

Automated/continuous build and deploy

solutions are no silver bullet

• Check the results yourself

Believe your ‘instincts’

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Case Study 2

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Case Study 2

Customer Call

• “We deployed our application into the live environment

and it takes several minutes for users to log in”


• Apache web servers

• WebLogic Portal 8.1 Cluster (2 nodes)

• Oracle Database

• Windows Server 2003

• Bespoke Single Sign On server

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Case Study 2

The System

• Web application based on WSRP portlets

• Oracle database storing user data

The Situtation

• The first users to log-in in the morning find that it

takes several minutes

• After the first few log-ins, the application runs fine

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Case Study 2


• The bespoke Single Sign On server makes me

suspicious Bespoke code is tested less


• Turn on debug logging for the SSO implementation

• Observe timings of log messages

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Case Study 2


• The logs indicate that the SSO log-in is proceeding

as expected

• It appears that loading the users profile data from

the database is taking a long time


• TCP timeouts when connecting to the database

due to a firewall

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Case Study 2


• Observe the connection pool statistics in the

WebLogic console

• The console indicates that a large number of

connections have been opened during the time the

application has been running Connections are not normally closed and re-opened

• See how long you need to leave the system before

the problem occurs

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Case Study 2


• Discussions with the networking team indicated

that there was a firewall, configured to silently

terminate network connections that were Idle for

60 minutes

• Set WebLogic to test connections after they have

been idle for 50 minutes.

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Consider the system as a whole

• Hardware

• Networking

• OS

• Middleware

• Application

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The Understanding

Firewalls are often configured to silently terminate

idle TCP connections

The TCP protocol requires that a connection is closed

by both sides, or times out

• The time out is several minutes

In a healthy WebLogic connection pool, the number

of connections opened since the server started = the

maximum number in the pool

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Case Study 3

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Case Study 3

Customer call

• “It takes about 20 seconds to render a page, and

the performance does not scale”


• WebLogic Portal 9.1 Cluster (2 nodes)

• Oracle 10g Database

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux

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Case Study 3

The System

• Online content delivery system

• WebLogic Portal with a commercial set of portlets

The Situation

• Two problems Running the performance tests with 20 threads in

JMeter is twice as slow as running the tests with 10


Viewing a content item takes around 20 seconds

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Case Study 3

Handle the two problems separately

• They may be related, they may not be

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Case Study 3


• Viewing a content item takes around 16 seconds on my laptop


• Is the rendering speed dependent on the browser used?

• Is the rendering speed dependent on the client machine?

• What does the page source look like?

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Case Study 3


• In Opera the page renders quickly except for the table of contents on the left

• In Firefox, the whole page renders at the same time

• The page renders faster in IE and Opera than firefox

• The page renders faster on faster machines

• There is a lot of Javascript, and AJAX is used to load the table of contents

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Case Study 3


• The AJAX rendering of the TOC is taking a long

time, and slowing down the whole page load


• Remove the TOC from the page

• Disable JavaScript in the browser


• The page renders in less than 2 seconds

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Case Study 3


• JMeter does not execute the javascript, so the poor

performance of JMeter is not related to the poor

page load speed

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Case Study 3

Solution 1

• The portlet developers have used AJAX to render the table of contents for a content item, this is much slower than just constructing the table of contents on the server side

• Rewrite the portlet to construct the table of contents on the server side

• Developers sometimes select a technology to enhance their CVs, not to implement a business requirement

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Case Study 3

Problem 2 – Scalability


• Running the tests on JMeter with 10 users, each

page response takes 5s

• Running the test with 20 users each page

response takes 12s

• JMeter is being run on an old laptop, which is at

100% CPU in both cases

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Case Study 3


• As the test machine is at 100% CPU, it is the

performance of JMeter that is being measured, not

the performance of WebLogic


• WebLogic is running at around 2% CPU usage, with

many idle threads

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Case Study 3


• Run the test from a number of more modern

machines, and make sure each one does not

exceed 70% CPU


• Four machines can each run 20 threads and get

responses in 1.5 seconds, and WebLogic is still

running at around 5% CPU and not struggling

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Case Study 3


• The problem was that the test client was not able

to generate the loads requested, resulting in the

performance of the test client being measured

• Use a larger test client

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Useful tools


• Network traffic sniffer

• See when requests/responses were sent/received

Firebug + YSlow

• Firefox plugin for performance analysis

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Separate problems should initially be

prioritised and investigated separately

• Keep in mind that they may be related

Ensure the test system can generate the

required load

• It should have plenty of free resources available

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The consultant effect

• Take a step back

• Get a fresh perspective

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The Understanding

A slow test client will give slow results

Client side rendering is usually less efficient

than server side

WebLogic is normally fast!

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What did we learn?

Simple tools can provide a lot of information

Understanding how the system should

behave will help highlight possible causes

Experience is vital

• Write a log of what you find

Take a step back from the problem

• Use a second pair of eyes

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What did we learn?


• Understand they system as a whole

• A deep understanding of how it should work


• Thread dumps

• Monitoring tools

• Packet sniffing


• Observe, Hypothesize, Tweak, Test

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