reading ppowerpoint and all that good stuff

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  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff




  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff




    Some Vocabulary

    Some vocabulary

    Some Vocabulary Some vocabulary



    Megalopolis Post-reading


  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


    Some Vocabulary

    Megalopolis (n): a very large city where anumber of people live.

    Incredible (a): impossible or verydifficult to believe.

    Ex: an incredible story.

    extremely good or large.Ex :The hotel was


  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


    Some Vocabulary

    Capitalism(n): an economic system which is

    controlled and run for profit by privateowners rather than by the government.

    Skyscraper (n): a very tall building in a city.

    Dramatic (a): sudden, very great and oftensurprising.Ex: a dramatic change / a dramatic fall

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


    MegalopolisThe town of Shenzhen, just forty kilometres north of Hong Kong,is the worlds biggest building site. In 1982 it was a fishing village

    with two main roads, fields, and a population of 30000. Now it has apopulation a population of 3 million. It is growing at an incrediblespeed. It is spreading north towards Guangzhou (also known asCanton) and west towards Macau. The Chinese government hopes thatin less than ten years this area will be biggest city on earth, with a

    population of 40 million people.China is changing. It is no longer a country where absolutely

    everything is owned and controlled by the state. Developers arewelcome. As Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader, said in 1992, To getrich is glorious. The old China of bicycles and Little Red Books isdisappearing. A world of mobile phones and capitalism is arriving.

    The Chinese people seem to welcome dramatic change. Theydont worry about losing traditional ways of life. They want the new.As the posters on the sides of the highways shout, Development is theonly way.

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


    MegalopolisShenzhen is a shocking place, like nowhere else on

    earth that I have ever seen. It is a city with no boundariesand no centre. There are new concrete office blocks,factories, and housing blocks as far as the eye can see. Not

    just dozens of new buildings, nor even hundreds, butthousands. And it is all happening so fast. It takes just six

    months to design, build, and finish a 60-storey, air-conditioned skyscraper. As one architect said to me, Ifyou move too slowly here, someone will walk over you.

    The new Hopewell Highway runs from Shenzen toGuangzhou, and it takes just two hours to do the 123

    kilometres. This superhighway will become the main streetof a huge new city, as it gets bigger and bigger until theeast meets the west, and the countryside in the middledisappears under concrete.

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff



    There will of course be more and more cars on the

    road. People dont want bicycles. If you have a car, it

    means you have made money. So the traffic will be like in

    Bangkok, where people spend four hours commuting every

    day. People eat and work in their car.

    Pearl River City very nearly exists. It will probably be

    the worlds First City, the greatest city on earth. It wont

    be beautiful, but its power, energy, and wealth will be felt

    in all corners of the world.

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff



    Answer these questions

    What are some of the statistics about Shenzhen that makeit a remarkable place?

    In what ways in China changing? Why were DengXiaopings words significant?

    How are the people changing?

    Why do they want to own a car?

    What does Shenzhen look like?

    What does Shenzhen look like?

    Why will this city be important in the 21stcentury?

    What do these numbers refer to?

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff



    What do these numbers refer to?


    3 million

    Less than ten years

    40 million


    Six months

    Two hours Four hours

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Ppowerpoint and all that good stuff


    Thank you!!!