reading part time and apprenticeship guide

January to July 2012 Part-time Courses and Apprenticeships Fast forward your Career

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Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide


Page 1: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide

January to July 2012

Part-time Courses and Apprenticeships

Fast forward your Career

Page 2: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide



Welcome 1

Visit us 2

Information, Advice and Guidance 4

Fees 5

How to Apply 6

Our Courses 9

Apprenticeships 10

Bridging the Gap 15

Business and IT 16

Care, Health and Childcare 17

Career Development 21

Construction and the Built Environment 22

English and Maths 25

Gas, Water and Energy 27

Hairdressing and Therapy 40

Languages 43

Media and Photography 45

Teacher Training 48

DisclaimerThe courses described in our prospectus are those expected to be on offer during the 2011–2012 academic year. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this prospectus. Reading College reserves the right, however, to introduce changes including the addition, withdrawal or restructuring of courses. It is important to note that places on courses are subject to availability, and that the courses themselves may be subject to a viable number of students enrolling. The contents of this prospectus therefore do not form a contractual obligation on Reading College to provide any courses described in it.

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Reading College courses give people in Reading and Berkshire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in employment. We work closely with employers so we can develop and deliver relevant training and courses for the workplace.

We have a wide range of courses for people in different situations, with different interests and at different stages in their career. Some of our students are work ready and on the point of looking for a job – or will be soon with our help. Others are in work already and looking for skills and qualifications that will lead to better jobs or new career options.

If you are a jobseeker, please see the Get that Job Course Guide for relevant courses.

Why Reading College? • ReadingCollegespecialisesinvocationaleducationandtraining

• Coursesaredesignedwithemployerinvolvementsoqualificationsarewellregardedbyindustries

• Wefocusondevelopingyouremployability,givingyoutheskillsandattitudesneededintheworkplace

• Ourdedicatedteachingstaffareexpertsintheirfieldandbringyearsofindustryexperiencetotheteachingenvironment

• Youwilldeveloprelevantworkskillsbylearninginwell-equipped,industrystandardworkshopsandteachingareas

• Thereisdedicatedsupportateverystage,tohelpyouwithyourcoursechoice,learningandprogression.



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ViSiT uSKings Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4HJ Tel: 0118 9554300ReadingCollegeislocatedattheedgeofReadingtowncentre.TheKingsRoadcampusiseasilyaccessiblefromsurroundingtownslikeWokingham,Bracknell,Farnborough,Basingstoke,Newbury,Thatcham,MaidenheadandSlough.



ReadingBuses Routes13,14,17.Arriva Routes800,850.FirstGroup Route190.ThamesTravel Routes126,127.




Visit us

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3for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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information, Advice and Guidance

information and

YoucanphonefreeofchargeandspeakwithanInformationandAdmissionsAdvisor:0800 371 434








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16–18 feesMostcoursesprovidedto16–18studentsareFREE.

19+ feesIfyouareover19,coursefeesusuallyapply.Coursefeesarepayableatenrolment(bycash,chequeorcredit/debitcard)andifyourcourselastslongerthan14weeksandcostsover£150youcanpayinfourinstalments.

19+ and learning English or MathsCoursesinEnglishandMaths(literacyandnumeracy)areFREE.ThereisachargeforcoursesinEnglishforSpeakersofOtherLanguages(ESOL),butyouwillnotneedtopayforthesecoursesifyouareunemployedandtakingthecoursetohelpyoufindwork.

19+ unemployedIfyouareunemployed,activelyjobseekingandattendingyourcoursetogetajob,thetuitionpartofyourcourseisusuallyFREE.Somecoursesinvolveexamandmaterialfeeswhichyoumayberequiredtopayfor.Ifyouarenotsure,pleaseaskus.

19+ Level 2 and Level 3 OffersIfyouareover19andthecourseyouarestudyingleadstoafullLevel2qualification,andyoudonotalreadyhaveaLevel2qualification(GCSEsorNVQLevel2),thetuitionpartofyourcourseisfree.



Fees depend on your age, the course you are applying for and your situation. Fee information is correct at the time of printing, but please be advised that government funding of further education courses may change. We ask you to confirm fees when you apply.

5for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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How to Apply

Apply by phoneAdviceandAdmissions(allapplications) 0800 371 434

EnglishandMaths 0118 955 4888

GetthatJob 0800 371 434

Apprenticeships 0845 467 6068

GasandEnergyCentre,Wokingham 0118 977 1944

Apply or enrol in person CallintotheAdviceCentreatthecollegeonKingsRoad.


Apply onlineFindyourcoursethoughourwebsitecoursesearchfunction,

Apply by postDownloadandcompleteaformfromthewebsite.Alternativelyyoucanpickoneupfromthecollege,orcallandwewillpostonetoyou.Whencompleted,senditbackto:Admissions Team Reading College Kings Road Reading RG1 4HJ



Proof of identityPleasenoteyouwillneedtoprovideproofofidentitywhenyouenrol.Weprefertoseeavalidpassport,butwealsoaccept:

• Photodrivinglicence

• EUIDcard

• Proveitcard.


• Examcertificate

• Utilitybill

• Birthcertificate.


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7for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Apprenticeships 10

Bridging the Gap 15

Business and iT 16

Care, Health and Childcare 17

Career Development 21

Construction and the Built Environment 22

English and Maths 25

Gas, Water and Energy 27

Hairdressing and Therapy 40

Languages 43

Media and Photography 45

Teacher Training 48

9for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

Our Courses

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ApprenticeshipsIf you are over 16 and in employment, an Apprenticeship could be ideal. With flexible start dates, it is a great way to gain qualifications whilst you work.

What’s involved?

• Apprenticeships are well-regarded, nationally recognised learning programmes that combine workplace and college learning. Typically apprentices attend college one day a week

• You learn the skills that are needed for your job, as well as English and Maths

• Your employer and the college work in partnership to deliver the training. Assessment is in the workplace, and by examination

• Apprenticeships are funded by the government. Apprenticeships for employees aged 16–18 are free for the employer, and Apprenticeships for employees over 19 are subsidised

• Reading College offers Apprenticeships at two levels: Level 2 Apprenticeships and Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeships

• Reading College Employer Services team work with your employer to take care of the administrative side of your Apprenticeship, so the process works as smoothly as possible.

To apply

Either you or your employer can contact us directly and we will arrange to visit your workplace to meet you both. Just phone 0845 467 6068 or text Apprentice to 81400.

We have a range of other Apprenticeships starting in September 2012.

These include:

• Construction and the Built Environment

• Electrical Engineering

• IT

• Motor Vehicle

• Plumbing, Gas and Heating

• Team Leading


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Customer Service ThisApprenticeshipteachesyoutheskillstoprovideexcellentcustomerservice,andcanbeappliedtoawiderangeofjobrolesacrossmanydifferentindustries.Goodcustomerserviceiskeytothesuccessofanybusinessororganisation.Asanapprentice,you’llprobablyworkatthefrontendofanemployer’sbusinessactivitiesandregularlyassistcustomers.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship Tobeconfirmed Oneyear

Retail Withayoungworkforce,theUK’sretailsectorisvibrantandoffersmanyopportunitiesforearlycareerprogression.Fromorganisingdisplaystolearningthecrucialaspectsofmanagement,theskillsgainedfromtheseApprenticeshipsaretransferabletoallretailcompanies.Youwillalsolearnhowtoimproveyourcommunicationandcustomerserviceabilities.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5FDWSFAP0R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5FDWSGAP0R Oneyear

11for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Children and Young People’s Workforce TheseApprenticeshipsareidealforthosewantingtoworkwithchildren–frombirthto16year-olds.Thiscouldbeinanumberofsettingsorservices,wherethemainpurposeischildren’scareanddevelopment.Youwillalsolearnhowtomakesurechildrenarelookedafter,happyandnourished.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5SFCCFAP0R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5EDCCGAP1R Oneyear

Health and Social Care Socialcareisabouthelpingpeoplewithaparticularneed,suchasthedisabled,theelderlyorpeoplewithlearningdisabilities.Assuchyoucouldbeemployedasahealthcareworkerinanumberofsectorsincludingcarehomesorhospitals.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5CDHEFD00R 18months

Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools TheseApprenticeshipsareidealforthosewantingtoworkwithinaneducationsettingsuchasprimary,secondaryorspecialschools.Youmustbeemployedandworkalongsidetheteachingteamwithinaschool.Youwillcombinepracticalhands-onexperiencewiththeknowledgerequiredinthesector.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5CDHEFF00R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5CDHEGF00R Oneyear

Apprenticeships continued

Health TheseApprenticeshipsareforpeopleemployedinthehealthsectorcaringforpeoplewithhealthcareneeds.Theaimofthesequalificationsistoimproveandassessyourknowledgeandskillsrelatingtothehealthworkforce.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5CDHEFC00R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5EDCCGAP1R 18months


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Food and Beverage Service Thiscoursehasbeendesignedforthosewhowanttoworkinarestaurant.Youwillstudytopicssuchascustomerservice,maintainingasafe,hygienicandsecureworkingenvironment,silverserviceandpreparingandservinghotdrinks.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5CDHPFAP0R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5CDHPGAP0R Oneyear

Professional Cookery Youwilllearnthetheoryofprofessionalcookeryandgainthepracticalskillsandexperiencenecessarytoprogressinthissectororrelatedareas.Yourtrainingatthecollegewillincludetheorydeliveredthroughtaughtclasses,aswellpracticalsessionsinourbrandnewkitchenfacilities.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5CDCTFA00R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5CDCTGAPIR Oneyear

13for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Barbering Youwillcoverbothpracticalandtheoryaspectsofbarbering,includinghowtogiveclientconsultations,cuthair,trimandshapefacialhairandshampooandconditionhairandscalp.Youwillalsolearnhowtoimprovebothyourcommunicationandretailskills.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5HDHAFCP0R Oneyear

Beauty Therapy TheseApprenticeshipscoverallthetreatmentsyouwouldfindavailableinasalon.Assuchyouwillstudyanumberoftechniques,includingimprovingfacialskinconditions,applyingspraytan,shapingandcolouringbrowsandperforminghandandfoottreatments.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5HDBEFAP0R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5HDBEGAP0R Oneyear

Hairdressing Youwilllearnthetheoryofhairdressingandgainthepracticalskillsandexperiencenecessarytoprogressinthisindustryorrelatedareas.Dutiesarelikelytoincludebookingappointments,dealingwithcustomerenquiriesandcutting,shampooing,dryingandstylinghair.

LeveL Course Code duration

Level2Apprenticeship 5HDHAFA00R Oneyear

Level3AdvancedApprenticeship 5HDHAGBP0R Oneyear

Apprenticeships continued


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Bridging the GapThis qualification is for people who want to work at the 2012 Olympic Games or pursue a career as a door supervisor. It provides a formal qualification leading to a guaranteed job interview with G4S who are appointing security staff for the 2012 London Games.

You will complete four mandatory units:

• Working in the private security industry

• Working as a door supervisor

• Conflict management for the private security industry

• Physical intervention skills for the private security industry.

The qualification is assessed through assignment work, a set of multiple-choice questions or by a combination of the two. To be considered for working at the Olympic Games you must be at least 18 years old on 1 July 2012.

Please note that once you have successfully completed the qualification to work in the security industry, you will need to apply to the Security Industry Authority (SIA) to obtain a licence to practise in these areas, though this has been waived for working at the Olympic Games.

Saturday Option 1Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5TSSEFB00R Saturday9am–5pm


Flexible Fourweeks Free £140 Free

Saturday Option 2Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5TDSEFA00R Saturday9am–5pm


Flexible Fourweeks Free £140 Free

Option 3Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5TSSEFA00R MondaytoThursday9am–5pm


Flexible Fourdays Free £140 Free

15for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434 15

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Business and iTAAT Accounting Level 1 Award Thiscourseisforpeoplewhohaveaninterestinaccountingandwanttogainaninitialqualification.Itisanintroductorycourseprovidingyouwiththebasicsofbusinesscommunicationandaccountancy,anunderstandingoftheroleofaccountantsinabusiness,typesofdocumentationthataccountantsuse,ethicalbehaviourandprofessionalismwithinaccounting,accountingterminologyandskillsrequiredforworkinginaccounting.Youwillneedtopurchasetextbooks(£20).

Course Code day and time start date duration

5BEACEA01R Monday6pm–9pm 9January2012 25weeks

AAT Accounting Level 2 Apprenticeship/Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship – Fast Track TheAssociationofAccountingTechnician(AAT)AccountingApprenticeshipissuitedforthosewhodealwithbusinessaccountsonadailybasisandwantaqualificationtohelpwiththeirrole.Subjectscoveredrangefromdoubleentrybookkeepingthroughtothepreparationofdraftaccountsforsoletradersandpartnerships,interpretationofaccounts,reportingtomanagement,VATReturn,costingsanddecisionmakingandcomputerisedaccounts(SAGE).

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

5BDACGCP0R Mondays 9January2012 Oneyear Free £250

iT user Skills Level 2 Award (iTQ) Thiscourse(formallyCLAIT+)isforthosewantingtogainarecognisedqualificationininformationtechnology.Youwillachievethisbysuccessfullycompletingthefollowingthreeunits:wordprocessing(MicrosoftWord),spreadsheets(MicrosoftExcel)andpresentationsoftware(MicrosoftPowerPoint).

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

5IEITFJ01R Tuesday6pm–9pm 10January2012 25weeks Free £250

Management Level 3 Award Thiscourseisforpeopleinalinemanagementorsupervisoryrolewhowanttoimprovetheirknowledgeandskillsinmanaging.Itisafirststagemanagementqualificationthatisdesignedtoenablesupervisors,teamleadersandjuniormanagerstounderstandandperformtheirrolemoreeffectivelywhilstbeingpreparedforstudyinghigherlevelmanagementqualifications.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

5MEMGGD00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 31January2012 Eightweeks Free £295

5MEMGGF00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 17April2012 Eightweeks Free £295


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Care, Health and ChildcareCourses for professionals in the care, health and childcare sectors

These courses are for people who are working in the care, health and childcare settings who wish to gain a qualification that is recognised in the sector. The qualifications take up to 52 weeks to complete and start dates are flexible.

Reading College works closely with employers and keeps them involved at every stage. Assessment is carried out in the workplace by our qualified staff and any training needed to fill learning gaps is delivered in the workplace.

For more information or to apply, call Employer Services on 0800 467 6068.


Children and Young People’s Workforce CACHE Level 2 Certificate Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginanearlyyearssetting.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

4EDCCFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £740 £100

Children and Young People’s Workforce CACHE Level 3 Diploma Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginanearlyyearssettinginasupervisoryrole.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

5EDCCGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £1,400 £100

Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools CACHE Level 2 Certificate Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginaneducationalsettingsupportingateachingprofessional.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

4EDTEFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £740 £100

17for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Care, Health and Childcare continued


Support for Teaching and Learning in Schools CACHE Level 3 Diploma Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginaneducationalsettingsupportingateachingprofessional.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

4EDTEGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £1,400 £100

Playwork NVQ CACHE Level 2 Diploma Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginaneducationalsettingsupportingateachingprofessional.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

5EDCCFD01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £740 £100

Playwork NVQ CACHE Level 3 Diploma (QCF) Thiscourseisforpeopleworkingatasupervisorylevelinbreakfast,afterschooland/orholidayclubs.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

5EDCCGD01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £1,400 £100

Children and Young People’s Workforce Level 2 Diploma – Adult Apprentice (QCF) Thisisacourseforpeopleemployedworkingwithchildrenandyoungpeoplethatcombineslearningatcollegewithlearningintheworkplace.Thequalificationdevelopsjobspecificandmoregeneralskillsandknowledge.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

5CDHEFIP0R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £400

Children and Young People’s Workforce Level 3 Diploma – Adult Apprentice (QCF) Thisisacourseforpeopleemployedworkingwithchildrenandyoungpeoplethatcombineslearningatcollegewithlearningintheworkplace.Thequalificationdevelopsjobspecificandmoregeneralskillsandknowledge.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

5CDHEGIP0R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £400


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Health Level 2 Diploma (QCF) Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginthehealthsector.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

5CDHEFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £740 £100

Health Level 3 Diploma (QCF) Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginthehealthsectorinasupervisoryrole.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

5CDHEGB01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £1,700 £100

Health and Social Care Level 2 Diploma (QCF) Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginhealthandsocialcare.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

5CDHEFB01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £740 £100

Health and Social Care Level 3 Diploma (QCF) Thiscourseisforpeopleworkinginhealthandsocialcareinasupervisoryrole.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

5CDHEGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £1,700 £100

19for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Care, Health and Childcare continued


Prevention and Control of infection Level 2 Award Thisqualificationisaimedatthosewhoareworkingorwishtoworkinthehealthsector.Thecoursewillfocusontheprinciplesofinfection,preventionandcontrol,causesandspreadofinfections,cleaning,decontaminationandwastemanagement.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5CDHEFK01R Various Flexible Threeweeks Free £221 £21

Working in the Health Sector Level 2 Certificate Thisqualificationisaimedatthosewhoareworkingorwishtoworkinthehealthsector.Thecoursewillfocusoncommunicationskills,equalityanddiversity,healthandsafetyandpeopleandpersonaldevelopmentinthehealthsector.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5CDHEFL01R TuesdayandWednesday

10January2012 Threeweeks Free £275 £55

Tobeconfirmed TuesdayandWednesday

13March2012 Threeweeks Free £275 £55

introduction to Childminding Thiscourseisagoodfirststeptobecomearegisteredchild-minder.Itwillcovervariousaspectsincludingcurrentlegislation,policiesandproceduresforaccidents,behaviour,safeguarding,healthandsafetyandequalopportunities.Youwillbeintroducedtowaystomarketyourservice,planyourfinancesandidentifysourcesofsupport.ThecourseisoneunitoftheLevel3DiplomaforChildrenandYoungPeople’sWorkforceandincludesregistrationandaPaediatricFirstAidCertificate.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

5BDCCGA01R Wednesday9.30am–4pm

16May2012 Oneweek £275 £275


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Career DevelopmentCareer Development

Learn to improve your chances of a successful job application including how to access the ‘hidden’ job market in this one day workshop.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

Tobeconfirmed Variousdays,9am–5pm


Oneday Free £85 Free

21for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Construction and the Built EnvironmentCourses for professionals in the construction sector

On-site Assessment and Training Qualifications (OSAT) are for people already working in the construction industry who have at least five years’ relevant experience. The qualifications take up to 52 weeks to complete and you can start at any point that is convenient. The assessment is carried out in the workplace by our qualified staff and any training needed to fill learning gaps is delivered in the workplace.

For more information or to apply, call Employer Services on 0800 467 6068.

OSATConstruction Operations NVQ Level 2 Certificate

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CACNFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £919 £119

Decorative Finishing and industrial NVQ Level 2 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CAPDFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £881 £81

Decorative Finishing and industrial NVQ Level 3 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

6CAPDGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £878 £78

Formwork Occupation NVQ Level 2 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CACJFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £919 £119

Plastering NVQ Level 2 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CAPLFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £919 £119


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OSATTrowel Occupations NVQ Level 2 Diploma

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CABRFA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £881 £81

Trowel Occupations NVQ Level 3 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

6CABRGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £881 £81

Wood Occupations NVQ Level 2 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CACJFB01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £881 £81

Wood Occupations NVQ Level 3 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

6CACJGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £881 £81

Woodmachining NVQ Level 2 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 2 offer

6CACJFC01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £888 £88

Occupational Work Supervision NVQ Level 3 Diploma Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee LeveL 3 offer

6CACNGA01R Various Flexible 52weeks Free £919 £119

23for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Decorating Skills for the HomeAcourseforthosewantingtoimprovetheirDIYand/orbrushuptheirpaintinganddecoratingskills.Youwillbetaughtbyindustryprofessionalandpractiseinourwell-equippedworkshops.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

6CEPDEB00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 6March2012 Fiveweeks £80 £80

6CEPDEC00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 8May2012 Fiveweeks £80 £80

introduction to Bricklaying SkillsThishands-oncourseistaughtinourworkshopsanddeliveredthroughexperttuition.Youwillconstructstretcherbond,EnglishandFlemishgardenwalls.Bytheendofthecourseyouwillhavelearnedthecorrectmethodformixingandusingmortars,andbeabletoidentifydifferenttypesofwallingbonds.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

6CEBREB00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 6March2012 Fiveweeks £160 £160

6CEBREC00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 8May2012 Fiveweeks £160 £160

introduction to Plastering SkillsThiscoursewillcoverbasicplasteringskillsfromrendertofloatingandpatching.Youwilllearnthecorrectmethodformixingplastersandrendersandbetaughthowtoapplythemandcutfixandplastertoanglebeadsandplasterboards.Thecourseisdeliveredinourfullyequippedworkshopthroughexperttuition.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

6CEPLEB00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 6March2012 Fiveweeks £160 £160

6CEPLEC00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 8May2012 Fiveweeks £160 £160

Carpentry and Joinery for Your Home (Beginners)ThiscourseiscoursedesignedtogiveyoutheDIYskillstocarryouthomerepairs.Youwillconstructdifferenttypesofwoodworkjointsandchopinhinges,locksandletterplates,aswellaslearnhowtousehandtoolscorrectly.Thecourseisdeliveredinourfullyequippedworkshops.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

6CECJEC00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 6March2012 Fiveweeks £160 £160

6CECJED00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 8May2012 Fiveweeks £160 £160

Construction and the Built Environment continued


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English and MathsThese courses are for people who would like to become more confident in English and Maths. Students on these courses include those who are seeking to get into work or further study and those who are already in employment and keen to better their career.

What’s involved?• Courses are run in a very flexible way and there is a wide choice of start dates and days and times to fit your schedule

• You will work at the level that is right for you and move on to the next level when you are ready

• Everybody has an interview and short assessment at the start of their course to help decide their right level

• We offer excellent teaching and support with very high pass rates.

For more information or to arrange an interview just call 0118 955 4888 or visit the college in person.

ESOL full-time OnthiscourseyouwillstudyEnglish(ESOLSkillsforLife)anddevelopyourspeaking,listening,readingandwriting.ThecourseisidealforanyonewhoneedstoimprovetheirEnglishforeverydayuseandtheirjob.ThequalificationisrecognisedbytheHomeOfficeforcitizenshipapplications.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

Tobeconfirmed Flexible(12hoursperweek) Flexible Flexible Free Variable Free

ESOL part-time Withthesepart-timeclassestakingplaceinthemorning,afternoonandevening,youcanstartatanytime.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

Tobeconfirmed Flexible(3–9hoursperweek) Flexible Flexible Free Variable Free

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) ThesecoursesareforoverseasstudentswithintermediatetoadvancedlevelsofEnglishandwillprepareyouforinternationallyrecognisedCambridgeexaminations(FCEandCAE).Coursescoverreading,writing,listening,speaking,grammar,pronunciationanddevelopmentofvocabulary.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

Tobeconfirmed Thursday6pm–9pm 5January2012 12weeks £225 £225

Tobeconfirmed Thursday6pm–9pm 19April2012 12weeks £225 £225

25for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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iELTS ThiscourseisforhighlymotivatedoverseasstudentswhowanttopreparefortheIELTSexamorimproveexistingIELTSscoresothattheycangotouniversity,prepareforanAccesstoHEcourseordemonstrateaspecificlevelofEnglishtoemployers.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

2LEEFFK00R Tuesday6.30pm–8.30pm 3January2012 12weeks £150 £150

2LEEFFL00R Tuesday6.30pm–8.30pm 17April2012 12weeks £150 £150

English part-time TheseareFREEcoursestoimproveyourEnglishsoyoucanworktowardsgainingaGCSEequivalentqualification.

Course Code day and time start date duration fees

Tobeconfirmed Twotosixhoursperweek Flexible Flexible Free

Maths part-time TheseareFREEcoursestoimproveyourEnglishsoyoucanworktowardsgainingaGCSEequivalentqualification.

Course Code day and time start date duration fees

Tobeconfirmed Twotosixhoursperweek Flexible Flexible Free

English and Maths continued


Page 29: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide

Gas, Water and EnergyThe Reading College Gas and Energy Centre provides specialist gas, water and energy training and assessment for the engineering and building services sectors. The Gas and Energy Centre is a BPEC approved centre staffed by fully qualified training and assessment tutors who can offer advice and support as well as a relaxed environment in which to undertake training and assessment.

Courses are designed to update the skills of experienced plumbers, heating engineers and other building and mechanical services industry professionals to ensure that work is carried out to meet all current standards and regulations.

Many of the courses on offer are aimed at operatives who work frequently on the categories they are being trained for and only need to update their knowledge and understanding. Courses provide knowledge of the assessment process.


Reading College Gas and Energy Centre 11 The Business Centre Molly Millars Lane Wokingham RG41 2QZ

The centre is about a 15 minute walk from Wokingham station. Trains run regularly from Reading and Bracknell.

How to apply

To apply for any of our courses, just call 0118 977 1944.

27for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

Page 30: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide


BPEC Gas FoundationThisisastructuredmanagedtrainingprogrammeindomesticorcommercialgasinstallationandmaintenanceforcategory2operativeswhoholdarecognisedqualificationinthemechanicalservicesengineeringsector,butlackgastrainingandexperience.Theprogrammeconsistsofon-the-jobtraining/experienceandoff-the-jobtraininginalltheskillsandknowledgerequiredbyagasengineer.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSER01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates 10days £905

Domestic Gas Cookers CKR1 – Refresher TrainingThiscoursewillallowyoutoattaintherequiredstandardstoenterforassessmentassetoutbytheBPECGasCertificationScheme.Theappliancerangecoversfreestandingandslideincookers,builtinhobs,built-inunder-ovensandgrillunits.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEA01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivehours £50

Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances CKR1 – AssessmentThisgassafetyassessmentisdesignedtotestyourcompetenceinthefollowingareas:install,exchange,disconnect,service,repairandcommissiondomesticcookingappliances.Practicalandtheoreticalcompetenceisassessed.Theassessmentdoesnotincludeworkonkitchenfurniture,extractfans,electricalorbuildingwork.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEF01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivehours £190

Gas, Water and Energy continued


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Domestic Gas Fires and Wall Heaters HTR1 – Refresher TrainingThiscourseallowsyoutoattaintherequiredstandardtoenterforassessmentassetoutfortherecapofventilationrequirementsandcoversappliancelocations,servicingtechniques,commissioningrequirementsandbasicfaultfinding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEB01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivehours £50

Domestic Gas Fires and Wall Heaters HTR1 – AssessmentThisgassafetyassessmentisdesignedtotestyourcompetenceinthefollowingareas:install,exchange,disconnect,service,repairandcommissiondomesticopen,balancedandfanassistedfluedgasfiresandwallheaters.Bothpracticalandtheoreticalcompetenceareassessed.Theassessmentdoesnotincludeconstructionworkwithmasonryorbricksonchimneysorelectricalwork

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEG01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivehours £190

Domestic Gas Meters MET2 – TrainingThesetrainingcourseshavebeendevelopedforoperativeswhoworkintheserviceindustryandhaveknowledgeandexperienceofgasinstallations.Topicscoveredincludeintroductiontogassafetyregulations,testingforsoundnessandpurging,faultfinding,pressureandflowcombustion,fluesandventilationandpipework.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEE01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivehours £50

Domestic Gas Meters MET2 – AssessmentThisgassafetyassessmentisdesignedtotestyourcompetenceinthefollowingareas:installandreplacemeters,adjustmentofworkingpressure,purgingmetersandpipework.Bothpracticalandtheoreticalcompetenceareassessed.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEJ01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivehours £190

29for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Gas Safety (ACS) CCN1 – TrainingThiscourseisdesignedforthosewhoonlyneedtoupdatetheirknowledgeandunderstanding.ItwillallowyoutoattaintherequiredstandardtoenterforassessmentassetoutfortheBPECTrainingBoardsGasCertificationScheme.Thecoursecoverssafety,legislationandstandards,gassafetycontrol,installationofpipeworkandfittings,combustionofnaturalgas,ventilation,tightnesstesting,unsafesituationsandgasemergencyactions.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSGA01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £190

Gas Safety (ACS) CCN1 – AssessmentThecoursewillallowyoutoattaintherequiredstandardtoenterforassessmentassetoutfortheBPECGasCertificationScheme.Itisdesignedtotesttheyourgassafetycompetenceincoredomesticgasworkandcoverspracticalskills,knowledgeandunderstanding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSXA01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £410

Gas Safety (ACS) CCN1 – Re-Assessment Training (extra day)ThisadditionaltrainingisofferedtothosewhostrugglewithcompletingtheirACSassessmentsandwillensurethatyouareabletocompletethecourse.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSGB01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Tobeconfirmed £150

Gas Safety (ACS) CCN1 Only – Re-AssessmentThoseundertakingtheACSassessmentprocessforthefirsttimemusttaketheinitialassessments.Whencandidatesrenewtheircertificates,theycantakeeithertheinitialorthereassessmentoption.Ineverycase,youmustachievecompetenceinallareasofthepracticalandtheoryassessment.Reassessmentisonlyavailableforthosewhoholdanin-dateACScertificateatthestartdate(oranexpireddateoflessthan12monthsofthereassessmentstartdate).

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSXB01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fourdays £520

Gas, Water and Energy continued


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Combustion Performance Analysis of Domestic Appliances CPA1 – TrainingThecoursecoversthelatestBritishStandards7967Parts1,2and3,carbonmonoxideindwellings,trainingintheuseofagasanalyserandprinterandappropriateproceduresforeachtypeofappliance.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEP01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £50

Combustion Performance Analysis of Domestic Appliances CPA1 – AssessmentWorkwillbecarriedoutonthefollowingrangeofappliances:openflued,roomsealedandflueless.YouwillbeassessedinBS7967Parts1,2and3,carbonmonoxideindwellings,CORGIGasSafetyandappliancemanufacturer’sinstructions.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEP01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £190

Domestic Gas-Central Heating Boilers <60kw CEN1 – TrainingThecourseallowsyoutoattaintherequiredstandardtoenterforassessmentassetoutfortheBPECGasCertificationSchemeandincludesarecapofventilationrequirements,appliancelocations,servicingtechniques,commissioningrequirementsandbasicfaultfinding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSED01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £50

Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances CKR1 – TrainingThecourseallowsyoutoattaintherequiredstandardtoenterforassessmentassetoutfortheBPECGasCertificationSchemeandincludesarecapofventilationrequirements.Appliancelocations,servicingtechniques,commissioningrequirementsandbasicfaultfinding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEA01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £50

Water RegulationsTheaimofthiscourseistoenableoperativestounderstandandinterpretwatersupply(WaterFittings)regulationsandtocomplywiththerelevantlegislationwheninstallingoralteringplumbingsystems.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDWAEA01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £210

31for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Gas, Water and Energy continued


unvented Hot WaterThecoursecoversrelevantlegislation,expansionofwater,systemconfigurationandadvantages,controlsandcomponents,designofsystemsincludingdischargepipework,commissioning,servicingandfaultfinding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDWAEB01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £225

Solar Hot WaterAcourseforoperativeswhoareinstallingorareabouttoinstallsolarsystemsanddonotholdarecognisedcompetencecertificate.Thecoursecoversthebackgroundandlegislationforsolarsystems,expansionofwater,systemconfigurationandadvantages,controlsandcomponents,commissioning,servicingandfaultfinding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDWAED01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £395

unvented Hot Water – Re-assessmentThecoursecoversrelevantlegislation,expansionofwater,systemconfigurationandadvantages,controlsandcomponents,designofsystemsincludingdischargepipework,commissioning,servicingandfaultfinding.

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDWAEC01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £95


Page 35: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide


Part L Energy Efficiency (BPEC)ItisnowlawinEnglandandWalesthatallreplacementgasboilershavetobehigh-efficiencycondensingboilersexceptinafewspecialcircumstances.Heatinginstallerswithprofessionalaccreditationmayjoinaself-certificationschemeandsoavoidhavingtoinvolveLocalAuthorityBuildingControl.


Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDEEXA01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £150


CCN1+1 Appliance – Re-assessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSXC01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fourdays £615

CCN1+2 Appliance – Re-assessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSXD01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivedays £705

CCN1+3 Appliance – Re-assessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSXE01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivedays £795

33for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Gas, Water and Energy continued


CCN1+4 Appliance – Re-assessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSXF01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Fivedays £875

Core Commercial Gas SafetyCOCN1 – Assessment

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEA02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £410

Domestic to Commercial CoreChangeover CODNCO1 – Training

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEB01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneandahalfdays £170

Changeover CODNC01 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEB02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £250

indirect Fired Commercial Appliances CIGA1 – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEC01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

CIGA1 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGED01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £210


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Direct Fired Commercial Appliances CDGA1 – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGED01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

CDGA1 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGED02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £210

Overhead Plaque + Tube Heaters CORT1 – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEE01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

CORT1 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEE02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £210

Tightness Testing and Purging (Small) TPCP1A – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEF01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £160

TPCP1A – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEF02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £210

35for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Gas, Water and Energy continued


Tightness Testing and Purging (Large) TPCP1 – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEG01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £160

TPCP1 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEG02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £210

First Fix Commercial Pipework Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEH01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneday £90

AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEH02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £200

Commercial to Domestic Core ChangeoverCOCDN1 – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEI01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneandahalfdays £170

COCDN1 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEI02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Oneandahalfdays £260


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Core Commercial Gas Safety Catering CCCN1 – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEJ01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £220

CCCN1 – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEJ02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £430

Catering Appliances 1 COMCAT1 Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEK01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEK02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £140

37for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Gas, Water and Energy continued


Commercial Gas Safety Limited Scope COCNPILS – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEM01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £220

COCNPILS – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEM02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Twodays £430

First Fix Commercial Pipework Limited Scope ICPN1LS – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEN01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

Limited Scope ICPN1LS – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEN02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £200

Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances CKR1 – Re-Assessment

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEM01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £140

HTR1 – Re-AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEL01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £140


Page 41: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide


Catering Appliances 3 COMCAT3 Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEL01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEL02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £140

Warm Air units DAH1 Re-Assessment

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDGSEV01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates TBC TBC

First Fix Commercial Appliances ICAE1LS – Revision

Course Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEP01R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

ICAE1LS – AssessmentCourse Code day and time duration fees

6GDCGEP02R Pleaseenquirefordays,times,andstartdates Halfday £90

39for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

Page 42: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide

Hairdressing and TherapyCourses for professionals in the hairdressing and beauty therapy sectors


Perming Hair – City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3002-81 unit 308) Thisqualificationisforqualifiedstylistswhowishtoupdatetheirskillandknowledgetoincludeavarietyofwindingtechniquestocreateapersonalisedpermanentcurlservice.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HWHAGB01R Saturday9.30am–2.30pm 14January2012 Sixweeks Free £310 £310

Styling and Finishing African Type Women’s Hair – City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3002-81 unit 315) ThisqualificationisforqualifiedstylistswhowishtoupdatetheirskillsandknowledgeinrelationtostylingandfinishingAfricantypewomen’shair.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HWHAGC01R Saturday9.30am–2.30pm 14January2012 Sixweeks Free £310 £310

Women’s Hair – City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3002 unit 304) ThisqualificationisforanyonewhowantstoupdateandaddtotheirLevel2qualificationinwomen’shairstyling.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HEHAGA01R Tuesday6pm–8pm 10January2012 10weeks Free £290 £290

Bridal Hair – City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3002 unit 311) ThisqualificationisforanyonewhowantstoupdateandaddtotheirLevel2qualificationinwomen’shairstyling.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HEHAGB01R Thursday6pm–8pm 12January2012 10weeks Free £290 £290


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Eyelash Perming City and Guilds Level 2 Award (3003-92 unit 218) Thiscourseisaboutprovidingeyelashpermingtreatmentsinasafeandeffectivewayandcoversallaspectsofcompliancerelatingtotreatments.AHealthandSafetyLevel2Awardmustbetakenalongsidethetechnicalaward.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HEHAFC01R Thursday6pm–8pm 12January2012 10weeks Free £160 £160

Body Massage City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3003-93 unit 305) Thiscourseisaboutprovidingbodymassagetreatmentsinasafeandcompliantway.AHealthandSafetyLevel2Awardmustbetakenalongsidethetechnicalaward.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HEMYGJ01R Tuesday6pm–9pm 10January2012 20weeks Free £690 £690

indian Head Massage – City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3003-93 unit 311) ThiscourseisaboutprovidingIndianHeadmassagetreatmentsinasafeandcompliantway.AHealthandSafetyLevel2Awardmustbetakenalongsidethetechnicalaward.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HEBEGA01R Thursday6pm–8pm 12January2012 10weeks Free £415 £415

Manicure – City and Guilds Level 2 Award (3003-92 unit 207) Thiscourseisaboutprovidingmanicuretreatmentsinasafeandeffectivewayandcoversallaspectsofcompliancerelatingtotreatments.AHealthandSafetyLevel2Awardmustbetakenalongsidethetechnicalaward.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HEBEFB01R Tuesday6pm–8pm 10January2012 12weeks Free £407 £407

Make-up – City and Guilds Level 2 Award (3003-92 unit 209) Thiscourseisaboutprovidingmake-uptreatments,treatmentsinasafeandeffectivewayandcoversallaspectsofcompliancerelatingtotreatments.AHealthandSafetyLevel2Awardmustbetakenalongsidethetechnicalaward.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HWBEFD01R Tuesday6pm–8.30pm 17April2012 10weeks Free £352 £352

41for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Self Tanning – City and Guilds Level 3 Award (3003-93 unit 313) Thiscourseisaboutprovidingmake-uptreatments,treatmentsinasafeandeffectivewayandcoversallaspectsofcompliancerelatingtotreatments.AHealthandSafetyLevel2Awardmustbetakenalongsidethetechnicalaward.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HETAGA01R Thursday6pm–8pm 19April2012 Sixweeks Free £226 £226


Hairdressing Level 1 Certificate ThiscourseintroducesyoutotheworldofhairdressingandenablesprogressontoaLevel2programmeorsufficienttrainingtogainanApprenticeshipwithalocalemployer.Youwillbeintroducedtotopicssuchasstylingwomen’shair,shampooandconditioningandplatinganddressinghair.Thereisastrongemphasisondevelopingtheskillsthatemployersdesire.Dresscodeisablackpoloshirtandblacktailoredtrousers.Noequipmentpurchaseisnecessary.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

5HDHAEA00R 11hoursperweekovertwodays(daystobeconfirmed)

16January2012 18weeks Free £650 £650

Hairdressing and Therapy continued


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LanguagesLearning a language can expand your career options and broaden your interests.

French Beginners Phase 2ThiscourserevisesandbuildsontheworkdoneinPhase1.Itcoversthemostimportantsituationsinatravellingcontextandgivesanintroductiontothegrammarofthelanguage.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEFRBB00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £196 £16

German Beginners Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofabeginnerscourse.ItrevisesandbuildsontheworkdoneinPhase1andcoversthemostimportantsituationsinatravellingcontextwhilstgivinganintroductiontothegrammarofthelanguage.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEGEBC00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £196 £16

German Pre-intermediate Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofoursecond-yearcourseandisdesignedforthosewhohaverecentlystudiedthelanguageforatleast18months.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEGEED00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £198 £18

italian Beginners Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofourthird-yearcourseandisaimedatthosewhohavestudiedforaminimumoftwoandahalfyears.Thecourseconcentratesondevelopingabetterunderstandingofthegrammarandsyntaxofthelanguage.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEILBC00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £196 £16

italian intermediate Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofourthirdyearcourseandisaimedatthosewhohavestudiedforaminimumoftwoandahalfyears.Thecourseconcentratesondevelopingabetterunderstandingofthegrammarandsyntaxofthelanguage.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEILFE00R Thursday7pm–9pm 9February2012 15weeks Free £240 £240

43for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Japanese Beginners Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofabeginnerscourse.ItrevisesandbuildsontheworkdoneinPhase1andcoversthemostimportantsituationsinatravellingcontextwhilstgivinganintroductiontothegrammarofthelanguage.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEJABB00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £210 £10

Japanese Pre-intermediate Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofoursecond-yearcourseandisdesignedforthosewhohaverecentlystudiedthelanguageforatleast18months.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LEJAEB00R Thursday7pm–9pm 16February2012 15weeks Free £240 £240

Spanish Beginners Phase 1Thisisacourseforthosewhohavenoknowledgeofthelanguage.Youwilllearnthebasicstogetbyinatravellingsituation.Thereisastrongemphasisonspeakingandlisteningskills.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LESNBU00R Thursday7pm–9pm 2February2012 15weeks Free £200 £200

Spanish Beginners Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofabeginnerscourse.ItrevisesandbuildsontheworkdoneinPhase1.Itcoversthemostimportantsituationsinatravellingcontextandgivesanintroductiontothegrammarofthelanguage.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LESNBH00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £196 £16

Spanish Pre-intermediate Phase 2Thisisthesecondpartofoursecond-yearcourseandisdesignedforpeoplewhohaverecentlystudiedthelanguageforatleast18months.Thecoursewilltakeyourspeaking,listening,readingandwritingskillstothenextlevel.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee

2LESNEK00R Tuesday7pm–9pm 7February2012 15weeks Free £198 £18

Languages continued


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Media and PhotographyWeb Design for PhotographersThiscoursewillteachyouhowtodesignawebsiteusingPhotoshopandDreamweaverandwillalsolookatCSS.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EEGRFF01R Tuesday6pm–9pm 24January2012 Sixweeks £112 £112

3EEGRFG01R Thursday6pm–9pm 26April2012 Sixweeks £112 £112

How to Present Your Own Radio ShowThiscourseisanexcitingintroductiontoradiobroadcastinginwhichyouwilllookattechnicalequipmentandpresentationtechniquesindetail.Thecoursewillculminateinaliveradiobroadcast

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3PEMDFD01R Thursday6pm–9pm 2February2012 Eightweeks £112 £112

introduction to Practical JournalismLookingatresearchskills,creativewritingandjournalisticpractice,thisexcitingcoursewillbenefitbuddingjournalists,bloggersandthoseinterestedinfactualwriting.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3PEMDFF01R Thursday6pm–9pm 2February2012 Eightweeks £112 £112

45for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

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Adobe illustrator CS5 Stage 1ThisintensivetwodaycoursewillintroduceanumberoffeaturesofAdobeIllustratorandshowyouhowtocreatevector-basedgraphics.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EDGRGH01R MondayandTuesday10am–5pm 13February2012 Twodays £145 £145

Adobe illustrator CS5 Stage 2 ABCThisintensivethreedaycoursewillcoversomein-depthfeaturesoftheapplicationandwillrequireyoutocompleteanumberofassessedtasks.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EDGRGJ01R WednesdaytoFriday9am–5pm 15February2012 Threedays £229 £229

Adobe Photoshop 2 – improve Your SkillsFollowingonfromthebasicscourse,theseclasseswillshowyouhowtouseselectiontools,layeradjustmentsandcloninglayermasks,andleadstoaqualification.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EEGRGB01R Thursday6pm–9pm 19January2012 10weeks £195 £195

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Stage 2Thisintensivethreedaycoursewillcoversomein-depthfeaturesoftheapplicationandwillrequireyoutocompleteanumberofassessedtasks.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EDGRGF01R WednesdaytoFriday9am–5pm 15February2012 Threedays £195 £195

Graphic Design – An introduction for New PractitionersThiscourseintroducesthefundamentalconceptsofgraphicdesignandvisualcommunication.Itisintendedtoprovideadesignbasicstoolkitforthoseworkingwithindesignorworkingcloselywithdesigners.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EEGRFB01R Tuesday6pm–9pm 17January2012 Eightweeks £149 £149

Media and Photography continued


Page 49: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide

inDesign – ABC QualificationThiscourseleadstoaqualificationandisafollowoncoursefromtheintroductionprogramme.Itincludesusingselectiontools,gridsystemsandtheuseoftextandimages.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3EEGRGA01R Thursday6pm–9pm 12January2012 10weeks £229 £229

introduction to Video Editing using Final Cut ProUsingourstate-of-the-artmediasuite,thiscoursewillintroduceyoutocreativevideoediting,visualeffectsandDVDauthoringusingAppleFinalCutProsoftware.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

3PEMDFB01R Tuesday6pm–9pm 31January2012 Eightweeks £129 £129

47for more information or to apply: [email protected] or 0800 371 434

Page 50: Reading Part time and Apprenticeship Guide


Teacher TrainingAward in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) (QCF)ThisisaninitialteachingqualificationforthosewhowouldliketoteachintheLifelongLearningSector.Itissuitableifyouhavenoexperienceofteaching,workasanassessor,volunteertosupportteachingorteachbuthavenotreceivedaqualification.

Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee

9BETEGB00R Tuesday6pm–9pm 21February2012 Sevenweeks £352 £352

Certificate in English Language Teaching (CELTA)CELTAisaninitialteachingqualificationforthosewhowouldliketoteachEnglishasaForeignLanguage(EFL)orEnglishtoSpeakersofOtherLanguages(ESOL)eitherinthiscountryorabroad.Itissuitableifyouhavenoexperienceofteaching,teachinothersubjectareasorhaveunqualifiedEFL/ESOLteachingexperience.

LeveL Course Code day and time start date duration 16–18 fee 19+ fee 19+ unempLoyed fee


2LACBHB00R MondayandFriday9.30am–5.30pm

16April2012 Nine


£1467 £1200 £115


2LACBHA00R MondaytoFriday9.30am–5.30pm

2July2012 Four


£1467 £1200 £115


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