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  • 7/29/2019 Reading Exercise Answer Key


    Reading I (21 points)

    Inca site cable car plan sparks angerBy Malcolm Brabant in Machu Picchu

    1 The Incas built Machu Picchu high in the mountains largelybecause it was so remote. Now these perfect mountains are about to be

    transformed forever by Swiss engineering, much to the horror of many

    travellers who trek for days along the Inca Trail to experience the magic

    of Machu Picchu. "We've travelled over 40 kilometers over the most amazing terrain to get here,

    and now people are just going to fly through the air by cable car - it just seems wrong," says

    British tourist Amy Grundy.

    2 The cable car will lift visitors from the banks of the Urubamba River and take them 500

    meters up the mountain pass to a point 300 meters from the Machu Picchu ruins. According to

    developers, it will not influence on the most popular view ofthe Hidden City, towards the peak

    known as Huena Pichu. Roberto Persivales, a spokesman for the group of developers which

    plans to build the cable car, believes the plan won't damage the site.

    3 An increase in tourist traffic which a cable car might bring could be good for the

    musicians and craftsmen who make a living around the ruins, but it would hurt the local busdrivers who currently shuttle visitors between the valley floor and the summit. They could lose

    up to 80% of their business. Charles Munn works in eco-tourism in Peru. He says that a cable

    car could improve the environment - by reducing the road traffic.

    4 But the main concern of people who did not agree with the project is the developers' plan

    to increase the current number of visitors, which are over 350,000 every year. The UN cultural

    organization says that the cable car would bring the increase in tourist traffic. However, the

    Peruvian government insists it will preserve the character of Machu Picchu and is likely to resist

    any outside interference. And with the developers anxious to start work as soon as possible, the

    opponents don't have much time.

    Adapted from:
  • 7/29/2019 Reading Exercise Answer Key


    Directions: Read the article carefully and answer the following questions. (15 points)

    1. Why do people go to Machu Picchu? (2 points)Answers may vary. But the main point is: because the mountain/terrain is amazing.

    2. How far do visitors have to walk before they can reach Machu Picchu? (1 points)Forty kilometers

    3. According to the reading, what is going to happen with Machu Picchu? (2 points)A new cable car (more tourists is not acceptable because it wont happen before the

    cable car)

    4. Where will the cable car start from? (2 points)the banks of the Urubamba River

    5. Tell two advantages of the cable car.Answers may vary. But the answers must be derived from the article.

    6. Which word in paragraph 4 has a similar meaning to worry? (1 point)concern

    7. What do these words refer to?the Hidden City (paragraph 2, line 3) Machu Picchu (1 point)

    He (paragraph 3, line 4) Charles Munn (1 point)

    8. According to paragraph three, how could a cable car be good for the musicians andcraftsmen? Write the answer in your own words. (3 points)

    Answers may vary. But the answers must be derived from the article , for example It

    generates more income to them; they can earn more money from tourists, etc

    Directions:Write True if the statement is true and write False if it is false. (6 points)

    1. False______ Machu Picchu is near the city center of Peru.2. False______ A small number of tourists visit Machu Picchu each year.3. False______ Visitors can now go to Machu Picchu quickly by using the cable car.4. False______ The cable car might damage a good view of the mountain.5. True______ The bus drivers will lose their income if the cable is built.6. False______ The government is trying to stop the plan for a cable car.

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Exercise Answer Key


    Reading II (15 points)

    Who is Perfect Partners?

    1 I am a matchmaker and the owner ofPerfect Partners. I grew up on the

    East Coast of the US where I earned a Bachelor's degree from Boston Universityand a Master's degree from Lesley College in Boston. I am a dual citizen ofCanada and the US. Toronto is the city that I love and make my home.

    2 I spent over 12 years working at the executive level, building highly effective teams andpartnerships. I have been successful because I am imaginative, creative, and easy-going. I startedPerfect Partners because I enjoy life and I am a romantic person. I have a positive attitudetoward life and believe that all things are possible.

    3 My decision to become a matchmaker was caused by my personal experience. I'm surethat my story is not much different than yours. In my mid-forties, I found myself single again. I

    divorced my husband after 17 years of marriage. In my business life, I met men regularly, butthey seemed to all be married. All of these married people seemed to only know other married

    people. There were no single men.

    4 Finally a friend suggested that I consider a dating service. My first reaction was probablymuch like yours; "No way! I couldn't do that!" However, my friend insisted that I try, and finallyI decided to call a dating service for information. I checked out many services and joined one.As I went through various dating experiences, both with and without the use of a dating service,I became more and more convinced that there was a real need to help people find their "perfect

    partner". Speaking to friends, I realized that I wasn't the only one who was in this situation.Every single person that I spoke to was feeling exactly the same way that I was.

    5 The desire for companionship and love are basic to our nature and fundamental to ourwellbeing. I believe that the "perfect partner"is out there for anyone who has a sincere desire tofind him/her.

    6 I do believe that the "perfect partner", someone who fits like the piece of a puzzle, is outthere for you. My goal is to help you find your special someone who shares your laughter, joy,adventures, and special moments.

    Adapted from:
  • 7/29/2019 Reading Exercise Answer Key


    Directions: Read the article carefully and answer the following questions. (15 points)

    1. Where does the writer live now? (1)Toronto

    2. What did the writer do before she became a matchmaker? (2)Answer may vary, but it should notbe other jobs beyond executive, manager, CEO or

    other executive jobs

    3. Tell two adjectives the writer uses to describe her personality. (2)imaginative, creative, easy-going.(students should answer ONLY TWO adjectives

    4. What did the writer do when her friend suggested a dating service to her? (2)She refused./ She said no.

    5. Has the writer ever used a dating service? Copy one sentence to support your answer. (2)No. However, my friend insisted that I try, and finally I decided to call a dating service

    for information.

    6. According to paragraph 4, what idea do the writer and other single person have incommon? (2)

    a real need to help people find their "perfect partner"

    7. Which word in the reading has the similar meaning to the word friendship? (1)Companionship

    8. What is the writers purpose of running Perfect Partner? (2)to help single person find their special someone who

    9. Who could be a customer ofPerfect Partners? (1)A single person (or other appropriate morally, ethically correct answers)

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Exercise Answer Key


    Reading III

    The Growth of Fast Food in the United States

    1 Fast food appeared in the United States around a hundred years ago. The first fast food

    chain was White Castle. It was started in 1916 by J. Walter Anderson. However, fast food was

    not an important part of the American diet until after World War II.

    2 In 1948, three years after the end of the war, Richard and Maurice McDonald decided to

    start a different kind of fast-food restaurant. The brothers had a new ideathey wanted to sell

    hamburgers cheaply. They hoped to make money by selling inexpensive hamburgers to a lot of


    3 To test their plan, the McDonalds opened a hamburger stand in San Bernardino,

    California. They knew that their restaurant had to be economical and efficient. To make it

    economical, they reduced costs in several ways. For example, their restaurant had no waitresses

    or indoor tables. Customers ordered their food at a window and ate in their cars. Then, in order

    to make their restaurant efficient, they needed to make food more quickly. Therefore, they

    decided to simplify their menu. They served only a few items--hamburgers, cheeseburgers,

    French fries, and drinks.

    4 The McDonalds plan worked. In fact, the McDonald restaurant was so successful that

    the brothers decided to franchise their restaurants. This meant that people would pay the

    McDonald brothers a fee in order to build restaurants according to the McDonald design. In

    1953, franchises opened in Phoenix, Arizona, and Downey, California.

    5 At the end of 1957, there were 37 McDonalds restaurants by 1959, the total had reached

    over 100. The success of McDonalds encouraged other people to start fast food chains. Keith

    Cramer began a fast food hamburger restaurant in Miami in 1954. It eventually became Burger

    King. Dave Thomas opened his first Wendys restaurant in 1962 in Columbus, Ohio. These

    businesses became very successful. By 1990, there were 11,803 McDonalds restaurants, 6,298

    Burger Kings, and 3,721 Wendys restaurants in the United States.

    6 Soon, other fast food chains began selling products such as chicken, pizza, tacos, and

    submarine sandwiches. Today, 160,000 fast food restaurants serve more than 50 million

    Americans daily. With more than $65 billion in sales per year, fast food is one of the most

    successful American industries.

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Exercise Answer Key


    Directions: Read the article carefully and answer the following questions. (20 points)

    1. How long has fast food appeared in the United States? (1)

    Around a hundred years (students should answer only what the question asks)

    2. What was White Castle? (1)

    The first fast food chain

    3. When did fast food become popular? (2)

    After World War II

    4. What was the McDonald brothers new idea? (2)

    Selling hamburger cheaply

    5. How did the customers get their food when they went to the first McDonalds restaurant? (2)

    They ordered their food at the window.6. Which word in paragraph 2 has the same meaning as cheap? (1)


    7. How did the McDonald brothers reduce costs? (2)

    Their restaurant had no waitresses or indoor tables.

    8. Why did they decide to make their menu simpler? (2)

    They needed to make food more quickly.

    9. What do these words refer to (2)

    they (paragraph 2, line 3) Richard and Maurice McDonald / the brothers

    it (paragraph 5, line 3) fast food hamburger restaurant in Miami

    10. Which word in paragraph 1 means food? (1)


    11. Explain the word to franchise (paragraph 4, line 2) by using your own word. (2)

    Answers may vary.

    12. Is fast food business successful? Prove your answer. (2)

    Yes. (number of fast food restaurants, number or people consuming fast food, market value)