read the text after the tape.then choose the answers. 1. when did steven spielberg make his first...


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Read the text after the tape .Then choose the answers.

1. When did Steven Spielberg make his first film using real actors?( ) A. In 1946 B. In 1958 C. In 1959 D. In 1960

2. Steven Spielberg couldn’t go to the Film Academy because( ). A. he didn’t like to B. he was too young C. he was already a director D. he didn’t pass the test

3. Which of the following is not the film made by Spielberg?( ) A. Wolfboy B. Jaws C. Jurassic Park D. Saving Private Ryan

4. Which of the following statements is True according to the text?( ) A. ET shows the friendship and love of adults to creatures from outer space. B. Schindler’s list helps people know the cruelty of war. C. Steven Spielberg stopped making films after his first success. D. Steven Spielberg’s success had nothing to do with his wife and children.





Please read the passage quickly to get a general idea and try to answer the questions on the screen.1. How many films are mentioned in the passage? What are the names of the films?

2. What are Steven Spielberg’s later films about?

Five . They are “ Jaws “ “ET” “ Jurassic Park” “ Schindler’s list” and “ Saving Private Ryan”.

His later films are about the cruelty of war.

Now read the passage once again and then write sentences to fill in the chart with information from the text.






He said that he owes much of his success and happiness

to his wife and children.

He started making short films when he was still a young boy.

His grades were too low, he couldn’t go to the Film Academy.

He works on making films. He is one of the top directors in the film industry.

His dream was to go to Film Academy

Study for the language points:1. script: the written words that actors speak in a play or film.2. work on : 从事于幻灯片 11

3. take off: 开始受欢迎 , 开始成名 . 幻灯片 10

4.spend one’s holidays: 度假 the sea : 在海边幻灯片 9 afraid to do sth. 幻灯片 8

7.crearure: any living thing that is not a plant.8. outer : on the outside, far from the : a person or animal that has grown to the full size; not a child10. cut …into ( in ) pieces : 把…切成小块11. do research : 研究12.go wrong : 出错13.follow –up : something that comes after14. cruelty : being cruel

15. peace: a time when there is no war, the end : 最后幻灯片 7

17.industry : the work of making things in factories or all the companies that

make the same thing

19. couple : a man and a woman who are married18.owe : feel that you have sth because of what another person has done 幻灯片 6 all :in total

Now let’s listen to the tape. While listening , pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Post-Reading1. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?

2. Why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?

3. How important is his family to Spielberg’s career?

4. What was Spielberg’s dream?

5. What have you learnt from reading about Spielberg?

Because his grades were too low.

Because they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.

He says that he owes much of his career to his family.

His dream was to go to the Film Academy.

Working hard and believing in your dream will make your dreams come true.

2.What are some of Steven Spielberg’s most famous films about? Write complete sentences to fill in the chart below with the information from the text.



Jurassic Park(1993)

Schindler’s List(1993)

Saving Private Pyan(1998)

Jaws is about a big shark that attacks and eats

swimmers .

It is about a little creature that comes from outer space and wants to go home.

It is about an island where a very rich man keeps all kinds of dinosaurs.

It is about the cruelty of war / a Ger man who saved thousands of Jewish people from being killed in the war.

It is about the cruelty of war / an American captain who led his team to search for a soldier named Ryan.

owe …to… : You have been able to do sth because of what sb else has done.

I you my best thanks for what you’ve done to me .

A. forgive B. owe C. charge D. share幻灯片 5


finally , at last , in the end

finally 一般用在句中动词前面 , 而 at last 与 in the end 的位置较灵活 , 三者中 at last 语气最强 .

1.Smith has passed the exam at last .

2.But in the end he gave in. 3.After putting it off three times , we finally

managed to have a holiday in Dalian. 幻灯片 5

be afraid , be afraid to do sth. , be afraid of ( doing ) sth.

be afraid : 担心 , 害怕 , 表示一种歉意 , 后可接so 或 that, 也可接 that 从句 .

be afraid to do : 表示”由于胆小而不敢做” She is afraid to be here alone.

be afraid of ( doing ) sth.: 表示”担心或害怕某事 ( 发生 )

I was afraid of hurting her feelings. 幻灯片 5

By sea , by the sea , in the sea , on the sea

by sea : 走海路 , 乘船 by ship

by the sea : on the coast

in the sea : 在海里 on the sea : 在海上 , 在海边幻灯片 5

a.Take your coat off.

b. The plane is taking off in ten minutes.

c. I’m taking Thursday off because I’m moving house.

When the policemen arrived at the airport, the plane had already .

A. going off B. taken off C. taken away D. gone away 幻灯片 5


work at 侧重所从事的工作的性质 , 而不在于说明正在干什么 .” 学习” “研究””致力于”…Work on 侧重”从事某项工作” , 译为”创作” “ 做”… .” 继续工作” 常用于进行时和完成时 .Work out “ 算出” “制定出”

The scientists are still inventing new methods of reaching outer space. A. working on B. working for C. taking up D. taking on 幻灯片 5