react native in production

React Native in Production Build Native Mobile Apps using JavaScript and React

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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React Native in ProductionBuild Native Mobile Apps using JavaScript and React

Kim Seokjun aka almaFront-end web developer at SOCAR

Working as DevOps - react.js, react-native, node.js, express.js, docker

Interested in - go, tensorflow, functional programming

React.js React Native

React.js React Native


오늘부터 2차 모집중!

WHY? 1. To avoid risk mixing

Single bug may affect two services

SOCAR is already huge and complex application

WHY? 2. Not much to share with SOCAR

ZEROCAR is running over SOCAR but in behavioral standpoint it’s not

WHY? 3. Minimize features and quick updates

Feature list was too long for 3 weeks So decided to spec out most and focus on criticals

WHY? 4. iOS and Android



WHY? 5. React experienced web developer


Cordova + React NativeScript React Native



React + Redux + ES6 = Awesome!

import { ScrollView } from ‘react-native’import { Profile, SharingStatus, Scheduler } from ‘@components’

class HomeContainer extends React { refresh() { fetch(‘http://api.url).then((res) => this.props.getSharingStatus(res)) }

render() { <ScrollView>

<Profile /> <SharingStatus /> <Scheduler /></ScrollView>


PROS 2. FLEX Layout

CSS the good parts : Flex layout is very Flexible

<View style={{ flex: 1 }}> <View style={{ flex: 1 }} /> <View style={{ flex: 1 }} /> <View style={{ height: 100 }} /></View>

height: 100

flex: 1

flex: 1


PROS 2. FLEX Layout

CSS the good parts : Flex layout is very Flexible

flex: 1 flex: 1


<View style={{ height: 50, flexDirection: ‘row’ }}> <View style={{ flex: 1 }} /> <View style={{ flex: 1 }} /></View>

height: 50 flexDirection: ‘row’

PROS 2. FLEX Layout

CSS the good parts : Flex layout is very Flexible

<View style={{ justifyContent: ‘center’, alignItems: ‘center’, }}> <Text style={{ width: 50, }} > Centered </Text></View>



justifyContent: ‘center’ alignItems: ‘center’

PROS 3. No compile, Hot-reload

Thank you Dan! I love you! Really! Love you! My Jesus!

Dan Abramov, author of Redux and React Hot Reloader

PROS 4. The Javascript

Lodash Moment.js Accounting

PROS 4. The Javascript

Lodash : the functional programming

const getCamelCased = (text: string) => { if (!text) return null; return text.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase());};

const getButtonStyle = (className) => { if (!className) return null;

return _.chain(['btn', 'normal', ...className.split(/\s/)]) .map(elem => styles[getCamelCased(elem)]) .value();};

PROS 4. The Javascript

Moment : date-time eternal villain for developer

const getMinStartDate = (endDate) => { if (endDate) return moment(endDate).subtract(120, 'minutes');

const now = moment(); const currentMinute = now.minute(); const currentSeconds = now.second(); const currentMilliSeconds = now.millisecond(); const remainder = (currentMinute > 0) ? 10 - (currentMinute % 10) : 10;

return moment(start) .add(remainder, 'minutes') .subtract(currentSeconds, 'seconds') .subtract(currentMilliSeconds, 'milliseconds');},

PROS 4. The Javascript

Accounting : the easiest way to format number to currency

// Default usage:accounting.formatMoney(12345678); // $12,345,678.00

// European formatting (custom symbol and separators), can also use options object as second parameter:accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "₩", 2, ".", ","); // ₩4.999,99

// Negative values can be formatted nicely:accounting.formatMoney(-500000, "£ ", 0); // £ -500,000

// Simple `format` string allows control of symbol position (%v = value, %s = symbol):accounting.formatMoney(5318008, { symbol: "원", format: "%v %s" }); // 5,318,008.00 원

PROS 5. CodePush

React-Native runs main.jsbundle over JS thread… which means you can REPLACE bundle to UPDATE

PROS 5. CodePush

3.3.2 An Application may not download or install executable code. Interpreted code may only be used in an Application if all scripts, code and interpreters are packaged in the Application and not downloaded. The only exception to the foregoing is scripts and code downloaded and run by Apple's built-in WebKit framework, provided that such scripts and code do not change the primary purpose of the Application by providing features or functionality that are inconsistent with the intended and advertised purpose of the Application as submitted to the App Store.

but … it crashes often. don’t rely on it too much…

Apple officially allows code-push

PROS 6. Unit Test

Integration test sucks

1. difficult to write test, 2. impossible to keep it updated 3. takes forever but unreliable

PROS 6. Unit Test


PROS 6. Unit Test

Writing test for react-native is actually fun and easy

Mocha, Enzyme and Chai make it possible

PROS 6. Unit Test

import { expect } from ‘chai’;import reducer, { resetDate } from ‘./reducer’;

describe(‘reducer’, () => { it(‘should reset date keeping its duration’, () => { const startDate = ‘2015-06-05 03:30’, endDate = ‘2015-06-05 06:30’;

expect( reducer({ startDate, endDate }, resetDate()) ).to.deep.equal({ startDate: ‘2015-06-05 04:30’, endDate: ‘2015-06-05 07:30’, }); });});

Writing test for redux with Mocha, Chai

PROS 6. Unit Test

import React, { View, Text } from 'react-native';import { shallow } from 'enzyme';import { expect } from ‘chai’;import Test from ‘./Test’;

describe('<Test />', () => { it('it should render 1 view component', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Test/>); expect(wrapper.find(View)).to.have.length(1); }); it('it should render 2 text components', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Test/>); expect(wrapper.find(Text)).to.have.length(2); });});

Component test with Enzyme shallow rendering from `render()`


CONS 1. Navigation, Navigator, Navigation Bar …

Navigator Navigator.NavigationBar NavigatorExperimental

NavigatorIOS TabBarIOS

DrawerLayoutAndroid ToolBarAndroid


CONS 2. Poor documentation, frequent updates

Pooooooooooooor documentation frequent breaking changes updates

CONS 3. Native Modules

Comparably easier than others But it take time, efforts and native developer

CONS 4. Schrodinger’s cat in the box

You know nothing Jon Snow inside

CONS 5. Performance

Everyone talks about this but we never felt that yet

performance has never been an issuethere are a lot of other problems to solve…

CONS 5. Performance

Don’t forget this is not meant to work for everything it has pros and cons and things getting better

but it is true that native app is faster in many ways



Easy to develop

Okay to distribute

Hard to keep it updated



use redux and code-pushabstract react-native apis

wrap components with containeruse npm private registry to share validation

use setState carefully



don’t believe in react-native packagesuse carefully custom router to maximize native experience

don’t think of it as native environment code-push has problem with redux

nesting components is harmful


Easy for web front-end developer Apple allows code-push update for sure

It is almost impossible to catch run-time crash react-native packages always make problems

build just broke sometimes especially on android



comparatively performantfrom both develop and application standpoint


Active and Enthusiastic community


Applicable for production use


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