react, flux and more (p1)

React, Flux and… more (p1)

Upload: tuanpa206

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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React, Flux and… more (p1)

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Content Core Technologies React Flux Demo

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Content Core Technologies React Flux Demo

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Core Technologies

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Node Server-side JS Uses the V8 Engine Includes npm package manager

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Use Node modules in the browser Bundle dependencies

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Component Library Simple composition Utilizes virtual DOM Can render on client and server

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React router Nested views map to nested routes Declarative Used at Facebook Inspired by Ember

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Uni-directional data flows More a pattern than a library

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Task runner Rich plugin ecosystem Stream-based

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Summary Node & npm : packages React: Components React-router: Routing Flux: Data flows Browserify: Bundler Gulp: Builds

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What is React? React (sometimes styled React.js or ReactJS) is an open-source JavaScript library providing a view for data rendered as HTML.

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What is React? React isn't an MVC framework React doesn't use templates Reactive updates are dead simple

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What is React? Try to keep an open mind. Unidirectional flow. No two-way binding. Inline styles can be good. JavaScript and HTML belong in the same file

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Why React?

“We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.”

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Why React? Fast Composable Pluggable Isomorphic Friendly Simple Battle Proven

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Virtual Dom

Compare DOM’s current state to desired new state. Update the DOM in the most efficient way

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Top-Level API

React.createClass React.createElement React.DOM React.Children

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Component API

setState setProps replaceState forceUpdate isMounted replaceProps

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Component API

render() : the render() method is required.

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ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode ReactDOM.render ReactDOM.findDOMNode

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The life of a component

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Props & State

Props : pass data to child components State : data in controller view

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Initial State


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Default prop values


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JSX “HTML” in JavaScript Differences: className, htmlFor Compiles to JavaScript Optional

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Lifecycle Methods

componentWillMount componentDidMount componentWillReceiveProps shouldComponentUpdate componentWillUpdate componentDidUpdate componentWillUnmount

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When Before initial render, both client and server. Why Good spot to set initial state.

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When After render. Why Access DOM, integrate with frameworks, set timers, AJAX requests.

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When When receiving new props. Not called on initial render. Why Set state before a render.

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When Before render when new props or state are being received. Not called on initial render. Why Performance. Return false to void unnecessary re-renders.

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When Immediately before rendering when new props or state are being received. Not called on initial render. Why Prepare for an update.

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When After component's updates are flushed to the DOM. Not called for the initial render. Why Work with the DOM after an update.

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When Immediately before component is removed from the DOM Why Cleanup.

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propTypes - Validate props propTypes: { author: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, onSave: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, validate: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, }

- Development vs. Production Mode - Minified version is for production.

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Mixins For cross-cutting concerns Share code between multiple components

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THANK YOU (to be continued …)