reaching & teaching children with ad/hd

Reaching & Teaching Children with AD/HD ADHD Association 20 th Anniversary Conference Reykjavik, Iceland 26 September, 2008 11:00 – 12:00 Sandra Rief, Presenter

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Reaching & Teaching Children with AD/HD. ADHD Association 20 th Anniversary Conference Reykjavik, Iceland 26 September, 2008 11:00 – 12:00. Sandra Rief, Presenter Think of one student/child. What strategies might I use to ...?. Page 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Reaching & Teaching Children with AD/HD

ADHD Association 20th Anniversary Conference

Reykjavik, Iceland

26 September, 2008

11:00 – 12:00

Sandra Rief, Presenter

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Think of one student/child...

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What strategies might I use to ...?

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Common School Performance Difficulties in Students with


• Poor organization, time management, study skills

• Minimal/inconsistent production & output (both in-class assignments & homework)

• Some academic weaknesses – particularly in written language/writing skills

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Common School Performance Difficulties in Students with


• Forgetfulness/memory-related issues

• Difficulty following rules

• Behavioral & social difficulties affecting interpersonal relationships

• Unable to sustain effort for long-term goals (need short term goals/rewards)

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Things to Keep in Mind About AD/HD

• Disorder in performance, output, and production

• Approximately 30% developmental delay (in self-control, inhibition and executive functions)

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Common Misinterpretations of Behavior

• Doesn’t work independently (lazy/apathetic)– chronic memory problems, lacks

prerequisite skills, difficulty blocking internal/external distraction

• Doesn’t follow directions (noncompliance)– difficulty with recall/memory of verbal

directions & translating into action, switching gears, interrupting what they’re doing

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Common Misinterpretations of Behavior

• Repeatedly making the same mistakes (willful, deliberate)– respond too quickly to refer to past


• Not sitting still (can control if tried harder)– neurologically-based need to move, difficulty

regulating motor activity

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Common Misinterpretations of Behavior

• Poor social skills/judgment (deliberate, poor parenting)

– difficulty noticing/interpreting social cues, inhibiting responses, skill/performance deficit

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Our Perception...Our Reaction

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Key Elements for School Success

• Flexibility & willingness of teacher to accommodate

• Knowledge & understanding of ADHD, LD, and other neurobiological disorders

• Close home/school communication• Engaging & interactive teaching


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2 min 30

2 min 30


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Maintain Attention (Active) 2 min 04

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Key Elements for School Success

• Effective classroom management

• Environmental adaptations & accommodations

• Positive behavioral supports & interventions

• Help & training in organization/ time management/study skills

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Key Elements for School Success

• Limiting amount of homework and reducing written workload (as needed)

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Key Elements for Success

• Respecting & accommodating learning style differences

• Adaptations and modifications according to student needs

• Differentiated instruction

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One Size Doesn’t Fit All

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Key Elements for Success

• Active learning

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Kinesthetic – 53 sec

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Key Elements for Success

• Developing & bringing out student strengths

• Belief in student…Doing what it takes

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~ 5% Chronic/intense

~ 15 % At-risk

~80 %Norm

Tertiary preventionIntensive interventions

Secondary preventionTargeted interventions

Primary preventionUniversal interventions

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Creating the Climate for Success of ALL Students

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2 min 40


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Reverse the “praise deficit”: It takes changing the


3:1 (Minimally)

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Recognition, Acknowledgement, and

Specific Praise

“I really appreciate how you ______.”

“I appreciate the self-control you are using.”

“I noticed how hard you were working on ______.”

“I see the effort you are showing.”

“Thank you for the good choice you just made.”

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Climate Class Short – Class + Reinforcement Systems

2 min 35

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Common Antecedents or Triggers

• Environmentally Based:– (e.g., poor comfort level - too noisy/crowded; lack

of structure/organization/interesting materials)

• Physically Based:– (e.g., ill, tired, hungry, thirsty, medication related)

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Common Antecedents or Triggers

• Related to Specific Activity or Event:– (e.g., unclear instructions, substitute teacher,

competitive game)

• Related to Specific Time:– (e.g., first period, before/after lunch, transitions)

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Common Antecedents or Triggers

• Performance/Skill Demand:(e.g., to remain seated, share materials, take a timed test, read independently, write in cursive, wait for a turn)

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Physical Needs 53 sec.

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Prevent Problems: Alter the Antecedents

• Increase the structure

• Closer monitoring & supervision

• Motivating materials and assignments

• Increase opportunity for movement and active participation

• Increase cueing & prompts

• Prepare for transitions

• Adjust the environmental factors

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Environmental Accommodations

• Preferential Seating (location & alternatives to


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Movin’ Sit Jr

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Environmental Accommodations

• Preferential Seating (location & alternatives to chair)

• Standing work stations

• Office area/study carrel, 2-desks

• Adding structure and organization (e.g., color-


• Visual supports & prompts

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Visual Cues

1. May talk with teacher permission only.2. May leave seat with teacher permission only.

1. May use 12” voice.2. May leave seat when needed (e.g., to turn in work)

1. May talk quietly with other students.2. May leave seat to work with other students.

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Papers in notebookWork turned in

Pack all needed books and suppliesAll homework recorded in planner

End of Day Page 4

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Timer Uses

• Transitions

• Regain control message

• Motivating on-task/work completion

• X amount of time to demonstrate target behavior to earn point/token

• Time-out

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Environment-beanbag (2 min 11 )

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Individual Management Systems

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GOAL__________ DATE __________

___________’S DAILY REPORT

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -

+ - + - + -


handoutPage 5

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On time to class

Homework turnedIn

Used class timeProductively

Followed class rules (no more than 2 warnings

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With “Challenging” Kids

• Plan a response and avoid “reacting.”

• Praise, encourage, and reward increments of improvement

• Change what you can control…YOURSELF (attitude, body language, voice, strategies, expectations).

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With “Challenging” Kids

• Use “when…then” rather than “if you don’t…you won’t.

• Use “what” questions rather than “why” questions.

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• What else could you try?

• What would you like to happen next?

• What was our agreement?

• What are you risking by doing that?

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With “Challenging” Kids

• Acknowledge: “I can’t make you. But remember your choices are either ___ or ___ . (Give 2 choices)

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Go to 67 rdg or 72 org

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“You can stay after school to finish the class assignment or you can finish it now and not have to stay after class. It’s your choice.”

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AD/HD: Reading difficulties related to…

• Inattention/distractibility

• Poor memory skills

• Application of metacognitive strategies

Rief, S. & Heimburge, J. (2006) How to Reach & Teach All Children in the Inclusive Classroom, 2nd ed.

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Students with AD/HD Often

Have average reading fluency

Have “spotty” comprehension

Lose their place frequently

Forget what they read

Fatigue easily while reading

Have difficulty reading silently

Avoid reading (non-choice material)

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During Reading Comprehension Strategies

• Stopping at points to process text • Read-cover-retell• Make connections• Make predictions and inferences• Visualize• Ask questions

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Stop and Process Activities

• Stop and re-tell in your own words…

• Stop and ask your partner a question.

• Stop and discuss…

• Stop and draw something to help you remember…

• Stop and write questions in the margins

• Stop and summarize in 1 sentence…

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Reading Interventions

• Divide reading assignment into shorter segments

• Use markers to block part of page

• Allow reading to self orally - whisperphone

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Strategies for Organization, Time Management, & Study Skills

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Executive Function-Related Classwork & Homework

Challenges Memory, Forgetfulness Planning, Prioritizing, Organizing Judging and Managing Time Breaking things down into steps Activation (mobilizing, getting started) Sustaining Attention, Alertness, and Effort Self-management (including managing

frustration and emotions)

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Homework Steps

• Know what the assignment is

• Record the assignment

• Bring the required materials home

• Do the homework

• Return the homework to their backpack

• Turn in the homework

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Organization & Homework Support

Required backpack and 3-ring binder or alternative of accordion file (pocket folder for K-2)

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Homework Folder

• One colored folder in front of notebook for all homework; or one homework folder behind each subject tab

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Organization & Homework Support

Consistent use of planner/agenda/ calendar/assignment sheet

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Organization & Homework Support

Color code: schedule, books, notebooks, folders, unit sheets, handouts

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Organization & Homework Support

Build cleaning/organization of notebooks and desks into the schedule. Provide a second set of books for home.Write due dates on assignments and estimated time required to complete.

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Organization & Homework Support

Walk through recording of assignments

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Recording Assignments

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Organization & Homework Support

Provide class syllabus and project timelines

Chunking down long-range assignments (interim due dates, monitoring, heads-up to parents)

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Organization & Homework Support

Post all assignments, schedules, materials needed, timelines

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Organization & Homework Support

Supervise for materials as leaving room, sign monitoring form ticket out the room

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Sign off & Long term (42 sec)

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Organization and Homework Support

School-wide supports: Supervised study periods, homework labs, Learning Strategies class

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Organization & Homework Support

Keep teacher copy of student planner or assignment sheet filled out & accessible.

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Organization & Homework Support

Teach students to use a “things to do” list and other checklists

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Organization & Homework Support

Use a monitoring form to track and communicate between home and school.

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5 – Excellent: Worked all or most of class and was not disruptive

4 – Good

3 – Satisfactory: Did acceptable work, but needed some prompts to stay on-task

2 – Poor

1 – Unacceptable: Did not do any or very little work and was a distraction to others

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Organization & Homework Support

Be responsive to parent feedback and frustration about homework difficulties.

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Why is Writing is Such a Struggle?

Planning & Organization (topic, ideas, sequence, structure of genre)

Memory (working & long term)

Language (logical, coherent, vocabulary usage)


Grapho-Motor Skills (physical task)

Editing (revision, proofreading)

Self-Monitoring (make sense? enough detail?)

Speed of Written Output & Production

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Fine Motor/Handwriting

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Some Writing Accommodations

• Pre-Writing and Organizational Supports (e.g., use of graphic organizers, checklist or rubric of required components, talk through ideas first)

• Editing Assistance (teacher/peer, spell-check)• Bypass Strategies (e.g., permission to dictate

portions, print instead of cursive, access to computer/assistive technology)

• Shortened/modified written assignments• Use of scribe, note-taking assistance• Alternatives/Options to Writing Assignments

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Math Difficulties Due to Weaknesses in..

Working memory

Long term memory retrieval (steps, rules, vocabulary, processes, math facts)


Sequencing (multi-step procedures, counting)

Perceptual-motor/Spatial organization

Language (abstract terms, word problems)

Self-monitoring (estimating, pacing)

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Academic Interventions for Math Weaknesses

• Allow use of calculator & multiplication chart• Use graph paper to space numbers• Provide immediate correctness feedback• Give clues to the process needed to solve problem• Color-code processing signs• Provide time to let students work with each other

(partners/groups) solving problems, checking and reteaching

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Not Fair

• Fairness is giving everyone what they need, not equal treatment.

• Fairness does not mean sameness, it means everyone treated with equal respect & equal opportunity to succeed.

• Accommodations provide = footing; not unfair advantages; based on need.

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A Journey of Hope

Over the mountain Little Train pulled...

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A Journey of Hope

Over the mountain Little Train pulled.Family & friends pushed on, hoping he would.An obstacle in life…this mountain was school,The side-line cheered on with love as the tool.Harder and harder the Little Train tried.Often he slipped and sometimes he cried,“I can’t, I can’t”…”Oh yes you will!”…Cries of support came from over the hill.

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A Journey of Hope

At times on his journey, he became derailed;Totally feeling as though he had failed.“Get back on track, we know you can!”Came the shouts from the side line,Believing in him.

Sure enough, Little Train came through,Accomplishing the goal he set out to do.Knowing that life is meant to be shared, heCouldn’t have made it without those who cared.

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A Journey of Hope

The question is asked, “How will I repayAll those on the side line who cheered all the

way?”“By helping others”, the answer came…”We show that with love our journey is


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Contact Sandra

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