rbs keys to inspirational living

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  • 8/7/2019 RBs Keys to Inspirational Living


    RBs Keys to Inspirational Living

    Over 300 of My Select Quotes

    By Ryan Biddulph

    Copyright 2011 Ryan Biddulph

  • 8/7/2019 RBs Keys to Inspirational Living



    If you received the result you caused it on some level.

    You cant escape the fact that you create your life experience.

    Blaming others forfeits your power of choice.

    Take responsibility for your life. Things tend to work out for the person whoknows they are cause.

    Any time spent in blame is wasted.

    You can change any situation you dislike. It all starts with how you choose thinkabout it.

    If you're not making any money, You are not making any money. Your businesshas nothing to do with it.

    "The habit of blaming forms a mental prison."

    "Life is fair. You get out of it whatever you put in."


    Take the focus from what can I get and move it to what can I give.

    Givers never need. God takes care of those who take care of others.

    When anxious, give. Restore your balance.

    Those who give generously receive effortlessly.

    Expressing gratitude improves your attitude.

    Those who focus on getting before giving repel success.

    Trying to get before you give is not the harmonious way to live.

    Give what you have and you'll never want.

    Getting before you give is the unnatural way to live.

    When you feel lacking, create. Restore your balance.

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    The one thing standing between you and your unfulfilled desires is you.

    If you spend most of the time focusing on what you need to do or have to do

    youll forget about what you want to do.

    Every good thing you want, God wants for you. If you don't have it you're gettingin God's way.

    Creative Principle

    Focus on principle rather than precedent; the creative mind originates ideaswhile the competitive mind searches for examples.

    Principle triumphs over precedent.


    When an idea has been brought to you by positive attraction put it into action.

    Dont chase money. Attract it. That which is chased takes flight.

    Goal Setting

    Don't form timetables for your goals. Expect them to manifest now.


    Frequently check your level of vibration because it leads to creation.

    Experience follows your mental state.

    When you feel the emotions of having it you are attracting it.

    God gave us our feelings to use as a guidance system. When negativity drawsnear steer clear.

    Generating the emotions of having it causes attraction.

    It's a universe of feelings. Thoughts mean nothing without feelings.


    Meditate on Success. Be Success. Let the Universe hand out your businesscards.

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    Be the person you want to be Now. Outside conditions conform to this being.

    Quality Vs Quantity

    Intelligent work beats hard work. Doing things in a certain way takes you on thestraight and narrow to your goal.

    Repelling Mindset

    If the mind's not right your prosperity takes flight.

    Universal Power

    Everyone has access to the same power. The difference between the highestachievers and everyone else is they've learned how to put this power into


    We all pluck ideas from the same source.

    No matter how things appear to be it's all the same energy.

    Creative Process

    Picture, believe, and receive how God sees fit.

    Each moment of existence you cause creation.

    Life follows the ideas and feelings consistently fed to the consciousness.

    Every thought, feeling, and action causes some type of attraction.

    The universe is a canvas and you are the artist.

    On manifestation -> Be patient. You would not plant a seed in the morning andexpect an oak tree in the afternoon.

    When you have something mentally you will receive it.

    Thoughts precede things.

    The most astounding accomplishments start with a thought.

    Be mindful of your thoughts since they form the genesis of your experience.

    You have what you seek. The thought is the seed of the thing.

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    The alarm clock is a successful person's best friend. Use it frequently to giveyour thoughts a wake-up call.

    When you think something, you own that thought. This is the origin of the thing.

    Whatever you attach to "I am" begins growing the instant you think of it.

    We all pluck ideas from the same Source. There is no monopoly on genius.

    All things visible and invisible are at your command.

    To direct your life, watch your thoughts.

    "You become your thoughts. Choose whatever you attach to 'I am' wisely."

    "If you thought it, you already have its seed."

    "I am, becomes."


    Listen to your soul life goes on cruise control.


    The universe values positive thoughts, feelings, and actions. What are you

    offering at this moment?

    "Those who focus on adding value with each act become valuable."


    Judge according to appearances and you'll live according to them.


    Have faith in the manifestation of your desire but be uncertain as to how it will

    happen. Let go attachments so the Universe can get to work.

    God gives whatever is allowed. Relax, let go, grow.

    Allowing is handing the reins over to a Higher Power.

    Don't be in a rush to receive whats in front of you. Allow it to materialize.

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    Don't chase dollars. Follow your passions.

    Hobbies are meant to be full-time endeavors.

    When building a dream life start by doing what makes you happy.

    Mental Hurry

    The prescription for an overworked mind is surrender.


    When ideas flow let them go. Don't hold back what God wants you to let loose.

    Mental Science

    Make mental science a priority. Never ignore the tool of your trade.


    To have it all you must let go of a lot.


    What you need to do or have to do is not what you truly want to do.


    There is nothing stopping you except your own destructive thoughts.


    Lifes pressing questions are answered most easily when still.

    Logic has its place but surrendering your thoughts to Source at least a few timesa day is what causes Miracles to happen.

    Not thinking has its benefits.

    Source knows all that there is to know. Ten minutes and a quiet room can be alife altering event.

    Stillness can cure any illness.

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    You will best be able to develop others if you develop yourself first.


    God gave us Paradise. Anything to the contrary is a man-made illusion.

    Too much and not enough are impossibilities in a Universe of infinite supply.

    Do be ashamed to receive, and receive generously. The Universe showersthose who feel abundant.

    "The universe doesn't know big or small, only people do. Appreciateabundance & you receive more"

    "You only prosper after you've prospered others."

    "The best way to receive abundance is to appreciate that which you haveand that which is on the way."


    Criticism can be one of two things. A well-meaning suggestion or an attempt tobring down someone whose life you envy.

    If youre negatively critical of someone its time to look in the mirror. That whichyou criticize exists in you. See the good in everybody and watch your own faultsfade away.

    If you have critics you must be doing something right.

    Don't seek approval because you'll never be good enough for everybody.

    One of the best ways to attract poverty is to criticize the wealthy. Abundanceflows to those who appreciate it.

    If you take things personally remember it's about them.


    Listen to your intuition. It knows which way to take you.

    Follow your intuition. It'll never lead you astray although at times it might notseem that way.

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    Without God I am soulless, mindless, bodiless.

    When you focus on the Invisible you cause good things to become visible.

    The world may not be watching but the Universe always is. Your thoughts andfeelings travel to only God knows where.

    Your thoughts and feelings have a universal influence.

    Be still and your problems will disappear. The One Mind does not recognizeimperfection.

    Be still and listen. Tune into Perfect Counsel.

    Our individuality is God differentiating Herself.

    Form an attachment to Spirit. God is the one constant in life.

    When in doubt, go to the Source.

    Life follows divine order. Use your thoughts and feelings to give God the properinstructions.

    Your hopes, dreams, and ambitions are God expressing Himself through you.How could you possibly fail with the Infinite operating in you, through you, all

    around you?

    There is only one Original.

    The truth behind all appearances is One.

    Being still reveals ideas which you never would have thought of.

    Source owns all.

    Our conscience is the gift of Perfect Guidance.

    Your uniqueness is the differentiation of God.

    Faith in the Invisible is what causes things to become visible.

    When you focus on Source all things are possible.

    Don't ever confuse the channels of wealth with the Source. God showers those

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    who look up to Him.

    When you love you are in harmony with the Go(o)d in everything.

    If you want something look for it in the spaces in, around, and between. That's


    Your intuition knows, but it whispers. Be still. Listen.

    Never forget your Invisible means of supply.

    Everything is a God-germ, including you.

    Rely on the Invisible to make things visible.

    Listen to your soul, life goes on cruise control.

    Why would you ever underestimate Unlimited Potential? God works in, through,and around you.

    "God is really, really Good. Whatever happens in your life, keep tellingyourself this, and all turns to Good."

    "Everything visible was once Invisible."

    "Everything tangible was once intangible."

    "You'll do your best work not when thinking, but listening."

    "When things aren't working out, shift your attention from things to theInvisible."


    You grow from letting go.


    Successful people have plenty of enemies. Not because of how they becamesuccessful, but because they are successful.

    Success is going beyond limits which you had previously set for yourself.

    If you've tried with all your heart and soul you've succeeded.

    "The road to success may be rocky but without the rocks you're on a

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    different road.'


    When you attract a great idea run with it until youre done with it.

    The time to give up is when you cant give up. Persist as long as youre herebecause one day you wont be.

    Go until you're finished.

    The tougher things become the easier it will be to deal with these things in thefuture.

    Persistence is the difference-maker. You won't achieve anything until you passthe test of time.

    When you feel like quitting, keep going. God rewards those who trudge on in theface of discouragement.

    Most people focus on trying harder and forget about trying longer.

    Most world-renowned people lived very ordinary lives which changed in amoment. Be persistent until your moment arrives.

    If you have a strong enough desire to succeed everything else will fall into placebecause you won't quit until it does.

    Keep going as long as you can go. The gift of going will cease to be yours oneday.

    Successful people go past the point where everyone else stops.

    Successful people keep at it until they get it.

    Each trial, disappointment, and hardship is a quiz which is part of thepersistence test.

    Keep going until you can go no more. Then decide to keep going.

    "Put yourself out there, do what you do best, keep with it until God lets youpass the persistence test."

    "Just when you thought you couldn't go any farther, you do."

    "Keep on pushing and the universe will give you a push."

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    "You can never truly arrive without having been delayed."

    "When you have a great idea don't stop until it's fully realized. Breathe thelife of hope into it each moment."

    If you havent been discouraged you havent persisted long enough.


    Before you heed advice be sure to check the source. Well-meaning people dontnecessarily provide the best counsel.


    To experience your mental picture you must live in it first.

    To turn your dreams into realities imagine with a purpose and do so often. Thefrequency and definiteness of your thought impressions accelerates themanifestation process.

    Your mental picture is lawful. Believe this in your heart and the manifestation ofthe picture will be as certain as the change of seasons. The same Force createseach.

    The mind's eye makes it happen.

    Dream frequently and with a purpose.

    Don't depend on what you can see with your eyes. Vision drives.

    The novice uses conditions as their primary motivator. The genius is driven byvision.

    Live in your mental picture to make it come alive.

    Before you live large you must dream big. The mental picture always causes thething.

    Genius is vision without sight.

    Hold your vision and let it be the driving force in your life.

    If your dreams aren't grand how could your life ever be?

    Keep your dream front and center or youre bound to steer off course.

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    Visualizing attracts goal-achieving ideas instead of busy work.

    Hold a vision despite all evidence to the contrary. Appearances eventuallyconform to your mental picture.

    Keep your goal front and center today. It's your mental compass, letting youknow when you've strayed.

    The more you dwell on a vision the more real it becomes.

    "Your vision magnetizes itself to all things which make it real."

    "The imagination is a predictive creative faculty."


    The secret of success? Stay true to you.

    Being in your own world is often the best place to be. Be content with yourinnermost thoughts and your outer actions will tend to provide the most benefit toothers.

    Be true to yourself and you can never go wrong, no matter what others think,say, or do in response to you being you.

    The billionaires of the world had wildly different ideas. Do you?

    If you let others do your thinking for you you'll live at the mercy of theirthoughts.

    Each person should lead their own way. Learn from others but discover yourown truths.

    You are the first and last you there will ever be.

    You'll be the best at whatever you do when you are simply being you.

    Rejecting your individuality can be the difference between success and failure.

    Your talents are God yearning to express Himself.

    Speak from your soul and you won't feel the need to seek approval.

    Figure out who you are and you'll stop being the person others want you to be.

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    "If you do what everyone else does don't be shocked when you receive yourresults."

    "Self-expression is Living."

    "Conventional thinking is fine for those who want to live a conventionallife."

    "Don't expect to receive different results when you do what others do."

    "Honor yourself. Do something vastly different with your life."

    "If it makes perfect sense, think twice before doing it."

    "Run with an inspiring idea no matter how many people advise against it.

    You'll know when what they know doesn't matter."


    Acknowledging negativity is not your responsibility. Let someone else handle it.

    If you encounter negativity today step out of the way.

    Happy people rarely take the time to think about what others may think or sayabout them. Theyre too busy being happy.

    Many spend their day receiving doses of negativity without being aware of it.

    The general public excels in administering mental poison.

    If you take a moment to write or say something negative you've wasted a gooddeal of time.

    Stepping Away From The Crowd

    Dont expect rousing support in your quest for greatness.

    On the road to Greatness very little of what you do will make sense to most.


    An obstacle is a stepping stone; its function is to move you higher.

    Failure is opportunity waiting to be seized.

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    It's our choice to see obstacles or opportunities.

    Misfortune is opportunity misread.

    You'll get your best ideas when you're not looking for them.

    Everything is a vehicle for your advancement.

    Every circumstance has a lesson built-in. God has Purpose in mind witheverything.

    Every moment in your life has been a vehicle for your advancement. Bless allthings for they have developed you.

    'Luck' is an opportunity that had formerly been screaming at you to allow it.

    Every moment holds limitless possibilities.


    When things look as bad as they can get prepare for the best. Its on the way.

    If things look bad I know they're getting better.

    Break Down/Build Up. This is the purification process. What seems like theworst thing is the best thing that could happen to you.


    The only competition is our own ignorance.

    Competitive thought is a curse. Dont compare, create.

    Relaxed minds create, stressed minds compete.

    Competition doesn't exist. God will give you what you want when you lose theidea that He could actually work against Himself.

    You are not working against anything. You are working with the Invisible whichis in, through, and around.

    Competitive minds battle an imagined enemy.

    If you feel the need to compete with something choose your own ignorance.

    Competitive minds work so hard to chase down what wants to come to them.

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    When thinking on a creative plane nobody can compete with you.

    If you think competitively you'll wind up like the competition. Creative minds riseabove.

    When you add value, you receive value. When you worry about others you'll getmore things to worry about.

    If you fear competition you don't have faith in yourself.

    The moment you rush competition starts and creation ends.

    "Don't compare yourself to others. You'll never measure up to them butthey'll never measure up to you either."

    "Competition is impossible. God can't work against Himself."

    "Whatever you're trying to work against didn't exist until you put it there."

    "Ignore competition, cause creation."

    "The creative plane of thought resides well above the competition."

    "Whatever you fight, you created in the first place."


    Times are as tough as you make them.

    Our inner demons are of our own making.

    Control your thoughts to control your destiny.

    If something does me no good I don't do it.

    Happy people are some of the best decision makers I know.

    Sometimes I have a good day, sometimes I decide not to.

    If you're feeling inspired today it's because you've made a decision. The sameidea applies to when you've lost your momentum.

    Life is what you do with your moments. It's always your choice.

    You'll enjoy life when you decide to do so.

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    Every thought begins to instantly create a new life for you. Remember that youalways have the power to change.

    "Negatives can be turned into positives in a split second. The switching

    station is within you."


    If you want to waste the day gossip it away.

    Every minute spent in gossip is purpose-less living.

    Taking Action

    The best way to earn is to apply what you learn.

    What you know is useless unless you use it.

    You can teach someone how to be successful but you can't make themsuccessful. A successful mindset is born of personal experience.

    Everybody's gifted but only a few open their presents.

    Move into action today! You'll gain the tools along the way.


    We never know when it's time for our Homecoming. Use the gift of life wisely.

    Savor the richness of each moment. When it has passed it's gone forever.

    Each moment of your existence is a blessing. Life is not an entitlement.

    Having a hobby adds years to your life. Living your hobby is Life.

    If life becomes routine you've stopped living.

    Life is how you use your minutes.


    Happiness is a state of mind. It remains with us until we decide to change it.

    Experiencing your deepest fears is part of the purification process. Joy awaits.

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    Don't attempt to rob other people of their happiness. You're doing a disserviceto yourself, the other person, and God.

    Decide to feel happy. Your happiness depends on it.

    Life is supposed to be a vacation. All disharmony is our creation.

    Using pure logic will get you logical results. Happiness is where Magic begins.


    Be thankful for change because it proves you're still alive.

    Be grateful for this moment, then the next. Repeat cycle until life becomes onebig Blessing.

    Each breath is a gift, each movement a present.

    The Universe takes care of those who appreciate It.

    Be grateful for all things for they have developed you.

    Inspired Action

    If a person never takes inspired action they should look for a new line of work.

    Action without inspiration equals too much perspiration.

    Action won't take you too far unless it's the product of an inspired mind.

    Have you moved into inspired action today? In no, turn off the computer andthink about why you're doing what you're doing.

    Inspired action moves you toward your goals, busy work moves you in a circle.

    You'll do your best work when it doesn't feel like work.

    An inspired act moves you directly to your goal. The more inspired acts the

    closer you get.

    Inspired action causes positive attraction.

    Inspiration can quickly turn to desperation if you lose sight of your goal.

    If the work's not flowing where are you going?

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    When inspired, keep going. Let the God in you finish Its work.

    When inspired, don't stop until you're not.

    When inspired don't stop to seek approval. You've already received it from a

    Higher Power.

    Do what you do best and the Universe takes care of the rest.


    Our most empowering moments often arise after our most difficult setbacks.

    Nothing stokes the flame of your desire like an unexpected fire.

    Some obstacles whisper opportunity. Others scream it. The individual decides

    the volume of the message.

    Every obstacle is a vehicle for your advancement. It's your decision to move withthe natural flow of things or throw it in reverse.

    When the obstacles increase the goal is getting closer.

    Every delay, every obstacle, every negative situation has a lesson built-in.


    Fear wells up when we have too much faith in the visible and not enough in theInvisible.

    Fear is an indicator that you're ignoring the higher side of your nature.

    Most have a vivid imagination when it comes to things they fear. How frequentlydo you picture what you don't want to have happen?

    "Successful living is facing fear after fear, and continuing."

    "Embracing fear is a necessary step on the path to purification."

    "Fear is a wave of energy in your mind. As quickly as you generate it, youcan release it."

    "If you aren't really frightened at least once in a while you've yet to ventureout of your comfort zone."

    "Those who neglect to face their fears die a little every day."

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    "If you keep at it long enough you'll have faced fears that the masseswouldn't encounter in their worst nightmares."

    "Embracing fear is a blessing. It shows that you're growing."


    The difference between making money and being prosperous is distinct. Oneconsists of having green paper, the other having a full life.


    Nature is the best teacher. Observing God's work is a study in Perfection.

    "Nature teaches you to forget who you are."

    "Nature doesn't judge. Only people do."

    "Nature levies a tax for every talent. If somebody appears to have it all theygave up a lot."


    Every thing is an object of your awareness. You are a spirit.


    When you think you've reached your limit you've thought wrong.

    People with drive are the select few who use the extra gear which we allpossess.

    You were born unlimited and remain unlimited until you think otherwise.

    Every person is born a genius. We stay a genius until we acquire the belief thatwe aren't a genius.

    Don't waste the gift of God in you.

    Dream Big. Go for it all. Death does not come with a do-over button.

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    Self Image

    When you see yourself as that person you begin to be that person.

    Thought And Action

    Dream and Do. Neglect to dream and you won't attract what you want, neglectto do and you won't receive what you want.

    Plan your dream life and act on that plan now. The only way you'll become thatperson is by being that person.

    Poverty Consciousness

    If you don't think that most have a poverty consciousness when was the lasttime you saw a commercial for a Ferrari?

    Poverty is a human mis-creation.


    A powerful person is one who uses their time wisely.

    Very few know the power of an hour.

    If you think you don't have time you do.

    Putting a timetable on your goals is like tying the Universe's hands.

    Thinking about the past or future won't do you any good in the Now.

    Mental Hurry

    Go-getters often have no idea where they're going or what they're getting.

    The moment at which you need something your mindset moves from desire todesperation.

    Chasing anything worthwhile causes it to take flight. Let it come to you.

    If you have to or need to get something done you don't really want to get itdone. Pull back and begin to attract.

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    Your body is either a temple or prison depending on how you treat it.


    No matter how bad things appear to be everything can change in a moment.

    "The Universe does not operate in the past or future.

    On 'Recessions' --> The government or news media does not set your salary.You do.

    Successful people don't judge according to appearances. If they did theywouldn't be successful.

    Be the person you want to be Now. Ignore appearances and get going!

    Hold your mental picture in the face of all things which suggest that it isn'tcoming true.

    The News

    The news is mental junk food. Cut it out of your diet and see how much betteryou feel.

    No news is good news. All that you need to know concerning world events is in


    I'm offering this eBook for free to touch as many lives as possible andwould greatly appreciate your generosity.

    If you feel my work has made an impact and want to support me inmy mission to bring RBs Keys to the world please click on the linkbelow:


    I appreciate your kindness!

    Ryan Biddulph

  • 8/7/2019 RBs Keys to Inspirational Living
