rational cloze exercises

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Choose thebestanswer from the optionsA,B,CandD.PRACTICE 1

Dear Janet,Thank you for the invitation to join your family for a holiday in Pulau Langkawi. I would ___1___ to accept. I am looking forward to ___2___ you and the others. You told me that you would ___3___ your parents in Penang first. Give them my ___4___ when you see them. It's been many years ___5___ I last saw them. I think it was at your sister's wedding. By the way, ___6___ is your grandmother ? She must now be over eighty years of age ! My family doing fine except for my other who ___7___ from arthritis and frequently ___8___ of pain. I have been really busy and the ___9___ of a holiday by the sea is really attractive. I'll meet you ___10___ the hotel on the fifteenth. I will be taking the afternoon flight and should be there by dinner time. Goodbye for now.Love,Lina








(D)seeing(D)has suffered














Years ago, as a newly-qualified teacher, I was posted to a school in a small village. There was only one coffee shop, ___1___ sundry shop and a bicycle repair shop. The village had piped water ___2___ no electricity supply. There ___3___ no public transport at night. ___4___, the lack of amenities in the village did not bother me much. The students ___5___ hardworking and eager to learn. There were no discipline ___6___. I had to ___7___ a set of living quarters with two others and we had to cook our own meals. In the evenings and during weekends we went fishing or ___9___ round the many surrounds villages. At weddings we and festivals, we were showered with food. ___9___ village folk respected ___10___ and made us feel wanted. I'll never forget their warmth and kindness.






















Students today have to sit for exam after exam. Studying for exams is ___1___ inevitable part of a ___2___ life. Some study regularly and systematically. ___3___ do it in fits and starts, finally cramming at the last minute, ___4___ themselves unnecessary stress. When you study or read, write brief notes on ___5___ points in the margin. Write a summary of each chapter. Writing the notes in your own ___6___ means that you have ___7___ what you have read or studied. Then there is no need to reread everything ___8___ the exam. Looking ___9___ your notes or your summaries will help ___10___ remember or recall what you have read as you can't memorize everything you read.






















Ladies and Gentlemen,We are gathered here today to bid farewell to our beloved teacher, Mrs Lee. She ___1___ in our school ___2___ fifteen years. Before she came here, she ___3___ in Pontian and Kluang. Her teaching career has spanned thirty years and now she ___4___. It is indeed a great loss to the school and the profession. Many students past and present owe their good ___5___ of English to Mrs Lee. Our volleyball team is the district champion because of her untiring ___6___. Students who have problems know that ___7___ can always talk to her. She listens without prejudice and ___8___ us helpful advice. We shall all ___9___ her. On behalf ___10____ all the students and teachers of this school, I wish her all the best in her retirement.




(D)has taught(D)efforts








(D)has served(D)given



(C)is retiring(C)missed

(D)has retired(D)missing






When I first worked in Muar in the sixties, the town was quiet and the pace of life unhurried. I shared a rented room ___1___ a friend. Most people traveled by bicycle ___2___ trishaw as buses were few. I had never ___3___ a bicycle before in my life ___4___ I was determined to learn as the alternative was to travel ___5___ trishaw if we wanted to go anywhere. I learned the hard way the first time I rode a bicycle. My friend had explained where the brake ___6___ and how to use it. After riding a few meters in great nervousness, I completely forgot about braking when I ___7___ a bus parked ahead. I rammed into it but ___8___ caused no injury to myself or ___9___ to the bicycle. By the time I left the following year. I was ___10____ to ride a bicycle reasonably well.






















What does the work of a nurse involve ? Many believe it is simply taking care of ___1___, making beds and removing bedpans. There is ___2___ to it than that. Nurses are now doing some of the work formerly ___3___ by doctors. Nurses also work in the public health service, in hospices and old folks' homes. New technology in medical science means nurses have to use new machines and learn new operating techniques to keep ___4___ with changes. There is an increasing need ___5___ specialized care, so degree courses are now available to enhance the ___6___ of health care. The ___7___ for nurses in private hospitals has resulted in ___8___ shortage and many government hospitals are understaffed. This ___9___ the workload of nurses. Few however ___10___ them. Many just take them for granted. Let's not forget that many nurses work with patience and dedication.
















(D)knowledge(D)has increased






The Education Ministry has called for public opinion on caning in schools. It wants to decide ___1___ the cane should be brought back to the classroom to ___2___ discipline. Discipline among schoolchildren has worsened. In 1983 the Ministry issued guidelines to ___3___ teachers did not misuse their authority and abuse students. Unfortunately this has had an adverse ___4___. Students today do not have respect ___5___ authority and are not afraid of their teachers. In fact they are not even afraid of their own parents. Students have become more rude ___6___ undisciplined as they know teacher cannot cane them. An informal telephone poll shows that many people are in favor ___7___ using the cane as it is an effective deterrent. Others ___8___ the idea as they feel that ___9___ should remain the parents' responsibility. They fear that teachers ___10___ abuse their power.





















PRACTICE 8The diary of Anne Frank is an extraordinary account of a young girl's life spent in hiding. Anne and her family ___1___ two years in an attic in Amsterdam, hiding from the Nazis. Anne's family ___2___ from Germany to Amsterdam where Jewish refugees ___3___ treated well. When Hitler conquered Holland in 1940, ___4___ Jewish people lost their freedom. The Frank family went into hiding to ___5___ being sent to a German labor camp. Anne was thirteen years old when she went into hiding. She began to record her thoughts and feelings in her ___6___. In 1944 the Nazis were tipped off about their ___7___ place. There were arrested and ___8___ all of the family died in concentration camps ___9___ for Mr. Frank. One of his employees who discovered the diary and kept it safe, handed it to Mr. Frank, ___10___ decided to publish it.



(C)was spent(C)notes

(D)have spent(D)diary

















PRACTICE 9With recent advances in technology, more people are now able to work from home. Their homes ___1___ their offices. This is especially helpful to ___2___ who have young children. Working from home cuts down time spent traveling to and ___3___ the office. Working from home does not mean you become less efficient or productive. You should ___4___ your office from your private area. This means your children ___5___ not use your office phone or play games on your computer. Working ___6___ should be strictly defined. ___7___ shopping or doing housework when you should be working. ___8___ appropriately when working in your office area. Getting into smarter clothes will ___9___ you psychologically for work even if you are not ___10____ clients.





















PRACTICE 10What is the difference between creative thinking and logical thinking ? In creative thinking, we try to ___1___ up with as many ideas as ___2___. We call this brainstorming. We keep ___3___ open mind about the ideas for the time being, ___4___ the ideas are practical or not. No idea is considered ridiculous because ___5___ the most outlandish idea may work. This way we have a ___6___ of several possible solutions. In logical thinking, we are looking for ___7___ right answer. Once we find a working solution, we stop looking for ___8___, without realizing that there could be better solutions. Most problems have more than one possible solution. Creative thinking ___9___ us to choose the best of them. Creative thinking and logical thinking don't oppose ___10___ other but they complement each other in fact.
















(D)despite(D)has enabled





PRACTICE 11I grew up in a big family. When I ___1___ young, times were hard. With six children to feed, clothe and educate, my parents ___2___ a tough time. They ___3___ to make ends meet. Food was sometimes scarce. We rarely had new clothes or shoes. ___4___, we had a lot of fun ___5___ our own games. I read a lot as there were few other ___6___ of entertainment. This opened a whole new ___7___ to me. I often neglected to do my share of the chores when I became ___8___ in a book. Now everyone has ___9___ up and most are working away from home. They come back frequently and when they ___10___, the house is full of noise and laughter.











(C)have struggled(C)obsessed

(D)had struggled(D)absorbed


(B)Since(B)is growing






(D)inventing(D)have done

PRACTICE 12My dog was a puppy when we first got him. My brother ___1___ him on a playing field and brought him home. We ___2___ him Rudi. He growled at us and slunk into a corner ___3___ he got to know us. Then he would jump into our laps and snuggle up to us. He is really intelligent. ___4___ morning he will run to the gate to check whether it ___5___. If by some chance it is not, he will push the gate open and run out. He returns in a few minutes but the sense of freedom it gives him appears to be important to him. When it is time for food, he waits ___6___ at the kitchen door. If it is not ready ___7___ time, he barks at my mother. He knows that he is not allowed inside the house. However after his weekly ___8___, he will wait at the door, and if invited, he will come in ___9___ that he will not be chased ___10___ as he is clean.




(D)was found(D)expectantly



(C)was named(C)by

(D)had named(D)at












(D)is bolted(D)away

PRACTICE 13Forests are being sacrificed for high-rise buildings and golf courses, some say. At the same time, the authorities ___1___ money on tree planting. While tree planting should be encourage, existing forests must be ___2___. People need ___3___ from the pressure of urban living. It is ___4___ to maintain pockets of green in the city to improve the quality of living. Trees help to filter pollutants, ___5___ noise pollution and maintain a cooler atmosphere as they ___6___ solar radiation. Urban forests or green lungs in the city also ___7___ as bird sanctuaries. If these forests are cut ___8___ the cities are going to become hotter and ___9___ and unpleasant to live in. Even if developers try to reafforest areas they have developed, they cannot ___10___ the biodiversity.



(C)is spending(C)remove

(D)are spending(D)hinder

















PRACTICE 14How can we prevent household poisoning ? First of all, lock ___1___ all potentially dangerous ___2___ like medicine, pesticides and harmful chemicals. Put them ___3___ immediately after use or throw them away if they are no longer needed. Never keep poisonous substances in food containers or beverage bottles. Keep them in ___4___ original containers. Double check before ___5___ medicine. Don't mix different tablets or capsules in one bottle. Do not self prescribe or give drugs to anybody. That is a ___6___ responsibility. ___7___ there is adequate ventilation when using cleaning fluids. Keep your eyes ___8___. Parents should educate their children from an early ___9___ about the dangers ___10___ poisons.





















PRACTICE 15Parents in North America can now use an electronic censor known as a V-chip. This device will soon be ___1___ in television sets in the United States. It is an automatic ___2___ of stopping children from watching violence ___3___ television. The screen automatically ___4___ blank when a scene of violence is about to occur on the program. ___5___ parents can now protect their children from the harmful ___6___ of watching violence on television. They can adjust the setting to select what they think is ___7___. This may make the broadcasting industry try to produce better., more positive programs. Other countries ___8___ Canada have also become ___9___ in this technology and the system will be made available to Canadian parents ___10___.






















Modern Turkey has a mixture of races. Turks, Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Kurds ___1___ Armenians live there. This is a legacy of the Ottoman Empire ___2___ lasted more than six centuries. The 'Father' of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kamal Attaturk ___3___ a war of independence against the powers which occupied his country after World War 1. ___4___ tried to form ___5___ Western country from the mixture of races and cultures. The reforms he ___6___ ranged from writing Turkish in the Latin alphabet to safeguarding the rights ___7___ women. He curbed Islamic fundamentalism. ___8___ Attaturk founded the nation, about 80% of the people lived by working the land. Today 60% of the population live in urban areas. Turkey wants to be a power in the region. It has formed economic alliances ___9___ the countries bordering ___10___ Black Sea.




(D)beside(D)has made








(D)has fought(D)Whenever










The Wrangell-St. Elias National Park is the biggest in the United States of America. It is perhaps the ___1___ and least known park. Some of the highest mountains in the United States are also ___2___ there and it has many glaciers. ___3___ such as bears, wolves, caribous, moose and mountain goats ___4___ the park. ___5___ few people live in it all year round. Only two gravel roads ___6___ the park, one from the west, the ___7___ from the north. Hunting is permitted in designated ___8___, about one-third of the park acreage. Guides are assigned a quota of clients. Only a specified ___9___ of each species can be hunted, to keep game population healthy. In summer, thousands of tourists arrive to ___10___ the beauty and solitude of the park.





















PRACTICE 18More and more people are suffering from stress today. Stress is ___1___ to work or personal factors. The Type A personality ___2___ is achievement oriented and a perfectionist is more ___3___ to stress. A ___4___ amount of stress can be constructive as it stimulates creativity and diligence. ___5___ stress can be destructive. It has a negative ___6___ on performance. Stress is manifested in a change in eating ___7___, in aches and pains, in sleeping problems and in many other ways. One way of ___8___ stress is to be flexible and take one thing at a time. It is helpful to understand one's limits and not try to please everybody. You should ___9___ through physical exercise or recreational activities. You should also ___10___ to friends or family members about your problems and fears as this also helps reduce stress.






















Why do people get hungry ? Hunger is nature's way of telling us to eat. Our bodies ___1___ food so that our brains can think, our hearts can beat and our muscles can work. ___2___ we are hungry, we have difficulty in concentrating and may become ___3___ or even light-headed. Our stomachs may growl and make all sorts of embarrassing noises. Once we have satisfied our hunger, ___4___ symptoms disappear. How do we know when we ___5___ enough ? The body ___6___ carbohydrates into sugar called glucose which ___7___ to the cells through the blood. A chemical called insulin helps the cells ___8___ the sugar. The insulin releases a chemical ___9___ serotonin in the brain and this chemical tells the body that it has had enough food. ___10___ you get the satisfied feeling and are not hungry anymore.







(C)Unless(C)is carried

(D)Whether(D)has carried












(D)have eaten(D)Consequent


Students today have to sit for exam after exam. Studying for exams is ___1___ inevitable part of a ___2___ life. Some study regularly and systematically. ___3___ do it in fits and starts, finally cramming at the last minute, ___4___ themselves unnecessary stress. When you study or read, write brief notes on ___5___ points in the margin. Write a summary of each chapter. Writing the notes in your own ___6___ means that you have ___7___ what you have read or studied. Then there is no need to reread everything ___8___ the exam. Looking ___9___ your notes or your summaries will help ___10___ remember or recall what you have read as you can't memorize everything you read.





















AnswersPractice 11A 2D 3A 4B 5C 6D 7B 8D 9C 10BPractice 21A 2B 3C 4D 5D 6A 7C 8D 9C 10APractice 31B 2C 3B 4D 5C 6A 7C 8B 9A 10C

Practice 41D 2A 3C 4C 5B 6D 7C 8B 9A 10CPractice 51C 2A 3D 4B 5A 6C 7B 8D 9C 10A

Practice 61B 2A 3D 4B 5C 6B 7D 8A 9D 10CPractice 71C 2A 3C 4B 5B 6C 7A 8D 9D 10BPractice 81B 2C 3D 4C 5A 6D 7C 8D 9B 10APractice 91A 2C 3B 4D 5B 6B 7A 8C 9B 10DPractice 101A 2D 3B 4C 5C 6D 7C 8D 9B 10C

Practice 111C 2C 3B 4D 5D 6A 7B 8D 9C 10APractice 121C 2B 3D 4A 5D 6D 7B 8A 9D 10CPractice 131D 2D 3B 4D 5C 6B 7A 8C 9C 10DPractice 141B 2D 3D 4C 5D 6C 7B 8D 9A 10CPractice 151C 2D 3B 4B 5A 6A 7D B8 9C 10APractice 161B 2D 3B 4A 5A 6C 7C 8A 9D 10CPractice 171C 2D 3A 4B 5C 6B 7B 8D 9C 10DPractice 181A 2C 3D 4D 5C 6B 7B 8D 9A 10APractice 191B 2A 3C 4C 5D 6B 7C 8A 9A 10BPractice 201D 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B 7A 8A 9D 10B