rathdrum area chamber of blanchard christmas bazaar ... · pdf filerathdrum area chamber of...

Welcome to the Rathdrum Wednesday Newsletter! Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner The Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce (RACoC) held their 22 nd Annual Awards Dinner & Auction in the Golden Spike Estates Clubhouse this past Saturday. This years theme was 'A Taste of Tuscany'. Piano music was provided by Kyle Scholtz. Around the edge of the room were multiple items that had been donated for the silent auctions ranging from a Buffalo pillow to wine baskets and most everything in between. There were multiple dignitaries in attendance. After dinner the president of the RACoC Joan Genter gave the state of the Chamber address. There are three board members up for re-election, and there are four nominees. Continued on page 6 Blanchard Christmas Bazaar Story by Pat Coffey pcoff[email protected] Last Saturday, November 1, the Annual Christmas Bazaar kicked off the holiday season at the Community Center in Blanchard. There was handmade merchandise and donated merchandise. The homemade bake goods were everywhere. Twelve vendors filled the building and the patio. “We usually have more vendors. Basic (Blanchard Area Seniors InCorporated) provided the most merchandise this year.” said Chris Bishop, Vice President of the Community Center. “We have been putting on the Bazaar since 2006. All the proceeds go to help keeping the doors open here at the center. It takes $27.00 a day to meet expenses.” informed Bishop. “It was a build it and they will come situation. We have a variety of activities and organizations using the building now.” The Center serves the community on several levels. Continued on next page Chris Bishop (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey)

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Welcome to the Rathdrum Wednesday Newsletter!

Rathdrum Area Chamber ofCommerce Annual Dinner

The Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce (RACoC) held their 22nd Annual Awards Dinner & Auction in the Golden Spike Estates Clubhouse this past Saturday. This years theme was 'A Taste of Tuscany'. Pianomusic was provided by Kyle Scholtz.

Around the edge of the room were multiple items that had been donated for the silent auctions ranging from a Buffalo pillow to wine baskets and most everything in between.

There were multiple dignitaries in attendance.

After dinner the president of the RACoC JoanGenter gave the state of the Chamber address. There are three board members up for re-election, and there are four nominees.

Continued on page 6

Blanchard Christmas BazaarStory by Pat Coffey [email protected]

Last Saturday, November 1, the Annual Christmas Bazaar kicked off the holiday season at the Community Center in Blanchard.

There was handmade merchandise and donated merchandise. The homemade bakegoods were everywhere.

Twelve vendors filled the building and the patio.

“We usually have morevendors. Basic(Blanchard Area SeniorsInCorporated) providedthe most merchandisethis year.” said ChrisBishop, Vice President ofthe Community Center.

“We have been puttingon the Bazaar since2006. All the proceedsgo to help keeping thedoors open here at the center. It takes $27.00 a day to meet expenses.” informed Bishop. “It was a build it and they will come situation. We have a variety of activities and organizations using the building now.”

The Center serves the community on several levels.

Continued on next page

Chris Bishop (Photo Credit: PatCoffey)

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From Page 1: Blanchard Christmas Bazaar

Art classes and cooking classes are held regularly at the Center. There is also a

Concealed Weapons Permitclass. Local quilters use the building for their activities.

Two churches meet at the Center as does the local Progressive Party and the

local Tea Party Patriots.

Fundraisers are another way the Center serves the community. The most recent fundraiser was to benefit the Spirit Lake FireProtection District. The goal was $1000.00. The community raised $1031.00. In today’s economy in North Idaho raising $1000.00 is an ambitious undertaking to say the least. To surpass that goal by even $31.00 is an impressive outcome for the successful fund raiser. Blanchard appreciates the firefighters

that protect thecommunity.

Karen Jones,one of thevendors, ishaving a GrandOpening onSaturday,November 8, ather brand newstore at 250Coyote Pass in Blanchard. She will be featuring some very unique western items to decorate your home.

There will be another Bazaar next year. Mark your calendar and come on out. And be sure to tell them you saw it in the Rathdrum Weekly News.

The Rathdrum Weekly News isan independent, locally owned

newsletter published eachWednesday by Joseph Hume,with advertising and editorial

offices located at

13785 West Highway 53, Rathdrum ID 83858.

The Rathdrum Weekly Newswelcomes unsolicited editorial,

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Bunkhouse Sampler (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey)

Handmade Merchandise (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey)

Page 3: Rathdrum Area Chamber of Blanchard Christmas Bazaar ... · PDF fileRathdrum Area Chamber of ... held their 22nd Annual Awards Dinner & Auction in the Golden Spike ... Make yellowing

Community Calendar

Wed Nov5

Gem Committee MeetingRathdrum City HallStarting at 5:00pm

Thu – Nov6

IDT Public Hearing – PleasantView Road & SH-53 GradeSeparation Design Project

Hauser City Hall4:00pm – 7:00pm

Lakeland School District 272 – K– 12 Parent / Teacher

conferences until 7pm

Tue Nov11

Veterans Dayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vet


Wed Nov12

Open Arms Real ChoicesMobile Clinic

McCartney and Highway 4111:00am – 4:30pm

http://www.realchoicesclinic.comRathdrum City Council Meeting

Rathdrum City HallStarting at 6:00pm

Tue Nov17

Lakeland Joint School District#272

Town Hall MeetingAthol Elementary

Starting at 6:30pm

Wed Nov19

City of Rathdrum Planning &Zoning CommissionRathdrum City HallStarting at 6:00pm

Thu Nov20

Rathdrum Area Chamber ofCommerce Monthly LuncheonShepard of the Hills Lutheran


12:00pm – 1:00pm

Sat Nov22

North Idaho Linux Users GroupMeeting

F1 for HELP1:00pm – 4:00pm


Mon Nov Lakeland School District 272 –

24 District Wide Conference Day8:30am – 7:00pm

Tue Nov25

Lakeland School District 272 –Flex Day (No School)

City of Rathdrum Parks &Recreation Commission

Rathdrum City HallStarting at 6:00 pm

Wed – FriNov 26 -


Lakeland School District 272 –Thanksgiving Break (No School)

Wed Nov26

Open Arms Real ChoicesMobile Clinic

McCartney and Highway 4111:00am – 4:30pm


Thu Nov27

Thanksgiving Dayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tha


Wed Dec3

Gem Committee MeetingRathdrum City HallStarting at 5:00pm

Sun Dec 7 Pearl Harbor Dayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pear


Wed Dec10

Open Arms Real ChoicesMobile Clinic

McCartney and Highway 4111:00am – 4:30pm

http://www.realchoicesclinic.comRathdrum City Council Meeting

Rathdrum City HallStarting at 6:00pm

Wed Dec17


ukkahCity of Rathdrum Planning &

Zoning CommissionRathdrum City HallStarting at 6:00pm

Thu Dec18

Rathdrum Area Chamber ofCommerce Monthly Luncheon

Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

Page 4: Rathdrum Area Chamber of Blanchard Christmas Bazaar ... · PDF fileRathdrum Area Chamber of ... held their 22nd Annual Awards Dinner & Auction in the Golden Spike ... Make yellowing

Shepard of the Hills Lutheranwww.rathdrumchamberofcomm

erce.com12:00pm – 1:00pm

Sun Dec21

Winter SolsticeShortest Day of the Year

(They just get longer fromhere!)


Mon – FriDec 22 –

Jan 2

Lakeland School District 272 –Christmas Break (No School)

Tue Dec23

City of Rathdrum Parks &Recreation Commission

Rathdrum City HallStarting at 6:00 pm

Wed Dec24

Open Arms Real ChoicesMobile Clinic

McCartney and Highway 4111:00am – 4:30pm


Thu Dec25

Christmas Day

Fri Dec 26 Kwanzaahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwa


Sat Dec27

North Idaho Linux Users GroupMeeting

F1 for HELP1:00pm – 4:00pm


Wed Dec31

New Years EvePlease enjoy the celebration


Thu Jan 1 New Years Day

Mon Jan 5 Lakeland School District 272 –Back to School

Tue Jan13

Lakeland Joint School District#272

Town Hall MeetingTwin Lakes Elementary

Starting at 6:30pm


by Kris Storey [email protected]

Thank You to Cindy who emailed me with her favorite tip/product. It’s called “New Skin” and it’s a first aid antiseptic liquid bandage for use on small cuts and wounds. I seem to receive paper cuts a lot and “Newskin” really works great.

Thank you Sandy passed on this hint for a cough. First there’s the tickle and then the cough, and pretty soon the throat is sore. Try putting a little “Orasol” on a Q-tip and swabbing the back of your throat. It numbsthe back of the throat halting the tickle and breaks the cough cycle so your throat has abetter chance of healing quickly.

Saturate a sticky label with white vinegar and in a few minutes the label will peel right off.

Make yellowing sheet white again by soaking them in a tub of warm water along with a cup of salt and a cup of baking powder. Leave for a couple of hours and then toss in the washer and wash as you normally would.

Baking soda and plastic are friends. When Isold Tupperware ages ago they used to tell us to put a little baking soda in the wash water and the Tupperware would come out shining. If you use plastic tubs or storage containers wash them with warm water anda couple of Tablespoons of baking soda. The containers will smell cleaner and look clearer. I’m a collector (no not a hoarder) and I use clear plastic tubs to place items inthat I don’t use but every couple of years. Ican see what I have and the items are kept clean year after year. Actually I store seasonal clothes in them too. Like several weeks ago I changed out shorts and t-shirtswith the bin marked winter. Works great forme.

Email me your favorite tip for consideration in future columns!

Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

Page 5: Rathdrum Area Chamber of Blanchard Christmas Bazaar ... · PDF fileRathdrum Area Chamber of ... held their 22nd Annual Awards Dinner & Auction in the Golden Spike ... Make yellowing

Charitable Giving Pays Off … for EveryoneAmericans are pretty generous — in fact, 83% of us donated money to charitable organizations last year, according to a Gallupsurvey. And now that we’re entering the holiday season, charitable giving well may be on your mind. Your key motivation for making charitable gifts, of course, is to help those organizations whose work is meaningful to you. However, by supporting these groups, you can also make life less “taxing” for yourself.

Specifically, by making charitable contributions, you may be able to receive some valuable tax breaks. To claim a deduction, though, you need to itemize your taxes, and you need to make sure that the organization you’re supporting is qualified, from a tax-deductibility standpoint. If you’re unsure whether a group is qualified, just ask to see its letter from the IRS. (Many organizations now post these letters on their websites.)

Here’s how the charitable tax deduction works: If you give $200 to a qualified charity,and you’re in the 25% tax bracket, you can deduct $200, with a tax benefit of $50, whenyou file your 2014 taxes. Consequently, the net “cost” of your donation is just $150 ($200 minus the $50 tax savings).

Of course, you are not confined to making cash gifts. In fact, if you donate certain typesof noncash assets, you may be able to increase your tax benefits. Suppose you give$1,000 worth of stock in ABC Company to a charitable group. If you’re in the 25% bracket, you’ll be able to deduct $250 when you file your taxes. And by donating the ABCstock, you can avoid paying the capital gainstaxes that would be due if you had eventually sold the stock yourself.

Keep in mind that if you want to deduct your contributions for the 2014 tax year, you’ll need to make your gifts by Dec. 31. One more reminder: Retain your paperwork. If you made gifts totaling over $250 to any

single charity — or noncash contributions of any items worth over $500 — the IRS requires written acknowledgments for your contributions.

If you want to take a longer-term approach to charitable giving, while incorporating yourgifts in planning for your estate, you might want to consider establishing a charitable remainder trust. Under this arrangement, you’d place some assets, such as stocks or real estate, into a trust, which could then usethese assets to pay you a lifetime income stream. When you establish the trust, you may be able to receive an immediate tax deduction based on the charitable group’s “remainder interest” — the amount the charity is likely to ultimately receive. (This figure is determined by an IRS formula.) Upon your death, the trust would relinquish the remaining assets to the charitable organization you’ve named. This type of trust can be complex, so to create one, you’llneed to work with your tax and legal advisors.

While the tax benefits associated with charitable giving are significant, they should not, ultimately, drive your gifting decisions. You should also consider the effect your gift will have on the other areas of your estate considerations — so make sure you communicate your plans to your family members.

In any case, though, be as generous as you can this holiday season and in the years to come. Your generosity will be a rewarding experience — for everyone.

Debbie HolmesFinancial Advisor

Edward Jones Investments6600 W Commercial Park Ave

Suite BRathdrum, ID 83858


Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

Page 6: Rathdrum Area Chamber of Blanchard Christmas Bazaar ... · PDF fileRathdrum Area Chamber of ... held their 22nd Annual Awards Dinner & Auction in the Golden Spike ... Make yellowing

From page 1: Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner

The board members will be voted in at the next chamber luncheon on November 20th.

Treasurer Rick Van Zandt gave the first everchamber financial health report.

Joan Genter presented awards for:

Business of the year: Bay Shore Systems

Professional of the Year: John Klingaman– He was not present to receive his award

Citizens of the Year: Dave and Jill Spike

Volunteer of the Year: Gayle Belt

Special Recognition Award: The Rathdrum Lions Club received this award because of their Nutritional Backpack program, Eye Glass program, Leader Dogs for the Blind, and the other services they provide to the community. 23 members of the Rathdrum Lions Club stood up to acceptthis award.

The Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce has a monthly luncheon on the third Thursday of the month. If you are interested in attending, please contact the chamber office via email [email protected] orvia phone at 208.687.2866.

Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

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More Pictures from the Rathdrum Chamber Dinner

Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

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Hall-O-Ween Costume SubmissionThere was only one brave soul to send in a picture in costume (or was it...)

A note from your editor – As you may remember, a couple of weeks ago we were down due to a hard drive failure in our hosting server. We received and installed two new replacement hard drives into our server, rebuilt the storage array, and thought everything was back and operational. You may have noticed we weredown again this past Saturday. The hard drive controller failed in the server we wereusing.

It is almost never ending around here.

Fortunately due to the way we had the original server configured, we were able to pull the hard drives and install them in a

replacement computer and get everything back up and running in a few short but tense hours. Had we been running anything but Linux on our hosting server, this type of surgery to get it back up and running would not have been as smooth.

Monday morning, Time Warner Business Class Internet lost a router in their network operations center in Seattle that only affected business connections with a static IP address. This also affected SuddenLink because they get their Internet connection from Time Warner Business. Fortunately, service was restored just before the end of the business day.

Inspirational Quotesprovided by Jeanne Hurley Herzog

Do one thing everyday thatmakes you HAPPY.

Please stop by and thank our sponsors for their support! Be sure to check our community calendar often because events are added and updated on a weekly basis.

Thanks for reading!Joseph Hume - Editor

Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

Nancy Nelson