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RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2 Page.1 © RareJob, Inc. 2013 RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2 Student's Copy 目次 1. 自己紹介でレッスン開始・・・・・・・・開始 0 分~ 2 2. レッスン用テキスト  (どちらかを選択) ・・開始 2 分~ 22 3. 講師からのフィードバック・・・・・・・開始 22 分~ 25 4. 次回体験レッスンのご予約・・・・・・・レッスン終了後

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Page 1: RareJobcdn.rarejob.com/material/trial/beginner/lesson_2.pdfRareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2  1. Each Trial Lesson Material contains two material options

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2


1. Each Trial Lesson Material contains two material options.

Make sure to conduct the lesson using one of the two options.

2. Always give feedback before the end of the lesson.

■ How to start Lesson

※ You may refer to the “Script and guidelines” on Page.2

① Greet the student before starting the lesson.

② Check if the student can hear you clearly.

③ Send the material link to your student.

④ Introduce yourself briefly based on Page.2


© RareJob, Inc. 2013

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

Student's Copy

目次1.自己紹介でレッスン開始・・・・・・・・開始 0分~ 2分

2.レッスン用テキスト (どちらかを選択)・・開始 2分~ 22分

3.講師からのフィードバック・・・・・・・開始 22分~ 25分


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RareJob Beginner Expressions

■ Objective :

■ Required Time : 0-2 minutes

・Guide struggling students with self-introduction using the templates provided.

・Do not ask for specific or personal details (e.g. student's last name, family members' names,

company and job details).

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

1. 自己紹介でレッスン開始レッスン開始 0 分~ 2 分簡単な自己紹介ができるように、準備しておきましょう。

例えば … 名前 / ニックネーム / 職業 / 年齢 / 出身地 / 趣味 / 好きな食べ物 / 性格 / 夢 など




My name is . I

live in .

My job is .

My hobby is .

My nickname is .

(私の名前は です。)




( 私のニックネームは_です。) ■ Script and guidelines:

・Greet the student before starting the lesson.

I am _ years old right now.(私は現在_才です。)



質問例:What is your name? What should I call you? ( お名前は何ですか?何とお呼びすればいいですか? )

回答例:My name is Ayako. Please call me‘Aya’.


質問例:What is your hobby?(趣味は何ですか? )

回答例:I like reading books.( 読書です。)

I like to play sport. ( スポーツが好きです。)


質問例:What is your job? (仕事は何ですか? )

回答例:I am an office worker. ( 会社員です。)

I am in sales. ( 営業をしています。)


- “Hello! I’m from RareJob!” “Hajimemashite! _(Name)_ desu.”

・Check if the student can hear you clearly.

- “Can you hear me clearly?” “Koe wa kikoemasu ka?”

- “Let’s start the lesson!” “Lesson o hajime mashou”

・Send the material link to your student

- “I will send you the material. Can you open the material? Please open page 2”

“Ni page o hiraite kudasai”

・Introduce yourself briefly, using this page.

- “I will introduce myself.” “Jiko syoukai o shimasu”

・ Then, ask the student to briefly introduce himself/herself. If the student is struggling,

guide him/her using the expressions below. Let’s start the lesson with self-introduction!

- “It’s nice to meet you, (name of student) ! Thank you very much for introducing yourself.”

“Jiko shokai wo shite kurete arigatou gozaimasu.”

- “Now, let’s go to the next page.” “Tsugi no peeji ni ikimashou.”

■ Page contents:

・Examples of Self-Introduction

- My name is .

- I live in .

- My job is .

- My hobby is .

- My nick name is .

質問例:Why do you study English? (英語を勉強している理由は?)

回答例:I need to use English in my job.( 仕事で必要だからです。)


質問例:What is your major? (専攻は何ですか?)

- I am years old right now .

■ Sample Q&A:



回答例:My major is management(. 経営学です。) ・<Purpose for studying English>


© RareJob, Inc. 2013


■ Action to Avoid:

・ To teach Free Trial Lesson students how to introduce themselves at the start of the lesson.

■ Required Action:

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page. 4 ~ 8

page. 9 ~ 12

■ Objective :

■ Required Time : 1-2 minutes

■ Required Action:

his/her English level in the tutoring notes, and recommend the specified material below.

■ Action to Avoid:

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2. レッスン用テキスト(どちらかを選択)レッスン開始 2 分~ 22 分レアジョブ英会話では、お客様の英語レベルや目的に合った教材を多数ご用意していますが、






■ Script and guidelines:

- “Please open page 3” “San page o hiraite kudasai”

・Please let the student choose his/her preferred material from the two options.

Give the student several seconds to decide.

- “Which material would you like to use for our lesson, -san?”“Dochira no kyouzai wo tsukaitai desu ka?”

・Once the student has decided on a material,

- “Please click on the [Select] button.” “’kono kyouzai wo tsukau’ wo click shite kudasai”

・If the student is unable to choose, recommend a material based on the student’s

self- assessment of his/her English level in the tutoring notes.

・ To recommend RareJob Entry Material…

- “For today’s lesson, I would recommend that we use the RareJob Entry Material (RareJob

Nyumon Kyozai) , because it can help you learn basic words and expressions, and become

more confident in expressing yourself during RareJob lessons.”

・To recommend Conversation Material…- “Since you are already familiar with the basic expressions used in RareJob lessons,

I would recommend that we use the Conversation Material (Eikaiwa Kyozai) so you can learn

new expressions for everyday situations and practice your speaking skills.”

■ Material description:

・2.1 RareJob Entry Material (RareJob Nyumon Kyozai)

- Level of difficulty – Level 1

- Level of ability – Lower Beginner

- Focus – Vocabulary andGrammar

・2.2. Conversation Material (Eikaiwa Kyozai)

- Level of difficulty – Level 2

- Level of ability – Mid to Upper Beginner, Intermediate

- Focus – Vocabulary, Speaking and Grammar

To proceed to the RareJob Entry Material, click here.

To proceed to the Conversation Material, click here.

© RareJob, Inc. 2013

・ Do not immediately recommend a material for the student without letting him/her decide first. 文法 スピーキング

・Choose a material based on the student’s English level and goals.

・If the student has difficulty choosing a material, check the student’s self-assessment of2-1.「レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」 語彙

・To identify the appropriate material for the student based on his/her English level.


1 2 3 4 5

【教材難易度】Easy Hard

【対象レベル】英会話超初級 リーディング リスニング




2-2.「英会話教材 / Conversation Material」 語彙

スピーキング 文法

1 2 3 4 5

【教材難易度】Easy Hard

【対象レベル】英会話初級~中級 リーディング リスニング




I want to use RareJob Entry Material. アイ ウォントゥ ユーズ “ レアジョブ エントリーマテリアル ”


I want to use Conversation Material. アイ ウォントゥ ユーズ “ カンバセーションマテリアル ”

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page. 4 ~ 8

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-1「. レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」 「レアジョブ入門教材」では、レッスンでよく使うフレーズをイチから学んでいきます。


If you choose the RareJob Entry Material from the two options, please start with this page.

2-1. RareJob Entry Material

- “Please open page 4” “Yon page o hiraite kudasai”

- “Thank you for choosing the RareJob Entry Material.This material will help you learn useful

words and expressions commonly used in RareJob lessons. Are you ready?”

- Today’s Expression ‘Please speak more slowly.’

- “Today, we will study the expression ‘Please speak more slowly . ’ .“

“Please say,‘Please speak more slowly.’” “Very good! Thank you for reading!“

Exercise 1 - VOCABULARY

・Start from left to right.

- “Let’s learn more words together. Are you ready?“

- “Let’s start with 1-A,‘Excuse me.’ Please say ‘Excuse me.’”“You can use the expression

‘Excuse me’ when you want someone to repeat something or when you don’t

understand something.”“Excuseme no imi wa sumimasen desu.”

- “Let’s go to 1-B,‘speak.’ Please say,‘speak’ .” “speak means to speak or to say something”

“speak no imi wa hanasu desu.”

- “Let’s go to 1-C ‘slow.’ Please say,‘slow.’ ”“Slow means not fast or has low speed”

“slow no imi wa osoi desu.”

- “Now let’s go to 1-D,‘fast’ Please say,‘fast’“Fast means not slow or has high speed.”

“Imi wa hayai desu”

・After reading all the vocabulary items, say…

- “Do you understand?” “Wakarimashita ka?”

- “Do you have any questions?” “Shitsumon wa arimasuka?”

- “Okay, great! Now, let’s practice. Please go to the next page.““Tsugino peeji ni ikimashou.”

© RareJob, Inc. 2013



Please speak more slowly.


所要時間 約 20 分

【Exercise 1 】単語、フレーズ



1 - A 1 - B

"Excuse me." "speak"

1 - C 1 - D

1-A すみません。

1-B 話す

1-C 遅い

1-D 早い

"slow" "fast"

■ Objective :

・To introduce the words that will be used in the lesson.

■ Required Time : 1-2 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Emphasize sounds of words to help the student recognize the sounds.

・Use video feature of Skype to demonstrate how to pronounce words.

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not correct ALL of the student’s mistakes.

・Do not correct a mistake more than two times.

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RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-1「. レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 2 】練習



2 - A

A: Please speak more slowly.

B: I’m sorry. Let me say it again.

The math project is for next week.

A: I think I understand now. Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.

A: もう少し、ゆっくりと話してもらえる?

B: ごめんなさい。もう一度言わせて。来


A: 理解できました。ありがとう。

B: どういたしまして。

2 - B

A: Excuse me, Mr. Davis, but I did not get that.

Please speak more slowly.

B: Oh, I’m sorry. Let me say that again.

The student’s meeting is in the Conference Hall.

A: Now I understand. Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.

A: すみません、デイビスさん。よくわかりませんでした。


B: ごめんなさい。もう一度言わせてください。


A: ありがとうございます。理解できました。

B: どういたしまして。


- “Please open page 5” “Go page o hiraite kudasai”

- “In this exercise we will read the dialogs together.” “Kaiwa o yomimashou.”

・Start by reading the dialog per sentence.

- “Let’s start with dialog 2-A. Please repeat after me.”“Kaiwa 2 no A o Kurikaeshite kudasai”

・Next, assign roles…Student = A/Tutor = B

- “Now you will read A and I will read B.”“Anata wa A o yonde kudasai, Watashi wa B o yomimasu.”

・Continue with 2-B. Start by reading the dialog per sentence.

- “Let’s read dialog 2-B. Please repeat after me.” “Kaiwa 2 no B o Kurikaeshite kudasai”

・Next, assign roles…Tutor = A/Student = B

- “I will read A and you will read B.” “Watashi wa A o yomimasu, anata wa B o yonde kudasai.”

- “Good job! Please go to the next page.” “Tsugi no peeji ni ikimashou.”

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


■ Objective :

・To provide reading/pronunciation practice for the student.

■ Required Time : 3-5 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Practice on reading dialogs.

・Tutor should read the dialogs first so that the student will hear how to pronounce the words.

・Assign roles. (e.g. Student will read A and tutor will read B.)

・Exchange roles with the student if student reads fast.

・Correct student's pronunciation errors.

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not exchange roles with the student if the student is having a difficult time reading the dialogs.

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RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-1「. レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 3 】表現



3 - A: “Please speak more slowly.”(もう少し、ゆっくり話してください。)

We use this expression when the SPEAKER is TALKING FAST.


3 - B: We can also say...(他にも、次のように言えます。)

A: Could you speak more slowly? (もう少し、ゆっくり話していただけますか?)

* You can also say “Excuse me.” to call the attention of the speaker.

(相手の注意をひくために “Excuse me.” と言ってみましょう。)

3 - C: How should I answer it?(どう答えるのでしょうか?)

The speaker can say…(次のように言えます。)

"I'm sorry. Let me say that again.”


"Okay. Let me repeat that.”


You can say…(上記に対して、次のように言えます。)

"I think I understand it now. Thank you.” (理解できました。ありがとう。)


- “Please open page 6”“Roku page o hiraite kudasai”

- “Today’sexpression is ‘Please speak more slowly . ’ .... ” (Read the definition provided)

- “We can also say...” (Read the other expressions provided)

- “To call the attention of the speaker, we can say ‘Excuse me.’”

- “Do you understand?”“Wakarimashita ka?”

- “Very good!”“Totemo yokatta desu!”

- “How should you answer these questions? Please read 3-C.“

・Let your student read 3-C.

- “Do you understand? ” “Wakarimashita ka?”

- “Very good! ”“Totemo ii desu ne!”

- “Good job! Please go to the next page.” “Tsugi no peeji ni ikimashou.”

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


■ Objective :

・To provide explanation of words and expressions used in the lesson.

■ Required Time : 3-5 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Discuss the expression briefly and clearly.

・Read the explanation to the student. Ask follow-up questions (i.e. Do you understand?).

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not give long explanations since this might confuse or overwhelm the student.

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RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-1「. レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 4 】応用



4 - A

Ayako is learning English with her friend Martin…

A: Hello, Martin. Please explain this expression (‘What is your name?’).

B: This expression is used when we want to ask a person’s name.

A: I see. How about this expression (‘What did you do yesterday?’)?

B: We use this expression to ask about person’s activities one day before.

A: Please speak more slowly, Martin.

B: I’m sorry. Let me say it again.

We use this expression to ask about a person’s activities one day before.

A: Thank you. I think I understand it now.

B: You’re welcome.


A: マーティン、こんにちは。 ‘What is your name?’ この表現を説明してもらえる?

B: この表現は、相手に名前を尋ねたい時、使える表現だよ。

A: なるほど。 ‘What did you do yesterday?’ この表現はどう?

B: この表現は、相手が昨日したことを尋ねるための表現だよ。

A: マーティン、もう少し、ゆっくりと話してもらえる?

B: ごめんなさい。もう一度、言わせて。この表現は、相手が昨日したことを尋ねるための表現だよ。

A: ありがとう。よく理解できたわ。

B: どういたしまして。


- “Please open page 7” “Nana page o hiraite kudasai”

- “Now, let’s try to use what we have learned in the discussion. Are you ready?”

- “Let's read the dialog together.” “Kaiwa o yomimashou”

・Tutor = A Student = B

- “I will read A and you will read B.” “Watashi wa A o yomimasu. Anata wa B o yonde kudasai.”

- “That’s good!” “Yokatta desu!”

・Switch roles. Tutor = B Student = A

- “Now I will read B and you will read A.” “Anata wa A o yonde kudasai. Watashi wa B o yomimasu.”

- “Are you ready? Let’s start.” “OK desu ka? Hajimemashou!”

- “Great job!” “Yokudekimashita!”

- “Now, let’s go to the next page.” “Tsugi no peeji ni ikimashou.”

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


■ Objective :

・To provide reading/pronunciation practice for the student.

■ Required Time : 2-3 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Read the dialog with the student.

・Tutor should read the dialogs first so that the student will hear how to pronounce the words.

・Assign roles. (e.g. Tutor will read A and student will read B.)

・Exchange roles with the student if student reads fast.

・Correct student's pronunciation errors.

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not correct ALL of the student’s mistakes.

・Do not correct a mistake more than two times.

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RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-1 「. レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 5 】復習




5 - A 5 - B 5 - C

Excuse me. Please speak more slowly.

Could you speak more slowly?


Answer the questions below.(下の問題に答えてみましょう。)

I think I understand it now.

Thank you very much.


・Wrap up today’s lesson by saying,

- “Please open page 8”“Hachi page o hiraite kudasai”

- “Today, we learned the expression:“Please speak more slowly.”

When the speaker is talking too fast, we can say...”

・Let the student read the expressions in 5-B.

- “Then, you can say...“

・Let the student read the expressions in 5-C.

- “Are you ready for our last exercise?““Please answer the questions.”

・Let’s start with question number 5-D…

・If enough time is left, finish until 5-F.

5-D: What do you say when the speaker is talking fast?

5-E: How do you call the attention of the speaker?

5-F: What do you say after the speaker talks more slowly?

5-D: 相手が早く話しすぎている時、何と言いますか?

5-E: どのように相手の注目を集めますか?

5-F: 相手がゆっくりと話した後、何と言いますか?

・If enough time is left, finish until 5-F.

- “Do you have any questions?”“Shitsumon wa arimasuka? This is the end of the RareJob Entry

Material. You did a great job today, -san!“Yokudekimashita”

- “Let’s now proceed to the Feedback section.”“Please click on the button at the bottom

of the page.”“Lesson no feedback ni susumu toiu link wo click shite kudasai.”

Click here to go to the Feedback section.

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


2-1.「レアジョブ入門教材 / RareJob Entry Material」はこれで終了です。


■ Objective :

・To repeat the expressions and concepts introduced in the first part of the lesson.

■ Required Time : 3-5 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Review the lesson.

・Use the explanation given in the discussion part of the lesson.

・Correct student's pronunciation errors.

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not give long explanations.

・Do not use other explanations aside from those given on the previous page.

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page. 9 ~ 12

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-2 「. 英会話教材 / Conversation Material」 TUTOR GUIDE 「英会話教材」では、日常会話から旅行会話まで、さまざまなシーンで使える英会話の基本的な表現を

幅広く学んでいきます。 If you choose the Conversation Material from the two options, please start with this page.

2-2. Conversation Material (Eikaiwa Kyozai)

- “Please open page 9”“Kyuu page o hiraite kudasai”

- “Thank you for choosing the Conversation Material.This material will help you learn various

expressions used in different situations, such as travelling or meeting

someone new. Are you ready?”

- “In this lesson, we will be discussing expressions used when you greet or say goodbye to

someone. Today’s expression is ‘Long time no see!’ Please say,‘Long time no see!’’ Very good!

Thank you for reading!“

- “Let’s start with Exercise 1: Picture Description.”


- “Please describe the picture shown below.” “Shashin no setsumei wo shite kudasai.”

- “Don’t worry,there is no right or wrong answer.“

・Give the student several seconds to think.

・After the student has given his/her answer, try to summarize it briefly.

- “That is correct. Great job, -san! The woman in a pink shirt and jacket is waving to the boy.

She seems to be the boy’s mother They are saying goodbye because the boy is leaving for school.”

- “Do you have any questions?” “Shitsumon ha arimasuka?”

- “Now, let’s go to the next page.”“Tsugi no peeji ni ikimashou.”

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


■ Objective :

・To give the student an idea of what the lesson topic is about through the picture.

・To encourage the student to express him/herself freely.

■ Required Time : 1-2 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Emphasize that there is no right or wrong answer.【今日のテーマ】

Long time no see!




所要時間 約 20 分

【Exercise 1 】画像描写




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page. 9 ~ 12

■ Objective :

・To provide reading/pronunciation practice for the student.

・To introduce words and expressions related to the topic.

・ To use the new words and expressions to help the student describe the picture on the

previous page again.

■ Required Time : 4-5 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Tutor should read the word first, and let the student repeat it.

・Tutor should read the sentence next, and let the student repeat it.

・Emphasize sounds of words to help the student to recognize the sounds.Use video feature

of Skype to demonstrate how to pronounce words.

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not correct ALL of the student’s mistakes.

・Do not correct a mistake more than two times.

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-2「. 英会話教材 / Conversation Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 2 】語彙構築




Activity1: Using the expressions you have just learned, describe the picture in the previous

page(P.9) again.



- “Please open page 10” “Ju page o hiraite kudasai”

- “In this exercise, we will learn the words and expressions related to greeting or saying

goodbye to someone.

- “I will read the word first, and then please repeat after me.”

“Watashino ato ni tsuduitekurikaeshite kudasai.”

- “Next, I will read the sentence. Please repeat after me as well.”

“Bunsho wo yomunodekurikaeshite kudasai.”

- “Are you ready?” “Junbi ha iidesu ka?”

・“After you have finished reading, say…”

- “Thank you very much for reading! Good job, san.”


- “Do you have any questions?” “Shitsumon ha arimasuka?”

・Try to provide a short explanation if the student finds a word or expression unclear.


- “Using the words and expressions we have just learned, please describe the picture in the

previous page again.” “Mae no pege no shashin no setsumei wo mou ichido shite kudasai”

・ After the student has finished describing it, say…

- “Very good! Thank you for using the words and expressions you have just learned.

Now, let’s proceed to the next exercise.”“Tsugi ni susumimasho.”

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


Vocabulary(語彙) Example sentence(例文)



What a surprise to see you here!




I’m doing fine. Thank you for a nice welcome.




It’s good to see you again.


long time


It’s been a long time since we last talked!




It is nice seeing you here.




It’s a pleasure seeing you here.




Excuse me, but I have to go now.




Have a safe trip! We’ll talk again next time.




That’s great! Enjoy your day!


Useful Expressions(役立つ表現)

I’ll catch you later!


Let’s stay in touch!


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page. 9 ~ 12

■ Objective :

・To test the student’s ability to arrange the parts of a conversation.

■ Required Time : 3-6 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Introduce the context clearly by reading the introductory sentence. Explain further if necessary.

・If the student gives an incorrect answer, try to provide a short explanation why it is incorrect.

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not immediately give the answer if the student is struggling. Try to provide hints first.

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-2「. 英会話教材 / Conversation Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 3 】文章並び替え



解説:会話が成立するように、4 つの文章を並び替えます。


Spencer comes back to school after being absent for a week. His friend, Jessica, greets him happily as soon as he enters the classroom.



3 - 1: Yes. But I’m sure you’ll catch up soon.


3 - 2: Thank you! So what is keeping the class busy lately?


3 - 3: Hi, I’m glad to be back! Did I miss a lot of lessons?


3 - 4: Hey Spencer! Long time no see!



- “Please open page 11”“Juu ichi page o hiraite kudasai”

- “For Exercise 3, you need to arrange the four sentences in the proper order.”

“In the picture, Spencer comes back to school after being absent for a week.

His friend, Jessica, greets him happily as soon as he enters the classroom.“

“Can you read it again please?”

- “Now, please read the sentences in the proper order.”“Narabikaete yonde kudasai.”

Answer Key:

- 3-4. Hey Spencer! Long time no see! (hint: What is the first thing you say when you see

someone after a long time?)

- 3-3. Hi! I’m glad to be back! Did I miss a lot of lessons? (hint: How would you reply whensomeone greets you?)

- 3-1. Yes. But I’m sure you’ll catch up soon.(hint: What is Jessica’s answer to Spencer’s question?)

- 3-2. Thank you! So what is keeping the class busy lately?

- “Very good!”

- “Now, let’s proceed to the next page.”“Tsugi no peeji ni ikimashou.”

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page. 9 ~ 12


RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

2-2「. 英会話教材 / Conversation Material」 TUTOR GUIDE

【Exercise 4 】フリートーク




4 - 1: Have you met an old friend recently? When and where did you meet?


4 - 2: How do the people in your country greet and say goodbye to each other?


4 - 3: How do you keep in touch with your old friends?



- “Please open page 12” “Juu ni page o hiraite kudasai”

- “Are you ready for our last exercise? I will be asking you some questions.

You can answer them using the words and expressions you’ve learned in this lesson.”

・ After the student has finished answering all the questions…

- “Thank you very much for answering the questions! You did a great job, -san.

Since this is the end of the Conversation Material, I will now be giving you a short feedback.”

“Lesson no Feedback desu.”

- “Please click the button at the bottom of the page to go to the Feedback section.”

“Lesson no feedback ni susumu toiu link wo click shite kudasai.”

Click here to go to the Feedback section.

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


2-2.「英会話教材 / Conversation Material」はこれで終了です。


■ Objective :

・To provide the student with an opportunity to express him/herself freely.

・To help the student use the new words and expressions in an actual conversation.

■ Required Time : 5-6 minutes

■ Required Action:

・Ask the provided questions, and add simple follow-up questions to encourage the student

to talk more.

・Provide the first few words of the answer if the student is struggling

(e.g. 4-1. You can say, “Yes, I met…”)

■ Action to Avoid:

・Avoid asking personal or sensitive information, like the specific names, addresses or

company information.

・Limit follow-up questions if time is running out.

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RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2

3. 講師からのフィードバックレッスン開始 22 分~ 25 分



Could you give me your feedback on this lesson?


Could you give me your advice of my English learning?



I really enjoyed the lesson with you!


I was a little bit nervous during the lesson.

(少し緊張しました。) 3. Feedback from Tutor

- “Please open page 13” “Juu san page o hiraite kudasai”

- “I'll give a short feedback.”“Fiido bakku”

- Pronunciation “hatsuon”

- Listening “risuninggu”

- Reading “riidingu”

- Speaking “supiikinggu”

- Overall “zentaitekini”

- “Do you have any questions?”“Shitsumon wa arimasuka? “

・After giving your feedback to the student, politely ask about the student’s feedback on the

Trial Lesson.

- “ -san,how was the lesson today?”

“lessunn ha dou deshitaka?””lessun no kanso wo kikasete kudasai.”

・If there is still time left, have free conversation with your student using the

new expressions learned.

- “This is the end of the lesson.”“Koko made desu”

- “I hope you enjoyed today’s class!“

- “Good job!”“Otsukaresamadeshita”

- “I am looking forward to having a lesson with you again soon.”

“Mata lesson de oaidekiru kotowo tanoshimi ni shiteimasu.”

- “See you again.Bye!”“Mata ne! “

© RareJob, Inc. 2013


Index Page

■ Objective :

・ To provide short and simple feedback so that students know their performance per lesson and

what to do to improve their English.

■ Required Time : 1-2 minute

■ Required Action:

・Give short and simple feedback to the student regarding his/her pronunciation, listening, reading,

speaking and grammar on the lesson. It’s preferable to give two positive and one negative

feedbacks for improvement.

・Give some advice about 'How to Learn English' for the next lessons.

・ Example: Your pronunciation and grammar are good. However, you need to improve your

listening skills.You can improve them by…

■ Action to Avoid:

・Do not give more than three points so that student doesn't get overwhelmed or confused.




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全国 20 万人が利用する「レアジョブ英会話」さ


わずか 1 年で TOEIC 約 400 点の

RareJob Trial Lesson Material for Beginner No.2


~料金プランのご案内~ 体験レッスンはお楽しみいただけましたか?

レアジョブ英会話なら、月額たったの 5,980 円で、毎日レッスン受講が可能です!





[IMPORTANT] This part is not included in the 25-minute lesson. There is no need to discuss this,

unless there is remaining time and the student requests for it.

■ Objective :

・To provide a convenient way for the student to sign up for a RareJob plan immediately

after the trial lesson.

Please refer to the English translation of the contents below:

4. Let’s start the “RareJob Life” – Recommended Price Plan

■ Page contents :

・We hope you enjoyed your trial lessons.

・RareJob offers you a 25-minute lesson every day for only 5,980 yen per month!

・You can continue learning because RareJob is easy and fun!

・We will support your English learning with unprecedented cost performance and convenience.

・Feel the joy of speaking English!

・Recommended Lesson Plan

[Red Button]

Click here to view the Price Plan page.

Link: http://www.rarejob.com/payment/

・User’s Voce

[First Blue Button]

Click here to view the detailed story.

Link: http://www.rarejob.com/voice/

[Second Blue Button]

Click here to view the detailed story.

Link: http://www.rarejob.com/monitor_report02.php

© RareJob, Inc. 2013





