raport de autoevaluare perioada: 1 iulie 2005- …...(lista brevetelor si cit ărilor, grupate pe...

1 RAPORT DE AUTOEVALUARE perioada: 1 iulie 2005- 30 iunie 2010 1. Datele de autentificare ale unităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare 1.1. Denumirea: INSTITUTUL ONCOLOGIC “Prof. Dr. I. CHIRICUTA” CLUJ-NAPOCA 1.2. Statutul Juridic 1 ): Unitate Sanitara – Institut cu Personalitate Juridica - INSTITUTUL ONCOLOGIC “Prof. Dr. I. CHIRICUTA” CLUJ-NAPOCA 1.3. Actul de infiintare 2 ): Hotărârea de Guvern Nr. 144/2010 1.4. Numărul de înregistrare in Registrul potenţialilor contractori:1428 1.5. Manager : Conf.Dr. Alexandru Irimie 1.6. Adresa: Republicii 34-36, CLUJ NAPOCA 1.7. Telefon, fax, pagina web, e-mail: 0264-598361; 0264-598365; www.iocn.ro , [email protected] 2. Domeniul de specialitate 2.1. Conform clasificării UNESCO 3 ): 3289 2.2. Conform clasificării CAEN: principal 8610 ; secundar 7310 3. Starea unităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare 3.1. Misiunea unităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare, direcţiile de cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare: (maximum 1.000 de caractere): Viziunea noastră este de a contribui substanţial la ameliorarea tratamentelor oncologice prin integrarea activităţii de cercetare fundamentală aplicativă cu cercetarea şi practica clinică. Misiunea Departamentului de cercetare ştiinţifică este de a planifica, proiecta şi pune în practică strategii menite a asigura un nivel ridicat de performanţă al cercetării ştiinţifice în Institutul Oncologic “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă”, în context naţional şi internaţional. Direcţiile principale de acţiune ale Departamentului de cercetare ştiinţifică sunt: a. promovarea excelenţei în cercetare;

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Page 1: RAPORT DE AUTOEVALUARE perioada: 1 iulie 2005- …...(Lista brevetelor si cit ărilor, grupate pe ani, se ataşează ca anexa nr. 4.2) Total punctaj cap. 4.2: 0 4.3. Produse si tehnologii



perioada: 1 iulie 2005- 30 iunie 2010

1. Datele de autentificare ale unităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare


1.2. Statutul Juridic1): Unitate Sanitara – Institut cu Personalitate Juridica - INSTITUTUL


1.3. Actul de infiintare2): Hotărârea de Guvern Nr. 144/2010

1.4. Numărul de înregistrare in Registrul potenţialilor contractori:1428

1.5. Manager : Conf.Dr. Alexandru Irimie

1.6. Adresa: Republicii 34-36, CLUJ NAPOCA

1.7. Telefon, fax, pagina web, e-mail: 0264-598361; 0264-598365; www.iocn.ro ,

[email protected]

2. Domeniul de specialitate

2.1. Conform clasificării UNESCO3): 3289

2.2. Conform clasificării CAEN: principal 8610 ; secundar 7310

3. Starea unităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare

3.1. Misiunea unităţii de cercetare-dezvoltare, direcţiile de cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare:

(maximum 1.000 de caractere):

Viziunea noastră este de a contribui substanţial la ameliorarea tratamentelor

oncologice prin integrarea activităţii de cercetare fundamentală aplicativă cu cercetarea şi

practica clinică.

Misiunea Departamentului de cercetare ştiinţifică este de a planifica, proiecta şi pune

în practică strategii menite a asigura un nivel ridicat de performanţă al cercetării ştiinţifice în

Institutul Oncologic “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă”, în context naţional şi internaţional.

Direcţiile principale de acţiune ale Departamentului de cercetare ştiinţifică sunt:

a. promovarea excelenţei în cercetare;

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b. modernizarea şi eficientizarea bazei materiale a cercetării ştiinţifice din Institut

c. orientarea cercetării din Institutul Oncologic “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă” spre

nevoile pe termen mediu şi lung ale specialităţilor medicale implicate în

tratamentul cancerului şi pe un plan mai general ale societăţii noastre.

d. realizarea unui management eficient şi eficace al activităţii de cercetare


e. întărirea dimensiunii cooperării internaţionale

f. crearea unui climat de încredere şi cooperare ştiinţifică între cercetătorii IOCN

cadrele didactice ale UMF Cluj care lucrează cu integrare clinică în Institut,

ceilalţi specialişti, bazat pe transparenţă decizională

g. dimensiunea educaţională: atragerea de cercetători tineri şi formarea acestora

pentru a deveni competitivi pe plan naţional şi internaţional

h. evaluarea periodică a rezultatelor cercetării ştiinţifice şi a centrelor de cercetare

ştiinţifică existente în Institut.

Aceste direcţii de acţiune au în vedere creşterea relevanţei cercetării ştiinţifice în Institutul

Oncologic “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă”, promovarea acesteia pe plan naţional şi internaţional şi

integrarea cercetării ştiinţifice în aria cercetării europene.

3.2. Modul de valorificare a rezultatelor de cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare si gradul de

recunoaştere a acestora (maximum 1.000 de caractere):

Cercetarea în oncologie are un pronunţat caracter multidisciplinar. Valorificarea rezultatelor

cercetării de laborator este posibilă prin translaţia acestora în practica clinică cu scopul de a

individualiza tratamentele şi de a introduce metode terapeutice noi. Deasemenea cercetarea

clinică (studiile clinice) este cea care validează pe plan practic valoarea diferitelor tratamente.

Institutul este partener la numeroase studii clinice, iar unele dintre aceste sunt iniţiate chiar în

Institut. Ne propunem creşterea progresivă a numărului de pacienţi care sunt trataţi în studii

clinice ca un indicator al performanţei sectorului de cercetare şi creşterea ponderii

cunoştinţelor care să facă obiectul transferului din „laborator la patul bolnavului”.

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Recunoaşterea acestor rezultate trebuie concretizată prin creşterea numărului de publicaţii în

reviste cotate pe plan naţional şi mai ales internaţional.

3.3. Situaţia financiara - datorii la bugetul de stat:


4. Criterii primare de performanta


4.1. Lucrări ştiinţifice/tehnice publicate in reviste de

specialitate cotate ISI4)

4.1.1. Număr de lucrări ştiinţifice 84 x 30 =2520

4.1.2. Punctaj cumulat ISI5) 324.714 x 5= 1623.57

4.1.3. Număr de citări in reviste de specialitate cotate ISI6) 4031x 5 = 20155

(Lista lucrărilor si citărilor, grupate pe ani, se ataşează ca anexa nr. 4.1)

Total punctaj cap. 4.1: 24298.57

4.2. Brevete de inventie7)

4.2.1. Număr de brevete x 30

4.2.2. Număr de citări de brevete in sistemul ISI x 5

(Lista brevetelor si citărilor, grupate pe ani, se ataşează ca anexa nr. 4.2)

Total punctaj cap. 4.2: 0

4.3. Produse si tehnologii rezultate din activitati de cercetare, bazate pe brevete, omologări

sau inovaţii proprii. Studii prospective si tehnologice si servicii rezultate din activitatea de

cercetare-dezvoltare, comandate de beneficiar

(Se indica contractul si firma care utilizează produsul, serviciul si tehnologia).

4.3.1. Număr de produse, tehnologii, studii, servicii 11 x 20 = 220

(Lista produselor, serviciilor si tehnologiilor, grupate pe ani, se ataşează

ca anexa nr. 4.3)

Total punctaj cap. 4.3: 220

Total punctaj cap. 4: 24518.57

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5. Criterii secundare de performanta

5.1. Lucrări ştiinţifice (tehnice) publicate in reviste de specialitate8)

fără cotaţie ISI

5.1.1. Număr de lucrări 41 x 5 = 205

(Lista lucrărilor grupate pe ani se ataşează ca anexa nr. 5.1)

Total punctaj cap. 5.1:

5.2. Lucrări ştiinţifice prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale cu comitet de program

5.2.1. Număr de comunicări prezentate 159 x 5 =795

(Lista comunicărilor grupate pe ani se ataşează ca anexa nr. 5.2)

Total punctaj cap. 5.2:

5.3. Modele fizice, modele experimentale, modele funcţionale, prototipuri,normative,

proceduri, metodologii, reglementari si planuri tehnice noi sau perfecţionate, realizate in

cadrul programelor naţionale sau comandate de


5.3.1. Număr de modele, normative, proceduri etc.: 1 x 5 = 5

(Lista modelelor, normativelor etc., grupate pe ani, se ataşează ca anexa nr. 5.3)

Total punctaj cap. 5.3: 5

Total punctaj cap. 5: 205+795+5=1005

6. Prestigiul profesional

6.1. Membri (incluzând statutul de recenzor) in colectivele de redacţie ale unor reviste (cotate

ISI sau incluse in baze de date internaţionale) sau in colective editoriale ale unor edituri

internaţionale recunoscute

Număr de prezente in perioada pentru care se face evaluarea: 5 x 20=100

Nr. crt. Nume Titlul revistei/editurii

6.2. Membri in colectivele de redacţie ale revistelor recunoscute naţional (din categoria B in

clasificarea CNCSIS)

Număr de prezente: 1 x 10=10

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Nr. crt. Nume Titlul revistei/editurii

6.3. Premii internaţionale obţinute printr-un proces de selecţie

Anexa 6.3

Număr de premii: 7 x 20 = 140

Nr. crt. Nume Premiul Anul

6.4. Premii naţionale ale Academiei Romane

Număr de premii: x 20

Nr. crt. Nume Premiul Anul

6.5. Conducători de doctorat, membri ai unităţii de cercetare

Număr de conducători de doctorat: x 10

Nr. crt. Nume

6.6. Număr de doctori in ştiinţa, membri ai unităţii de cercetare

Număr de doctori in ştiinţa: 10 x 10 = 100

Total punctaj cap. 6:100+10+140+100=350

Total punctaj cap. 4+5+6: 24518.57+1005+350=25873.57

7. Venituri realizate prin contracte de cercetare in domeniul pentru care se face evaluarea (in

perioada pentru care se face evaluarea):

7.1. Numărul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare internaţionale finanţate din fonduri


7.2. Numărul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare internaţionale finanţate din fonduri


7.3. Numărul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare naţionale finanţate din fonduri publice10):

an Nr.


tip program Valoare in

RON pe an


totala RON

pe an


totala in

EUR pe an

2005 8 1 - grant








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2006 27 2 granturi








2007 34 1 PNCD II CNCSIS



7 PNCD II – Pr 4







2008 35 1 PNCD II CNCSIS








4.722.635 1.185.043,4


2009 16 2 PNCD II CNCSIS






TOTAL 10.278.787,0




7.4. Numărul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare naţionale finanţate din fonduri private:

7.5. Alte surse:

7 bis. Venituri realizate din activităţi economice (servicii, microproducţie):

8. Resursa umana de cercetare

8.1. Total personal de cercetare care realizează venituri din activitatea de cercetare-

dezvoltare/din care doctori in ştiinţa:

8.1.1. Cercetători ştiinţifici gradul 1 (profesori)/din care doctori in ştiinţa: 3/3

8.1.2. Cercetători ştiinţifici gradul 2 (conferenţiari)/din care doctori in ştiinţa: 6/6

8.1.3. Cercetători ştiinţifici gradul 3 (lectori)/din care doctori in ştiinţa: 1/1

8.1.4. Cercetători ştiinţifici/din care doctori in ştiinţa: 3/0

8.1.5. Asistenţi de cercetare: 4/1

8.1.6. Total personal auxiliar de cercetare angajat: 18

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8.2. Date privind perfecţionarea resursei umane

8.2.1. Număr de doctoranzi si masteranzi care lucrează in unitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare la

data completării formularului: 8

8.2.2. Număr de teze de doctorat realizate in unitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare in perioada

pentru care se face evaluarea:13

9. Infrastructura de cercetare-dezvoltare

9.1. Laboratoare de cercetare-dezvoltare:


9.2. Lista echipamentelor performante achiziţionate in ultimii 10 ani:

Nr. crt. Echipamentul Anul fabricaţiei Valoarea Sursa de finanţare a investiţiei



Echipament Anul


Valoarea Sursa de

finanţare a


1 Sistem HPLC 2001 155.905,72 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

2 Secventiator automat 2001 140.335,1 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

3 Centrifuga de laborator 2001 10.153,83 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

4 Procesor Vysis VP2000 2001 69.277 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

5 Analizator de imagini pt


2001 45.116,23 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

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(custodie IOCN)

6 Spectrofotometru UV cu db 2001 40.497,66 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

7 Sistem imobilizare 2001 3.937,59 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

8 Celula de transfer pt statting 2001 18.839,24 Grant Banca

UMF (custodie


9 Instalatie de Electroforeza


2001 43.439,01 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

10 Sistem de analiza automata 2001 203.062,02 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

11 Centrifuga universala cu


2001 48.563,54 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

12 Hota in flux laminar 2001 16.691,33 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

13 Sistem de analiza a imaginii 2002 141.937,72 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

14 Sistem Electroforeza 2002 71.232,75 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

15 Sistem pt microfotografiere 2002 76.893,60 Grant Banca

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Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

16 Microscop E 1000 Nikon 2002 134.563,8 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

17 Hota HH 1-2 Plus 2002 16.843,01 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

18 Incubator 2002 14.393,87 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

19 Cititor Elisa cu spalator 2002 23.748,81 Grant Banca

Mondiala UMF

(custodie IOCN)

20 Analizor de citometrie cu


2003 184.725,41 Chelt generale

universitare UMF

(custodie IOCN)

21 Masa chirurgicala cu acesorii 2005 64.092,21 Cercetare MEC

22 Trusa chirurgie laparoscopica 2005 150.854,16 Cercetare MEC

23 Monitor pacient MEC 1000 2005 11.109 Cercetare MEC

24 Monitor pacient MEC 1000 2005 11.109 Cercetare MEC

25 Monitor pacient MEC 1000 2005 11.109 Cercetare MEC

26 Sistem PCR 96 WELL 2006 21.658 Cercetare MEC

27 Hota bacteriologica Lamil

Plus 16

2006 23.389,45 Cercetare MEC

28 Upgrade sistem de stocare si

transmisie imagini

2006 27.000 Cercetare MEC

29 Incubator cu CO2 2006 32.487 Cercetare MEC

30 Incubator cu CO2 2006 23.431,5 Cercetare MEC

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31 Spectrofotometru UV VIS

(sistem analiza nanodrop)

2006 27.908,48 Cercetare MEC

32 Centrifuga Universal 320R cu


2006 23.211,79 Cercetare MEC

33 Hota bacteriologica lamil plus


2006 21.967,40 Cercetare MEC

34 Omogenizator (procesor ) cu


2006 12.560,10 Cercetare MEC

35 Aparat fabricat fulgi de


2007 11426 CNCSIS

36 Criocauter cu acesorii 2007 22.201,83 Cercetare MEC

37 Electrocauter MBC 600 2007 21.082,27 Cercetare MEC

38 Electrocauter seria 78377 2007 20.675,31 Cercetare MEC

39 Statie includere la parafina 2007 31.502,16 Cercetare MEC

40 Aparat de produs gheata


2007 14.489,62 Cercetare MEC

41 Aparat maruntit probe

biologice seria 30208

2007 8.658,44 Cercetare MEC

42 Ultracongelator vertical 440 l,

-86 0 C

2007 30.675,23 Cercetare MEC

43 Vas Dewar azot lichid - rack 2007 16.842,37 Cercetare MEC

44 Vas Dewar azot lichid 2007 9.991,49 Cercetare MEC

45 Traductor endocavitar EC123 2007 27.728,19 Cercetare MEC

46 Balanta analitica cu 5

zecimale si incinta cantarire

2007 10.549,35 Cercetare MEC

47 Hota cu flux laminar Lamil


2007 22.530,98 Cercetare MEC

48 Aparat foto digital Olympus


2007 15.670 Cercetare MEC

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49 Dulap rack black 19 ” 2007 17.600 Cercetare MEC

50 Microscop inversat config


2007 170.635,29 Cercetare MEC

51 Separator de celule 2007 8.093,74 Cercetare MEC

52 Vas Dewar 10 l 2007 3.690,73 Cercetare MEC

53 Microtom RM 2125 2007 21.227,42 Cercetare MEC

54 Microtom RM 2125 2007 21.227,42 Cercetare MEC

55 Statie de lucru GROSSLAB SR 2007 66.000 Cercetare MEC

56 Centrifuga cu racire


2007 10.438,68 Cercetare MEC

57 Electroporator 2007 18.772,25 Cercetare MEC


Microscop pt.analize

histologice 2007 14.385,67

Cercetare MEC


Sistem siguranta Back-up

CO2 2007 5.287,17

Cercetare MEC

60 Autostainer 2007 162.292,53 Cercetare MEC


Sursa de lumina pt.lupe

operatorii 2007 6.506,85

Cercetare MEC

62 Hota de culturi clasa a II-a 2007 17.600,85 Cercetare MEC

63 Etuva de laborator - pupinel 2007 3.803,24 Cercetare MEC

64 Camera foto NIKON 2007 6.479,55 Cercetare MEC

65 Lupe operatorii 2007 7.282,80 Cercetare MEC

66 Infusomat FMS 2007 5.569,20 Cercetare MEC

67 Centrifuga cu racire 2007 14.137,20 Cercetare MEC

68 Placa sofanta 2007 2.817,09 Cercetare MEC

69 Balanta analitica cu 5 zec. 2007 3.516,39 Cercetare MEC

70 Hota laminara 2007 12.643,94 Cercetare MEC

71 Dozimetru personal digital 2007 6.479,55 Cercetare MEC

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72 Microscop inversat motorizat 2007 170.635,29 Cercetare MEC

73 Cititor de microplaci 2008 135.656,43 Cercetare MEC


Geldoc XR System (Sistem de

analiza western blott) 2008 45.993,50

Cercetare MEC


Sistem de electroforeza si

Western Blotting 2008 16.303,00

Cercetare MEC

76 Placa sofanta 2008 6.892,88 Cercetare MEC


Disp.pt.tehnica Tisuue

microassay 2008 8.496,60

Cercetare MEC

78 Detector de ozon 2008 39.680,55 Cercetare MEC

79 Procesor tesuturi 2008 124.937,92 Cercetare MEC

80 Incubator de culturi celulare 2008 17.635,80 Cercetare MEC


Instalatie de purificare a

aerului 2008 45.941,14

Cercetare MEC

82 Hota cu flux laminar cls. II 2008 44.510,28 Cercetare MEC


Placa de baza pt.fix.pacient +

accesorii 2008 21.935,27

Cercetare MEC

84 LAMPA BACTERICIDA 60 PL 2008 3.000,00 Cercetare MEC

85 Centrifuga cu racire 2008 37.213,68 Cercetare MEC

86 Procesor de tesuturi 2008 62786.32 Cercetare MEC

87 Hota de culturi cls.II 2008 7.259,00 Cercetare MEC

88 Lightcycler 2008 185.640,00 Cercetare MEC

89 Lampa scialitica cu satelit 2008 41.888,00 Cercetare MEC


Instalatie de purificare a

aerului pentru indepartarea

speciilor de ozon active 2008 91.882,28

Cercetare MEC


Upgrade Microscop Zeiss

Axio Observer 2008 99.305,50

Cercetare MEC

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92 Pistol de prelevare biopsii 2008 9.282,00 Cercetare MEC

93 Ecograf Acuson X 300 2008 104.779,50 Cercetare MEC


Sistem de upgradare

centrifuga Universal 32 R 2008 3.857,98

Cercetare MEC

95 Analozor lightcycler 2008 185.640,00 Cercetare MEC

96 UV/Metru 2009 7.199,50 Cercetare MEC


Lampa cercetare cu

ultraviolete 2009 6.985,30

Cercetare MEC

98 Tije politron 2009 46.652,76 CNCSIS

99 UV/Metru 2009 7.199,50 Cercetare MEC


Lampa cercetare cu

ultraviolete 2009 6.985,30

Cercetare MEC


Locator 4110 litri cu sistem

de role portabile 2009 31.319,26

Cercetare MEC

102 Platforma microarray 2007 145.000 Cercetare MEC

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1. I.D. Postescu, C. Tatomir, G.Chereches, I.Brie, G .Damian , D.Petrisor, A.M.Hosu,

N.Pop: Spectroscopic characterisation of grape extracts with potential role in tumor

growth inhibition, J. Optoel. Adv. Materials (JOAM), 9, 564-567, 2007 (ISI-2005,

impact factor 1.138) citari 6

2. Shepherd FA, Rodrigues Pereira J, Ciuleanu T, Tan EH, Hirsh V, Thongprasert S,

Campos D, Maoleekoonpiroj S, Smylie M, Martins R, van Kooten M, Dediu M, Findlay

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Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Erlotinib in previously treated non-small-

cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2005 Jul 14;353(2):123-32.PMID: 16014882 Factor de

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3. Eniu A, Palmieri FM, Perez EA. Weekly administration of docetaxel and paclitaxel in

metastatic or advanced breast cancer. Oncologist. 2005 Oct;10(9):665-85.

Review.PMID: 16249346 Factor de impact 2005 3,962

4. Thatcher N, Chang A, Parikh P, Rodrigues Pereira J, Ciuleanu T, von Pawel J,

Thongprasert S, Tan EH, Pemberton K, Archer V, Carroll K. Gefitinib plus best

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benefit of high dose methotrexate terapy in childhood, Pediatric Blood & Cancer,

47,4, pp.443-444 Factor de impact 1,882

6. Veronique Winnepenninckx, Vladimir Lazar, Stefan Micheils, Philippe Dessen,

Marguerite Stas, Soledad R. Alonso, Marie-Franoise Avril, Pablo L. Ortiz Romero,

Thomas Robert, Ovidiu Balacescu, Alexander M.M. Eggremont, Gilbert Lenoir, Alain

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Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. Gene

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8. Hirsch FR, Varella-Garcia M, Bunn PA Jr, Franklin WA, Dziadziuszko R, Thatcher N,

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9. Eniu A, Carlson RW, Aziz Z, Bines J, Hortobágyi GN, Bese NS, Love RR, Vikram B,

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Panel. Breast cancer in limited-resource countries: treatment and allocation of

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10. Benjamin O. Anderson, MD*, Roman Shyyan, MD † , Alexandru Eniu, MD ‡ , Robert A.

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, Shahla Masood, MD € , Scott D. Ramsey, MD, PhD ¢ , and Robert W. Carlson, MD**

*University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; † Lviv Cancer Center, Lviv, Ukraine; ‡ Cancer Institute I. Chiricuta, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; § American Cancer Society,

Atlanta, Georgia; ¶ University of Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; #

Cerrahpasa Medical School, Istanbul, Turkey; ^ University of Hong Kong Medical

Center, Pokfulam, Hong Kong; €University of Florida, Jacksonville, Florida; ¢ Fred

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University, Stanford, California Breast Cancer in Limited-Resource Countries: An

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impact 1,61

11. Brodowicz T, Krzakowski M, Zwitter M, Tzekova V, Ramlau R, Ghilezan N, Ciuleanu T,

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12. Cucuianu A, Patiu M, Rusu A. Hepcidin and multiple myeloma related anemia.

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13. Daria Cosaceanu, Mia Carapancea, Oana Alexandru, Raluca Budiu, Hanna-

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Dricu. Comparison of three approaches for inhibiting insulin-like growth factor I

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14. D Cosaceanu, RA Budiu, M Carapaceanu, J Castro, R Lewensohn, A Dricu. Ionizing

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DNA binding modulating Ku86 expression via p38 kinase-dependent mechanism.

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15. Carapancea M, Cosaceanu D, Budiu R, Kwiecinska A, Tataranu L, Ciubotaru V,

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16. Radulescu D, Pripon S, Ciuleanu TE, Radulescu LI. Malignant primary pulmonary

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17. Radulescu D, Pripon S, Parv A, Duncea C, Ciuleanu TE. Altered left ventricular

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18. Grigorescu A, Ciuleanu T, Firoiu E, Muresan DR, Teodorescu G, Basson BR. A

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19. I.D. Postescu, C. Tatomir, G. Cherecheş, I. Brie, G. Damian, D. Petrişor, A-M Hosu, V.

Miclăuş, A. Pop: Spectroscopic characterization of some grape extracts with potential

role in tumor growth inhibition, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,

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20. Langer CJ, O'Byrne KJ, Socinski MA, Mikhailov SM, Leśniewski-Kmak K, Smakal M,

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21. Smith RE Jr, Aapro MS, Ludwig H, Pintér T, Smakal M, Ciuleanu TE, Chen L, Lillie T,

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22. Eniu A, Carlson RW, El Saghir NS, Bines J, Bese NS, Vorobiof D, Masetti R, Anderson

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23. El Saghir NS, Eniu A, Carlson RW, Aziz Z, Vorobiof D, Hortobagyi GN; Breast Health

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24. Masood S, Vass L, Ibarra JA Jr, Ljung BM, Stalsberg H, Eniu A, Carlson RW, Anderson

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25. Bines J, Eniu A. Effective but cost-prohibitive drugs in breast cancer treatment: a

clinician's perspective. Cancer. 2008 Oct 15;113(8 Suppl):2353-8. Review.PMID:

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26. Dima D, Trifa AP, Cucuianu A, Popp RA, Patiu M, Petrov L. Monitoring T315I mutation

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27. Patiu M., Laszlo G., Cucuianu A.: Feritins in iron metabolism investigation. Revista

Romana de Medicina de Laborator.vol 11 nr 2 iunie 2008 pag 53-55 indexat ISI – IF = 0

28. S.Suciu, I.D. Postescu, A. Mureşan, P. Virág, D. Daicoviciu, E. Fischer-Fodor. In vitro

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29. E.Fischer-Fodor, N. Moldovan, P. Virág, O. Soriţău, I. Brie, P. Lonnecke, E. Hey-

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30. T.Dicu, I. Brie, P. Virág, E. Fischer, M. Perde, V. Foriş, V. Cernea, C. Cosma.

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2008, 53 (4), 161-165, i.f. 0.267.

31. A.Filip, S. Clichici, A. Mureşan, D. Daicoviciu, C. Tatomir, C. Login, S. Dreve, C.

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32. Ciuleanu T, Brodowicz T, Zielinski C, Kim JH, Krzakowski M, Laack E, Wu YL, Bover I,

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33. Socinski MA, Smit EF, Lorigan P, Konduri K, Reck M, Szczesna A, Blakely J,

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34. Gatzemeier U, Ciuleanu T, Dediu M, Ganea-Motan E, Lubenau H, Del Giglio A. XM02,

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35. Le Péchoux C, Dunant A, Senan S, Wolfson A, Quoix E, Faivre-Finn C, Ciuleanu T,

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36. Ciuleanu TE, Pavlovsky AV, Bodoky G, Garin AM, Langmuir VK, Kroll S, Tidmarsh GT. A

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37. O Tudoran. I Berindan Neagoe, O Balacescu, E Dronca, C. Burz, L Balacescu, I

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38. Burz C, Berindan-Neagoe IB, Balacescu O, Tanaselia C, Ursu M, Gog A, Vlase L,

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42. Nicula FA. Suteu O. Pais R. Neamtiu L. Description of the national situation of

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43. Ronco G. Balegooijen M. Becker N. Chil A. Fender M. Giubilato P. Kurtinaitis J.

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46. Neamţiu L. A Medical Resources Allocation Problem. Results in Mathematics.

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48. Trifa AP, Popp RA, Cucuianu A, Dima D, Militaru MS, Patiu M, Pop IV. JAK2 p.V617F

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49. P.Virág, I. Brie, I.D. Postescu, M. Perde-Schrepler, E. Fischer-Fodor, O. Soriţău, A.

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50. A. Filip, S. Clichici, D. Daicoviciu, A.Mureşan, I. D. Postescu, M. Perde- Schrepler, D.

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51. T. Dicu, I. D. Postescu, V. Foriş, I. Brie, E. Fischer-Fodor, M. Moldovan, C. Cosma:

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52. M. C. Mihu, D. Rus Ciucă, O. Soriţău, S. Susman, D. Mihu: Isolation and

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53. M. Lukáč, M. Mrva, E. Fischer-Fodor, I. Lacko, M. Bukovský, N. Miklášová, F.

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54. N. Miklášová, E. Fischer-Fodor, P. Lonnecke, M. Perde Schrepler, P. Virág, C.

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55. C. Tomuleasa, S. Şuşman, O. Soriţău, V. Foriş, E. Páll, C. Mihu: Primum non nocere.

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56. C. Tomuleasa, V. Foris, O. Soriţău, E. Páll, E. Fischer-Fodor, V. Lung-Illes, I. Brie,

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57. O. Lucaciu, M. Băciuţ, G. Băciuţ, D. Gheban, S. Bran, M. Hedeşiu, C. Nicola, O.

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nejm.org [HTML]… Rodrigues Pereira, T Ciuleanu, EH Tan, V … - … England Journal of …,

2005 - content.nejm.org. Results The median age of the 731 patients who underwent

randomization was 61.4 years; 49 percent had received two prior chemotherapy

regimens, and 93 percent had received

platinum-based chemotherapy. The response rate was 8.9 percent in the erlotinib group


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gefitinib and 5·1 months for placebo; hazard ratio 0·89 [95% CI 0·77–1·02], p=0·087) or


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of high v low copy number HR, P = .045). EGFR protein expression was also related to ...

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4. Cisplatin and gemcitabine first-line chemotherapy followed by maintenance gemcitabine

or best supportive care in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A phase III …… , R

Ramlau, N Ghilezan, T Ciuleanu, B Cucevic, K … - Lung Cancer, 2006 - Elsevier

Between November 1999 and November 2002, we enrolled 352 patients (median age:

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8. Maintenance pemetrexed plus best supportive care versus placebo plus best supportive

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T Ciuleanu, T Brodowicz, C Zielinski, JH Kim, M … - The Lancet, 2009 - ElsevierThis

randomised double-blind study was undertaken in 83 centres in 20 countries. 663

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…oncobaleares.es [PDF]T Ciuleanu, T Brodowicz, C Zielinski, JH Kim, M … - The Lancet,

2009 - Elsevier

This randomised double-blind study was undertaken in 83 centres in 20 countries. 663


with stage IIIB or IV disease who had not progressed on four cycles of platinum-based


were randomly assigned (2:1 ratio) to receive pemetrexed (500 mg/m 2 , day 1) plus best


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clinical trial ... Cécile Le Péchoux, Ariane Dunant, Suresh Senan, Aaron Wolfson, Elisabeth

Quoix, Corinne Faivre-Finn, Tudor Ciuleanu, Rodrigo Arriagada, Richard Jones, Rinus ...

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placebo following nonprogression with first-line platinum-based chemotherapy …

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(P) in 2nd/3rd-line advanced NSCLC. The phase III SATURN study (BO18192) was initiated

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2009 - maastro.nl

Standard-dose versus higher-dose prophylactic cranial ... RTOG 0212, and IFCT 99-01): a

randomised clinical trial ... Cécile Le Péchoux, Ariane Dunant, Suresh Senan, Aaron

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ANEXA 4.3 Produse si tehnologii rezultate din activitati de cercetare, bazate pe

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unei sectii de radioterapie externa -2007 – utilizat în mod curent în cadrul IOCN

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utilizat în mod curent în cadrul IOCN

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Anexa 5.1. Lucrări ştiinţifice (tehnice) publicate in reviste de specialitate8)

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si incapsulata in lipozomi. Clujul Medical vol. LXXVIII no.1-2005 – 192-199.

2. O. Balacescu, L. Vlase, Marcela Achim, Ioana Neagoe, Roxana Ola, , S.E. Leucuta. Studii

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(Caelyx). Clujul Medical vol. LXXVIII no.1-2005 – 199-205.

3. Ioana Berindan-Neagoe, O. Balacescu, Rodica Risca, Victor Cristea. Molecule de

adeziune celulara in invazie si metastazare. Evidentierea moleculei E-caderina, produs

al genei CDH1- gena supresoare tumorala. Clujul Medical vol. LXXVIII no.2-2005 pp.


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5. Claudia Ordeanu, V.Cernea, N.Ghilezan: Clinical application of the variation of

dose/fraction used in the brachitherapy of cervical cancer”, articol, Clujul Medical, vol.

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7. O. Coza, O. Soriţău, I. Brie, V. Cernea: Predictive assays in radiotherapy: cellular

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8. Luciana Neamţiu, A Markov Model in Cervical Cancer Screening Strategy,

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10. Suteu O., Nicula F., Irimie A., Lazar L., Pais R., Duma M., Neamtiu L., Coza D., Farcas

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11. A. Mureşan, Ş. Suciu, S. Clichici, I. D. Postescu, D. Daicoviciu, N. Pop: Study on the

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14. V.Nagy, N.Todor, O.Coza, C.Ordeanu, N.Ghilezan: Quality of life and treatment related

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15. C.Ordeanu, O.Coza, S.Gavriş, N.Todor, E.Szilagy, M.Bako, V.Cernea, N.Ghilezan,

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16. TE.Ciuleanu, G.Fountzilas, E.Ciuleanu, M.Palataniotis, N.Todor, N.Ghilezan: Paclitaxel

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31. Cornelia Braicu, Claudia Burz, Ioana Berindan-Neagoe, Ovidiu Balacescu, Marcel

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32. Cornelia Braicu, Claudia Burz, Ioana Neagoe, Ovidiu Balacescu, Florin Graur, Victor

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34. Rugina D., Pintea A., Braicu C., Farcal L., Andrei S., Socaciu C., 2009, Rosmarinic acid

reduces oxidation of human retinal epithelial cells, Lucrari Stiintifice USAMV Iasi,

52(11), 250-254, ISSN 1454-7406 (B+ CAB).

35. Cornelia Braicu, Ioana Berindan-Neagoe, Claudia Burz, Ovidiu Balacescu, Alexandru

Irimie, Catechins therapeutic implications in cancer, Biology and Theraphy of Cancer

Cell, 1(1), 2009, 81-84

36. C. I. Tomuleasa, O. Soriţău, V. Foris, E. Pall, V. Lung: The influence of different growth

factors on stem cells in culture, Revista de Medicină şi Farmacie, 2009; 55:37-38.

37. Cucuianu A, Dohner K, Dima D, Schlenk R, Schmidt M, Patiu M, Basarab C, Selicean C,

Bojan A, Vasilache A, Urian L, Torok T, Zdrenghea M, Dohner H, Petrov L. The role of

cytogenetics and molecular genetics in the management of acute myeloid leukemia.

Biology and Therapy of Cancer Cell, 1,1, 51-56, 2009

38. Todor N., Cernea I.V., Chis A.: From Passive to Active in the Design of External

Radiotherapy Database at Oncology Institute "Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă" from Cluj-

Napoca, Applied Medical Informatics, 25 (2009), 7-15

39. Todor N., Brie Ioana, Nagy Viorica, Rusu M., Saplacan G.: A mathematical model of

comets in single cell gel electrophoresis technic for evaluation of DNA damage, Annals

of the Tiberiu Popoviciu Seminar of Functional Equations, Approximations and

Convexity, 7 (2009) 219-228

Reprezentant legal

Institutul Oncologic “Prof Dr I.Chiricuta”


Conf.Dr.Alexandru Irimie

Director cercetare - dezvoltare

Sef lucrari . Dr. Ioana Neagoe

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Anexa 5.2.Lucrări ştiinţifice prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale cu comitet de program

159 x 5 = 795


1. Luciana Neamţiu, Databases Applied in Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation, The

Proceedings of the International Conference “The Impact of European Integration on

the National Economy”, Editura Risoprint, 2005, ISBN 973-651-007-0, p.402-406.

2. O. Balacescu, A Kauffmann, I. Neagoe, V Cristea, V. Lazar, G. Vassal. Cisplatin

resistance in ovarian cancer using gene expression microarrays. 17th pezcoller

Symposium. Molecular Understanding of solid tumors. June 16-18, 2005 –Trento,

Italy. in The Pezcoller Foundation Journal, year 13 n.24, pag 24.

3. Ioana Berindan Neagoe, O. Balacescu, Roxana Ola, Al Irimie. APC methylation in

colorectal cancer. 17th pezcoller Symposium. Molecular Understanding of solid

tumors. June 16-18, 2005 –Trento, Italy, in The Pezcoller Foundation Journal, year 13

n.24, pag 27.

4. Ioana Brie, V. Cernea, N.Todor, Maria Perde, Piroska Virag, Eva Fischer, Olga

Soritau, I.D. Postescu, Iolanda Sicoe, Viorica Nagy, N. Ghilezan Prediction by comet

assay of the response to radiotherapy: preliminary results in cervical tumors- The

34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiation Biology (ESRB) and The

Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Radiation Research (ARR), Leicester,

Marea Britanie, 5-8 septembrie 2005

5. Chaitchik, O.Soritau, E.Fischer, D.Pelau, L.Lazar, YS Schiffenbauer CellScan

technology for in vitro prediction of tumor response to chemotherapeutic agents,

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2005 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings, 23 (165,

suppl.): 2125

6. V. Cernea, Ioana Brie, Maria Perde, Piroska Virag, Olga Soritau, Eva Fischer, Viorica

Nagy, O. Coza, Iolanda Sicoe, N. Ghilezan - Prediction of the response to radiotherapy

by comet assay: preliminary results in cervical tumors ECCO 13 – The European

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cancer Conference , Paris, Franta, 30 oct-3 nov. 2005 abstract in European Journal of

Cancer –EJC Supplements, 2005, 3(2

7. Galatir L. M., Duma M.,Valoarea expresiei beta-cateninei si a gradului de diferentiere

histologica – rol prognostic in carcinoamele hepatice ? Al VII-lea Simpozion si Curs

Postuniversitar al Sectiunii Romane a IASG (International Association of Surgeons and

Gastroenterologists) , Bucuresti , 20-22 aprilie 2005

8. Claudia Ordeanu Clinical application of the different size of dose/ fraction in

brachytherapy of the cervical cancer, GEC-ESTRO Meeting, 6-7 mai 2005, Budapesta,


9. Cosaceanu D, R Budiu, Carapancea M, Lewensohn R and Dricu A. Molecular

Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer: Opportunities for Translation to the Clini. Ionizing

radiation activates IGF-1R triggering a cytoprotective signaling by interfering with Ku-

DNA-binding capacity via a P38- dependent mechanism. Poster, February 2005, San

Diego, California, USA.

10. Viorica Nagy, Claudia Ordeanu, O.Coza, N.Todor, N.Ghilezan: Quality of life in

patients with cervical cancer during concomitant radiochemotherapy, rezumat în

Abstract Book ECCO 13, 30 october-3 november 2005, Paris, EJC Supplements,

vol.3(2): 264


11. Luciana Neamţiu, Daniela Coza, Florian Nicula, Ofelia Suteu, Improvement of Data

Quality in Institutional Cancer Registry by Data Linkage, The Role of Cancer Registries

in Suveillance and Cancer Care, pp. 129, Poster, octombrie 2006, Amsterdam


12. Ratiu A., Anghel M.R., Coza D., Claici C.N., Cazma R., Popescu C., “Transforming

knowledge into action”, Congresul mondial de cancer UICC, 07 / 2006 Washington,


13. Suteu O., Nicula F., Irimie A., Lazar L., Pais R., Duma M., Neamtiu L., Coza D., Farcas

M., “Strategies of cervical cancer prevention in Cluj County, Romania”, Abstracts

Page 55: RAPORT DE AUTOEVALUARE perioada: 1 iulie 2005- …...(Lista brevetelor si cit ărilor, grupate pe ani, se ataşează ca anexa nr. 4.2) Total punctaj cap. 4.2: 0 4.3. Produse si tehnologii


Volume pg 440, 6th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2006, Paris, 04

/ 2006

14. Luciana Neamţiu, Daniela Coza, Florian Nicula, Ofelia Suteu, Improvement of Data

Quality in Institutional Cancer Registry by Data Linkage, The Role of Cancer Registries

in Suveillance and Cancer Care, pp. 129, Poster, octombrie 2006, Amsterdam


15. N. Todor Estimarea intirzierii in analiza supravietuirii – la Seminarul Itinerant

“Tiberiu Popoviciu” de Ecuatii functionale, Aproximare si Convexitate, octombrie 25-

29 2006, UBB Cluj-Napoca

16. O Bălăcescu, I Neagoe, A Kauffmann, T Robert, V Lazar, G Vassal, V Cristea: in vitro

and in vivo ovarian cancer study using microarray gene expression for Cisplatin

resistance. The 17th Intrenational Congress of Anti Cancer Treatment Paris 30.01-

02.02. 2006. in abstract book 17th ICACT 2006; pp 261.

17. I Berindan Neagoe, O Balacescu, V. Cristea, E Neagoe, P Achimas, R Ola, I. Diaconu.

Angiogenesis in ovarian cancer – a molecular profile for genes involved in tumor cells

invasion. The 17th Intrenational Congress of Anti Cancer Treatment Paris 30.01-

02.02. 2006, in abstract book 17th ICACT 2006; pp 261-262

18. O. Balacescu, A Kauffmann, L Vlase, I Neagoe, S.E Leucuta. Improved

pharmacokinetics and modified pharmacogenomics of doxorubicin loaded liposomes

vs. free drug administered in mice. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release

Society. Vienna 22-26 July 2006. pp 349

19. O. Balacescu, Neagoe I, Kauffmann A, Lazar V. Microarray pharmacogenomics of

doxorubicin entrapped PEG-liposomes in human xenografts in nude mice. The 3rd

EMBL Biennial Symposium: From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology,

Heidelberg, 14-17 october 2006. In abstract book pp 35.

20. R Budiu, Berindan-Neagoe I, Balacescu O, Dricu A, Albertioni F. Comparison of three

tryphostines for inhibiting three growth factors receptors. The 3rd EMBL Biennial

Symposium: From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology, Heidelberg, 14-17

october 2006. In abstract book pp 38.

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21. Vlad AM, Diaconu I, Gantt K, Buiga, Neagoe Berindan I, Dricu A, Finn OJ. Tumor

antigens MUC1 and Cyclin B1 is aa markers of progession and malignancy in

endometriosis and ovarian epithelial tumors. Annual Meeting of the American

Association of Immunologists, may 12-16, Boston, 2006 Poster 141.22.

22. Cristea V, Balacescu O, Neagoe I, A. Kauffmann, V. Lazar. Microarray gene expression

for cisplatin resistance in in vitro ovarian cancer. Emerging genomic Biomarkers:

Impact on Drug Discovery and Clinical Practice; Fairmont Victoria, British Columbia,

Canada 7-11 mai 2006.

23. ID Postescu, E.Fischer-Fodor, I.Brie, M.Perde, O.Soritau, G.Chereches, C.Tatomir,

P.Virag Polyphenolic compounds antioxidative capacity of grape extracts - 3rd

Intrernational Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Medicine and Biology, Andros,

Grecia, 21-24 sept. 2006.

24. Pall E, Perde-Schrepler M, Soritau O, Brie I, Gocza E Comparison between two

methods of differentiation induction in a mouse embryonic stem cell line European

Summer School „Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine”, Hydra, Grecia, 15-21 Sept


25. Suteu O., Nicula F., Irimie A., Lazar L., Pais R., Duma M., Neamtiu L., Coza D., Farcas

M., “Strategies of cervical cancer prevention in Cluj County, Romania”, Abstracts

Volume pg 440, 6th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2006, Paris, 04

/ 2006

26. A.Filip, S.Clichici, A.Joanta, C.Tatomir, G.Chereches, C.Gherman, A.Muresan

Implication of metaloproteases and oxidative markers in the pathogenesis of

varicose disease, 13th Biennal Congress of International Society for Free Radical

Research, Davos, Switzerland,Aug.15-19 2006. Publicat in Free radical research,

2006, 40: 127

27. Claudia Ordeanu, O.Coza, S.Gavris, N.Todor, E.Szilagy, M.Bako: Impact of biological

effective dose (BED) on the survival in 261 patients treated for advanced cervical

carcinoma, poster, ESTRO 25 Conference, 8-12 octombrie 2006, Leipzig, Germania.

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28. Ioana Berindan Neagoe - Angiogenesis in cancer biology and therapy –International

Summer School - Biogenero – 2-12 iulie 2006- Cancer Institute “Ion Chiricuta” Cluj



29. Şuteu P. Şuteu O. Nicula F. A. Coza D. Neamţiu L., Aspecte actuale de epidemiologie

descriptivă a cancerului colorectal în România, Zilele UMF „Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj

Napoca, 7-8 dec. 2007, Vol. rez. p.41-42.

30. Teodora Sanislav, Ioan Stoian, Dorina Căpăţînă, Mihaela L. Drăgan, Luciana Neamţiu,

Florian Nicula, Ofelia Şuteu, Liana Lupşa, Data Management System for Cervical

Cancer Screening – CanScreen, Meditech 2007, Cluj-Napoca.

31. Luciana Neamţiu, Ioana Chiorean, Multiple Dynamic Programming Applied in

Cervical Screening, ENUMATH 2007, pp. 122, Final Program and Abstracts,

septembrie 2007, Graz (Austria)

32. Adela Ratiu, Milena Duma, Daniela Coza, Luciana Neamtiu, Cristina Stanescu,

Ecaterina Scortanc “assessment of childhood cancer incidence in Romania” Abstract

Book pg 171, 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Cancer

Registries, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17- 20 / 09 2007

33. Liana Lupşa, Ioana Chiorean, Dorel I. Duca, Luciana Neamţiu, Special Efficient

Solutions for Multicriterial Transport Problems, ENUMATH 2007, pp. 122, Final

Program and Abstracts, septembrie 2007, Graz (Austria)

34. Daniela Coza, Florian Nicula, Ofelia Suteu, Luciana Neamţiu, Ioana Rădulescu,

Mihaela Sârbu, Lidia Lovasz, The Role of Cancer Control Department in Our

Comprehensive Cancer Center – Oncological Institute „Ion Chiricuţă”, IACR 29TH

ANNUAL MEETING, Cluj-Napoca, România, Poster, septembrie 2007, Ljubljana


35. Luciana Neamţiu, Cost-effectiveness Study for Cervical Screening Program: a

Bayesian Approach, Romanian-German (ROGER) Seminars on Approximation Theory,

Gaermania, 2007

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36. N. Todor, Relatii intre timpii de supravietuire – la Seminarul Itinerant “Tiberiu

Popoviciu” de Ecuatii functionale, Aproximare si Convexitate, septembrie 26-29

2007, UBB Cluj-Napoca

37. Ovidiu Balacescu. Functional Genomics by microarray technologies .

Pharmacogenomics in ovarian cancer. 1st Conference in New Perspectives in Cancer

Pathology; Bucharest 24-27 mai 2007. abstract book O.P.22.

38. Ioana Neagoe. Tumor angiogenesis. 1st Conference in New Perspectives in Cancer

Pathology; Bucharest 24-27 mai 2007. abstract book I.L.1.3

39. Dumitrita Preda Rugina, Carmen Socaciu, Ioana Berindan Neagoe, Ovidiu Balacescu.

Structure and dose-related stability and antioxidant activity of catechins in abiotic vs

cell environments: HPLC fingerprint and cellular markers. 3rd International

Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 25-28 november 2007 Kyoto, Japan. Poster P

262, abstract book pag 287.

40. Eniu DT, Eniu D, Neagoe I, Brie I, Simon V, Simon S. Clinical application of 90Y Glass

microspheres in oncology: opportunities and risks. 13th general Meeting, 9 may 2007

Neuchatel. Switzerland p 29

41. Cristea V, Berindan Neagoe I, Balacescu O, Budiu R, Ola R, Bujor A, Miron N.

Multiplex laser microarray angiogenesis profiling for detection of ovarian cancer.

Poster Rio de Janeiro

42. Ioana Berindan Neagoe, Liliana Policiuc .FP 7 Health Research. Cooperation between

the EU and the Mediterranean Partners. Functional genomic platform,collaboration

possibilities. Cairo 29-30 oct 2007.

43. Ovidiu Balacescu. Angiogenesis and angiomics in cancer biology and therapy

use of microarray technology. Functional Genomics in Cancer Biology and Therapy-

Biogenero; 27-28 nov 2007 Cluj Napoca.

44. Ioana Berindan Neagoe - The future of therapy in cancer – dr. Ioana Berindan

Neagoe – Cancer Institute Cluj Napoca - International Conference - FUNCTIONAL

GENOMICS IN CANCER BIOLOGY AND THERAPY 28-31 May 2007 Cancer Institute Cluj

Napoca Romania

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45. Ioana Berindan Neagoe Functional genomics studies related to bioethical conditions

in European Community – International Workshop - Functional Genomics Studies

And Their Validation In Cancer Diagnosis And Therapy - Bioethical Conditions And

European Legislation, Canacer Institute – 4-6 dec 2007

46. Loredana Balacescu- Bioethics in genomics and bioinformatics International

Workshop - Functional Genomics Studies And Their Validation In Cancer Diagnosis

And Therapy - Bioethical Conditions And European Legislation, Canacer Institute – 4-

6 dec 2007

47. O.Balacescu - Microarray technologies in genes panels definiton in ovarian cancer

evolution- International Conference - FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS IN CANCER BIOLOGY

AND THERAPY 28-31 May 2007 Cancer Institute Cluj Napoca Romania

48. Soimita Suciu, A.Muresan, I.D.Postescu, D.Daicoviciu, P. Virag, O.Barbos, I.V.Cernea,

In vitro and in vivo studies on the antitumor efects of polyphenols from vitis vinifera

c.v. Burgund mare , Recas, Romania 3-rd International Conference on Polyphenols

and Health, 25-28 nov.2007, Kyoto, Japonia

49. Ioana Brie, Maria Perde, Piroska Virag, Eva Fischer-Fodor, “Relationship between

cellular radio-sensitivity evaluated by Comet Assay and clinical outcome of patients

with cervix carcinoma treated by radiotherapy” A VII-a Conferinta Internationala de

Comet Assay Universitatea din Ulster, Coleraine, 24-27.06.2007

50. Eva Fischer Fodor, I.D.Postescu, Piroska Virag, Corina Tatomir, M.Tamas, Ioana Brie,

Maria Perde Antimitotic and Antioxydant Effects of Alkaloids from Solanaceae and

Triterpenes from Ericaceea, 2nd International Symposium on Nutrition, Oxygen

Biology and Medicine, Sorbonne, Paris, Franta, 11-13 Apr.2007, Abstract volume:


51. Piroska Virag, I.D. Postescu, Olga Soritau, Corina Tatomir, Eva Fischer-Fodor,

Gabriela Chereches. Protective Effects of a grape-seeds Hydroalcoholic Extract

(BMR) in the Treatment with Doxorubicin 2nd International Symposium on Nutrition,

Oxygen Biology and Medicine, Sorbonne, Paris, Franta, 11-13 Apr.2007, Abstract


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52. Bianca Moldovan, Luminita David, Eva Fischer Fodor, Ion Grosu New Solasodine

Derivates with Potential Anticancer Activity SFC07 Congress "Chemistry of the future,

the Future of Chemistry", Paris, 2007, Abstract Book: p54-55,

53. Simina Dreve, Adriana Muresan, Adriana Filip, Doina Daicoviciu, Simona Clichici,

Maria Perde-Schrepler, Rodica Mariana Ion, E.Indrea, TD Silipas Cytotoxic effects of

chitosan-based formulations: in vitro and in vivo experiments EuroNanoForum 2007,

Nanotechnology in industrial applications- European and International Forum on

Nanotechnology, Dusseldorf, 19-21.06.2007, Abstract book, p.311

54. Lung-Illes V, Foris V, Brie I, Soritau O, Perde M, Virag P, Fischer E In vitro evaluation

of lymphocytes radiosensitivity in patients with cervix carcinoma using micronuclei

and comet assay 18th European Students’ Conference, Promising Medical Scientists

Willing to Look Beyond, Charite- Universitatsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 7-11Oct.

2007. Abstract book, p.150.

55. V. Foris, I. Brie, O. Soritau, V. Piroska, M. Perde, E. Fischer Evaluation by comet

assay of lymphocytes’ in vitro radiosensitivity in healthy women and patients with

cervix carcinoma - 14th International Student Congress of Medical Sciences,

University Medical center Groningen, The Netherlands, 6-9 Iun. 2007, Abstract book,

p. 268

56. Radiobiology Research Center in Cancer Institute Cluj, Romania, V. Cernea, Ioana

Neagoe, Ioana Brie, O. Balacescu Olga Soritau, Maria Perde, A. Irimie,

Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und Klinische Strahlenbiologie, Proceedings des 16.

Symposiums, Dresden, 2007 ISSN 1432-846XX, p. 28-31

57. Cucuianu A. Targeting epigenetics and other pathways in the treatment of

myelodysplastic syndromes.18th Annual Congress of the Greek Society of

Hematology, November 14-17, 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece


58. Neamţiu L., Chiorean I., Lupşa L., Model of Multiple Lexicographical Programming

Applied in Cervical Cancer Screening, în Kunich Karl, Of G., Steinbach O. (Editors),

Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2008, p. 91-98.

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59. Radu Lupşa, Liana Lupşa, Luciana Neamţiu, An Optimal Model to Solve the Transport

Problem for Mammography Screening, AQTR, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2008.

60. Luciana Neamţiu, Ioan Stoian, Teodora Sanislav, Dorina Căpăţînă, Florian Nicula,

Ofelia Şuteu UICC World Cancer Congress, Geneva, Elveţia, CANSCREEN – FAIL-SAFE


rezumat în Supplement of the International Journal of Cancer, 2008.

61. Liana Lupşa, Dorel I. Duca, Ioana Chiorean, Luciana Neamţiu, A Model of Dynamic Bi-

level Transportation Problem, 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED

MATHEMATICS Baia-Mare, Romania, 2008.

62. Ioana Chiorean, Liana Lupşa, Luciana Neamţiu, Markov Models for the Simulation of

Cancer Screening Process, ICNAAM 2008 (International Conference on Numerical

Analysis and Applied Mathematics), Grecia, 2008.

63. Liana Lupşa, Lucia Blaga, Luciana Neamtiu, A Model of a Lexicographic Bi-criteria

Dynamic Transport Problem, The Twelfth International Conference on Applied

Mathematics and Computer Science, Baisoara, Romania, 2008.

64. Albu C. Bardoş M. Şuteu O. Vladu C. Campania de informare, educare, schimbare de

comportamente din cadrul programului de screening organizat pentru depistarea

cancerului de col uterin – parte a componentei de prevenţie secundară din cadrul

Planului Naţional de Cancer. Conferinţa naţională cu participare internaţională –

Calitatea europeană în medicina familiei. 7-8 nov. 2008, Bucureşti. Vol. Rez. P. 34.

65. FA. Nicula. Neamţiu L. Şuteu O. Păiş R. Model de organizare a unui program regional

de screening al cancerului de col uterin – experienţa pilotului regional Cluj după

prima rundă de 5 ani de screening organizat în perioada 2003-2007. Conferinţa

Naţională de SănătatePublică cu participare internaţională – Prezent şi viitor în

Sănătatea Publică din România. 12-14 nov. 2008, Timişoara. Vol. rez. P.39.

66. Coza D. Claici C. Nicula F.A. Neamţiu L. Şuteu O. Registrul de cancer în România – la

răscruce de drumuri. Conferinţa Naţională de SănătatePublică cu participare

internaţională – Prezent şi viitor în Sănătatea Publică din România. 12-14 nov. 2008,

Timişoara. Vol. rez. p. 40.

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67. P. Virag, M. Perde-Schrepler, I. Brie, E. Fischer-Fodor, O. Soritau, C. Tatomir, G.

Chereches, I.D. Postescu. Comparative study of two methods of evaluation genotoxic

effects of environmental heavy metals on normal cells, First International Conference

on Environmental Stressors in Biology and Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy,

june 4-6, 2008: 88.

68. V. Foris, V. Lung Illes, C. Tomuleasa, E. Fischer Fodor, P. Virag, M. Perde, O. Soritau,

V. Nagy, V. Cernea: Comet assay and micronuclei assay as tools for studying the

relationship between chronic exposure to heavy metals and genomic lesions, 16th

Annual International Ain Shams Medical Students’ Congress, 16th-18th February

2008, Cairo, Egypt.

69. S. Clichici, M. Perde-Schrepler, A. Filip, D. Daicoviciu, P. Virag, E. Fischer-Fodor, I.

Brie, R. Mariana Ion, C. Loghin, A. Muresan. In vitro and in vivo assessment of the

efficiency of phtotodynamic therapy with tetrasulphophenil-porphyrin, Fiziologia

physiology, vol 18, 2 (58), Congress of the Romanian Society of Physiological

Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, june 5-7, 2008:17-18.

70. I.D. Postescu, P. Virag, M. Achim, C. Tatomir, E. Fischer-Fodor, O. Soritau.

Modulatory activity of antioxidants in associated treatments with Doxorubicin,

Fiziologia physiology, vol 18, 2 (58), Congress of the Romanian Society of

Physiological Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, june 5-7, 2008:59.

71. C.I. Tomuleasa, O. Soritau, D.R. Ciuca, S. Susman, E. Pall, E. Fischer-Fodor, M.

Perde-Schrepler, P. Virag, I. Brie, V. Lung-Illes, V. Foris. Immunocytochemical

characterization of human mesenchymal stem cells, Fiziologia physiology, vol 18, 2

(58), Congress of the Romanian Society of Physiological Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, june

5-7, 2008:17-18.

72. C.Tatomir, G.Chereches, D. Daicoviciu, I.D.Postescu: Antioxidant and antiinvasive

activity of grape seed (vitis vinifera) extract. The 10-th Congress of the Romanian

Society of Physiological Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, 5-7 June, 2008, Fiziologia, 2008,18


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73. T. Dicu, V. Foris, I. Brie, I. V. Cernea, I. D. Postescu, Protective effects of L-cysteine

against 60 Co X-rays induced damages in human lymphocytes, Fiziologia physiology,

The 10-th Congress of the Romanian Society of Physiological Sciences, Cluj-Napoca,

june 5-7, 2008, 22.

74. A.Mureşan, Ş. Suciu, I. D. Postescu, G. Damian, D. Colcear, N. Pop, M. Paul,

Experimental study regarding the antioxidant and antitumor activity of naturally

occuring polyphenols, Fiziologia physiology, The 10-th Congress of the Romanian

Society of Physiological Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, june 5-7, 2008, 50.

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77. I.Chiş, R. Simedrea, M. I. Ungureanu, A. Mureşan, N. Giurgea, I. D. Postescu, A.

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78. C.Tatomir, I.D.Postescu, Virag P., T.Dicu, E Fischer-Fodor, I. Brie, M.Perde-

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79. L.Sabau, G.Damian, D.Daicoviciu,A.Muresan, I.D.Postescu, D.Mihu,C.Mihu, In vivo

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biochemicaland FTIR methods, 3-rd Internat Symp.Advanced spectroscopy on

biomedical and nanostructured systems, Cluj-Napoca, sept 7-10, 2008

80. I. Haiduc, I. Silaghi Dumitrescu, Z. Garban, E. Fischer Fodor, R. Silaghi Dumitrescu,

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Environment, Medicine and Biology, Romanian Academy, Timisoara, 2008.

81. E. Fischer Fodor, N. Miklasova, P. Virag, C. Tatomir, I. Brie, M. Perde, V. Cernea, L.

Silaghi Dumitrescu, Biologic evaluation of platinum and palladium complexes using

the static cytometry. Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, ISSN

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82. M. Perde-Schrepler, I. Brie, P. Virag, I.D. Postescu, O. Soritau, E. Fischer-Fodor, G.

Chereches, C. Tatomir, S. Dreve. Effects of chitosan nanoparticles on the uptake and

phototoxicity of delta-aminolevulinic acid. Abstracts of the 34th Meeting of the

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83. E. Fischer-Fodor, M. Perde-Schrepler, I. Brie, P. Virag, C. Tatomir, N. Moldovan, L.

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Palladium Complexes with Organoarsine Ligands, Quatrieme conference

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Descartes, Paris, 21-24 juillet, 2008: 48.

84. C. I. Tomuleasa, O. Soriţău, V. Foris, V. Lung-Illes, I. Brie, E. Fischer-Fodor, M. Perde-

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and immunochemical characterisation of human mesenchymal stem cells, Liječnički

Vjesnik, 2008, 130, Suple. 5, 66.

85. V. Nagy, I. Brie, A. Rancea, N. Todor, C. Ordeanu, O. Coza, A. Traila, M. Perde-

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in partients with cervix carcinoma, ASTRO 27 Congress, sept 14-18 2008, Goteborg,


86. N. Todor, I. Brie, V. Nagy, M. Perde, G. Saplacan, A computerized morphometric

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87. Cucuianu A. The 2008 WHO Classification of Acute Myeloid Leukemias. The impact

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88. Patiu M., Bacarea A.,Dascalu A., Nicorici C., Cucuianu A. : Myeloid sarcoma. Report of

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Participation 18-21 june 2008 Cluj-Napoca Romania –Abstract published in Revista

Romana de Medicina de Laborator, vol 11,nr 2, iunie 2008 Supliment pg 16-17

89. O. Balacescu, I Neagoe, I Coman, N Crisan, B. Feciche, L. Balacescu, O. Tudoran, C.

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gene expression for prostate cancer diagnosis. International Congress for Anticancer

Treatment (ICACT) Paris, 5-8 februarie 2008. Poster PO 130, p224.

90. I Neagoe, V.Cristea, O. Balacescu, O.Tudoran, R.Budiu, R.Ola, L.Balacescu, A.Bujor,

N.Miron. Multiplex laser based microarray angiogenesis profiling for detection of

ovarian cancer. International Congress for Anticancer Treatment (ICACT) Paris, 5-8

februarie 2008. Poster PO 142, p251.

91. O.Tudoran, I Neagoe, O. Balacescu, R.Budiu, P.Achimas, V.Cristea The evaluation of

molecular profiling of angiogenesis markers in patients with ovarian cancer.

International Congress for Anticancer Treatment (ICACT) Paris, 5-8 februarie 2008.

Poster PO 155, p258.

92. L.Balacescu, O. Balacescu, I Neagoe, V.Cristea, A.Kauffmann, V.Lazar Apoptosis

inhibition by tumor angiogenesis mechanisms in ovarian cancer. Bioinformatic study

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involving microarray gene expression. International Congress for Anticancer

Treatment (ICACT) Paris, 5-8 februarie 2008. Poster PO 241, p334

93. C.Burz, C.Tanaselia, I Neagoe, O. Balacescu, M.Ursu, A.Gog, L.Vlase, D.Leontin,

M.Chintoanu, S.E.Leucuta, V.Cristea, Clinical Pharmacokineticsof Oxaliplatin in colon

cancer patients International Congress for Anticancer Treatment (ICACT) Paris, 5-8

februarie 2008. Poster PO 68, p206

94. C Burz, B.I. Neagoe, O. Balacescu, O. Tudoran, S. Leucuta, V. Cristea, A. Irimie

Genomic analysis of gene involved in platinum compound resistance. Annals of

Oncology, Volume 19, Supplement 8, September 2008 viii55 - abstract publicat in

revista ISI.

95. Neagoe Berindan Ioana, Balacescu O, Tudoran Oana, Dronca Eleonora, Burz

Claudia, Irimie Al, Cristea V –Terapia antiangiogenica prin utilizarea ARN interferentei

in controlul postranscriptional al expresiei genelor. Comunicata - A 38-a conferinta

anuala de Imunologie, 24-26 septembrie 2008, Busteni, Romania (pag 68-69).

96. Nedelea Irena , Neagoe Berindan Ioana , Cristea V, Burz Claudia , Seiceanu Andrada,

Balacescu O, Balacescu Loredana, Tudoran Oana, Dronca Eleonora – Evaluarea prin

protein array a citokinelor proinflamatorii in cancerul pancreatic versus pancreatita

cronica Comunicata – A 38-a conferinta anuala de Imunologie, 24-26 septembrie

2008 , Busteni, Romania (pag 69-70).

97. Burz Claudia, Neagoe Berindan Ioana, Balacescu O, Nedelea Irena, Tanasila C, Ursu

M, Vlase L, Leucuta S, Irimie A, Cristea V. Oxaliplatin in cancerul colorectal- mecanism

de actiune si parametrii farmacologici. Comunicata la A 38-a conferinta anuala de

Imunologie, 24-26 septembrie 2008 , Busteni, Romania (pag 70- 71).

98. Irena Nedelea, Cristian Nicolae Manea , Claudia Burz, Dan Stanca, Ovidiu Mestes ,

Ovidiu Balacescu, Ioan Coman, Victor Cristea. Molecular mechanisms of chronic

kidney graft loss by interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, Comunicata -The XXth

International Symposium of Morphological Sciences (ISMS), Timisoara, 2008 in

abstract book.

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99. Irena Nedelea, Claudia Burz, Ioana Neagoe, Loredana Balacescu, Ovidiu Balacescu,

Oana Tudoran, Eleonora Dronca, V.Cristea. Protein array evaluation of

proinflammatory cytokines in pancreatic cancer versus chronic pancreatitis,

Comunicata International Conference of cellular and tissue comparative pathology,

Cluj Napoca, 2008 in abstract book.

100. O. Balacescu, I. Neagoe, N. Crisan, B. Feciche, L.Balacescu, O.Tudoran, A. Irimie,

C. Burz, R. Suharoschi, I. Coman, - Comunicata Aplicatiile reactiei de PCR cantitativ

(QRT-PCR) pentru diagnosticul molecular in cancerul de prostata – Simpozion

National VIASAN CEEX ( Modulul I) , 28-30 septembrie 2008, Sinaia, Romania 59 –


101. Sebestyen Gh., Saplacan G., Rusu M.,Todor N.: Food production monitoring

system for quality and traceability assurance, MicroCAD2008- Nemzetközi

Tudományos Konferencia - International Scientific Conference, pp.125-132, 20-21

March 2008, Miskolc, HUNGARY

102. Gheorghe Sebestyen , Sergiu Nedevschi, Gavril Saplacan , Mihai Cerghizan ,

Nicolae Todor and Mircea Rusu, Towards a Traceability Solution on the Food Supply


INFORMATICS, pp. 121-126, 5-6 June 2008, Timisoara, Romania

103. Nicolae Todor, Saplacan Gavril, Dan Radulescu: semiparametric methods to

evaluate the relationship between survival times, sectiunea poster, International

Biometric Conference, 13 – 18 July 2008, Dublin, Irlanda

104. Gheorghe Sebestyen, Sergiu Nedevschi, Gavril Saplacan, Mihai Cerghizan,

Nicolae Todor, Mircea Rusu: FOODTRACE-Food Quality Control and Traceability

Framework - Scientific Bulletin of The “POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara,

Romania; Tom 53(67), Fascicola2, 2008, ISSN 1224-600X, pp 115-122


105. Luminiţa Leluţiu “The 12th Romanian-Hungarian Meeting of Pediatric Oncology”,

23-24 octombrie 2009, Cluj-Napoca; lucrarea prezentata: BCR-ABL Positive Chronic

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Myeloid Leukemia in Infancy – G. Popa, Cristina Blag, Dana Olosutean, Mirela Marian,

Manuela Sfichi, Anca Ilea,;

106. Guran Adriana Mihaela, Moldovan Grigoreta Sofia, Neamtiu Luciana, O abordare

centrata pe utilizator in dezvoltarea unui sistem inteligent pentru generarea

Registrelor Nationale de Cancer, Conferinta Nationala de Interactiune Om-Calculator,

Matrix Rom, Editor: Dorian Gorgan, Adriana-Mihaela Guran, 2009, P. 77-83.

107. Rodica Pais, Mihaela Galatar, Luciana Neamtiu, Ioana Neagoe, Ovidiu Balacescu,

Florian Nicula HPV PCR and liquid based cytology use in cervical cancer preinvasive

lesions triage / poster , Zilele IOCN , Cluj Napoca, 30 Septembrie 2009 - 3 Octombrie

2009 , CLuj Napoca

108. 2. Florian Al. Nicula, Luciana Neamtiu, Mihaela Galatar, Rodica Pais, Ofelia

Suteu “ Ion Chiricuta “ Cancer Institute Department of Prevention and Cancer

Control- one of the oldest cervical cancer prevention management units in Europe,

Zilele IOCN , Cluj Napoca, 30 Septembrie 2009 - 3 Octombrie 2009 , CLuj Napoca

109. Daniela Coza1, Florian Nicula1, Luciana Neamţiu1, Ofelia Şuteu1,2, Lidia

Lovasz1, Mihaela Sîrbu1,AnnaMaria Marton1 LOCUL REGISTRULUI DE CANCER ÎN


Septembrie 2009 - 3 Octombrie 2009 , CLuj Napoca

110. Luciana Neamţiu, Florian Nicula Sisteme informatizate pentru management de

date în programul de control al cancerului- Zilele IOCN , Cluj Napoca, 30 Septembrie

2009 - 3 Octombrie 2009 , CLuj Napoca

111. Coza D. Nicula F. Neamţiu L. Şuteu O. Sârbu M. Lovasz L. Marton A. The role of

NW Regional Cancer Registry from Oncological Institute „Prof. Dr. I. Chiricuţă” Cluj, in

cancer control. Workshop: Priorities for the fight against cancer: responses of the

national and regional healthcare systems. The Latin Association for Health Systems

Analyses. 28-30 May 2009, Constanţa. Vol. Rez. p. 24.

112. Luciana Neamtiu: Modèle de gestion des données dans un Registre Cancer

Régional: le Registre Cancer de la Région Nord-Ouest, prezentare orala, in cadrul

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Atelier de l’ALASS Priorités dans la lutte contre le cancer: réponses des systèmes

sanitaires régionaux et nationaux, Constanta (Mamaia) Roumanie, 29 - 30 mai 2009;

113. Coza D. Nicula F.A. Neamţiu L. Şuteu O. First year of planning and

implementation of regional cancer registration in North-West region of Romania. 3rd

International cancer Control Congress, 8-11 november 2009, Cernobbio, Como, Italy.

Vol. Rez. p.44.

114. Nicula F. Coza D. Neamţiu L. Claici C. Ungureanu C. Cancer control in Romania –

regional traditional resources and today strategies in cancer registry and screening.

3rd International cancer Control Congress, 8-11 november 2009, Cernobbio, Como,

Italy. Vol. Rez. p. 44

115. Claici C. Ungureanu C. Chicin G. Coza D. Brehar- Cioflec D. Cozma R. Domnariu C.

Cancer surveillance and control system in Romania. 3rd International cancer Control

Congress, 8-11 november 2009, Cernobbio, Como, Italy. Vol. Rez. p. 44-45

116. Luciana Neamtiu, Daniela Coza, Florian Nicula: Computerized Sources of Data –

a Useful Tool for Cancer Registration in the Nord-West Regional Cancer Registry,

poster in cadrul 3rd International Cancer Control Congress, Cernobbio, Italia 8-11

nov. 2009

117. Ronco G. Balegooijen M. Becker N. Chil A. Fender M. Giubilato P. Kurtinaitis J.

Lancucki L. Lynge E. Morais A. O’Reilly M. Sparen P. Suteu O. Rebolj M. Veerus P.

Primic Zakelj M. Anttila A. Extension and process performance of European cervical

cancer screenning programmes. The 25th International Papillomavirus Conference,

May 8-14 2009, Malmö, Sweden.

118. Claici C. Nicula F. Coza D. Fekete E.J. Anticancer strategies – Romanian resources

for action and controversies. Vol. rez. P.115-116. A XXXIV-a Întâlnire Grell, Lugano,

Elveţia, 20-22 mai 2009

119. Daniela Coza. Ratiuni si actiuni in organizarea Registrului National al Cancerelor

la Copil.The 12-th Romanian-Hungarian Meeting of Pediatric Oncology, 23-24

October 2009, Cluj Napoca

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120. Camelia Nicoleta Claici, Florian Alexandru Nicula, Daniela Coza, Edit Julia Fekete,

“Anticancer Strategies – Romanian Resources for Action and Controversies”, Volum

de rezumate, pag 115-116, a XXXIV- a intalnire GRELL (Grupul Registrelor Cancer de

Limbă Latină), Lugano, 20-22 mai 2009

121. I.D.Postescu, T.Dicu, G.Chereches, A.Filip, C.Tatomir, M.Perde Schrlepler: A

procedure to measure the antioxidant properties of polyphenolic compounds with

DPPH∙ radical assay; biological applications.II nd International Conference of

Oxidative Stress „Havana- Redox 2009, Havana, Cuba, January 29-31, 2009, Rev.

Cubana Farm. 43, (supple 1), 2009, p.20

122. A. Filip, S. Clichici, R.M. Ion. D. Daicoviciu, T. Mocan, C. Tatomir, L. Rogojan, D.

Olteanu, A. Muresan: Self-organized functional materials in photodinamic therapy

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materiale noi" Revista Romană de Mecanică Fină, Optică şi Mecatronică, Tirgoviste

2009 (rev. Cat.B) ISSN-1584-5982

123. A.-V. Sitar-Tăuţ, M. Cebanu, O. Soriţău, C. Stugren, D. Pop, D. T. Zdrenghea: A

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124. E. Fischer Fodor, R. Buiga, D. Pelau, C. Lisencu, P. Virag, C. Tatomir, O. Soritau,

In vitro chemosensitivity testing of tumor cells treated with platin-based drugs. Metal

Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome IX, Romanian Academy, 2009:

116-121, ISSN 1583-4204

125. V. Foris, C. Tomuleasa, O. Soritau, V. Lung-Illes, I. Brie, V. Cernea: Comet Assay

as a tool for evaluating radiosensitivity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 2nd International

Medical Congress “ASKLEPIOS” 7th-10th May 2009, Sibiu, Romania.

126. V. Foris: Evaluation of stem cells radiosensitivity on ionizing radiation, 4th

International Medical Students' Congress in Novi Sad 16th-19th July 2009, Novi Sad,


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127. Muresan, A., Suciu, S., Ghibu, S., Daicoviciu, I.D Postescu, I.D., Login, C.The

effect of red grapes polyphenols on antioxidant enzymes in rats exposed to hypobaric

hypoxia, 11-th Regional conf. On Enviroment and Health, 15-16, Mai 2009, Szeged,


128. A.Mureşan, S. Suciu, S. Ghibu, D. Daicoviciu, I. D. Postescu, C. Login,

Experimental study regarding the effects of hypobaric hypoxia on some antioxidant

enzymes, A 23-a Conferinţă Naţională a Societăţii Române de Ştiinţe Fiziologice,

Fiziologia physiology, 2009, Suppl, ISSN 1223-2076, 34-35.

129. S. Suciu, A. Mureşan, D. Daicoviciu, S. Clichici, I. D. Postescu, A. Ceban,

Experimental study on the antioxidant effects of polyphenols in Ehrlich ascites

carcinoma, A 23-a Conferinţă Naţională a Societăţii Române de Ştiinţe Fiziologice,

Fiziologia physiology, 2009, Suppl, ISSN 1223-2076, 47.

130. C. Cuceu, D. Ciorba, E. Fischer-Fodor, C. Cosma, D. Marcu, Senzitivitatea de

expunere la Radon si cancerul pulmonar, Zilele Institutului Oncologic „Prof Dr. Ion

Chiricuta”- 80 de ani de lupta impotriva cancerului, 2009, 35.

131. C. Tomuleasa, O. Soritau, E. Pall, S. Susman, D. Rus, C. Mihu, R. Buiga, V. Foris,

C. Iancu: Isolation of liver cancer stem cells a hepatocellular carcinoma biopsy. Zilele

Institutului Oncologic “Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de lupta impotriva cancerului,

1-3 oct 2009

132. D.Rus, O. Soritau, S. Susman, C. Mihu : Celulele stem placentare : comoara ce se

arunca. Zilele Institutului Oncologic “Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de lupta

impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

133. E. Fischer-Fodor, P.Virag, C. Tatomir, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu: Organometal

compounds applied as radiopharmaceuticals. Zilele Institutului Oncologic

“Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de lupta impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

134. V. Foris, T.Dicu, I.D.Postescu, I.Brie, E. Fischer-Fodor, V.Cernea, M.Moldivan, C.

Cosma: The effect of a Grape Seed Extract on Radiation-Induced DNA Damage in

Human Lymphocites. Zilele Institutului Oncologic “Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de

lupta impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

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135. G.Chereches, C.tatomir, D.Daicoviciu, I.D.Postescu: Antioxidant activity of a

natural Red-Grape Seed Extract (BMR). Zilele Institutului Oncologic “Prof.Dr.Ion

Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de lupta impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

136. M. Perde-Schrepler, O.Barbos, I.Brie, C. Tatomir, I.D.Postescu: Protective effects

of Calluna Vulgaris on UVB-irradiated keratinocytes. Zilele Institutului Oncologic

“Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de lupta impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

137. O. Barbos, P.Virag, T.Dicu, C. Tatomir, E. Fischer-Fodor, I. Brie, M. Perde-

Schrepler, V.Cernea, I.D.Postescu: The cyto and radioprotective effects of a Whey

Protein Isolate. Zilele Institutului Oncologic “Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de lupta

impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

138. O.Soritau, V.Foris, D.Todea, I. Brie, V.Lung-Ilies, C. Tomuleasa, O.Barbos,

B.Pitea, T.Pop, V.Cernea, R.Badea; In vitro study of tumor angiogenesis in

hepatocarcinoma. Zilele Institutului Oncologic “Prof.Dr.Ion Chiricuta”, 80 de ani de

lupta impotriva cancerului, 1-3 oct 2009

139. I.-C.Brie, V. Nagy, N. Todor, P. Virag, M. Perde-Schrepler, E. Fisher-Fodor, V.

Foris, O. Coza, G. Kacso, C. Ordeanu, A. Rancea: Determinarea preterapeutica a

radiosensibilitatii celulelor tumorale prin testul cometei – metoda de predictie a

raspunsului clinic la radio-chimioterapie in cancerul de col uterin, Conferinta

Societatii Romane de Radioterapie si Zilele medicale ale Institutului Oncologic

“Prof. Dr. Al. Trestioreanu” Bucuresti, Poiana Brasov, 17-19. 09. 2009.

140. I.-C. Brie, V. Nagy, N. Todor , P. Virag, M. Perde-Schrepler, E. Fisher-Fodor, V.

Foris, O. Coza, G. Kacso, C. Ordeanu, A. Rancea: Radiosensibilitatea celulara

intrinseca – factor de predictie a raspunsului la radiochimioterapie in cancerul de col

uterin, Conferinta Nationala “Zilele Oncologiei Ieşene” – Progrese in terapiile

cancerului: tendinte, oportunitati, controverse, Iaşi, 3 – 5 decembrie 2009.

141. Cucuianu A, Precup R. A Hypothetical Mathematical Model of Acute Myeloid

Leukemia Pathogenesis. Poster Presentation, 14th European Hematology Association

Congress, Berlin, 2-6 Iunie 2009

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142. Mariana Patiu, Selicean Elena-Cristina, Filipas Cristina, Nastase Violeta, Cucuianu

Andrei: Pure red cell aplasia in immunosuppressed transplant recipients.Case report

and literature review. 1 st Congres of the Romaniana Association of Medical

laboratories with International Participation, 24-27 June 2009, Tg Mures, Romania

abstract in Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator.vol 15 nr 2 iunie 2009, pg 18

143. Mariana Patiu, Selicean Elena-Cristina, Filipas Cristina, Nastase Violeta,Cucuianu

Andrei: Pure red cell aplasia in immunosuppressed transplant recipients.Case report

and literature review. 1 st Congres of the Romaniana Association of Medical

laboratories with International Participation, 24-27 June 2009, Tg Mures, Romania

abstract in Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator.vol 15 nr 2 iunie 2009, pg 18

144. Patiu M., Selicean C., Filipas C.,Nastase V., Cucuianu A. : Pure red cell aplasia in

immunossupressed renal transplant recipients. Case report and literature review. 1th

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145. Ciocanea C.I., Neagoe Berindan I., Balacescu O., Tudoran O., Balabescu L.,

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148. Kaucsar T., Pileczki V., Braicu C., Balacescu O., Stugren C., Irimie A., Cristea V.,

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149. M. Rusu, L. Krucz, C. Cenan, Gh. Sebestyen, T. Nicoara, N. Todor, G. Saplacan -

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151. Mircea Rusu, Gavril Saplacan, Gheorghe Sebestyen, Calin Cenan, Lorand Krucz,

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152. T. Ciprian, S. Olga, P. Teodora, E. Fischer-Fodor, D. Rus Ciuca, B. Pintea, O.

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154. P. Virag, E. Fischer-Fodor, M. Perde-Schrepler, I. Brie, C. Tatomir. Cytotoxicity

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of Pathology): “The Pathobiology and Molecular Biology of Tumors”, Abstracts book,

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155. I-C. Brie, V. Nagy, P. Virag, M. Perde-Schrepler, E. Fischer-Fodor, V. Foris, N.

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156. C. Tomuleasa, O. Soritau, T. Pop, E. Fischer-Fodor, B. Pintea, P. Virag, G. Kacso,

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157. E. Fischer-Fodor, O. Soritau, P. Virag, R. Buiga, D. Pelau, C. Lisencu, O. Barbos,

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158. C. Tomuleasa, O. Soritau, I. Brie, E. Fischer-Fodor, M. Perde-Schrepler, P. Virag,

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Reprezentant legal

Institutul Oncologic “Prof Dr I.Chiricuta”


Conf.Dr.Alexandru Irimie

Director cercetare - dezvoltare

Sef lucrari . Dr. Ioana Neagoe

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Anexa 5.3. Număr de modele, normative, proceduri

1x 5 = 5 pct


1. Magdalena Patruleasa, Daniela Coza, Carmen Popescu, Adela Ratiu – Editia in limba romana a

Clasificarii Internationale a Maladiilor pentru Oncologie – Editia a treia – Publicatie a

Organizatiei Mondiale a Sanatatii si Ministerului sanatatii publice

Reprezentant legal

Institutul Oncologic “Prof Dr I.Chiricuta”


Conf.Dr.Alexandru Irimie

Director cercetare - dezvoltare

Sef lucrari . Dr. Ioana Neagoe

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