rangkuman materi un bahasa inggris smp 2013

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Melengkapi Kalimat/Paragraf

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A. Melengkapi pernyataan rumpang dengan struktur kalimat tertentu.

Contoh:1. My mother ______ some cakes last night.

A. makeB. makesC. madeD. makingPEMBAHASAN: Di soal ada keterangan waktu ‘last night’. Berarti kalimat dengan struktursimple past (lampau), dengan pola Subj + Verb 2. Maka pilihan yang menunjukkan Verb 2adalah ’made’.JAWAB: C

B. Melengkapi kalimat dengan kosakata tema tertentu.

Contoh:1. All the journalists should give their writing before the ______ at 01.00 a.m.

A. headlineB. deadlineC. printed lineD. limit linePEMBAHASAN: Soal berhubungan dengan kosakata di bidang ‘mass media’. Istilah yangtepat untuk batas waktu terakhir adalah ’deadline’.JAWAB: B

C. Melengkapi percakapan dengan ungkapan tertentu.

Contoh:1. Diana : What’s wrong with you, Wulan? You look so sad. Wulan : My father is sick. He is in hospital now. Diana : Oh, ______ I hope he will get well soon. Wulan : Thank you.

A. my God, it is wonderful B. never mind C. I’m sorry to hear that D. I’m okay

PEMBAHASAN: Soal berhubungan dengan ungkapan ‘sympathy’. ungkapan yang tepat untukikut bersimpati karena ayah-nya Wulan sakit adalah ‘I’m sorry to hear that’.JAWAB: C

D. Melengkapi paragraf dengan kata atau kalimat tertentu.

Contoh: For no. 1 and 2, choose the correct word to complete the paragraph.

Four days ago, my father and I ___1___ our picnic planning. We decided to go to Bali. Wewill stay there for 1 week. I like our planning very much. What a good planning it is! I thinkit will be a nice vocation. My father has prepared everything for it. Last night he called upone of the hotels to reserve a double room for ___2___. 1. A. discuss

B. discussedC. to discussD. discussing

2. A. picnicB. recreationC. accommodation

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Melengkapi Kalimat/Paragraf

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D. equipment

PEMBAHASAN 1: Soal berhubungan dengan ‘struktur’ kalimat. Karena Kalimat diawalidengan keterangan waktu ’four days ago’ (empat hari yang lalu), berati kalimat ber-tensessimple past, menggunakan Verb 2, yaitu: ’discussed’.JAWAB: B

PEMBAHASAN 2: Soal berhubungan dengan ‘kosakata’. Kalimat menyatakan pemesanankamar hotel. Kamar hotel merupakan ’accommodation’ (akomodasi/ hunian)JAWAB: C

E. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf yang padu.

Contoh:1. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph !

1. He is getting old now.2. Tom is one of the best tennis players in the country.3. Soon he is going to retire.4. He plays in many tournaments.5. He is a professional and earns a lot of money every year.

A. 5-4-2-1-3B. 2-4-5-1-3C. 5-2-4-3-1D. 2-5-4-3-1

PEMBAHASAN: Untuk membentuk paragraph yang baik berdasarkan kalimat-kalimat acak diatas, urutan (sequence) yang benar Subject-nya harus jelas. Berarti kalimat dimulai dengan no.2. Antara B dengan D. Yang paling tepat adalah B, diakhiri dengan kalimat Soon he is going toretire now (dia akan segera pensiun/istirahat)JAWAB: B


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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

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PENGERTIANExpressions adalah beberapa jenis ungkapan yang lazim dipakai dalam berkomunikasi ataupercakapan.


1. Introduction(Perkenalan)

I’d like to introduce myself, ______Let me introduce myself, ______Allow me to introduce myself, ______Let me introduce you to ______This is ______

2. Greeting and Leave –Taking(Selamat / Bertemu dan Berpisah)

How do you do ?How are you ?How are you doing ?How is life ?It is nice to meet youI am very happy to meet youHelloHiGood morning, afternoon, evening, nightGood byeSee you laterSee you soonCheerio

3. Gratitude and Appreciation(Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan)

Thank youThank you very muchIt is very kind of youCongratulationCongratulation on ______Happy ______Have a nice ______Good luck

4. Apology(Permintaan Maaf)

I am sorryI don’t mean to ______Forgive meI hope you forgive me

5. Ability and Disability

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

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(Mampu dan Tidak Mampu)

Yes, I canNo, I can’tYes, I am able to ______No, I am not able to ______I think I am able to ______I think I am unable to ______I can’t, I’m afraid

6. Certainty and Uncertainty(Yakin/Pasti dan Tidak Yakin/Tidak Pasti)

I am sureI am not sureI am certainI am not certainI doubt thatI can’t decideI don’t know

7. Agreement and Disagreement(Setuju dan Tidak Setuju)

I agreeI disagreeI absolutely agreeI think soI don’t think soYou are absolutely rightYou are right, but ______

8. Like and Dislike(Suka dan Tidak Suka)

I like itI love itI’m very keen on ______I don’t like itI hate it

9. Opinion(Pendapat)

What do you think of ______I think ______Let’s talk about itI wonder ______Give me comments or suggestions, please

10. Asking and Offering(Meminta dan Menawarkan)

Excuse me, May I ______ ?Do you mind ______Would you please ______Would you help me, please ?What can I do for you, _____?

11. Command and Prohibition(Perintah dan Larangan)

Pay attention, please!

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

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Listen to me!Keep the room clean!Let’s go!Be on time!Be a good student!Don’t move, please!Don’t go away!Don’t worry!Don’t be late!No talking, please!No smoking!No parking in this area!

12. Warning(Peringatan)

Watch out !Be aware of ______ !Be careful !

13. Preference(Lebih Suka / Pilihan)

I like ______ better than ______I prefer ______ to ______I would rather ______ than ______

14. Exclamation(Kekaguman)

What a wonderful world !What a beautiful girl !How beautiful she is !How big the ship is !It is great !Excellent !

15. Sympathy(Ikut bersimpati)

Take it easyDon’t worry, everything will be all rightWhat a pityI am sorry to hear thatPoor you


1. Shopkeeper : So, are you going to buy this gas stove?Customer : Yes, but ______.Shopkeeper : Please don’t worry about it. I believe that it will satisfy you. It has a three – year

guarantee.(UN 2006/P1)

A. I’m certain the quality is goodB. there ‘s no doubt about the qualityC. I’m not sure about the qualityD. I can’t decide if it is good

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

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PEMBAHASAN: Customer jadi membeli kompor gas (gas stove), tapi masih ragu. KemudianShopkeeper berkata “Jangan khawatir”. Maka ungkapan Customer adalah ungkapan merasatidak yakin (uncertainty), yaitu: “I’m not sure about the quality” (Saya tidak yakin terhadapkualitasnya).JAWAB: C

2. Lia : Oh, my wallet has been stolen.Uti : ______. How did it happen?Lia : Maybe a pickpocket took it when I was on the bus. (UN 2005/P1)A. That’s a good ideaB. That would be niceC. That’s greatD. What a pity

PEMBAHASAN: Lia berkata bahwa dompetnya telah dicuri. Maka ungkapan yang tepat adalah‘sympathy’, yaitu ‘What a pity’ (oh kasihan / sayang sekali).JAWAB: D

3. Student : It seems to me that you are having trouble taking those books. Let me help you, Sir.Teacher : Oh, ______ (UN 2005/P1)A. can you help me?B. that’s very kind of youC. it’s none of your businessD. why don’t you bring these books

PEMBAHASAN: Siswa menawarkan bantuan. Maka ungkapan yang tepat dari Guru adalahungkapan ‘gratitude/appreciation’, yaitu: ‘that’s very kind of you’ (Anda sangat baik).JAWAB: B

4. Father : I’ve got a headache. ______Mother : Certainly. Here it is.Father : Thanks. (UN 2003/P2)A. Can you get me an aspirin, please?B. Will you take me to a doctor, please?C. Will you help me hold my head?D. Do you have time to help me?

PEMBAHASAN: Situasi dialog adalah Ayah sedang sakit kepala. Untuk menentukan kalimat Ayahyang kedua, perhatikan jawaban Ibu: ‘Certainly. Here it is’ (Tentu saja. Ini.). Berarti Ibumengambilkan Ayah sesuatu. Maka ungkapan yang diucapkan oleh Ayah adalah ‘asking’, yaitu:‘Can you get me an aspirin, please?’ (Bisakah kamu mengambilkan saya aspirin?).JAWAB: A

5. Jane : When will you go back to Indonesia?Rudi : ______. It depends on my study. (UN 2004/P2)A. I’m sureB. I’m not certainC. I absolutely believeD. I don’t understand

PEMBAHASAN: Perhatikan kalimat Rudi yang kedua: ‘It depends on my study’ (tergantungpada studi-ku). Berarti Rudi merasa tidak yakin atau merasa tidak pasti. Maka kalimat Rudi yangpertama ialah‘uncertainty’: ‘I’m not certain’.JAWAB: B

6. Doni : How did you travel to Surabaya?Santi : By “Argo Bromo” train. It’s a very good train. It took me just nine hours.Doni : ______ (UN 2004/P2)A. What train is it?B. What a fast train!C. How fast is the train?D. How good the train is.

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

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PEMBAHASAN: Isi percakapan tersebut menyiratkan Kereta Api “Argo Bromo” adalah keretaapi cepat. Maka ungkapan Doni adalah ‘exclamation’, yaitu: ‘What a fast train!’ (Wow,betul-betul kereta api yang cepat!atau Alangkah cepatnya kereta api itu!). Ingat, salah satuciri ‘exclamation’ adalah selalu diakhiri dengan tanda seru.JAWAB: B

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Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan ‘waktu’.

Misal: Verb 1 (infinitive), Verb 2, dan Verb 3.

Contoh penggunaan ‘tenses’:

1. Saya belajar di SMP (saat ini) 1. I study at SMP2. Saya belajar di SD tiga tahun yang lalu 2. I studied at SD three years ago3. Saya akan belajar di SMA tahun depan 3. I will study at SMA next year


Ada 16 bentuk tenses. Untuk tingkat SMP, jenis tenses dasar yang harus dikuasi adalah:

A. Simple PresentB. Simple PastC. Present ContinuosD. Present PerfectE. Present Future

A. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (waktu kini / saat ini)

Digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang bersifat umum dan kebiasaan.

Pola: 1. S + V1 (s/es) I like English, she likes English, they like English2. S + to be + Complement. I am fine, she is diligent, they are here.

Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).

Keterangan Waktu dan Frekwensi:Every, usually, always, often, sometimes, seldom, ever, never.

Catatan:Untuk pola 1 = Ada penambahan s/es pada V1 jika Subj he, she, it

Untuk kal. Negative dan Tanya, kata kerja Bantu-nya (Aux.Verb): do / does ( I, you, we, they = do ) ( He, she, it = does )

Untuk pola 2 = to be (am, is, are) tergantung subject. ( I = am ) ( He, she, it = is ) ( You, we, they = are )

Contoh kalimat:

1. (+) She plays badminton every Sunday (-) She does not play badminton every Sunday (?) Does she play badminton every Sunday?

2. (+) He is smart. (-) He is not smart (?) Is he smart?

B. SIMPLE PAST TENSE (waktu lampau)

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan di masa lampau/lalu.

Pola: 1. S + V2 I studied English yesterday2. S + to be + Complement She was sick last night, they were here yesterday

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Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).

Keterangan Waktu:Yesterday, last ---, --- ago, in 1997, etc.

Catatan:Pola 1. Pembentukan V2 : Untuk regular verb (teratur) >> tambahkan d/ed Untuk irregular verb (tdk teratur) >> lihat kamus (daftar Verb) Untuk kal. Negative dan Tanya, kata kerja bantu-nya (Aux. Verb) adalah: did

Pola 2. To be (was, were ) tergantung Subject

>> I, he, she, it = was. >> You, we, they, jamak = were

Contoh kalimat:

(+) She played badminton yesterday(-) She did not play badminton yesterday(?) Did she play badminton yesterday?

(+) He was here last night(-) He was not here last night(?) Was he here last night?

C. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (waktu sedang-sekarang)

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi (sekarang)

Pola: S + to be + V-ing to be present: (is, am, are)

Keterangan Waktu:Now, at present, at this moment

Contoh kalimat:

(+) He is studying English now.(-) He is not studying English now(?) Is he studying English now?

Catatan: Tidak semua kata kerja bisa diubah menjadi bentuk continuous. Misalnya: Verb be, believe,know, like, understand, want, see.

D. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (telah / sudah)

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang te lah atau sudah selesai dilakukan.

Pola: 1. S + have/has + V3 I have worked for 1 hour 2. S + have/has + been + Complement I have been here for 1 hour

Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).

Penggunaan ‘have’ atau ‘has’ tergantung pada Subject.I, you, we, they, jamak = haveHe, she, it = has

Keterangan Waktu:since (sejak), for (selama), already/just now (baru saja)

Contoh kalimat:

(+) She has worked at the bank for 4 years.(-) She has not worked at the bank for 4 years

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(?) Has she worked at the bank for 4 years?


Jika negative (has not / have not) : belumJika ditambah ‘ever’ : sudah pernahJika ditambah ‘never’ : belum pernah

I have ever met him (saya sudah pernah bertemu dia)I have not met him (saya belum bertemu dia)I have never met him (saya belum pernah bertemu dia)

E. PRESENT FUTURE TENSE (akan, di masa mendatang)

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa mendatang.

Pola: 1. S + will + V1/inf 1. I will work tomorrow2. S + will + be + Complement 2. I will be here tomorrow

Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).

Pola Lain: kata ‘will’, diganti dengan to be + going to

to be (is,am,are) sesuaikan dengan Subject-nya

Contoh: I will work tomorrow / I am going to work tomorrow She will work tomorrow / She is going to work tomorrow

Keterangan Waktu, misalnya: tomorrow, next time, next week, tonight, coming holidayContoh kalimat:(+) she will write the letter tonight.(-) She will not write the letter tonight.(?) Will she write the letter tonight?

Dalam kalimat pengandaian, present future berpasangan dengan simple present. Contoh: I will come if he invites me.


1. Dian Basuki is a piano player. He plays the piano very well. He ______ many competitions inIndonesia since he was a primary school student. (UN 2006/P1)A. winsB. has wonC. will wonD. won

PEMBAHASAN: Untuk melengkapi kalimat terakhir dari soal di atas, perhatikan keterangan waktu‘since’ (sejak). Berarti kalimat tersebut ber-tenses ‘Present Perfect’ (telah/sudah). Pola‘Present Perfect’: Subj + have/has + V3. Maka pilihan yang tepat adalah ‘has won’ (telahmemenangkan)JAWAB: B

2. Teacher : Who’s absent today, children?Jihan : Umar, Sir. He’s sick. His mother ______ him to the clinic yesterday.Teacher : I see. (UN 2005/P1)A. will takeB. has takenC. takesD. took

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PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Jihan yang kedua, ada keterangan waktu yesterday. Berarti KalimatSimple Past, menggunakan Verb 2. Pilihan yang menunjukkan Verb 2 adalah ‘took’.JAWAB: D

3. Syfa : Tell me about your plan for the coming holiday.Anggi : I ______ my holiday in China.Syfa : It sounds interesting. (UN 2003/P2)A. have spentB. am going to spendC. spendD. spent

PEMBAHASAN: Syfa menanyakan apa rencana (plan) Anggi untuk liburan mendatang (comingholiday). Berarti jawaban yang dibutuhkan adalah kalimat ‘present future’ (yang akan datang).Kata-kata yang sama artinya dengan ‘will’ adalah ‘to be + going to’ (akan): am going to spend(akan menghabiskan).JAWAB: B

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Question Words (kata tanya) merupakan salah satu materi yang sering muncul dalam soal Ujian


Contoh beberapa Question Words:

what : apa (benda; konkret/abstrak)who : siapa (subject/object)whom : siapa (object)whose : milik siapawhere : dimana / kemanawhen : kapanwhich : yang mana (pilihan)why : mengapahow : bagaimana (keadaan & cara)what else : apa lagi yang lainnyawhat kind of : apa jenisnyawhich one (s) : yang manahow many : berapa banyak (dapat dihitung)how much : berapa banyak (tak dapat dihitung)how much : berapa harganyahow far : berapa jauh (jarak)how long : berapa lama (waktu)how old : berapa umurnyahow tall : berapa tingginyahow wide : berapa lebarnya


1. Alice : Your country is really beautiful.Tina : Yeah, it is, but I bet your country is beautiful, too. I’d like to visit you in Sydney. It’s my dream.Alice : You can come any time you like.Tina : By the way, ______ is Australia from here ?Alice : It’s about 20.000 kilometers. (UN 2005/P2)A. how longB. how farC. how highD. how old

PEMBAHASAN: Berdasarkan jawaban Alice: “It’s about 20.000 km” (sekitar 20.000 km), berartiTina menanyakan jarak. Maka Question word yang tepat adalah “how far” (berapajauh/jaraknya).JAWAB: B

2. Jihan : Whose guitar is that ?Ario : ______, Han ?Jihan : The new one on the table.Ario : Oh, it’s mine. (UN 2005/P1)A. Which onesB. Which oneC. What guitarD. Where else

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PEMBAHASAN: Perhatikan ucapan Jihan: ”Whose guitar is that ?” (Milik siapa gitar itu?),menandakan bahwa gitar Cuma satu. Sedangkan maksud Han: “Yang mana, Han?” (Which one).Kata “one” menggantikan “gitar” (satu buah). Sedangkan “ones” (banyak/lebih dari satu buah).JAWAB: B

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Comparison (Perbandingan)

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Comparison (Perbandingan) adalah struktur kalimat yang meliputi tingkat perbandingan sama(positive), tingkat perbandingan lebih (comparative) dan tingkat perbandingan paling (superlative).




as adj /adv asthe same N as

Adjective : kt. SifatAdverb : kt. KeteranganNoun : kt. Benda


adj /adv ermore adj/adv

1 suku kata2 atau lebih suku kata



the adj/adv estthe most adj/adv

1 suku kata2 atau lebih suku kata

Pembandingnya:’of’ , ’among’ (daripada/diantara)

Adjective tidak beraturan (irregular adjectives):

good better the best(baik) (lebih baik) (paling baik)

bad / ill worse the worst(buruk) (lebih buruk) (paling buruk)

Contoh kalimat:

Tingkat Sama1. Anita is as smart as Ifa2. They are as diligent as Andi3. Linda is as good as Santi

Tingkat Lebih1. You are smarter than Nur2. Albert is more diligent than Katty3. Aco is better than Beddu

Tingkat Paling (ter - )1. I am the smartest of all2. She is the most diligent among her friends3. He is the best in his class


1. Look at the following list.

No Appliances Price1. Microwave Rp. 1.950.0002. Vacuum Cleaner Rp. 2.750.0003. Washing Machine Rp. 1.250.0004. Refrigerator Rp. 2.010.0005. Electric Coffe Maker Rp. 237.500

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Comparison (Perbandingan)

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The list shows that a washing machine is ______ a microwave. (UN 2006/P1)A. the most expensiveB. the same priceC. cheaper thanD. as cheap as

PEMBAHASAN: Lihat perbandingan harga antara Washing Machine dengan Microwave.Berdasarkan table, harga Washing Machine lebih murah daripada Microwave. Lebih murah=‘cheaper’.JAWAB: C

2. Amanda : Look, aren’t Mike Tyson and Hollyfield good boxers?Linda : Yes. They are both strong, aren’t they?Joe : Yes, but Mike Tyson is ______ Hollyfield.Frank : And Mike can knock out his opponent easily. (UN 2005/P1)A. stronger thanB. as strong asC. the strongestD. very strong

PEMBAHASAN: Dari perkataan Frank (Mike bisa meng-K.O. lawannya dengan mudah) bisadiambil kesimpulan bahwa sebenarnya Mike Tyson “lebih kuat” (stronger)daripada Hollifield.Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah tingkat lebih.JAWAB: A

3. The Picture shows us thattraveling by train is ______ than by bus.

(UN 2004/P2)

Price: Rp. 75.000 / ticket Price: Rp. 100.000 / ticket

A. fasterB. cheaperC. more expensiveD. more comfortable

PEMBAHASAN: Berdasarkan gambar, informasi yang ditonjolkan adalah “harga tiket” (Price).Berarti Bepergian dengan kereta api “lebih murah” (cheaper)daripada dengan bus.JAWAB: B

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Pronouns (Kata Ganti)

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Personal Pronoun yaitu kata ganti yang menggantikan / menunjukkan benda atau orang.


(Milik + benda)


(Milik tanpa benda)


I me My mine myselfYou you Your yours yourself / yourselvesHe him His his himselfShe her Her hers herselfIt it Its - itselfWe us Our ours ourselvesThey them Their theirs themselves

Contoh Penggunaan:

(Subject) = I love her ( Saya mencintai dia )(Object) = She loves me ( Dia mencintai saya )(Pos. Adj.) = It is my book ( Itu buku-ku / itu buku milik saya ) diikuti benda (book)(Pos.Pro.) = It is mine ( Itu kepunyaanku/ Itu milik saya) tidak diikuti benda(Reflexive) = I myself do not know ( Saya sendiri tidak mengetahui )

CONTOH SOAL:1. Anita and I missed the morning flight, and this made _____ late for our friend’s wedding.

A. her B. themC. weD. usPEMBAHASAN: Anita and I sama dengan We (sebagai Subject). Karena yang ditanyakan sebagai Object,

maka ‘we’ menjadi ‘us’. Terjemahannya: Anita dan saya ketinggalan penerbangan pagi,dan ini membuat ‘kami’ terlambat untuk hadir di pesta perkawinan teman kami.JAWAB: D








one S √ − seseorang / sesuatuEach S √ − masing-masingEvery S √ − setiapBoth P √ − keduanyaSome P √ − beberapaa lot of P √ √ banyakMany P √ − banyakMuch P − √ banyaka little P − √ sedikita few P √ − sedikitMost P √ − sebagian besarAll P √ − semuanone / no body S √ − tak ada seorangpunsomeone / somebody S √ − seseoranganyone / anybody S √ − seseorang (kal negatif & tanya)everyone / everybody S √ − setiap orang

Contoh Penggunaan:

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Pronouns (Kata Ganti)

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(Singular / Plural) : 1. Each of the students is required to come on time. (singular) 2. Both of the students are required to come on time. (plural)

(Count / Uncount.) : 1. I don’t have many cars. (countable noun) 2. I don’t have much money. (uncountable noun)

(Positif, negative & Tanya) : 1. There is somebody in the room. (positive) 2. There is not anybody in the room. (negative)

3. There is nobody in the room. (positif, bermakna negative) 3. Is there anybody in the room? (tanya)


1. Brother : Is this your box?Sister : No.Brother : So, who has put in here?Sister : ______ has, but I don’t know who. (UN 2005/P1)A. AnyoneB. SomeoneC. EveryoneD. No one

PEMBAHASAN: Maksud dari ucapan ‘sister’ adalah ’Seseorang telah menaruh kotak tersebut, tetapi sayatidak tahu siapa.’ Personal Pronoun yang mempunyai arti seseorang ialah pilihan A dan B. Pilihan A(Anyone) digunakan untuk kalimat negatif dan Tanya. Pilihan B (Someone) untuk kalimat positif. Dengandemikian jawaban yang tepat adalah ’someone’.JAWAB: B

2. Peter : Have you met Jeremy Thomas and Anjasmara?Russell : Not yet. But everyone knows that ______ of them are famous entertainers. (UN 2004/P2)A. eachB. bothC. noneD. all

PEMBAHASAN: Yang akan diganti dengan Personal Pronoun adalah Jeremy Thomas dan Anjasmara. Berartidua orang. Maka kata yang tepat adalah ‘both’ (keduanya).JAWAB: B

3. Student : Would you tell ______ name, Sir?Teacher : With pleasure. I am Mr. Smith. (UN 2000/P2)A. yourB. yoursC. myD. mine

PEMBAHASAN: Perhatikan kata ‘name’ (kt. Benda). Personal Pronoun yang diikuti dengan kata benda,adalah ’Possessive Adjective’(kepunyaan). Pilihan yang menunjukkan ’kepunyaan / milik’ adalah A dan C.Karena nama yang dimaksud adalah kepunyaan pembicara/orang kedua, maka pilihan yang tepat adalah A(your). ’your name’ (nama Anda / nama-mu)JAWAB: A

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Elliptical Sentences

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Elliptical Sentences yaitu Kalimat yang diringkas dan pengertiannya sama dengan kalimat utama atau kalimatinduk.


1. She likes listening to music2. I like listening to music

Diringkas menjadi:She likes listening to music and so do I (Dia suka mendengarkan musik dan saya juga)

Kalimat induk Elliptical


1. Jika Kalimat Induk Positif (+):So: So + Aux. Verb + Subj. 2Too: Subj. 2 + Aux. Verb + too

2. Jika Kalimat Induk Negatif (-):Neither: neither + Aux. Verb + Subj. 2Either: Subj. 2 + Aux. Verb + not + either


Perhatikan predikat pada kalimat induk. Jika menggunakan:

1. to be (is, am, are) Aux. Verb-nya: to be (is, am, are) to be (was, were) Aux. Verb-nya: to be (was, were)

(Sesuaikan dengan Subject-nya)

2. Verb 1 (s/es) Aux. Verb-nya do / does

3. Verb 2 Aux. Verb-nya did

4. have/ has + noun Aux. Verb-nya do / does have /has to + V1 Aux. Verb-nya do / does have /has + V3 Aux. Verb-nya have / has

(Sesuaikan dengan Subject-nya)

5. had + noun Aux. Verb-nya did had to + V1 Aux. Verb-nya did had + V3 Aux. Verb-nya had

6. Modals (will, can, must, may) Aux. Verb-nya modals (will, can, may, must)


She is a good student and so am I.

My father watched TV last night and my mother did, too.

He does not have a new car and neither do I.

My friends have done the homework and so has Linda.

They will not go tomorrow and I won’t, either.

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Elliptical Sentences

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1. Sisca : I like to watch the Indonesian idol programme.Ranti : ______. I think it is the most interesting among the programmes.Sisal : I agree with you. (UN 2006/P1)A. So am IB. I do tooC. I don’t eitherD. Neither do I

PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Induk adalah ucapan Sisca (I like to watch.....). Karena positif, maka pakai so atautoo. Kalimat tersebut menggunakan Verb 1 sebagai predikat, maka kata kerja bantunya do / does. UntukSubject I adalah do.JAWAB: B

2. Rhinoceros is protected; Jalak Bali is protected.We can also say ______. (UN 2004/P2)A. Rhinoceros is protected, and neither is Jalak BaliB. Rhinoceros is protected, and Jalak Bali is tooC. Rhinoceros is protected, and so was Jalak BaliD. Rhinoceros is protected, and Jalak Bali isn’t either

PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Induk (Rhinoceros is protected) adalah positif. Maka menggunakan so / too.Pilihan yang tepat adalah B (Aux.V sama dengan Kalimat induk “is”).JAWAB: B

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Conjunction (Kata Penghubung) adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dua kata, frasa ataukalimat.


and : danbut : tetapior : ataubecause : karenaas, since, for : sebabhence : karena itutherefore : oleh sebab ituconsequently : akibatnyafortunately : untungnyafinally : akhirnyathen : kemudianeventhough : walaupunalthough : walaupundespite : meskipuninspite of : meskipunyet : namunnevertheless : namun demikianhowever : akan tetapi whereas : sedangkanso : jadi / makaso that : sehinggain order to : agar, supayain order that : agar, supayabeside : di samping ituon the other hand : di sisi lainin addition : sebagai tambahanmoreover : lagi pulafurthermore : lagi pulaotherwise : jika tidakunless : kecuali jikanot only.…but also… : tidak hanya…. tetapi juga….both….and…. : baik …. maupun .… (keduanya)either.…or…. : baik …. maupun .… neither.…nor…. : baik …. Maupun.… tidak….


1. Tina : Did you attend the funeral ceremony yesterday ?Rony : Yes, I did. But it took long time ______ I went home earlier. (UN 2003/P2)

A. andB. butC. thenD. so

PEMBAHASAN: Conjunction yang tepat untuk menghubungkan Kalimat di atas adalah ‘so’ (jadi…) yangberfungsi untuk menghubungkan urutan kejadian sebab – akibat. “But it took long time so I went homeearlier” (Tetapi memakan waktu yang lama jadi saya pulang lebih cepat). JAWAB: D

2. Bogi : Could you tell me how to get to the National Park Information Center?Koke : Sure. Right over there. You will ______ get information from it ______ you will ______ get a

member card for hiking. (UN 2005/P1)

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A. not only – but – alsoB. but – also – not onlyC. also – but – not onlyD. but – not only – also

PEMBAHASAN: Pasangan / urutan Conjunction yang tepat adalah not only …. but also (tidakhanya….tetapi juga) Kalimat tersebut, lengkapnya adalah: “You will not only get information from it but youwill also get a member card for hiking”.JAWAB: A

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Tag Questions adalah pertanyaan yang menumpang pada kalimat dan berfungsi untuk”menegaskan”.


She lives in Maros, doesn’t she? (Dia tinggal di Maros, kan?)Kalimat Utama Tag


Kalimat utama Positif (+), maka ’Tag’-nya: Negatif (Aux.V + not + Subj.)Katty is your close friend, isn’t she?

Kalimat utama Negatif (-), maka ’Tag’-nya : Positif (Aux.V + Subj.)They did not study hard, did they?

Kalimat Perintah, maka ’Tag’-nya: will you?Open the door, will you?

Kalimat Ajakan, maka ’Tag’-nya: shall we Let’s go to the movie, shall we?


1. Subject pada “Tag”, dalam bentuk “kata ganti subject”.

Subject yang diawali “to +Verb 1” it (to buy a new car needs much money, doesn’t it?)Subject yang diawali “Verb–ing ” it (Reading is your hobby, isn’t it?)Subject “Plural” (jamak) they (The students are studying now, aren’t they?)Subject “Singular” (tunggal it (The car is expensive, isn’t it?)

2. Not, disingkat: n’t3. Untuk menentukan Auxiliary Verb (kata kerja bantu), lihat pembahasan ”Elliptical Sentences”.


1. Dasnil : Where will we stay if we go to Bali next holiday?Irwan : At an inn.Dasnil : Have you checked the price?Irwan : Yes, the price is Rp. 50.000,- per night.Dasnil : The price includes breakfast, ______? (UN 2005/P2)A. doesn’t itB. does itC. isn’t itD. is it

PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Utama positif, menggunakan V1(s), maka ‘tag’-nya Negatif denganAux.V= do/does. Karena Kata ganti Subject “the price” adalah “it”, maka menggunakan does.JAWAB: A

2. Andi : We can spend the night at a hotel.Bakri : Yeah, but to stay at a hotel needs much money, ______?Andi : That’s right.Bakri : And we don’t have enough for it. (UN 2005/P1)A. don’t youB. doesn’t itC. won’t itD. isn’t it

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PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Utama positif, Subjectnya: to stay at a hotel, sama dengan “it”.Predikat-nya Verb1(s) / needs, maka kata kerja bantu-nya = do/does. Subject ”it”, menggunakandoes.JAWAB: B

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Conditional Sentences

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Conditional Sentences yaitu kalimat pengandaian yang terdiri dari 3 tipe. Untuk tingkat SMP, yang harusdikuasai yaitu tipe 1.

Type 1 : Future-Probable Condition (Kondisi yang mungkin terjadi di masa mendatang)

Pola : If + Subj + V1 (s/es), Subj + will + V1

(Klausa-if: simple present, klausa akibat: present future)

Contoh : If I have much money, I will buy a new car. Klausa – if Klausa akibat

(Seandainya/jika saya punya banyak uang, saya akan membeli sebuah mobil baru).

If she comes on time, I will be very happy.If it rains, I will not come.If it doesn’t rain, I will come.My father will give me a present if I win the competition.He will study abroad if he has money.He will not study abroad if he does not have money.

CATATAN: 1. Perhatikan penambahan s/es untuk Verb 1 jika Subject he, she, it (pada klausa – if ). 2. Perhatikan penambahan be jika bukan kata kerja setelah ‘will’ (pada klausa akibat)


1. If I win the election, I ______ the salaries of the workers and hire more women in the government offices.(UN 2006/P1)A. increaseB. increasedC. will increaseD. have increased

PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Pengandaian. Klausa –if menggunakan tenses ”present”: Verb 1 (win), makapada Klausa Akibat menggunakan tenses ”present future”: will + V1 (will increse).JAWAB: C

2. Susi : Will you come to my party next week?Dony : Maybe, but I am not sure.Susi : Please, Dony.Dony : Ok. I will come if ______. (UN 2006/P4-Susulan)A. I am busyB. I have timeC. you are not thereD. it rains

PEMBAHASAN: Menanyakan Klausa-if. Dari segi struktur Kalimat, semua pilihan sudah menggunakantenses ”simple present”. Analisa berikutnya, dari segi makna. Pilihan yang kemungkinan besar membuatDoni bisa datang adalah ”jika saya punya waktu”(if I have time).JAWAB: B

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Siswa mampu memahami makna teks tulis interpersonal maupun transaksional dalam bentuk TeksRecount/Narrative, Report/Descriptive dan Procedure.

1. Recount / Narrative:Teks yang isinya menceritakan kembali (retell) kejadian di masa lampau. Teks ini biasanya menggunakantenses ‘past’.

2. Report / Descriptive:Teks yang menjelaskan atau mendiskripsikan tentang sesuatu, biasanya menggunakan tenses ‘present’.

3. Procedure: Teks yang isinya berupa prosedur atau proses dan urutan terjadinya sesuatu. Biasanya menggunakan

tenses ‘present’.


Siswa mampu memahami teks fungsional pendek yang berbentuk Recount/Narrative, Report/Descriptivedan Procedure, meliputi:1. Menemukan gambaran umum (general idea)2. Menemukan pikiran utama (main idea)3. Menemukan informasi rinci tertentu (specific information)4. Menemukan informasi tersurat (reference) dan tersirat (inference)5. Menfsirkan kata, frase atau kalimat dalam teks.

Catatan: Teks Fungsional adalah teks bentuk khusus dengan fungsi tertentu. Misalnya: pengumuman, iklan, label, surat dan grafik/tabel.


1. Menemukan gambaran umum.Pertanyaan biasanya berupa judul dan topic bacaan.Contoh: 1. What does paragraph 2 talk about? 2. The text tells us about ______.

2. Menemukan Pikiran utama.Pertanyaan berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau pendapat penulis tentang topic bacaan. Pikiran utama bisadidapat dari kalimat utama. Kalimat utama ada di awal, ditengah atau di akhir paragraph / teks. Pikiranutama juga bisa berupa kesimpulan dari kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf / teks.Contoh: 1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. Based on the text, we may conclude that ______.

3. Menemukan informasi rinci.Informasi yang tidak tertera secara jelas pada teks bacaan. Untuk menemukan informasi ini, harusmembaca teks secara rinci atau intensif (intensive reading).Contoh: 1. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? 2. How many children does she have?

4. Menemukan informasi tersurat dan tersirat.Informasi tersurat: Informasi yang tertera jelas atau langsung dalam teks bacaanInformasi tersirat: Informasi yang tidak tertera jelas, tetapi bisa didapat dari menyimpulkan bagian-bagiantertentu dalam teks bacaan (reading between the lines).Contoh: 1. The graphic shows that ______.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

5. Menafsirkan kata, frase atau kalimat dalam teks.Pertanyaan biasanya berupa:

Persamaan arti ( synonym)

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Lawan kata ( antonym/opposite)Definisi / pengertian (definition)Rujukan / Acuan (reference)

Contoh: 1. What is the synonym of the underlined word? 2. What does ‘it’ (in paragraph 1) refer to?


1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?A. Bicycles are very popular todayB. Bicycles are not expensiveC. Many people like bicyclesD. Bicycles do not cause any pollution

PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menemukan Pikiran Utama (main Idea). Yang menjadi pikiran utama adalahpilihan A (bicycles are very popular today). Pikiran Utama tersebut terdapat di kalimatutama yang berada di awal paragraph. Pilihan yang lain, merupakan kalimat-kalimatpenjelas atau pendukung kalimat utama.


2. “Bicycles are very popular today” (line 1).The closest meaning of the underlined word is ______.A. interestingB. comfortableC. famousD. wonderful

PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menafsirkan makna kata. Arti yang paling dekat (synonym) dengan “popular”adalah “famous” (terkenal).



My father died of cancer five years ago when I was three years old. He left my mother andme, their only boy. Last year my mother married Mr. Daud. He was a widower and he hadgot two children, Andi and Siska. Mr. Daud now becomes my step father. Andi and Siskabecome my step brother and step sister. Both of them are older than me. We live happily inmy step father’s house. Now, we are waiting for the birth of my mother’s baby.

3. What is the relationship between the writer, Andi and Siska?A. The writer is Andi and Siska’s childrenB. The writer is Andi and Siska’s step brotherC. Andi and Siska are the writer’s brother and sisterD. Andi and Siska are the writer’s cousins

PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan Informasi Rinci. Informasi tersebut tidak tertera jelas dalam teks. Untukmenemukannya, baca secara rinci (baris 4 & 5).


4. “He was a widower…” (line 3)What does “he” in the sentence refer to?A. The writer


Bicycles are very popular today. Many people use bicycles for exercise. Butexercise is only one of the reasons why bicycles are popular. Another reasonis money. Bicycles are not expensive to buy. They do not need gas to makethem go. They are also easy and cheap to fix. In cities, many people likebicycles better than cars. By bicycles, they never have to wait in traffic. Theyalso do not have to find a place to park. Finally, bicycles do not cause anypollution.

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B. The only boyC. The writer’s fatherD. Mr. Daud

PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menentukan Rujukan Kata. Kata “he” merujuk atau menggantikan Mr. Daud.JAWAB: D


17 Derriford RoadBeverly Hills

May 21, 2004Dear Dony,I was pleased to get your latest letter. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks a lot. Hope to get

another one soon.My parents and I are planning to spend this summer holiday in Malaysia and Indonesia.

We have heard a lot about Malaysia, but not much about Indonesia. So could you tell us moreabout Indonesia? We particularly want information about the main tourist destinations withtheir places of interest.

That’s all for now. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. My best regards to yourparents. Bye.

Best wishes,


5. What does the letter mostly talk about?A. A planning to spend the summer holiday in MalaysiaB. Dony wanted some information about Malaysia and IndonesiaC. A request for some information about tourist destinations in IndonesiaD. Bruce informed some places of interest for tourist destinations in Indonesia

PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menemukan Topik (intisari) bacaan. Berdasarkan pada paragraf 2, maka bisadiambil kesimpulan bahwa surat tersebut topiknya adalah Bruce meminta informasitentang tempat-tempat wisata atau persinggahan turis (tourist destinations) di Indonesia.


6. “I was pleased to get your latest letter (paragraph 1).What is the synonym of the underlined word?A. GladB. SadC. DisappointedD. UnhappyPEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menafsirkan makna kata, berupa ’synonym’ (persamaan arti). ‘Synonym’ dari

“pleased” adalah “glad” (gembira).JAWAB: A

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Exclamation merupakan salah satu bentuk expressions (ungkapan) yang mengindikasikan rasakekaguman, ketakjuban, keheranan dan keterkejutan.

Pada materi ini, dibahas secara singkat ungkapan exclamation dengan menggunakan kata”what” dan ”how”.Kata what dan how tersebut, biasa diterjemahkan: betapa, alangkah, betul-betul...

1. Exclamation using ”what”

Pattern: what + article + adjective + noun


What a beautiful girl!(Betapa seorang gadis yang cantik!) atau:(Betul-betul seorang gadis yang cantik!)

What an interesting story!(Betapa sebuah cerita yang menarik!)

What a wonderful world!(Betapa sebuah dunia yang menakjubkan!)

Catatan: untuk menegaskan atau menunjuk pada benda atau orang yang dimaksud, poladasar di atas biasanya diikuti dengan pronoun benda/orang-nya.Misal: What a beautiful girl she is! (Betul-betul seorang gadis yang cantik... dia!)

2. Exclamation using ”how”

Pattern: how + adjective + noun/subj-pronoun + predicate/to-be


How beautiful you are!(Alangkah cantiknya kamu!) atau:(Betapa cantiknya kamu!)

How big the house is!(Alangkah besarnya rumah itu!)

How smart they are!(Betapa cerdasnya mereka!)

Catatan: terkadang pula bentuk exclamation ’how’ diperpendek menjadi, misalnya:How beautiful...! (alangkah cantiknya...!)


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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Reading (genre: procedure text)

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Procedure/Procedural Text, Teks Prosedur, adalah teks yang berisi prosedur, proses, cara, atau

langkah-langkah dalam membuat / melakukan (mengoperasikan) sesuatu.

Ciri-ciri Procedure Text:

1. Struktur umumnya (generic structure) terdiri dari:

Goal/Aim: tujuan dan maksud isi teks.

Contoh: How to make sandwich…

Material/Tool: bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu.

Contoh: The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. fried-egg, strawberry jam,

chocolate sprinkles, ….

Steps/Procedures: langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat sesuatu.

Contoh: First, take two slides of bread and …

2. Grammatical features umumnya tenses “simple present”

3. Sering memakai kalimat Perintah (imperatives/orders). Contoh: Turn on the lamp, Put the

rice into the rice cooker, Don’t forget to press the ‘on’ button.

4. Kata-kata urutan (sequences). Contoh: first, second, then, next, the last, finally

Contoh dan Pembahasan Soal Procedure Text:

(Soal UN SMP 2009 Bahasa Inggris C2-P16)

Read the text and answer questions 16 to 18

Meat Floss Porridge

Ingredients 250 cc hot water 50 gram instant porridge 1 spoon soya sauce 1 spoon chili sauce crackers 10 gram meat floss

Suggested Preparation1. Put instant porridge into a bowl.2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well.

Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened.3. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like).4. Then, spread crackers and meat floss.

The porridge is ready to be served.

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16. How much instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge?A. 250 cc.B. 50 gram.C. 1 spoon.D. 10 gram.Pembahasan: Lihat ingredients (bahan), terdapat keterangan: 50 gram instant porridge.Jawab: B.

17. What should we do after stirring the porridge?A. Put the instant porridge into a bowl.B. Add soya sauce and chili sauce.C. Add crackers and meat floss.D. Wait for about 3 minutes.Pembahasan: Perhatikan langkah-langkah pada suggested preparation, no. 2. Makasetelah mengaduk (stirring), yaitu “leave it for about 3 minutes…” (tinggalkan/biarkanselama sekitar 3 menit…)Jawab: D.

18. “… until the porridge thickened”. What is the meaning of the underlined word?A. To become solid.B. To get weak.C. To raise the volume.D. To become powder.Pembahasan: “thickened” (menebal), maka kata tersebut berarti “to become solid”(menjadi padat).Jawab: A

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Reading (genre: descriptive text)


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Descriptive Text, Teks Deskriptif, adalah teks yang mendiskripsikan, menggambarkan, atau

menguraikan tentang sesuatu, misalnya benda, orang ataupun tempat tertentu. Uraian teks ini

biasanya meliputi karakteristik, jenis, bentuk, fungsi dan hal-hal terperinci tentang “sesuatu”


Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text:

1. Struktur umumnya (generic structure) terdiri dari:

Identification: Bagian (kalimat) yang memperkenalkan (introducing) sesuatu.

Description: Bagian yang berisi uraian atau gambaran tentang sesuatu tersebut, misalnya

tentang jenis dan bentuknya.

2. Grammatical Features umumnya tenses “simple present”

3. Isi teks fokus pada pembahasan terperinci mengenai sesuatu atau benda yang dimaksud.

Contoh Descriptive Text:


One of the most famous buildings in Washington D.C. is the WhiteHouse. It is the home of the president of the United States.

The White House is a very large white building. It has three mainparts, namely the main building and two wings (west and east wings).The main building has large central porches. The porches have tallcolumns. Large lawns and gardens surround the White House.

Generic Structure teks di atas sebagai berikut:

Identification: One of the most famous buildings in Washington D.C. is the White House.

Description: It is the home of the president of the United States. The White House is a very large white

building…, dst.

Contoh dan Pembahasan Soal Descriptive Text:

(Soal UN SMP 2009 Bahasa Inggris C2-P16)

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Reading (genre: descriptive text)


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Read the text and answer questions 30 to 33

Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish orpeople, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.

Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems forsensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, whichis why you can look through them.

Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by achemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. Forexample, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.

Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfishare found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icywaters near the North and South poles.

30. Which one creates Jellyfish’s light?A. White blood.B. Nervous system.C. Chemical reaction.D. Salt water.Pembahasan: Lihat paragraph ke-3: “The light is made by a chemical reaction…”Jawab: C

31. Which one is TRUE about the jellyfish based on the text?A. They belong to invertebrate animals.B. They have heads like other animals.C. Their brain helps them find the food.D. They cannot live in freshwater.Pembahasan: Pernyataan yang benar (true) adalah jellyfish masuk dalam kelompok hewaninvertebrate (paragraph 1)Jawab: A

32. What is the text about?A. Jellyfish.B. Kinds of all fish.C. All invertebrate animal.D. Some kinds of sea animals.Pembahasan: Uraian teks tersebut terfokus pada pendiskripsian atau penggambaran tentangjellyfish.Jawab: A

33. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.” (paragraph 3)The word “glow” in the sentence means …A. moveB. produceC. appearD. shinePembahasan: kata “glow” berarti memancarkan cahaya. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “shine”(bersinar/bercahaya).Jawab: D

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Page 35: Rangkuman Materi UN Bahasa Inggris SMP 2013

UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Reading (genre: narrative text)


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Narrative Text, adalah teks yang isinya merupakan cerita atau kisah tentang sesuatu.Contoh narrative text: cerita rakyat (folktale), cerita binatang (fable), Legenda (legend),cerita pendek (short story), dan sejenisnya. Di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncakmasalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian. Fungsi utama teks ini adalah untuk berkisahatau menghibur pembaca.

Ciri-ciri narrative text:

Generic Structure:1. Orientation: berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa

atau apa, kapan dan dimana)2. Complication: Berisi puncak konflik/masalah dalam cerita. Sebuah cerita boleh

memiliki complication lebih dari satu.3. Resolution: Pemecahan masalah. Bisa berakhir dengan kegembiraan (happy

ending) bisa pula berakhir dengan kesedihan (sad ending).Catatan:Terkadang juga susunannya (generic structure): Orientation, Complication,Evaluation, Resolution dan Reorientation. Untuk “Evaluation” dan“Reorientation” merupakan optional; bisa ada bisa tidak. Evaluation berisipenilaian/evaluasi terhadap jalannya cerita atau konflik. Sedangkan Reorientationberisi penyimpulan isi akhir cerita.

Grammatical features menggunakan tenses “past” Sering menggunakan kata penghubung waktu (temporal conjunction), misalnya:

once upon a time, one day, long time ago, …

Contoh Narrative Text:

Ali Baba

Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in acave. They went in the cave by saying ”Open Sesame” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named AliBaba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he wenttoward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and goldentreasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brotherwanted to know how he became rich.

Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him, andwanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the caveagain to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go backthe next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the cave,and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his house,the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told everything,but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Baba’s house.

After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of thethieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars toAli Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together.

After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found thatthere were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all ofthem. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.

Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid whobecame his wife shortly after.### (source: http://baharudin.web.id)

Generic Structure teks di atas sebagai berikut:

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Reading (genre: narrative text)


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Once upon a time there 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money andtreasures in a cave. They went in the cave by saying “Open Sesame” tothe cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali Baba saw them while theywere doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he wenttoward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantityof money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went backhome. After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to knowhow he became rich.


Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother wasreally jealous of him, and wanted to know how he could get such a lot ofmoney. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the cave again to take somemore money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decidedto go back the next day to take some money for himself. The nextmorning he found a lot of money in the cave, and he wanted to take allof them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to hishouse, the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how heknew about the cave. He told everything, but unluckily they killed himand went to Ali Baba’s house.


After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the followingnight. Some of the thieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended thathe was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to Ali Baba. Ali Baba whowas a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together.


After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of thehouse, and found that there were thieves inside the jars. She finallyboiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss ofthe thieves was caught, and put into prison.


Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily everafter with his maid who became his wife shortly after.


Contoh dan Pembahasan Soal Narrative Text:

(Soal UN SMP 2009 Bahasa Inggris C2-P16 / C4-P12)

Read the following text and answer questions 19 to 22

The Wolf and The Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of afine goat dinner.“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren’t you afraid you will fall down from thatcliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level ground.”“No, thank you,” said the goat.“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer grazingdown here beside me in this sheltered area.”“No, thank you,” said the goat.“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf, “Why dine alone?”“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is my dinner you are worryingabout and not your own?”

19. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?A. To be his friend.B. To graze on the level ground.C. To climb up higher.D. To be his dinner.Pembahasan: Lihat paragraph 2. Intinya, serigala berkata kepada kambing: turunlah ke sini danmerumput di bawah sini.Jawab: B

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UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Reading (genre: narrative text)


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20. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?”The word ‘there’ refers to …A. a high cliffB. sheltered area C. grassD. groundPembahasan: kata “there” maksudnya adalah “a high cliff”.Jawab: A

21. What can we learn from the story above?A. Don’t look down other creatures.B. Don’t easily believe in well behaved creatures.C. Don’t judge others by their appearance.D. Don’t easily beat other creatures.Pembahasan: Dari kisah dalam teks tersebut, kita bisa mengambil pelajaran jangan mudahpercaya pada makhluk yang seolah-olah baik perilakunya.Jawab: B

22. From the story we know …A. the goat was very hungryB. the wolf was a helpful animalC. the wolf was eager to eat the goatD. the goat was going to fight with the wolfPembahasan: Lihat kalimat di paragraph 1: The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a finegoat dinner… Jadi serigala sebenarnya ingin memakan kambing.Jawab: C

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