ranelagh school · includes woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone), brass (trumpet, cornet, and...


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    September 2020

  • Introduction

    Welcome to Ranelagh! You are about to embark upon a crucial phase in your child’s education and I would like to begin by saying how much we are all looking forward to working in partnership with you. We know that effective communication will be at the heart of that positive relationship. Parents are always very welcome and should not hesitate to contact us in order to share important information, to discuss concerns or to seek advice and reassurance.

    Our aim is to provide a supportive, stimulating and secure environment in which all young people are able to develop a strong sense of belonging, achieve the highest standards of learning and establish a clear sense of personal responsibility. Throughout their time here at Ranelagh, we hope that your child will thrive; crucial to that is getting off to a good start.

    In the pages that follow you will find the answers to a selection of frequently asked questions designed to provide you with some insight into our day-to-day routines in school. Please take some time to read through this with your child and develop their understanding of all that they have to look forward to when they join the school in September. In addition, we would like to invite you to attend our virtual information event for new parents which be available on-line from Tuesday 23rd June. This will be an opportunity to hear from a range of staff and learn more about your child’s new school.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Mrs B Stevens



    Our aim is to provide all members of our community with strong roots

    alongside a robust sense of our Christian foundation. We endeavour

    to be inclusive; to be a place in which those of all faiths and none are

    able to learn and work together to experience love, welcome, hope,

    forgiveness and the possibility of new beginnings.

    In order for all members of our community to thrive and excel, we aim

    to foster confidence, delight and discipline in learning. In addition to

    developing academic skills, we aim to nurture a vibrant and creative

    environment in which students are able to work together to seek the

    wisdom, knowledge, truth, understanding and the skills which will

    enable them to live life in all its fullness.

    For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead,

    his Spirit fills us with power, love and self-control (2 Timothy 1.7)

    At the heart of our distinctive culture is our commitment to being a

    dynamic learning community, rooted in Christian values, where

    people matter. In this we seek wisdom and pursue excellence.


    School address : Ranelagh School

    Ranelagh Drive


    RG12 9DA

    Telephone number : 01344 421233

    E-mail address : [email protected]

    Internet address : www.ranelagh.bracknell-forest.sch.uk

    Chair of Governors : Mrs L Hodkinson

    Headteacher : Mrs B A Stevens

    Mr T Griffith [September 2020]

    Deputy Headteacher : Mr M A Williams

    Assistant Headteacher : Miss H Starr

    Student Support and Guidance

    Head of Year 7 : Miss P Evans and

    Mrs S Deakin


    School day : 8.50am Start of school day / Registration

    8.55am Tutor time and collective worship

    9.20am Period 1

    10.20am Period 2

    11.20am Break

    11.40am Period 3

    12.40pm Lunch

    1.35pm Period 4

    2.35pm Period 5

    3.35pm End of school day

    Professional Training Days : Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd September 2020

    Autumn Term begins : Thursday 3rd September 2020

    Professional Training Day : Friday 23rd October 2020

    Half Term : Monday 26th – Friday 30th October 2020

    Autumn Term ends : Friday 18th December 2020

    Spring Term begins : Monday 4th January 2021

    Spring Term ends : Thursday 1st April 2021

    Summer Term begins : Tuesday 20th April 2021

    Summer Term ends : Tuesday 20th July 2021


    It is natural for parents and carers to have all sorts of questions before their child joins a new school. Here we have tried to capture some of the most common questions to help you and your child to become Ranelagh-ready.

    1. When will my child be expected to start at the school?

    After the period of disruption which you and your child have experienced in recent months, we are keen to get students off to an excellent start in September. For the moment we are providing details which follow our routine plans. Should the school receive advice from the government in the coming weeks and months which suggests that we should adapt arrangements, please be assured that we will keep you informed. In the meantime, we will expect to welcome your child to their first full day at Ranelagh on Thursday 3rd September. It is worth noting that it will not be necessary for students to bring their PE kit on this first day.

    2. What will my child be expected to wear?

    A uniform list is provided for your information. We ask that all items of clothing and equipment are marked with your child’s name. Every year we accumulate a large stock of lost property; if items are named there is a much greater chance that we will be able to re-unite them with their owner!

    3. How will my child travel to and from school?

    Of course, this will depend upon where you live and the transport options available to you. Many of our students travel to school by rail. Bracknell Railway Station is within five minutes’ walking distance of the school via a pedestrianised routeway.

    The Bus Station is located close to the railway station and it is used by the coaches from

    Sandhurst and Crowthorne. Bicycles may be brought to school provided that they are securely padlocked and in good

    working order. Helmets must be worn and lights are required during the winter months. Students should not arrive at school before 8.20am unless a special arrangement is made

    with the Headteacher. Parking in school is extremely limited and unfortunately, we are unable to provide a

    suitably safe drop-off area on site. We ask that parents and carers do not drive onto the school site at the start and the end of the day and that they are respectful of our neighbours when driving in the vicinity of the school.

    4. Is there a safe place where my child can store books and belongings in school?

    Most students take advantage of the opportunity to use a locker in school. These are reserved for use over the course of five years, at a cost of £50.00. For details of how to reserve a locker, please refer to the letter attached.

  • 5. What are the arrangements if my child wishes to eat a school lunch?

    Most students enjoy the opportunity to have a school lunch, selected from the options prepared by Harrison, our on-site caterers. Food is available from the cafeteria at both break and lunchtime and is purchased via a cashless cafeteria system. Students wishing to do so may bring in a packed lunch which they also eat in the school dining hall.

    6. Will my child be required to study Religious Education whilst attending Ranelagh?

    You have made the decision to send your child to a church school, for parents to wish to exclude their child from this element of our curriculum is unusual. However, if you do not wish your child to receive Religious Education in accordance with Anglican teaching, please write to the Headteacher.

    7. Once my child begins learning, how will I find out about their academic progress?

    In Year 7 students are taught in mixed ability classes apart from in Mathematics. In this subject they are set at the end of the first half term when they have had the opportunity to settle.

    Over the course of the year, you may obtain information about your child’s effort and progress by:

    (i) contacting their Form Tutor

    (ii) contacting their Head of Year

    (iii) weekly 'Report' cards, which are issued if staff consider that a student's progress needs to be monitored more closely

    In addition, you will also receive information through our routine reporting cycle:

    (iv) screening information, provided by all subject staff to parents in the Autumn and Spring term, via our on-line system, Insight

    (v) ‘End of Year’ report / screening information, provided to parents in late June via Insight

    (vi) discussions at consultation and information evenings.

    8. How can I help my child begin to get organised in school?

    Each student in Year 7 to Year 11 is issued with a Ranelagh School diary, which they take with them to every lesson. The diary is where students make notes of homework set. The expectation is that you will check the contents of the diary at least once every week – it is a useful prompt for a discussion with your child about their learning in school and a good way of gauging how they are doing. Merits, awarded for good quality work, for improved effort and attainment, helpful conduct, etc, are recorded in the diary. This forms part of

  • the evidence towards end of term commendations and contributes to our annual House cup competition.

    9. Will my child have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument?

    At Ranelagh, instrumental tuition is provided by peripatetic teachers from Berkshire Maestros. Lessons are taught on either a one-to-one basis, or in small groups. Provision includes woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone), brass (trumpet, cornet, and trombone), upper strings (violin and viola), voice, guitar (electric, acoustic and bass), piano and drum kit. Demand for some instruments is high, and there may be a waiting list. Applications for lessons are made directly through Berkshire Maestros. Additionally, Bracknell Music Centre is based in Ranelagh’s Music Department, so peripatetic lessons are available after school and on Saturdays. Students are encouraged to bring a pair of headphones and their instruments to each of their curriculum music lessons.

    In order to promote a sense of collaboration and community, students are encouraged to join the Junior Choir and/or Junior Orchestra. These groups rehearse weekly throughout the year and are a great way of getting to know new people, including those in other year groups. Opportunities are also available to perform in the Chamber Concert at the end of the first half term, which features a number of Year 7 performances, and in the Christmas and summer concerts.

    10. My child loves sport; what opportunities will be available to them at Ranelagh?

    During PE lessons a range of activities are taught to all students in Year 7, starting with hockey, netball, rugby and football, gymnastics, dance, multi-skills, and also including tennis, athletics, rounders and cricket. This programme broadens as students progress through the school. All are encouraged to join the wide range of extra-curricular clubs which are held at lunchtimes and after school, regardless of previous experience. Those who show commitment and are keen to do so are given the chance to play in matches against other schools. We hope that the majority of students will take the opportunity to become involved in the House sporting competitions which are organised for most activities. From time to time the school has also been able to take advantage of opportunities for coaches from outside of Ranelagh come and work with students during lessons and in extra-curricular activities in a variety of sports and physical activities. As students move up through the school they are offered the chance to undertake sports leadership opportunities with younger students and primary school pupils.

    As your child embarks upon their career at Ranelagh, we ask all parents to encourage them to participate in and become committed to extra- curricular sports activities. As well as the obvious health and fitness benefits that come from participating in physical activity, we feel that there are great mental health and social benefits, particularly when starting a new school. Participation also develops a sense of duty and loyalty; it is important that students attend sessions that they have made a commitment to, particularly if this is with a visiting sports coach.

  • The school website provides details of club practices and fixtures:

    https://www.ranelagh.bracknell-forest.sch.uk/ranelagh-school-sport-fixtures/. This is a google calendar through which PE staff keep as up-to-date as possible as arrangements inevitably change. Information also comes out on The Week Ahead, a bulletin which is emailed to parents weekly. Information is displayed on the PE Department notice boards outside the sports hall PE office.

    There is an active Sports Council which provides opportunities for students to discuss and contribute towards the development of sports activities in the school.

    11. As a Church school, what is Ranelagh’s approach to collective worship?

    Your child is about to attend a Church of England school; on each day they will experience an act of collective worship. On Monday and Friday mornings all students attend a full school assembly. Across the rest of the week there are Year group, Section (Upper, Middle and Lower school) and House based assemblies as well as opportunities for collective reflection upon a given theme within form groups. The school community is also fortunate to have the opportunity to celebrate Holy Communion once a term at Holy Trinity Church in Bracknell. This is voluntary, although all Year 7 students are encouraged to attend. Special services are also held at the end of each term and on Founder's Day. During your child’s first term you will be invited to attend a Holy Communion service, held specifically for students in Year 7 in the school hall – this is an opportunity to share with you some of the things that make our school special.

    12. What opportunities are there for my child to become involved in the School Council?

    There is an active School Council at Ranelagh which makes valuable contributions to school life. The council enables students to become involved in the management of the school and in decision making.

    Two students from every tutor group are elected to serve on the Year Council and each Year Council then elects two representatives to sit on the School Council.

    This is a real opportunity for students to take responsibility in an important aspect of school life. The views of students in Year 7 are as valuable as those of members of the sixth form and we hope that your children will make their voices heard.

    13. How will the school promote the health and wellbeing of my child?

    Although there is no longer a national framework for the Healthy Schools Standard, its principles which focus on aspects of school life including PSHE and Citizenship, emotional health and well-being, physical activity and healthy eating continue to be very important at Ranelagh.

    Therefore Healthy School activities are embraced and emphasised through the ethos and organisation of the school, curriculum areas and school activities. Through PAL (Preparation for Adult Life) lessons, students are given the opportunity learn about a range

  • of topics to keep them well and to stay safe. In year 7, these topics include: positive mental health, healthy and unhealthy relationships, online safety, relationships and sex education, emotional regulation, financial literacy and careers advice and guidance, and the dangers of smoking.

    To supplement learning in the classroom, there is a page on the school website for students, parents and carers to access website links and resources on a range of issues that can often affect teenagers. These include: online safety, positive mental health, support for our LGBT+ community, strategies for coping with revision and exam stress, anti-bullying and dealing with bereavement.

    To access these resources, please follow the link below:


    14. How can I help my child with homework once they join Ranelagh?

    Many parents ask for guidance about ways in which they can help and support their children with homework. Organisation and homework are areas in which new students sometimes struggle, but a few basic routines will make everyone feel able to cope.


    On the inside cover at the back of their homework diary your child will be asked to record their homework timetable; you will then be able to see which subjects are set on which evening. Each piece of homework should take an average of about 20 minutes - sometimes it may take a longer, on other occasions it will be quicker to complete. If homework is consistently taking your child much longer, or proving to be a burden, or if the work-load seems consistently light in any subject area, please get in touch with the appropriate subject teacher.

    Good homework routines

    Each day, in the homework diary, your child will record brief details of the actual homework set. This is a reminder for them and also for your information; encourage them to write notes in sufficient detail so that you all know what is required, and to keep their diary neat! It is most helpful if you and your child together can establish these sorts of good routines right from the word go.

    These are some of the best practices which we would encourage:

    i) Look at the diary together each day and discuss what homework is to be done and encourage your child to share this experience from day one. Encourage them to tick tasks off as they are completed and feel a sense of accomplishment. Ultimately they are learning to plan and organise their own work, but in the first instance they need your help and guidance.

    ii) We strongly advise students to get into the habit of doing homework on the day it is set, whenever possible, even if it does not need to handed in for two or three days. This allows students to seek help from teachers if a problem occurs.


  • iii) Plan out together when your child will do their homework, negotiating obstacles such as tea, hobbies and other activities. We are looking for a student to be able to develop the skills necessary to organise their own time and to have a balanced attitude to work and leisure.

    iv) Ask your child to show you their homework when it has been completed and get them to explain it to you. Praise your child’s work as much as possible. Emphasise what you find informative, clear or imaginative; avoid dwelling on errors. If, however, you are not satisfied with their effort, teachers will not object if you expect them redo the work or develop it further.

    vi) If your child needs more than a minimum of help with a particular piece of homework, encourage them to complete the activity to the best of their ability, and sign their homework diary to indicate that they have done so. They should then seek help from their teacher the following day.

    Other routines

    Getting organised is a major challenge for many new students. Their lesson timetable is copied onto the back of the homework diary and we would encourage you to look at it together each evening before bedtime and check that everything needed for the next day (books, PE kit, laboratory coat) is safely packed in the bag. This includes any homework that has to be handed in the next day! It may be useful for you to make a copy of your child’s timetable to keep at home so that you can help with their organisation.

    It is a good idea for your child to get used to keeping all school books in one place and preferably, to doing homework in that same place. It is easy to misplace books if they are left all over the house and staff do not appreciate ‘I couldn’t find my book’, as an excuse!

    Lastly, we cannot emphasise enough the importance of getting your child to continue the reading habit. Take an interest in what they are reading and encourage them to read as much as possible. Try little and often for those who are more reluctant to appreciate the joys of reading.

    What we have suggested here demands time and effort. It is, however, very important. If you can help your child in this way by establishing clear routines in these first weeks, they will reap the rewards of having a great foundation for the next seven years of good study habits at Ranelagh. Remember, though, that the aim is to gradually develop your child’s independence in these things; as time moves on, expect to step back and allow your child to take responsibility for managing their time and their study.

    15. How will my child be expected to approach their learning in school?

    At Ranelagh we know that our students need not only the knowledge and skills to ensure their academic achievement, but it is essential that they are provided with opportunities to develop the values and character that will enable them to flourish in life beyond the classroom. With this in mind, our Ranelagh Student Learner Profile (RSLP) aims to promote

  • the qualities of confidence, empathy, curiosity, resilience, independence and creativity. In practice, they look like this:

    Confidence: Students who are self-assured are more likely to take risks, see mistakes as learning opportunities and be open to new learning experiences. They have poise and self-belief; this means that even when learning is difficult, they will persist.

    Resilience: Students are able to keep learning even when they find work difficult. They show flexibility and stamina. When they need to work for long periods on challenging problems they persevere; when they make mistakes, they have the ability to bounce back.

    Curiosity: Students who are keen to enquire will ask questions and have a genuine interest to learn more. They are inquisitive and work hard on further developing their skills and knowledge. This means they are more likely to understand their own abilities, interests and future aspirations.

    Empathy: Students can listen, understand and learn from others. They are well placed to work as part of a team. They show warmth, humour and positivity and collaborate effectively with others.

    Creativity: Students use inventive, resourceful and original ways to learn. They produce learning outcomes that demonstrate their ingenuity and imagination.

    Independence: Students are self-motivated; they understand how they learn and can manage themselves. They have self-belief, can access resources and know how to learn successfully beyond Ranelagh.

    16 What are the school’s expectations of their partnership with parents and carers and children?

    This response to our final FAQ is perhaps one of the most important. We look forward to welcoming your child to the school. Students who make a success of their careers at Ranelagh are those who enter wholeheartedly into the life of the school, using the opportunities provided and readily facing the challenges before them. Their chances of success will be greatly enhanced by the support and understanding they receive at home. As the children embark on the first of their seven years at Ranelagh, we ask all parents and carers to do their utmost to support the school in its determination to provide all students with the firm foundations on which to build for the future.

    We commend the following principles of partnership to you:

    The central concern is the child/young person

    Children are part of the partnership

    The partnership includes parents, teachers, governors and the wider community [Church]

    Partnership requires openness, trust and respect

    Each partner needs good information in order to make the best decisions

  • Effective partnership rests upon the basis of an agreed structure

    Partnership should recognise and value the variety of children's achievements

    Partnership should ensure each child's entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum


    1 Home School Agreement

    A copy of the Home School Agreement is enclosed with this booklet. Please read this important document. Before your child starts at Ranelagh, we will be asking you to sign and return it to the school.

    2 Attendance at school

    Parents and carers do not need to be reminded of the importance of good attendance. The school places a very strong emphasis on the necessity of students maintaining the highest possible level of attendance and every year we have students in year 11 who receive recognition for achieving 100% attendance over the course of their first five years at Ranelagh. In line with statutory regulations, the school does not give permission for leave of absence for family holidays or outings during term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Requests for special leave, including participation in national sporting competitions, are to be made by the parent or carer with whom the child normally resides. This must be done as far in advance as possible by completing the school’s ‘Request for Leave of Absence’ form [on Insight or available from the school office], giving at least 10 school days’ notice.

    Of course, there are times when your child may be unavoidably absent from school. On these occasions, you are asked to telephone the school before 9.00am in order to leave a brief message indicating the reason for your child’s absence. This should be done for EVERY day on which an absence occurs. Parents and carers are also asked to provide written confirmation of the reason for their child’s absence. This can be done by completing and returning the ‘Notification of Student Absence’ form, which can be found on Insight. Copies are also available from the school office.

    Wherever possible, dental or medical appointments should be arranged out of school

    hours. Requests for time out of school to attend these appointments, and for time off to attend music examinations, should be made in advance, by emailing [email protected]. Messages should be marked for the attention of the Head of Year. A student should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time required for the appointment.

    For additional information, please also refer to the checklist on Insight.

    3 Consultation

    Occasionally you may have questions or concerns which you wish to resolve. Rather than allowing these to accumulate and anxieties to increase, we urge you to contact the Head of Year 7. We are always ready to give appropriate help and support.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 4 Contact Details

    The school needs to be able to rely on having accurate details about how to contact you. Please be aware that it is essential to update the school office immediately of any changes to the addresses, telephone numbers or email addresses we have on record for your child.

    5 Parent Organisations

    At Ranelagh School we are very fortunate to have two thriving parent groups: the Friends of Ranelagh [FOR] and our Parent Teacher Association [PTA]. Each of these organisations relies on your support; they also act as a great way of getting to know other parents and becoming involved in your child’s school.

    The Friends of Ranelagh is a charitable association which was set up in 1947 to make a positive impact on the school life of Ranelagh’s students. It aims to provide a proportion of the money needed for the major capital programme of the school, as well as to help fund school refurbishments, improvements and resources not financed by the Government, Diocese or other funding source. The trustees, who are all volunteers, raise and manage financial contributions from parents, maximising these by claiming back tax under the Gift Aid scheme and agreeing with the school management how the money should be spent. In these times of reduced school funding, the costs of improving and maintaining facilities has to come from the already stretched teaching and learning budgets. We don’t want the present generation of students to feel the cut backs as we believe this to be detrimental their school experience. Thanks to the contributions of everyone who donates to the Friends, we are able to provide financial assistance to the school for the benefit of its present and future students. Therefore, we ask you to consider contributing to the Friends, as donations of all sizes are gratefully received and really make a difference. In particular, regular donations help us to forecast our income and to plan the support we can give to the school. Your children will benefit from many facilities that have been provided or improved by the generous donations of former and current parents. In the past 5 years the Friends has contributed over £500,000 towards projects including:

    the refurbishment of the gymnasium floor

    site security improvements

    upgrades to the ICT infrastructure

    provision of IT equipment and software including a refit of one of the computer rooms

  • provision of maths and geography resources

    replacement of the cashless catering system.

    You can find out more information on the school website (www.ranelagh.bracknell-forest.sch.uk) and on the Charity Commission website (www.charity-commission.gov.uk) where we are registered charity number 1060543. We can be contacted via email ([email protected]) or through the school office. Once your child starts school you will also receive regular updates about projects being supported in the school’s half-termly newsletter.

    Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

    When your child joins Ranelagh, all parents and carers automatically become members of the PTA and we would be delighted if you would take an active part. Helping with PTA activities is a lovely way to still be part of your children’s lives as they enter Secondary school and Ranelagh is fortunate enough to have a thriving PTA. The PTA is a member of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations and a registered Charity.

    The PTA has two main objectives within the school: to organise and host social events, which helps encourage a sense of community amongst the parents, teachers and children – the Ranelagh family - and to raise much needed funds for resources which enhance our school. Last year we raised more than £22,000 from our fundraising activities and we hope to build on that total this year.

    We hold a variety of different fun events including a Year 7 disco, Quiz night, live music evening, Founder’s Day Festival and Christmas Fair. This year we also launched a Speaker Series which aims to introduce families to notable guest speakers and raise money in the process.

    There are many ways you can get involved with what we do, such as being a committee member helping to organise events, volunteering on stalls at our events, giving donations for stalls at our events, and coming along and supporting our events.

    Alternatively, you can support the PTA via corporate match funding or sponsorship programmes, or you can make a company donation to be sold at one of our auctions.

    Another arm of our fundraising activities is growing and encompasses online reward schemes through the likes of easyfundraising and Amazon Smile, an affiliate scheme with online business directory service for schools, Tuvello, that donates 75% of advertising revenue back to schools, and the Bracknell Forest Lottery Scheme, which donates 75% of any money raised back to good causes like Ranelagh School. Funds come directly to the school whenever you buy through these sites and are becoming increasingly important in our fundraising strategy.

    Please look out for future dates for your diary which will include our second-hand uniform sale and our annual Autumn term welcome evening, a super event which is a great opportunity to meet other new parents in Year 7. The food is pretty good too!

    We look forward to welcoming you and seeing you often at events. If you would like to find out more about the PTA then please do take a look at our link on the Ranelagh School

    http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/mailto:[email protected]

  • website or like our Facebook page at:


    You can also email us at:

    [email protected]

    and to find out more about our second-hand uniform, contact us at:

    [email protected]

    https://www.facebook.com/ranelaghschoolptamailto:[email protected]:[email protected]


    COVID-19 Provision for your child’s safety, and the safety of school staff is paramount. The school will be open to students provided it is able to satisfy the stringent requirements of a formal and thorough risk assessment. During the current pandemic, the school adheres to detailed government guidelines. Parents and carers will be advised of the details of any alternative arrangements for the provision of education in school. Personal accident insurance for students Whilst we take all reasonable precautions to keep your child safe when they are in our care, it is important that we tell you about the personal accident insurance the school has for your child whilst he or she is a student at Ranelagh. The present situation is as follows:

    a. Ranelagh School covers all its’ legal liabilities arising from the educational provision in the school and on overseas trips organised by the school.

    b. You are advised to make your own arrangements for the insurance of your child’s personal property, particularly in the case of valuable musical instruments.

    Broadmoor Escapes

    i) The Police will inform the school of an escape.

    ii) If an escape occurs when students are on the way to school or during school hours, the following procedure will be adopted:-

    (a) The school will continue working normally until 3.30pm when contingency plans will be put into operation.

    (b) Parents who have indicated that they can collect their children are asked to come to the school as soon as possible after 3.30pm and arrangements will be put in hand for the collection of their children and of other children who live close by and who have no transport. Where necessary, the school will telephone parents living or working outside the Broadmoor alarm area.

    (c) Sixth Form students will be allowed to go home in the normal way, unless their parents have previously informed the Headteacher that they wish their child to be escorted.

    (d) Once students have reached home the school will not accept responsibility for an escort on future journeys to and from school.

    iii) If an escape occurs outside school hours, and parents know of the escape before their child leaves home, the responsibility for escort lies with the parents. If parents are not aware of the escape when their child leaves home, he or she will be escorted home on the first occasion.