randomized controlled trials of aprotinin in cardiac...

Randomized controlled trials of aprotinin in cardiac surgery: could clinical equipoise have stopped the bleeding? Dean Fergusson a,b , Kathleen Cranley Glass b,c , Brian Hutton a and Stan Shapiro b,c,d Background Aprotinin is a serine protease inhibitor used to limit perioperative bleeding and reduce the need for donated blood transfusions during cardiac surgery. Randomized controlled trials of aprotinin evaluating its effect on the outcome of perioperative transfusion have been published since 1987, and systematic reviews were conducted in 1992 and 1997. Methods A systematic search was conducted for all RCTs of aprotinin that used placebo controls or were open-label with no active control treatment. Data collected included the primary outcome, objective of each study, whether a systematic review was cited or conducted as part of the background and/or rationale for the study and the number of previously published RCTs cited. Cumulative meta-analyses were performed. Results Sixty-four randomized, controlled trials of aprotinin were found, conducted between 1987 and 2002, reporting an endpoint of perioperative transfusion. Median trial size was 64 subjects, with a range of 20 to 1784. A cumulative meta- analysis indicated that aprotinin greatly decreased the need for perioperative transfusion, stabilizing at an odds ratio of 0.25 (p , 10 2 6) by the 12th study, published in June of 1992. The upper limit of the confidence interval never exceeded 0.65 and results were similar in all subgroups. Citation of previous RCTs was extremely low, with a median of 20% of prior trials cited. Only 7 of 44 (15%) of subsequent reports referenced the largest trial (N ¼ 1784), which was 28 times larger than the median trial size. Conclusions This study demonstrates that investigators evaluating aprotinin were not adequately citing previous research, resulting in a large number of RCTs being conducted to address efficacy questions that prior trials had already definitively answered. Institutional review boards and journals could reduce the number of redundant trials by requiring investigators to conduct adequate searches for prior evidence and conducting systematic reviews. Clinical Trials 2005; 2: 218–232. www.SCTjournal.com Introduction The ostensible purpose of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) is to answer an unsettled question about an intervention’s efficacy. This paper uses the example of RCTs of aprotinin treatment to address the issue of how much experimentation is enough, and if better procedures are needed to prevent RCTs a Ottawa Health Research Institute, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, b Clinical Trials Research Group, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, c Departments of Human Genetics and Pediatrics and Biomedical Ethics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, d Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Author for correspondence: Dean Fergusson, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute, c/o Ottawa Hospital, 501 Smyth Road, Box 201, Ottawa, Ontario KIH 8L6, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] ETHICS Clinical Trials 2005; 2: 218–232 # Society for Clinical Trials 2005 10.1191/1740774505cn085oa

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Randomized controlled trials of aprotinin incardiac surgery: could clinical equipoise havestopped the bleeding?

Dean Fergussona,b, Kathleen Cranley Glassb,c, Brian Huttona and Stan Shapirob,c,d

Background Aprotinin is a serine protease inhibitor used to limit perioperativebleeding and reduce the need for donated blood transfusions during cardiac surgery.Randomized controlled trials of aprotinin evaluating its effect on the outcome ofperioperative transfusion have been published since 1987, and systematic reviewswere conducted in 1992 and 1997.Methods A systematic search was conducted for all RCTs of aprotinin that usedplacebo controls or were open-label with no active control treatment. Data collectedincluded the primary outcome, objective of each study, whether a systematic reviewwas cited or conducted as part of the background and/or rationale for the study andthe number of previously published RCTs cited. Cumulative meta-analyses wereperformed.Results Sixty-four randomized, controlled trials of aprotinin were found, conductedbetween 1987 and 2002, reporting an endpoint of perioperative transfusion.Median trial size was 64 subjects, with a range of 20 to 1784. A cumulative meta-analysis indicated that aprotinin greatly decreased the need for perioperativetransfusion, stabilizing at an odds ratio of 0.25 (p , 102 6) by the 12th study,published in June of 1992. The upper limit of the confidence interval never exceeded0.65 and results were similar in all subgroups. Citation of previous RCTs wasextremely low, with a median of 20% of prior trials cited. Only 7 of 44 (15%) ofsubsequent reports referenced the largest trial (N ¼ 1784), which was 28 timeslarger than the median trial size.Conclusions This study demonstrates that investigators evaluating aprotinin werenot adequately citing previous research, resulting in a large number of RCTs beingconducted to address efficacy questions that prior trials had already definitivelyanswered. Institutional review boards and journals could reduce the number ofredundant trials by requiring investigators to conduct adequate searches for priorevidence and conducting systematic reviews. Clinical Trials 2005; 2: 218–232.www.SCTjournal.com


The ostensible purpose of randomized controlledtrials (RCTs) is to answer an unsettled question

about an intervention’s efficacy. This paper uses theexample of RCTs of aprotinin treatment to addressthe issue of how much experimentation is enough,and if better procedures are needed to prevent RCTs

aOttawa Health Research Institute, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, bClinical Trials ResearchGroup, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, cDepartments of Human Genetics and Pediatrics and BiomedicalEthics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, dDepartment of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGillUniversity, Montreal, Quebec, CanadaAuthor for correspondence: Dean Fergusson, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute,c/o Ottawa Hospital, 501 Smyth Road, Box 201, Ottawa, Ontario KIH 8L6, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]

ETHICS Clinical Trials 2005; 2: 218–232

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from being initiated or conducted when thequestion they are addressing has already beenanswered.

Aprotinin is a serine protease inhibitor used tolimit perioperative bleeding and thus reduce theneed for allogeneic (donated) red blood cell transfu-sions [1]. A meta-analysis of 16 trials of aprotinin incardiac surgery published in 1994 [2] concluded thatit was highly effective in reducing the proportion ofpatients requiring a transfusion (odds ratio 0.23;95% confidence interval, 0.16 to 0.33). Anothermeta-analysis was published in 1997 by one of theauthors (DF) [3]. This review of 45 randomizedclinical trials further affirmed the effectiveness ofaprotinin (odds ratio 0.31; 95% confidence interval,0.25 to 0.39). While conducting the meta-analysisit became obvious that randomized controlledtrials (RCTs) had continued to be proposed, funded,conducted, and published well after the effective-ness of aprotinin had been established.

An RCT is permissible when there is no scientificconsensus about the relative efficacy of twocompeting interventions. Freedman referred tothis state of uncertainty in the expert communityas clinical equipoise [4]. Clinical equipoise providesa justification for randomising individuals tocompeting therapies or to placebo. Clinical equi-poise must be based on awareness of the existingmedical evidence, which in turn requires theorganized study of that evidence. This should bepresented to colleagues, Institutional Review Boards(IRBs), funding and regulatory agencies, journaleditors and peer reviewers, and prospective partici-pants as part of the justification for a given RCT. Inlight of the obligation to justify a claim of clinicalequipoise between treatment options before pro-ceeding with a trial, one of the first questions to beasked is whether trialists systematically reviewed theprior literature.


An unrestricted Medline and EMBASE literaturesearch was conducted for the dates January 1966 toMarch 1997 with the text word aprotinin to identifyrandomized controlled trials in cardiac surgery. Anupdated systematic literature search with an RCTfilter [5] was conducted to identify all cardiacsurgery RCTs indexed in Medline after 1996. Onlyrandomized trials that described the proportion ofpatients receiving at least one unit of allogeneic redblood cells were eligible. Studies were includedregardless of whether they were full publications,abstracts or letters to the editor; or were published ina language other than English. All RCTs had to beeither placebo controlled or open-label with noactive control. Duplicate publications, publications

without data on the proportion of patients trans-fused, and single-centre publications that werepart of a multi-centre publication were excluded.Pseudo-randomized trials (e.g., randomized bybirthdate), noncontrolled trials, review articles,and observational studies were excluded. RCTswith an active comparator and no open-label orplacebo control were excluded.

Two reviewers, independently, assessed eachcitation for eligibility and a total of 62 publicationsrepresenting 64 trials met full inclusion criteria[6–67]. In addition to the 45 trials from aprevious meta-analysis [3,6–45,47,48,50,51], theupdated literature search identified 19 furthertrials published between 1996 and 2004[46,49,52–67].

Data collected from each trial included theobjective, patient characteristics, whether a sys-tematic review was conducted as part of thebackground and/or rationale for the study, numberof subjects, publication date, dates of study enrol-ment, and all previously published randomizedtrials and systematic reviews cited. In addition, trialquality was assessed using a published, validatedquality scale [68]. If the study stated more than oneobjective without stating which one was theprimary objective, all were considered as primary.A cumulative meta-analysis that produces anupdated measure of effect by statistically poolingstudies after each new study is completed wasperformed with all 64 trials. Due to the lack ofreporting of dates of randomization, we used thepublication date as the study completion date.

To elucidate possible reasons for the continueduse of placebo or open-label control arms, subgroupcumulative analyses were performed stratified bymethodological quality and patient characteristics.To evaluate the effect of trial quality upon the resultsof these meta-analyses, the quality scale was used[68] along with a subgroup analysis of open-labelversus placebo controls. The trial quality scaleassesses quality based on randomization, blinding,and the description of withdrawals. The highestpossible score is five; the lowest is zero. A score equalto or greater than three was considered good andless than three was considered poor quality. Thisjudgment is consistent with the original publication[68]. Each trial was evaluated independently by twoindividuals, with differences resolved by eitherconsensus or independent evaluation of a thirdparty. Outcome data from each trial (proportion ofsubjects requiring at least one unit of allogeneic redblood cell transfusion) was analysed using software(Meta-Analyst.977, J Lau and T Chalmers) with arandom-effects model. Effect sizes are presented asodds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. AnOR of 1 suggests no difference between interventionand control; an OR ,1 suggests that fewer subjects

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in the intervention group received at least oneallogeneic red blood cell transfusion while anOR .1 suggests the reverse.


Figure 1 presents the date of publication, sample sizeand odds ratio for each of the 64 trials. Overall, therewere 8040 subjects entered in the 64 trials. Mediantrial size was 64 subjects (range 20–1784) with 46 of64 (72%) enrolling fewer than 100 patients. Thelargest trial consisted of 1784 patients and waspublished in 1992. Figure 2 illustrates the publishedrandomized trials cited in each of the 64 trials. Datesof study enrolment were reported in 15 of the64 trials.

The cumulative meta-analysis presented inFigure 3 indicates that a clinically significant resultwas achieved in the very first trial of 22 patients (OR0.03, 95% CI: 0.00–0.56). After the 12th study, thecumulative effect estimate stabilizes in the range of0.25–0.35. Variability around this estimate narrowsas the cumulative sample size increases. Throughoutthe cumulative meta-analysis, the upper limit of theconfidence interval never crosses 0.65.

Results of the subgroup analysis for good qualityand placebo-controlled trials are presented inFigure 4a and b. By including only the studiesassessed as good quality, a highly clinically andstatistically significant association is evident by1990 after the third such trial (OR 0.09, 95% CI0.02–0.54). A further 31 good quality randomizedcontrolled clinical trials were published between1990 and 2001. Results are similar for sub groupanalyses of placebo-controlled studies.

The objectives of each of the trials were examinedto identify possible justifications for conductingfurther trials. All 64 publications stated an objectivewith blood loss or transfusion requirements men-tioned as a primary objective or outcome in 49(77%) of the trials. Of the 64 trials, 53 statedwhether the patient population included primary(38 trials), repeat (five trials), or a combination ofprimary and repeat surgery (10 trials) cases. Separatecumulative meta-analyses indicate that effective-ness in each of the three surgical groups wasestablished in the early 1990s (Figure 5). Of the 64trials, 51 provided information on aspirin use(Figure 5). For the 24 trials that enrolled aproportion of patients who were taking aspirin atthe time of surgery, the upper limit of theconfidence interval did not cross 0.62 after the firsttrial. For trials enrolling patients exclusively takingaspirin at the time of surgery, the cumulative effectsize became nonsignificant after the fourth of fivetrials. After the fifth trial, the overall effect was anodds ratio of 0.39 (95%CI: 0.17–0.89).

Overall, assuming a one year lag in publication,the median number of prior trials cited was four andthe median percentage of prior cited trials perpublication was 20%. For published trials 1–10,11–40, and 41–64, the respective median percen-tage of cited trials were 33%, 31% and 10%.

Figure 6 illustrates the cumulative total numberof trials, assuming a one-year lag in publication, andthe corresponding number of published studiescited in each publication. The largest trial, pub-lished in 1992, was referenced by only seven of thesubsequent 44 trials published more than one yearlater (Figure 2), even though it was almost 20 timeslarger than the median trial size. The measure ofeffect and confidence intervals for this trial werealmost identical to the pooled estimate of the 45trials (OR 0.32, 95%CI: 0.26–0.40 versus OR 0.34,95%CI: 0.29–0.41).


To be ethical, clinical research must be valuable [69].To be of value, a trial must add to currentknowledge. An integral step in evaluating theevidence is to conduct a systematic review of theliterature. A systematic review or meta-analysisrefers to an overview of the literature conducted ina well-defined, systematic and thorough manner, beit quantitative or qualitative. Beyond justifying aresearch question, a systematic review serves threepurposes: 1) trialists become aware of the full extentof the literature related to their research question;2) it provides a transparent, traceable path of duediligence for research review boards, journal editors,readership and, ultimately, prospective patients;and 3) it provides trialists a comprehensive list ofclinical, design, and statistical issues that may berelevant for the design or interpretation of theirproposed trial.

A multi-country survey conducted between 1995and 1997 found that drugs to minimize peri-operative bleeding and transfusion requirementswere used in a large proportion of hospitals [70]. Ofthese drugs, aprotinin was used in the greatestproportion of hospitals. While it is arguable whetheror not aprotinin was or should be a standard of careat cardiac surgery centres due to issues of costs,safety and the availability of other agents, theeffectiveness of aprotinin at reducing transfusionrequirements and blood loss, the ostensible focus ofthe vast majority of RCTs of aprotinin, has been wellestablished since the mid-1990s [2,3]. More impor-tantly, the use of antifibrinolytic pharmacologicalagents in cardiac surgery, especially when substan-tial blood loss or transfusion requirement isexpected, was also well established.

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Figure 1 Proportion of patients transfused.

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Our study illustrates that trialists evaluatingaprotinin were not adequately citing previous trialsnor conducting systematic reviews to support theneed for additional trials. It seems reasonable toconclude that there remains a barrier betweenpublished evidence-based medicine (clinical trialsand systematic reviews) and the review of thisevidence in considering whether further trials arewarranted. None of the 64 aprotinin trials reportedthat a systematic review or meta-analysis had beenconducted and only two (3%) trials referencedpublished systematic reviews. Instead, selectiveearly trials, especially the initial trial, were citedto support the objective of the study. Thirty-six of63 subsequent trials (57%) referenced the firstpublished trial (Figure 2). Overall, assuming a one-year lag in publication, the median number of priortrials cited was four and the median percentage ofprior cited trials per publication was 20%. Forpublished trials 1–10, 11–40 and 41–64, therespective median percentage of cited trials were33%, 31% and 10%.

Figure 6 demonstrates a profound and troublinggap in available versus cited publications. Thelargest trial (by an order of magnitude) was notcited by 37 of 44 trials published more than a yearlater. All 62 publications representing 64 trials wereeasily identifiable through Internet literature searchportals and all trials, save one, were indexed onMedline within weeks of publication. A simpleliterature search using the National Library ofMedicine’s universally accessible and free of chargePubMed world wide web portal with the term“aprotinin” restricted to the publication type“randomized controlled trials” identified 58 of the62 publications (94%) and a PubMed search with theterms “aprotinin” and “random�” identified 51(82%) publications. Moreover, the vast majority ofarticles were published in top-tier cardiothoracicspecialty journals.

Clarke and Gotzsche have addressed the import-ant issue of citing previous research [71,72]. Theyconcluded that researchers do not satisfactorilyaddress nor do journals adequately reflect the

Figure 2 Citations of previous studies.

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Figure 3 Cumulative meta-analysis of all RCTs.

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totality of prior relevant evidence. Gotzsche notesthat identifying previous studies by simply scanningbibliographies of a convenient sample of publi-cations can produce a biased sample of articles [72].This is referred to as reference bias. The patterns inFigure 2 provide a strong suggestion of this: trialsreferenced in one paper were often picked up insubsequent papers, but those that were missed earlyremained largely uncited. This is evidence thatresearchers were not conducting their own inde-pendent reviews of the literature, but were insteaddepending on previous incomplete searches byothers.

Unfortunately, too few trial publications (23%)provided dates of patient accrual that would havegiven a more accurate depiction of publicationsavailable to investigators at time of study com-mencement. Of those reporting accrual dates, thevast majority accrued over a one-year period withthe trial publication one year after patient enrol-ment ended. Even accounting for substantial lagtime, Figures 2 and 6 clearly demonstrates that

available evidence was not being evaluated in asystematic manner prior to the start of these trials.This makes it inevitable that trials were conductedthat did not need to be initiated.

Our present study focused on identifying allrandomized trials that reported the proportion ofpatients transfused, as this outcome reflects the1993 Food and Drug Administration’s approvalindication. With respect to their objectives andoutcome measures, the trials were quite hom-ogenous. Of the 64 trials, 15 provided a primaryoutcome or objective other than blood transfusionor blood loss. Nine trials evaluated graft patency ormyocardial infarction as a primary objective, but notrial had the primary objective of assessing allergicreactions, mortality, or other serious thromboticevents. As for homogeneity with respect to patientpopulations, separate cumulative analyses werecarried out for primary surgery patients only, repeatsurgery patients only, combination of primary andrepeat surgery patients, patients all on aspirin, somepatients on aspirin, no patients on aspirin, and a

Figure 4 Cumulative meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials and cumulative meta-analysis of good quality trials.

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range of aprotinin doses from ultra low to high.The effectiveness of aprotinin was established earlyand remained consistent in all the above categoriesof patients except for trials conducted exclusivelyin patients taking aspirin at the time of surgery.Given the estimates provided in Figure 1, it is notsurprising that the effectiveness of aprotininremains consistent across different clinicalsubgroups.

The 64 RCTs examined here were not the onlystudies conducted and published on this topic.Numerous randomized trials not examining theoutcomes studied here were conducted, as werenumerous pseudo- or nonrandomized trials,active-controlled and uncontrolled trials of aproti-nin. Indeed, between 1997 and 2004, 61 random-ized controlled trials of aprotinin in cardiac surgerywere identified in our systematic literature search,only 19 of which met eligibility for the presentstudy.

Despite the substantial efficacy evidence that hasaccrued on this treatment, trials of aprotinin in

cardiac surgery continue. One could argue that notall relevant outcomes have been sufficiently studied,such as serious adverse events (e.g., thromboticevents, mortality, myocardial infraction). However,to examine these endpoints trials of much greatersample size would have to be conducted and trialistswould have had to provide evidence that the risk ofharm from administering aprotinin outweighed therisks of not receiving aprotinin in the placebo group.Other unsettled questions could be that certainpatient subsets may respond differently to differentadministration schedules and/or doses of aprotinin.But those questions do not require the use of aplacebo or open-label arm. If dosing is the primaryobjective the control arm should receive the alreadyestablished effective dose(s) as outlined in theproduct monograph.

Another possible motivation for conducting atrial is to gain local experience with an interventionbefore it is adopted. Local factors such as surgicalexpertise, transfusion thresholds, and variousco-interventions can alter the effectiveness of

Figure 5 Subgroup cumulative meta-analysis.

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aprotinin in a particular setting. However, employ-ing a randomized controlled trial for the purpose ofgaining local experience is less than ideal from anethical or pragmatic standpoint.

IRBs are established to ensure that researchinvolving humans meets the established ethicalrequirements, which are summarized by Emanuel:value, scientific validity, fair subject selection,favourable risk-benefit ratio, independent review,informed consent and respect for potential andenrolled subjects [73]. To this end, IRBs mustcritically evaluate the background and rationalesprovided by the investigators. Some have questionedwhether IRBs have duly fulfilled their role, citingrecent trials of established effective treatments usingplacebo control. Others have suggested that theperformance and accountability of IRBs would beimproved by requiring trialists to submit systematicreviews in support of their application [74]. Thisrequirement affirms the responsibility of both IRBand investigator to adequately consider the extantevidence base when assessing the need for a study,and it allows the IRB to consider the evidence in an

unbiased and transparent manner. The results of ourstudy show the potential consequences of nothaving such a requirement.

As the single largest disseminator of researchresults, journals have a responsibility for ensuringthey publish only scientifically and ethically validand valuable research. Assessing whether clinicalequipoise was present at the start of the trial must bepart of the editorial calculus. One suggestion wouldbe that the CONSORT statement [75] be amendedto require authors to explicitly state whether asystematic review was conducted to support a stateof clinical equipoise. The systematic review caneither be an original undertaking or an update of aprevious systematic review.

Over the past century and a half we have madeconsiderable progress in transforming the art ofmedicine into the science of medicine [76].However, systematizing the review of availableevidence remains an area where we are movingmore slowly than desirable. How do we preventunnecessary trials? Requiring investigators to con-duct more organized reviews of the evidence using

Figure 6 Citations of prior publications.

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well-established standards and scientific methodsof systematic reviewing, with the diligence of thiseffort assessed by IRBs and journals, would be aconstructive step in the right direction.


The authors thank Dr Paul Hebert and Dr Leon Glassfor the helpful comments and suggestions in thepreparation of this manuscript.


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34. Blauhut B, Harringer W, Bettelheim P et al.Comparison of the effects of aprotinin and tranexamicacid on blood loss and related variables after cardio-pulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 108:1083–91.

35. Kalangos A, Tayyareci G, Pretre R, Di Dio P,Sezerman O. Influence of aprotinin on earlygraft thrombosis in patients undergoing myocardialrevascularization. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1994; 8:651–66.

36. Alvarez JM, Quiney NF, McMillan D et al. The useof ultra-low-dose aprotinin to reduce blood lossin cardiac surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 1995; 9:29–33.

37. Corbeau JJ,Monrigal JP, Jacob JP et al. Comparaisondes effets de l’aprotinine et de l’acide tranexamique sur lesaignement en chirurgie cardiaque. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim1995; 14: 154–61.

38. Speekenbrink RGH, Vonk ABA, Wildevuur CRH,Eijsman L. Hemostatic efficacy of dipyridamole,tranexamic acid, and aprotinin in coronary bypassgrafting. Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 59: 438–42.

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41. Wendel HP, Heller W, Michel J et al. Lowercardiac troponin T levels in patients undergoingcardiopulmonary bypass and receiving high-doseaprotinin therapy indicate reduction of perioperativemyocardial damage. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 109:1164–72.

42. Penta de Peppo A, Pierri MD, Scafuri A et al.Intraoperative antifibrinolysis and blood-savingtechniques in Cardiac Surgery – Prospective trial of3 antifibrinolytic drugs. Tex Heart Inst J 1995; 22:231–36.

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44. Dietrich W, Dilthey G, Spannagl M et al. Influenceof high-dose aprotinin on anticoagulation, heparinrequirement, and celite- and kaolin-activated clottingtime in heparin-pretreated patients undergoing open-heart surgery. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study.Anesthesiology 1995; 83: 679–89.

45. Levy JH, Pifarre R, Schaff HV. A multicenter,double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of aprotinin forreducing blood loss and the requirement for donor-blood transfusion in patients undergoing repeatcoronary artery bypass grafting. Circulation 1995; 92:2236–44.

46. Cicek S, Demirkilic U, Kuralay E, Ozal E, Tatar H.Postoperative aprotinin: effect on blood loss andtransfusion requirements in cardiac operations. AnnThorac Surg 1996; 61: 1372–76.

47. Rodrigus IE, VermeyenKM, De Hert SG, Amsel BJ,Walter PJ. Efficacy and safety of aprotinin inaortocoronary bypass and valve replacement operations:a placebo-controlled randomized double-blind study.Perfusion 1996; 11: 313–18.

48. Menichetti A, Tritapepe L, Ruvolo G et al. Changesin coagulation patterns, blood loss and blood use aftercardiopulmonary bypass: aprotinin vs tranexamic acid vsepsilon aminocaproic acid. J Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 37:401–407.

49. Speekenbrink RG, Wildevuur CR, Sturk A,Eijsman L. Low-dose and high-dose aprotinin improvehemostasis in coronary operations. J Thorac CardiovascSurg 1996; 112: 523–30.

50. D’Ambra MN, Akins CW, Blackstone EH.Aprotinin in primary valve replacement and recon-struction: a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 112:1081–89.

51. Lemmer JH Jr, Dilling EW, Morton JR et al.Aprotinin for primary coronary artery bypass grafting:a multicenter trial of three dose regimens. Annals ofThoracic Surgery 1996; 62: 1659–67.

52. Ashraf S, Tian Y, Cowan D et al. “Low-dose”aprotinin modifies hemostasis but not proinflam-matory cytokine release. Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 63:68–73.

53. Hardy JF, Belisle S, Couturier A, Robitaille D.Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study ofan ultra-low-dose aprotinin regimen in reoperativeand/or complex cardiac operations. J Card Surg 1997; 12:15–22.

54. Hayashida N, Isomura T, Sato T, Maruyama H,Kosuga K, Aoyagi S. Effects of minimal-dose aprotininon coronary artery bypass grafting. J Thorac CardiovascSurg 1997; 114: 261–69.

55. Ray MJ, Marsh NA. Aprotinin reduces blood loss aftercardiopulmonary bypass by direct inhibition of plasmin.Thromb Haemost 1997; 78: 1021–26.

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58. Alderman EL, Levy JH, Rich JB et al. Analyses ofcoronary graft patency after aprotinin use: results fromthe International Multicenter Aprotinin Graft PatencyExperience (IMAGE) trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998;116: 716–30.

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74. Savulescu J, Chalmers I, Blunt J. Are research ethicscommittees behaving unethically? Some suggestions forimproving performance and accountability. BMJ 1996;313: 1390–93.

75. Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman DG. The CONSORTstatement: revised recommendations for improving thequality of reports of parallel-group randomised trials.Lancet 2001; 357: 1191–94.

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The scandalous failure of science to cumulate evidencescientifically

Iain Chalmersa

The article by Dean Fergusson and his colleagues [1]in this issue of the journal [p] is the most recentevidence of an ongoing scandal in which researchfunders, academia, researchers, research ethicscommittees and scientific journals are all complicit.New research should not be designed orimplemented without first assessing systematicallywhat is known from existing research [2,3]. Thefailure to conduct that assessment represents a lackof scientific self-discipline that results in aninexcusable waste of public resources. In appliedfields like health care, failure to prepare scientifi-cally defensible reviews of relevant animal andhuman data results not only in wasted resources butalso in unnecessary suffering and premature death[4–11].

Fergusson and his colleagues [1] have used thetechnique of cumulative meta-analyses of random-ized trials, pioneered by Tom Chalmers and hiscolleagues more than a decade ago [4,5], to analyse64 trials assessing the effect of aprotinin onperioperative blood loss, as judged by the use ofblood transfusion They show, as they did eightyears ago [12], that placebo controlled trials ofaprotinin have continued to be done long afterstrong evidence has accumulated showing thatthe drug substantially reduces the use of bloodtransfusion.

In addition to this litany of unnecessary, andtherefore unethical research, Fergusson and hiscolleagues present an analysis of the extent to whichauthors of the reports of the 64 trials cited relevantearlier trials. Their shocking findings are summar-ized in Figures 2 and 6: between 1987 and 2002 theproportion of relevant previous reports cited insuccessive reports fell from a high of 33% to only10% among the most recent reports. Furthermore,only seven of 44 subsequent reports referencedthe report of largest trial (which was 28 times largerthan the median trial size); and only two of thereports referenced systematic reviews of these trialspublished in 1994 and 1997.

aIain Chalmers is editor of The James Lind Library (www.jameslindlibrary.org), a web-based resource containing materialabout the evolution of fair tests of medical treatments, and co-ordinator of the secretariat for the James Lind Alliance(www.lindalliance.org), a coalition of patients and clinicians collaborating to confront important uncertainties about theeffects of treatments. He was director of the UK Cochrane Centre between 1992 and 2002, and director of the NationalPerinatal Epidemiology Unit between 1978 and 1992.

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This is simply the latest example of theconsequences of a lack of scientific and ethicalself-policing among researchers and those who fundtheir activities. But what of the research ethicscommittees that approved these studies? Ten yearshave passed since ethics committees were chal-lenged publicly to recognise that they were behav-ing unethically by not taking steps to assure thatthey were approving only necessary research [6], yetthere is very little evidence that they have taken thischallenge seriously [13,14].

And what were the editors of journals doingaccepting reports of redundant research for publi-cation? Had any of them taken seriously the pro-posal that systematic reviews should be used byeditors and peer reviewers to judge submittedmanuscripts in the context of related, previousstudies [15]?

I propose that the research ethics committees andjournals who approved and published studies ofaprotinin after 1990 should be invited to sendClinical Trials their comments on the paper byFergusson and his colleagues. Not only would thishelp to show ethics committees and editors howthey are failing patients and the public in thisdomain, but publication of these comments shouldhelp to uncover some of the academic, commercialand practical pressures that are leading to thisindefensible situation.

As the paper emphasizes, science is meant to becumulative, but many scientists are not cumulatingscientifically – and those who can call researchersand academia to account are failing to do so. Notonly are most new studies not designed in the lightof systematic reviews of existing evidence, newevidence is only very rarely reported in the contextof updates of those reviews [16,17], even though itwas pointed out years ago that the potential fordoing this has been transformed by electronicpublishing [18].

The idea that new research results should be setin context has existed for well over a century [3].In 1884, in his Presidential Address to the meetingof the British Association for the Advancementof Science in Montreal, Lord Rayleigh, Professor ofPhysics at the University of Cambridge, notedthat “the work which deserves, but I am afraiddoes not always receive, the most credit is thatin which discovery and explanation go handin hand, in which not only are new factspresented, but their relation to old ones is pointedout” [19].

The scientific and ethical consequences ofacademia’s failure to take research synthesis suffi-ciently seriously in biomedical and clinical research[20] are that patients (and the public moregenerally) suffer directly and indirectly; policy-makers, practitioners, and patients have inadequate

information to guide their choices among alterna-tives; and limited resources for health care and newresearch are used inefficiently. Those who wieldpower within academia should either publiclydefend their failure to take effective action [21], oract more forcefully to change this unacceptablestate of affairs.

This paper by Fergusson and his colleaguescompellingly demonstrates why all new research –whether basic or applied – should be designed in thelight of scientifically defensible syntheses of existingresearch evidence, and reported setting the newresearch “in the light of the totality of the availableevidence” [22], thus making clearer to readers whatcontribution – if any – new studies have made toknowledge.


1. Fergusson D, Glass KC, Hutton B, Shapiro SRandomized controlled trials of aprotinin in cardiacsurgery: could clinical equipoise have stopped thebleeding? Clinical Trials 2005; 2: 218–232.

2. Horder TJ. The organizer concept and modernembryology: Anglo-American perspectives. Inter-national Journal of Developmental Biology 2001; 45:97–132.

3. Chalmers I, Hedges LV, Cooper H. A brief history ofresearch synthesis. Evaluation and the Health Professions2002; 25: 12–37.

4. Antman EM, Lau J, Kupelnick B, Mosteller F,Chalmers TC. A comparison of results of meta-analysesof randomized control trials and recommendations ofclinical experts. JAMA 1992; 268: 240–48.

5. Lau J, Schmid CH, Chalmers TC. Cumulative meta-analysis of clinical trials builds evidence for exemplarymedical care. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1995; 48:45–57.

6. Savulescu J, Chalmers I, Blunt J. Are research ethicscommittees behaving unethically? Some suggestions forimproving performance and accountability. BMJ 1996;313: 1390–93.

7. Chalmers I. Using systematic reviews and registers ofongoing trials for scientific and ethical trial design,monitoring, and reporting. In Egger M, Davey Smith G,Altman D eds. Systematic reviews in health care: meta-analysis in context, 2nd ed of Systematic Reviews London:BMJ Books, 2001: 429–43.

8. Horn J, de Haan RJ, Vermeulen M, Luiten PGM,Limburg M. Nimodipine in animal model experimentsof focal cerebral ischaemia: a systematic review. Stroke2001; 32: 2433–38.

9. SandercockP,Roberts I. Systematic reviews of animalexperiments. Lancet 2002; 2: 586.

10. Pound P, Ebrahim S, Sandercock P, Bracken M,Roberts I. Where is the evidence that animal researchbenefits humans? BMJ 2004; 328: 514–517.

11. Gilbert R, Salanti G, Harden M, See S. Infantsleeping position and the sudden infant death syn-drome: systematic review of observational studies andhistorical review of clinicians’ recommendations from1940–2000. International Journal of Epidemiology (inpress).

12. Laupacis A, Fergusson D. Drugs to minimizeperioperative blood loss in cardiac surgery:

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meta-analyses using periopearetive blood transfusion asthe outcome. The International Study of Peri-operativeTransfusion (ISPOT) Investigators. Anesthesia and Analge-sia 1997; 85: 1258–67.

13. Chalmers I. Lessons for research ethics committees.Lancet 2002; 359: 174.

14. Mann H, Djulbegovic B. Why comparisons mustaddress genuine uncertainties. James Lind Library,www.jameslindlibrary.org (accessed 21 April 2005).

15. Jefferson T, Deeks J. The use of systematic reviews foreditorial peer reviewing: a population approach. InGodlee F, Jefferson T eds. Peer review in health sciences.London: BMJ Books, 1999: 224–34.

16. Clarke M, Chalmers I. Discussion sections in reportsof controlled trials published in general medicaljournals: islands in search of continents? JAMA 1998;280: 280–82.

17. Clarke M, Alderson P, Chalmers I. Discussionsections in reports of controlled trials publishedin general medical journals. JAMA 2002; 287: 2799–801.

18. Chalmers I. Electronic publications for updatingcontrolled trial reviews. Lancet 1986; 2: 287.

19. Rayleigh, The Right Hon Lord. Presidential addressat the 54th meeting of the British Association for theAdvancement of Science, Montreal, August/September1884. London: John Murray, 1885: 3–23.

20. Alderson P, Gliddon L, Chalmers I. Academicrecognition of critical appraisal and systematic reviewsin British postgraduate medical education. MedicalEducation 2003; 37: 386–87.

21. Chalmers I. Academia’s failure to support systematicreviews. Lancet 2005; 365: 469.

22. Begg C, Cho M, Eastwood S et al. Improving thequality of reporting of randomized controlled trials. TheCONSORT statement. JAMA 1996; 276: 637–39.


John G. Augoustides MD, FASEa and Lee A. FleisherMD, FACCb

How many randomized controlled clinical trials(RCTs) are required to document that aprotininimproves hemostasis after cardiac surgery? Clinicalequipoise, real doubt about drug efficacy, is violatedwhen RCTs are conducted even after drug efficacyhas been proven. When clinical equipoise is violatedin an RCT, patients may be unethically randomizedto placebo and denied proven benefit from the“study drug”.

Fergusson et al. present a comprehensive meta-analysis (64 RCTs: n ¼ 8040) that details the extentof redundant aprotinin RCTs conducted after thehemostatic efficacy of aprotinin in cardiacsurgery was established. An RCT to evaluatedrug efficacy is redundant if efficacy has already

been proven. In 1997 Fergusson co-authored anextensive meta-analysis (45 RCTs: n ¼ 5808) thatquantified the hemostatic efficacy of aprotinin incardiac surgery showing a significantly decreasedallogeneic blood exposure (odds ratio 0.31, 95%confidence interval 0.25–0.39; P , 0.0001) andsignificantly decreased reoperation rate for bleeding(odds ratio 0.44, 95% confidence interval 0.27–0.73; P ¼ 0.001) [1].

In this follow-up meta-analysis, focused more onaprotinin RCT design rather than efficacy, Fergussonet al. demonstrate and quantify the degree of RCTredundancy. Substantial aprotinin efficacy wasobserved in the very first of 64 RCTs; even whenthe analysis was restricted to those trials deemed ofhighest quality, 31 aprotinin RCTs were publishedafter 1990, when aprotinin efficacy should havebeen concluded from the first three trials. Redun-dancy persisted in the subgroup analyses stratifiedby aspirin exposure and primary and repeat cardiacsurgery. As stressed by these investigators and bymany who have preceded them [2–5], a systematicliterature review preceding a trial should preventRCT redundancy.

What are the possible explanations forthis apparent tremendous redundancy in aprotininRCTs? The first possible may be that the mostcost-effective hemostatic aprotinin dosage regimenremained undefined, an issue because high-dose aprotinin is expensive. Perhaps ongoing RCTswere required to delineate the lowest dose of apro-tinin that produced adequate hemostasis [6–9].

A second possible explanation for the seemingexcess RCTs is that they were mounted to betterquantify the balance between the benefit on thebleeding outcome and the risk of vascular graftthrombosis, which was a major controversy [10,11].Although the authors claim this would requirelarger RCTs than were conducted, this may meritfurther inquiry.

A third possible explanation is that aprotinin’sbiologic effects beyond hemostasis justified evi-dence-based evaluation, such as in vitro antic-oagulant properties [12], platelet-sparing effects[13], anti-inflammatory properties [14,15], andorgan protection properties [16]. It is doubtfulwhether such endpoints would justify RCTs in theface of proven clinical efficacy, but it would help usbetter understand the phenomenon observed hereto know how many of the protocols cited such issuesas part of the trial justification.

aJohn G. Augoustides is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is a Fellowof the American Society of Echocardiography. He practices as a cardiovascular anesthesiologist, and has a special interestin thoracic aortic procedures, including aprotinin.bLee A. Fleisher is the Robert D. Dripps Professor and Chair of Anesthesia as well as Professor of Medicine at the Universityof Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is an associate scholar of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics atthe University.

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A fourth possible explanation is that redundantaprotinin RCTs were conducted to improve marketshare and diffuse information about the effectivenessof aprotinin into regions that did not use it. Thesemotives for RCTs are less than ideal, and representsuboptimal clinical practice, but the ethical argu-ment becomes more complex if the routine care inthe study center did not include the drug.

In summary, this high-quality meta-analysisdemonstrates significant redundancy in aprotininRCTs within the cardiac surgical population, includ-ing subgroups exposed to aspirin, primary andrepeat surgery. A full understanding of the reasonsfor this redundancy may require further investi-gation with respect to the four justifications out-lined here. These investigations might reduce whatwe judge to be the degree of aprotinin RCTredundancy, but will probably not eliminate it.

In the future we can anticipate more aprotininRCTs, addressing clinical concerns such as 1) safetyin specific cardiac surgical subsets (off-pump coron-ary bypass, deep hypothermic circulatory arrest); 2)platelet protection (patients exposed to aspirin andclopidogrel); and 3) organ protection (the brain andheart, in particular). Each RCT is justified as long asclinical equipoise is respected and the hypothesis isclearly formulated a priori, based on a thoroughliterature review. This meta-analysis highlights howessential these steps are for responsible RCT design.We will need to follow them to ethically advance ourunderstanding, in an evidence-based fashion, ofways to improve perioperative outcomes for ourpatients.


1. Laupacis A, Fergusson D. Drugs to minimizeperioperative blood loss in cardiac surgery:meta-analyses using perioperative blood transfusion asthe outcome. The International Study of Peri-operativeTransfusion (ISPOT) Investigators. Anesth Analg 1997; 85:1258–67.

2. Browner WS. Clinical research: a simple recipe fordoing it well. Anesthesiology 1994; 80: 923–28.

3. Begg CB, Cho MK, Eastwood S et al. Improving thequality of reporting of randomized controlled trials: theCONSORT statement. JAMA 1996; 276: 637–39.

4. Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman D. The CONSORTstatement: revised recommendations for improving thequality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials.Lancet 2001; 357: 1191–94.

5. Todd MM. Clinical research manuscripts in Anesthe-siology. Anesthesiology 2001; 95: 1051–53.

6. Liu B, Belboul A, Radberg G et al. Effect of reducedaprotinin dosage on blood loss and use of blood productsin patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. Scand JThorac Cardiovasc Surg 1993; 27: 149–55.

7. Bailey CR, Kelleher AA, Wielogorski AK. Random-ized placebo-controlled double-blind study of threeaprotinin regimens in primary cardiac surgery. Br J Surg1994; 81: 969–73.

8. Alvarez JM, Quiney NF, McMillan D et al. The useof ultra-low-dose aprotinin to reduce blood loss incardiac surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 1995; 9:29–33.

9. Levy JH, Pifarre R, Schaff HV. A multicenter,double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of aprotininfor reducing blood loss and the requirement fordonor-blood transfusion in patients undergoing repeatcoronary artery bypass grafting. Circulation 1995; 92:2236–44.

10. Alderman EL, Levy JH, Rich JB et al. Analyses ofcoronary graft patency after aprotinin use: results fromthe International Multicenter Aprotinin Graft PatencyExperience (IMAGE) trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998;116: 716–30.

11. Cosgrove DM, Heric B, Lytle BW et al. Aprotinintherapy for reoperative myocardial revascularization: aplacebo-controlled study. Ann Thorac Surg 1992; 54:1031–38.

12. Dietrich W, Dilthey G, Spannagl M et al. Influenceof high-dose aprotinin on anticoagulation, heparinrequirement, and celite- and kaolin-activated clottingtime in heparin-pretreated patients undergoing open-heart surgery. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study.Anesthesiology 1995; 83: 679–89.

13. Mohr R, Goor DA, Lusky A et al. Aprotinin preventscardiopulmonary bypass-induced platelet dysfunction. Ascanning electron microscope study. Circulation 1992;86: II405–409.

14. Ashraf S, Tian Y, Cowan D et al. “Low-dose”aprotinin modifies hemostasis but not proinflam-matory cytokine release. Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 63:68–73.

15. Tassani P, Augustin N, Barankay A et al. High-doseaprotinin modulates the balance between proinflamma-tory and anti-inflammatory responses during coronaryartery bypass graft surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth2000; 14: 682–86.

16. Wendel HP, Heller W, Michel J et al. Lower cardiactroponin T levels in patients undergoing cardio-pulmonary bypass and receiving high-dose aprotinintherapy indicate reduction of perioperative myo-cardial damage. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 109:1164–72.

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