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  • 8/19/2019 Random Anthro Card


    Anthropocentrism cards

    Anthropocentrism is absurd and allows for abuse of the


    M. Alan Kazlev, 2k (Bio: https://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/!ser:"#Alan#Kazlev , source of evidence:http://kheper.net/topics/worldviews/anthropocentrism.html$

    However you look at it, anthropocentrism is more than a little absurd. The idea that

    one little species on some speck of dust in the infinite universe should be the most

    important entity around really reminds me of the old Ptolemaic cosmology, with the

    sun and all the planets revolving around the Earth. Indeed, Anthropocentrism is

    nothing but a modern and socially and intellectually acceptable version of

    geocentrism. We know of course that the Earth revolves around the sun, not the other

    way around (although there are apparently a few crazy flat-earthers out there

    somewhere). But we can still see our own species as superior to everything else. It

    gives us a bloated sense of self-importance in the infinite cosmos, panders little egos

    and allows insensitive individuals to abuse and destroy other life-forms on this globe,which brings us to the dark side of Anthropocentrism. The dark side of

    Anthropocentrism is similar to the dark side of chauvinism. Any beings that do not

    belong to the human race are devalued, abused, oppressed, murdered or tortured for

    the slightest human whim, whether for fashion, palate, or simply sport. All of the

    ugliness of man's treatment of nature comes from the arrogant assumption that man

    has a God-given right to do as he wishes. Interestingly there is a tendency among

    some worthy Christian theologians (e.g. Matthew Fox and others) to see man as the

    care-taker of nature, who has responsibilities to God to ensure that nature is well cared

    for. But this laudable approach is still unfortunately very much the minority position

    in the general religious consciousness. I actually find it curious that some of the worst

    abusers of nature and animals are the secular scientists. One would think that their

    understanding of evolution and biotic phylogeny, which shows that man is nothing

    special on the great Tree of Life, would lead them to a greater humilty and respect for

    non-human life. But this sadly is not the case, as indicated by innumerable cruel

    experiments performed for the sake of "science". Ultimately I think it all comes down

    the egotism and the insensitivity of those involved. To continue with anthropocentric

    chauvinism therefore is to deny both the real discoveries of science, and the

    compassion of the Heart. But when we acknowledge these things, our perspective

    shifts from Anthropocentrism to Biocentrism, and empathy with all life.
