rajasthan rajya vidyut prasaran nigam limited ·  · 2017-11-09rajasthan rajya vidyut prasaran...

RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (AntSO g00l: 2008 Certified Compony) oFFtcE oF THE cHLlf..llcf NEER (METER, pRoTEcTtoN & sAFETy) CHAMBAI GSS PREMISES, HAWA SNNAX, CIVIL TINES,JAIPUR - 3O2OI9 Emoil : ce m&[email protected] phone: 01 4l -2291g91 FAX : 0141 -2291891 No RVPN/CE (M, paS)/Tech. /F /D .loipur, Doiect:'"- 7l\'l 1\ TheSuperintending Engineer (proieclon; Rolosthon RojyoVidyut prosoron Nigom Limited, J o ip u r/.J o d h pur/Ajm er. sub:- sludy. Revision, rmprementotion/comprionce of Technicol Circulors issued for prolection Sysfem. It hcs been observed thot ihe vorior.rs Iechnicol Circulors issued i:y ihis office regording reiov setiings, voriousprolection tesiir-rg, scfety eTC. rssuecJ ltme to time hove been kept in Techniccl circulor f iresof olniosr oll lne Protection Divisrons & srb divisions. cnce reod-out but the scme ore noi consulted time to time os o refresher course ond olso the new JEns/AEns posted in Protection wing ore not owore of these crrcutors to updote their knowledge of proiection oclivities, with the resull indifferent seltings were found nrony times oi severcl GSS when indiscriminoni trippings were onolyzed Ai some pioces prescrik-.ed directions of reloys were tound in reverse direciions. Noit' the NRPC/PGCIL crre conducting sudden proteciion ouditsin ihe stote GSS rondonrly, poiniing out ihe ceficiencies in our proiection syslem ono potnt'"^rise cornplionce of Aldit isrequired to be sr,rbmitted io NRpc. you ore requested 1o odvise the field officers to recheck/self oudit their own rnsl0]Iotions so thor such shoricomings ore not highlighied to the hrghei. outhorities of RVPN to quesiicn unnecessorily obolt working of proteclrcn \^/ing where os our protection ieoms ore working very roboriously, dedicotedly & immedioie oction even in odd nighi hours for sysrem I) I-H LUli -l \.-l

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Post on 06-May-2018




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Page 1: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


oFFtcE oF THE cHLlf. . l lcf NEER (METER, pRoTEcTtoN & sAFETy)CHAMBAI GSS PREMISES, HAWA SNNAX, C IV IL T INES,JA IPUR - 3O2OI9Emo i l : ce m&p@rvpn .co . i n phone : 01 4 l - 2291g91FAX : 0141 -2291891

N o R V P N / C E ( M , p a S ) / T e c h . / F / D . l o ipu r , Do iec t : ' " - 7 l \ ' l 1 \

The Super in tend ing Eng inee r (p ro iec lon ;Ro los thon Ro jyo V idyu t p roso ron N igom L im i ted ,J o ip u r/.J o d h pur/Ajm er.

sub: - s ludy . Rev is ion , rmpremento t ion /compr ionce o f Techn ico lCirculors issued for prolect ion Sysfem.

I t hcs been obse rved tho t i he vo r io r . r s I echn ico l C i r cu lo rs i ssued i : y i h i so f f i ce rego rd ing re iov se t i i ngs , vo r i ous p ro lec t i on tes i i r - rg , sc fe t y eTC. r ssuecJl t m e t o t i m e h o v e b e e n k e p t i n T e c h n i c c l c i r c u l o r f i r e s o f o l n i o s r o l l l n ePro tec t i on D iv i s rons & s rb d i v i s i ons . cnce reod -ou t bu t t he scme o re no iconsu l ted t ime to t ime os o re f reshe r cou rse ond o l so the new JEns /AEnspos ted i n P ro tec t i on w ing o re no t owore o f t hese c r r cu to rs to updo te the i rknow ledge o f p ro iec t i on oc l i v i t i es , w i th the resu l l i nd i f f e ren t se l t i ngs werefound n rony t imes o i seve rc l GSS when ind i sc r im inon i t r i pp ings wereono lyzed A i some p ioces p resc r i k - .ed d i rec t i ons o f re loys were tound i nreve rse d i rec i i ons .

No i t ' t he NRPC/PGCIL c r re conduc t i ng sudden p ro tec i i on oud i t s i n i hes to te GSS rondonr l y , po in i i ng ou t i he ce f i c i enc ies i n ou r p ro iec t i on sys lemono po tn t ' " ^ r i se co rnp l i once o f A ld i t i s requ i red to be s r , rbm i t t ed i o NRpc . youo re reques ted 1o odv i se the f i e ld o f f i ce rs to recheck /se l f oud i t t he i r ownrns l0 ] Io t i ons so tho r such sho r i comings o re no t h igh l i gh ied to the h rghe i .ou tho r i t i es o f RVPN to ques i i cn unnecesso r i l y obo l t wo rk ing o f p ro tec l r cn\ ^ / i ng where os ou r p ro tec t i on i eoms o re work ing ve ry robo r ious l y ,ded ico ted l y & immed io ie oc t i on even i n odd n igh i hou rs fo r sys rem

I ) I - H L U l i

-l \.-l

Page 2: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

pro tec t ion & res io ro t ion o f Power in sp i te o f the foc i tho t mony t ro ined

Pro tec t ion Eng ineers hove been e i ther t rons fer red or p romoted & deptoyed

ou i o f the Pro tec t ion Winq.

However . one comp i led se i o f Techn ico l C i r cu lo rs o re ogo in be ing

c i r cu lo ted up to Sub d i v i s ionc i eve wh ich shou ld be kep t w i th the l es t i ng k i t s

to foc i i t o te o l l new/o l ,C eng inee rs os we l os me te r t es te rs to go th rougn rne

c l r cu lo rs o i s i t e i i se l f 1o be i n t ouch & updc te the i r t echn ico l know iedge &

ve r i f i co t i on o f t he s i t e .


The lnspec t ing o f f i cers w i l l invor iob ly record o no te obout i t in the i r, ' soec i ion repors .

D y . C h i e f E n g i n e e r ( M , P & S ) ,RVPN, - Jo ipu r

Copy to the fo l l ow ing :

I The Execu t i ve Eng inee r (P - l l l l ) l (P ro tec t i on ) , RVPN, Jo ipu r / Ko to / A lwor/S i ko r /S i roh i / Jo i so lmer lA jmer lUdo ipu r / Jodhur /B i koner , w i th se t o fTechn ico l C i r cu lo rs .Enc l : As obove .

The Ass i s ton t Eng inee r (? - ) l l l l i l l ) i (P ro tec t i on ) / {Tes t i ng Lob . ) , RVPN,- l o ipu r /Sowo i Modhopur / A lwor / Bhoro tpu r / Bh iwod i / Ko to / Jho lowor /Jodhpur /Pho lod i / B i koner /Ro to n go rh /Suro tgo rh /S i roh i /po l i / Jo i sc lmer /Bc rmer /Udo pu r / Ch i t t o rgo rh /Bonsworo lA jmer lBh i lwo ro /Mer io C i tV lS i kc r /Khe i r i ncgo r / Jhun jhunu , w i th se t o f Techn ico l C i r cu lo rs .Enc l : As obove .

D y " C h i e f E n g i n e e r ( M , P & S ) ,R V P N , J c i p u r

I ) I - 1 . 1 t _ C K

Page 3: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


Ng. FVFN/5E,/Fret . /Sec .

/ / /(/( _-,--- ,1\'ctt'


; . .' , l r - ' l ' z t u e - , / .

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Techn ica l E i rcu t la r Ncr . I


4 - )


The Execut ive Engineer{Proi - IThe Ass t t -Eng inee r tF ro t . )R . R . V . P - f . t - L t d . ,

Sub: -Re lav se t t ing o f d is tance pro tec t ien scheneg

a n d b a c k u P r e l a Y s .

fn o rder t t r reduce the fau l t c learance t ime by the

pro i ,ec t i c ,n schernes / re lays and tc upc ia te the re lay se t t ing proEe-

dures . need fs r rev is ion in se t t ing prac t ices has been fe l t neces-

5ary , There fare , the c r i te r ia and procedure 13 f re lay se t t ing are

i l l r - rs t ra ted as g iven be lsw! I

I .

A )

Dis tance P ra tec t i on :

?3ir kV Feeder=:


i l Z a n e 1

i i ) Z c r n e ?

i i i ) Z o n e 3

i . r ) Zene 3Reverse

. r ) S tar te r

v i ) PSF

{a) PEE De-B lsc} :

t b ) FSB f ie -F lackt i m e



Zsne 1

fane ?

Zene 3

Zgne 3Reverse

t j ta r tPr

Zone Set t inq T ime

B{r7. sf the protected l ine

l0 i t i t B+ the pro tec ted l ine+5{ l7 - a f nex t shr r r tes t l ine length ,

1OOZ o f the Pro tec ted l ine+ l l O Z o { n e > : t l a n g e s t l i n e l e n g t h

?57. t : f zoneS forward reach

LStrlr l s{ Z3 {grward reach

13it7- of the gtarter sett ing

Zonel and Zone?

l()Cl{} ms.


I n s t t .

( t -3 sec -

i l .E sec -

O - B s e c .

I -.A.

13? hV Feeder :

Zone Sett inei

ElO7. of the prctected l ine

t0tr i l cl f the pratected l ine+5O7. rrf next ghortest l ine

It l t)Z Bf the protected l ine- ts11{ t7 . c i ne>: t longes t l ine

?5ii . of eone3 forward reach

13u7. a f ZS eet t ing .

l e n g t h ,


set t inq

Ins t t -

{ r .3 sec ,

O , B s e c .

i t -B sec .



Page 4: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter





Eet i inq o f bac l : l ro re lavs

r t l 1 k V * e e d e r

: : - I SS kV ieeders , .

: i i ) t 3 l i :V f eeder=

iv ] 11 i rV fncerner s f the t rans*or raer

v ) l i : k V s i d e s S L - T ? . r t l t r Vtransft:rrner

! 'r . ) 33 t:v inc Brnmer of the transforrner

r i i ) 13? kV = ide s { IS? . /J3 kV t rahs f6r rner

v r i i ) lS : kV s ide o f t? r r . / l3? l rV t rans fc l r r leF *

t>:1 ?2{t i(V side crf ??{-,, / tB3 kV transf{r 'BeF

x ) ??{r qy erutgi: ing feederlr

I I i

Cotr -y sr_rbrni ttedr f crrwardedI- rsce5sary act iOn:

. . : . " { - - .t E. i i - Bhatnagar )Superinterrdi.ng e"iir,**. t Frct - )

tcr the fo l tera ing for in ferrnat isn { r

Desired Tinie r:ft lperation { Tgtr }

€ r . I F s e c -

i r . ? sec .

$ - 4 s e c -

O.3 5 lec . \ i -

O - E E e c .w i t h i n t e r t r i p

t t . 4 sec -

0 . 6 s e c .r+ i ih in t .e r t r ip

r). ri sec -wi th i n te r t r i p

{ : t . 6 Fpc .r ^ r i t h i n te r t r i p -

* { l .8 se,c-

Th i s i s


s E


" A d iagrarn showing above c r i ie r ia sn a

1 lrs*en =h'wn r.' e:'rprain the setti'q; ;; --"H5i::t

oli""H. ol;]The =arop le ca lc r , r la t i cn e f - . " i *v

p ru ! and t i i , * .m. , r t ip r ie r se t t ingi= arsc' Fncrosed in annexur*- i r , l r ._sl :- i l . - i* Io, referencs. r t is;:iai:q= ;ffI .;:'.:::=iff;;ie" "+ prot*ctioJ divisi.,n and =ubi n= t ruc f - io r rs here in ,ney

prc tpcsed nay be car r ied o . - , t - - *Jg th*;::1";:'::H';:"fff :;" ; ;l:j;_u;t::_i;-;|fu "u:::;i;:i: :;.,:i:

E n c 1 . : a s a h e v e


T .

E n c l s . I a s above

The Ch ie{ Eng ineer ( T&t r } ,RVPFI . rJa ip r_r r l Jcdhpr_r r .

T h e E u p d t g . E n g i n e e r { p r o t - } r R V P N . r U d a i p u r f o rc : r c u l a t i n g t h e d i r e c t i o n s :

' - " '

The T .A . t s H1n - U fe CHD ,RVFN. , Ja ipu r .in ccrnt inuat icn of te t ier - i iJ .s is Ei t .?7 - t I .o l


a : ' . ; . .E n g i n e e r t p r o t . )

Page 5: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter







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Page 6: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

(; IN I'.lt'\ l . \( ) I l .-Q]-!-1.!-|t]G!LLl--l) | S l \l\('l'

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' l l l a \ l l .

. \ N l ) l l , \ ( l t I r l ' l l l , , l , \ \ s

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l ) N11t {e r i s lo [ rc re t r ro r lc r l , r l i sc r rssec l u i t l r l i r l l de ta i l s i r r t l te event o f a r ry

i r rc l i sc r i r r r i r ra tc 1 r i l tp r r ru o { ' { 'eer lc r s i l r a t ts { i r t t t te rs a {1er rev is ing the t i lne

se t t i r rgs as i r r t l i c l l cd abor c

I n case o l ' r ad ia l l l 0 kV & l . l 2 kV I r r res l l r e zo t te I r cac l r o f send ing enc

rs l p t r c kc l r l l r s I l 0 " i r o { ' r l l r c p ro tc r :1c ( l l i r r e i t n t l i t i s c t t s t t r cd tha t t hc

t r a r r s l r r r r r r c r i r l r c r r r o l c I r t r l r s r t o l l i r l l r c o r c t c t l r r r a ! ] ] ' / o n e

2 & 7 ' o n e

J . S i r r r i l l r r l r o r r recc i r i l r g c r r c l i l ( '& I l J r i r r r c l i . s h t r i r r g d i s t l t r t ce sc l t e t t t e

/ -g r r c - l r c i i c l r r ru r r [ r r : kcp t t ona r r l s I ] us t l i r cc t i o t r s as 20 ' ) i , o f l i r l e l e r rgd l

to cove r l - 12 kV b t r s l t i s t o be e r r s t r r rd t l r a t t he Zonc -2 & Zo r re - - l se t t i r r t r

t rc ke l t t s i l l lL- 1 ls Z I so t lu t l tur rs f i )nncr is t to t covet .c t l ' l l re

set t l l lgs ar(

I o l r e r e r i s c t l r t l t e t t l t l t l i l i o r r r t l l r r r e i s t t l l l , . l c

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l l 2 l . l l k V t r r l \ l i l l k V t r i r r r s l o n n e r s l l ' t l r c l o i r t l i s l c s s t l t i u t t l r c c a r l i

l i r r r l t r e l a v s e t l i r r g . t l r e 1 r r t r r s l i ) r n r c r r e t t u t i n s c l r i t r g t c d o t t l \ \ t ) l t l t a s e o r

e r r c . j r r r r r p e I o l ) r ) r ) r t t r o l ' l i n c ( p r t r l i c r r l : r r l r l i r r I { a i l r r r l l r I r l : l ) ( i S S ) . 1 ' r

I r r g i t l g l l e r l l r o r r o f ( r : r r r s l i r n r l c t ' o n s u c l t c i t s e s , o l l c l t u l t l l l c r r o l t a g e N D l i

r c l n v r r u r r ' I r s s l x r r e r l l i o n t c l p a c i l o r [ r i t r r k l i r r c i t c l r l - l ] k V l r l t r r s l b l t t t e

p u r r e I A r r t l e o r l r c c l c r l t t ) ( ) l ) c n r l e l t r t r r ' r l l a g c o l ' l l r r s I ' l ' I l t c t t e c e s s a l ' ,

w i r i n q o f ' t r r y r p r l t g c l t c t r i t i s l o l l c t t t l t t l e

, 4 1 O n l l r u n v l n r r r s l i r r n r c r s o \ e r f l r r r p r t r l r - ' c l i u t t i r r c n o t i t r : r i l l r t r l e . ' l

l r e d c t l r r

o l ' s r r c l r l r i r n s l i r u u t ' r s n l l l \ l r e c o t n p t l e t l : r t t t l s c t t i l t o t l r i s o l l l c c

5 ) ( ) t r 2 l 0 i I l l k V I r : r r r s l i r n ] r c r s . i r r t c r l r r l r P i r r u s l r o r r l r l l r c l i o r n l r o t l r s i c l c [ : t r

p r o r i t l i r r g t l r c l i r c i l i l r t r l \ r c l l r r c l c i f ' r c r l r r i r e c f , t l t c r r t e r l t t i t c r t t c r r l a l l e

c r t r r r l t i l l t t i o r r l l u r \ [ r c s c r t t t o t l r e c , r r r c e u t c d l r i t t t s l n i : s t r t t t c o t l s t l L t c t l o l

c r r c l c r r t t t l c r i t t ( t t t u t l i l t t l t t S I ( l ' r o t ) t r l l r c c

( i ) S l r n l r l c s c t l i r r g c l l c r r l r t t i t l r r e r r c l o s ' - ' r . l l i r r u r r i c l c l i r r c s i r r A r u t c \ u r c ' l l '


Page 7: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

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Page 8: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

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N o . R R v p N L / s E ( p r o r . ) / F . 1 1 3 [ _ ! t - . . ) . , D . 3 9 , J a l p u r , D r : f o . l , r ^ 6 1_'l'e c lur.l <l n l_tlkuutnrr .N,r..J

T h e E x e c u b i v e l l r r I i , ' ' r ( p r : o t . )T h e A s s b t . E n g i n e e r ( p r o L . ) .R . R . V . P . N . L r . d . ,

be, ' revised when addiElonal l ine ig

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s u b ; D i s t a n c e . p r o E e c E i o n - s e t E i n g . o n 2 2 Q k v & 1 3 2 k Vr a d i a l l i n e s a t , s e n d i n g a n d ' r e c e i l i i n g " " 0 . -

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rn o i :der to u t i l i ze d is ta 'ce scheme o f 220 kv and 132 kvrad ia l l i r re adequaEely to .p ro tee t . Lhe bus f iu l t s o r rece t i r r rg endc s s , f o l J - o w i n s i n e r i u c r i o n s a r e i s s u e o - r o i a i " s i i n c J - - i i i t " " t r o 'scheme se t . t i -ngs : -

1 ) Send ing end

The Zone- r reach is to be kept as 110t o f the pro t ,ec t .ed r inelength and i t i s ro be ensured t 'a l th ; ; ; ; ; " fo rmer w ind incr aE re_; : l : i l : r

end 1e ror f u ' lv eovered in any-- -zone-r r and zone_rr r

2) Rtue;luing_e,nd

The Zone-r reach i r r reverse d i reeElon may be kept aa 20t o fprotecbed l ine lengt ,h to cover t rus r r " i lJ l rc is to !e eneuredtha t , bhe zone r r a .d zo .e * t i r no t t rng a ie -kep t aame ae zone_r got haL . L rans fOrmer w ind ing i s no t cove red .

The above se t t . ings are tocommj .ss ioned aL reco i . l r inq er rO.

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u" ".,,1'il'3iln:::::;#t'::S?il:(r:i;10 n"brem in rhe eeELlnsa may

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Page 13: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

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Direetionail over eunrent & Eantna trnurt rerays wpe cDD irnail<e E'/Anstoml


i )



If rthe loac eur:ent is appreeiahle ancl irts ciineetion ls nolr iril do*bt, trne potranity tesris orx exireetioplaase fb'ult relays can easiny uu oou*aul-rm-"r-l-0".r, nuniu nroou*nts sho,urer arose wiilen the r,cun"ren'r ;s in operatiT^t::ill*,"t0

gi*nwhen it - ii-o -.rrenrr is in rhe reverse ejiineerron. r

sjH{ 3::#i:qrlgqfr! -j-''' H-ut lh'tr- ffi "ffi

#T il, ft'ffi e*in g *n - ;;;;;' n ead s, n tn * tui"1ffiH:ifi -*;:H.1Tffi.J'I;mymn:il,?h'.'"rff ff 3ry1!ffi:ilS-:Y,',:TH!*?fr imomeiitarily. vux,s,rLil iranstommers are not open-cireuri,ruO L",

:j:J *- ysyxnv. energized fnona rxne ha-oxren derta windill;:f .::fi:J,y:ilffi ^i#ffi*Tanoresiduaffiil?l:ltJfi lH:_#f,1,?J#Ll,frf, ilf_HHHrseessar,,' :o sinaulate earittra l%ulri..#i:-i:^1|ltuu.uY{?{u get neulhen ****r, nor voltage arad irtllllinons to estabnish the polarity.f *-lr* aonneatlons"

:.i{'i'l,ij:-ffi:t?rufl-ftTil?fi,l*c:.'1^ he obtaino.d wirrnour a,ry aiirerarion ,n the prinrar:uT:,,bsthrouqlJ^p;;ffi ff iffi :.lgF,ffi ij,1;X{iri:a_hff*#ffi nffiftH:tr;Jt:ff*ant to know t'luu pr*ul flow aine'ctrons hotrr,*n* *re"reaarive in orden r,'^rt nontunt"u";ilKffi-5;,H- #'ffit- ,fJff#--tt-ffil= ,' rn'-"G;#fi amu*,ri*n , rhe eu1restrain. *-v vvruxr urLrLs ,o&Ql aurrent in reverse direction, fl,he relay shounr

I,oad tests on cunrent poJlarized dinecplaas-e- o**# s'nToulo" he fed ro rhLe .Ji*-l eaftna rtuunt oul*T

:y he aarned our as fbllows. A

*ilfj#":j'"ry','^ffi ffi ffi #tr!w1'T**il^:ffi lt'?rryL#t'?ffi fi :',lffi ,?*#-t|tr-.':ffi ;J::tffi:;.*%i?H?:;;;ffi#;'fr %ffitffffifr Stil^:fr l.:nnt;**l'in-im;Jfr l[The ciirectiom of overcurremt amd ea$'lii"*tiv ** e;; nlgeeolune **_^-Jilffi_%T,f ffiHJ.fl-

orhen make wiiu he earnied oL,ar;i%?ilJ-ffirensut'ed that *rip ffii-ltr**eerrg ,u -;ffi. h- of einc*ir o*"r*s rhe eheer<rnE



rirrreetrc,natr eanth ts neila

l f,w'

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ta na-qq_P rqtEClilq ms ch e rn es

npS fr" ZZO nV mrr*


when thre feeden is enengized eheck flaarr ann dae narno nenays are under crefrrnirre nesrtralnt.ca*y o'ut drLe fonnowing tests wiiih nagging noad currenrt fxowing in flae rtnipping dineatlon.Renaove the test hXoen< covers rto isonate tJhe tnip cirauit"

,ff:T',l,-#Xt#'$fillTr:iTi^:l*ffi:?,fT:":,?#y::.fl*_-1, or renminar 2 or eaern o,i rrhe nffi T"Tli??,T1',T-'#,1ffi ilT1fui;,li; j#';?H,#"ffi .,ffi-,--x},Kfi-,ffiT;i,*'J;{:ff lil::#r - ^ . * l - - ^

for 'estnaint ainauit and rrlae r*fut;"rn 'x€sura,mll errcurlt *dl* retrays snaound openate" jR.epeat tluu *ilinserffing *t l'u*l*tud srrip hetween *.^u;fi frtl[l-J ^H:::t:l*^--h:'- ry' ;^i m]ho sranrung uniris )

inserffing a,a jnsurareo.t,re ro_*#;il JX,fi$ frr,,ff. ffiTxfiLfTfr_T_?il:_ffJ.ru_etrun*:

ilq.' IX311'ffJ:lflJJ-'-'#11trtrfl::#ffi$jiJ#-J:;iHl"':oJlHx-*ovecr rtrhis indicare ,har rhe reratjpoiaririies orthe vontage aner aurrenu.o"#ii5,L-JJi3ffitJ,',ill.H:d*#?5i,,ffiifr$i

n " JY:ffJffi-:ff1-tr-iTf' ehreck the voltage input ro ttr'rLe renays aeross eaeh pair c,rpn,'ase and hervrer

2" c*aeek for eorrcat pnaase rotation wiititr a plaase rotatlon meter: A_ts_c.3 iff:*'ffiJ::'#rt:-J-'$?1th^.hffiTX'-?,H *ilJ-f,jh-.,enavs energ,sed rhom.dae rine naain votriragllaggillg power faator fu rh- rrleel^g direction

rnent as laigh as possibne ancil pireflenabxy at\. To perrfbmr u^:.

*i:.grnan cheak, rthe resrrainr vonraE:ffi ffi n'-;J'trffi 'fr :ttuTff '.,T#d,'&;:ffiff#T??il:T#tr#Ttl*:d.H-':ff T,.trJtll?ffr:eharaerleristie angne remainingtluu-u**u. '- *,-."plle clireational relay, the

Removai ot",;ilr

#ili-ilJ#fi:;TJ,',ru:ffi .'n'ffi J3;,f, ffi hHJJ.,#ff mi::'e'..,T1ff "*ffiffi :ff Jff ,,t;

]/hen tlae nestraint vontage is remfxowing It nu tolpprrc.lffi;*ir^u"rrioV€d' dle rneasuning units sniound dterefone operate for noadThc load flow shound tnaen he reversed hy insenting flae Nri*ts,l::l ,ru* wire, inro dhe yTG nenay. Tftreffi : iii:R*- TSJh :t?#l,t :.,frs3;mn'J5ft 55hh#-ffi;1 run - " 6y nn ey nno, op erare d ep enetr i ng on




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i: rthe load vecttor is nea:r tnae measuring unit directional charaatemstic boundary, fur exannple wlth therelay eharaartenistia angle of 75 degruu l*g arad rthe noad of unity powen faaitor or Jleading, rtlhan rthe load'[est rjnay not pnove to he eonalusive. sonae of the na]ao naeasurinfi urnits nx]ay appean to operate in eirtherdlii:eation of load flow"

The load test naay be naade mone aoncntlsive by nowening tlire renay ahanaateristias aragle to 45 degree orless by tlhe 0 n , potlentiotlteters on the fi"ont of tnae phase-talodules. tflais wiln malke tlhe load faator nca'erto tthe nx,no measLnrinag unit nelay alrraraateristias *rglu.

Anolther metlaod of making the dineational aheak aonox*sive_wiffi a nlnity power faator or ieading load is''io r talte the vontage veotors rto the relay by n20 degree. lfhas aan he ;d; h; inserriing the lvnpB testpir'tg' , into the YTG renay. This wiln rnake a unity power faetor load" Now ffi* to rtlhe relay as a i2 -cegnee iagglng load whiah winl nearer to renay aharacteristics angle of 75 eiegree.

.N''T; s/hen rotalilrLg the voltage veetors to ttrne relay, tlae lvxPts tesrt plug naust lnscrtcd,lbe{<lre apptryinglhe x';ernal enoss over eorunections, ared tl[e noruu *"*-corulecilions nennoied hefone wirtlqdrawlng rilae ilestt;1f;",1,i[h:rt*:--f$#ffis not ronnowed, the main volrtage tnansformer frses wint htown as rrlne ffin plrg

t :#'thi1i*-5*':,!:-*;mg':J:ffsnP',',TJ#tJ*:ffiLtlHf,ill'#Jfio5:.'?ffi'il[*JJ#.Ei3%Tt:;:D " "

n r m YxtLrL"-l tt_tCI mane,tmg

a direertional test of tllae distanae pnotection witlain the RE{,-n00 line prortection temunal shoulcl aliwaysoe earir:eet out lbefone beireg taken i-nto serviae.

3y ae'":'varting'rhe directional tcst in 'TEST" mo,de a aonaplerte clirectrio:lan test is perfbmned"

Tre cireetionan test ls performedlwith tlhe line in serviee, and canyirnLg more rlhLan 20% olitrn load eurnent"The lest rLlscs ille phLase-phase dineatlonan naeasuri*g unu*u^ts to determirile rthe direatiorn of rthe loarifl w"

'rvhern thc ciireetional tesit ls aeliivated tnle dispnay wll show if the direarlion of the aurnenrt in eaeln phase

il,iH::.1?icdanae-nneasruning loop is for*aod or ouruou*, retativp rro ffic relay direetion" The cLispLay


EItFthe er-lrrenrt flow in the drree noops is forward in direction and.RS =EACKWARDST:ts,AICKWARDl-P' =ISACKWARD'f .he eurrent fnow in the rrnmee roops is haakwand in dineatlon""f 'cne of rihe loops is ln the tpptuitu direetion than tlae or;neen two, rttrnis undicaites rlltaat dne phase sequeneeLs lneorieet.

Page 18: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

Fc:: perflomling tlne direatioalal test, the noadn 05 dlegnees or hetweenx + n 65 degrces allddineationan elenaents "

iV trPAC make,\lstonm.

Go to the seleatioxn on nneasnlrenaent ahapter.

laave an angne hetween - tr 5 dregrees and +as tlaese arcj the sqotors su1pervised hv rth.e

inapeda"nce naust+ ?R< rl lem*^^". l v J v v 6 n v v r e


c3c I /03020303





N4SR trB,



Currrent vanue on eaah phase asperaentage ofnn

Voltage vanue on eaana phase,as percentage oflVn

Aotiverpowen vanue on eaola phase aspereentage of Fn forward -for expont,hackwand -flor irnpof,i.

peraentage of Qn.

n ine frequency vaXue

0304-030c *N4SRQA, N4SRQB Reactive power value on eacna phase as\,{SRQC

030D MISR Freq"

E,stalblish direetion by readinag inapoffi/expont statuls of power flow in eaah s.teps as a'bove.

E) Sehemes generaitry used, f,or n32 kV lines

F 7 \ m r n nY 'l.llR{ ma-<e IBR

cheelk r*, *- -*^---ent of supply ninks and fuses ls as flollliows:

E Trip illnlk nennoved.D Voltage transfonmLers fuses anctr links inscrted.E cuinent rlnarasfbnnaers conneeted for nonman operatlon"E Eanth linlks inserted.

F'cr thls test a three plaase loael aurrerlt is neqr*ired preferahliy witln a naggi11g power factor. If the nowcrfa;ctor of the load is leading ttnanspose the vo,trtage transfonmer supplies *-u frfrr*u,

E coruleat tnae red plnase supply to the yeilow phase relay tea-ralinals.E ccrulect the yellow plnase supply to rthe hrue phase renay temninals.E coruleatlon blue phase supply to the red phase refay tenaainans.

Tllae dlireation of tlae renay ehanaateristias ls etaeaked hy aonverting tlae zane-ri. impedanae n'leasurialgrelays to directionan renays.

l (

Page 19: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

check rthLat the zone-x renays operate if power is-being exponted art tlae terminall under test, on restralningif powen is heing inaponted. Restore thL Zorae-i r.hy; il their nommal opdrating aonclitions after tihectrheaks by renaoving tlac tcst coruaeotioms.

VD PVI|S nnake Alstomr

ilrri:"eetiomnfi tests om MIho lWeasunimg Unit

1" TLnc direational test slnoruld be aarried out wittr tllie relays energisedL from rthe llne.naain vrs and crsvvirtil a load eurnent in the tripping dincation and pnefenahry at a lagging power ifiacto,r.

2 Remove relay eover and eoruaecrt the naonitor point hox 1ro naodrule onre of the selllerne"

3 ,R'emove lneavy cur"reriLil eonnector 1z frarn the nigtr'lt sidc ofl dae nelay case andl repiiaee it wiiln llestp lugAwi red cm i r t t l ngcomec l t i onsaeross te rm i r , ra l s l and 2 " ; u ra+ o f t es tpnugAwin laultonaarticaltry isolarte the outgoing trip cirauit do the airc,it hreaker"

4 seleet switah KD on modtlle 6 to thLe position naarked 'oc' lilnls actlon open cirar'its the voltageresrirained eirauit of the Mllho measuring unit and the-MIho aharaeteniroi*" i- aonvertedl to a sirnnneClireertiOnan Unit OlfafaetefiStiAs ^w4*v vlr@n@vuvrnEurLus {s uotlrverueo t0 A StILp,rv

Link toglater terrninai 19,22 and 23 on tlhe monitor point box" Tlais seleats tlae naho unit to, tlhe (A-N)pnase and the sehenae should trip instalatny ffie n.roltfuru l^ ru above exist and indicatc a phase (A-N) fb,unt.

Remove the link froma the nnoniton poinrt box.

ii'eset rtlne fnag indiaator witra switala @ on nqodrune 7.

;:liil:Tht?f-','^,iiJ,?hii;l^,ff ffi?';ffiJ-?yjP#klffierears ,he mho ,,nir ro rhLe (B-N) pnrLasere :ea 'na ra .6 and 7

#ffiil:'#ffiff-t-tr'3#J?1fi,,*iffimih'frS;;Jh?S:^$H;il:recrs dae mlao unir ro rr're (c-N) phaseRepeat para 6 and 7.




1 0


t'z 'i'flc ewr€Dt s'pplied to ffie renay straoulnd now he reversed by,se of test prug ,8, with tlne cross over;on:niections madLe on phase A, JE and c of tlae n**urt-Jionrntu.

t' t'ffi"ff#ffr;*ir,\1#;Jil f|#dff%h:ffiffi: i"stan'ta,aeous rripping shound nor rake praee since rhe

trf a :lon-cjiireatlonal zane 4t fbatune is frrtted, a trip will occun after Zone 4 tinae elapses"-4 R.encvc rteslr pi.-rg ,A, frorn tlne nao,dular case.

15 r,eplaae }aeavy eurrent aoruleetor iZ.

l t -

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- 5 -o.e':nove rno:liton point plug fi.om modulc n "

17 Select switah KD on naodule 6 to the 0. n, n on 2 positlon as required hy tlne mlao, unirt ohrnie reach.

i I R-eplace nenay eover"

Vi- SSnnSV nmame m"m"

Isoia',ue the oulllgoing trip cirau:it to the ainorilit hnealker hy removing flre aovers of NIFG tesrt hloaks A & B.Energised'chc senrenae wirihL the nonmLal load current alad volrtagu ft.* tlne rnaln CTs and Vlfs. Tnie lioadlerLlrreint shorund preferably he frowing away f,nonn thre bus at a lagging power tibator.

Inserrt a matcnasdek across temminan 5 ofl the A phase MIho starting relay y3A. Ohserve thari tJhe reJiayeontacri eloses and operates its auxillary renay.R-cmove thc naateh stiak andLrepeat tlrLe rlests on ts & C phase Milao staffiing relays"

Rcs'rrore the tnip air.ault by insertlng rllrre rtest lbloak oovers.

VilI eU-SZl nname Alstom.

Go to rthe selection on nneasunenqent ehapter


i0450:OIWEAS:ACT, POV/ER epRn. N,[V/



0455:OIWEAS:n-CAD ANcn E pH{-A

0455:ON,4E.AS: [-CAD ANGI_E pHn-ts

04 5 7: ON,4EAS :tr-CAD ANGI.E pFnn-C

Establ'ish direetion hy reading inapocexport status of powen flow in each steps as ahove.

lX RAZC.A rmake .\BB

The d'inectional test cala easily he pertfonaaed hy usirng tlae rfunational test desca"ibed. The disrta^ae iie,ay:nust tle coruleated to the rneasruring trarasfo,maens lnd tnae load eurnent nnust excee d, 2a% of i'atedre ':'iren'i" Ftlnthen nnotre, the direction of the power tnansnaitted must be known. lflae start Zc,'e is rnorec::eetional by a programnaing swiiteh on dle nineasuring aro o^olnuting unirt. stant is then sriimrulated wirthihe'Funertional test'' The dlstance relay_indraates de;hnocking depending on itlne power direationaftcr tlae set timc lf4 for the start zone. lfhe trip pulse to rihe airailirt breaker-is a'tornatieally hlocl(ectreltirlng this test' Conapnete description is given rn th"e eo,mmissic,ning instruatlon RK 614,-n008""

t g

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rf orrqen tesli'ng the operating direatio,n-oi'the reray is w*ong, it shouxdt bc'"rcrrersed wlhe:n t^e leray ls

,ilffi *l^;*%ffi*flffieffiWru*$#"},:*n'-* eurrent stant tvpe'rn'crc 030 lhis is tvpe

nnaLd,e wi'th the aid' ot

wh,en RAzcA i.s supptried, with externax inrpeda ec startcrs, e.g. typlaAKZB u the direation 'has 1o 1be

reversed for hoth trhe distamrae rei,ay a***true i'naped,anne "-rni^g

fr^lrr" l'lals is nrr'ade by a reaorulcc'"lcn on

tl|ie iniorilt -side of the test s\Nltotx"

i . ;i. i$ nf t 1 ,

ffi{f f i {H T ,

H * 1

i : ;

l e

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No.RRVPNL/SE (Prot.) F.43l Sec.3/ F. !' i 3

Tel No. 91-141-210655Fax No. 91-141-211560Email: seprot@datainfosys. net

t . ? t \D . L i 6 ' ) J a i p u ; . D t : ] l - 7 - 9 r l :l ' " ' v '

Technical Circular No. 5

Sub: Commissioning of carrier protection on220 kV lines.

The Superintending Engineer (PLCC) has intipated that protection coupler panel of

M/s ABB, BPL & W.S. are being installed and commissioned on various carrier panels for 220 kV

lines. To commission the carrier inter trip protection, wire schedules of connection between relay

panel and carrier coupler panel for the following distance protection schemes have been prepared

with PLCC officers and are being circulated for reference, record and commissioning the carrier

protection wherever the protection coupler has been installed by the Engineers of PLCC Wing. The

connection diagram for quadramho scheme has been prepared for connections with various carrier

coupler panels of make M/s ABB . BPL & W.S.

S.No. Name of scheme Name of firm Enclosure

I MM3V M/s EE Annexure -1

2 MM3T M/s EE Annexure - 23 Ouadramho Mis Alstom Annexure -3 &4/1 EPAC Mis Alstom Annexure - 5) REL-IOO M/s ABB Annexure - 6

schedule has been prepared on the basis of reference drawing No.

actual connections, the concemed drawing of the relay panel nray

( t - ^J-h'/j-/

1s.ti6-hatnagagSuperintending Engineer (Prot.)

Copy submitted/forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:

The ZonalChief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL, laipur/JidhpurThe Superintending Engineer (PLCC), Heerapura, Jaipur for circulating among concernedofficers.The Superintending Engineer (Prot.), RRvPNL,Udaipur for circulating among concernedofficers.TA to Hon'ble CMD, RRVPNL, JaipurThe Executive Engineer(Prot.-I-If , RVPN. Jaipur/Alwar/Kota/Ratangarh/Suratgarh/Ajmer/

"l'he above wire

r.vhile carrying out the


Encl: as above

J odhpur/lJdaipur/S irohi.6) The Asstt. Engineer (

Encl: as above


1 )2)

3 )




/ n - - j


SuperinterfdTng Engineer (Prot.)

{ o

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R A,'TA STHA N R A'ry.A W DF''I IT PR A SA. R A N NIGA I}T I,I]V' ETED'FFICE oF THE supERlNTErvohrrc;Ncr*een tpnorecrroN;,.-, J+l,'1.s1ftK, crvrr- LTNES, rArpuR-jbiius

trJ;,,rt r1,r.n*r { 't 1 . ) . -

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It has been observed thet whenever a E'rrv line is being made r,rlo andcom*rissionerl at an intermediafe Gss, care is not taken bv respective co.ccnredengineers to revise the rerav setfi'gs of protection sehemis at both the previoussettding and rr*eh'ing e.nds, Most ofteno engineen at both ends do not know about. the changes made on line elistance and need of revised setting.The'rrfore it is enjoined thaf a copy of festing an, commissioning reportsho'lcl invariabry be se't to conrerned GSs incharge arrd protection engineer ofbritb ends so as to alrow them to revise necessarv settings in proteetion schernes.

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s u pc ri n I en rf ,,- $;X;*:.ffi,.icorrv srrh*:i*ed / fonvanred to the fotowing for informarion & **-_$ffdX1o,,.l

,'r", r R \r pNi S Fi pro f ,/Sec

l{ts-,1 cch.cii.

3 i F , 4 3 , D " / g )


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flie Direcior {T&C}, RVpN...taipur.The Zrnat Cbief Ensm"*" ffAiiiWN.,.Iaipur/.rodhpur.*il,,: Hffi

ten di' g bngi"*. rp"r*. i,iGN.,r,.ruip'r fo r kind needrur and

iFFXT,lf #ffiJtrX,1,31;1ll;l;,l);,raipur/AhvarrKota/Ra,angarh/The Asstr'Engineer( ),RvpN-,Jaifur.

w:r-_r--,Su perin I endi nilEngi ncrr(pnrl. )


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Page 30: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

,$#rIiir-3/"r3,y,_o_Iy^IpRA5ARANNTGAMHMTTEDOFFICE OF THE SUPFRINTENDINC;iliilI NI*,AM TIMITEDHAWA SARAK r - I \ / I I t I I \ I t rC , ̂ , ^J IER {PROIECI ION)iiy.r,ly*; crvrL r_rNrs:;jilR: lbH;I " il; 3 I ; ] !':ii "' ;; :'"" * " il I ; ;' ;;\ru;5?Jll'Jx#fi*,

. r u t INo. RvpN/sE/prot. /Sec.3/F. 43 /D. I ? :t> Joipur, Doted. ";) 1 . t t


rt hos come to notice thot 3 phose - 4 wire HT stotic meters of most oflhe interstote, interutir*y ond EHV consumer feeder poinrs are connecred in 3phose - 3 wire mode due to vorious rimitotions of site provisions, which rnoyresurt in inodvertent energy meosurements otlno rood currenrs of r ine or EHVironsformers' ll is essentiol thot the finoncior impricorions of such inodverrentenergy meesurements ore opprecioted.ln order to ovoid ihis condition, it is enjoined upon oll concerned thot o,3 phose - 4 wire HT stotic mefers of intersrore, interutirfiy ond EHV c6n5grnslfeeders should invoriobly be connecfed in 3 phose - 4 wire mode for whicnnecessory orrongements, e.g. insto,otion of y _ phose currenr tronsformer or 3pnose _ 4 wire TTB, moy pleose be mode.

Ct() - -----

s uperinre ndin s Ensint*,ffi:rt*lRVpNL. Joipur.

o.tio:lopy submitted to the forowing for kind informotion ond necessory





gtneer {protection}RVpNL, Joipur


1 , -d

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]l: ?l'^"-:t:l{T&c)/ {ppM), RV'NL. Joipur.rne lonq l Ch ie f En<l"iprv:ooi;;;

' ' rQrheer (T&c)' Joipur Zone/Jodhpur Zone, RV'NL,Ine Addt. chief ,nn,l*^::lg:nry_LD) RVPNL, Joipur.The Superintendino Engineer {protecti tn), RVpNL, Udoipur.Ihe Executive Engileer, prot. U,. RtFNi, Joipur, erwoi iioiongorh,rurotgorh, Koto, Ajmer, Udoipur, Slrofr i , Jodhpur.



Page 31: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


HAWA SARAK, CIVIL LINES, JAIPUR _ 302019'' i t 9 1 - 1 41 -2210655 Fcx No. ? 1 -1 4l -221 I 560 Emoil seprot(4dotoinfosvs.net

No. RVPNL/SE/Pro1. lSec.3/F. 43 /D. 'J

' ) , ) Doted I cs - . l t - 5Z


Ail Executive Engineers (ProiectionJ ore hereby directed to obtoin

the cetoi ls of tr ipping relcy f log indicotion ond developmenis reloted to

:. ipping ond prepore o disturbonce onolysis report subsequenf to mojor

system disturbonce in theirrespective oreo/GSS. l t moy be. noted thot

onolysis of trippings should olso be prepored for the trippings, which hove

no reosonoble explonotion ond hove creoled mol-operotion or non-

operotion elsewhere in the system, for which the xEN {protection)concerned should olso obioin 'lhe detoils from remote lines ond GSS. The

report should reoch this office within iwo doys time.

The complionce is to be odhered strictly os per the directions of the

Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL, Joipur.

fS.K. Bhotnogor)Su perintending Engineer ( protection)

RVPNL, Jc iour

Copy subnrittecj to the Zonol Chief Engineer {T&C), RVPNL, Joipurin reference to his off ice letter No. RVpNL/CEl(T&C)/Sec.5iF.23(Bl )l O. I 942 doted 1s1 November. 2003 for kind irlformotion.Copy to the Execulive Engineer {Prof . I/lt} RVPNL,Joipur/AlworlKoio/Surotgorh/Rotongorh for complionce.


Superintending Engineer (protection)RVPNL, Ja iour

Ur.- S

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Page 32: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

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"**e++*.{, t.h,l *.rlr*rruat141

: , " ,

. :_ : l l : . j I rE tp ,u i f i

. l#i::?l.it,'s,il#lrJ :rJ3lfl llcAil uA{rrEDre' No e, _t 4 l _z2li#:,nTff ,:lylim.,Jl*

%,No. RVpNL/SE/prot./Sec.

3 /f . $ /D. l t oo Doted io*L_ dr/


iilJtnt n' checkins. seilins or vorious reroys cnd

On doted 3checkins. serins ;ji*lll;iTl;: *t*,nop on prortro Frer s h owin s s u,d e rines ro,. .orryin g-;fflTiffi . *J::T:oll Execuiive Engineers qnd w","'":^ :l

tne obove work wos delivered lo

:;ffi jiT"Hli:::: J". *JT j1"1" ffi ;ff .,,H:




Superintending Engineer iproleclionl


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copv ro rhe rofrowing rorkind inro*oro]uperinrend'"n t^n'"ilr,Bli,tJi,?"Ti

t ond necessory octio#PN. Joipur.

: The Chief Engineer {r&C,. RVPN

; i[: &:1,:,,:$T;;' ;;n:l J.?,.ililfi: #?ll,im ir o, o c rion o n d

I sr*rg;' i:i,l?':"" r (Prot - / | /u ), RvpNL Korq / Arwqr /Ro ronsorh

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I ) Cunent Ironsformer

lR vqlue (for 15 sec. ond 60 sec. for polcg[ty Index) primoryeorlh ierrninol primcry fo eqch secondory. secondory'eorth {only wilh 500 V megger}Rotio lest on eoch rotio for eoch corePoloriiy for eoch coreKnee Poinl voltoge for eqch coreStor Poinl on conect side {lowords equipmenls which is to be

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ii)i i i)iv)v l

prolected)vi) Stor Point eorthingvii) CT junction box/M.K eorthing

t l Volloge Tronsformgf


i) lR vclueii) Rolio lestiii) Polorityiv) Stor poinl checkingv) Stor poinl eorihingvi) Open Delto checkingvii) Open dello eorlhingviii) PT lunclion box/M.K. eorthingix) Checking of position of eorth switch in cose of CWx) Checking of roting of fuses provided on M.K. qs well os ihe

PTICW/RVT terminol boxXl) Checking of primory side eorthing*.

3. DE

i )i i )

Setting of eorlh foull reloy{a} Position of DC eorth {negolive io eqrth ond posilive to

eorth volloge](b) Totol floot voltoge check os voltoge specified per ceilAnnunciction-for DC eorth through DC eorth foult reloyiii )



3 1

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4 .


Eorlh resistonceMeosuremenf of ER of eoch CT,LA,CW, ironsformer neulrql, 400.2n, rc2,33, I i kV yord, C&R ponel {Preferobly when equipmenis orenot chorged)

Disionce-prolection scheme

Phose seguencelrololionPhose molching of CT & PTConect seleclion of CT coreSelling of reloys (Zone seiting reoctonce,/ impedonce qs perreloy requirement)Storter selling for reoctonce reloys (like SS RR3V) to be kepthighestFor detoil sellings follow circulorsZone 4 to be blocked {forword}On lood testing for conecl direclion while lood power faclor isloggingTripping should be through MPG test blockDC supply lo reloyChecking of operofion of tripping reloy/breoker lhroughdistonce protection schemeTime meosurement of zones L, 72.72 etc. os per circuior

Dilferenliol relqv

i) Moin CT slor poinl iowords tronsformerii) Polority of lCT, rolio of ICTiii) Checking of conneclion of ICT ond delto conneclion ,

checking of ICT secondoryDC supply fo reloyChecking of operotion of tripping reloy/breoker through reloyChecking of pick up/operoting cunentChecking of bios settingChecking of second harmonicMeosuremenl of lime of operotion

7. Over cunent ond eorlh foull relqvsi) Checking of operotion of reloys clongwilh lime of operotionii) Reloys should be non directionol ot lhe iime of commissioningiii) Direction should be checked on lood only lhen reloy is lo be

mode directionoliv) Setling os per circulorv) Checking of ouxiliory supply to reloyvi) Annunciotion lo be checked ihrough reloyvii) Operolion of lripping reioy/breoker lhrough reloy

GIL- ' - . -F ! ! I

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Avxiliorv Prolection of tronsformer

i) Operotion of reloys ond conecl morking of prolecfion forwhich reloy is ossigned,

ii) Operolion of tripping relsy/breoker ihrough reioyiii) Annunciofion lhrough these reloys

Energy meler

i) Phose sequenceii) Phose molching of CT & PTiii) Accurocy check of meleriv) To fofiow lesiing prolocols ond formotes

10. Tronsformer

') lR volue for l5 sec. & 6O sec. {HV lo eorth , HV to LV. HV totertiory. LV to eorih , LV to ferfiory. leriiory to eorih ), noieoil temperoture

l) Open circuii iest {mognetizing cunent for HV & LV}iiii Shorl circuii test 'iv) Mognetic bolonce test (HV & LV)vl TTRvi) Checking setting of WTI/OTI for olorm/tripping ond cooling fon

operoiion ss per recommendstion of tronsformermonufocturers

vii) Checking of onnuncioiion proiecfionviii) Meosurement of short circuil cunent of open delto lertiory by

giving 230 V to HV side phose to neutrolond LV shorledix) Winding resislonce of eoch winding {ensured lhot this tesi is lost

in orderlB) Generol

i) Checking of phose morking on CT & pT of complele GSS os wetlos wilh odjoining sending GSS

ii) Fuse roling should be proper in C&R ponelsiii) Checking of tightening of ollwiring ql C&R panel. CT. pT etc.iv) CT, PT neufrolshould not be eqrlhed in C&R ponelsvJ All LBB reloys should be connected in over cunent mode

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t l Trippinq of lronsformer


l l

,v- *lc;

Thorough testing / testing of reloy ond its CT connectionetc.Physicol checking of ditferenliql Zone including LA'sKnee point voltoge of HV & LV side CTs ond lCTsStobility testTop position of tronsformer if reloy operolion oi lhe lime of

switchingSome times DTH 3l /32operoted during DC foullComplete tronsformer testingDGA lest

B) Buchholz Op.qrqtion

Complete tronsformer testing ,Position of gos in reloYlf reloy operoled withoui gcs collection thon check ilsoperotion on vibrotion provide necessory support to reloy'Also check oil level in conservolorPosilion of terminols of reloy elc. lerminol cover stotus qnd

its connecting ccbleDGA testBreother checking

i i) Dislonce Prolection Mol Operotion /Non Operolion

Check stor point of CiPhcse sequ€ncePhose molching of CT & PTSetting of reloyTesl DPS with ZFBMeosurement of time of zones h. 7z.Zz etc-

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"ff#'J:iil,iti'#['#["',,iy'isf [#?#r,,u,rEDie No e,, 4'22e6;3 [i i3Tl;:r;*,iS+irj,*trffiilirro. RVpN/sE/pror. /Sec.3/F. o, io,.I ,*,,

. l .r ipu,.;;o ) ( - ) .t stl


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iince lhe Dislonce

,.,,,"o "*ffi ilr :illlTifi:r ile'|vpd SSRR3v is hc

h? cJo es n c,, r ope-q re o, o *n oljre

ro de re.,,n"* ::ru*;i liff;"::t;, ,

'o,*. - 'vurr qnd lhe scherne


ts' f^erefore' qdvi," " ",,, ;n "",T*J :#Tj ti fu ft , ji[:ijT :] "T :T ::

2) .---r--,superin rendins EnsinfJ,SfrT-or*,

Copv s'hrni++^ -, .- -tffi?]::'LT]

n*.o-"o']llffi"t"o/forworc,ecJ to lhe following for kind inforrl . fhe f n;^r --

" ' 'v rr t rorrnol ion qnd

b i ffi.'r,};tr$,',{ffd$ifr$i""i,ff,"r,ffiffi ,,,,S. ihe F.x,,,,,ioli,y?".;"*X,ff"",'::ij;i;;,fi,?,ili:f ,'.o*.ro,.rFln jdo ip ur, t n",,', j J|rl,i,ji .A

tw or' Ro ions or h,


vv^Jefl f) I€f iding Enc.lrneer l,Proleclir:", r

D \ / h . , , - " 1

, r v l _ . 1 \ i l ^ i ^ .. * , w v r p U f


Page 38: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

' ' l - - .





RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NTGAM [I, 4o F F I C E q I I E^l u_p e n r Nll r.r"o r rv c E N G i N E ER ( p R (re, No e 1 _1 41.22e 6It H i::i1iJx;tusr,#tffi

No. RVpN/SE/proi. /Sec.3/F. 43 /D..5rq Joipur, Doted .i "ir..?c il

Subi lnslollotion of disturborGSS in RVpN.

tce recorder ponel or vorious 220 kv

Ref:_ This off ice lelfer No. . l09t dofed 7.1.04.

The disturkJoipur hos been ,^ ;::;,;T"#ppried

bv Mrs. csD rnsrrumenrs Lid,suiderines were issued ro q, concerned J;irT,::tr:J:::;::,::ff.:for connecting onolog ond digitol chonner ovoilobre in disiurbonce recorder.

+rr* rherorowinr"#:::il:n:Til:::ns qnd r.*c oo.r rrom the rierd,I' The present setting ond configurotion of the DR,s ore ro be revisedqs per Annexure_2 L

2' The unconnecled feeders/ironsformers ore fo be connected forinitioting/triggering

disturbonce recording in these feeders/lronsformers through ihe spored di.qitol inpui chorcqble from fhe potentiol free contoct of tripping ::; :: ;t::ponel os per Annexure _2 il.*?. The TSS configurotion it ro be kept os per detoir given in Annexure -3.

The obove guiderines ore ro be fotowed stric'y onq comprionceis requested on prioritv.r k y

s u p erin re n d ins En s in:*,B,L1tJ:,,g"TlRVpNL, Joipur.

qctionlopy submiited to the following for kind iriformotion qnd necessory

l. ii" _Direcior (p&R), RvpNL. Joipur.,fit:;:f*er

Ensineer (T&cl, ioipur ZonelJodhpur Zone, RV'NL,

i. ii: Addt..chief Ensineer {c?Tr,,..r|*LD) RvpNL, Joipur.

,. ,n," superintending Engineer (Rrotectiinl, nVpNL, Udoipur.s;ilffi:'ir;5:x jn::,ii:ii#l*1,::i:i:irJ,!;o,*"rRorongorh,

4-'-1--"'s u perin ie pdinflEin,^ " Tj lli,":j: I I



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Page 39: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

r i ' # - \ # ''"*l-m{,+.iffif -\o'5$,,i!,i{r-f **l-;;l,llsiffi i,ry::lj:'aqt: i *,,'*-it,,,:tiill

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) i iTi "*:tilil,f:j:,ii {.:?':i}.liq[ ii:il: iirr|i ?:*1,lii;]';:'-;r1*-l':

r",r(lcr aii tor' !:ei,dci'-l '.11-tl;l'll,::,:i;;";t.,.. trtrs.csi] lnstrr.rtrt*nis jatlrtrr'

reter Urnr.;iu| n.,, 20-01{)2-36,,,i,**-i r,i"nn,u.csir 'nstrrtrtetr|s" jaipur...;l

''ti-l .".r'!, /;n


Page 40: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

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I i r r-rr ; r t* i t rJ l i { { iC l ; i ; i t i r rg ott ly lbr SIKAR slr* l l be l .5i l r . /scc. as l l i , \ rc tr iggcr i i rgit;ri c lri:crt r.rLrs'lrvi-'d nt SjlfiA!l on l.i)fl.risl:c.


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Page 42: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

/ . )I



Tel i to . t ) l , l4 l -22g6755 Fox t r .Jo.9 l - l4 l -2296625 Emoi lseprot@dolo infosvs.net

f ' lo. R\/PN/SE/Prot. /Sec.3/F. 43 / D- €,6, , l Joipur, Doted ' '^ / ' ; lO t,

It hos been observed thot 132 KV feeders emonoting from GSS's tc:

vcrrious irrclustr isl EHV conrrections of Discoms ore in service rnostly without

proper disicnce proteciion scheme. These lines should be protected kly

keeping the time of operction of direclionol over cunenl & directionol eotlh

fcul l reloy equol to , l50

ms. l i moy be noted here thot this protection is m<rin

proiecl ion in such l ines ond therefore the CT rol io os per lood demqnd, t irne

onrJ plug sett ing should be coreful ly colculoled ond set.

A6y suggeslions/feecJ bqck In corryirrg out the solt ings moy be sent lrr

this off ice with necessory detoi ls. .



,'r'r#{r,Supednlending Engineer (Protectiol i i

RVPNL. Joipur,.

Copy submilted to ihe fol iowing for kind informotion ond necessc:rYo.: i iorr:-

l . I l r e D i rec lo r (P&R) , RVPNL, Jo ipu r .2. The Chief Errg ineer (T&C), RVPNL, Jo ipur /Jodhpur 'l l . The Addl . Chief Engineer (Comml-LD) RVPNL, Jo ipur .4. The Superintending Engineer (Protection), RVPNL, Udoipur.5. The Executive Engineer, Prot. l l l l , RVPNL, Joipur, Alwor, Rotongorh,

Surotgorh, Koto, Ajrner, Udoipur, Sirohi, Jodhpur.

Superintending Engineer (Protecl ict r1RVPNL, JoipLri

! o

u \ -

Page 43: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


I IAWA SARAK, CIVIL LINES, JAIPUR - 3O2OI9tel No. 9 I - I 4 I -229 67 55 Fox No. 9 1 - I 4 I -229 6625 Emoil [email protected]

Nc. RVPN/SE/ProI. /Sec.3/F. 43 / D. Joipur, Doted



Sub:- Stotus of defective prolection ond metering scheme.

Some of the protective reloys/schemes gets defective during tl-rg

service period, but ihe lotest slotus of oll these defective protectivo

relcrys/schemes is noi mode ovoiloble in complied form, Therefore, i!;,

compile and monitor on Annexure X (A) ig enclosed for furni lhing tttr

infornrqtion every month olorig witlr the progress report by oll tfru

Executive Engineer's {Prot.).

To monitor the testing protocol,test resulis ond procedures odopted, ullthe Executive Engineer (Prot.) sholl obtoin f irst copy of ql l the test repotl i

from ihe Assistont Engineer's (Prot.) ond they sholl check ol l the testirrg-

reports of division level. Tl ' ie tesl ing reporls of ol l the equipments/reloyg

of 400 kV voltoge level sholl be furnished to superintending Engine,r,q,

(Prot.). The superintending Engineer (Prot.) molotso obroin qnd cheq!,

somple test report of oll voltoge levels for oscertoining the quolity vfwork.






ts.r.tnoi-no/riSuperintending Engineer (protection]

RVPNL, Joipur,: '

Copy subntitied to the following for kind informoiion ond necessor.\rcci ion:-

I . I l ' re Di rector (P&R). RVPNL, Jo ipur .2, The Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL, Joipur /Jodhpur.3.

. fhre Acjd l . Chief Engineer (Comml-LD) RVPNL, Jo ipur .

4. The Superintencling Engineer (Protection), RVpNL, Udoipur.5. Tlre Executive Engineer. Prol. l / l l , RVPNL, Joipur, Alwor, Rotongorh,

Surrclgoih, Kotc, Ajrner, Udoipur, Sirohi, Jodhpur. . ,_jEtrcl:-Asobc',ve.

iA f --._" t / ' - "

'/ ,-'', ','./5u perinlendihg Engineer { protectiorl j

trl] 1 . ' RVPNL, Jo ipui

A/.- I

Page 44: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


o F F i C E o F T H E S U P E R | N T E N D I N G E N G I N E E R ( P R O T E C T I o N }-r lnwn snRAK, clvl l LINES' JAIPUR - 302019

, : l No.9t- t4t -2296755f.- 'J". q1- l l l -ZZgOOZ! fmoitseprot@dotoinfosys'nel

i-,. RVt'N/SE/Prot. /sec'3/F' 43 I D' f i o 2- Jcripur' Dcted z c\\ci\ uL1


| t w o s d e c l d e d i n P r o i e c t i o n C o o r d i n o i i o n C o m m i t t e e u n d e r G r i d C o d e o f

.:l i .: jcsthon thot wtri le corrying out ihe testing of bock up re|oys, o logic test for

| , l l - ' ( . ] [ , ' e j r l r i p l p i i iEs t rou l c l c l soh :eco r t i ec lou loncec r r rnuc i l y . l no rc le r l oocco rnp l i s i t

t h i s reqL - , i r emen t , f o | | ow ing ins t ruc l i o r r so rebe ing i ssuedwh ichshou |dbe fo l l owe<J .

1 ' C t r e c k . i r r g l o f b r e < ; k e r t r i p p i n g l o g i c c i r c u i t s o f t h e C o r T e s p o n d i n g f e e d e r

b r e o K e r t h r o u g h i h e r e l o y c o n l o c t s o f o v e r c u r r e n t o n d e o r t h f o u | t

r e l c y s o n c l n r c s t e r t r ! p r o l o y ( i f c o n n e c t e d ) w i t h c o n t r o l c i r c u i t r y


2. Checkirrg of tr ipplng loglc circuits of corresponding

reloy conlocls of distonce protection scheme ono

with control circuit energized ond its logic connected'

3 . T h e s e o b o v e c h e c k s s h o u l d b e d o n e i n v o r i o b l y o t l e o s t o n c e i n o y e o r

ino : ; soc io t i onw i lh theGSSlnchorgewhoshou ldbeequo l l y . respo r rs ib le

fo r these log i cchecks .TheGSs lncho rgew i l | o r ronge . the requ i redshu t

down ano coordirrcte wiih 'ihe concernecj prolec.ii<-ri-r engirreei- for

breoker through

breoker lriP coils

^f l-rranlzc,f f.r[v l v l v v r \ v r v '

P.^ ' - n l l f h r :l l v l I I u r r

conying out obove checks invoriobly'

TheEe checKs moy olso be done when the plonned shut down

lfte feecjer equip'rpspl is token by t l ie XEN GSS lrrchorge'

The st.ct cor.pl icrnce in true sprit ond purpose is sol icited

t r tC,:-rnC;ef ffed.

t .'2.

3 .

4 .5 .6 .

Supedrr lending

Is"r l"(S .K . Bho tnbgor )

Engineer (Prolection)RVPNL ' Jo iPu r '

C o p y s u b r r r i l l e ' l / f c l r v ; o r d e < l t o t h e f o | | o w i n g f o r k i n d i n f o r m o t i o n o n dilecessory oction:- (

The Direclor (P&R), RVPNL' JoiPur 'The Clr ief Engineer{T&C)' RVPNL' Joipur '

Tt-re Chief Engineer irACi, RVPNL, Jodhpur with the request to kirrcJly convey

ii,"uu inslrucllons io oll f lre GSS Inchcrrge ond the. circle officers.

r r renoc t t .C l r ie fEng ineer (Comml_LD)RVPNL,Jo ipur .rle Superir-rtendini Engineer (e1o]-9Jion)' RVPNL' U<loipur'

The Executive rngireei prot. i/tt, nvpNt-, Joipur, Alwor, Rotongcrh, surotgorlr '

Koto, Aimer, Ucloipur, Sirohl' Jodhpur' (4_a{j-._---

//S u per i nten #"g"{nicer ( F'r ol ec t i : n )

RVt 'NL , Jo iPu r

"' ' *-, l,r f1 <

Page 45: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


HAWA SARAK, CIVIL LINES, JAIPUR - 3O2OI9eL :'.:o. 9l-l4l-2296755 Fox No. 9i-141-2296625 Emoilseproi@dotoinfosvs,nei.: RVPl. i /SEiProt. /Sec.3/F. 43 / D. I I O j joipur, Dotect l ; I l l l ot l

t F ^ r r a t t ^ l l A r F A r r r a h r r A r -I E L N N I L A L L I I ( L U L A I ( N ( J . I J

Sub: Protocol foi' pre-eomrrrissiorring tests/checks for reti-ofitiir-rgwork of 220 kV Distonce Proteciion Schemes.

An order hos been piocecl on lvlis Alsthom ond M/s Sierrrens for

retrofiiting work of 220 kV Numericoi Distonce Protectiori Schenres by

providing their respective reloys mociels ? 442 clhd Z SA 522. in order to corry

out vorious checks onu' verificetions during the supervision of retrofiitirrg, the

procedure ond gr.lidelines of pre-commissioning, coi-nrr-rissioning iests/cl-recks

on r-etrofitiing jobs ore enclosed in Annexure 'A' to 'C'- In oddition to this,

opproveci drowings ond circuit drowings for replocenreni of MivllT. Mlv,i3v

ond Pl0 schernes have been cii-culoted seporately. These gtricielines nrust befoilowed strictly before toking up the work ond cfter coi'r-rpietion of the workfor ensuring goo<J qu,olity of retrofittirrg job.

(s.K.-s'n6ilgar)Super intendirrg Errgineer iPr otection )

RVPf.lL, Joipur.

Copy st.rbnrittediforwarded to the following for kii'-rd iqforrrrotion ondnecessory oction:-

l . The Direcior iP&R), RVPNL, Joip' lr .2. The Chief Engineer {T&C), RVPNL, Joipur /Jodirpur.3. Tire Addi. Chief Engineer (Corrrrni-LDi Rvpi\iL, Joipurr.4. The superiniending Engineer (proteciion), RVpfiL. Uctoipur.5. Tlre Execr"rtive Engineer, prot. l/li, RVPNL, Joipur, Alwor, Rr:iorrgcirir,

Surotgorlr, Koto, Ajmer. Ucicipr_ir, Sirohi, jocltrprrr.

Enci: As qbove. (

2/(/') ,

0- ---r'r'

Su perinienOi@Ggineer ( protection )RVPNL, Jo ipur

U",t. l tl !



! :

Page 46: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


Annexure A

F I a F F V ? D F F h F t t ^ l t F t l t ^ A l r F h R h F h r l a F r ? A h h F t B F t ? t t l t FU N E L N ) D E T \ , [ E N A I I I , I N \ ' \ . , Y E K U T J T A I I E L F L I I T I I , E I K L , , T I I I I I I \ '

I _ . I n _ E ^ . - ^ ^ r - J : - - , l t - ^ , . . - * 1 . - - t - - ^ , . - ^ t ^ t _ ^ - t . ^ t _ _ . . , : * _ , _ rr . u / D e r ( J r e s r u r r r n g r n e w u f K , r e r e r u n u u i l e u K u r u w r n g u r. - . . . . r . _ _ a : r r t _ _ . _ , , - _ t . _ _ _ , _ t . : . _ - . _ I c - . - . - . . l - , - . . - ^ l _ a ^ - . 1 _ ! 1 . - -te r ro i l i l rng onu rnurKr r lg ( ) r re r ru re nurnuers ( ) r ex rs r rngpoi-rei wiring.

bi Ensui-e isoiciiion of DC of ihe pqnei in w.hich reii-o-fi'i workis io begun.

2. Cireck oil input/otriprri conioci configui-oiion in i ire reicy r:spei- cii-owingirequirei-r-r€rrt, using ihe Lcrpiop onci t:iso cireckoperciion icter on.

3. Cireek existirrg CT circuii wirether bcck up proieciiorr is insei-ies with DPS oi- not ctiicl tes'i biocks (lviPB) for DPS pi-ovidedor r-roi. if noi pi-ovicied, then iesi biock is to be pi-ovicied byihe vencior for proper siroding fc;ciiiiy for CT circu,ii crn'j iripisoiot ion. r

4. iderriify oil trippirrg iogics eic of existir-rg scirenres for vcriousseries/pcti-oiiei cor-r^rbinqtion of ciiffereni contacis ofreiciysisw'itcl-res.

5. Acivise necessory minor chronges in cirowirrg oS per specificsite requirer-Irerris if cr-ry w'iihoui chcrnging perfoi-rr-rcnce cndpr inc ip ie .

6. Er-rsure i lroi f ir-m's engineer-hcs cdequcie teonr onci iools for

ihe i-eirofiiiing work so ihoi work couid be cornpieied in

siruiciowrr .iime.

\ v

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Annexure B

PRE-eofif,nnisstoNtNG eH ECKS

Piecse carr-y out foiiowing cirecks, ofiei' tire fii-i-rrs errgiireer irciscompieied insioiici ion arrci wiring of t ire 22A kV DPS. These checks wii ibe u'one wiih ihe iine/ equipi-i-renis uncler si-ruidow.n"

l. ci) Ensur-e iiroi remoining wir-irrg ci ail reicrys/swiicires etc csieft iir trcirrei is utiiized cinu, ii ricici.

b) tirct r-equireci DC eic is ovciiobie.

2. Check ond ensui-e curi-eni injeciioi-r in eoch iri-oteciioircievice.


Ci-reck physicoiiy eoch w.ii-e/cor-rnection cis pei circiwing.

Corry oui iesiing through ZFB or reiciy tesi kii os foiiow.s:i) Do seiiir^rgs of h,7z,Ls.Z+ os per cr:iculciiion.i;) Reverse zone nroy be kepi os 5 Kms.iii) Aicrrr-r of voiiogelFuse-fciii & check biocking of reicy.ivi soTF fe':iure through Binoi-y inpui wirich iis io be wii-ed

tiri-oug ir Tf.lC switcir.v) Check bi-okerr coirducioi- feqtui-e.

i n

T- 'ZO Y" for time = 5 Sec

vi) cireck ouio reciosing feoiure crfier iaking cor-rserri ofGSS iircl-roi-ge for bi-ecker opei-oiioi-r or oiher-wisecoi-rfii-r n reioy operoiion.

vii) Cireck biocking of ouio reciosing wiitr fr: i iure ofcon-ier, low cir- pressui-e & non r:uio seieciion ofexiei-nai switch. (ARS}

vii i) Keep PSB enr:bie for- 7t,72, Z: wiih de-blockir-rg i imer ost500m sec.

ix) clreck inter ii-ippii-rg feair;re for zz fr:ult foi- ccririei-ranairra

xi sepci-cie DC fuses cii-e io be provicieri for rrrcin -i orrdMoin - l i .

xi) Cciniei- iiiiout swiich for ecch ih -t & ivi-ii to beprovidecl if iroi cvciicbie in exisiir-rg porrei"

xii) At,rxii i<:i-y DC suppiy io l i - i & i\4 - i i be routed ihrouah2 No ierminois oi biock A, B, C & D"

cfreck 2 trip coiis iTC i &TC ii) inclepencierriiy thi-ougir eoci-rconicci of 86A, 868, B6C, 86T, VARivi & DpS i-eicy.

Cireck operoiion of c;il oii-rei- corriaci as per drcwii.rg.Get wired or-re i. lo contcci foi-check synchroirizing up to TBfoi- fuiure use.cl-reckir- ippirrg/Aior-mi i r roughexis i ingrercysiscirerrres. Lf 5

-J .


c .





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Annexure e

C O MtoliSSi Ot'il'r'i G C ttEC KS

The iine cori ,o- chorgeci-:,:l*' tc'rkirrg proper cleoror-rces fi'om

concerneO o'-to 'Joifowing ctrecks be dot-ie

l. check on iood or c,r-rorgirrg cunentilirre volioge/seiected buis

, :;""na"TSJ t*l:li::'"tlr direciion (iinpiExp) io eirSu'€

"o'i*tt oireciion oi DPS'

. ?l*,i*f***'" ryG!s-[;ryf;' coi necio s cinci

i,,te,i.rcJ;;;; wor-kir-rg wiiir'voui-]?p'"''"$ttc (7 sA 522) or

' Uru*",;'-X; ;ruSru:81:ii:h:iil'"* it encioseci ii

, Hv, J,.:;::f*'l"?., :5 ;;E;r?.iii$'ruTib''""' ci c wir sswitir rt 'odiiicoiiorrs ot tneJirne ot signing MOivi'

6. Recorci oti t*'t resuiis" '**ii"*' ""lig::YtionlpSl duiv signed 'pv

v end or, 5 represerr.tcr"iive o n J'on.-i.neci proiection e rr gin eei..

T .Foi iowi - ip ihegio lp* , to i .noncefo i . 'next fewweeksforpropei .furrc'iiorring of feoiu'"'' I-pJr' Lny to"oirrroiity if obsei-ved'

\ o

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s -s:t',




HAWA SA.RAK, CIVIL LINES, JAIPUR _ 3O2OI9i c. 9 I - I 4 I -229 67 55 Fox No. 9't - I 4 I -229 662s Emoir seprot@dotoinfosvs. neiRVPN/SE1ProI . /Sec.3/F. 43 / D. IL) ) Jo ipur . Doied ; i 1 t lc5 '


sub: Reloy sett ing of distcirce protection schemes and bock uDretovs.

Ref: Techniccl circulor No. I issued vide this office letter Nlo. 27doted 6.4.2002.

ln view of feed bock received from vadous field officer.s, the timesetting of Zone3 reverse reoch hos to be revised from goo m.s. to l0o0 m.s. roovoid unwonted tripping in Zone3 os experienced in the field.

Therefore, oll concerned ore requested to get the time settingrevised from 800 ms to ]000 ms in Zone--3 reverse with 5 Km. reach whererrertime cnd reoch setiing is ovoiloble in the distonce protection schemes in theirjuriscl ict ion.

The other reloy settings specified in technicol circulor No. I willr A m r t l n e ^ m a .. **./

r \ ,.-----'/

,f\-/a - .

s u perin re no ins r n g in(:5,t#;,t::,t"TjRVpNL, Jo iour .

Copy submitted/fonryorded to the following for kind informotion cndnecessory ociion:-

l . The Di rector (p&R). RVPNL. Jo ipur .I The Chief Engineer {T&C). RVpNL. Joipur /Jodhpur.3. The Addl . Chief Engineer (Comml_LD) RVpNL, Jo ipur .4' The Superintending Engineer (protection), RVpNL, Udoipur.5' The Execulive Engineer. prot. rlil, RVPNL, Joipur. Arwor. Rotongorh.

Surotgorh. Koto, Ajmer. Udoipur, Sirohi. Jodhpur.

uN- \rL\,*qY. /



/ ' , , . . r ' -i - . ' \ r ' - ! - - -

| ! " - , , /


Su perintendiog"Engineer ( protection )0\ a_- RVPNL, Joipur


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HAWA SARAK, C IV IL L INES, JA IPUR _ 3O2O]9Tel No. 9 1 - l 41 -229 67 55 Fox No. 9 1 -1 41 -229 6625 Emoil [email protected]

No. RVPN/SE/Prot. /Sec.3/F. 43 I D, l . > f Joipur, Doted t / ->/ u f '


Sub: Protocol for instol lot ion ond commissioning of Bus Bor

Protect ion Schemes of vor ious GSS's v ide TN-195'

In comprionce to MoM doted lo.5.2oo5 regording progress ond

review for instol lot ion ond commissioning of numericol Bus Bor Protection

Schemes of vor ious GSS's v ide TN - 195, o meet ing wos held wi th M/s ABB wi th

this off ice to define procedure for the some. ,4ccordingly in order to corry oui

instol lot ion ond commissioning of Bus Bor Protection Schemes of vorious GSS's,

t ire procedure ond guidelines of pre-commissioning checks, commissioning

procedure, shut down procedure ond the Bus Bor proiection scheme sett lngs

hove been f i no l i zed ond o re enc losed i n Annexure ' l ' t o ' l v ' . TNSC p ro toco l s /

nrr-rr-cr-trrres crre to be followed by ihe Executive Engineer GSS / Protectionv , v v v v v '

concerned while gett ing the work done from the f irm's representotive.

(S.K. Bhotnogor)Super in tending Engineer (Protect ion)

. RVPNL, Jo ipu r .

Copy olong with copy of Annexure I to lV submitted/forworded to thefol lorving for kind informoiion ond necessory oction:-

l . The D i rec to r (P&R) , RVPNL, Jo ipu r .2. The Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL, Jo ipur /Jodhpur .3. The Addl . ch ief Engineer (PP&M), RVPNL, Jo ipur in re ference to MoM

doted 10.5.05 wi th RVPN & M/s ABB.The Addl . Chief Engineer (Comml-LD) RVPNL, Jo ipur 'The Super in tending Engineer (TCC-I to lX) , RVPNLensuring work under i tem No.Z Annexure-l for seporote eorth pit.

6 . The Super in tending Engineer (Protect ion) , . RVPNL, Udcr ipur .7. The Execut ive Engineer , Prot . l / l l , RVPNL, Jo ipur , A lwor , Rotongorh,

Surotgorh, Koto. Ajmer, Udoipur, Sirohi, Jodhpur.

Encl: As obove.1 . ,

Q r r n a r i n t o n r ' l i n n F n n i n o o r / P r n t o r - t i n n lJ U I \ / V M \ J - ' ' : , " I v ' v v ' ' v /

RVPNL, Jo ipu r

L,t* t t



4.5 . for


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Annexure- l

Pre- commissioninq checks

t .


i l .

1 2 .


t i l ) ]t

j ( i _ .

.-i ci '.f cr .-


2 .


Configurot ion of whole GSS bus bors shol l be done by the

supp l ie r ond sho l l be checked by RVpN.

Conflgurot ion of reloy sett ings in Moin ond Boy units.

Energise lhe DC circui ts of CMR ponel ond reloy ponel of ter

checking impedonce of DC circui tory ond ensure thot ol lf ie ld wir ing of ponel end is disconnected ond subsequeni ly

f ield wir ing con be connected. ,Check logic operot ion of eoch boy

Check inputs to opto couplers ond output reloys operol ion.

Check the stobi l i ty on secondory inject ion on ful l bus

conf igurot ion.

Check eorlhing of ponel. Ensure thot seporote eorth pi t isprovided with i ts r isers connected to moin eorth gr id/mesh.

Coble ormouring is to be eorthed ol ponel end for ol lcobles except CT coble which is to be eorthed ot

morshol l ing kiosk.

Funct ionol checks, feoture check ond reloy test ing shol l becorr ied out.

During the pre-commissioning t ime, the tr ip circui t wire shoi lbe lef t disconnected of C&R ponel end or breoker end.

CI short ing of yord shol l not be removed during pre_

commissioning checks.

Al l other pre-commissioning checks os odvised by thesuppl ier of bus bor scheme shol l be corr ied out by hisrepresentot ive in oddit ion to obove.

Time synchronizot ion shoi l be connected from exist ing ornew G.P.S. system.

lnchorge GSS ond/or protect ion 'engineer

shol l witness

obove ond ensure thot exist ing equipments ore scfely rnseryice during obove oct iv i ty.

4 .

5 .

6 .

9 .

1 0 .

B .


1 3 .

1 4 .

( 't

(*r/ n.e e )-u)


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I[ -t&J

\_ -/ -t _ t 4 *

f *r,*.-*

LAnnexure l f

Commissioninq checks


] l Shut down of individuol feeoers wi l l be token.t,t uorry out the primory injection crotio qnd porority checks.

n 220 kV cT's of feeder with

i i i ) Check reloy current in scheme.iv) check breoker trip, crose ond other iogics of controi crrcuii byr.\

connecting irip circuit on both TC_i & IC_llv J utsConnecl t , .vi) cony our.^::ffr:i-:::fld

qrter test

corryou i physico r ;.;;;" ;:l fi

isororor con rocr on dAfter compiet ion of individuol breoker siof Bus bor scheme shoi l be checked *,r ;r toorn,

the on rood stcbi l i ty

oi l feeder 's tr ip wires disconnecred. I bus bor protect ion ouI ' &

Put whoie scheme uro doys keepins ,,.,r;i::"J,:1::lJl,

Bus Bor prore-ion ,rN, for(D)

HJf,:::::,: or insiobir'i is observed, connecr oir rrip wires or

(E) The scheme sholt be put in servi,step (DJ.

- 'v" vu PUr rrr servlce l reoted os commissioned ofter( tr Concerned XEN (prot. /Gss) ond f i rm,s representot ive shol ls ign oMCM giving fui l deioi ls of work done.(G) tnchorge GSS ond/or proteclion

ensure ihot exist ing equipmeni, , tnn'ntt 'shoi l witness obove qnd

oct iv i ty. v vYv'PI I rsr rrs ore sofeiy in service durrng obove

Commissionino protocof

1' Firm's representotive wi, corry out joinr survey for field rrepresentol ive of sE (prot.) Joipur. ' v/ 'vr t teto requiremenls wi ih

2. Ihe joini report with wiring schedujeJoipur ro sorr

"r , rn-. ,^^-:^: : : ]"" : te

shoi l be honded c

3 The rirm wi,,,.,",',T:;:llT:1i,11,,.^"o,, . .":.

"er to sE (Prot )

concerned XEN (prot.) ond XEN css ;n ^^: ; : : . " uonceroed sE (Proi .) ,'"j-

; " ", lJ"; s t e c o n d t o "' "lJ''ll': n:T:: ;il : ;H J "

i"/.-'* /i | /') n-., 1- _ ,-; \ (/-_:/_X"v/_S[ ( r''r-c+ )

, tt. f;".^

(u/ e-zz ;.-,) SC

a t





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5 .

!17 "t rI-. A nne.rctD.c- tJ,-

The f i rm wi ' give detoired progromme of feeder wise shutdown.The sE (Prot ' ) Joipur wi l l depute one commissioning teom to ossist theconcerned XEN (prot.) teom. concerned SE {prot.) sho, rnvoriobry bepresent dur ing commissioning.

The f i rm wi, corry comprete checking of Bus Bor protect ion scheme osper procedure roid down in Annexure r , t , t & rV which sho, be checkedby proteci ion wing qs obove. Besides this o, provisions of schemes sho,be checked by ihe proteci ion engineers of RVpN.commissioning report sho, be prepored in detoir showing ony pendencyof externor conneci ions/devices ond future progrom. l t sho, be signed byfhe SE (pro t . ) , XEN (pro t . ) ond XEN GSS.Ihe copy of eoch reports shori be forworded to the SEJoipur for his needful .

9' The licensed copy of soflwore of Bus Bor proiection scheme shol l benonded over by the f i rm to concerned XEn (p).l0 .A l l commiss ion ing procedures sho l l comply w i th the

\ . 1 ; r ' > r l / '

,l /t-\ ialn.^..r

(t ls tBg Ari)

7 .

6 .

lc t

\ - J r



8 .(400 kV Des ignJ

Purchose Crder.

t -

s l

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xEN (p)/A.En. (p) concerned wirr request xEN (GSS) to forwqrd requisi t ionio LD cell one doy prior to work for shut down of the portrcuror feeder.subsequenty the xEN (Gss) wi, obtoin creorqnce from LD ce, ond issuePTW normol ly for 6 hours for commissioning - work.

Annexure l l l

rsoloTors without

obove shol l be



2. lsolotor inter lock swi lches shol l be instoi led for openshutdown whi le for c lose isolotors; shuidown period ofused for providing isolotor interlock switches Oy'the firm.


/ h l

Breoker operol ion sho, be checked before relurning shutdownby ini i iot ing tr ip through exist ing protect ion schemes of rnefeeder.

operot ion of TC-r ond TC-' shot be checked seporotery in rnebreoker.

L.'-t -=-.tuJ . . . - , . -J. /

. / ' 1 n l(. J-'/-Aol-

.S!:- C l).,'D+)

J P .

f - x \

/ ul. F:bb, t-' r/ '! / )



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Annexure lV

o) Current differentiql olgorilhm (centrol unil)

I r min = Pick up di f ferent iol current = rooo A (pr imory current)

k = Stobi l i ty foctor or percentoge bios = O.B


Dif ferent iol current olorm = 5 7o of l r min (by defoult) = 50 ABreqker foilure proteclion (eoch boy unit)

Cur ren t se t t ings = l .2 ln . ,Time sett ing = 200 m.sec

End Zone Prolection (eoch boy unit)

Cur ren t se t t ings = 1 .2 In .

Time sett ing = 2OO m.sec.

Defoult t ime for blocking operot ion on TNC switch contoct= 36 m.secOver currenl ond eqrlh foult reloys

Funct ion to be mode d isob led .

Selecl oplions for following:

i) Block relevont zone protect ion in cose of cT olorm or onomoly.i i ) Block relevcnt zone protect ion in cose of isorotor onomcrry.i i i ) Extend relevont zone in cose when both bus isolotor observed

os " CLOSE"



/ ,LA4 -







-{ Q1',?,al'-)J'e*^' f*t.tf

/ ) l O c r I<'A*L->V.'L--*-(H/ fl^" /-,.,


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RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM TIMITEDOFFICE OF THE SUPERINTEN?I I Ig^ENGINEER iPRbTECTIONiHAWA SARAK, CIVIL LINES, JAIPUR _ 3O2O I 9T e l N o . 9 1 - 1 4 1 _ 2 2 9 6 7 5 5 F o x N o . 9 i - 1 4 l - z n d s z s E m o i | @

No. RVPN/SE/Prot . /Sec.3/F. 43 / O. Sql Jo ipur . Doted 2 a\Kl . r r__

The Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL. Jo ipur .l fe

Sugeri l tending Engineer tprotu.i in), RV'NL, Udoipur. He isrequesled for orronging coribrotion of oi l Referen.. st;noord Meter &Acchucheck 's of h is c i rc le o i Centro l Lob. Udoipur .

i l:.iJ::^:t'J;::n'"'er' Prot r/rI' RVPNL' Joipur, Arwor, Roronsorh,

I-rB[F:Is , ri i fi: I

. ; I



The meter test ing bench of 0 .02 cross occurccy hos been gotinstol led ond commissioned in the cenlror Lob. of circre off ice Joipur. TheReference stondord meter of 0.r ond 0.2 cross occurocy of oi l divisions ondsub divisions ore to be coribroted onnuoily os per norms. Therefore, i l rsodvised to oi l concerned thot rhe Reference stondord meters moy preose begot coribrored from ceniror Lob. Joipur, whenever ccribrotion is due.

superintendins Ensin:*,l5F;lRVpNL, Jo ipur .

necess:?;: i , ' ,3; ' t t td/forworded to the fol lowins for kind informorion ond

l2 .

cSuperintendirfg Engineer (proteci ion)

RVpNL. Jo ipur' ( (

s y

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T , .



nnwl snnAK, Clvlt LINES' JAIPUR' 302019

Tel. No. g1-141-2296/; ; 'F"; N"


Emoil- seprotect ion' jpr 'nei

No. RVpN/SE/Pro t . / sec .3 /F . 43 lD 'Bo 6 Jo ipur ' , Doted / 'Q / ls l o i


S u b : P r o t o c o | f o r i n s t o | l o t i o n o n d c o m m i s s i o n i n g o f B u s B o rProtection Schemes of vorious GSS's vide TN-195'

Amee i i ngwoshe |dondo tedn .g ,o5w i ih the rep resen to t i ves

o fM/sS iemens tode f i ne thep rocedure fo r i ns to | l o t i onondcommiss ion ing

of numericol Bus Bor Proiection'

T h e s e i t i n g s o f n u m e r i c o l B u s B o r P r o t e c t i o n S c h e m e s h o v e

been worked out ond given in Annexure 'rV (A)' . These seit ings ore to be

m o d e i n t h e B u s B o r P r o t e c t i o n S c h e m e s o f , s i e m e n s ' m o k e , h o w e v e r l n e

Annexure I to l l l os circuloied eorl ier olongwith the technlcol circulor No'

l6 shol l remoin some'

Theo the r ins to | l o t i onondcommiss ion ingp ro toco | /p rocedure

O r e t o b e f o | l o w e d b y t h e E x e c u t i v e E n g i n e e r ( G S S ) / P r o t e c t i o n

concernedwhi |eget t ingtheworkdonefromthef i rm,srepresent3t iv l " - - - ,

(S.K. Bhotnogor)Superintending Engineer (Protection)

RVPNL, Jo iPur .

b,,L- l((l


C o p y s u b m i t t e d / f o r w o r d e d t o i h e f o | | o w i n g f o r k i n d i n f o r m o t i o n o n dnecessory oction:-

l . The Di rector (P&R) ' RVPNL' Jo ipur '

2 . The Chief Englneer (T&C) ' RVPNL' Jo ipur /Jodhpur '

3. The Addl. cni- iet Engineer (comml-LD) RVPNL, Jolpur.

4. The Superlntendinj fngineer {Protection)' RVPNL' Udoipur'

5. The Executivl fngin""i prot. i / t t , RVPNL, Joipur, Alwor, Rotongorh,

Suroigorh, Koto, n1m*t' Udoipur' Siroht ' Jodhpur'

Encl: As obove.a - " '

L ,, */*-| .,"'( , / , . '

j , ! ^ ^ ^ ' / D r a t a n i i n n \

Superintending tngtr teel l r r . - , r .=.-rrur r /RVPNL, Jo lPur



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Annexure lV (A)

Cunenl diflerentiol olgorlthm (cenirol unil)

i) Moin Zone

lr. min = Pick up differentiol cunent = I O0O A (Prlmory currenr)

k = Stobility foctor = 0'75

Dlf ferent iol current olorm = 57o of l r ' min (by defoult) = 50

with t ime deloy 5 second wi ih blocking during the foul t '

i i ) Check Zone

I min = Pick up differentiol current = l0OO

Check zone stobiliiy foctor setting= O'5

Differentiol cunent olorm = 5 7" of lt min

with time deloy 5 second without blbcking

Breoker fqilure prolecfion (eoch boy unit)

Current seit ings = l '2 ln'

k = stobilizing foctor = 0'5 (Defoult setting)'

Time setting = 200 m'sec'

Time for triP rePeot = lO0 m's'

Select oP'fion for - BF: OP: MODE

End Zone Prolection (eoch boy unit)

Current sett ings = I '2ln'

Timer setling = 2oo m'sec'

Time for blocking oPerolion on

TNC switch contoct= 200 m'sec'

by defoult

Over currenl ond eorth louli reloys

Function io be mode disobled for tripping duty'

Blocking/Disobl l i ty for BFP ond EFP binory input shol l be

disobled ofter 5 sec' , t i l l the stotus chonge'

Selecl oPlions for following:

i) Block relevon1 zone protection in cose of CT olorm or


i i )B lockre |evontzonepro tec t ion incoseof iso |o to ronomo|y .

iil) Exiend relevont zone in cose when both bus isolotor

observed os "CLOSE"

Disturbonce Recorder:

Pre triggering time = l0O m sec'


" ,\\\ rN 'V \ Q


A (PriProry cunent)

(by defoult) = 50 n

during the foult.








Post foult t ime = 100 m sec' ofter cleoronce'

Page 59: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


HAWA SARAK, C IV IL L INES, JA IPUR - 3O2O]9Tel No.9l- l4l-2296755 Fox No. 91-141-2296625 [email protected]

No. RVPN/SE/ProI . /Sec.3/F. 43 /D. I l { : i

-< Jo ipur , Doted i I l ' t t u

t .


Sub: Revision in distonce protection reloy sett ing.

As per the present scheme drowings 220 kV feeders, Moin I ond Moin Id is tonce scheme ore connected wi th e i ther 'L ine CVT' or 'bus CVT' . l t .hosbeen observed thot whenever there is o problem in Line CVT/ Bus CVT, Moin| & l l both schemes ond over current ond eorth foult protections becomeout of service. To overcome obove problem it is odvised thot one of thedistonce protection schemes moy be connected with Line CVT ond otherdistonce protection schemes with selected bus CVT/PT.

l l is odvised thot in cose of fuse foi l block in numericol reloys the internol overcurrent protection is to be enobled wiJh fol lowing definite t ime deloy ondcurrent sett ing in non directionol mode bs per Annexure 'A'.


o) Over Cunent seti ingb) Time deloy

1 ^ . ^ . 0 7t v v / o

250 m.sec..-

3 .

4 .

In cose of removol of ol l the 3 phose voltoge occidentol lYl or due to onyreoson, in numericol reloys the three phcse voltoge foi l supervision feoturemoy be enobled io ovoid ir ipping of feeders.Revision in power swino blockinq feoture sett inos in numericol relovs.

On receipt of feed bock from vorious f ield Engineers, the fol lowingrevision in power swing blocking feoture sett ing hos necessitoted in numericclreloy on 220 kV l ines type EPAC. MICOM, SEL, REL ond Siprotec etc.

l) Power swing ohmic reoch - 5 ohms in 1A reloy(As per Annexure-B)

' l ohm in 5A reloy

l l) Power swing detection t ime (in buil t) - 5 m.sec.'l l l ) B lock ino of Zones

A) Llnes connected to Generoting Stotions.i) Power swing blocking disobled - Zone-l ond Zone-l l .i i ) Power swing blocking enobled - Zone-l l l , o' ther forword ond

reverse zone.B) Lines other thon connected to Generoting Stotions.

i) Power swing blocking enobled - ol l Zones

i r r \ l - ) a h l n n L i n n t i m a ? O c o n

The confirmotion of the obove revisions movEncl: As obove

be sent to this office.

s i perinrenorn s ensirl:5,tJ:rt::rt#lRVPNL, Jo ipu r .

Copy submitted/forworded to the fol lowing for kind informotion ondnecessory oction:-

l . The Di rec ior (Tech.) , RVPNL, Jo ipur .'2 . The Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL, Jo ipur /Jodhpur .9 The Chief Engineer (O&M) KTPS/STPS, RVUN, Koto/Surorghor.,t -,

V The Super in tending Engineer (Protect ion) , RVPNL, Udoipur .

5 The Executive Engineer, Prot. l / l t , RVPNL, Joipur. Alwor, Rotongorh, ",Surotgorh, Koto, Ajmer, Udoipur, Sirohi, Jodhpur. V)

Encl: As obove dr ----" "'

/-'Su^perintendin gffngineer ( protection )6)- RVPNL, Jo ipur

5 +

Page 60: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



to corry out seninss ro enobte internq, il:;irJ" 'o'

proleclion in cose of fuse tqiluie

l 3€ *



Set i ing \ata^rD,evice configurotio" i; i ;; iMoin menu- Group sON / 5tJNj

(* f r_

C:\SKGYfecnical Circulars.doc

Configurot ionbock up-t> effifoul f O/c

Moin Menu

Bock uo I j

l> l Direci ionoll>l VTS Block Non direcl ionolt>l current sel t /sA (100%l> lTime VTS

5o Ni sl Nlround o/ct ^ f , | / F ' . . _ _ - -q_v-ltf_?]-\_Qo9 k u p O/c

ON: Only oct ive wit f , toss of Wsecondory circui i50-B I pick

50 N- B-t pick u 00 A ( inf ini50 B il pick

00 A {inf init50 N -B l t pick u5 l -B p ick5l N-B pick

Moin Menu l r > l / 5 A / t

At >> NOal,> NO

. . . rs l i , - i \ tccrr ic t r I Circrr lurs.doc

5 8

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Annexure 'B '

Procedure lo block the dislqnce prolection scheme in cose oflhree phose VT foil


Moin Menu Groupl SvpervisionSub menu VT supervisionl . )o lan l ?D Enob ledThreshold 3P r 0 vDelto l> 0.5/2.s A (s0%) bk


Meosurement Supervision2913 A Threshold V<

2914 A Dif ferent iolcurrent

0.s/2.5 A (s0%)

Pre-def ined f ix sel t ing of residuol uottoge is 0J5 VnLe. one or lwo fuse foi lNo blocking provision for 3 phose VT foi l

C :\SKG\Tecnical Circulars.d<,rcs u [ g L I t u d I r _ l t g r t r d , i . u u !


Page 62: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



Tel No. 9 I - I 4 I -22g 67 55 Fox No. 9 1 -l 41 -229 6525 Emoil seprot@dotoinfosvs net

No. RVPN/SE/ProI . iSec.3/F. 43 lD. / / | Jo ipur ' Doied ! lS J t " € '


During the deliberotion with consti. tuenis of NREB on 3rd Moy 2006' i t

hos been observed thoi broken conductor feolure is in service on Annunciol ion

mode in most of the electr icity Boords/componies on 4OO1220 kV l ines' ln order to

hove the benefit of broken conductor feoture, i t hos been considered

oppropriote thot the broken conductor feoture moy be put in circuit in ol l the

2 2 O k v n u m e r i c o | d i s t o n c e p r o l e c i i o n s c h e m e s o f v o r i o u s m o k e s i n s t o l l e d o t

vorious 220 kV GSS in our system with Annunciotion mode with t ime deloy of 2 sec

.- of lzl lr set of 2o%. A f low chori for enobling broken conductor olorm feoture in

numericol reloys of moke Siemens, Alstom is being foworded for reody reference

ond corry ing oui the set t ings os per the f low chor i '

confirmotion of enobling the broken conductor feoture moy be sent to ihis

off ice within seven doYs.

A{- l e

f-- 2 c >

! ' _




Encl : As obove.

RVPNL, Jo iPur .

C o p v s u b m i t t e d / f o r w o r d e d t o t h e f o | | o w i n g f o r k i n d i n f o r m o t i o n o n dnecessory oction:-

L The Di rector (Tech.) , RVPNL. Jo ipur '2 . The Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPNL, Jo ipur /Jodhpur '3 . The Chief Engineer (o&M) KTPS/STPS, RVUN, Koto/surotgorh.

+ The Super in tending Engineer (Pro lect ion) , RVPNL, Udoipur '

4. The Executive Engineer, Prot. l / l l , RVPNL, Joipur, Alwor, Roiongorh,-

Surotgorh, Koto, Ajmer, Udoipur, Sirohi, Jodhpur'c' ",

Encl: As obove *'_*" - ._

Super in tending Engineer (Pro iect ion)RVPNL. Jo ipur

t ' - ' - ' : : : ; : window in foc io for broKen cotruuutv ' " ' " '

J } / v ' "

n * - . - /

L . 1 , - - 'ff:I""'

s u peri nte n di ns rn s i n(:5,tJ:tt::tt#l

/ , - - t Jl-,' 1 -J -)


-//n = 'E(P"a+ ' ) '


Page 63: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



MICOM Reloy (M/s Alslom)

Mo inMenu Con f i gu ro t i on



I , |30

A pole open current threshold

0029 meosurement supervisionIV

i )


Mosking l /O conf igurot ion motr ix

IMeosuremeni supervision

I00195 fo i l conductor

2904 A curreni threshold for 0.2 Abolonce monitor ing2905 A bolonce foctor forcunent monitor 0.5


i ) Broken Conduclori i ) lz / l r se i t ing

i i i ) lz / l r set l ing

iv) lz / l r Tr ip

L|NE\ L|GN + t '


2 sec.


aq/ / o

( .07A for lA re lcy)(0.354 for 5A re lcy)

Assign ouJput ' 19'for onnunciot ion




2 sec.

Nole: Check ihe PSL:Broken conductor Alorm feoture should be ossigned for 'LED'

ond outpul re loy for onnunciot ion.

Siprotec Relay (M/s Siemens)

Moin Menu Seit ing group A

Io) 001 1 power system doto 2


- 2 c >

t * J l


b )


Moin Menu

EPAC relay (lWs Alstom)

C O N F + a\





A brk


I brk

t brk

Nole: use spore output contoct for onnunciot ion in oUT I or oUT 2 ond connectspore window in focio for broken conductor olorm.

L'i-,*'r , 6l,T'"-"--''='-

,S. E (P-of. ). l;;7-""- .C:\SKG\tecnical Circulars.doc

v . \ ! r N \ J \ r c u n r g i u ( - t r c l i l a r s . o o c

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i t

) n





Tel No. 9 t - 1 4 1 zzii'ai is iox No. q r -t ii-an os25 Emoil seprot@doioinfosvs' net


No. RVpN/SE/Prot' /Sec.3/F' 43 lD' -Sq 7 Joipur' Doted /6/7/ t ' {


Sub: Amendnrent in Technicol Circulor No'l & l5'

T h e o m e n d m e n t i n Z o n e - 3 r e v e r s e s e t i i n g i n p o i n t N o . l A ( l V ) o f

technlcol circulor No.1 ond point No. 4 ( i i) of Annexure '8" of technicol circulor

N o . l 5 i s h e r e b y r e v i s e d o s g i v e n b e l o w i n v i e w o | r e t r o f i t t i n g o f n u m e r i c o | r e | o y s

o n m o s t o f 2 2 a k V | i n e s i n R o j o s t h o n , s i n c e e o r | i e r s o m e o f e | e c t r o m e c h o n i c o | /;

disionce reloys were hoving inherent reverse reoch seiting'

. / *._

Lk-t "


i: f "f q* / t? -


n l

Previous Setling

Technicol Circulor No'I A (lV) Zone 3 reverse

TechnicolCirculor No'Annexure B 4 (ii)

Revised Setting

Zone 3 reverse setting

I : 25% of Zone 3 forword reocn'


: Reverse Zone moY be kePt os 5 km'

:25%of Zone-' l reoch or 5 km which

ever is less.


v l


l t is thereforeenjo inedupono| l theInchorgeofprotec i iondiv is ionond

s u b d i v i s i o n t o r e v i s e t h e Z o n e 3 r e v e r s e s e t t i n g o s o b o v e o n o | l 2 2 o k v l i n e s o n d

compllonce of the revision moy be sent to circle Inchorge eorly '

CoPY submiited/forworded to

necessory oction:-

(S.K. Bhotnogcr)

s u Peri nte ndins En gin T'",5[?::]5]l

ihe following for klnd informoiion ond

l. The Chief Engineer (T&C)' RVPNL' Joipur /JodlOyr,

2. The supertntending Engineer (proteci ion), RVPNL, Udoipur to circulote the

ciirection'i. The Executive Engineer'

Surotgorh, Koto, Ajmer'Prot. l / l l , RVPNL, JoiPur, Alwor'Roiongorh,

Udoipur, Sirohi, JodhPur'

Superintendin ngineer (Protection)


Page 65: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter

4*e'je@,@js. r $d3tJ&$,r#$*:G., : I il'

RAJASIHAT.I RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM TIMITEDO FFIC E O F TFi E S U P ERI I.ITEN DI I.I G EI..I GI I,I EEi'. JPRbTECTI O I.])H{\,^/A SARAK. CtVtL Ltf.JES, . jAtpuR _ SOiCr pTe|Nlo.91-141-2296755Fcxi ' lc.9l- l i izzg:tszje, i lc ir

Nc. Rvpt'l/SE/prcr" /Sec.3/F. 43 / D. g l3

t .

Jcipur'. DcteC t 1 ..tt_. o€4-lS _ Il_ 44

TECt+NtcAt crRcur.AR NO. 21

sub: utirizotion of Neutrcr Disprocemeni Reroy in Tronsferrnersond A_,to Reclosing cf Z2A kV lines.

Neutrcr Disprocement Reroy provided on 220/132 kv Tronsformers fcrthe purpose of proieciion cf terticrir windinQ ore presenry connectecfor tripping of breoker. Now it is instructed thoi these reroys mcy beconnected fo onnuncioior for ,,clorm,, purpose only.ln the rerrofit progromm e of 220 kV distonce protection se heme, mestof ihe crc.ereys hove been reproced by numer-icor distonce protectionscneme ond during commissioning testing Auio recrose function hcsbeen checked ond fcunc sotisfoctory. The Auto reclose function isolreccy in service on 4oo kv rines excepi those ccnnected tcgenercting stqtions.

I'rcvv it is insrructec thct singie phose ouio recrose feoture moy be put inservice for o, the 4oo kv/ 220 kV rines hoving SF6 breoker other ihcninter connector lines of generoting stctions.Motter fcr the obove rines connected ic genercting stct ions is pencingin need cf crecrcnce lFrcm the respective generoting stcticns.

An ecrly complionce may be ensured ond reported.



-Sr,t l-

S u perinrencins ensi#J;,fl;g.n*,RVpf.JL, Jcipur.

""."rfiiljffiitt"o/fon"r'orded to the foltowing for kind infcrmorion cnc

l . The Director (Technicol), RVPNL, Jcipur2. The Chief Engineer {T&C), nVptit_. tqipur /Jodhpur.3' Ii::irs:,,:rJnding

i"gi;""' rprote-iionj, nr/prir. udaipur-ro circurcre4. The Executive, Engineer. prot. l/ll, R.V'NL, Joipur, Alwor, Rotongcr-h,Surotgcrh. Kotc, A1.mer. UCoipli. Sirohi, Jodhpur-.

^ r l

S u perin te n din g En g in._-||p/rot..ti" "

tCopy olso submitted io the Chief Engineer (KTPS/SIPS). RVUNt, Koto,/Surcigqrhfor informction qnd necessory cci icn

'eei lNrrJ/J lr)J. Rv ,.----<h>--

{A .K. S inchc l t



Page 66: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



JAIPUR - 302019


Phone: 0141 -229189'l

tD | 9.7 D o t e d t ^ 5 ' o . ' " '

Technicql Circulor

Sub': Guide | ines to fol|ow for testing ond commissioning of CTs

being rePloced ogoinst foi led CT'

- . e f o l l o w i n g s t e p s s h o u | d b e t o k e n w h i | e i e s t i n g o n d c o m m i s s i o n i n g o f C T s

l: 'eing reploced ogoinst foi led CT' I

l . Dote of insto l lo i ion of fo i led CT'

2. Doie of fo i lure.

3. Doie on which lost meggered wi th 15 Sec ' ond 60 Sec ' lR vo lue '

4. To check whether open from secondory side or not '

5 . T o m e g g e r t h e p r i m o r y o n d s e c o n d o r y o f C T s o f r e m o i n i n g p o | e s f o r ] 5

Sec. ond 60 Sec ' sePorote lY '

6. Reoson of fo i lure :

l f o n y b o d y f o i | e d i o o n o | y s e / f i n d i n g t h e r e o s o n o f f o i | u r e , i h e C T s h o u | d

be gol opened for f ind ing the reoson of fo i lure '

T h e r e p o r t o f d o m o g e d C T f o r f i n d i n g t h e c o u s e o f d o m o g e s h o u l d

be prePored os Per obove formot '. or'r"1 -;'

(N .K .Konwot )Chief Engineer (M, P & S)

RVPNL, Jo iPur


Cofr rcworded to ihe fol lowing for informotion ond n'o'

I The Superiniending Engineer (Prot ') ' RVPN'Joipur/$deipur:

2 . T h e E x e c u t i v e E n g i n e e r ( P r o t - | - | | ) , R V P N , J o i p u r / A | w o r / K o t o /

Roto ngorh/Surolg orh/Ajmer/J odh pur/Udoipur/Sirohi '

-Ls# ;1ll3 Assistont Ensineer (Prot-l-l l) ' RVPN'-'

- t ' t . L l D \ , - . _ -

\ \ r l Kr n :, f-l-G_: " ,

' j2- \q:K chief Ensineer (M, P & s)

i{' 'u ,ru&.., I ovPNL' JoiPur

t -+* ru ' r - ' s ;&44\$d 'e i6 ' *6 i r rE i t r ' t ra r ' '

t t i l 0 r , ^ - f

| ' - - - - / ; ss u { /L } \ - l : ' / ' ^ -< '4 ' / , ' ' u tp - /

I{ t"",t)-_ /t!-ft , ,q-,,((; ;

'1-,rJ p1,o, '-x 6t.Lg.,{r / . .{^

cd"(a"(c) l" tt"t ek , *n-----

)Y:'o-Off.ettpw)'W'fo&'v', -s €(/'-t)-' .hzJp*l &i-6. f ( Ei,lr";; ;, I c- KN'( u , irz- f t- t-

, (g

Page 67: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


oFFrcE oF THE cHr;; eHor*rrn (METER, pRoTEciloN & SAFETY)


JAIPUR - 302019Phone: 0141 -229)89)


No. RVPN / CE (Meter ' Prot ' & Sofety) / Sec ' /F ' tD |81 Doted Z! ' tg

Technicol Circulor

l i h o s b e e n o b s e r v e d t h o i o n o | y s i s r e p o r t i s b e i n g s u b m i i t e d w i t h o u t

c o n c l u d i n g t h e f o c t s o n d m e n i i o n i n g s p e c i f i c r e o s o n . f o r f o i | u r e o f C . T . / m o l

o p e r o t i o n o f D i s t o n c e S c h e m e s o n d r e m e d i o | o c i i o n t o b e t o k e n , w h r c h

serve no purpose'

T h i s i s i n r e f e r e n c e t o t h e o q o | y s i s r e p o r i s u b m i t t e d b y t h e

Super in tending Engineer(Prot ' ) ' RVPN Joipur in re ference lo d is turbonce

o c c u r r e d o t K o t o o n d o t e d S . 3 . 0 s , S u p e r i n t e n d i n g E n g i n e e r ( P r o t . ) , R V P N ,

U d o i p u r i n r e f e r e n c e t o d i s t u r b o n c e o c c u r r e d o t B o r m e r o n d E x e c u i i v e

Eng inee r (P ro t . ) ,RVPN,A jmer in re fe rence to fo i | u reo fCT 'so tKuchomonCi t y ,t )


(N .K 'Konwot )Chief Engineer (M' P & S)


Copy foworded to ihe fol lowing for informotion ond n'o'

\ - ) . ' - 'TheSuper in tendingEngineer(Prot ' ) 'RVPN'Joipur /Udotpur '

2 . T h e E x e c u i i v e E n g i n e e r ( P r o i - l - l l ) ' R V P N ' J o i p u r / A l w o r / K o i o /

Rotongorh/Surotgorh/Ajmer/ Jodhpur/U doipur/Sirohi '

3 . The TA to Di rector (Tech ' ) ' RVPN' Jo ipur ', . .,.,.!t.ttl:.:t!a/.*-r.i1,,,4r.,fi

41ts,gj4r. 4..!_l&.AA*

t r \ \Chief Engineer (M, P & S)

RVPNt , Jo iPu rl[. l &IttF

Page 68: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter





il : ee_meterr&prol@rvplr,qe,in Phone : 0 ]41 -22?1891FAX : 0141"22f6755


I n i -{ L r -d


I:i$ .^i-ii l=i( ' "| * u ' , . " . . ,

i i r : I t : ", . ' . r \ v 5 ( ( t . - * . t . l p & 5 ) l r : c f r , s c c i F .t . r ! r . i \ . v l t l l ! L : \ J \

J C 5

I nVry Dcteri j 'S' l t t


cose of d f /d i re loys in which the obove feotures

i ime deloy in t r ipp ing shol l be in t roduced such

Lr+-z'"- f -1'7 t.'., -:: H;.ttr , , g t vr : . , ; { P r o t . )' /+ t t ings to be odopted for Rel iob le Ope'of ion of d f ld t re loys.

The cbove sub, ject wos d iscussed dur ing the I l1h Protect ion Sub

Commit tee Meet inq held on r lq ied 23.04.20t0.

l i wss decidec i in the above r reet ing iho i : -

l . The sompl ing t ime of the df id i re loys should be set o f B cyc les cnd

tr ipp ing thereof ier shc l l be instcntoneous.

2. The under vo l tage b lock ing of the df id i re loys shol l be set o1 ' less

ihon 30%" to perrn i t opero i ion under s imul toneous low vol toge

cond i t i on .


I t is fur ther odded thot in

of se i t ings ore noi cvoi lob le, o

r r r o t i h e i o i c l l r i p p i n g l i m e d o e s

The obove se t t ings ore to

i n s t c l l e d .

Copy submit ted/ f orwcrrdedcc t ron : -

no i exceed 200 mi l l i seconds.

ho n rn r r i r { o r j nn t he d t l r { t r a l r r r r c i nc l n l l o . l / h r r . i nnv u | ! J ' v v ' / v r r v r v y J , r r J r v ' r v v / v v , r , v

Ch ie f Eng inee r (M , P&S)R V P N , J c i p u r

to the fo l low lng fo r in fo rmot ion & necessory

I2 ..).4 .

5 .

I ' he Adv i so r (LD) , RVPN, Jo ipu r .The Super in tend ing Eng inee r (P ro t . ) , RVPN, Jo tpu r / Jodhpur /Udc ipu r .The Super in tend rng Eng inee r (SO&LD) , RVPN, Heercpu ro .The Execut ive Engineer (Pro1. / l / l l ) , RVPN, Jo ipur /Alwor /Koto/Jodhpur /Ajmer/Rotongcrh/Sura igorh/ S i roh i / Udoipur wi th the odvice to prov idethe se i t ings cs obove.TA to Di rector (Tech. iOperot ion) , RVPN, Jo ipur for k ind perusol o f Di rectorlTech . /Cpero i i on )


Ch ie f Eng inee r (M , P&S)RVPl. l , _Jcr ip,_;r '


Page 69: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED(An ISO 9001:2000 Cert i f ied Compony)


c e_ti iei ers& p;[email protected] P.hone : 0 l4 l -22918? lFAX : 014] -2296755

r o & U l l ' D o r , d l 3 _ : l _ / {


l ( r'rrl.) I'n rscbn8et i ings 1o be odooied for Numer ico l Cver Vol loge Reroys

on 400 kV L ines

Dur ing the l l th Protect ion Sub Comrni t tee Meet ing held on 23.04.2010, the

mot ter reEord ing se i i ings to be odopted for numer ico l over vo l toge re loys on

400 kV l ines wos d iscussed ond i t wos decided thot 2na stcge over vo l toge

set t ing in numer ico l re loys on 400 kV l ines should be set o f 150 %with o t ime

deloy of IOO m-sec. so thot un intended l r ipp ings due to t rons ients moy be

ovo ided .

There is no need to prov ide t ime deloy tn Elect ro-mechonicc l over vo l toge

re loys, os there rs inherent de loy in such re loys.

There fore , i t i s en jo ined upon o l l concerned tho t the

be rev ised fo r numer ico l over vo l toge re loys on 400 kV l ines .

,( { - l

*tstrtt'n I

Copy submit led/ forworded to thecc t i on : - , I

T h e I n c h o r g e ( L D ) , R V P N , J o i p u r .

n h n v r = s e t l i n n s n r e t 6

/ \ ( \ i

{,.-:ib;a-:;*--, t *j u' 7ll t

. 4 t F '' ( D S C h o u h o n )Ch ie f Eng inee r (M , P&S)

RVPN, Jc ipu r

fo l lowing for in formot ion & necessory

t .\\,2,


The Super in iending Engineer (Prot . ) , RVPN, Jo ipur /Jodhpur /Udoipur .The Super in tend ing Eng inee r (SO&tD) , RVPN, Heeropuro .The Execut ive En g inee r (ProI . I I I l l l , RVPN, Jo ipur /Alwor /Koio/J odh pur /Ajmer/Rotongorh/Surotgorh/ S i roh i / Udoipur wi th the odvrce to prov idel h o c o i l i n n c n c n h n- - - V e . (

5. TA to Di rector (Tech. /Cpero l ion) , RVPN, Jo ipur for k ind perusol o f Di rector{Tech . /Opero t i on )

,3, cr i/ 'i ' \ l * * . - ' . - , i : ' { ; " i { u

at"t ,rg*_',.Jtt, p&S)RVPN, Jo ipu r


Page 70: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


(An ISO 9001:2008 Cer t i f ied Compony)oFFtcE oF THE CHTEF ENGTNEER (METER. PROTECTTON & SAFETy)


Emoil : ce_m&[email protected]. in Phone: 0141 -229'1891FAX : 0141 -2291891

No RVPT/pE/M,P&S/Te.h . tF lD 2 \ S- Jo ipur d r . { f l C l n_t t7 ) . . t ' ] ; )

)t,,r '^ \- TEcHNTCAL crRcuLAR No.- 2z.r" N-{} ' Su6.: Time Seit ing of Eorth Foult Reloys provided on 220 kV Bus Couplers

ond zone setl ing of Numericol Dislonce protecl ion Scheme forcerloin 220 kV GSS.

Af the 220 kV GSS where Bus Bor Protect ion Scheme hos noi been prov ided,Bus Foul ts resul i in dcrkness of complete GSS. Such fou l ts ore c leored by RemoieSub Sto i ions in Zone - l l t ime resul t ing in deloyed, iso lot ion of fou l t ond poss ib ledomoges .

' To overcome the obove problem, i t is odv ised thot the t ime mul t ip l ier set t ing! f lb of Bus Coupler connect ing ihe Mcin Buses moy be rev ised to 0.075 of the Sub

Siot ions where:

L More thon one Moin Bus is ovoi lob le.2. Bus Bor Protect ion Scheme is not prov ided.3. The l ine length of vor ious feeders emonot ing f rom thot GSS is more

thon 20 Km.

ln oddi t ion to lhe obove the reverse reoch set t ings of numer ico l d is tonceprotect ion re loy i shoi l be set o f 2 Km wi th t ime deloy l6b ms.

Ih is wi l l he lp in iso lot ion of fou l ty buses f rom remoin ing heol thy Buses.{1 moy however be checked ond ensured thot th is set t ing does not resul t in

t r ipp ing of ihe Bus Coupler for l ine/ i rqnsformer fou l ts fed through the Bus Coupler .

& t r y z . o c . t a -C h i e f E n g i n e e r ( M , p & S )

RVpN, Jo ipu rCopy to ihe fo l lowing for in formoi ion & necessory oct ion:The Super in tending Engineer (pro i . ) , RVpN, J ,q ipur /Jodhpur / Udoipur .The Super in tending Engineer (TCC- ) , RVPN,Ihe Super in tending Engineer (400 kV GSS), RVpN, Jo ipurThe Execut ive Engineer (prot . / t l l l ) , RVpN,

Copy o lso foworded to the fo l lowing for tn formot ion. ,

qa r c--t{\a.$t- l z. o ( . t>-

Ch ie f Eng inee r (M , p&S)RVPN, Jo ipu r .

L The Ch ie f Eng inee r (LD) , RVpN, Jo rpu r .2. The Zonal Chief Engineer (T&C), RVpN, Jo ipur /Jodhpur /Ajmer.3. The TA to Di rector (Technico l / Operot ion) , RVPN, Jo ipur for k ind in formot ion ofDi rector (Tech. /Cpero i ion)

r ' - t<-ql, / ,J€_,2.o..t2-

Chief Engineer (M, p&S)RVPN, Jo ipu r .

ak -..



t 345 .

d ?

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RArASTHAN RArYA vrDYuT |l^:.i-ii l|^::t L|MrTED

tonito eool: 2oo8 ttry:*:Y::l)[AIr rJrz rt

oTEcTloN & SAFETY)oFFlcE oF THE cHtEF ENGINEER l lvt: lE^Ri,f

*, ^,o,,o -

"oro1e:H'";ll T#il;;''. o* o 'ARAK' r ArP'i ;'ilill,lPhone : 0141 -2291891

^ t l (i l / ' |( :--

Emoi l : ce-m&P@rvPn'co ' in F A X : 0 l 4 l ' 2 2 9 1 8 9 1

No. RVPN/CE/M, P&S/Tech/F ' Tech 'Ci rcu lor /D 'j o Dored ts lUJtz


ThePowerSw ingB lock lng feo tu re inD is ioncePro tec t i onRe |oys i senob led

w i t h o D e b l o c k i n g t i m e o f 2 s e c o n d s t o p r e v e n i U n n e c e s s o r y t r i p p i n g o f l i n e s d u e

to chonge in rood on the rines during system disturbonce ' r.

11 hos been observed thot during grid distur6once, ir ipping hos occurred

o n m o n y f e e d e r s d u e i o l h e e n o b l i n g o f d e b | o c k i n g f e o t u r e b o s e d o n o v e r

C r f re f l t set l 'ng in some re loYs '

T o c v o i d U n n e c e s s o r y t r i p p i n g s , i i i s i n s t r u c i e d t h o l t h e s e t t i h g o f p o w e r

s',ving blocking in cl istonce proiecl ion scheme sholl be os fol lows:-

l . B lock ing i n o l l zones '

2 , D e n | o c k i n g s h o l l b e d o n e o n l y o f t e r g e b l o c k i n g i i m e s e t i i n g o f 2 0 0 0 m s ,

3. All other sett ings for Deblocking sholl be disobled'

T h e o b o v e s e t i i n g s m o y b e g o t d o n e b y 3 O ' O 4 . 2 O l 2 o n d c o m p l i o n c e

submit ted io th is of f ice '

. 0 - '

6*r a-a#E34.o_

Chief Engineer (M, P&S) 'RVPN, Jo iPu r

Ch, *.


pCopy to the following for immediote complionce:-

flheSu perinlenOl"g i"gi""er (Prot') ' RVPN' Jglpyri U doipur/ Jodhpur'

z. r l " Lxecur ive Engineer (Prot ' / l / l l ) ' RVPN'

3. The TA 1o S.E. tp ' i ' f ' nvp\.J: l?" /Udoipur/Jodhpur '1 nss ls tont Engineer (Prot ' ) ' RVPN'

( \ r

at a -A lF-W-* .oq . r l -

Chlef Engineer (M, P&S) '

- RVPN, Jo iPu r\-rD

\^M'{\ l /.v

a'dY-"\"\ \",N


"ffiff:,RR. No.'i(.t"""'w'

*srffi4.-.""""1lau flJ

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'' o '4,"b n '4 9

A R A J A s T H A N R A J Y A V | D Y U T P R A s A R A N N | G A M L | M | T E D Y . . .

W oFF c E oF,F!l?,i?L'_t+il.jii: fi"#t;'s- , *:,,;-w .HAMBAT css pizur-ses, iawa 3anak,irvrL,NEs,

Emoir : ce_m&[email protected] JAIPUR - 302019

phone: 0 l4 t -2291A91FAX : 0141 -229.1891No.RVPN/CE/M,p&S/Te.n. /r. /D. ZS 3 ,o,Or, .r- f Ji<l lZ-

Technicol Cirulor No. 27

Corriqendumsub': I ime setl ing of Eorth Foult Reloys provided on 22okv Bus couplersond Zone seff ing of Numericor Disfonce protection scheme forcerloin 220 kV GSS.

n wit l ' i reference to the instrucl ions in ihe obove erculor, i i is inirmotedihc i the i ime mul t ip l ier set f ing of Bus coupler conneci ing the Moin Buses g ivenin the second porogroph moy be reod os o.o5 in proce of o .oz5.

60., <--4rx^AiL-s. o 6. r L

o t - rCa4*^1"^

/ - A ' , ^ r - .\_nrur t rng tneer (M, p&S)RVpN, Jo ipur "

i"ou nli: p]i?li, for informorion & necessory ocrion:q- Thesuperintenoins rft i""", ir; i ' ; ."; j : ' t , : : ' . ' :n'2. The Suoer in tenc l inn Fnn i^^^ . ) : : ) l 'KVr l \ , l . o tT-U- f /Jodhpur I Udo ipur .Tr^e Suoe.rn iending Engineer i rCC]

,JsjP!/) , RVPN,3 The Super in tending f n l inu"r ingrneer (400 kV GSS), RVPN, . to ipur; , a r - _ I r v v r \ v v \ )r . r r r e r x e c u t r v e E n g i n e e r ( p r o t . l l l l l ) , R V p N ,

r . T h e C h i e f E n g i n e e r ( L D ) . R V p N , J o i p u r .52 The Zono l Cf ' ] - f r ^^ "^*^ ' ^ " / ro ̂ , ^ \ , ^ . ,

t ii: i;i: S*l^':g:::: naCinveN, Joipur/Jodhpur/Ajmer$,: :ilil * :.,.? J"[:..,TF i 6 ;.1 i ;;j I K i,,u..iTJ.ll iy fi I o, n, o,," o r i o n o rDirector ( Iech. /Cperot ion) .

Copy c lso foworded to ihe fo l low ing fo r in fo rmot ion .

loFFtr iI

i - /

l '

i i .

6zra-aY. ' {L ' -^ , . : - _

' t t . o 6 ' t ) -

unre r t ng inee r (M , p&S)RVpN, Jo rpu r .

. t '@L r r .od. tz . -\ -n le t Engineer (M, p&S)

. RVpN, Jo ipur .


3'-....... ;;;ggp*a**".",1j,r* r d

Page 73: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



r . : , 1 i ; : 1 . : : , i - l i r r ; . ; i r ; ' - - . , ! ; l i - . . _ . r i r r ; r , : j - - : . , i ' - , r i r i , i : . r ! , - l _ . ' , : ,

Emoil : ce_m&[email protected], i . ; ( - - - . , ; i r . r i l i . . , . . : . ; r ' r . t , . j : . / , t : ; . i : : t . . l : . i f i . . , i

Phone: 0141 229189' lFAX : J l4 i 2291891


Sub:-Guide l ines for commiss ion ing of LBB Scheme.

Fol lowing guidel ines ore issued to fol low for commissio' rnE f LBB Scheme:

Re-tr ip t imer shol l be 100 m sec. ,t .

2 .

3 .

LBB t r ipp ing t ime shol l be . l00 + l0O m sec.

Single phose ini t iot ions shol l be checked by inject inS cL, 'phose ond i t is to be ensured thot LBB shol l not oper , r ieother phose or curren i in o ther phoses.

With three phose ini t iot ions LBB shol l operoie with c rrreiphose.

Current sett ing for LBB over current shol l be 120% of ln

:n i in re levontr th in i t io t ions in

in cny of the4..

5 .

6. Eor th fou l i sho l l be kept d isobled.

Dy .Ch i , ' f E r

No.RVPN/CE/M, P&S/Tech. Sec. /F lL f lD.519 Jo ipur , )or ,

C o p y f o r w o r d e d t o S u p e r i n t e n d i n g E n g i n e e r ( P r o t . ) , R V P ' J ,Udoipur . (

,tt(' ./ t 7 ^ \

I(A .K .Bo id )

inee r (M, P&S) ,l l ' , ' l ^1 . J : l ; : ; :

j : 2 ? ) l " l t :

r n t r r / l n A h n r r r /r v v r / J v v t r v v t /

/'#aDy.Ch i , , f E r t i nee r (M, P&S) ,

RVPN, Jo ipu r .

D/Technical/20 I 3/LCK/

Page 74: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter


(an ri6's6i i' io-o-lcertified c omponv)

o F F I c E "J-l*:fg',t l il g' x1t,,,* 11l fllfi ffi i ̂ t':'T 6 t'r 8' s n * t v )

Emoir : ce_m&[email protected] :1i".; Slil :liilli]


Sub: -Se t t i ng fo r22okVBusCoup le r /Sec t ion l i ze ro fmo inBuses .I

l i is observed thoi due to higher set i ing of Bus Coupler/Sectionl izer

connecting moin Buses couses ir ipping of oi l Buses in cose of foult on ony of the

Bus .

T i m e s e t t i n g f o r B u s C o u p l e r o n d B u s S e c t i o n l i z e r s h o l l b e k e p t O S

I O0 m sec' or TMS os 0'05 for eorth foult reloy'

B y o d o p t i n g o o o v e s e i t i n g s , B U S C o u p l e r / S e c t i o n l i z e r w i l l t r i p i n c o s e o f

foult on ony of the Bus ond heolthy Buseswil l remoin intoct ' /<.t ,,i'iu),.,

Dy chier enoiffi:j.r,irl

No'RVPN/CE/M' P&S/Tech ' iF ' 79 ' K93 Jo ipur ' Doted: r ' , } I " / / ;

;!__\f::[J:*.rded io Superintendins Ensineer (prot')' R'PN' rsgyl/ rodhpur/

/'<-r"' ttK

ov'cniei 'E-ngineer\ ( M' P &S)''

RVPN' Jc l tPur '

Page 75: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



Emoi l : ce_m&[email protected]. in Phone: 0 ]41 -2291891FAX : 014] -2291891

jo ipur, Doted: I : " [7\

?.N o . R V P N / C E l A r , P & S / T e c h . l F . l D . Q =


Suo: -Rev is ion o f se t t ings fc r feeder $ . Reoc io r Pro ' fec t ion Scheme.

l . O l t o f s 1 t ) i ) o n d s t o b l e s w i n g s e t t i n g s o r e o v o i l o b l e i n t h e r o n g e o f 1 i o255 s teps i r M lCOM Drs tc rnce Pro tec t ion Re loys . Se i t ings ore odoptedos " l " fo r 5e15 fecr iu res wh ich ore to be rev ised os "2" fo r ou t o f s teocnd fo r s tob le swing os "20" io ovo id undes i red opero t ion o f the re loV.Cut o f s tep ond s tob le swing shou ld o lso be conf igured in DR.

2 . Normol ly s r : i t ings o f bockup impedon.e pro tec t ion o f Reoctors o rer .ep t be i , . t t , v the c rc tuo l imoedonce o f the Reoctor . Recer r t l v , i i r sooserved tho t Cur ing t rons ien t cond i t ion re loy i s record ing lessin rpedonce thon the se t t ing odopted fo r very few mi l l i seconds wh ichresu l ted i . rndes i red t r ipp ing . There fore , to ovo id un .des i red t r ipp ing , theset t ings n t r ' ry be kept sonre bu t odd i t iono l de loy 100 mi l l i seconds sho l lb e o d o p t e d .

/t a^\{ (A .K .Bo id )

Dy .Ch ie f Eng ineer (M, P&S) ,RVPN, Jo ipu r .

Jo ipur / Jodhpur / Udcipur .perusol o f the Di rector (Tech. ) ,

Copy to the fo l low ing :l . T h e S u p e r i n l e n d i n g E n g i n e e r ( P r o t . ) , R V p N ,2 . T A t o D i r e c l o r ( T e c h . ) , R V P N , J o i p u r f o r k i n d

R V P N , J o i p u r .3 ' The Execut ive Eng ineer (Pro t . - l l l l ) / (Pro i . ) , RVPN, Jo ipur / A lwor / Koto /

Jodhpur / B ikoner / S i roh i /Jo isc lmer /Udc l ipur /A jmer /S ikor . n , //) . 2,jX^ \

Dy.c hiefr fiqs in eer (I;t, irll

[ ) , ] l e c l r n i c a l i r r r L r , r L ( 1 . .

Page 76: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter



Email: [email protected] ~. TELE-FAX: 0141-2291891

i\~CI.RVPi-J/CE/M, P&S/Tech. /F. /D. 6g S Jaipur,Dated: 2..11! 1/2016.


. Sub:- Utilization of Neutral Displacement Relay in 765/400 kV &400/220 kVTransformers .. "

Neutral Displacement Relay provided on 765/400 kV& 400/220 kV

Transtormers for the purpose of protection of tertiary winding may be

connected to annunciator for" Alarm" purpose only.

,l\!'1 early compliance may be ensured and reported.


Addl.Chief Engineer (M, P&S),RVPN, Jaipur.

Copy submitted/forwarded to the following :-

I. The Director (Technical)/(Operation), RVPN, Jaipur.

2. The Zonal Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPN, Jaipur/ Ajmer/ Jodhpur.

3. The Superintending Engineer (Protection), RVPN, Jaipur/ Jodhpur/ Ajmer.

4. The Executive Engineer (P-I)/(P-II)/(Protection), RVPN, Jaipur/Kota/Aiwar / Ajmer / Udaipur /Sikar / Jodhpur /Bikaner /Sirohi/ Jaisalmer.


~Addl.Chief Engineer (M, P&S),

RVPN, Jaipur.


Page 77: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter





Email: [email protected] TELE-FAX: 0141-2291891

No. RVPN/CE/M, P&S/Tech. IF. ID. I a Lt Jaipur,Dated:



Sub:- Calculation of energy losseson EHVlines.

It has been observed that energy losses on EHV lines are not beingcolcolcted properly. The guidelines for calculation of EHV lines losses are asCcl!),N:

1. Energy export I import at one end and energy export I import atother end to be added separately for each end, then total energyof one end and total energy of other end is to be used forcalculation of losses.

An early compliance may be ensured and reported.


Addl. Chief Engineer (M, P&S),RVPN,Jaipur.

" Copy submitted Iforwarded to the following:-

I. Tile Director (Technical)/(Operations), RVPN,Jaipur.2. The Zonal Chief Engineer (T&C), RVPN,Jaipurl Ajmerl Jodhpur.3. The Superintending Engineer (EA)I (Protection), RVPN, Jaipurl Jodhpurl


w-Addl. Chief Engineer (M, P&S),


/r, Cir.ll.CK/

-------_. - - - -

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'f .'. I. \i j



Email: [email protected] THE-FAX: 0141-2291891

No. RVPN/CE/MPT&S/Tech. /F. /0. 19~ Jaipur,Oated: o~/07 /2016.


While going through the various trippings of EHVequipments, it isobservedthat some of the trippings are caused due to the reason that unwanted featuresfound enable by default.

It is to be ensured that following parameters /features are as per therequirement of commissioning of EHVequipments:

1. Unwanted /unused features are disabled.

2. Phase sequence/associations of CT/PT within GSS as well asadjoining GSSare perfectly matched.

3. Correct operation of circuit breaker pole for 220 kV and aboveequipments with relevant CT/PTphases.

4. Correct power flow i.e. import/export in each relay/meter.

For 400 kV and above equipments Superintending Engineer will ensureand for 220kV Executive Engineerwill ensureof above feature/parameter.

Copy submitted/forwarded to the following:1. TheDirector (Technical)/ (Operation), RVPN,Jaipur.2. TheAdd!. Chief Engineer (MPT&S),RVPN,Jodhpur/Ajmer.3. The Superintending Engineer (MPT&S)/(Prot.Engg.),

Jaipur/Kota/ Ajmer/Udaipur /Bikaner/ Jodhpur.


Chief Engineer (M PT&S),RVPN,Jaipur


~Chief Engineer (M PT&S),

RVPN,Jaipurrr. Cir.lLCKI

Page 79: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter




Email: [email protected] TELE-FAX: 0141-2291891

No. RVPN/CE/MPT&S/Tech./F. /0. b04 Jaipur, Dated 2. '/ '3»)?


•Presentlyhigh set/instantaneous features for earth fault relay isbeing used in

132KV/33 KV and 132 KV/11 KV transformer protection relays purposely tor faults

on 33 KV and 11 KV bus. It is observed that this feature is causing tripppings of

transformers for the faults on bus as well as faults closed to the GSSon 33 KVand

11 KVlines.Time of operation for 33 KV and 11 KV incoming earth fault protection has

already been minimized since long back.To avoid tripping of transformers on high set/instantaneous ElF teoture in

case of closed fault on 33 KVand 11 KVlines) the feature is may be kept in olorrn

mode only and tripping isto be kept out.

Alarm isfor the purpose of indication that the fault isclosr to GSS.

Chief E~er iMPT&S).RVPN,Jaipur.

• Copy submitted/forwarded to the following for information and n/a.

1. TheDirector (Technical/Operation), RVPN,Jaipur2. The Addl Chief Engineer (MPT&S),RVPN,Jodhpur/ Ajmer3. The Superintending Engineer (MPT&S/Prot.Engg.),RVPN,Jaipur/ Koto/

Ajmer/ Udaipur/ Bikaner/ Jodhpur, (\

Chief ~eer (MPT&S),



Page 80: RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ·  · 2017-11-09RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (An tSO g00l: ... to fociitote oll new/ol,C engineers os wel os meter




Email: [email protected] TELE-FAX: 0141-2291891

No. RVPN/CE/MPT&S/Tech./F. /0. b 10 Jaipur, Dated 1., I~)11TECHNICAL CIRCULAR NO.33

•It has been observed that out of 2 secondary windings for PT/CVT of all

voltage level, one is connected in star and neutral of same is connected to earth

but other winding which isconnected as open delta and marked as da-dn but dn

isbeing not connected to earth .Likesecondary star neutral, the dn terminal of delta connected winding snell

also be connected to earth invariably at new GSSaswell as on all old existingGSS.

..Chief Engineer (MPT&S).


Copy submitted/forwarded to the following for information and ale:

•1. TheDirector (Technical/Operation), RVPN,Jaipur2. The Addl Chief Engineer (MPT&S),RVPN,Jodhpur/ Ajmer3. The Superintending Engineer (MPT&S/Prot.Engg.),RVPN,Jaipur/ Kota/

Ajmer/ Udaipur/ Bikaner/ Jodhpur

Chief En~ (MPT&S),~'-J.JaiPUr

/T.I 6/LCK/508