rainbow rambler

RAINBOW RAMBLER RAINBOW STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL 90 RAINBOW STREET RANDWICK NSW 2031 PH: 9398 1986 FAX: 9399 8287 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.rainbowst-p.schools.nsw.edu.au TERM 3 WEEK 5 2021 CALENDAR Week 7 Book Week – Think about your costume. The theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds What’s Happening At Rainbow Street? Book Week How is your costume coming along? Our book character dress up day is Wednesday 25 August. Can you guess who Miss Sayers is dressing up as? This character is from the ‘old world’. She is a “lady” from medieval times. Her initials are LG. What about the Office staff? These characters are from a story where a boy from our world visits another world for a ‘wild rumpus’. COVID Restrictions As per the message yesterday, following the further restrictions in place in three additional local government areas, we now have 11 staff who in line with the NSW Health order are not leaving their local government area. This does impact the staff that we have available for supervision of students on site. We still have a very high number of students on site, well in excess of the State percentages. A reminder to please, wherever possible, have students learning from home. We are happy to support you with this in any way we can. Please ensure that you are following NSW Health advice and staying safe. Wear a mask, sanitise, maintain social distance if out but stay home unless you have a reasonable excuse to leave home. A reasonable excuse is if you need to obtain food or other goods and services o in your local government area, within 10km of your home, if reasonably practicable but not if to do so means that you would enter a local government area of concern o for the personal needs of the household or for other household purposes (including pets) o for vulnerable people o only one person per household may leave the home to obtain food or other goods and services each day (you may take a dependent person with you if that person cannot be left at home on their own). leave home to go to work if o you cannot reasonably work from home and o the business is allowed to be open and o you comply with relevant rules for COVID-19 tests for Sydney workers. leave home for education if it is not possible to do it at home exercise and take outdoor recreation within your local government area or up to 10km from your home go out for medical or caring reasons, including obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination. Families residing in LGAs other than Randwick may have additional restrictions in place. To ensure you know the latest requirements, visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/greater- sydney A reminder that Department of Education information for families can be found at https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for- families And again, thank you to all of our essential workers who continue to ensure that we have what we need to get through the tough times!

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Post on 11-Nov-2021




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PH: 9398 1986 FAX: 9399 8287 EMAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.rainbowst-p.schools.nsw.edu.au




Week 7 Book Week – Think about your costume. The theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

What’s Happening At Rainbow Street? Book Week

How is your costume coming along? Our book character dress up day is Wednesday 25 August. Can you guess who Miss Sayers is dressing up as? This character is from the ‘old world’. She is a “lady” from medieval times. Her initials are LG. What about the Office staff? These characters are from a story where a boy from our world visits another world for a ‘wild rumpus’. COVID Restrictions As per the message yesterday, following the further restrictions in place in three additional local government areas, we now have 11 staff who in line with the NSW Health order are not leaving their local government area. This does impact the staff that we have available for supervision of students on site. We still have a very high number of students on site, well in excess of the State percentages. A reminder to please, wherever possible, have students learning from home. We are happy to support you with this in any way we can. Please ensure that you are following NSW Health advice and staying safe. Wear a mask, sanitise, maintain social distance if out but stay home unless you have a reasonable excuse to leave home. A reasonable excuse is if you need to

• obtain food or other goods and services

o in your local government area, within 10km of your home, if reasonably practicable but not if to do so means that you would enter a local government area of concern

o for the personal needs of the household or for other household purposes (including pets)

o for vulnerable people o only one person per household may

leave the home to obtain food or other goods and services each day (you may take a dependent person with you if that person cannot be left at home on their own).

• leave home to go to work if o you cannot reasonably work from

home and o the business is allowed to be

open and o you comply with relevant rules

for COVID-19 tests for Sydney workers.

• leave home for education if it is not possible to do it at home

• exercise and take outdoor recreation within your local government area or up to 10km from your home

• go out for medical or caring reasons, including obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination.

Families residing in LGAs other than Randwick may have additional restrictions in place. To ensure you know the latest requirements, visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/greater-sydney A reminder that Department of Education information for families can be found at https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families And again, thank you to all of our essential workers who continue to ensure that we have what we need to get through the tough times!



Kindergarten 2022 Enrolment 2022 may seem like the furthest thing from your mind at the moment but… if you have a child you are wishing to enrol in Kindergarten next year, now is the time to do it! We are well into the process so if you haven’t already done so, please submit your enrolment application online at https://rainbowst-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/enrolment.html Week 5 Learning Students learning at home, and students at school as their families are essential workers, have been doing some great learning this week:

Kindergarten science experiments

Testing out how objects move on water

Science experiment results

Creating a shop at home

Shopping at school

More Olympic Celebration Pics Thank you to everyone who sent in pics celebrating the Olympics and Australia’s success. Here’s a few more pics.

Green and gold cupcakes Cool green and gold glasses

Skateboarding and

equestrian On the podium

Torch relay #1 fan

The big judo match



Stage 2 Science Students in Stage 2 have been learning about light energy is science. In these photos, James is demonstrating when light travels from one transparent medium (air) to another transparent medium (water), the speed of the light slows down, and when it hits water it changes its direction slightly. If you look closely, you will see how one of the arrows appears to have changed direction; this is known as refraction of light. In simple language, light refraction is bending of light.

William has a triangular piece of glass called a prism which can separate white light into the individual colours. When light travels through a prism, waves

of different wavelengths bend by different amounts. The colour of each wavelength then appears separately, this effect is called a spectrum. You can see the colours in this photograph reflected on William’s paper. A rainbow is a type of spectrum. When raindrops make a rainbow, they are acting like prisms. Stage 3 Slam Poetry This week Stage 3 students wrote 'slam poetry'. It is best performed aloud as spoken word poetry. Slam poetry is free verse and features rhyming words. Students chose a variety of topics to create their poems, from the environment, to friendship, to the pandemic. Here are some examples. Miss McNab We all wake up in the late morning, If danger is to strike, we will be given warning, But when the global crisis makes its dawning, We lay on the couch and keep on yawning. People these days seem to be blinded, I would describe them as absent-minded! They are so distracted by social media trends, They don’t have any actual friends. To stop and end and prevent any mess, To make some proper progress, We must work together to address, Any issue, such as our laziness!

So the people who doubt that we are strong, They are very, very wrong! ‘Cause all you have to do is aim for success And then work together to tidy this mess! Make your voice heard, Every single word, For you can make a change, You can stop the world from looking quite strange! Behafarid 5/6W How are we going with online learning? Why is this lockdown leaving me yearning? Well my parent's business is not earning, I lay awake tossing and turning. Is everyone getting tired of their home? We gotta deal with it, because we're not allowed to roam. You should probably check on your little garden gnome, Just to let it know that it's not alone. Abigail 5/6W

Library News Book Week It’s almost Book Week! We will be

celebrating Book Week at Rainbow Street Public School on Wednesday 25 August 2021 with a book character dress-up day. Students, parents and staff are asked to dress up as a book character. The theme this year is, ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. Show off your costume at our Book Week Zoom meetings on Wednesday 25 August, (times and meeting details will be sent out soon). Dress up for a chance to win a V-Tech Kid Zoom Smart watch (Years 4-6), or a Pop Rocket Rocket Launcher Set (Years K-2). Thank you to our P&C for donating these wonderful prizes. Mrs Soo Teacher Librarian Directions In Music It's been great to see so many young musicians online at rehearsals and lessons so far. From the tutor team and I, I extend a big thank you and well done! Please see below for what the students should be working on at the moment. Remember that if you need any help, please email me on [email protected]



What to work on/rehearse Senior Band

Alpha Squadron - Use this as a warmup I Get Around - Mainly work on the midsection

from bar 13 to the repeat sign Counting Stars - Continue working on the

phrases at bar 23 (for woodwinds) and the end phrase from bar 51

Junior Band

6 Note Scale Tradition of Excellence - Pages 11, 12, and 14 Power Rock full song (review) Beethoven's Ninth full song (review) Bugler's Dream - Work on bars 1-17 (new)

Senior Strings

Continue to work on 'The Explorers' Look at your music theory such as dynamics,

tempo and rhythms Kevin Christmas Coordinator

Student of the Week Class Student Awarded for.....

KH Mukundh Consistent engagement and effort with learning

KI Dashiel Improved writing and being an enthusiastic learner

KM Oliver For persevering and trying his best with writing

KS Oliver Showing motivation towards all areas of his learning

IH Sufi Positive attitude towards her home learning

1V Chris Consistently applying himself to all home learning tasks

1W Joshua Trying his best during home learning

1/2H Emerson Working well independently at home

2M Ollie A fantastic piece of persuasive writing

2/3R William K Working above and beyond while learning at home, well done

3L Dante Designing and colouring a beautiful book cover

3/4C Gabriel Completing all tasks with diligence while learning from home

Class Student Awarded for.....

4R Billy Demonstrating outstanding creativity while learning from home

4/5MN Scarlett Demonstrating perseverance and initiative when learning from home

5P Ted Perseverance when writing an excellent informative speech

5/6W Marielle Demonstrating motivation and perseverance for maths problem solving

6R Marley Outstanding work extending her ideas when responding to texts

SI Jordan Using positional language to describe the location of an object

SLB Melelose Being a great independent worker

SS Candice Consistent effort learning from home

SZ Lachlan Showing perseverance when completing extension writing tasks

With the need to decompress from the joy of home-schooling it has been a good opportunity to discover and rediscover some of the hidden gems within the Randwick LGA and adhering to COVID restrictions. Recently Anzac Rifle Range at Malabar has been open to the public with a great walk and fantastic views of the ocean and city skyline. For Parents & Carers On our P&C website you will find a list of useful links to websites for the Department of Education, cyber safety, educational support, and resources you may wish to use. We will be looking to add to these to provide more content that may assist you during lockdown and after so if you have any suggestions, please let us know. Link here>>



Local Community Partnership - Blooms Coogee & Randwick Blooms have doubled* their donation back to us for purchases made at their stores or by home delivery during the current lockdown. Just remember to say at counter, or over the phone for home delivery, that you’re from Rainbow Street Public School. Home delivery is Mon-Fri to the Eastern Suburbs, if you call before 11am it will be delivered the same afternoon and it’s FREE if you include a prescription, medication pack or spend over $49 (otherwise a small $5 fee). *excludes prescriptions & baby formula. You can call Blooms Royal Randwick on 9398 1999 or Blooms Coogee on 9665 5158. Kind regards, Craig P&C President https://www.rainbowstpandc.org.au/