raharja, wibowo, ningsih, machdum - local wisdom of landslide disaster mitigation at bojongkoneng...


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Page 1: Raharja, Wibowo, Ningsih, Machdum - Local Wisdom of Landslide Disaster Mitigation at Bojongkoneng Village


Local Wisdom of Landslide Disaster Mitigation at

Bojongkoneng Village

Randy Raharja1)

, Faisal Grahadi Wibowo2)

, Riski Vitria Ningsih3)

, & Sari Viciawati Machdum4)


Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

2) Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

3) Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

4) Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Based on the hazard index in 2011, Indonesia National Disaster Management (BNPB)

claimed the Bogor Regency as the 5th ranked hazardous area. In January 2014, the number of

catastrophic events has reached 79 cases, while 60 were the incidence of landslides. Disasters

cannot be avoided, but the risk of disasters able to be diminished through mitigation.

Mitigation in the form of local wisdom is an instrument of society in facing the matter of life.

This article describes the role of local wisdom of people of Bojongkoneng in landslide

disaster mitigation and community means to preserve local wisdom at Bojongkoneng. The

study was conducted at Bojongkoneng village, the Bogor regency with the number of 16

participants of villager and stakeholders. This research was applied a descriptive qualitative

approach and used interview and observation in collecting data. The result is local wisdom of

Bojongkoneng, including utilization of houses on stilts that can diminish the impact on

landslides, their taboos in respect of environmental destruction, and predictions of disaster

occurrence of landslides through stories hereditary. However, local wisdom began to vanish

due to the influx of development that changed the way of society, particularly the perception

of home as a place to stay.

Keywords: Local Wisdoms, Disaster Mitigation, Landslide, Bojongkoneng Village

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1. Introduction

Indonesia is an archipelago state located at the confluence of three tectonic plates, the

Euro-Asian plate in the north, the Indo-Australian plate in the South, and the plates of the

Pacific Ocean in the East. Indonesia's geographical position between two continents and two

oceans, causing the Indonesian territory traversed by monsoon winds Western and Eastern

monsoon winds, conditions that potentially lead to hydro-meteorological disasters such as

floods, cyclones, and drought (ITB Disaster Mitigation Centre, 2008). During the period

1990-2000, Indonesia is ranked the 4th country's most frequently experienced disasters among

other countries in Asia. Recorded at least 257 catastrophic events occurred in Indonesia from

the overall 2,886 natural disasters in Asia during that period (ITB Disaster Mitigation Centre,


There are some disasters are unavoidable, but the impact can be reduced with disaster

risk reduction is done through disaster risk management. The disaster management cycle

consists of four stages: prevention/mitigation, preparedness, emergency response and post-

disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction. At the mitigation stage, the actions taken to prevent

or reduce the impact of disasters. Mitigation phase focuses on long-term action to reduce

disaster risks.

On the other hand, local knowledge is used as an instrument of society in dealing with

problems encountered in his life. Local knowledge is all forms of knowledge, belief,

understanding, or insight as well as custom or ethics that guide human life in an ecological

community (Keraf, 2010). In this case, local knowledge can play a role in the process of

disaster mitigation. Previous research conducted by Permana (2011) concerning Bedouins’

local knowledge has identified the role of local knowledge in disaster mitigation.

Figure 1. Condition of the roof and walls of houses due to landslides

Source: personal documentation

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Figure 2. Sightings of nature in the village Bojongkoneng

Source: personal documentation

This study was conducted to further identify the role of indigenous communities in

disaster mitigation Bojongkoneng village landslide. Bojongkoneng village, Bogor selected as

the study site because the village has a level of disaster vulnerability is very high. Based on

the index data disaster-prone 2011, BNPB set Bogor Regency ranks as 5th disaster-prone

areas in Indonesia. In 2014, in January alone the number of catastrophic events has reached 79

events, 60 events of which are a landslide.

From the explanation, the purpose of this study was to identify the role of local

knowledge in disaster mitigation of landslides and community efforts in maintaining and

preserving local knowledge in disaster mitigation at Bojongkoneng village, Bogor.

2. Method

This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to think inductively, which is

derived from facts and data in the field assessed the approaches and theoretical thinking or

was used in the formation of a new concept (Neumann, 2007). This research has used

descriptive research that explores the findings in accordance with the facts and research


Informant selection techniques using purposive sampling adapted to the research

objectives that have been defined. Sources of information were obtained from 16 informants,

consisting of village communities and stakeholders. Data collection techniques and sources of

information in this study was also conducted with the observation and study of documents

related to the research topic.

There are several points in the analysis of data, namely data reduction, data

organization and interpretation of data (Miles and Huberman, 1992). To make it easier to

categorize the data, local wisdom dimensions grouped into six dimensions, including local

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knowledge, local values, local skills, local resources, local-making mechanisms, and local

solidarity groups (Ife, 2002).

3. Result

3.1 Local Wisdom of People of Bojongkoneng

The Dimension of the Local Knowledge

People of Bojongkoneng have the knowledge that the existence of a pamali (taboo)

about environmental destruction where and when people who cut and damage the trees in the

forest and mined the stone will be disturbed by jurigan (myth creature). In addition, people of

Bojongkoneng aware to the folklore of natural changes in the prediction of the future.

Bojongkoneng Village elders said that at some point there will be two mountains were fused

ago in the midst of the mountain will be formed a river. When the river was formed, it

indicates that the area where these people live in their land once filled with water, causing the

area is prone to landslides. This prediction was used by elders Bojongkoneng to regulate

people's behavior and people will be more aware and save the environment.

People of Bojongkoneng recognized the use of houses on stilts are safer than the

concrete houses. House on stilts that made of wood could minimize the damaging effects of

landslides. In addition, people of Bojongkoneng knew that once a region highly vulnerable to

landslides during the rainy season and stone mining activities will also increase the risk of

landslides in the village Bojongkoneng. Bojongkoneng local knowledge society is the basis

for action by the public disaster mitigation.

The Dimension of the Local Values

The people of Bojongkoneng have values that already exist in the lives of the people,

including value associated with the mitigation of landslides. There are two values: the taboos

regarding the destruction of the environment and the folklore of the landslide predicted events

in the future. Local values have a role to regulate people's behaviour Bojongkoneng in

maintaining and preserving the environment so that the impact of landslides able to be


Figure 3. Stage house

Source: personal documentation

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The Dimension of the Local Skills

The people of Bojongkoneng have the skills to securing a landslide by using bamboo.

Bamboo was cut with a size of 1 to 1.5 m and then plugged into a ground shift in the soil. It

aims to restrain movement of the soil and the impact of landslides able to be reduced.

Besides, the people of Bojongkoneng were able to create their home stage. People of

Bojongkoneng foundation stage house made of stone shaped like beams with a length of 60-

70 cm and then inserted into the ground as deep as 5-10 cm and sustainer of stilt houses made

of wood placed just above the stone foundation so that when a shift in the soil, the foundation

stone of the tilt due to the impact of a shift in the soil can easily be corrected back into upright

position as before so that the damage caused by landslides can be minimized.

The Dimension of the Local Resources

People of Bojongkoneng have abundant natural resources such as bamboo that is

easily found. The bamboo used by the community for making anchoring avalanche

Bojongkoneng traditionally made from bamboo. There are two rock mount, namely Mount of

Gunung Kidul and Mount of Parahu. These mount were believed by the people as a nail

buffer of earth at Bojongkoneng village and were used as a raw material to make a house

foundation stage.

The Dimension of the Local Decision-Making Mechanism

The village local government has given the suggestion to stop the stone quarry in the

village of Bojongkoneng to reduce the risk of landslides. Besides, the appeal of RT and RW

(local government) to the public always be wary when it rained at night because that's when

more prone to landslides. Given this appeal public are expected to be able to do early

detection of occurrence of landslides.

The Dimension of the Local Group Solidarity

The People of Bojongkoneng still have a spirit of mutual cooperation which is still

strong in terms of public facilities such as roads, embankment erosion, and houses on stilts. It

night guard system involving the participation of citizens to stand guard at night when it rains

so that people are able to do early detection of landslide disasters in their region.

3.2 Community efforts in Conserving Local Wisdom

Community efforts to preserve local wisdom began to fade, identified on erosion of local

wisdom that changes the result of the inclusion of development of social and cultural system

interaction with the environment. Majority communities no longer use the home stage for

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selection of use of houses on stilts and concrete homes are generally associated with social


Conditions Bojongkoneng village society today is largely a newcomer. Besides the value

of existing knowledge and previous embedded began to mingle with immigrant communities.

The influx of migrant communities is caused by the economies around the village

Bojongkoneng improving and increasing community needs. Moreover, in the village tourism

region Bojongkoneng are sourced from local resources, namely the existence of a waterfall or

a waterfall that became public appeal.

Table 1. The role of Local Wisdom at Bojongkoneng Village, Bogor Regency

Local Wisdom


Classification Local Wisdom

Local Knowledge Nonstructural


a) The existence of taboos associated with

environmental destruction

b) The existence of the folklore of natural

changes in the prediction of the future

c) People know that the Bojongkoneng

area is prone to landslides

d) The public knows that the quarrying

cause mudslides

e) People know that planting trees can

reduce the impact of landslides

f) People know that using stilt houses are

safer than concrete homes

g) The public knows that the rainy season

is when most prone to landslides

Local Values Nonstructural


a) The existence of taboos associated with

environmental destruction

b) The existence of the folklore of natural

changes in the prediction of the future

Local Skills Structural


a) Retaining a landslide-making skills by

using bamboo

b) Make stage house

Local Resources Structural


a) Bamboo as a landslides drag

b) The Stone Mountain as a landslides


Local Decision-

making Mechanism



a) Recommendation from village

government to stop the illegal stone


b) The existence of a direct appeal from

village government to be vigilant when

rains at night

Local Group Solidarity Nonstructural


a) Mutual cooperation is strong

b) The system of patrolling night to alert

when it rains

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Table 2. Community Efforts in Conserving Local Wisdom

Local Wisdom

Dimension Community Efforts in Conserving Local Wisdom

Local Knowledge

Society still doing a stone quarry at Bojongkoneng to meet

the economic needs. In fact, the stone mining is recognized

by the public as a major cause of the landslide at

Bojongkoneng. Quarrying cause stone as a lands’ buffer in

the village Bojongkoneng is dredged and make the ground

shifted and there landslides.

Society was no longer using the stage house when they say

the stage house proved to be more secure than the concrete

house to reduce the impact of landslides. This is due to the

perception in the public that the use of stage house is

associated with socio-economic status for poor communities.

Even the stage house has been considered unfit to live and be

eligible as a goat pen. As a result, many public houses are

made of concrete suffered cracks and in the most severe

conditions may collapse due to a shift in the soil as a result

of landslides. This would not happen if people use the stage

house where the impact of a shift in the soil only lead the

foundation to slope and can be repaired, not to cause the

house to collapse so that the impact landslides is smaller.

Peoples cutting trees to clear arable land. The trees were

planted by the community is generally a fruit tree that can be

utilized such as durian, rambutan, oranges, guava so that

people want to take care of trees that have been planted in a

longer time for the tree can bear fruit.

Local Value

Taboos regarding prohibition of mining the rock and tree

felling had been abandoned. The reason is because of

economic pressure, forcing people to mine the rock to sell

the stone to collectors and distributed to luxury residences

contractors located around the village Bojongkoneng.

Society claimed that there is no more work to do in addition

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to mine the stones so inevitably undermines the nature to

meet its economic needs, while the felling of trees to open up

arable land consisting of root crops such as cassava.

Folklore of natural changes in the prediction of the future no

longer be preserved by the community. Natural changes that

occur related to the destruction of the environment has been

ignored by the public for their economic demands to exploit

the natural for sale and felling of trees for land clearing.

Local Skill

People still take advantage of their skill in making landslide

retaining traditionally by using bamboo that is cut and stuck

in the ground to hold the soil shifts.

People's skill in making stage house is rare because most

people prefer to use concrete house.

Local Resources

People still utilize bamboo as a drag landslide. Utilization of

bamboo as a drag landslides become a quick and inexpensive

way for people Bojongkoneng to reduce the impact of


Local Decision Making


The village government appeal to the people to stop the

quarrying activity was ignored by the public. People said that

quarrying is done because there is no more work they can do

and the village government was not able to provide

employment for the miners stone if a stone quarry in the

village of Bojongkoneng stopped.

The appeal from the head of the neighbourhood to be

vigilant when it rains at night is still run by the community.

Solidarity Local Group

The system of mutual aid society is still carried out in the

construction of public facilities such as roads and repair of

homes affected by disasters, especially landslides.

Nightly patrols when the rainy season is still run by the

community to guard and ensure the conditions in the village

remains secure and under control, especially to monitor the

movement of soil in order to reduce the impact of landslides.

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4. Conclusion

People in the village Bojongkoneng have some local knowledge in disaster mitigation of

landslides of which the use of houses on stilts, their taboos (something that should not be

done) about the destruction of the environment, and the community on disaster occurrence

prediction of landslides through stories hereditary. Community efforts to preserve local

wisdom begins to wear identifiable local erosion of local wisdom that changes the result of

the inclusion of development of social and cultural system interaction with the environment.

With the erosion of local wisdom that has been embedded in the indigenous village of

Bojongkoneng result of development resulting in increased landslides, so in this study suggest

the need for efforts to increase the role of local wisdom in society by doing community

outreach to reduce the view of the social status using the stage house and the identification of

the affected areas warning of local wisdom in society.

In a case that occurred in the village Bojongkoneng, the influx of development in the

Village Bojongkoneng system has changed social and cultural interaction with the

environment, causing erosion of local knowledge. The impact of the erosion of local

knowledge that acts as disaster mitigation efforts are increasing the vulnerability of the

landslide in the village of Bojongkoneng. Therefore, this study has advised the importance of

strengthening the role of indigenous villagers Bojongkoneng as landslide disaster mitigation


If the strengthening of the role of local knowledge in disaster mitigation landslide done,

it will be able to reduce the impact of disasters Bojongkoneng landslide in the village. In

addition, if the strengthening of the role of local knowledge to do it will form the pattern of

human interaction with the environment that runs harmonious and balanced to achieve human

welfare and environmental sustainability. It is an effort to prevent and abate the negative

impacts of development on the environment that led to the landslide disaster risk reduction

that occurs as a form of local wisdom in the role of landslide disaster mitigation at



Thanks to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the

Republic of Indonesia, which has funded this research on the Student Creativity Program

(PKM) 2016.

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