ra 9266 presentation

The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR  & Derivative  Regulations)  Issues and Upd ates on the Ipleentation of RA !2""  #0 April 200$ UA% Regional District ' Assel*  +egapi -it*, Region . (icol)  by Archt.  Armando N. ALLÍ  , fuap, aaif, fspac -hairan  ,  Professional Re gulatory Board of Arc hitecture  (  %RoA  ) (Resource %erson) IAPOA PRBoA

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The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266(The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations) 

 Issues and Updates on the Ipleentation of RA !2""  

#0 April 200$ UA% Regional District ' Assel*

 +egapi -it*, Region . (icol)

 by Archt. Armando N. ALLÍ , fuap, aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (  %RoA ) 

(Resource %erson)



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#/ iplified 1odel of %hilippine +as#/ iplified 1odel of %hilippine +as

  (loer than the #!3$ -onstitution & International Treaties(loer than the #!3$ -onstitution & International Treaties

in hich the %hilippine overnent is a ignator*)  in hich the %hilippine overnent is a ignator*)

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

 +as do not 5perate in Isolation ut in 6ull

 Interaction ith 5ther +as that are in %lace/

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2/ 7hat 5ther +as 8eed to e -onsidered in the2/ 7hat 5ther +as 8eed to e -onsidered in the

 Ipleentation of RA !2"" (and * Architects in their Ipleentation of RA !2"" (and * Architects in their %ractice Under RA !2"") in the %hilippines9 %ractice Under RA !2"") in the %hilippines91. The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs) of RA 9266 including the !ode of

"thical !onduct and #tandards of $rofessional $ractice (%no&n as the 'A$ ocuments)

*oard of Architecture Issuances (resolutions circulars etc.) under RA 9266 and those

under RA +,+ of 19+- and RA 1+1 of 19+6 (that ha/e not been amended nor repealed) 

2. The $R! 0oderniation Act (RA91) other $R! Issuances (resolutions circulars etc.)3. 4ther $rofessional 5a&s (particularly RA1+2 RA+,, RA +3, $13-)

2. The 7e& !i/il !ode of 19+, (particularly Article 1823)

3. The 5 Internal Re/enue Re/ised $enal !orporate !odes and 4ther !odes  IRR

,. $ 1-96 of 1988 (7atl *ldg !ode of the $hils. 7*!$) its 2--, re/ised IRR (effecti/e

-1 0ay 2--+) and its Referral !odes e.g. *$ 3,, $ 11+ (:ire !ode) #tructural !ode

+. $ 9+8 *$ 22- en/ironmental la&s and their respecti/e IRRs6. eneral Agreement on Trade and #er/ices (AT#) reference A$"! Architects Registry

8. RA 92+ (AR 5a& of 2--,) and "4 1-- (!onstruction Arbitration 5a&)

. !onstructors; 5icense 5a& of 196+ (RA ,+66) and its IRR

9. 5' ordinances (particularly the <oning 4rdinance) and

1-. 7ational Regional or $ro/incial :rame&or% 5and 'se $lans (not laws but basis for ZO). 

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

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:/:/ 7hat as done to the 8ational uilding 7hat as done to the 8ational uilding 

  -ode of the %hils (8-%)9 Is it still ;the +a<9  -ode of the %hils (8-%)9 Is it still ;the +a<9  1. The present 7*!$ &as rom!"#ated :eb 1988 as $% &096 by

$resident :0 its /arious Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs) &ere

issued by the 0$=T! (later the $=>) from 1989 through 2--,

2. The 200' Re(ised IRR  &hich &as signed by the $=> #ecretary on -3

 7o/ 2--, &as published April 2--+ and too% effect -1 0ay 2--+3. The 2-?day Temporary Restraining 4rder (TR4) and the

succeeding )rit of $re"iminar* In+!nction )$I- secured by the

!"s i.e. sub@ect of the ongoing court case in 0anila on"* co(ers

2- s!/sections of the R/IRR of the N1 the rest of the 200'R/IRR are a"" in f!"" effect are not restrained * the )$I

'. To date, $% &096 of &9 N1$- is sti"" the on"* "a4 on!i"din#s as it has neither been amended nor repealed by any other

la& i.e. only its IRR (an eecuti/e issuance) &as re/ised.


 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

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4/ 7hat are4/ 7hat are ecs/:02/: & 4 ecs/:02/: & 4 of the 2004 Revisedof the 2004 Revised

 IRR of the 8- in relation to  IRR of the 8- in relation to RA !2""  RA !2""  99&- Re!"ic Act or RA 9266 The Architect!re Act of 200'- too5 effect &0 Ari" 200'

4hi"e its IRR a"so an eec!ti(e iss!ance- too5 effect 0& %ecemer 200'72- 8ection 302.3 of the 200' Re(ised IRR of the N1$ $%&096 of &9- is a"read*

f!""* harmonied  4ith RA 9266 and its ro(isions "imitin# the rearation,si#nin# and dr* sea"in# of architect!ra" doc!ments on"* to Re#istered Architects7

3- %esite the eistence of the )$I on 8ec.302.3 ' of the R/IRR of the N1$ i.e.mere re#!"ations or eec!ti(e is!ances, 1i(i" :n#ineers 1:s- 4ho sha"" contin!eto si#n and dr* sea" architect!ra" "ans, secifications and doc!ments sha"" sti"" es!+ect to the a"ication of the se(ere ena"ties !nder a "a4 or stat!te i.e. RA 9266 its IRR (reference ec/ 2! of RA !2"")7 and

'- The %$); can sti"" "e#a""* ar 1:s from si#nin# and dr* sea"in# architect!ra"

"ans, secifications and doc!ments * in(o5in#  m!"ti"e ro(isions !nder RA9266 (ections 20, 2!, :#, :2, :4, etc/) and its IRR, secifica""*  ec/ 20/2 of RA !2""  4hich rohiits actin# !i"din# <fficia"s= !i"din# <fficia"s or an* other officer orem"o*ee of the re!"ic- from accetin# or aro(in# an* architect!ra" "ans orsecifications not reared in accordance 4ith RA9266 and  ec/ 44  4hichmandates a"" !"ic officia"s to enforce RA9266.

 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac


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/ 7hat is happening= going to happen to the practice of/ 7hat is happening= going to happen to the practice of

architecture in the %hilippines9architecture in the %hilippines9

 Three 3.0- *ears after RA 9266>s aro(a", man* e(ents ha(e transired, a"" of 4hichare s!t"e or o(ert attemts to a""o4 other entities to ractice architect!re orortions of architect!ra" ratice defined !nder RA 9266 and its IRR?

 &- status >uo  for 8ec.302 of the R/IRR * (irt!e of )$I not *et "ifted-7 to date, 1:s ha(es!cceeded in 4rest"in# contro" o(er the %$); oard of 1ons!"tants o1-7

2- 1:s !ni"atera""* interretin# RA &@2= RA @'' and e(en the )$I to s!it themse"(es7 1:s

ma5e it aear as if $% &096 and its o"d and Re(ised IRRs mere eec!ti(e iss!ances- cans!ersede RA 9266 and its ro(isions a secia" "a4= stat!te-.

3- man* non/architects= non/rofessiona"s sti"" oen"* ractice or offer architect!ra" ser(ices4itho!t fear of se(ere ena" sanctions7

  '- man* ro(isions of RA 9266 are sti"" in need of more detai"ed im"ementin# r!"es and aretherefore cannot *et e f!""* im"emented7

 @- architects contin!e to (io"ate their o4n "a47 6- architects are !na"e to articiate in !"ic sector ro+ects e(en for <%A/assisted ro+s-7- the Loca" Bo(ernment 1ode ro(isions fa(orin# 1:s ha(e not *et een corrected7 - de(e"oers and contractors a"read* offer and ractice architect!re7 and9- A$:1 Architects= :n#ineers Re#istr* and #"oa"iation to oen the $hi"iine mar5et to

inf"! of more forei#n architects= en#ineers= desi#ners= constr!ction rofessiona"s. This a*

not necessaril* e a ad thing as e ust then attept to e orld'class practitioners to allo us to copete/

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

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"/ 7hat is the standing of RA !2"" ith respect to the 7rit of"/ 7hat is the standing of RA !2"" ith respect to the 7rit of

 %reliinar* In?unction (7%I) ecured * the -@s +ast 1a* 200 %reliinar* In?unction (7%I) ecured * the -@s +ast 1a* 200

 Against ecs/ :02/: & 4 of the R'IRR of the 8-9 Against ecs/ :02/: & 4 of the R'IRR of the 8-91. The 2-?day Temporary Restraining 4rder (TR4) and the succeeding )rit of$re"iminar* In+!nction )$I- secured by the !"s in 0ay 2--+

i.e. sub@ect of the 0anila court case on"* co(ers 2 s!/sections ofthe 200' R/IRR of the N1$ i.e. 8ecs. 302.3 ' 4hich are

oth mere "istin#s of doc!ments to e s!mitted as art of the!i"din# ermit a"ication these s!/sections do notrescrie the ractice of architect!re nor 1: i.e. only la&s

such as RA 9266 and RA 1+2 do

2. The =$I is not against RA 9266 or any of its pro/isions3. The =$I is not against the IRR of RA 9266 or any of its

 pro/isions and

,. The standing of RA 9266 and its IRR ha(e not een diminished* the eistence of the )$I and are oth in f!"" effect.

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

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$/ If RA !2"" is still in full effect and since the 7%I does$/ If RA !2"" is still in full effect and since the 7%I does

  not not  cover RA !2"" at all, thencover RA !2"" at all, then h*h* did the UA% (asdid the UA% (as IA%5A) intervene in the 2 RT- cases9  IA%5A) intervene in the 2 RT- cases91. The case is being heard in a lo&er court the RT! if @udgment is

rendered by the RT! the @udgment shall e/entually be re/ie&ed

 by the #upreme !ourt (#!) i.e. as the final arbiter on Buestions of

la& and as the final interpreter of the la&2. If the cases go to the #upreme !ourt &ithout the 'A$ inter/ening

in the RT! cases architects &ill not ha/e the personality to

inter/ene (as they can be estopped for not ha/ing inter/ened &hile

the case &as still in the RT!)

3. An RT! @udgment fa/orable to the !"s (and not contested by

Architects) may be confirmed by the #! in its decision

'. the decision of the 8!reme 1o!rt fa(ora"e to the 1:s 4i""ha(e the effect of amendin# RA 9266 and its ro(isions.

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)


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3/ 7ho is the3/ 7ho is the %rie %rie %rofessional %rofessional for uildings for uildings991. The Architect is the C$rime $rofessiona"C for a building or site

de/elopment pro@ect the &ord Architect comes the ree% &ordmeaning Cmaster !i"derC

2. The !"s thin% that they are the $rime $rofessiona" and ha/e

actually pac%aged that concept in their 2 bills in !ongress &hich

&ere initially defeated by Architects on 19 Danuary 2--+

3. the !"s thin% that they can also do the &or% of Architects and

"n/ironmental $lanners ("n$s) by /irtue of their superior numbers

(at 9---- !"s /s. 22--- architects and 6-- en/ironmental

 planners) !"s thin% that their relati/e omnipresence ha/e made

them the mar%et choice to be the C$rime $rofessiona"C for buildings and subdi/ision land de/elopment pro@ects &hen in fact

they lac% the basic legal reBuisites to practice architecture'. 1:s sho!"d do a etter +o of "annin# and !i"din# roads= rid#es and not

osition= mar5et themse"(es as architects or site= h*sica" "anners. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)


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!/ 7here are the Architects in %ulic ector %ro?ects9!/ 7here are the Architects in %ulic ector %ro?ects9

1. #ince the implementation of RA 91, o/ernment $rocurement

Reform Act of 2--3 and its 2--, IRR and the "4 28 of 2--,(co/ering foreign?assisted pro@ects) and its 2--+ IRR and

uidelines Architects ha/e effecti/ely dec"ined participation in

go/ernment public sector pro@ects (e/en if 4A?assisted)

2. The pre?Bualification reBuirements of RA 91, and "4 28 ha/e

effecti/ely made it diffic!"t for architectural firms to sign up for

go/ernment pro@ects so as not to surrender architectural practice

to !"s ho&e/er some Architects are no& cnstrained to come in as

!onsulting Architects (in their indi/idual capacities or as

subcontracting firms) under bids tendered by the larger !" firms3. RA 91, someho& mandates a &arranty for cost estimates prepared by the

Architect and reBuires bond posting to co/er ecess in costs

'. RA 9&' and :< 2 their deri(ati(e "a4s m!st a""o4 for#reater articiation * Architects in #o(ernment ro+ects .

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)


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#0/ 7hat still needs to e done for RA !2""9#0/ 7hat still needs to e done for RA !2""9Three 3- *ears after RA 9266>s aro(a", the 4or5 on the IRR is not *et f!""*

done and the DA$ m!st eert a"" efforts to he" the $rofessiona"

Re#!"ator* oard of Architect!re $RoA- finish the +o. Amon# theseare? &- amendment of the 8tandards of $rofessiona" $ractice DA$ %oc!ments 20& thro!#h

20, 209 thro!#h 2&&- 4hich are art of RA 92667 the $RoA re(ie4 of theroosed re(isions to DA$ %oc!ments 20&, 20 and 20 is a"most com"ete !t theamendator* rocess sha"" sti"" #o thro!#h the $R17 the "an#!a#e of the amended DA$

%oc!ments m!st e re#"amentar* and m!st not stra* too far from its &99 ori#ina"72- oerationa"iation of the 1$:= 1$% ro#ram to tie these in 4ith secia"iation

ro#rams or e(en #rad!ate academic ro#rams for a"" architects7  3- com"etion of the re#istration reE!irements for architect!ra" firms7 monitorin# of

8:1 re#istrations for architect!ra" firms7 '- oerationa"iation of the "iai"it* ins!rance ro(ision for forei#n architects7@- officia" $RoA "istin# of architect!ra" doc!ments and ro+ects that sha"" reE!ire the

si#nat!re and dr* sea" of an architect76- need to c"ean ! the "ist of 22,000 re#istered architects of deceased or eatriate

  architects-, the "ist of aro. &0,000 architects 4ho ha(e !dated "icenses= $R1 I%cards and the "ist of =/ ,000 architects 4ho ho"d IA$<A certificates7 and

- romt reso"!tion of the c"aims of 1:s and other techno"o#ica" rofessiona"s that the* too canractice ranches of architect!re thro!#h the $T1, $F$A, $A$R and the $R1 itse"f. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)


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##/ 7hat should e reflected in the UA% Docuents9##/ 7hat should e reflected in the UA% Docuents9 ein# art of the IRR of the o"d "a4s RA &@&= RA @'@-, the DA$ %oc!ments m!st no4? &- instit!tiona"ie the ro"es of the Architect as an imortant <4ner>s Reresentati(e  4ho

sha"" a"4a*s rotect the <4ner>s interests at a"" times e(en at his= her o4n eense !t ne(erao(e hi#her !"ic interests7

 2- reco#nie that RA 9266 sea5s of different secia"ied ro"es for architects in a ro+ect i.e. as 1ons!"tin# Architect, as Architect/of/record and as Architect/in/char#e of constr!ction7there is therefore a"4a*s the ossii"it* that 3 or more architects indi(id!a"s or firms- can4or5 on the same ro+ect * !nderta5in# different hases of the reE!ired ser(ice7 the architectsm!st secia"ie and not e #enera"ist ractitioners 4hich ma* not e a reso!rce/efficient

ractice7 3- reco#nie the man* different, ne4 and emer#in# s!ort architect!ra" ser(ices that are

erformed * oth architects and non/architects7

'- se#re#ate en#ineerin# ser(ices  and fees  from architect!ra" and a""ied ser(ices andinstit!tiona"ie fees for coordinati(e ser(ices and for architect!ra" cons!"tations7

@- maintain that architects !nder a %esi#n/!i"d 1ontract cannot e 1onstr!ctors !n"ess the* ossess a (a"id %TI/1IA$/$1A 1onstr!ctor>s License7

 6- instit!te safe#!ards to a""o4 #reater articiation * architects in !"ic sector ro+ects as a rofessiona" or as a A1 <ser(er-7

- instit!tiona"ie re#!"ations for architects in #ro! ractice7 and

 - instit!tiona"ie the areas of secia"iation for architects to #!ide the IA$<A in "annin#a!thentic and !sa"e 1$: co!rses on est architect!ra" ractices.

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)


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#2/ 7hat ust e all do no as Architects9#2/ 7hat ust e all do no as Architects91. *e e/er  (i#i"ant of the concerted mo/es of other entities in the

construction and de/elopment industries e.g. fello& architects

fello& technological professionals particularly !"s contractors

de/elopers real estate professionals etc. 4hich 4i"" tend to!ndermine the #ains !nder RA 9266

2. 5obby hard and ma%e representations &ith go/ernment officials

a#ainst other professional construction or de/elopment bills IRRsand the li%e that &ill allo& other !nE!a"ified entities to practice

architecture or any of its recognied branches or lines of practice

3. Instill in Eour consciousness the desire and need to constant"*

ad(ocate the ractice and rotect the rofession. *e ready and&illing to fight for the profession Eou chose i.e. RA 9266 may be

there to protect us but &e must also protect RA 9266;s integrity.

The potency of RA 9266 must not be diluted by other eisting

 proposed or emerging professional la&s or other la&s. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

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#:/ 7hat ust e all do as UA% 1eers9#:/ 7hat ust e all do as UA% 1eers9&. $ress for the ear"* reso"!tion of the DA$ Gotion as Inter(enor- to "ift the

)$I in+!nction- fi"ed %ec 200@ &@ months a#o- and "i5e4ise ress for the

ear"* rom!"#ation of the case decision d!e Garch 2006 &3 months a#o-7 the 1:s ha(e contin!ed to si#n and sea" architect!ra" doc!ments for 3.0 f!"" *earsthat RA 9266 a stat!te and a secia" "a4- has een in effect * in(o5in# mereeec!ti(e iss!ances that ha(e no o4er to amend $% &096 as rom!"#ated in &97

2. eert a"" efforts to #a"(anie the eec!ti(e ranch of #o(ernment into action to eedite the im"ementation and enforcement of RA 92667

3. $oo" a"" o!r co""ecti(e reso!rces to fi"e a so"id case a#ainst a !i"din# <fficia"secifica""* a 1: in an officia" or actin# caacit* and not +!st a 1:- and=or the LBD s!orters of s!ch 1:s for their c!"a"e (io"ation of thesecific ro(isions of RA 9266, not4ithstandin# the stat!s of an in+!nction onmere eec!ti(e iss!ances i.e. 8ecs. 302.3 ' of the 200' R/IRR of the &9 N1$,

that on"* "ist do4n doc!ments to e s!mitted to#ether 4ith a !i"din# ermita"ication7 the in+!nction is not an in+!nction on the ractice of architect!re7 it ismere"* an in+!nction on the "ist of reE!irements for a !i"din# ermit a"ication7

'. Insti"" in a"" DA$ Gemers the !r#enc* to fi#ht for their chosen rofession7 o!rcaai"it* to fi#ht for o!r comm!nit* standin# as architects is dee"* rooted in="ar#e"* determined * o!r !nderstandin# of the iss!es that need to e reso"(ed.

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan , Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)

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Than BouThan Bouandand

a %leasant @veninga %leasant @vening

to Bou AllCto Bou AllC

 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _ The First 3.0 Years of RA 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004, its IRR & Derivative Regulations)   by Archt. Armando N. ALLI,  fuap , aaif, fspac

-hairan Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA)