r3 process training

Mike Sloop 2012 REVISED 2013 R I S K M A N A G E M E N T R E S I D U A L R E S I D U A L M A N A G E M E N T

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The Residual Risk Reduction, or R3 Process, assigns numerical values to risk. As risk is reduce via hazard control measures, the R3 value is reduced and easily tracked.


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Mike Sloop 2012 REVISED 2013




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Mike Sloop 2012 REVISED 2013

R I S KRISK, defined, is exposure to hazard or danger. Risk is all around us…all day…at home and at work. Every time we walk, drive, use a tool, swim, etc., we expose ourselves to hazards. This exposure is risk.

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Mike Sloop 2012 REVISED 2013

R I S KSafety experts sometimes say that our goal should be to eliminate ALL risk. It is impossible to eliminate all risk in our lives, but we can take action to eliminate, reduce, and manage risk on the job and at home.

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Let’s look at stairs…

Hazard Control Measures:• Building codes• OSHA standards• Handrails• Midrails• Kickplates• Anti-slip treads• Rules & procedures


Stairs exist in almost every manmade structure on Earth. We go up and down stairs every day…all day, and never think about the risk involved. We take measures to ensure that our stairs are as safe as they can be. These are called Hazard Control Measures and some of them are listed below.

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The RISK of falling is ALWAYS present!


No matter what we do, no matter how safe we make our stairways, the RISK of falling up or down the stairs is ALWAYS present! The ONLY way to eliminate the risk is to eliminate the stairway.

Since we cannot eliminate all risk associated with a stairway, regardless of the hazard control measures we employ, the risk that remains is called the RESIDUAL RISK.

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R I S KSo…we have seen that it is impossible to eliminate all risk. We can however, through hazard recognition and hazard control measures, MANAGE and REDUCE risk. Every time that risk is removed or reduced, the entire facility becomes safer.

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R I S K Management:

There are 5 ways to manage RISK:ELIMINATE the hazard.The BEST way to manage risk is to eliminate the hazard. For example, no one will EVER drown in my pool…because I do not have one. I made the decision that the risk involved with owning a pool was too great for my familly.

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R I S K Management:

There are 5 ways to manage RISK:SUBSTITUTE the hazard.Another effective way to manage risk is to substitute a less dangerous hazard for a more dangerous hazard. For example, let’s say that currently you use a dangerous chemical to clean machine parts…and learned that a natural citrus cleaner cleaned the parts just as well. You substitute the citrus chemical for the dangerous chemical and remove a LOT of risk.

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R I S K Management:

There are 5 ways to manage RISK:Engineering Controls.Engineering controls include railings around platforms and stairs and machine guards. Catwalks are common around industrial equipment, and most of us use them without much thought. What if these same catwalks did not have rails around them…now that would make things different…would YOU walk across a catwalk 50 feet high without guardrails?

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R I S K Management:

There are 5 ways to manage RISK:Administrative Controls.Administrative controls are another way to manage risk, by scheduling work to be done when the hazard is less or absent. Let’s say that you had a job mowing a rifle range. Would you rather do the job while the range is in use…or when it is not in use? This is a no-brainer.

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R I S K Management:

There are 5 ways to manage RISK:Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is the last resort in safety. Because the hazard cannot be controlled, we put protective gear on the human as a last way to protect them from exposure.

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R I S KWe now know that residual risk is the risk that remains after all hazard control measures have been taken. We also know that residual risk is present in every job task.

R e s i d u a l

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R3ResidualRiskReduction PROCESS

Now we will look at the Residual Risk Reduction, or R3 Process tool. This process was developed by Liberty Mutual, and assigns numerical values to risk based upon the frequency of the job task, the likelihood of any injury, and the potential severity of the injury.

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R3 Process Components Defined

FREQUENCY (F):What is the exposure? How often is the task done?

LIKELIHOOD (L):How likely is it that an injury may occur?

SEVERITY (S):If an injury occurs…how severe is it likely to be?

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RR = F x L x S

R3 Process / Project

Risk Rating = Frequency x Likelihood x Severity

RR = F x L x S

To complete a R3 project, we first must know where we are regarding risk. We need to calculate a Risk Rating score using the formula as shown below.

To determine the numerical value for Frequency, Likelihood, and Severity, we use a RISK RATING SCALE, as shown on the next slide. Each factor will be 1 – 5 as shown.

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R3 Process

R3 Risk Rating Scale

Rating Frequency (Exposure) Likelihood (Chance)

Severity (Degree of Harm)

1 Less than 1x per month Highly unlikely First aid

2 Less than 1x per week Unlikely Medical treatment

3 Less than 1x per shift Possible Lost time with full recovery

4 Greater than 1x per shift Probable Some permanent disability

5 At all times Highly likely Major permanent disability or death

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R3 Process / Project



Now Hiring!

Now, let’s look at an example. Let’s say that you accept a new job at ACME Apple Company.

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R3 Process / Project

Workplace Example:YOU have a new job in an apple factory. Your job task is to hold an apple in the palm of your left hand. Then you are to grasp a very sharp knife in your right hand and cut the apple in half while holding the apple in your left hand. You do this task continuously for 8 hours a day. You do not wear ANY PPE. What are the chances of you cutting your left hand or fingers?

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R3 Process / Project

Workplace Example:OBVIOUSLY…this is a dangerous job. This is a good opportunity for an R3 Project!

An R3 Project is where hazard control measures are taken to reduce the residual risk of the job or job element.

To complete an R3 Project for this job, we first need to calculate the risk rating for FREQUENCY (F), LIKELIHOOD (L), and SEVERITY (S).

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R3 Process / Project

• What is the Frequency of the task? 5 because the job is done continuously all day.

• What is the Likelihood of an injury? 5 because there is no protection, currently, for the employee.

• What is the probable Severity of an injury? 2 at least since a laceration with a sharp knife would undoubtedly need medical attention.

Rating Frequency (Exposure) Likelihood (Chance)

Severity (Degree of Harm)

1 Less than 1x per month Highly unlikely First aid

2 Less than 1x per week Unlikely Medical treatment

3 Less than 1x per shift Possible Lost time with full recovery

4 Greater than 1x per shift Probable Some permanent disability

5 At all times Highly likely Major permanent disability or death

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R3 Process / Project

What is the RR rating BEFORE hazard controls?RR = F x L x SRR = ____ x ____ x ____RR = 5 x 5 x 2RR = 50

Rating Frequency (Exposure) Likelihood (Chance) Severity (Degree of Harm)

1 Less than 1x per month Highly unlikely First aid

2 Less than 1x per week Unlikely Medical treatment

3 Less than 1x per shift Possible Lost time with full recovery

4 Greater than 1x per shift Probable Some permanent disability

5 At all times Highly likely Major permanent disability or death

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R3 Process / Project

What is the Frequency now? 5

What is the Likelihood now? 1

What is the Severity now? 2

Job Task Process Improvement: NOW, you are REQUIRED to wear a kevlar glove at all times on your left hand. This is a hazard control measure.

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R3 Process / Project

What is the R3 rating AFTER hazard controls?RR = F x L x SRR = ____ x ____ x ____RR = 5 x 1 x 2RR = 10

Job Task Process Improvement: NOW, you are REQUIRED to wear a kevlar glove at all times on your left hand. This is a hazard control measure.

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R3 Process / Project

Risk Rating BEFORE: 50Risk Rating AFTER: 10Risk Reduction %: 80%

So…R3 = 80%

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R3 Process

THE BOTTOM LINE: You can look at any job or job task from a residual risk standpoint, putting a numerical value to risk.As you apply hazard control measures, you reduce residual risk and can easily track the values as they show improvement.R3 is a quantitative look at SAFETY.

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R3 Process Forms

This is the basic R3 Project form.

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Test Your Knowledge:Use the following case study and this form template to do an R3 project on your own. When you are finished, compare it to the solution provided.

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Let’s say that your job required you to climb Tank A and cross over via the narrow yellow catwalk pictured to Tank B once per hour. You do not like walking across the catwalk and feel that your job can be made safer by using hazard control measures…so you decide to do an R3 Project on the catwalk.


Please complete the R3 Project NOW. When complete, you can review the solution that follows.

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First, you calculate a risk rating, remembering that the risk rating formula is:RR = F X L X S.Frequency = 5Likelihood = 3Severity = 3RR = 5 X 3 X 3 = 45


NOTE that this is MY solution….YOURS may be different!

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Now you add a protective railing to the catwalk as a hazard control measure. What will the NEW risk rating be?RR = F X L X S.Frequency = 5Likelihood = 1Severity = 3RR = 5 X 1 X 3 = 15


NOTE that this is MY solution….YOURS may be different!

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Using the R3 form template as shown at right, it is easy to see that adding the protective railing to the catwalk reduced the risk of falling by 67%.

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Summary:The R3 process is a simple way to assign numerical values to risk. As we add hazard control measures to make things safer we reduce the risk values, making the improvements easy to track. The R3 process can be applied to almost any job, job element, or task.