r. k l idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l,...

.! 1 \ ~ l, '1 I' j• I I. .. , . ," I' , , , c , ,i t ,. , 0' Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess of the event an4 was grateful to Woods Police Ul4 Boy Scouts who Illded in handline the hugl' crowd without my .n- oua mishap or trouble. Arnold D1esinC~ Woods eomm. lioIIar, who was among'thoii! wM siarted tbe umual event 10 ~ ago, delighted the throng with • colorful display of flreworks, The 'KlW1UlIS u.ee the pn1Ceed8 from thiS annual program to aid underpriVIleged children. The progn.m also saw the GI'088e POinte Woods Bustnessmen's ~ clatlon pre5ent valuable gifts to lucky persons. Those who receIved the lncyc1et1 were Charles Slu_r, a. member of Grosse Pomte Pa.rk Pohce. ana Mrs Julia. Taylor, 763 Lamme ia. Grosse pomte CI1y, PHONE VA 2-1162 M.O.R.E LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL NEWSMATTER 0 ... _----------- 0 GRIU.li' 1.1'.6 ;-.;: .. 1'1(\ St \rmollr ~q £1Ialr, HUT HH RTH 'ul'f,'rt'd II h,,1 t lit on hpr It'ft \1'11(' F~ln"t~ F'~"\1 \ ... 1''), ..... ,..1 .hfl\ ~\\h.pn e;,}H"(("1 r'l\i'r tht' $:r n 11 t'he f lmli Hh " 'h"~'"'' our' );: II \Il~<i At 11\.~ Rrilluprt> IAt.,~ She lree 111 the rear oL lJil :'lulr road I \1as treated ilL Cott&ic HOIP1LaL. BY CARRIER lOC A MONTH ."" .' The lIthools camp&lJrR WU 111- complete, dUe to the fact that the dnve was launched 111 the last days of school thiS Spnng. They are expected to be heard from more def1l11tely early In the Fall. Headquarters reports that ac- curate and complete fIgures are necessanly slow 10 bemg made I aVlLllable. for three reasons: name- ly, some persons are not malung a three-year pledge, but want to I make gifts each year for three years, on a. non-pledge basiS. Sec- ond, numerou5 large glft5 are ex, pected m thp fall. when many re- turn to the POinte from vacation. Third, llevera.1 special gtf~ work- ers have not submitted com- plete reports and there are many zones In the house-to-house 5011c' itatlon whIch have not been heard from to date. Still a.nother reason for the In- complete total 15 the sollclta.t1on of bUSiness throughout the Pomte which has not been made but IS betnc planned for early execution Groll. Point.'. FIRST New,paper GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1948 Commissioner Writes Letter To Residents DAVE eETS FIRST DUCKING CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY Park Open FollOWIng is an open letter to Park ResH1ents from their Recrea. tlon CommISSioner Peter J Koemg telling the story behll1d the mstal- latlon of the chlormatlon system which now assures safe and sea- son long sv.'1mmmg. Grosse Pomtl' Park's renovated Thl' installatIOn of the pumpmg SIVlmmlllg beach at the Water- and chlonnatlOn system was made front Park was open 10 reSidents by Village employees and they de- and their guests Saturday for the ser\'e your pralse for their efforts first time thiS year Your pool IS the largest chlon- More than 10000 VISited the nated pool III the State of Michl- park over the hollda) weekend and I gan It Will proVide a safe place found sWlmmmg 111 the new chlo- o[ recreation for your children The nnated pool much to their salls- swimmmg program II supel'Vlsed factlon, by a waterfront director, and life guards are on duty dunn$ tJ1e hours the pool IS open. The Park pool was open Saturday for the first time this year and the first one to get a ducking was none other than the park's recreation director Dave Beauvais, He receIved a little encouragement from hfe guards, Jack Huckins, 16819 Crawford Lane; and Don Van Becelaere, 510 Notre Dame. huttmbtr? We sIncerely regrl't the many delajs m opemng your swimming pool, but equipment and matenals nl'cessary for construction were Following is a recap of the m- \ I'ry critlcal Ilt'ms and although complete retums III Gr 0 sse orders were placed many months Pomte's fwe mUnlClpalttles, WIth -S C Burr Pllotos TO PARK RESIOESTS: ago, dehvenes were very slow. many zone reports ll1complete and Pictured above are some of the hundreds of Grosse Pointe boys and girls who You have undoubtedly watched none of the totals fmal: had loads of fun at the Kiwarus and Optlmist Clubs' holiday programs, The girls ~th the progrpss of the renovatIOn of We are sure that the dela)'s \Vlll K rb fi Id It as vour sWlmmmg pool dUring the I be wl'll compensated for conSIder' on'. 1 (PARK) the unsual make-up emerged as WlOners in the ple-eatlng contest at e Y Ie, W. past several months The thmgs Img the dIsease preventIon work F. C Ford, Chairman; Dlst 1- one of 12 events sponsored by the OptimiSts. The lower p~oto finds the yuungs.ter b~y U1 Earher in the day the ~ we have done might be of mterest we ha\'e accomplished for your James R McDonnell. $2,667; Dist. a doughnut-dunkmg contest which was one of the mghlights of the Klwams frohc at held SpecIal field events &l1d .. protection. 2-John R O'Dell, Jr, $580. Dlst both &. Ids eel d refreshments and every ballgame for the younger set Comml --Io- A r o' -rks Mason field, Boys and gu-ls at .ue recelV prIZeS an , - Over at Kerby field. the local _ ~ • ". 3-Lansmg M. Plttman, $3,214; After thp ICPwas g',ll1e we ('ould Peter ,J. K.oenig Dlst 4 -Earl I Heenan, Jr. $7" one had a swell time, - Optlml.t Cltlb proVIded a sweD begm cleamng- the pool--approxl- 3377:1, Park Total, $13,7987:1, outdoor party for boys and gll... mateh' 1700 vards of contanllnated R ,1 1\1 R. lIT~r'D""" S kL I 'T' 1 t Close to 400 tumed out for tile sand ~d mU~k were removed from \' eeor" J. ,ame 01'-, 2 (CITT) eVlew., YV J.l\. .L 0 ee OCa.L a,en field games and a b8seball con. the pool and 1500 yards of clean John Kenower, Chairman. D1St I test. many wmmng cash prizes lakt' sand \\ere put back O~ A IT 1-Ed. J Hlckeey, Ill. $1022, S ' l- B"'''I''I' ~~,.PI-' and other awards Refreshment Your VIlIag", :\tanag",r and the I J."rm'Y nerO Ol.t. 2-Harvey A. FIscher. $330 I "C!orStreet Dance nOW., , " .. Ut..u.JI- wa5 proVldl'd for all. State of :\hchl~an Health Dppart- Dlst. 3-Ed. T Iv",s, Jr, $4615: L'. Othl'ra who remlLlIleil in G~ ment held numprous ml'etm~s on 11 DiSt 4-Marlon Kellogg, $5,255, - POinte dunng the holiday 50ugtK the best posslllTe ml'thod of chlon-! On IT onor Ro CIty Total, $11,222. ,0 A to\\"l1shlP WIde sea.rch for en-Cl eno)'Irtent at local clubs and beadI- !ll YEARS AGO natlOn so that \our chlldrl'n could n. p. tprtamment talent WIn get under- C 0 I es Largecro\\ds wItnessed the un- sWim 10 u'l-contanllnated water at 01",3 (FAR~IS) olnter \\ay sl)ortly when the Grosse ar ea ers A record number wu on haJtd all times m th~ future. The name of Joseph Semmes 'Vllllam C Roney, Chairman; Potnte Re";~W. RadIO StatIon" JR to see the annual Grosse Pomte g of Ihe portrait of the late Van D~ke has hi>en added to DIM 1-Vlctor P. Dhooge. Jr, and Grosse Pomte Pollcp hold theIr B kP Yacht Club Regatta. ThiS event rge De[er at Grosse Pomte tht' Grosse Pomte Ml'monal "Hon.1 $120185 Dlst. 2-John K Wor- Dloes On first neIghborhood talpnt audItions rea ar was the hlghhght of & thretHta,. counnl chamber!! A plan wac <!rawn and Ilpproved or Roll' He W&5 thl' son of Mr lie)'. 53,538 Dist 3-R. GeT\-Ys m the :-:elghborhood Club audlto. \ long program at thl' club. wIuc:h Park prepared to vote on tht' bv' Ih a :'Iate D"partment of Hpalth and Mr" Frank G Van D"ke of G 11 'I 8"" D st ' "'Ililam N D I ' '" ' ~ . '" I Y') S. .. . oJ". I ..-., rlum ',"a1erloo at • otre arne. A "0 " included splash partIes danclJlC n~'~5ue for se""ers in FO""'A new pump \\Ith a capacity of XeffRoad. IH$II,F 06 r1 4 e 3 \.U,47050' Farms TOtal'IGolf Llonks t pen andaspPclalshowforthekl~ _ 1 3000 gals per mlnute ",as 111- "\ Smgers dancers and mUSICIans \ The Lochmoor Club al90 en- 1~ 'E "-RS AGO stal1pd whiCh clT<~ulate. the f'ntlre It '" a' reportf'd by Florl'ncp I P td t P,(\ger sHard l\lack and \ II Sevprs Honor Roll Assoclallon DIY . .fa (\\'00051) Th- natIon's death toll In strokes of Grosse omte arp 1l1V1 p 0 Tom Bo\d Ed Roney and Har- Joyed a speCial Independence Da,. ware on pool. conta~nll1g 1500000 ga on'. t h I 1 Ch . t < partl(,lpate \0 ...the program Judg- r\' Turner'ftrushed In a. three-way program, er5 Care on Jeft"erson an- 1'\'I'f" II hours A liqUid chlorine secre ar~. " 0 IS COmP11l1g a Elmt'r Benzm. aIrman DIS'I and accldt'nts over thf' thrf'p-day ~'" mg WIll be bv a . ,c"lI Grand Opening Days machine \\ hlCh opt'ralps PIll'htpen complt'te record of local ml'n and I-George Beauchamp, 5221: OISt. Indepf'ndencf' Dav Holldav whIch' ,WJR pro d ~cer : tie for top honors among the local R(ha'rl H V','pbber's gardt'ns h ur pH ria\' dl~chargf" are- \\ omen \\ho SPTVpd III thl' last \\ ar 2- DaVId S Burnett, $90 D1St II ~arpd past the :100 mark ;ncludf'd and C h a r Ie., car dealers \\ ho comppted m the Park offIcials rt'ported thAt more La.e~horf' Road IS SCf'ne of q~,rf'~ amount of chlonne tnto the Thl' rl'('ord \\ III bp pla('pd 10 th.. 3-:\farshall JamlPson. $1,02725. ~ne Grosse Pomtf'r. I ~I an 0 s Re\'1ew ID~trolt Automobile Dealers A5SO- ,than 10000 attended thp "Wate'" C" c ~upper on JUI~' 4 Hostpsse~ h ('ha01brr of thc pump pHmanpnt file of the proposed 11- Wood~ Total $1 33825. I I ~ ... .. t'(lltor Thev \\,11 clatlon pro.amateur bp5t ball I front Park" dunng the .llloort re- tr' Jean Parcells and Chnst,"p ~~:~II~;fn~ the \\atpr whIch 1~lbrary memorIal. DI\.3 (SHORES) 1 RH'ha"l F~f.' E::'TU~ '\4 1012 "'!' ~-_ .. ,~,.,. " .. tournament. The e\pn1 precedf'd spite :\tarklng the program _N n. I pumped through t\\ clve hundrpd I :\hss Sewrs !laId that thl' rp('('nt Ballantj'11f' - Hackathorn, Co- YorhshlI'(' ~u!'f('r('d a h('art altack ~ ~ It' ~~;:Cts 'f;~~ th .. the :\totor LIt){ Upf'lI •• tl'." thl' openll1lr 01 tnl' new poot TF.:'\. \ E~RS AGO I fprt of l' pt' placed undrri(rOllnd addItion bnngs thl' Gold Star list Chamnen, $1,345. Shores Total. ~(ondav July:l as he C'omplf'ted ~. ( commumtv aUdl-1 1 Meado\\ brook Bolt Club last \\ epk ftrt'\\orks display and a. sal1boat J:rr: r ' >. :\1C';\;ally lea.ves for, at thr hotlom of the pool OnfiCE'S to 116 nsmf'S Hpr rl'eords dlS- $1 34:1 ! 18 holes of golf at the Countr) - r' PaIred \\ lth Chick Rutan. JIm ra('1' O::r:;~ervp Cruise plac('d 10 ft apart alon.e; th(' P\P(' do.pd that Van D\ kp \\ as killed Gf'neral So1Jcltatlon Total. $38.- Club. I._ 1 J, __ j tlOns to appea :\hl\\ard and Dick Mptz. respect-' Largl' number'! also VISIted the , I ( \'IC'Orchf'stra pre.enl~ .purt the \\ ater '" Il ",r('ulatln~ m 194' "hill' on an aIr miSSion 768 3:1. FArm. Pol'cr 'a"i that thp\, took I KEI.LY on a stagl' or on IHlv thp local triO tallled a 68 FlIrrns City and Shores beaches. !T~m at Grosse Pointe HIgh "t0ot,on \\ hleh 'urge' tht' t'ntlrp o\pr - Berlm He \\ as \\ lth lhl'l ------ Barnum to CottaI''' Hospital where thp radiO produ('tlOn to bl' pre.ent- fh"" .trokt'~ lx-htnd the \\ mmng Thoull'h Ihe Woodo; Lakef.:ont Par1l: n ra~'pus_ I pool ~nll rrlll"n' t() tht' pump jfl' 'I' Arm\' A,r ("orps HIS name was I P ° he \\as pronounced dpad \ I'd dllrmg a . Xrlll:hbor~~d Frol1c t\\osome :\{art\ Fllrgol Albuqupr. wa.' not opt'n for ~wlmmtng many 'F. \ E4.R~ .0\60 takr lOr re-clr('u1atlon \ not rl'portf'd brfore I 0I nte Dog s ,to be stll"ed Ilt Ihp ;-';:p."hborhood qut' pro and Dl'aler:\1 T Patlrr- pnJo\'pd It< faclhtlPs for plcm~ J R, nlr>h Kpnnedy plp<'ted I. I Or'pll'> recorll ad" It)' on roads (,Iub Date and time to be an-I son Fllr~ol won a $1600 Lmcoln anr! othl'r formll of r~r~a1IOno ~.~. ~f thr o..tr011 ("bapter' A ~I'cond tranSitIon last \\'t'f'k I and on Lahl' St ('IRlr no othpr noun('pd bl j P Dpsolte thl' reC'orll num~r woo Ch f I 0 I" ('on\'prtl I' an, attprson rl'- &,. -rn LIfE' Unlit'r\\ntl'r' Th ':;tRle of '1leh l:An Health conocernpd tht' re('orli 0 Co Get 1 Days lil'ath. or maor InJunes were re-\ d h d t h took parI m local aetIVltlP<, Grosae !\n",~, , \\ atch annual flrp- r. th n,"."t~eI ~nri ap- ('lark Colhns It "ll~ ('han~eli 10 I \ port ('d. With "ar",n Kdl\' popular I cel\ p a an some rop ~. POlntt' Pohcp A~reE'd that It wu K DCI\artmen 11<I, '" r " ,'" R k I or , rl <~lB\ In V','oods 1 "atrr tr.t. \\lll rt'all .on of:\'lr RIIs.<ell CollinS I J dl'''' ,or ..\ 'H\ lnl{ as E'm('('p A('C'orllm,g- to rrport~ from tour- I A Mfp and ~8.np fourth" one of O'\F. VE."-R AGO I CO~:=II;o~~ ::;1I1ar mll'r\'al~ and R !'I :-:obk, of BlrmmlOrham, 1>heh. Gro'!~t' Pomt.. Pohel' uportpd On Iv onl' traff~C' ll.cc:d<-nt eft"e('t, thl' SI",I1;hborhood Froh~ \\ 1\1 m- nam('nt offh ,ai' olh('r Pomtl' deal- the saft'st In h,stol')'. ' GIn,,,, ""lnt Sh I rl t t 1~ h kd Th" pMI \\as of. dog. dunng thE' past weckend. I thll.t fotlr pHcon. \\I'rt' b,ttl'n by jlrj(' 8 pl'rcrmal mJu,;' "a'l"rportpd ,dulle l1 .trHt dllo('p \\Ith mtl"c ",ro; \\ho C'omr>~tro "t're Ted ---- - ,~, c (' 00 IS rlC • ,<1 \ (' ('(' r I I d h . k d I John :\Iarl,)n 'h Ilnli Gertrudr .upol'ed [rom tht' hl~ "JR '\(ob,lr W d Se k B'd l( ~ trll'I" ..~ ('l~tt>d Bert H ftelall\ oprnt'li Juh 1 lQ~8 An)one \\ho ma\' hav(' mforma. dO~'h lIr~n,l1:' t I' p~~~ ,~~p en . Kllnan. 2~ hoth of DetrOIt \\'pre fiturllo <pt'(lal <111,11;"o'"rtal.,- Grace and Ra~ :\1 "h) ,c. I 00 5 e 5 I ~l:~ 'r"Slden1 of thp Board , ----------, tlon regardll1l[ namps mcorrpct I ... tt O n b u\n d llln. • ~ °bro'B" \\a~' Ir.-ate1 at B"", C;"COllr Hoo01tal - ...ftt An" A -dlo ,1'10\\ '\h,('h \\"11 Woods Seeks B'lds r~'1Jn 'n H d [) 1 ,,' pn v Il <'l/{0\\'111''' V rvpr, "" .. '" ' ', Gra('~ "our1<'cl \\ Ith Jim nt'm. "I" I PII e SlIecef'!I r n 1. R \ :<prlllnlt or Omis..lon~ " ~'kl'd to BUrhnl<'ame H8 Roland John )Ionria\' for mmor mJlln"'~ "1lf- bo> broa<Y('a.t o\('r "JR Th .. Audl- arl't pMtrd '" 70 and" h\ tl' Thf' Grosst' Potntf' Wood!! llJ D tl _ I rcplls "'ho retlrl'd 1.-'0 lee eeover contaC't ~h'~ S,,\('r~ at Xl 2191 \\11' dE'h\'mn/{ nBp('f~ At thp tlmpllfert'd whE'n a cllr thp\ wt'rp rldm/{ rncl' \\111 oel...('t from thMe ehOlIt'n pa'r ..... j \\Ith ~hhp Dll'tl; shot a 72 .Ii\'prll'lnl<' for bid!! for thf' "'ur- _I Stnlth~ "m~ nl'\\ _______" I t ka 111'1 d \en bv V( a r(61 h' 'h . .. ~, " '~ms . . of thp mlch~Tl He wall trl'ated at ., s nl(' I r: " , at t I' alllllt.()O~ A \\lnner .... 0 r!" Par for th .. rOll"t' • 71. ~('ha~.. of Spl'<'lal A!Ules..~p. Ron lIa'o' F,pld Hohda~ (lrogram'l 11Th t' A t Police Arrest Cotta"r HOOP11III I": De\tril. 610 '>olr .. Dame at I rfl\1'5 a ftn", "JR radiO. I - -- - Impro\pmt'nt Bonds of & pe.r \"&1- yy j '\/ e SUO R kl D. Rov 0 ('hap," Tr 0 2q(J ("10\ - Krrrhr\ Al npar Brdforll Y Sk' Iur of ~~; 000 _____ I ;,1' ec ess rlyer erlv dog ~nA",pt'd (.larenrr ('ham. I The 111lurt'eI \Hr .. Tla", ... n" ..r.,n Th,,' Xt't\:hborhooli Fro1 r" l' ~ung Ipper I "82000 of thlo l'Igtlrf' "Ill be r d 1\1 ° hh I Ann' 1 0 48 Olel'm"bllr .Iol"n Rola.orl F: Plell 2' o.f 1'\t ("lalrlp,ne 42 2,.~ :\'Ioro'~ roAd on lhf' Jllm". Thoma" 'ar wh,<:h "'lIS hrllrth enll()r~ed b\ th .. \oeAI"P"~ Inlures Foot ll,,,rl for thp pll\lnjO:' of Hampton, \100 i. ,elU ors from IIralrr ,\ h' t ° Olrl. on ~hort'" \\ Il~ arre-\p<! h' Park Po. rlii:"h! leI<' a5 he ~.., fldmj1; bv on Irlr" rn b\ h,. brolh"r Y"rome The lice n"r>utmrnl' ~c ('onlrlhlh In... n" k Goo,i t 7 of ",(1 '''ff \\ A~ "e.hll Ha\\ thorne anli AnIta an o A "1 ( In"" ,0 \\a' hep for rrekll's~ rln\\nl{ on Jrf. hi' blkl' brolh"r' !lrr al..,., "f DetrOIt to tho riM\P a"atn.t Juvemle dr. Il0a' ..eI III Bon ~'c'~ .... Ho~plt~1 \\e.t of ~Ia.('k Thl' bal.nr" wIll ~! 1d'f "r'Vl 1 \ elf n A\ 'nll" HI' pll~.t'nl{rr I llnq\lrnn " "Ie~ Fr-, 6 r ".r\~r. O\"r"rl 1\\0 d~\' later 1\ <lalr r ('('00 I :\h('heal (1l1r1< 1, !iH~ Bt'rh. PH!> Po, er '~'<i lhl'v ,""erl' f11 a h"eI (,\It "0 h • r l:h' foot 1I1'Anel' nthpr \l11ll/tp Impn'll'l'n,pnt. ~. ., 0'" "'" "rrlr \ \\ t'lrhll\lpt 22 Al~o of ~t h ff ~ I 1'1 1'1 .~\ .. PArk Polle .. II ",rllllr ATl lw (\. rr P,)],'" Thr ('ar (IA'r ~ho'" \\a O takrT1 In &n • Irhr 'I~ .r ... ~, a 'll:ht ellhI on 10 t,,,k.',' to both dn\rr. for rt'"kle's ("011')0\" r"rmll: nr ", h()\\" Th,' \o\llh t"li (",t\ 1":".' \\ho Thr bnnrl~ \\111 br a\\lIr<leo to " .hr fOllnrl al Tom \\ •• )(1' dll111a>:"rl !';t' nu: Hoopl'''1 for mInor head r ~ I m"px "'J'rr d \" eTl h ,. plAy- firl\lI" e 'or t'l" A1\rl.:l()n~ \\111 b" an- t()OK h m to Ihr h'-r>,'~ th~' h. Ih~ blelelrr \\hool' h,,1 pro<luC'r~ the !.' \' r"r rill: lot on .lpffl'r~on Th, Ih' f A I') I(1ok A ] reT1.r . m11 I' ~ el01I:'llllppr at 1m I Be'ln, arc \\ .'rr barll\ rlamll"o,l n nnl "II I"t rr '\I!fe,,,(j t h.. Cllt \\ hll. 1 I', h n;;: 10\\ e~t ,"lerrot coot to the \ IU&f!e, r (, ~ll:ham Tht' "'Allpt b<'- Illt o 'rom ~ ~"",noel h\ (' A br1UV~ I A do!, 0\\np,1 bv ~{r' D A :\fc' P~rh 1',)1", ~I'" Irporlt'<i that II. h. hoal at thi' "'0' " L"he'a~ 1 ., ') "()~I<'(' M Stawltng of ~on pkln 1372 Balfour It \\a' aloo I Thr mrn told rolla that tht'v I G ,t\ ,M GTllnd ~ar1ao hll I eRr "lIel':~ il\' ~n\rn 1'1\ Loul' G:n. ~J",.,o"re<i Il1 Detr'H' h' tht' flr- Ht' ~t",ppl'd on <om,' <h,,'o ob)",ct ,(", r .'hore. n'('nHrr,j hAd bt'rn ,,,\'o!\ed In a gang fight I ("hn.tlnr Prrkm. !'i ,110 :\'Iana~, Ii1'11., a 1,86 K,'n<\"gton .trll<h " tl'lt T.,.eo 11.'11"IR lh,' 1':11.18. "lQ~~ b<'lAthC't'nSf' wa~ turnrd Frt'oI CRelir .rn,,~ m~.,a!t<'r I" ~I ("ll\r Shorro; on the rlJ'ht dhow \\h1Ie Rht>\\asltrpr nrar I'll< homr Pnl"r'''' I 'h"\\ •• ,,\\ l"\lr 1~ <l\"r ,r~lt'r~ ! (. PO!",r Stat on b\ flr t,,'eI Par)., pro] e lh'" T"mp]..'''t. l"a~ln~ thllt lh"\ 0111\ 'ollt' II tlekrt'nr n 'hr \hl,)r C,t\ Tho h"" j, R't. ~~" 0' ",Q7 l'nl\er~ll\ He 'a,rl ~ ,1' "ol< ~ '110 \\ h,'c garage at PArk "tflel~l. rrll'A~"<i thl' pan Pnl" r ,~ eI thaI Ih"'\ orll'rrri All rre]..I,-. eI"1\lrl; '0 (~Arrirll,a. HI' arr ho,,"j 1'\ er;,. "cdnr~da) mght . ht :ollnd It a.l the Clt) pa.rk l the tune ot the th.dl.. Lo St. Cla.lr Sboru &uLhontlea. I the ao.s condned for Lell. aa)'s. I car ",as serlousl) dam"leu, IaL 10 ;;0 pm. PYC.s19th lLMual regatta was Monda)' on Lake St. Clair top-bonors gomg to Bob Nees. 5 Malabar 1M yachts com- ntar record entry. locker room attendants at hrn\lI Pier would appreciate much If the guests would their clothes baskets to the room after they are through Too many empt, baskets about the dreumg room ~ for lOconVel1lence for all emtd. GIve It a thought o local sandlotters Will see n at Bnggs Stadium in Au- They are Pltcher Marry Ed- and FIrst Baseman Russ g of the GrOlllle pOll1te Post team. \\ ho WIU play In the mean LegIon's All-Star game lht Tiger ball park. Barry \\ as recently naml'd d10tter of the Week," IS thf' Hlut kmg of the Legion though only 14, IS one of best Ilelders m Legton b&5e- ry DuBrul. of Sunnmgdale b.U launched & career in l1lSJll l'\ancy, who recently ~ed ber degree at Marygrove. a member of the New r ~e\\ s edltonal staff. The v ne\\s organ covera the ac- of those U1 the GM, Flimer gs area She received early elIceat the ReVlew, thousands who enjo)'ed the pool system at the Park the holtdaY weeltend failed to the men reaponslble for Commissioner Koenig and MlIIager Lane. InCOnsPICU' the pair toured the beach tlle 4th to see that everythmg "ell m hand, COMPLETE ... 1 the 'REVIEW 01". ~1 1'00 ~e of ALL 80m. e.,roue Folate a Gratiot II _...;...Tw-'ptIo:------,o -- 9i- NO. 49 ••

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I'j •I



, .,"

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,, i

t,. ,0'

Mr. Gardner was wen ple.-WIth the IlUccess of the event an4was grateful to Woods Police Ul4Boy Scouts who Illded in handlinethe hugl' crowd without my .n-oua mishap or trouble.

Arnold D1esinC~ Woods eomm.lioIIar, who was among'thoii! wMsiarted tbe umual event 10 ~ago, delighted the throng with •colorful display of flreworks,

The 'KlW1UlIS u.ee the pn1Ceed8from thiS annual program to aidunderpriVIleged children.

The progn.m also saw the GI'088ePOinte Woods Bustnessmen's ~clatlon pre5ent valuable gifts tolucky persons.

Those who receIved the lncyc1et1were Charles Slu_r, a. member ofGrosse Pomte Pa.rk Pohce. anaMrs Julia. Taylor, 763 Lamme ia.Grosse pomte CI1y,

PHONE VA 2-1162



GRIU.li' 1.1'.6;-.;:..1'1(\ St \rmollr ~q £1Ialr,

HUT HH RTH 'ul'f,'rt'd II h,,1 t lit on hpr It'ft \1'11('

F~ln"t~ F'~"\1 \ ...1''), .....,..1 .hfl\ ~\\h.pn e;,}H"(("1 r'l\i'r tht' $:r n 11 t'hef lmli Hh " 'h"~'"'' our' );: II \Il~<i At 11\.~ Rrilluprt> IAt.,~ Shelree 111 the rear oL lJil :'lulr road I \1as treated ilL Cott&ic HOIP1LaL.



•The lIthools camp&lJrR WU 111-

complete, dUe to the fact that thednve was launched 111 the last daysof school thiS Spnng. They areexpected to be heard from moredef1l11tely early In the Fall.

Headquarters reports that ac-curate and complete fIgures arenecessanly slow 10 bemg made IaVlLllable. for three reasons: name-ly, some persons are not malunga three-year pledge, but want to

Imake gifts each year for threeyears, on a. non-pledge basiS. Sec-ond, numerou5 large glft5 are ex,pected m thp fall. when many re-turn to the POinte from vacation.

Third, llevera.1 special gtf~ work-ers have not submitted com-plete reports and there are manyzones In the house-to-house 5011c'itatlon whIch have not been heardfrom to date.

Still a.nother reason for the In-complete total 15 the sollclta.t1onof bUSiness throughout the Pomtewhich has not been made but ISbetnc planned for early execution

Groll. Point.'. FIRST New,paperGROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1948

Commissioner WritesLetter To Residents




FollOWIng is an open letter toPark ResH1ents from their Recrea.tlon CommISSioner Peter J Koemgtelling the story behll1d the mstal-latlon of the chlormatlon systemwhich now assures safe and sea-son long sv.'1mmmg.

Grosse Pomtl' Park's renovated Thl' installatIOn of the pumpmgSIVlmmlllg beach at the Water- and chlonnatlOn system was madefront Park was open 10 reSidents by Village employees and they de-and their guests Saturday for the ser\'e your pralse for their effortsfirst time thiS year Your pool IS the largest chlon-

More than 10000 VISited the nated pool III the State of Michl-park over the hollda) weekend and I gan It Will proVide a safe placefound sWlmmmg 111 the new chlo- o[ recreation for your children Thennated pool much to their salls- swimmmg program II supel'Vlsedfactlon, by a waterfront director, and life

• guards are on duty dunn$ tJ1ehours the pool IS open.

The Park pool was open Saturday for the first timethis year and the first one to get a ducking was noneother than the park's recreation director Dave Beauvais, HereceIved a little encouragement from hfe guards, JackHuckins, 16819 Crawford Lane; and Don Van Becelaere,510 Notre Dame.


We sIncerely regrl't the manydelajs m opemng your swimmingpool, but equipment and matenalsnl'cessary for construction were Following is a recap of the m-\ I'ry critlcal Ilt'ms and although complete retums III G r 0 sseorders were placed many months Pomte's fwe mUnlClpalttles, WIth -S C Burr Pllotos

TO PARK RESIOESTS: ago, dehvenes were very slow. many zone reports ll1complete and Pictured above are some of the hundreds of Grosse Pointe boys and girls whoYou have undoubtedly watched none of the totals fmal: had loads of fun at the Kiwarus and Optlmist Clubs' holiday programs, The girls ~th

the progrpss of the renovatIOn of We are sure that the dela)'s \Vlll K rb fi Id It asvour sWlmmmg pool dUring the Ibe wl'll compensated for conSIder' on'. 1 (PARK) the unsual make-up emerged as WlOners in the ple-eatlng contest at e Y Ie, W.past several months The thmgs Img the dIsease preventIon work F. C Ford, Chairman; Dlst 1- one of 12 events sponsored by the OptimiSts. The lower p~oto finds the yuungs.ter b~y U1 Earher in the day the ~we have done might be of mterest we ha\'e accomplished for your James R McDonnell. $2,667; Dist. a doughnut-dunkmg contest which was one of the mghlights of the Klwams frohc at held SpecIal field events &l1d ..

• protection. 2-John R O'Dell, Jr, $580. Dlst both &. Ids eel d refreshments and every ballgame for the younger set



r o' -rks Mason field, Boys and gu-ls at .ue recelV prIZeS an , - Over at Kerby field. the local_ ~ • ". 3-Lansmg M. Plttman, $3,214;

After thp ICPwas g',ll1e we ('ould Peter ,J. K.oenig Dlst 4 -Earl I Heenan, Jr. $7" one had a swell time, - Optlml.t Cltlb proVIded a sweDbegm cleamng- the pool--approxl- 3377:1, Park Total, $13,7987:1, outdoor party for boys and gll...mateh' 1700 vards of contanllnated R ,1 1\1 R. lIT~r'D""" S k L I 'T' 1 t Close to 400 tumed out for tilesand ~d mU~k were removed from \' eeor" J. ,ame 01'-, 2 (CITT) eVlew., YV J.l\. .L0 ee OCa.L a,en field games and a b8seball con.the pool and 1500 yards of clean John Kenower, Chairman. D1St I test. many wmmng cash prizeslakt' sand \\ere put back O~ A IT 1-Ed. J Hlckeey, Ill. $1022, S'l- B"'''I''I' ~~,.PI-' and other awards Refreshment

Your VIlIag", :\tanag",r and the I J."rm'Y nerO Ol.t. 2-Harvey A. FIscher. $330 I "C!orStreet Dance nOW., , " .. Ut..u.JI- wa5 proVldl'd for all.State of :\hchl~an Health Dppart- Dlst. 3-Ed. T Iv",s, Jr, $4615: L'. Othl'ra who remlLlIleil in G~ment held numprous ml'etm~s on 11 DiSt 4-Marlon Kellogg, $5,255, - POinte dunng the holiday 50ugtKthe best posslllTe ml'thod of chlon-! On ITonor Ro CIty Total, $11,222. ,0 A to\\"l1shlP WIde sea.rch for en-Cl eno)'Irtent at local clubs and beadI-

!ll YEARS AGO natlOn so that \our chlldrl'n could n. p . tprtamment talent WIn get under- C 0 I esLargecro\\ds wItnessed the un- sWim 10 u'l-contanllnated water at 01",3 (FAR~IS) olnter \\ay sl)ortly when the Grosse ar ea ers A record number wu on haJtd

all times m th~ future. The name of Joseph Semmes 'Vllllam C Roney, Chairman; Potnte Re";~W. RadIO StatIon" JR to see the annual Grosse Pomteg of Ihe portrait of the late • Van D~ke has hi>en added to DIM 1-Vlctor P. Dhooge. Jr, and Grosse Pomte Pollcp hold theIr B k P Yacht Club Regatta. ThiS event

rge De[er at Grosse Pomte tht' Grosse Pomte Ml'monal "Hon.1 $120185 Dlst. 2-John K Wor- Dloes On first neIghborhood talpnt audItions rea ar was the hlghhght of & thretHta,.counnl chamber!! A plan wac <!rawn and Ilpproved or Roll' He W&5 thl' son of Mr lie)'. 53,538 Dist 3-R. GeT\-Ys m the :-:elghborhood Club audlto. \ long program at thl' club. wIuc:h

Park prepared to vote on tht' bv' Iha :'Iate D"partment of Hpalth and Mr" Frank G Van D"ke of G 11 'I 8"" D st ' "'Ililam N DI ' '" ' • ~ . '" I Y') S. .. . oJ". I ..-., rlum ',"a1erloo at • otre arne. A "0 " included splash partIes danclJlC

n~'~5ue for se""ers in FO""'A new pump \\Ith a capacity of XeffRoad. IH$II,F06


4e3\.U,47050' Farms TOtal'IGolf Llonks t pen andaspPclalshowforthekl~

_ 13000

gals per mlnute ",as 111- "\ Smgers dancers and mUSICIans \ The Lochmoor Club al90 en-

1~ 'E "-RS AGO stal1pd whiCh clT<~ulate. the f'ntlre It '"a' reportf'd by Florl'ncp I P t d tP,(\gersHard l\lack and \ II Sevprs Honor Roll Assoclallon DIY . .fa (\\'00051) Th- natIon's death toll In strokes of Grosse omte arp 1l1V1 p 0 Tom Bo\d Ed Roney and Har- Joyed a speCial Independence Da,.ware on pool. conta~nll1g 1500000 ga on'. t h I 1 Ch . t < partl(,lpate \0 ...the program Judg- r\' Turner'ftrushed In a. three-way program,

er5 Care on Jeft"erson an- 1'\'I'f" II hours A liqUid chlorine secre ar~. " 0 IS COmP11l1g a Elmt'r Benzm. aIrman DIS'I and accldt'nts over thf' thrf'p-day ~'" mg WIll be bv a .,c"lI Grand Opening Days machine \\ hlCh opt'ralps PIll'htpen complt'te record of local ml'n and I-George Beauchamp, 5221: OISt. Indepf'ndencf' Dav Holldav whIch' ,WJR pro d ~cer : tie for top honors among the local •

R(ha'rl H V','pbber's gardt'ns h ur pH ria\' dl~chargf" are- \\ omen \\ho SPTVpdIII thl' last \\ ar 2- DaVId S Burnett, $90 D1St II ~arpd past the :100 mark ;ncludf'd and C h a r Ie., car dealers \\ ho comppted m the Park offIcials rt'ported thAt moreLa.e~horf' Road IS SCf'ne of q~,rf'~ amount of chlonne tnto the Thl' rl'('ord \\ III bp pla('pd 10 th.. 3-:\farshall JamlPson. $1,02725. ~ne Grosse Pomtf'r. I ~I an 0 s Re\'1ew ID~trolt Automobile Dealers A5SO- ,than 10000 attended thp "Wate'"

C" c ~upper on JUI~' 4 Hostpsse~ h ('ha01brr of thc pump pHmanpnt file of the proposed 11- Wood~ Total $1 33825. I I ~ ... .. t'(lltor Thev \\,11 clatlon pro.amateur bp5t ball I front Park" dunng the .llloort re-tr' Jean Parcells and Chnst,"p ~~:~II~;fn~ the \\atpr whIch 1~lbrary memorIal. DI\.3 (SHORES) 1 RH'ha"l F~f.' E::'TU~ '\4 1012 "'!' ~-_ .. ,~,.,. " .. tournament. The e\pn1 precedf'd spite :\tarklng the program _N

n. I pumped through t\\ clve hundrpd I :\hss Sewrs !laId that thl' rp('('nt Ballantj'11f' - Hackathorn, Co- YorhshlI'(' ~u!'f('r('d a h('art altack ~ ~ It' ~~;:Cts 'f;~~ th .. the :\totor LIt){ Upf'lI •• tl'." thl' openll1lr 01 tnl' new poot •TF.:'\. \ E~RS AGO I fprt of l' pt' placed undrri(rOllnd addItion bnngs thl' Gold Star list Chamnen, $1,345. Shores Total. ~(ondav July:l as he C'omplf'ted ~. ( commumtv aUdl-1

1Meado\\ brook Bolt Club last \\ epk ftrt'\\orks display and a. sal1boat

J:rr:r' >. :\1C';\;ally lea.ves for, at thr hotlom of the pool OnfiCE'S to 116 nsmf'S Hpr rl'eords dlS- $1 34:1 ! 18 holes of golf at the Countr) - • r' PaIred \\ lth Chick Rutan. JIm ra('1'O::r:;~ervp Cruise plac('d 10 ft apart alon.e; th(' P\P(' do.pd that Van D\ kp \\ as killed Gf'neral So1Jcltatlon Total. $38.- Club. I._ 1J, __j tlOns to appea :\hl\\ard and Dick Mptz. respect-' Largl' number'! also VISIted the

, I ( \'IC'Orchf'stra pre.enl~ .purt the \\ ater '" Il ",r('ulatln~ m 194' "hill' on an aIr miSSion 768 3:1. FArm. Pol'cr 'a"i that thp\, took I KEI.LY on a stagl' or on IHlv thp local triO tallled a 68 FlIrrns City and Shores beaches.!T~m at Grosse Pointe HIgh "t0ot,on \\ hleh 'urge' tht' t'ntlrp o\pr - Berlm He \\ as \\ lth lhl'l ------ Barnum to CottaI''' Hospital where thp radiO produ('tlOn to bl' pre.ent- fh"" .trokt'~ lx-htnd the \\ mmng Thoull'h Ihe Woodo; Lakef.:ont Par1l:

nra~'pus_ I pool ~nll rrlll"n' t() tht' pump jfl' 'I'Arm\' A,r ("orps HIS name was I P ° he \\as pronounced dpad \ I'd dllrmg a . Xrlll:hbor~~d Frol1c t\\osome :\{art\ Fllrgol Albuqupr. wa.' not opt'n for ~wlmmtng many'F. \ E4.R~ .0\60 takr lOr re-clr('u1atlon \ not rl'portf'd brfore I 0 Inte Dog s ,to be stll"ed Ilt Ihp ;-';:p."hborhood qut' pro and Dl'aler:\1 T Patlrr- pnJo\'pd It< faclhtlPs for plcm~

J R, nlr>h Kpnnedy plp<'ted I. I Or'pll'> recorll ad" It)' on roads (,Iub Date and time to be an-I son Fllr~ol won a $1600 Lmcoln anr! othl'r formll of r~r~a1IOno~.~. ~f thr o..tr011 ("bapter' A ~I'cond tranSitIon last \\'t'f'k I and on Lahl' St ('IRlr no othpr noun('pd bl j P Dpsolte thl' reC'orll num~r wooCh f I 0 I" ('on\'prtl I' an, attprson rl'-

&,. -rn LIfE' Unlit'r\\ntl'r' Th ':;tRle of '1leh l:An Health conocernpd tht' re('orli 0 Co Get 1 Days lil'ath. or maor InJunes were re-\ d h d t h took parI m local aetIVltlP<, Grosae!\n",~, , \\ atch annual flrp- r. t h n,"."t~eI ~nri ap- ('lark Colhns It "ll~ ('han~eli 10 I \port ('d. With "ar",n Kdl\' popular Icel\ p a an some rop ~. POlntt' Pohcp A~reE'd that It wu

K DCI\artmen 11<I, '" r " ,'" R k Ior , rl <~lB\ In V','oods 1 "atrr tr.t. \\lll rt'all .on of:\'lr RIIs.<ell CollinS I J dl'''' ,or ..\ 'H\ lnl{ as E'm('('p A('C'orllm,g- to rrport~ from tour- I A Mfp and ~8.np fourth" one ofO'\F. VE."-R AGO ICO~:=II;o~~ ::;1I1ar mll'r\'al~ and R !'I :-:obk, of BlrmmlOrham, 1>heh. Gro'!~t' Pomt.. Pohel' uportpd On Iv onl' traff~C' ll.cc:d<-nt eft"e('t, thl' SI",I1;hborhood Froh~ \\ 1\1 m- nam('nt offh ,ai' olh('r Pomtl' deal- the saft'st In h,stol')'. '

GIn,,,, ""lnt S h I rl t t 1 ~ h k d Th" pMI \\as of. dog. dunng thE' past weckend. I thll.t fotlr pHcon. \\I'rt' b,ttl'n by jlrj(' 8 pl'rcrmal mJu,;' "a'l"rportpd ,dulle l1 .trHt dllo('p \\Ith mtl"c ",ro; \\ho C'omr>~tro "t're Ted ---- -,~, c (' 00 IS rlC • ,<1 \ (' ('(' r I I d h . k d I John :\Iarl,)n 'h Ilnli Gertrudr .upol'ed [rom tht' hl~ "JR '\(ob,lr • W d Se k B'd

l( ~ trll'I" ..~ ('l~tt>d Bert H ftelall\ oprnt'li Juh 1 lQ~8 An)one \\ho ma\' hav(' mforma. dO~'h lIr~n,l1:'t I' p~~~ ,~~p en . Kllnan. 2~ hoth of DetrOIt \\'pre fiturllo <pt'(lal <111,11;""o'"rtal.,- Grace and Ra~ :\1 "h) ,c. I 00 5 e 5 I~l:~ 'r"Slden1 of thp Board , ----------, tlon regardll1l[ namps mcorrpct I ... ttO n

bu\ndllln. • ~ °bro'B" \\a~' Ir.-ate1 at B"", C;"COllr Hoo01tal - ...ftt An" A -dlo ,1'10\\ '\h,('h \\"11 Woods Seeks B'ldsr~'1Jn 'n H d [) 1 ,,' pn v Il <'l/{0\\'111''' V rvpr, "" .. '" ' ' , Gra('~ "our1<'cl \\ Ith Jim nt'm.

"I" I PII e SlIecef'!I r n 1. R \:<prlllnlt or Omis..lon~ " ~'kl'd to BUrhnl<'ame H8 Roland John )Ionria\' for mmor mJlln"'~ "1lf- bo> broa<Y('a.t o\('r "JR Th .. Audl- arl't pMtrd '" 70 and" h\ tl' Thf' Grosst' Potntf' Wood!! llJD tl _ I rcplls "'ho retlrl'd 1.-'0 lee eeover contaC't ~h'~ S,,\('r~ at Xl 2191 \\11' dE'h\'mn/{ nBp('f~ At thp tlmpllfert'd whE'n a cllr thp\ wt'rp rldm/{ rncl' \\111 oel...('t from thMe ehOlIt'n pa'r .....j \\Ith ~hhp Dll'tl; shot a 72 .Ii\'prll'lnl<' for bid!! for thf' "'ur-

_ I Stnlth~ "m~ nl'\\ _______" I t k a 111'1d \en bv V(ar(61 h' 'h . ..~, " '~ms . . of thp mlch~Tl He wall trl'ated at ., s nl(' I r: " , at t I' alllllt.()O~ A \\lnner .... 0 r!" Par for th .. rOll"t' • 71. ~('ha~ .. of Spl'<'lal A!Ules..~p. Ron

lIa'o' F,pld Hohda~ (lrogram'l 11Th t ' A t Police Arrest Cotta"r HOOP11III I": De\tril. 610 '>olr .. Dame at I rfl\1'5 a ftn", "JR radiO. I - -- - Impro\pmt'nt Bonds of & pe.r \"&1-yy j '\/ e SUO R kl D . Rov 0 ('hap," Tr 0 2q(J ("10\ - Krrrhr\ Al npar Brdforll Y Sk' I ur of ~~; 000

_____ I ;,1' ec ess rlyer erlv dog ~nA",pt'd (.larenrr ('ham. I The 111lurt'eI \Hr .. Tla",... n" ..r.,n Th,,' Xt't\:hborhooli Fro1 r" l' ~ung Ipper I "82000 of thlo l'Igtlrf' "Ill ber d 1\1 ° hh I Ann' 1

048 Olel'm"bllr .Iol"n Rola.orl F: Plell 2' o.f 1'\t ("lalrlp,ne 42 2,.~ :\'Ioro'~ roAd on lhf' Jllm". Thoma" 'ar wh,<:h "'lIS hrllrth enll()r~ed b\ th .. \oeAI"P"~ Inlures Foot ll,,,rl for thp pll\lnjO:' of Hampton,

\100 i.,elU ors from IIralrr ,\ h' t ° Olrl. on ~hort'" \\ Il~ arre-\p<! h' Park Po. rlii:"h! leI<' a5 he ~.., fldmj1; bv on I rlr" rn b\ h,. brolh"r Y"rome The lice n"r>utmrnl' ~c ('onlrlhlh In... n" k Goo,i t 7 of ",(1 '''ff \\ A~ "e.hll Ha\\ thorne anli AnIta ano A "1 ( In"" ,0 \\a' hep for rrekll's~ rln\\nl{ on Jrf. hi' blkl' brolh"r' !lrr al..,., "f DetrOIt to tho riM\P a"atn.t Juvemle dr. Il0a' ..eI III Bon ~'c'~ .... Ho~plt~1 \\e.t of ~Ia.('k Thl' bal.nr" wIll~! 1d'f " r'Vl1 \ elf n A\ 'nll" HI' pll~.t'nl{rr I llnq\lrnn" "Ie~ Fr-,

6r ".r\~r. O\"r"rl 1\\0 d~\' later 1\ <lalrr ('('00 • I :\h('heal (1l1r1< 1, !iH~ Bt'rh. PH!> Po, er '~'<i lhl'v ,""erl' f11 a h"eI (,\It "0 h • r l:h' foot 1I1'Anel' nthpr \l11ll/tp Impn'll'l'n,pnt.

~. ., 0'" "'" "rrlr \ \\ t'lrhll\lpt 22 Al~o of ~t h ff ~ I 1'1 1'1.~\ .. PArk Polle .. II ",rllllrATl

lw (\. rr P,)],'" Thr ('ar (IA'r ~ho'" \\aO

takrT1 In &n • Irhr 'I~ .r ...~, a 'll: ht ellhI on 10 t,,,k.',' to both dn\rr. for rt'"kle's ("011')0\" r"rmll: nr ", h()\\" Th,' \o\llh t"li (",t\ 1":".' \\ho Thr bnnrl~ \\111 br a\\lIr<leo to" .hr fOllnrl al Tom \\ •• )(1' dll111a>:"rl !';t' nu: Hoopl'''1 for mInor head r ~ I m"px "'J'rr

d\" eTl

h,. plAy- firl\lI" e 'or t'l" A1\rl.:l()n~ \\111 b" an- t()OK h m to Ihr h'-r>,'~ th~' h. Ih~ blelelrr \\hool' h,,1 pro<luC'r~ the

!.' \' r"r rill: lot on .lpffl'r~on Th, Ih' f AI') I(1ok A ] reT1.r . m11 I' ~ el01I:'llllppr at 1m I Be'ln, arc \\ .'rr barll\ rlamll"o,l n nnl "II I"t rr '\I!fe,,,(j t h.. Cllt \\ hll. 1 I', h n;;: 10\\ e~t ,"lerrot coot to the \ IU&f!e,r (, ~ll:ham Tht' "'Allpt b<'- Illt

o'rom ~ ~"",noel h\ (' A br1UV~ I A do!, 0\\np,1 bv ~{r' D A :\fc' P~rh 1',)1", ~I'" Irporlt'<i that II. h. hoal at thi' "'0' " L"he'a~ 1

., ') "()~I<'(' M Stawltng of ~on pkln 1372 Balfour It \\a' aloo I Thr mrn told rolla that tht'v IG ,t\ ,M GTllnd ~ar1ao hll I eRr "lIel':~ il\' ~n\rn 1'1\ Loul' G:n. ~J",.,o"re<i Il1 Detr'H' h' tht' flr- Ht' ~t",ppl'd on <om,' <h,,'o ob)",ct,(", r .'hore. n'('nHrr,j hAd bt'rn ,,,\'o!\ed In a gang fight I ("hn.tlnr Prrkm. !'i ,110 :\'Iana~, Ii1'11.,a 1,86 K,'n<\"gton .trll<h " tl'lt T.,.eo 11.'11"IR lh,' 1':11.18."lQ~~ b<'lAthC't'nSf' wa~ turnrd Frt'oI CRelir .rn,,~ m~.,a!t<'r I" ~I ("ll\r Shorro; on the rlJ'ht dhow \\h1Ie Rht>\\asltrpr nrar I'll< homr Pnl"r'''' I 'h"\\ •• ,,\\ l"\lr 1~ <l\"r ,r~lt'r~! (. PO!",r Stat on b\ flr t,,'eI Par)., pro] e lh'" T"mp]..'''t. l"a~ln~ thllt lh"\ 0111\ 'ollt' II tlekrt'nr n 'hr \hl,)r C,t\ Tho h"" j, R't.

~~" 0' ",Q7 l'nl\er~ll\ He 'a,rl ~ ,1' "ol< ~ '110 \\ h,'c garage at PArk "tflel~l. rrll'A~"<i thl' pan Pnl" r ,~ eI thaI Ih"'\ orll'rrri All rre]..I,-. eI"1\lrl; '0 (~Arrirll,a. HI' arr ho,,"j 1'\ er;,. "cdnr~da) mght. ht :ollnd It a.l the Clt) pa.rk l the tune ot the th.dl.. Lo St. Cla.lr Sboru &uLhontlea. I the ao.s condned for Lell. aa)'s. Icar ",as serlousl) dam"leu, I aL 10 ;;0 pm.

PYC.s19th lLMual regatta wasMonda)' on Lake St. Clairtop-bonors gomg to Bob Nees.

5 Malabar 1M yachts com-ntar record entry.

locker room attendants athrn\lI Pier would appreciate

much If the guests wouldtheir clothes baskets to theroom after they are through

Too many empt, basketsabout the dreumg room

~ for lOconVel1lence for allemtd. GIve It a thought

o local sandlotters Will seen at Bnggs Stadium in Au-They are Pltcher Marry Ed-and FIrst Baseman Russg of the GrOlllle pOll1te Postteam. \\ ho WIU play In the

mean LegIon's All-Star gamelht Tiger ball park.Barry \\ as recently naml'd

d10tter of the Week," IS thf'Hlut kmg of the Legion

though only 14, IS one ofbest Ilelders m Legton b&5e-

ry DuBrul. of Sunnmgdaleb.U launched & career in

l1lSJll l'\ancy, who recently~ed ber degree at Marygrove.

a member of the Newr ~e\\ s edltonal staff. Thev ne\\s organ covera the ac-

of those U1 the GM, Flimergs area She received earlyelIceat the ReVlew,

•thousands who enjo)'ed the

pool system at the Parkthe holtdaY weeltend failed to

the men reaponslble forCommissioner Koenig and

MlIIager Lane. InCOnsPICU'the pair toured the beach

tlle 4th to see that everythmg"ell m hand,

COMPLETE... 1 the 'REVIEW01".~1 1'00

~e of ALL 80m.e.,roue Folate a GratiotII _...;...Tw-'ptIo:------,o--9i- NO. 49••

Page 2: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess



Giliill24-HOI. Prompt




Full IlDtf ~~ Sc reeDSScreen Porrhes

Be-Wired or lUade.lo-Order

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WE 8UILD A BETTER GARAGE'.A......ln..... .Fra.... .aloc1l.1H1 .rlck •• •


Authorized Dealer forAluminum Gar ... and CottagesWE DO ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK

Kale Construction Co.8ee Mll'Ie1 IIG .... PohIte Repre!lenl~li"es

U041 I. 7 MILl ltD. I S. R. 8"r. HI. 0226PI. 1007 .R. H. Johnston TU.2-6895



Elettroz,ne App/illnceWe Call For and Deliver

1'<1"1. 27'7 -M16 MACK A\'E.-...... ,.. Dally ....... " TII64.y- ......... , ...

PARK AIIo"D CITY(c I Lake Shore Coach recogn~es

that the rell!dent.s of Grosse PomtePark and City of Grosse Pointe, byreason of their geographic loca-tion, are peculiarly likely, as acla.ss, to receive less than a falrproportion of the available MateFrom time to time Lake ShoreCoacb WIll mue stud1es and e:trectsuch chanres In operations as maybe necessary to Insure that theresidents ot .cb munlcipalltiea donot sutt'er any discrimination of Ithe type mentioned.

(d) All IIOOn &I Lake ShoreCoach haa had an opportunity tostndy the results of ita new ached-ules, and In any event by October1:1. Lake Shore Coach will pUb-lish and dultribute to the public aprinted bme-table showing thetime at which bwtea are schedUledto pass selected pomtB along 1tSroute.

(e) Lake Shore Coach baa madectrtam a.rrangemente with GrauePomte Park for the ultimatesolution of problems ulsmg atthe Jefferson-Barrington transferpomt. Such arrangemnets havethe approval of aU partles andshall be deemed a matenal induce-ment to the wiUun SettlementAgreement. Lake Shore Coach

be such that through service pa8ll-Ing the Detroit-Gro'le Pointe Parklimits III a westerly direction I'llthe morning period of ';.00 to 11:00a.m. Will ha\'e an &I,regate mini-mum seatlllg capacity of at leut11S7 seats (an Iner!' .... of al,bteen08"'0) percent over auoh oapacltyu of Apnl 20, 1948) and throUlhsen'lce passmg tbe Detroit-GrauePointe Park llluiu in an eaeterlydirection during the aftemoonJnrlod of 4 :30 to 8:30 p.m willhave an aggregate mmlmum seat-!DI capaclly at at least 1204 seat.(an Increase of four (4%) percentover IUch capacity &I of April 211,11148); through service referrE'd tomeans only those runs elCtendlngfrom Cadieux Road, 01' poInts easlthereot to U 8. RUbber Company,or points weill thereof, and viceVl'J'lI&

Lake Shore Coach agl'fle4l Itwill make addltlone to service itthe foregoing seating capacity IIInadequate to brin, about thestandard of aervice provided I'll3(a) tor rush period service. LakeShore Coach agrees that (exceptfor breakdOW1ll and olher c&uae.beyond Itl coptrol) it will not re-duct lbe al'lregate se&ting capa-city dUring each of aaid periodsbelow the minImum etated abovewithout fint turnlahing to theMunicipalities adequate proof thatthe stand .. rd of .service providedtor I'll 3(a) hu 'been fully effectedand win continue to be tuily et-fec~. Nothl.ng in this sub-p&ra-graph obligates Lake Shore Coachto allocate luch minImum seatingcapacity among its various route.w any particular manner; IUch al.location will be made and chanll'edfrom time to time m such manneras best aervea the pusenger load.

SJ:R.VlCE POLICY(a) Lake Shore Coach Lines

\\'111use every effort to obtain andrun buses sutt'lclent to carry thepassenger load it develops In amanner such that, on the a'll'erage,(i) all passengen WIll have a seatexcept during peak hours, and (Ii)dunng peak hours the number atstandees will be relabvely small.It states the follow1ng as a fall'standard of p&lIHn(er loadlngWhlCh ought not to be exceeded asa matter of policy; dUring peakhours-not In excess of one andone.quarter times ths muin\umpermisSlble carry1n( capacity aadefined by rule 31(a) :Motor car-rier Rules and Regulatlons: duringoff peak bours-not In excess ofsuch mUlmum permissible carry.ing capacity If It develops duringa reasonable period of time thatan a. particular run such fairstandard IS bemg exceeded morethan balf the da.ys such run 1Smade, It Will promptly remedysuch condition (by rearn.ngmc Itsbme schedules, by addlng runs ator nel!-r the same time. or, if nec-essary by purchuing addlbonalequlpment).

I1Ii"l'OR»,ATlON AVAILABLE(a) Lake Shore Coach on the reo

quest from tIme to time of anyMumclpaIity Will furnlRh suchMUniCipality with (I) balance aheetand prollt and 1088 statements incerblled form, (Ill certllle<l atate-ment of salary, tee or other com-pensatJ.on paid to any officer, di-rector, or pnnclpal stockholder ofany perlOn related to a principAlstockholder, (illi monthly state-ments of revenue, (i'O sucb otheracrountlng or operating informa-tion (reasonably related to ques-tions of rate and seMce) as maybe requested.

(b) Upon the request of two ormore Munlclpalltiel, Lake ShoreCoach. at Its own expense, willfurnIsh & cerWI.ed appra.l.s&l of itaassetl made by an appraiaaIagency which is reliable, diSlllter.ested and satisfactory to the Joiu-niclpa1itles. Only one requeet maybE' made under this sub-paragraph.

The L.akeshore Coach Lines fareIllcrealt' became effcetlve July 1.

pusengen to and from Detroitand Gro.ae Pomte Par", City andFarms must pay 1& cenil for aSlnlle fare or 10 tlLkete for 'l.aI.In the Sllores and Woods, alnll.fern arE' 30 cents or 10 ticketl tor$1 8Il

The lnter-Groue PoInte rateremains at 10 centl. Ichool chil-dren reSiding In Groue PoInte orSt Clair Shores attendIng schoolor vlsltmg beacheR In thl!ir respec-tive communitle. may purchase 10tickets for 60 cenls, providingthE'Y have Identificatlon carda.

Approval for the fare Increasewa ~ gl\'en to the coach lines bythe five local lIIumclpalltles aftera series of controversial nlcetUlI'that began 111 October, 1947. Localofflclale held out until WalterSchwelkart, company president,met several demands wlueh m-duded better service

RecentlJ-, Mr. 8cb .....eillart or'dered tell new bUlles.

Followlnr are llltCerptl from theagreement entered Into by Mr.Schweikart and the Polntes wholVere represented by their re'peC-live attorneys when tbe finalagreement 11'&1 completed, P. V.Heftier. Park, JUllWl, I.. BernI,Woods, Henry R. Maurer, Farm ..Albert E. Meder, City:

Th=y. July 8,----------------:"::5::::6-:M~iIIion HearCoach Line, Point.s, Agree "Iattle of Joes"

I An estimated a\ld"'l1 e

On Rates; Service, Po icy ~~br~~~~ I,:~!t:~~be&vywelihl ChlllUPI<ill,hlpbetween Joe LoUl~ oil d J"fWalcott Which ret ul s'yoperating of 59:l l

Tbe ABC broadc,.hl \111.1I~ by .. 2 of the het, IJ\

tbat time, glVlIIg Ih, nctl::ibare ot thc audlen r rating9a.'. The laat L IllS IItipt ~Ieved aU') HoapeIUd tile hlgbest COll\'"ertlcller on record 678 \\,,~ recob)' ABC for the brodd 0151 Ilecond LoUis-Conn bOllt 0

.greell to carry out all h ament •.

POLICY TO" \IlD~Each MunICIpalIty ~tnt ~ the

lowmg as to polH~ tUlltrc, putransportation'

(a) It favors, III Pi ,I" lplevatt'ly o:vned and 0PCldleti trportatlOn systems Pi >\ldedsame Are operaled Wltl etrlellW1th a high regard Cu. Ihe pulentre$t, and at a profit not Inceu of that consistent 1\1thnon.compeUtive nature orbUllwess.

(b I It favors a h')(h qularvice and believes It. reSIdewllling to pay aueh lal es IU

be reqUired for sen lte 01type; it does not falor cutservice 1Il order to malntam ara te structure

(cl It IS not Ils pollc\' topole wbeel taxe., mllca;;e feeloneroUll rerulatory meaeurellong .. Ule transportatIon S)lt

larvmg its terrltory conform(IL) and (b) above, resel\'lng hever; (1) the right to delllllldunbuuement for an)' damlKedetenoratlon of streets \\1th wcertainty appears to be duewhole or in part. to the opera:of the transportatIOn s\'slem(Ii) the right to Impos~ a taxfee whenever It feels that a Irportatlon sys\em unreasonabl)'fuaea to pay tor damage

SavingsDirector, U. SBonds Division,Treasury Dept

H A. Beuern.ann,


We are most appreciatJ.ve torthe opportunity you gave us toIlerve you with mats in the in-terest of the Security Loan Canl-palgn. Your help, With that otbundreds of other ne\\spaper inthe nation, foretells a successfUlconclusion to the drive.

We are very sure your eftorthu been moat helpful In buildingthe llnanlcal reserves of your com-munlty-aomeUung that Will payoff m }ugh purchumg power Inthe years to come.



CHA~PT CLeanersT/I~ mod moJertJlely €'l"ipped plant for qruzlity work.

HARPERII IEDF.D Fir 'Ilk.., I Dllitery - TUe I-323D

kfip@cial8 For Thill W@@"

I_D_ra_peS_8_9~-..i. II Blankets~9~ I.r.nch Store-15309 E. JeHerson-Esquire Theatre luilding.


If you want to stay marnedyour lIest bet Is to move to But-falll, New York.

According to an encounr.ging re-port from the World Book En-

Mamed Couples Should ShuffleOjl To Buffalo---Encyclopedia

ReadeI'll of The Groue Pointe Review are invitedto send their thoUlbtl on questions of public interestfor 11M in the Pointe Letter Box. The writer's nameand addnM mUll accompany each letter, but will bewithheld on requtllt.

TO TIlE EDITORI am a member of the Tip Top-

pera Club at Detroit eon.liat1ngof tall gals and fellowa, 5'9" and8'1" respectJ.ve1y. I have beenuked by 80me of our memberahipwho receive the GroAe PointeReview to lM!nd you an articleon our Annual Swnmer Formalcoming up IJ1 JUly.

We bave 8. vMy !&ria member-ahlp trom the Detroit Metropoli.tan Area and a good percen~eof them do come from GrouePomte.

We are a non-profit organlU-llon, and any help we can get onth1lI dance to make espellJlel Once ag&in many thanks.would mdeed be very much ap-preciated by the Club &II a Whole Smcerely.and by the many.relodeJ'll m ourClub who reeeiYe your paper,

RMpeetl1dlJ feRn,Dem ......1'DIlUdt)' 0IIaItwaa

ROBERT'SRadio Service

TU.2 .. 11O163611 Eo Warren

Art news of the ftnt tmportancewaa made Jut week with the an-nouncement by the Detroit Insti-tute of Arts that It has acqulI'edfor Itl permanent collecbon at&moul muterpiece of ItalianSc:ulpture.

A "Profile Portrait at a YoungWoman" by Desideno da Setbg.11&110 (l428-14M) bas been givento the DetrOit muaeum by MrsICd8eI B. Ford IJ1 memory of h~buaband.

Announcement was made by DI-rector Edgar P, Richardson whode.BCri~ Desldeno U "one of thegreatNt and aubUesl muters oflItone carvmg IJl the history ofaculpture."

The profile portr&it, excellentlypreaerved, is a rather high reliefcarved In a B¥>ne panel 21 mcheshIgh by 13 Inches Wide. It Willionce m the collection of a fam-aua French coUector, Baron Ar-tbur de Schickler, Marlmvast,Normandle, before It \\ as acqUIreda number of J-'ears ago by J',ir "Mrs. Ford.

Mrs. Ford Gi-vesMasterpieceTo Art Museum

Soml! lucky Scout trom Rl!&,IOllSeven, which Includes thE' GronePoblle aru IS gom~ to r"celve at!lree.year seholl.1'shlp valued al'.215, prOVided by lhe Culver Ed.ucational Foundation SUth schol,arshlps bave been a ....arded annuAl.Iv smcE' 1981, In memory of EnulyJane CuI\'E'r, WIfE' of the Acad.~my's founder Thp three ~l!ars arcspent at Cul\'('T :'oflhtary Acad.emy. In Indiana m preparation fora coli ere or university career. Inaddition, the luck~' Scout WIll en.JOy a broad program of phySicalnlllitary, cltlzpnshlp. and charaL'ter.bulldmg trammg

Each nommee's ehglblhty rE'oq\llrementl are as follows NotIe.. than thlrtel!n 1I0r more thanItteen yeus of agl! as of Aprilht of this year, mllst be an ac-tively re'l.tered Scout. fir.t clalll01 h.lrher, mu.t be In the lOB, allof this June, and m the upper 10per cent at his clUlii PhYllcal re-quiremenll are not too dl1flculteither-at leut !S' 1" In heIght andin lood all-round health Nomma-tiona from this area must' be madeto the local Scout Council on orbefore July 2•. Se~ted Candidatesfrom thll l.1'ea Will take a scholas-tic eUIJllnatlon on Saturday. JUly31, under a teacher approved bytile nomlnee'll parents and theIc:out llaecuUve.

Interested Bcouts. wlio are ehgl-bit, ahould call. or write, the Coun-cD Oft'lce (A Red Feather Agency)at III West W&rren, TEmple1-1800.

I Local ScoutsEligible ForCulver Award


WI.J Brlght~n Up Your Homethlll ~u",mtr

Finely TailoredCurtains and Draperies

B, BelIeD



(;III "" "".,. .... , .. see MMerta .. bI t .. &0..\"E, ~,I"


Oraepfu.l," deslgnf!d to compliment,our room.~ . \ (,ur ~ndowsand t.ht color harmony of \,ourhome 811pcovf!r~ custQm-mlide. too.

If).D.4l" SERVICEK1r8eh . TraveN~ drllpen hard'lt'lU'e ~ ,.x('JIJ,llI'e~

P'\a... lurn BllT'd.~ Cormer Boards. Cu,ctom mad~ ~lJp C(ivt'r~Mat~rJals &IlIo 1iOld rl'tall DV )lrd

O~n Thurs )1'1'1 Silt E'te~

THEATRE NEEDS SUPPORTThe recently oz1JanlUd GroSMI Pointe Theatre presented

ita fir&t producbon last week in a hi,hly commend&b!e man.nero In fact the players deserved a far creater' audience thanthe ama1l ntunber that mana,ed to turn out lor the threeperfonnancei! here.

Being blunt about the matter thI production wu abo::t-office failure.

Apparently loealitie8 had to much on their minds tolive support to a Community Theatre, BeaideI ju.t bec&uae& Dumber of civie.minded and ambitiou. reaidenta feel that• Community Theatre would be a credit to Graue Pointe wno reuon wby anyone e1IIe .hould Jive the matter a leCoDdtbougbt.

Juat beeauae a ICfottered few bUlinaa and profeuionalmen han given their time, talent, IIeI'Vice and property tolIelp the p-oup is no reason wby the reel Ihould even be-eome interested.

Just becau.se other communities with far leu talent.wealth and intelligence, support theatre8 which afford op-portuDitkw and entertainment for aU iI no reuon why we.aMuJd have one here.

It will be interested to note the prolJl'Ml of thiI Htlle'.crouP u it tackles the his problem of aeUiDI tbe Pointe-"Wide IIUpport it deserves.

PARK CURBS POLLUTION. Tbouaanda of Park residenta and their gueat8 enjoyed'Whha« at Waterfront Part over the holiday wtekend. The'pool now has a new ehlorination B)'Btem which atertiJes the--water and keepe its safe for BWimmInI.

Tbe ehlorination system is the Park'. annrer to lakeJ01l1&tkm wbieh has intermittently clOll8d Grc8e fUite.~ for seven! years., At an erection. OO8t of Jess than $4,000, the syltem as-:...... Park relIidente safe and eeuon long enjoyment of:tMir Park which costs $25,000 annll&1ly to maintain.

lAd by Recreation ColDlllilaioner Koenil and Park M:an-:.... L&ne, the village council studied the chlorination plan:~ before accepting it. From here, Lane assumed~fdrMPOQIibility and through hia guidance and efforb the:,.. .... reUy forthe ..,n's 'tfiIpft)loUday., The tyIItIm is Ckoe8e PoiateJr mOrt practical anlWer;te lib front pollution.. Park Residents should commtDd their offieiall for a: jlliIt ''-ell doM:'. -----------••: CARVING UP PROFITS

TIlen is no e8C&piDc the fact that if producbon is to,earry on and jobl are to cintinue, every factor in the pro-!.,.. of production and the creatmJ of jobs must be con-IidInd.

Buaine8S eannot long exiat without profits. Investors:will DOt risk ea.pital without hope of divideDda. 14ateri~,:trt.uportation, sales, and distribution cost must be paid.• It will be intere&ting to note the progreM of this little,~ of theM other valid cla~ the wheels of industry:wU1 be brought to .. balt.

Oftiee at 1S121 Kercheval between MarylaDd and 1.Akepointe"'1be ODly Weekly N-.paper Covering All the Homes

ill Graue Pointe ud Gratiot Townahips"1. ~ OLJ>flA]4 ...••...••.•..•..•..• ~blisherCElARLES MANOS ....•••... , .. "..... EditorPA.UL J. BLACKBURN •••• Advert1.sln,14anagerROBERT p, OLDHAK ••••.•.••• . .. AdvertisingDEE HEBERT Classified Adv.JOHN J. BROWNE •......•••. Circulation Mp',SubscnpUoa Batel: By Ya1l $2.00 per yKr; lie per copy,

Published Every Thursday by The Groue Pointe Printing Co.V4Uey 2-1162 - 2-1163 - 2-4558 - 2~9

cyclopedia, Uus city recorded thegreatest dlvorce declme of anyAmencan community m 1947

In 1946, the peak year for leav-IIlg Cupid's Orgamzatlon, Buffalohas 1,121 annulmentB and 892 dl-

New State Education Attends National ~~~:I:~~~~~I~:n~':~P'd F d 34i divorcesresl ent ame So.ty S. The Encycloped1a also reveAled

Charles E. Brake of PlymouU1 ron WIOD that the nahan's army of husbandstook offlce &II preSident of the and W1ves has deCided to make Ule.. Jeanne Mane J~quH return.l best ot the "Better or Wor-e"_,l1cmgan Education ASSOCIatIOn, N ~. d H to orthwelltern umverslty this ..... eement

Call f Sc T Ai t succeedmg MISS Mary Ellen LeWIS k _.:, or outs 0 arves 01 .Ann Arbor. :lo[r :arake Is wee for the eummer session, "Tbe U, S. divorce rate in 1947d

&fter attendln&, the nabonal T1l.eta Willi ~e lowest m eight "ears.eputy IlUpermtcndent of Wayne 8 Phi ~: ~ s tat!' Employment bon blank.l must be secured from County schools. and IS a MIChl- lqma conventIOn m Milwau- Howe\"er Author Mary Jane

• _---<ftAA have requested the ... thr scout CounCil Oft'lce. h I ket'o B I dd 'th PE.U HOMt8_. ........ gan sc go man of \\ IdE' t'xpt'rlencp Jeanne, a semor at Northwest- al y a s at largely responsibll-: IIUt.aIIc:e of scouts from Uus ana • which has mc1uded teachmg In em, IS preSident of the women's Ity for thiS IS the fact that more As llRed abovE' "peak houJ'll"... joUI Uae rupberry plcking bar. Mr. Vlach indicated that spec1.l rural areas. • profeSSIonal Journalism honorary women are dependent since they means those three hours of the; .. In uaa Alpena area. late July f Uitl ar be In a statement made on assum. at Xorthwestern • She was the last their warttme Jobs and Ulat day (one and one-balf hours in the.... the month of AUgust The es- camp Slte ac es e mg ar- mg offIce. Mr. Brake E'mphulzed the cost obtaming a divorce now Imorninlt\ and one and one-half.~ sJx-w~k berry It's.son ranged at Bea.ver Lake, elaae to the need of mare anll heUt'r offICial delega.te to thiS year's n .. has reached a record high. It.s hours III the afternoon and early

. : .. -~ut July 20 Accordmll' to Alpena, 111the heart at the rasp- tlOnal com'entlon, held at the W,. h ) d' hI_.. ....... berry country. For addlltonal m- school bUlldmgs m Michigan He conSIn hotel In Milwaukee re- c eaper to stay msmed. evenmg unng 'It ch the paslten-,. !l Vloch, Employment !en' charged that pE'rsons who give ----__ gel' load IS highest, a "Mln" means

• W th formabon write him-Ill .care of cently• lee "pl'!aentatlve in ayne, e charged that persons who gIVe . S k a I'E'gularly scheduled trip fln one.1lt,M4at'd rate of ten cents a quart Michigan Slate Employment Serv. merr lip senncE' to pUblic school In summer lIChool. Jeanne's I ee T B fit direction belwE'eJ\ given polntl)... ~, and con!listent h&1'VeBters Ice. 3139 North Wuhmgton. education are rrally c-hallengmg Journalism W 0 r k will mclude 0 eoe startmg at 8 given time on each'padI: ten quarts an hour, ~~e, Klchi3an. or phone WAyne the nght of all U1e chlldr"n lo brOlldcutB on Jl:van1Um radio sta- H F da~' 01' ('lass of days; a "reasonable•• equal education OpportUllItlE'S lion WEAW ome or A. -ed penod of timE''' for detpnninmg I

• Up-Stale MichIgan SCout Ex. ----- Just before she came ham!' for "I whether the fal?' standard ot plI.8-1•-.."'_ ... ,. workm'" WIth Fnllt V." ..tio' n BI'bl. School -- --- a short VUllt with her parents SE'n"er load ng i~ be'n" d d.... .. - St d t F I S d Mr and Mrs L G Jacques of St J<1lleph Carnu'IIte GUild \\"111'" I I .( "xcee e• .. Emplo .........ent OfficialS At VI'II"ge Church u en $, acu ty tu y h ld" aI S shall be anv. -no" of four con-I.......... ..... ~ ...• • Trombley road. Jeanne Vl~lted 0 h..~ annu ummel' Festival ."' II.

:10 UllUre a safe, aanltary, and MSC ""usle Course Cornell university during thal on Sunday, July 18 at the St. secut!\'E' calendar weeks; the._A_A'_' worth-whilr expenenee All boys and ll'lrls &ges. 10 are m J h H amount of passenger loading ahall_ school ~ famous Sprinw ""-eek-d O.!gep orne for the Aged, 4800..t- __1-.

'Scout '"'Oup wlshmw mVlted to IIoUmd the Da11" Vaca- .. " 0" Cad be d!'terrnlned .- '''e bU-ll a-o. .

... -" ....... ". D " More than 200 hl/('h 'K'hool mll- She W.~ the gIl"_ ~ Ro"- E, leUX road - WI "'" '"Ve... combine campmg recreation, tlon Bible School at the Chnstlan - ~~~ '" "",. or leave to.- trllonsfAr ",,'nt. the..... sic studrnt~ and tf'ac-hers from lA>dder. a me-ber .J "",. Phi r-- The Carmelltr Sl!'tl'r~ of th" DI. .... ~ ,._1 ,

... .A£A ----"atlon. and llnanclal in- ~ormed Church located on the ... on "'... ... ~ "maximum narmlsslble "a....-.n I..-. ........_ all parts of ~Ichigan arE' mt'~ttng I tt'mlt"<, vine Heart of Jeorus !leek the ~'p_ ."' c •• ,,_.g-... 11\ one worth-whIle project comer at Mal-y1and and GoetJIe th" ou capacltv" L~ deftned bv rule 3-(a) I__ on e MichIgan State Collegl' port of the public towards makll1'" .'

kftt Groups are hemg encour- stl'eetll th h J 1 1- hi" mean~ the actual !leaUn&, c.paclty I_--t to ",'ork 110 mort' than SlX ~.!lSIons \\111 b!'~n July 12 at camptl~ roug u y , III t " DRnE Ll:ADIlR.~ tlu!' event a ~UC-Cf'ssful on" All of thE' motor whltle_~_ h 8chool MU~II' Spe('Jal ('our_" Dr I proceeds go to th" ~upport of thE'Man dally -,a,Vll'lg amplt' t.Jme for 9 Hi a", and c-ontll1ue throug WIlliam R !'Illr. proff'ssor of mu.' Rlc-hsrd W Jackson Vice.pre~' home fb' TAkE' Shore C<>ach ~t"telll

. rec~ sWlrnmmg, and Othf'T July :J.'l. Se!ll!lone Will 1M' beld in IIlc. dlrpcts th!' C-OllrIlC. i ,lent of Hudson Motor Car Co that O;\nC(' Octo\x>r 1 194; It l1lu'.,.na, Adult ikouterll aT'- reqUired the mornln,; from • IIi to 11:30 ',and Bpnson "'ord, presluent of lJle Among the many ,'alusbll- 'lftll made mat"MIiI addltlon~ to MnTlCeto pl"onde IJIlfleI'VlSlOn for theIr Inte pr6f1'lUn allO Includes Hand,- Fortv-<Pwn \hchl;:an and four Llnwln.)lurcury D1\'lIIlOn, Ford otferE'd 1/\ an pll('ht (Ill\" all f'XPI'Mf' and contE'mplatp~ further Additions0'lI'1l IJ'OUps and campmg apJlhca- crall c1al8~ out'of.~tatf' "Itle_ arr rf'prf'"cnt('(l Motor Co "Ill hf'ad th!' Indu'ltrl&l {'MUM to "ia&'<au and ~nnllda and j III ordpr to at tam and malntam

I III thE' grOllp mdudmJ( onl! '<tmltnt Gmt of th" 19.8 Community a new tell' .. llllOn II('t th(' lltllondard of !lervlce p ..oVidl'd

Ifrom Balboa m th(' Panama ('anal ('hl'lIt ("limpai,n In thp filiI. E<l- DmnE'r WIll b" s", ...ed from 21 for In m1b.pal'llf{ ....ph 31a), In pllr.Zonr. \'a1'd T GlI'lhee. RMl Ff'atIH'r pm, to; m trcnillr, It ll~ree'l !lChtdnlt'1I fnr

p dally o)'lt'T11llonl'l' I SaturdlloYS. Sun.I ~m~tP1'n "onr-,,- In thf' \ll,rlOtl< • h.. " maIO ,.,mounted Tue'l<lav. I 10 or rf'~rvMlon'l 1'1'll!Tt; 2-3800 I da}''!, and ho!Jo1ayl'l !'lI:ccpted I Wll!I tlpld'l of mU"11' thpon and prac-. I ------- --~-- ---- ------------- ---~-- - it 11'f' for hll/.'h ~I'hool _l1Httnl~ andt"a"h"r< liT" bfll1l/.' o(("TI',l III Itthrf't'.\\ Irk- <""o;lon Thf' fa'lIll\Intludf'~ "Sf' mil qll' 'ltllff m('m-

I bE'r'l and 15 lNll'hpr~ llnd band dl-rt'ctorl'l ' ..om ~Ilchlll'an and JI!Jnol<

Page 3: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess

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Downtown Trainand Camera Shop

m W. ELIZABETHOne Bloek North of

Tll11er dotel

PHONE NI. 3ZOIS:rIU'S BIraUIlDaa s*,-Pbooe lilt





£. .I. PAPPAS18310 E. Warren nr. 3 Mile Dr.

TUxedo 2-4080


The name "Chile" 1S belleved tocome from the Indian word mean.ing "snow," reports, the WorldBook EncyclopedIa.

Begin Limit MailService To Israel

LIDllted mall ,enlce to the stateor Israel ha!! been Inaugurated ef-fectIve Immedlatcly, PostmasterRoscoe B. Huston announced to-day.

Only ordinary l~tters and postcards Will be accepted at presentfor malltng by air or surfac:.emeans to Israel No parcel postWill be accepted Wltll furthernotice

The postage rate on letter mallor post cards by air mall IS 25ccnts per one-half ounce or frac-tIOn. l3y surface mpans the letterrate 1'1 II cl'nts for the flrst ounceand 3 cent!! for each addItIOnalounce or fractIOn. Post cardssent by surface means are 3 centsLetter mall may weigh up to 4pounds and 6 ounces, but may notcontam merchandIse.

PHElFFEK.S CHEFSlIM Dressill. . _. OL38c-II-oL 111lloo"EWt'\IPROVED Ql'.UITY CH.\R:\lm'1'0 TOWns 2 •••lZ,OZ, TlS

CO.ED BEEF- - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - . - - - ..ROY.o\L AXXCmRIES ---- - 2 .. 21T. 11,




Prowlers escaped Wlth valuablejewelry after ransackmg the homeof Mr. Herbert Shwarts, 15025EsseX, SWlday, July 4.

Park Pollce &ald that entranceW&l! gamed by forcing a rear dooropen.

AUTHOR SPEAKSEmIly Hahn, author and lectur-

er, 1.'.111 open the second annualSummer Lecture Series at theRackham Educabcms.1 MemorIalwhen she speaks at 8.00 pm. onThursday, July 8. The seTles 1Ssponsored in Detroit by the Uni-versity of Michigan Extension Ser-Vlce and the Umverlllty's SummerSession.


SUCCESSORS TO McMIL LAN'SlllZZ KERCHEVALflU'S ~ MIMe _ •. IkPlie ....... -m..1""





Loin of Pork

CHOICE SHOULDER 69~Pot Roast Beef lb.

For "rbecue 49C F...... C."es 79cSpare Ribs lb. Sweetbnads lb.



Leg O'Lamb


Party or Pie..i ,Let Us Suggest Thit y e.You Need From au Cou ,Order EyerythingDepartment! romp ete J?elicatessea

* Roast Turkec_",_-. s-.. _ era!.:.!!~ !,IgI

• Chicken Pies • '-Ii ...• Meat Pies • p u ey Pies• Cole Slaw • Ba:::to. SaladPleCUJePlace Order. In Ad eans

To Avoid DiJlGpPDintme,::ceFINE SI'LEcnON OF

l~U =~::6HE9Nc MW'iG"4P1....9Pc LUNCH MEATS

TURKEY lb. CRICKEI lb. FRESHcanAlE DIEDE - - • - •• 231

LAND 0' LAIlES 91 II. PORTED 79cSweet ena. Butler 0" Canadian Cbeddar Cheese •.

ij -II11

Deer Park Ice Box •• xwell House:111 ASST. COOKIES Drip or Res 51~i' 2~ lb. Tin $1.99 CO FF E.E (lb.I


5 lb. Tin $3.25~ For Cottace, Boat or Pienie

~ or 'White "0 lb•• Sic FULLFIAVOB - HALVES, YELLOW ELBERTA Ti.1'1 C..\l!.~"O£S ....... 1IC Frees.. , ..... ----. _.- 2 It. 2! lISI. po rt5 2. bun. sm;CKER'S


ce'.rY It.. JUIa. 11e ...... 51 .. __ - ... - .. - . - . - - 2 II.2 Tin •126-100 sl'LE FOgd 2. do%'- ST.o\K KIST FANCY SOLID PACKfl.- Oran ... T U • A . • - - • - • - - n. 41,


I '

•Well, somehow, the little fellowperks up. Somehow he gets thesyphon In, V\ Ith a little help, and,as another su,rpnse. he gcUI thelong tunnel dug. From there ODIt's f&U'ly clean satllng, jwt opencut In the ailey-and he knowshow to do open cut becaUlle he



-----_ .._ ~


that FontenCive Away A


Commissioners Formula For EconomyKeeps Park Manager In Sewer Ditches

Do you know of anyone leary And Messrs. Gillett, BloodllWorth has had le880nS in It since 1\'0-about vacations? If you do refer and Heftier are not saying very vemberhIm to E B. Lane, Park Manager. much about sewers and b1dJJ. The other day Manager LaneLast year he took a vacatIon, the • reported to the Park COll1ml:l-firl>t m several y"a.rs, and they put When February comes' along, sion that the sewer was all !In-one over on him; when he reo things are rather gnm. The Job Is iabed except for a little cl?an-upturned he had to teach a courlle way bebmg schedule and the work. And everybody is happy;III sewer construction. toughest part IS Just ahead-a the little fellow made a profIt amI

• syphon under Fox Creek and a the Village saved $16,000, lessYou know, the Park haa been long tWlnel ba.ck to the alley. The maybe $1,000 or so that they had

puttmg In sewerll since 1946- !Lttle fellow doesn't know exactly to pay for extra supervllllon. Ofseems like they have eJways been bow to go at It, and Lane and course, Manager Lane stIll eaysdlggmg somewhere. Last tall it Heger are both fed up with stand. to be awfully careful when you letwas the Maryland-Nottingham ing in BeWel' ditches In the middle a contract; and he doesn't knowarea The work wu advertISed of February giving courses on whether or not to risk anotherand the bids came In: $87,000 low, bow to dig sewer dItches; they vacation. And Messrs. Bloods-$95,000 second low and others up want to cancel the contract for worth, Glllett, and Hettler thmkto $130,000. The low bid was at. non-performance, inefflclency, and perbaps they have a new formulatractive but after investigatIOn the so forth, Finance Commissioner for economy m government: Hirebidders rec:.ord Wall not too good, l3loodsworth sees hIS $16,000 sav- a good Manager, send him off onThe Village heads got together lng gone, and Public Works Com- a vacation whenever you awardand argued whether to take the mISsioner-GIllett sees his sewer a contract; call him back to worknext iowest bid or take a chance program deJayed, and Attorney hiS way out of It. They are thmk-on a rebId They deCIded to re- Heftier sees IItlgabon ahead and Ing of takmg thIS up With Wash-advertise, hOplfig for a bid that maybe a jury would deCide for the Ington.would shade the $99,000 bid. At llttle fellow. So, they have longthiS pomt Manager Lane leaves conferences WIth Manager Lanefor his vacatIOn, long planned. who want!! to fire the guy; andThey deCide to rebid immediately, Anally Attorney HeftIer composesotherwise wmter WIll set in before a long, IStlff letter to the httlethe v>ork IS started and the &ewer yellow listmg all the gnevanceswon't be ready fOf the summer and glvmg the feUow one lastraina. But Manager Lane's parting chance. They send out the letterappeal to Conun. Gillett, the pub- and they send a copy to the !.lund-hc works conunlssloner, is to be ing company, but actually theyvery careful about awarding the are not too hopeful, especially\\ork to anyone not competent. Manager Lane who has wrltten

• letters before.The new bIds come in. The old

second low 1S sWl second low,aroWld $99,000 but a brand newbidder 1S In 8.t $83,000. The ParkIS deltghted; they appoint Com-miSSioners Gillett and Bloods-worth and Attorney Heftler as acommIttee to invesbgate the newbidder and award the contract to!um If he Is capable. The Com-mittee mvesbgates. The new bid-der IS an old sewer man makinga comeback, f&lrly weU recom-mended, and Wlth a bondmg com-pany that IS ready to vouch forhim. The committee goes into ahuddle-G111ett checks the refer-ences 8glWl; BloodsWorth, wbo isfinance commissIoner, keeps in-sISting that the next bId IS $16,-000 higher and that It is very hardto save $16,000; and AttorneyHefUer studies and restudies hisform of contract to make l!U1'e itwill be 8ll'tight. They call the bld-der in, a little fellow; then an-other huddle; and dually theyhave to make up their minds orall blds will expIre. They give thelittle guy the contract and by thistune he is not too llW'e that hewants it. •:Manager Lane getll back fromCalifornia, all rested up and theytell him about the wonderful lowbid they got and took. He illslightly skeptical but willing tobe convinced. And in Novemberthe little fellow starta diggmg hillsewer.

Well the work doesn't go alongany too well The htUe fellowdoesn.t have much in the way ofeqUIpment, and wbat he has illalways breakmg down. He's shortof men, and he hasn't some of thematenals and doesn't know )UIl1:how to proceed. So, Manager LaneteUs h1S &SS1stant Herb Heger tohelp the little fellow out, locateBOme equIpment and materlaIs andshow hun how to do the job. Anltpretty soon if anyone wants tofind Herb Heger they look forhtm in the sewer dItch.

Still, the work doesn't go alongvery weU, and J,1a.nager Lane de-Cides to take a more direct handm it. And pretty soon if anyonewants to find Manager Lane theylook for !um in the sewer ditch.






KIW Al\l'lS llEE'l'The RiverSIde KlwanlS Club

were guests of the NorthwestDetrOIt Club at an inter-clubmeeting on Wednellds.y, July 7, atthe Lee Plaza. A rOWld tableonly will be held at the Hotel'Vhlttler 011 Thursday noon,July 8.

Michigan Auto CountUp 21.8% Since 1944

Mic1ugan, Wltb Its automobUepopulatlon up 21 8 per cent sflce1944, ranks thirty-first amongthe states m recovering from thewartime low m ca;' registration.powel Crosley, Jr., pioneer light-weIght car manUfactW'er, pointedout here.

"Such a gain in the WolverineState IS especially Slgruflcant,"he S&Id, "because car regIStra-tions have dropped considerably inthe mdustrial east, midwest andgrlWl states, with marked s1uftsof population to the south, south-west &nd PacUIC Coast.

WIlliam G Siebert, 259 Merri-weather, Grosse Pomte Farms, ISnow one of the five dIrectors of\VJR, The GoodWI" ~t~.,..... l-f'~

promotIOn to adIrectorship wasann 0 u nced re-cently by G ARichards. Chair.man of the Boardof WJR, WGAR,and K.'t1PC.

COlncld I' n t al,vith his appomt-ment as a direc-tor, SIebert. pres- SEI8ER'fent WJR treasurer, also assumedthe addItlonai duties of secretaryof the corporation.

Slebert has been a resident ofGrosse Pomte for 12 years. He IS

also one of the oldest employeesof WJR from the standpomt ofserVlce WIth an excellent record o.accomplishment He first came toWJR m July 1929, as audItor andsupervisor of the stabon account.ing depa.rtment. He was appointeduslatant treasurer of WJR m 1946and became treasurer JanulLlj' 1st,1947. SIebert assumes his new dU-tie!! a!! director and secretary-treasurer unmedlately.

Name PointerW JR Director


.H Id


1\111Whytes To 0

Housewarming 111'#The Ray M ,\ h} teS WIll mark '"'

the opemng of theIr ne,v homl'on Oxford road \\ lth a hOllse- i"armmg and garden party Sun-da\', Julv 11

~[ore than 200 ha\C been In\ Ited 0to attend the gay fcst,\ ItlC< \\ hlch 0are planned to b,'glll at 3 I) m 1 0-~ g JJid

String EnsemblePlay Classics

Beethoven's Quartet 111D major,Opus 18, No.3 and hIS Tno In B-flat major, Opus 97 wl1l be per-formed by a stnng ensemble tn thechamber musIc recital to be givenat 8 30 P Dl. on Tuesday, July 13,at Rackham Educational Memor-Ial. The program 1S Uurd In theSummer Concert Sene!! bemgsponsored in DetrOIt by the UUI-verSlty of l.hclugan ExtenSIOn Ser-V1ce and the Unlverslty's Schoolof MUSIC.

The ensemble WIll also playQuartet, for Vlolm, V101a,cello, andpiano, by Robert Palmer.

Members of the ensemble areGilbert RosS and Enul Raab, vlol-1Il1StS; Bernard Mllofsky, viola,Obver Edel, cellist; and JosephBrinkman, pIaniSt. All are mem-bers of the regular faculty of theSchool of ),Ius,c ""th the excep-t.on of Bernard Ml\ofsk~ •. who I!! ague!!t m the !!tnng department forthe summer.

Rl'gJstratlOn for a SlI1gle concertIS $100.

''The important thmg now'" Mrs.Bemis emphasIZed, "IS for all thegarden clubs to start thmkmgabout the bene1lts of inter-Villagecooperation in planning for beauty,stabll1ty and CIrculatIOn. Out ofthis thinkmg a plan that wouldbe good for the whole area couldeasily develop" She further of-fered the help of the Cltlzen'sHousing and Planning Councl1 atany POint m the development of acooperative plan slllce thiS organi-zation works on a regional level,and is not a government agencybut a volWlteer organIZation ofCltiezna Interested m the develop-ment of better town planmngthroughout the enbre metropolitanregJon.

She POlllted out that many va-cant lots along Jefferson and Ker-cheval might be purchased by theVIllages and planted VI'1thtree'> andshrubs which would make bufferstnps to protect the fint' reSIdenceson SIde street!! from the noise anddirt of traffic It IS obVIOUSthatthese vacant lots which are zonedfor reSIdences \\'111 never be pur-chased and buLlt up to houses be-cause people do not come thIS farout and then submit to hVlng be-Side heavy streams of traffic "TheHuron-Clinton Mertopohtan Au-thonty", she pomted out, "mightbe willing to help on hIghway de-velopment of thiS type"

Another project nllght be a co-operative nursery where trees andshrubs ror these buffer strips couldbe nW'tured.

1110 SPRAYING - NO IIUSIINO MASKING - NO mwsGnt ~r (1., • lIlirrw-lib .-msiood"'.sh '"~ \\ ype. the _ ....... enamelroo 'PPI! .. " b • powder pd'! Dnes dust.Irtt" OCt hOl1t AtrTOM 011 apply. Ca<ctI..,. .0'0. lacqQU «-...L 0De-"40ts com~lt" '01>-2 faI1 _ e;, ..- I,f. Ind be.-, 10 ,.....r CU'. add ......,. ~oliars tel:1S ..... popoa1It colon-

GAS STATIONSIlealer~ - Salesmen WantedInform :Jon where t{) buy

CaI~ Your LOcalltyII VA. 2.34U

Jm. R Loader, Distributor



ursday, July 8, 1948----- .nning Authority Suggests Local Theatrester Plan", for Pointes Fix Ma,tinees

.~,~".,U<'"of ... G""'" I. d_ ""kl, to pro, "I,.mw for Chrldren, rk Garden Club, repre. oft-lltreet parking. Hhe al~o ~UK- Thl GrO~~L PO\l\l< Mutlon PIC-

t! pa troll1

the other six Gar. geated that the gardrn (luh~ of tm p Counul r< portLd thaI the\I\es III GIOSIe Pointe met this area are enunently lilted to VOKue an (I Woo,ll> Theatn I> WillClubS ('01\ recently at the explore a way to V> ark togethc r have "plunl lIIallllr~s for Clllldllnlun~lnl(, Yacht Club with for the bl'nel\t of all the vlIlaKe~ on Sdturda), July 17 'fhe council

J Sherman as hoat- Stallng that although an m'er-all alsu dll>do~ed that thl' follo\l mg)lorgan plan for the arl'a donI' by an ex- th, dter~ Will hal'l' chIldren matl-

purpose of the get to- pert planner may be e'(prn~lve 10' Mes 1'\ cry ~ e(lnesday at 2 pm1'he as to crea.te interest day, in the long run It WIll ~avl' Alger ,Colony, Vogue and Woodsr 1\ mber:i of aU Garden money for everybo<lv and preserv.' •

~:e community to turther those intangible values Important PICtures recommencled for chll-~n t recently presented In a to the people who havE' taken the QIE'n by the councIl thiS month

prolee the Grosse pOinte Park tro~b1e to move out here. an' "Blonche In the Dough," "Ad-r frO'11 Be tift t' n venture of Room Hood,' "Cola-

Club ('IVIC au ea 10 "A "ood to"m plannnr", ."e saId, -, K "en t ot the .. " <.,., rauo I'" "Fury of FurnaceItlee tor I1nprovemen "like the good architect on are. C k 'i t area ad rce " "If You Knew SusIe,"Gro'" 1'0 n I' - modehng Job, \Vlll start '~Ith the "The Flghtmg 69th," "Son of

d \0 f!ull1cr C Fritsch and -tructure of the area, loordlnatln07 R t " ,.d f Commls • .. u' y, 'lJ Lead SoIJICrs," "Thentedto (he Boar 0 - and mtcr.rl'latmg the road and l'\oo~e Hang~ High" "The Iron~ a Uhc Park Counc:.u!J meet- park"'ay systnm, he \"111also eu,,- C ta " 1>-'"h "<"'" ur 111, ' .. l"mg the Cahforma,~June 14t . t k d T I 'v n Holdell BemiS, ASSistant gcs par ways. green area~ an ral' "PIOneer Jusllce" andIno , H buffer strips, and wouW retOOl' "Trall to San Antome"lor of th, CitIZens ouslng mend that a system of small parks •Planning counCIl, was guest and playgrowlds for the village~, Four teen-agers, the counCIler of the day G d be related to each other It IS al- '>uggests 'The Docks of New,Gr05se pOlllte Park ar en, t rE'ady obvIOUS that tbE'sl' areas Otleans," "lOth Avenue Angel,"baS led the way by sugges - should be purchased, at Il'ast, as "Crash Dive" "An American Em-\Dlpro\'('lIIenlS tor their own soon a!! pOSSIble before everv va- plre," "Madonna of the Desert,"e and bv the Park CounCIl's cant space IS bUIlt up as It has "'I G 1 T " d "B dl dV II -,)' Ir Isa, an a an s( actlOn to have a I age been m DetrOIt". of Dakota"ComnllsSlOn If each VIllage

1\5 01\n planmng commiSSIon,~ter.to\\'n commiSSion can eas-bt set up WIth a ;epresentative

each ToWTICounell and oneeach planntng cOmmll1810n.•)IrS Bemis commented that "theGrosse pointe v1llages have

!'"t/Ullgto gain and nothing tobv cooperating on a Masterfor the whole area. It thees try to plan indl Vldually asIe Untts, the necessary eo-

ationof roads, parkways andcan not be achIeved. The

lesson In town planning is tok at your village". try to esb-e the trend in bullding and

C, and try to deCide what Im-lDenta should oe made. AI-\OU end by deciding that;hould have been an over-

plan tor the Vlllage and for anyof V1llages that are closely

r.related, all are the GrosseIe towns"

Yrl Bemlll further stated thatthe term "Gro_ Pointe"

order and beauty to mostle m the metropolitan area,enLs of the Villages .shouldnow to mllll1tam these quall-whether they live in the Park,CIty, the Shores, the Woods orFarms

"DttrOlt,"she pointed out, "hadZOningOrdinances until 1941.ch IS the reuon BOmany pea-lDovedout here. Detroit's mainenbal street8 could have

yed as beautiful as they were1900had they been protected

the fumes of mdustry andnOLSe and rush of traff1C."•Thetwo Items she underhned asunmedlate worry to the Grossete towns are tra1ftc and com-

ll:la.l zornng for .shopping cen-Already the shoppmg center

the CItyof Grosse Pomte is be-too congested for comfort,

another downtown Binrung-may result unlest something

Page 4: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess

'" ._ .... ,.

CBelr7 &251

cw Ou Price ~


I.... Eo Et,ht !\IIII' a..•.. 'Nt Near G

1ft... " .July S, 1948



Graue Pointe Park, Michigan

Monelly, Jury 18, from 10 a.m.

Not .. ~~ - a It.... Priced

Household FumislUngs

Sunday, July 11th, from 10 a.m•

H. o. ~c:NiEl'll~Y


MR: BLISS BOWMAN938 Harcourt

MRS: F~ (, HEATH663 Shirley Drive Birmingham, Michigaa

(Between LiDIlolD aDd W. Maple Bel.)

Living Room, Dining Room, Bedrooms, Kitchen(Addil1ona)

IBULK Ii. PartJa ,,'125 ~l talce -ere.1I DeQ OWPnesen - Pkg.'

Mack Aile. 1, O".n and You Can Read



Reveal Trothof ElIzabeth Kay


Chevrolet hit Ita firIt million-car year in 1921. Since that rec-ord, the figure haI been toppedeight t1m....

Charles W. Alaander, a forellfncorrespondent ,fa cred!ted u thefirst perlOll. to fly ~e octaD In aChevrolet. Being vnable to bookregular paaaap and requirln,ground traIIIportation In hi.I work,Al.-ncter ltayed In the ear whilea freighter flew it from Newarkto Geneva, Switzerland. The tript.oo~ "' 110111'1.

A{fers CloseMansion OnLakeshore Road

NewlywedsOn Cruise

Hr. and Mr.. ThomU Bergen.roether are Cnllaln&' up the 1akeIon board the S.S. South Amer-Ican, after their wed41ng Saturdayat St. Matthews Churcl1.

The brille Is the daupter ofMr. anel )In. Charlea A.. StoU ofAudubon road. The briderroom bth. I0Il. of Mr. and Mra. GeorgeHerrenroether of E. Je1fel'llOJlan'nue.

KrI. WWar4 Wernet, IIItfro ofthe bride, W&ll matton of hoa.or.Bridesmaldl: Mrs. F. W. Hod.klnIon, the MIsaea Barbara andJean Stoll, IlItere or the bride,and Mill Vlrrfnia Jakee,

George Hel'll'enroether ;Jr. wasbest man. Ullhere: aDother brother,Robert Hergenroether, and RUlIIIeUPiche, brother-In-law of the brldll'-(l'OODl.

Illisabetb Anne Ray bU letSaturday. July 31 .. Ur.e datefor her weddtne to Robert D&vb,ot JackJon Michigan. New of1!lUA&beJ'tll' eJI,aement wu re.

A. F. Bulett, of the Detroit vea1ed WI week by her parents,Truat Co., repreaentLnl Mra. RuJ. Mr. and Ml'I. ~ L. Ray, of York.leU A. Aller of I',roveneal road, aIalre rQad. •told the ReView that Mra. AlJ'el'll Tht brlde-eleet b .. NCeIltbaa no immediate pIau for the graduate at Wi.IcOIlaIIlUnivertlty.Alger manllon on. Lak ..... roa4. Sbe b • member of the Alpha

The manaton wu ntumed to GMuna Della Sorority.the Alger family Jut week atte1"belnr uaed u ..braDeh mUJeUDIof tbe Detroit Art InIIt1tute. De- AftENDS WEDDINGtl'Oltotrlclals decided not to include Mn. eGorge M. Kutter, ot It"l'unca for ill IUpport in the city. Grayton, la 1ft Iprlnrneld, 1Luf..bUdget thta year. where sbe w1l1 attend the wed.

Mra. Alger rave the miUlOIl-do1.ding of her niece.Jar e.tate to Detroit 12 yean &COwith a clause mUng that it De-troit wltbdrew Ita .upport withinIl() years, the manalon would )e

, retumed.Kr. Bauett sald that the utate

would remaln locked WIder tilewatchfUl eye of • lpeellJ cUilodlanunt11further notice.

Last year clolle to 150,000vtaitedthe mueum.

PhOM III lor an A"pointrrlmt with ourDecorator in YOUT Home

TU. 1.2100


Attending the r1tu as 1lellt man, HONORS SISTERwu Arthur HoDar. Ushere were.Tohn Rummel and Edward Don. A tea WlL!I glftn on July 7 byley. lira. J. C. Hurley of Merriweather

FoDowInr 'the reception at the Road. in !Km.orof lIer lister, lira.Whittier, the bridegroom whp is George Reed of Kan.sas City, Mil-the son of Mr. aDd Mrs. Ludwig A.. sour!, who ia viIl~ with ber forGribler, of Detroit. departed with the week.his bride for a trip to Mon.treaL Mra. ~Djamln ;James and lira.

Fred Byer UIIsted at the polll'iqfor the forty guests.

W~~~M~HW~ ~H~I~16726 E. W.rren-3 Blocks Ent of Outer Dm.

IYDft os Df on If.. fttlDIO .l'l'

16726 East Warren :f==I_~~- ---~~~

" -

.. i~ ;

'" -.I .~1..

Double Ri6"g CeremonyMark Church WeddingIn a double-ring ClNIIlOI\Y held

at Our saVIour Lutheran ChurchIaat ThundaY., IIU'J' MargaretRUJP'el became tU lIrlde of Lud-wir A.. Orlbler, Jr. Tbe Rev. Har-old C. Bemthal offIc1&ted.

The bride, who 18 the daughterof KrI. ~ne J. Rammel, ofMcKInley road anel the late Mr.RuDunel, wu given in m&ITi.ICeby her UIl.eleMr. 'Edwin G. Rum.mel, of SagInaw.

Krs. Bemthal'. we44inC I'01fDwas a beaulltu1 creatioll of Iaceover white satin. Her f1nlertipftn wu in eap style and 8JIe car-ried • co1ODi&l bouquet of Ivol'1rollel.

Maid of Honor, Lob Wille choee•• own of yellow taffeta and tal-1Im&n I'CI8eI COJDpri.led her bou.quet.

Bridesmaid. Irene I'1emInC andThelma Gribler. wore clrelllU styl-ed In blue taffeta and carried c:oI-on.!al bouqueta of pink l'oaee. •

Marth Parker wu IWHt andlovely .. the flower pI aDd littleGary Barnowskl was the riD&'bearer.

Setting a popular pace in the amateur dance field isthe above Broadway Trio who have been senaatiOI18throughout MetropoUt,n Detroit In theatre, benefit andother entertainment appearances. Students of Frank Don-ahue, at the Broadway SChool of Dance, left to right, theyare : David Schuh, IOn of ifni. Thelma Schuh. 2225 CooksRd., aummcham; Carol Hoskey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Hoskey, 110410Christy add Doiwe:t Kern, son of :Mr.and MrB. C. J. ~ i838 Devonshire.'

NothJnr Ulr:e ~1ess17 e1eulclothes, neatly prealed to .starta vaeatlon, OUr prompt, rela.lbteand economkal eleaD1Dc serv1ee15111let 10Uf 1amflJ', neatlonc1otl1es lD an:Ier - in a J1U1.




IMPERIALCleaners aD'....

1SS!6 MACK AVE. 15029 KERCIIEV AI.At Nottinrham Near .....,,..

TUxedo 2-s080 "Alley %--7055()pen 7 A M, to ': P. M. 0.01

DinnerFor PointeBride-Elect

It. lay rehearsal d1nner wID beJiVeJIat the Country Club OD JUlyII, by Mr. and Mra. John J3eUKoran, Sr" of WLndlJUll PointDrive, in honor of their IOn, John l'

Bell Koran, Jr., and Ills 1lInee, ~MI•• Joyce Skelton. of Rldle Road, iwho wlU eltebange VOWI at s,JntAJnbl'OMChurch on July 10, Withthe Rev. Father Van Antwerp per- lfonnlng the 11.30 a Dl. nuptialm ....

FIfty gueats WIll be present atthe atralr, Including the bridalparty, Mald of honor Edna Fran.eel Skelton, the bride.elect's lIS-

ter; brldelJn&ld8)!ary Owen. RuthDu1rleld, Pam KnowllOn. CynthiaWUbur, PegrY DaVis, and Ml1I.Edward Scbmidt, of Bel Alre, CIIl- ,Itorn!&, and ilve-year-old Phyllis tHoag .. 1l.0wer-girl.Attendmg as rbest man will be the groom-elect's ~brother. William Hayward Moran. Iand the ullher., C. A. Dean, m.Herbert B. Book, Jr, Richard '1'.Broadbead, Jr, Edward Schmidtor Bel Aire, Cat, William J. Roll >II, Cbariell Vallee Moran of EIMoote, Cat, Geol'll'e HammondWilliam., and Wl11iam Dunc:umCoakley. of C1eftl&nd HelJ'b~,Ohio.

TIle bride and groom-eIect werealso honored at a bu1fet supper andcocktail party given on June 20by Mr. and Mrs. C. A.. Dean m,of Ridge Road, for eighty youngpeople, and JUhe Belanger threwa plellle for the wedding party ather uncIe's country bome at Orch-ard Lake. with a IW1m party •

A bar shower feted Uloe honoredIUutI at the home of Krs. JohnHoag of Bedford Road on July ,for forty ruelta, and both MillSkelton and Mr. Koran were hon-ored at lIPUlSterand bachelor dm-nel1l on July 8. Peggy Davis heldu.. apinlter dmner at her L1neolllRoa4 ruidenc:e, aDd the ushersboats at the bacbelor dinner at theClUb.


A total of 45 Navy eomml .. Y'Ystorell - huge super-marleet t)'pegroceT)' and genenJ Itores - arenow.rnng military penonnel atU Sand forellTle Itatlona wherecommerctal .hopplng eentera arenot readily accellllible.


car -...en Q. I.ewII. ....=-.~\u Is ...... ..,. • at •,..r ' Ills ba'i"es e ...

... &:It .,. rr- IS 1-...........

FrigidaireBUY THE BEST!


TOUGH PATJElIo"Tat7 PbUee di.IcloIed that WI1-

... Smith, 19. a patient at Bon8Ieoan Hospital was transferredto a Detroit hospital when he be-.. e too lOUI'hto handle. He UV~• Imt Beaconsoelld.


''T!UI too Ihal1 puI away." T!wI expression ia u true today uIt h&I been throlI5h the ages.

As each gelleraboll comes and goel WIth their happy day. u weU.. ad ones there II alwaya the next (eneration to follow-ta.klnrtMir pla.c:eill tile ,ovemment, buamea.. or whatever field they mightdtlire to enter. So it 11 With ac:hool, Aa each cl&u rraduates therei.I always the lIext group of students to take their pla.c:eIn the school.. leII.lors.

In the f&1l my claumatea and I will be entering Into that enViablepoeition. in the school as SENIORS. For the Ive yeara that We have'IlIea attending our school, Groase Pointe High, we have looked up totile leIllor claas WIthJTeat respect. We admired them taking over thenrioUI 4Utle.l IUch as officers of' the c1aalI. at the stUdent assocl&bon.woddng on committee. and the Ilke. WlAhlngfor the Urne when we... eemor c:1UI would be able to do our bit for the eclloo1. We looktoward tII1I J-youI year mucl1 the lame way as we do aui8tm&a.JI'IIzDlnC for it aDd saying how we don't ]mow how we can poI8Iblywalt UI1UI it amves. Fmally it comea and then aU too soon it Is gone.

In tile c:omiJI« faU when ICbooJ gets underway apin, may we ..-..on Jive up to the atandards the cJuaea before UI aft .t. 80.. as time marchn on, we too, Ill&)' make footprints in the .udI ofu-.

)laD UUI -.t.of tbllI ncalIcm, claa of .... wMther you aN OIl1M 1lMcb, temWI court. or tolJl'inC throaIh the COWI~ i.I,... Jut ftC&tioD. u atuelents of G.P.B.S. Have fun, "tor th1I tQo-.u ,.. ........,...

I!4ltor'1 Note: S1lorUy before IChool belin. In September, TheIt..ww wtU annOUl1cetile new author of "Telll Talk", IUccee4!ft1Ibu'oA Ford. Meuwbil, GPHS .tudentl Interested In winnlnr tbe..... are 1Jlvtted to IUbm1t a column on any .ubjeet for conaitt.ra-tJoa.. Th1I week'. article I. written by Nonna Neeb, 18, of 303 Me:-JIilt,u. lIIe i.I • ~or. Following 15 her letter to the editor andIler eohuan:or. ne Editor:

I ha\'e beell a reader of the ''Teen Talk" column for u Ionr uit b.U ~n in eXiltence. All that tune I thoUl'ht about bow much IwouM like to wnte It when I ,ot a little older. When I wu ill theaiZlUr.crade I wrote my career book on journalism hopln( tbat IJlUlttt be a!lle to write for a newspaper ~metlme.

J: IUPPOIe th&t every 11.1(11.chool lItudent feeb at IIOmetime he-wd llke to make journalLsm hill career. As a challenre to thAturre I would like to attempt writing the "Teen Talk" column.


YOV'a 'I'WICE AS I1J1tE W1TB 'I'W'O QUAT NAManllGmAIU A~ GElUa&L.000as

ttDg~'~LEHOLDelectricHI. 5151 20817 MACK AVE.

"-----elKlW!vc ~rigidaiTe dqJcr ---~

MtJte T11Ith Than Fictio"1It Boyd's Cl"blwuse Story

•DarIIac De JIotar City OpeD roIt aDd IoIltM to poUUQ aDd.. ~ IMId at tile Ilea- au.1&. JadIlde4 in tbe oplDiaDa.... UCIk COUIlt1 Club last week, aD4 comment. made wu • Itor'7• ..., of t2wI Jocal car ... b1 Tam BoJd, PoSDta J'orIl dealer.... eIIIqletec' In the Pro-Amateur It went thIlI .... ,...... 1IeeaIDII ~ sa • .... •... eIIdlboaIe toDfu. An Amertaa labor delepllon

• vialted t2wI Skoda WOJ'kI in cze..,.. c.ncxtlcw went from clloIIonJda. The AmeriCIAI uk-

ed: "To whom d~ th1I factor7~?"

'"We, the }leOI\le, 0WJl It... AIdthe guldea.

--who OW11.l the machiDery!"uked \;be AmericaDI.

".We \;be people. own it,"gutd.. answered.

"Who reta the proftta!"vIIIitors demaD4ed.

''We, tile people get them," ~the reply.

'1'heD the A.merleau .w threeJuore can parked nearby. &D.d ... BOBEJrr C. DA\"I8uln4 1t1Io owned them. Ro .one fa owned by the ~ belt Charles Dam, sonfor defeue, the NeOnd lleIoup to of Mr. and Mrs, Charles E.the chalrman of the workers' 001II- D a v i8, of Harvard roadm1ttee, and the third to the repre- claimed Esther Marie Mor:sent&Uve from Koacow, who Is _" for his b'd .'riSitiJIC here .. the IUldes told D-" n e m a ce~them.' mony held at First MethodistCh h, Big IOUTIIZII.NJ:II'S FIANCE • • •• urc at Rapids, Mich., Joan Marpre:t Str!nI'er, daugh-

TheIl. Skoda delegation arrived home of the bride's parents ter of the Kax James StriIII'erw ~ ~in America to tour iDdWltnal Mr. and l4rs. William Mor- of RIvard boulevard, who will _ J. ~~\.plantll. An Amertean labor leader be _.....ed I In S t ~1Il0wed them the Ford facto- gaD. Among the out~f-town mILC.. ear y ep ember ""

.... ts that ttended the to Robert Towle. Malee of New ... ~ ''The"W1ao 0W11.I WI factory?" the gues a rites Orleans, lIOnof the late Mr. and -La.Barbor Photo b latest high-speed eleetronie equip-visitors asked. held last Saturday were Yrs. Kra. Francis Pickens l{agee. MB8. a1JDOLPB A. BlBT (1 m t' I")fr. Fonl doea,. aid the Harry Koiser, Mr. and :Mrs. At a recent wedding held I en 18no. at your service for the fmestAmerican. R&lph Wirshing 'Il1:RR R..th L B in Grosse Pointe Memon'a! and most complete Pictorial Record of I

"Wbo OW11.l the ma.chinery?".... . • ~ .. oses Paris agthey' demanded. and were tokl nard-08lerF'alkMr• and

dMrs. Ber- Mrs. Ann Nickels, l111SBeacona. Church, Rudolph A. Hirt, SOD your Wedding Day."

r_ M I ),Ir Ford owned It. er an Mary Ann field reported to Park Police the of Mr. and:Mrs. Rudolph Hirt . ; ,UIIry oore 5 Expert '~"ho cets the profits?" the W a I k e r of Detroit; Mrs. theft or loss of a valuable hand of Balfour Road. claimed A1l8w US to. photograph your Weddmg I'~ter with Brush Skoda men conUnuedt. Kathryn Kane of G ran d bag that come from Pam. She Evelyn Ruth Mutersbaugh for & beautiful album of pl' ctures ,.'ou'll I'.-~ G&r1 IIC1OI'e first went 00 ~)~. Ford does," sald tile Ledge and Mr. and Mrs. Mal- said the bag contained her purR, for his bride. The new Mrs•.. atr In Ilia Ilf,lve Baltimore, hla A e can. colm Hartwell of /;I. .. .,.;~aw glasBell, driver'. 1l.eenaeand other Hirt is the da.ughter of llr treuure and cberlah always........... DOt comlned to the Then the viIltor saw 30,000 eartI """DUO • valuables. • ~.... as It b now. The new parked In a nearby lot, and &liked: -N-O-.-"lS"'-- ----- and ~. R. A. Mutersbaugh, \.... 01 the "Breakfut In Holly- "Who Owtll all those cans!" Al....... NEW BtrlLDlNG of Highland Park. 1:\ PhftI.- ..... h,'"....r The American grinned. Then ...OU5_ supersllUon la gradu- ~ ---e.o"''''Y ~

procram. heard Monday he sald' ''We the Ie ally dyinA' ou~ ill. the United Two new bwIdinp at the Michl. a~ J'rIday at 11:00 a.m., thole • " peop • own Statea the World Book Enc:yc:)o- ran State Falrgrounc1lln Oetrolt, STEAL SPABES ~ l lIT u." •.... aaticG WXY7. anl! the can. ped1& says that many hotel rooma to replace UIoIe destroyed by Ire Raymond E. Nugent, 852 Bea- , , ,(. 1t l, James rr. nlUtllns.. ..scu ~ Company, ---- steamshIp cabins and ho~ In 1942, aft been appl"OVlld and con.deld, reported to Park Pollee ~ 00..-Id ~ newspapel1l llnth BELL II'OKI:8IOIIT lIOmetlmes SkiP' the "unluck" pIans are beinl executed by O'DeD the theft of a "Pare Ure and wheel 1.tJ \ j.... AprIl Foo!'. Day PI' plc- In anUclpaUon of a record lIumber 13 Y Hewlett" Lucltenbacb, ardlltect&. from his car parked near lus home III 111 7U. 2-3200 TV. :')-5616... T1'Hl beat remembered of tounst season thia year, the Mich-' The building. will be completed In Saturday tught. oG -. • •.... b the one In Which, as an 19an ~11 Telephone Company II ST. PAn. El. LtTJIF.."31 CHtaca tlme for the JoIich1gan State Fait~ pe4ealnan IIC&nnlnga rushmg hundreds of long-dIStance .....11 &10 1 " .. ~.... and ExpositIon sept. 3-12. .--~ e-y-n---:'Cl....n -~ - ........... , Moore II about to stcp CircUIts to completion between Its •• 1'1 1" w ....._J' ----- c -- ~ 'lIJ~~~.?__ __ .;~",,,p, ,~7IItD all open manhole His friends Northern Mfc:hip.n network and .,. ",,,10. De Vicar BELIEVE lI' OIl NOT - ~ -~~_ that he had hiS famous crew large toU center. IUchas Detroit, Sel~ ~.::r:,I~:17~~':'hrl'&rvl A tUly earthwonn lias tenIiIIdrnt, ..... 1ft those dAj'B. Sagmay. Grand Rapids, and Cbi- 11 Lm _ Chl1<!nln'lCh~rch ce heartl and a complete !let of both

Cli'o. ' 30 • m - Sunday School male and female !leX organs, -118 • m. - Germans.-.....'ce U1eWot1d Book Enc:yclopediL


Page 5: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess

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r!,I •I'1


Noone boWl better the we do how hardIt ia to aet parts for automobiles these ds)s.

But it atill is trUe that a repair Job can't bebetter than the part. used ill it.

That', why we put 10 much atrell on Buick.En&iDeered Parta.

Tb.eae an euctly the lalDe illquality, dura-blUt)' and function as the parts Buick usedIn buIldlat the car in the first place. r\o"ma,...,t. no "just ..... toodl,n no questionmaru-,ou how the quality of every partwe UN in ),our automobile.

AI Ion... new-car demand continuel to •outrull new-car production, .. at present,it'l ,tilllmportaDt to keep ),our car iD. better-thaa....... abape.

So why QIul chaaceal Why lIot bring )'our .-ear to a p1ac:e where yOU can be •sure e,erythlDt that toea Into It, ,from parU to teniema 1killI. is •lUre to be top qualit)'?



1S103 Ker~ Phone VAlley 2-3094


VAlley 2-1162

COMPANY15121 KERCHEVALBetween lakepointe and Maryland

• ~tte,heath ,

• 6noelopu

• 8tatementJ

• Inooicel

Fine PrintingI

25 Years of Service fo Crosse Pointeand the East Side


HARPISTAvailable for Weddings, Teas, Anniversaries

Church Sociala and services, Etc.BEllY SCHMIDT

LA. • ee.s

-Spellman PhotoMIlS. LOUIS W. CllABVATThe Wardell.Sheraton was the

scene of the reception for twohundred and Afty guesbl. amongwhom were the groom's great-grandmother, Mra. Salone Chlera,and Mrs. Bertha Krisel at Michi-gan CIty, Indla.nL

The bride wu charming In herhoneymoon suit of beige gaba.rdmeWIth navy acce850rles when theyleft on a three weeka trIp througnthe East.

MRS.D.A.SWANSO:SThe Roslyn road home of

Mr. and Mrs. Engelbert G.Kaal was the scene of are.ceptIOn for their dau~hter

I Patricia Ann and DaVld A.I Swanson following their wed-I dmg at Peace L u the ranIChurch Saturday. DaVid isthe son of Arnold H. R.

I Swanson, of Lincoln Road.

I Circus ('\f'phants are usuallY ff'-I males, becalllle malf' rlephantsI have un("f'rtam 111'1'O'lItlOns llndI ml!l'ht proVf' I1lUlgerolls !lll.~'S theIWorld Book Encyclopel1la.


Enend an Invitation to ~t.thl'm at their new 10(atton-490G Audubon at Warftn for

Comptete Btaaly ser.tceU you desire a PraetleaJ aDd

yet lle&atthll .alnlrestPhOfteTU.2-1'"

New HomeTo HouseNewlyweds

artd He.tln, co.TU. 2-3737


~'--T.llao) Photo


Expertly Cleaned, Repaired andRenewedFree Pick.Up and DeUvery

Bst1mates Without ObUgat1On

FRANK W. LEAMONWINDOW SHADE CO.18911 Charlevoix VA. %-02S9

Between Lakeview and E&stlawn



••• __ers••e.aUlae. ..aers!tOI.alollBe AUt.horlZed

4 Bef1ie&- . No ~obnzed S&1eI an eel 14eebID\ClICheckut!

A,utho d 'FtJ:.t/)r'/ ~ ur c&t fot" servi.ce.parts a.n n. Br'DI \Xl.__ ~.-\.,te ~TOO sm201)U.l&to\()1'I. (iOU"r- ~OD_No 0 ~_pue

.,.ara-atkl Day andI",lIt SerY'ce


KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO.E. WarreD at Somerset TU.2-5640

rJre 'lORE?ceme teUs for

' .F....

Fttt s~ te nt 'l'0tI,usn.'SlOOT SHOP

mZ5 MAC~ AVETenlier Boa4-'l"Il'. i.nn

While awaltlng the erectIOn oftheir new home now bemg bUIlt InGros~e POinte the IIPwlvwedtd Mr.and Mrs LoUis W. Cha~vat arc re-sLdlng at the groom s parent"home at 1104 Yorkshire Road

Slipper satln wlth a Frenchmarquisette yoke and off.lheshoulder deSign was worn by JaneGrundmann, daughter of Mr andMrs Carl GrundmalUl of 12690Washburn, when the Rev B.Holme recently performed the can-dlehght cHemony In \VestlawnMelhodl~t Church unltmg her andLoUIS W Charvat son of Mr andMrs. LoUIS R Charvat of York-shIre R 0 a d Pearl hyaonthacrowned her long veil, and she car-ned a bouquet at white orchids

Marian Elizabeth Custer, Peach marquisette over satinof Calvin Road was married W1tl\ tl\e olf.the-shoulder de~lgnSaturday at Grosse Pointe was worn by Mrs. Jatk ClementMemorial Church to John of Harley, OntarIO, "5 matron of

honor, and her floral crown was of C I Plan N KChristopher Cooley, son of tahsman roses matching the ones Basl.C 0 or ew evnote

Ica.nt to enlist In the Rev. and Mrs. Walter Y. mIxed WIth daiSies In her Colomal J-ncen,~::~~etermined young Cooley of Gnot Fal1.ll, S.C. bouquet Similar gowns In powder- In Home Furnu. L:_..,S

n blue marqulliette over satln gowned I11IIITold that he mould not Dr. Frank Fltt was assisted the bridesmaids, Mra AnthonybeCause the httle fin&'er in the rites by Rev. Cooley. Manardo. Mrs George Fmk, and Welcome u a cool aummer With this InformatioD a clerk

ngbt hand wu paralyzed, MISS Jeanie Kunkel, Wlth tloral lihower 111 the news for homemak- can be of rela aervlce, fOf Mrs,the fUlger amputated and Network Disclose Policy cro ....'llS of Johanna HIll rOlles ers about the new way of bar- Consumer baA !'lve hlJIlG~~.

He got In. f P I" Ie' matchmg their ColonLal bouquets moni%ing the colors 1n carpets, damentalS neceuary. faD .. ...-._--- or 0 lhCI ampalgns mixed also wlth daIsies drapes, wallpapers and upholstery yon roae and Sbenando&1l ~D

olosteroften producel more 0 h'd d tt d ' attired the fabncs. are two of the 11 home fumiah1nglyear reo The Arne r i can Broadcasting rc I 0 e SWISS colors. These colors were selected

~:l1~~~~ldeg::o: Encyclo- Company today made pUblic its !lower girl, MISS Laura Jean • with the thought that colors in apolIcies on the sale of tlme both SmIth, who carned a Colomal bou- "Bulc Home Furnishings" is room do not bave to match butnetwork and local for pohtlcal guet of talisman roses and stood the name which the Home Fur- mould harmoniZe.campaign speeches. WIth her brother, James SmIth, the nllhings Slyle council bas selected

rmg bearer. for the eleven colors which they • •• Bob Charvat W&l! h's brolher's recommend for home furnishings Car pet manufaclureM, wall.

Under ABC's established polley best man, and Anthonv Manardo, With these baSIC colors you can paper companies and textIle firmsno time Will be sold for broad- Bob McMullen, and George Bent. choose the right rurni&hlng. for whLch uae the Balle Home Fur-cutJ on behalf of any Prnlden- ley were the usher.. any room. nlahlngl colors are a great helptlal Of VIce Presldentlal candl' Mrs Carl Grundmann appeared • to the homemaker who t. trytngdate prior to the conclusion of the In dusty rose crepe Wlth whIte ac- Ruth 1. Peck, extension home delperately to turnlatl & room withDemocratic National Convention cessones, and the groom's mother furnishing. speclal1lt at MlchigaD pleu1ng color bal'mOfty.During the penod from the close was also formally attired In aqua state College, dellCrlbe. the colonof the Democratic National Con. lace with white accessones. Each as clear aneS muted aneS reports TIME '1'BJEFventlon up to 1:00 a.m. local time, wore an orchid corsag.. that each color cornel 1n a range Park Pollce 4ilClosed that RevTuesday. November 2, (Electlon 'I of n!ne valuel from light to very Van Antwerp reported that IOmeDay) facllitles for campaign dark. one removecS the electric clock 1II

broadcasts will be made av&l1&ble Here ~ a typical convenl&tion St Ambrose Church.only on a commercIal b&8ls. All by a houaewife who knows about

Basic Home Furnishings rolors."May I look at IOme drapery ma.terial with Grand Canyon rosebackground! ," asks Mrs. Con.sumer. "My rug Is Shena.ndoah,green and my color scheme Is Igreen with role as a contrastingcolor." II

....\,~.'\ 1.\

;, II . I( ~ ~ I

~ '~~i I

y, July 8, 1941

's Club .(• •


Peche Isle, Club of The GroMe

)lt~IBt Church, will bave)lt

deIJId PLcmC lupper on

~e friday even1Jl~ Julytn wIll gather at. t.be

~r at 6 p. m. and tberePI the bOata of Mr. Omer

Lee S. w.uter ud~ A. Burn fot the trip

Isleare aaked to each

!Den • "tIltlr awn supper. ..... meneither mcmberl or frIendJGrosse poLnte Metbodiatare LOf(llally U\Vlte4.doses the sC&lOn'1 a.ctivi-

the Men'l Club of The&lI' pOUlte Methodlst Church.

meeting of the raD aea-Ilfl be held In September. U

a.ny further Information• anY of the acUvitie. of the

Club please conault Mr.De!!s, 419 Touraine Road,

Page 6: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess


USE 'T AU 'EAI IOUND IS~mmer or WUlter, ie's perfect fo!' keepinl! foo<l " \rm.UJeODe for Nckyard picola-as all aux,han 0\ co UIme kitcbaa-or fo!' bot d isbes at bal'et mea Is.

UKE HAVING A PART.TIME COOK'WeigbIR8 only about 20 pounds. conSUUCftd of dura.ble _I •. alumlnum and enamel. your roaster IS

easdy earned, eaSily c1eaaed. Pnced from $36.95.


.-10UGH " ••• 'N STYLE I

PracoQll, -nrsable, foolproof, dtae family.size'roaster-oulls come equipped widl acc::orace daumo-tub and &1ItOlDatic timers. Ideal (O!' CI:IariA&'

I AM THE WANT ADBy Harry Gwaltney

_ Y MISSION if to serve humanity without regard toI.t.I:I creed or position or time or place • I herald thearrival of the new born, I serve them through life and <In-nounce their demise • I am the servant of the poor, thecommissioner of the rich • With each sunrise and eat hsunset I go forth with new missions to perform • Each newday new thousands rely upon me to fill their needs andsatisfy their wants • I search out all manner of things for allmanner of persons • I find the castle for the newlyweds,a home for those grown weary ana aged • I find a busine~'lfor a future giant of industry and a little shop for a widow slivelihood • I alter the cou'r8e of millions. and many time:>

the future of maid and man is of my determination • I re-cover the lost pets of weepjng children, and restore lost per-sons to anxious friends • I sing the praise of artisans, pro-claim the skill of craftsmen • I find labor for the man ofbrawn as well as opportunity for trained and active minds •I am the Fabled Dwarfs, Aladdin's Lamp and the MagICWand of modem times • Millions in trade are consummatedthrough me, yet the vaule of my, service is not to be meas-ured in silver or gold • Even rogues avail themselves of mypower and filch from those who trust me • 1 am an indexof trends, a barometer of commerce, a harbinger of comingevents • [ am a by-word in countless thousands of homes,the first thought in many times of need • My speed of action,the sureness of my success, matches the completeness of mypublic acceptance • Within my lines are the sad stories andthe glad stories of everyday living that goes to make up life• I perfonn in my own individual way and for me there isno substitute • No other medium, no other method, plan, orscheme can duplicate my se.l'Vice • In multiple, I become theworld's greatest market of serVices and things • I am bornof the people and have lived and grown by their insistenceand over the protests of those who held rr:y destiny • I havebecome an institution of service big enough and b~d enoughto do anything for anybody at any time - I am the WANTAD!

~Ji- ~k-/H_e:;-, -"'.uf . ,~-:-\ .


Its Vacation Time ••.CARRY YOUR KITCHEN WITH YOU!All8aetric I..... Oven C'4ob fnrytINng ••• PI. in AnywhereWoaderfu1 in towa ••• perfect in COlIDUy! wirb you anywhere-it will broil, lOast,The DeW electric roaster-oven cooks a griU or fry to perfecriOD wberever there scO:::l.plu.t meal {or from tbree to SIX bakes A-e curreot. You'll ,ad ponable elcClnca pie or cake-roasts a 20.........ud ~key,be r-- roaster-ovens in your favorite appliancecaD f:VeD UKd for canning fruil. Take it store now-see your dealer tocla}!

There WIll be four great daysof thrlllmg even.tIl; every morningat 9:30 and every afternoon at3:00 p. m.-eight trial packed lieS-slOna!

Susanne Zimmerman of Port-land, III the backstroke, VickyM'anuealo Draves, Loll Angelesdiving queen, Zoe Ann Olsen ofSan Francl.lco, platform divingchampion and Jeanne Wl1aon ofPurdue, new American re<:Qrdbolder III the l00-yard backstroke,are the other nationally knownstars who will be after OlympicberU1l in the trials here.

Tickets can be purehued at theDowntown YMCA and YWCA,Convention Bureau WormationBooth, Campus lorartius; MichiganConsolLdated Gu Company, (Bag-ley); Detroit Edison, (Washin(tonBlvd.); and MichIgan Bell Tele.phone, (Cass Ave.).






'e".rson UncqlfteoltfercurySerric.

w. Oft.r 50 Mueh To 11So .. ..,. For So LitUel

1! Labricatiolls fer Less tbaa~ Price ~


"Only satisfied Customers Keep Os In Busmess"


Mea's aDd LacIies Suits Tailored to OrderAlteratioas, ReUDiDc, CIeauin,. aDd PressiD&'

1.31 L Jeffenon, .t City UmltsFred M. 8cbamua Est.lH5 OpeD Eves., Tin 7:11 VA, WIH

r, Prett, Jaaet Waldo is beard as EDam, Loa., the Nelsou'aUve Deichbor, on CBS' Frida,. "Adventures Of Ozzie ADd Bar.!rlet." Sbe neeDtl1 became the wife of Robert E. Lee eo-allthor I.f &lie BrNdwa11D111ica1 iii! "Look, Ma, I'm DaAcm',~'

NIGHT CRAWLERS From January to May of tluaCltv Pollee warned a pail' of year Navy and Coast Guard

Detrolters to keep off of private crews dest.royed 1~3 fioating Ja-property. The pair were appre- panese mmes whIch had justhended Beatelung tor mght crawl- reached the West Coast Bince theers on the lawn near 005 Trombly. recent war,

State team will be led by GeorgeHoogerhyde, the 19-year oldGrand Rapids Boy, who is ratedas the state'. best. Olympic pros-pect at any distance, be it 100,400, or 1liOOmeter ..

Among the stars commi are thefollowlllg: Allen Stack, Yale'sbackstroke champion; Allen Yord,ex.Yale, who holdll the world'srecord tor 100 yarda at 49.7; JoeVerdeur of Phlladelphl&, worldrecord holder in the brellllt stroketrom 100 yards to 220 yards;Bruce Harlan and Miller Ander.son, OhIO State's great divers whooutclass their field and are ratedone, two and Wally RiB of Io~ a,present king of the 100-yard andand 100 meter.

The galaxy of girl lltars \\ ulIIIclude Ann CUrtis, beautiful SanFrancisco mermaid who hu dom-inated hf'r field from 100 to 440yards in this country. Her rivalfrom Seattle, Brenda Helser, Ma-ne COITlden of New York, only Elephants do forget, in fact,girl to beat MISS Curtis In the their memories are very 1lOOr,tree style events at the National says the World Book Encyclope-mdoor meet MISS Cornden won dla. If elephanLu had good mem-the 100 but had to break the Am- orles it would be impo6alble toetlcan record by traveling the dis- traln them because they are boundtance III 119 6 to stay ahead of the and starved when first captured.Western girL


HOME SERVICE CO.Specializes in LawnmowingWindow and car Washing

Unusual and Odd JobsCall SKIP - NL 5164

Beach lalls• Swim Fins - Maw

MittsDogs - Swans

• Swim Trunks• Beach Sags

•106 .K.ercheTal. Groslle Pointe Fanns

TU. 1.520

Watch Pinkston'S Prospects ~t Olympic ~eet



Pointers To

GUnERS andDown Spouts





. 18801 MACK at MAYTONr.......- N....... ... __ Sat. TIll •

0- ConI,.,.. 5eIYIce ... ..arts IHJNtrbnMtOPEN • A. M. TO MIDNIGHT


~~CE JOHN TROMPICS7814 Charlevoix OLive 7245

Nlm IPPLIUCESHOPIUI8 E. ....ft .......

Opp, Esfaaire Tbeatns........._. - A Beber DaI

• 'Ib commemorate Penn's Treaty WIth theD Ind,ans-one of the most slgn,ficant treatiesI I In Amencan history-this popular. mel-enn low, fraternal whISkey IS named:

T T liT. --W,lham Penn. The Treaty Wh,skey"-HE REATY "HISKEY Gooderham. Worts Ltd, Peona, IIhnOls,___ .,,_,.01 _II U. S. A. (Gooderham. Worts Ltd, a

... nlIE. W.IS.EY Canadian bus,ness SInce 1832)."" 1\ ........ 35<; S1rIiIIlt ....... 15% cr-. ItwIrIf SfIrtb.. ........ a worts Lu., '--' ..


(I.&rce PaN Depan_1I

~ ... nr.&. GURal'" ".n


TIle lis"'" St., ~n TROLLINC REELS ., $8 to $16.95 ~~ Pflueger, Shakespeare, South Bend and other U

leading models of Casting Reels $2.45 to $35 cRODS, all models $2.50 up ~

Complete supply of I1y CuUDc BeeII. LiDes UMARTIN OUrBOARD MOrOR5 ~

Models 40 and 60 in Stock V5~'a ~~E Q

DoIphba lIIarIDe Paba ... s.au .... t Bard1raft .1IaAiJa Bopes nH. BucilERmCEa SON ~

:dOll Kercllenl • 0peB ......... VA.z.e740 II



The Olympic Swimming and Klphuth of Lay('. will ny dlrectl~.DI\'ing Meet at River Rouge to London a{ter the meet, on an'r!lursday -through Sunday 11 of AmerIcan Alrlmes plane. Tne gIrls'particular mterest tc. GroMe squad will travel by steamer fromPomte. The sWlmmmg director New York.is none other than Clarence Pmks. The HawlUilans .....1ll be led byton, Graue Pomter, and veterr.n the great Bul Smith, who returnedDetroit AthletiC Club coach. to the IlS1ands from Ohio State

Lac&! eyes ....'U be tocWled on hll &!ter the close of the indoor sea-two prospects, Bob Gibe, Iprlllter son to trlUn under the guidancer.nd Ginny Fitzgerald, diver. of his old coacb. Solkl Sakamotu.

The plUr will compete With 450 There wl11 be a dozen here fromof tbe top-aquatic stars tor berths the land of pllleappies.on the U. S. team Matt :Mann ot Michigan ....'111

• 'have a strong ('ntry made up ofSwimme1'8 will be here from all Dick Wemberg, Gus Stager, Matt

partl of the country and aa far Mann nI, GLl EVans, Harry Hoh-away as the Hawaiian Islands day and Bob SohlThe men's team, coacbed by Bob •

_____________ ~_________ Charley McGaffery'll MicbJgan

Page 7: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess

: I




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SUNDAY 81~vroa11).30 LIL ud li.lIO ....sa..., Be.....

rim -.lon-10.30 a.m.$ecOtld 8eltston-U:411 a.m.WedneB<1ay EvenlDl: T~lal

KeeUna: 8.00 p.1D.

B.eadlaa Room open week da"10-00 a.m. to 9 00 p.m.-8oDdaY1:llO :0 Ii 00 pm.


It'l. ~n"'''' a'....

JDTJIODI8T cRtJ1&(:1I....... 1(_ I. Iertt:r 8c:..-I

.aUdla.. 81M. ....... _ Kerclle'dl..... aap C. Will*". PM\e,8ft. ... V...aatwcrp ....Tel, 'h 1-1UI

S..... :10 ~ - :Morning WOl'llhll> and Ser-

mon . Tbe earetulne81 of God"10 t5-1I 45 - NUrHl7 &lid Klnder-

garten lesson an<1 play period. Thilldepartment of tbe Church Scbool WIlleontlnue to fUJIctlon through themonth of July.

Churoh Sen1Cfl1 .. ltII Nursery &DdKmderprten meeting lit the aamahour. 10 f5 ....lll continue through themonth ot Jul)', There Will be DOservice. dur,ng the month ot Augl.l&talld the f1l'11t !lunday In Sept_.....The llrst ....... Ice of the Fall Season"III be on 8unda~.. ~ptem\IBr 12which .. 111be our Annl,.etaarY Bundar.Dr. GonioD Phllllpll. Executlve Secra-ta.ry of The llethodlst Ulllon of Great-er Detroit wl1l be 01U guellt prea-for thla Ben I....

al:TIL\llT LUTIIUAJi' Cau.cKO.k, l)rbe Eaat uK Cu ...... riIl

ATeII.eOswald G. L. &len. ruto"

11M1 0lIk! Dri,e I:MtT.I l\ Iapm 7121

Vicar Walter RJeu WIll contlnlHl billaerletl of 1enl10Dl cnI 'The Qum fOC'Chrlatlan Beaut.T' nell.t Bunda)' atBethany Lutheran Church. E. OUterDrIve and CIl&t.nrorth. The theme ofVIcar Rle.a '""rmon "Ill be 'TheQuest for Chrllltlan P.aee:' ba.ee4 OIlthe text. Mtthe... 6, ntH 27-34.

Vicar Rle .. ' aeries at aennon OIlChrl.tlan Beautr ....111 be oonUnuedunUl the tll'llt SundaY In A.flC1IlIt.,wben Pastor Onrald Ru. IlAIl tia....lIe "Ill return trom YaCatlon.

During the aumlner 1D0ntha. tft"nM8 are beld eacbt Bunda,. atBethany - tbe fIl'IIt becU>Dinc at •L%D. and the lM!Conll at 10 30 Lm 8UII-da)' Behonl and Blbla cl.- at9.30 a.m.

THt: (,KOS'lF. I'OI'(TECOJH. Kt.I ..lTlOS AI. (HLBloB

.eellal la .itllarll lM:b..ullIIe.K.'BJiP)Har kflrth ..,.l(llarle. W. Klleld, _tor

The r,nal !<nlce (JCv.orAh,p (or tll".e ....on ... ,ll be lhe celebration of tileL<Jrd. Supper at II a m Sunday..ruly 11th

Dllrmg the .ummer the GrollePOlllte Churrh w,lI bp reprpsentedID lhp suzumer conference proi'ram&9 follo"'s

Trellmak~ra Camp IV at MerrIllPalmer Calllp

Linda lluntlllgton. eamperCarol Cooper camperC)ntbla. ¥artm, earnver::.!ra Alton R Uuntlll~on lacult.)'~ro Lyndle R :\Iartm nuraeblleblpmme Conference In the Up.

per Penm8ula Xu Lyndle R Martin.nurse.

P&AC£ ~v LtTHERAN CH~ac.ae,. ~.all l.. (.1"'1, PadarI:.. t "'anra aDd Balfoe'!'

)1'1' I,DD. T Uauo, \ learSunda). July 11 Ihe Re, En no

G Claus pall0r ot Pearl' 1~1I'~(-ran(,hllrch Eaat Worren anlt Balfour,will bue hla .erm'''' on tM theme

(Jod /I Grarlflll! HeIr> In Time ot.... ed Two Identloal aer\lr~. ar" hpldTh< .!'Jt} of Ruth I. th. :;undoyand B,ble rlllu" begin at 9 ,~ a mat 8 10 anI! 11 00 am Sunda, S'hoolSchool \easOI1

A (ord,al ",,,Iatlon II pxtended topeopl, of thl. comll'UnllY to altendour !pr\olrt"

The Dal\) Va~atlon Bible School I.umler \\ ay SU.lona tach da) 9 a m.to 12 1I00n

thocal ~hurches

Open Sundaysand bery Diy-9 to 9

• Fresh Produce • ~lect Meats • Quality Groeerlea

TU. 1.2001

Grosse Pte. Woods Market20335 Mack-Betftea Lancactter & Cout1'J Clab Dri\"e

CURISTIAN St,u:.U:; loUt.loBESSa<.ralllellt' "'Ill be the .ubJect of

th~ Les.on.Sermon III all Chrl.tlan&-Jf',JU (. h u r (. h t: a tllrl.Jughvut thewurlu on Sllllclay, July 11

The t..vlcl.n Tcxt (Juhn 4:lJ) 'IThe h Jut c(JUH'tli &Jl,1 1H:"W III wt'pn

Ihe true wor.hlvver. ol,all "orotllp th~~ ather ", aplnl and In trl1lh for tMl'ath~r aeekelt, Iuch t<l wor.hlp hun

A01(JI\1;' Ihe B,olp "tallon~ II thl.Po.llOllgP (p.. lln. 61 210) 'Walh Ill'thoTUUIIII) 1'"01 mine lhlqu,t,. andf lealll!l~ !Ill fr';Ju m} tlu Crea.le Inme a ,I-an he"rt 0 God, and r<ne ...

Correlatlvl' pa!l.agf'~ to h~ Tendfrolll tho Chrl.Ue" Science tutbrJok,

Be,ence and Health wllh Ke) t~ tM8<.tlpturea' bl ~Iary Bakor Edd, In.dude I~o f'JII""ing (p 241\ ThobaptLlm of Splrll ",alhlol( the bnd~of all the Imporlllu ()f npsh a,gnl-flea that thp pure In heart I•• Gol " ••FFER ..OlLf A\ P;l\('E METHODIITanI! are approaehlng .plrltual Life anti I loH(,KloHIta demonstrallonl" '''U .... a Auaa" I. at Marlb.r •• ,11

&ev. "Ida"y D ~,a. D D.• "Iala~rSltaday. 1.ly 11

10 00 am - Morn,ng Worsh'p with.ermon b) the Re' 'Ir W H C"lly-c<llt uf k,<J( htsV'r ~tlchl~an

10 lJO-Il 00 a In Church School forIh. chlldr.n

7 00 pm - Meetlnr "t the YouthFellowahlp

P.Ei8YTEa.AS ~HrBrRae, Aadre .. F ... th, 1Ilalat.r

Ins ... lly_ ",d1'1I•• e 1Iliaian 1m

TII ..... ), Jal) •8 00 P 01 - ~leeling ot thp Oftlepra

and Tpa("h~UI of the DAllv Va.catinnBible i!chool at the Chur~h The.ehMI 1\ III be held July 12 to 23,llonda~ through .'rldal 9 00 a m to12 noon ?lCro lla" Lupe Is tl,e d,.reclor and Mr! Mar.hall L !tIcClunl;,e rel;lotrar Children 4. to II )ean""ll be enr',lIedloaBda) • .:I'al) 11'

9 46 a m - ('hurch School for allperson~ 9 )'eara of age and olderwill meet

11 00 a m Church Ser\ 'ce aermonIheme 'The Secret at a ChrJ.tlanLife"

II 00 a m Church 8thoOl for allch,ldren ages 2 to 8 yeara luc!uIl"e

sealed bids for the pur- will llIeet

h f S'al a ft._~ ••••a), laly n .e ase 0 peCI ~- 8 00 pm Joint meellnJr ot the

ment Rolls Noq. 54 to 57 orr,c,al Boarde Ilellllon TrllJlt ..... andin c Iu 8 i V e Improvement D<acons) ...Ith all eflmmltleee or thelie... bUIlding (EXBClltl\ e FmanceBoncU of a par value of Bulld,nr and Kemorlall) ... ,11 be beld

• h at the Cburchelg ty-two thouaand (~2,- Wedae.da)', .:r.ly 14,000.(0) dollars, and Special 8 011 Jl m - The regular m/!etlng ofAssessment Ro"- NOlI. 54 the Beulon .. 111be hald at the home .ESSLUI LtrHEU",

Ub of Thomas A De .. e). :aM Rlillemont ... tite6at co. r III 5enllnal ...

to 57 inclusive General Avenue LaIr.e AHaa".Obi' 1'1o ... day, .:r.ly 15: Telo:plouu \AUe) Z-21U1 g ation Improvement 8 00 P m SenIOr ChoIr reh/!arsal at A. H. A. ~Ioer. l'u\er

Bonds of a par value the Church. under the direction of ., L. Jlartia, .a..... taa, ru....

of thirteen t h 0 U S a n d

~1'lI Sidney B Doney. , 'Spiritual Servlca' .. m be the ..,.ilion SUbJect (or Sunday, July 11 The

($13,000.00) dollars to be ment rolls Nos. 54: to 57 in- Ume of the two church ....... Ic... to ....

I. d ....:11 conducled II 8 00 and 10 uO o'elock In

issued by the Village of e Wllve, an ww pledge the thelXlornlng Tellche ... and puplla ofG r 0 Bill e Pointe W-~~~, full faith and credit of the tile SundaY School 11'111 usemble atUUUD 9 15 lUll.

Michigan, will be received village for the payment of A Vacatlon Blbla School Ie meeU ....by th d . ed t th the principal ;urd interest dally from 1 30 a.m. to 1J1'f for thee un erslgn a e l.IUee .... III trom July • to July •.Municipal Building until when due on the Special Boy. and girl. of the nelgbborhood

8 00• I k "C'• ..4-h A.ueument Improvement of the .. e between a and 14 yeara

: 0 c OC p. m., _ .... rn are In\ Ite4 to enroll.

Standard Daylight savings Bonds. The Wlap is au-

Time, on July 20th, 1948, thorWed and required byat which time and place, law to levy upon all thesaid bids will be publicly taxable property therein

opened and read. nch ad valorem taxes asSaid bonda will be dated may be nece.ary to pay

July 1,19~. will be coupon the general ob11lation im-bonds in the denomination provernent bonds and in-of one thousand ($1,000.00) terest thereon. without lim-dollars each, will be num- itation as to ra.te or

bered consecutively in the amount.direct order of their ma- A eertified eashier's eheekturities from 1 to 82, both in an amount of fiw thou-

inclusive, aI to the Special 8&tld ($5,000.0) tlollal'B,A8seMment Rolls N08. 54-- drawn upon an hp, pa>57 InclWlive Improvement ated bank or truIt com-Bonds, and 1-13, both in- pany and payable to theelusive, as to the Special order of the Treasurer ofAssessment Rolls Nos. M- the Village of GX'ORJe57 Inclusive General Obli- Pointe Woods must &ecom-gation Improvement Bonds, patty each bid as a CWLl'-will bear interest from antee of good faith on the

their date at a rate, or part of the bidder, to bera.tes, not exceeding 5% forfeited as liquidated dam-per annum, expressed in ages if Iiluch bid be .-ooept-

multiples of 1/-1, of 1 ~().Said ed and the bidder falla tointerest will be pa)-able on take up and pay for theJanuary 1, 1949, and semi- bonds. No interest shall beannually thereafter on July allowed on the good faith1st and January 1st. The checks, and checks of un-interest rate for each cou- successful bidden will bepon period on anyone promptly returned to each

bond shall be at one rate bidder's rep.reeentative orby .-n.tered mail.

only. "--The Special Assessment Bids shall be conditioned

Roils NOl!!. 54.-57 InclUSive upon the unqualIfied opin-Improvement. Bonds will ion of Miller, CaDfteld, Pad-mature serially without ope dock and Stone, attorneys,

tion of pnor payment: Detroit, Michigan, which$20.000,00 July 1, 1949 and opinion will be furnished,

Jul 1 1950 d~21 000 00 without expeawe to the pur-

y, ,an"" .July 1, 1951 and July 1, chaser of the bonds prior1952. tel the ':elivery thereof ap-

The Special AMe$Bm.ent proVing the legality of the

Rolla Nos. 54.57 Inclusive 'nntbl. The purchuer 15hallG e n era 1 OblIgation Im- furnish bonds ready forprovement Bonds will ma- exeeution at his expense.ture serially without option Bonds will be delivered at iof prior payment: $3,000.00 Detro:' ':::'- tlSt Company, \July 18t each year from Detroit. Michigan. or such

1949 th h 1C151 d other place as may be 'I I.rouJ;. ~~ ,an agreedchaser,upon with the .'ur- I ..... Oillll.. nOl'nte '$4:.000.00 July 1, 1952. ~" JJ1R. ¥ ~

Both principal and inter.est will be payable at the ;t'he right is ~ to _tt'o,t,t €burtbDetrolt Trust Company, in reJeCt any or all bids, I lIIee".K Aethe City of Detroit, Miehi- En\'elopee contammg the KBIIY S(:BOOLgan. I bld8 should be plainly mark-\ .. any -" "e","e~

The bonds WIll be award.' ed "Propoa.. for Bonds:' SIIWfCI:. I

ed to the bIdder whose bid Phil. FAil d I Kohllnl wonll1p '" Sermoa I

produces the lowel!It mter- Ip '~'ll ClaTk ~~~~~~ ~U:;:rI~b~est cost to the Village to y I age er. I 11:45 12:31be determmed by comput-I Ii' tI . lAUon and Pia,mg the total dollar value! Approved As I ~~Tl(?hl~~~e~unerY and Klndergar-\

of all future due coupons, To Form June 29, 1948 III Complete Y... ProInmon the bonds from thelr' Idate to their md..urity and MUNICIPAL I REV. HUGH (). WHttE, ,deducting therefrom any. I FINANCE \ Pastor:MIl 'all ~"t'I<e ... ~, Tl I-U:!!

premIUm, Eacr.. bidder 8hall COl.ll.llSSION Bulldm" SIlO C"l 1Il(\rll@<l'~.-state 10 hlB bId the 10terest I m m her,re'al Ad R"Sge

C08t to the Village com~ iputed 111 the manner above

speCified, No propo...al forthe purcha.~e of less thanall of the bonds, or at R

rnrE" 1E!'8~ than theIr par

vahlE" WIll bE" comnrlerMThese bonds are to 1X'

i~ued pursuant to therrovI81on8 of Chapter 25 ofthE" \"Illage ChartE'r man.ticlpation of the C'o\lectlOnof pavlI1g speCial assess.


SALE$82,000.00 SPECIAL





Villace ofGrosse PointeWoods, Mich.

Grosse Pointe


Upon Request




DEADLINE5 p. m:T uesday I

fhe Cresse Pc nte ReView 11

15121 Kercheval I'

vAir;;;2~ii62ilSRV "Cha~e Itl"

CASH RATEThe mmID1Unl charge forcItlMlfted ad.'! 18 60c for 15words. four cents for eachaddttlona~ word.

CHAROE RATENl a convenience 11.<1111\'111 beaccepted over the t~lephone.The mInimum charge rateIs 60<: for IS words. fourcents for each addlt\onalword. Payment can be madeby cash, cbeck or moneyorder.

HANSONChevrolet Co:



'~en.f' a.I ) E. a' LUe..iewCah'a F. 8tlekl D.• D.• P.,."'r

.in Bntriee •• r 1'arllll W.ner9 30 am - Church SchOOl. CI......

for ch,ldren ~ }ear. and o,.er Spedal 'clllS5es for } oung peopl.. and adult.

11 00 am - Morning WOf'llhlp Thepastor ...m preach on Partl8l Kno .. l-edge' There w,1l be 'peelal mUlleb' solo,!ts durmg the Bummer monthaLife ....,11 be belter, etronger happierand more uletul 'f ,"ou worshIp Godeach Sunda} durmg the summermonthB and experlen"" the tello .....hlpoCa fr,endly conO;n!gatlon

6 00 pm - oYunll People'. LutherLeague All young people are In'l'ltMto attend,

Tuesda' Jul>' 13th at 8 00 I'mth"e wll\ b/! a m~etlt1g of the luper-IUten"ent. and officer! of the 8undlYSchool

Wpdn~!da' Julv 14th the 'Womenof the Church ...,11 h...ld a p,cmo meH-Ing at the :I[/!harl/; Farm near Yale.lohch,gan Car. w,ll le.,.e the churchat 9 00 am

DODGE 1940. 4-door lellllll, redlo andheater, original pamt, ,er~. goodcondition Owner. 867 Notre Dame,aCter 6

Cars WantedLate Models

Highest Prices Paid

WANTED trSKD CAlLS.a. PRIVATE Party will apptedate a

clean car from prlvat. part)'. Paycash VEmce 9-1U1

A1UlT Veteran hu ill eaah for cleat!car. Please phone GEneva 161i3.

REAL ESTATE MOBTGAGUPRn'ATI!l Mortgage-Loa!:!.. of $Zi.000

,..ante<1 on ne.. 4 bedroom. 1 lIIald'.room house to be colllltrueted Inhighly preferred restr,cted IeCtion otGroMe Point/! Farms Write Box H.c-<) Groue Pointe Bevle ... 15t.21. Ker-cheval,

GROSSE POll'- TE-2 kltcheua, 2 baLh••Can be used for Single or mcomestoker. 3 garag.s $1200 JllIt .pent011 outa"le Wonderlul conditIOnll',ot com eul.nt QUick JI'\.M8Ilon$1:.00 PECK TUxedo, 2-:.1818 '

COL'NTRY E.late, 27 mllel froroW'l'd.or 1:1 acres, houle completel~'pine-paneled, Ii bedrooma, all cou-"enlence., $lI,iOO, $li,OOO .do.. n. OWn-er YU 0370

In VERNIER :Rd, Brfck, bunlalowI~pe 7 room! Reduced m prICe forqUick sale Lea'lug tor Florida0\\ npr Tt:' 2-39Q6


--G;;;;-se POinte Park-1117 Gral ton Rond Large 4 bedroom

brIck colvnlal, 2 tile bath., maid' aquartell Jrcl !Ioor, knott) pille I,.brar) , po" der room, large recreationroom. automallc heal, 2'car brick ga-rage Onl} 7 ~eara old Sh" .. n by ap-pOlnwent anl~

Walter H. Ebert.813 BALFOUR !'.-t liMO


GR PTE BL'SIXESS CORXERCharle\o,x - Mar) I and &i'llil' neartheatre and traulter pomt El<clIllantlocation (or doctor'. dlnte or localbusillea!

ED. O'CONNERNI. 1934 CA. 123t

FOB SALETORCUIEH Flr,or lalllP $20. almo.t

"OW Cuat'~ TU 2.&.J27CLYDE Boat 14'. foot, like DeW U•• d

4 tunee and trailer tor 'ale Call VA4-llb59

iUx Wool plaid IkltU rood condition.~lle !t.l11 luul' ~'rellth c"at andIU'IC aurumol c!r>l!,e. !>I 0612

OIL Palntlnl! ,..eter col"rI OrIIIDal!&ndaUlpe. .ee" live. Medium alluIUle .,~e. aacrlnce for quldl. .. IeMlI.It be soen 7J7 St Clair DetroitU, arter • and all daY Saturda),Sundal

TwTN'STiTWNARY Wa.h T~1'1~le WIth .Ialld Iwlnl m,xiolfeucet _lid pipe, perrect conditionCheap llake ofrer TU 1-3C.Ci1

HALL CAHP-ET-;!,ev.l\gt£U.n,ohlp'llantern, llCe eaven, Imall Welchcabinet Nt 3~Jl



Want 4dsTHE

FOR SALEFOR A JmTTl!lR lIf'llde of uled rur'

nlture, eel Isaac Neatway Furni-ture at 1.1930 Kerche,..l. We ahva~.have the th1D .. )'Du're looldnc for,VA. 2-2116.


DOG TRAININGDOG Tr&UIIDl: at ) our home. Trs.lnlnC

leIl80M dall~' for ARC obediencetrlall A.. VliD ZBcb, WE 11-4467.

<-"OCKER Bpamel. beautiful white andtall male cocker pUPPlel. AKC rec-Iste,re4 TU 2-7897

HALLS Equarlllffi TrOpical aquarium!I!hes. plants and acc85sorlel, aqua.rlumtl and ltandl, euatOlXlDUlde 1076Man land )(1.'.:.1367

PElT Hemst.l'II (or aale TUx 1.1M7,lZ58 Bedford, Gros.se Pte. Park

COCKER Spamel puppIes Excellentpedigree Black blond. male tem"leFarrington, 107:1$emlnole en 4371.

WANTED TO RENTA ,[ In urgent need of small !Iat or

aparlment in Groue Pointe for my-BPll and daughter, ele,"n Bellt ref-e' encts Plta"e call Mrs WIlson~OlU'd of Education, NL 3llOO. before

:llY W,fe a"d 1 must \ aeate tu gl\ eIhe lalidlord's lIe .. 1\ married 60n aplace to 11\ e That. fair ellough, butH(J" '9. ere .tuck Do ) oU h8.\ e a nat.hCJU15eor apartment to rent hI. theOJ aase Pmnte area'" We would con-• ider bu\,mg too, Phone VA. 2-16aor CA 1414

GENTLE::.!AN W,.hea to reut largeloom m I'rlvate h'Jme near K.rche-'al and Lakepomte Pholle TW. d-4J7J

DESK Space for man ",ho tralelaAlso pari t,m~ d'ctatlon and 1I1lng"er' Ice Call TU, 2.2lI27. Saturdayar Sunda.~

MODERN J.roo[" 1111 ~ ear around cot-ta~ea on Hare~n'e I.la"d , all con.\CIHCnceSi. by .. eek "r Ileuon AJJply2400 N. Channel Dr Phone Algollac496-H t f

HO,ll::.! )o'"r relll at IGtl llUlr road.(.rus'te P{)ml~ ~"fll mlC< Nl 5157

ROOM Fur ~entlemall Kerrheal-B.acol\sfield area \' A .-:;g99

ElUPLOnlENT AGENCIISMIL_~En - I'.:mployment ... ncy. 1'1,

2(;:.0 Domc.tle help, "omell forlaulldry and cleanln&, Part-tillIe or'" eekly, Good IaWl<lr ... and clean-tr~

lUlV Pittman EmployD,ent for dome ..tic hpll>, "artlnere, wlnllo .. '&lIher.,lallndre .. e.. day work. dlll1" uhenmaid. .ervlee alation attendant.'LO 7.B579 8... P )l,

l"IELDtl !!impl,,) msnt tor competentculured help CooP maIds. day or",e~k "'ork Call TRIIIlty 3-7770

HELP '" ANTED-1IAL&COL'NTEIUIAN r"r meat Dept Sflre

III ". I6b22 Kerl helal

WANTEDTOBlffFUP_'1ITURE Wanted U you ha,.e

an} tblng In the Ime at hOUlleholdturnlture and rug!! call laaac ~eat.",a" Furniture. l3!3O Kercbetll1. VA.2.2115

\\ ork GuaranteedFTee EstImates m the Home


CA. 3183 -rE. 1-7530


By the Yard or "e W,ll p.eplace ItFor You


Sernng Your Ne,ghbonl Over 30 Yeanl15915E Warren at Booklngham

TUxedo 2.5-440




1552 Brys DriveGrosse polnte Woods. Mich.



VA. 2.3127SCREISK8-U you h..-e torn or brok.

en screens that need ftxmg, call us,Al"o palnllnll done Best of Price.VA. 1-7,;00 arter 6 LA 7-d143

SEWlNG Supplies buttonhole ... buttoncovering. hemstltchmg Gra\eA Sew-wg Machme Co. lM11 MIlclt Ave.TL'xedo ~.1555

Grosse PointeRefrigeration ServiceHUllsehuld - Commerc1al

Alr-Condltlon!nl a,all flet,led CnltsTt:xedo 1.2702 :t8Ilf" Roslyn Rdl"LOOH Sandin!!, reftltishlnP:, cleaning,

"a:<I11g. lInole)lJt1 rillSmi. Free esU-mate. Tl' 1.2122 •

LYCASTE polishing' and Buflln!!' Allt' pes or roetal article" pOlished andbutted 2639 L", .. le, VA 2-7614

... lime and moneySIl\wg (..onvelllE-nCeI" \ eallgale loday

22700 Harper AvenueTel Roseville 4565-W

AIV:\ 11\ lHl r.,.w .."d repa,r .wnlng.also lJut Ul> You can't beat ourprice Tr~ us I"REE jllck up lInddel" er). Loratpd at 1.9118 CIIarle.'0'" \'A 1-7005 Arter I; call LA.7.l14; C & K A\\'nlng Co

Phone TUxed.o 2.1048

ARlIngton 0642


"an L. (ur Ihe Best 8Il,dJOa.test Apj,!iauce Ser\lc&

Ou the h •• 1 S,d"NI. 6872


149J4 Mack at Wa) burn





Sewmg MachmealUjd

Vacuwn CleaneraUqJJ.H b 81111 Pdrt8 - AU Makel

'\1... PI! k L'p etwl Dl1l\'(fBulljllh"lee - llem."lchllll

Graveb SewingMachine Co.,~-armerlY l!lel~)

15411~aek 11]


i..D\\tARD If\NG~

Modern Color Tones

Superior DecoratingVA: 2.5159



Also 20 WaJ1paper Books

To Choose From




FURNITURE"3-Pc. See. SUite •••. $98504--Pc. Sec. SUite .•• $12950Barrel Back Chair •. $39502~Pc. Sofa-Bed SUite $69503-Pc Bedroom SUite $8950Bed Pillows .... $2,95 proDesks,rnpl or wal £2395upChests, 5-drawer •.. $22 509 x 12 Lmoleum ..... $7 95Hollywood Beds •••• £37 50Day Beds $27 95Card Tables $3 95

Vanity Furnitme Co.14215 E, Jeflel'3OI1 at Newport

)lA...... S Blu/! suit 38 with 2 pa'rspantll, :.J topo:oats. wmter coat I'll.4999

OIL Town saU boat t .. o Ian., ne"deck can\aS3~ newb pamted n~Wchrome hard", are, 'eJ", comfortabl/!fi.hmg or lalhng boat, $425 NI55:1'1

cn '\.IN Dr,,'e tr1C~cle double bar

Clean Cotton RagsRomasl OriglOnal cost ~3;; Recon.dltlOned and repalnled. $12 TL'xedo

Fi No stockings. sJ.lks or ra.yons 2-4972ne GE:-.ERA.L Electric ,..asher GO<'c1con-

Interior Decorating Grosse POinte Print, ng Co d'tlon Reasonabl< 4E65 Gra'Exterior Painting 15121 KERCHEVAL D~~'E~O~:~~1i. cha,r,laundn Iron

VA 4-8004 MAHOGAXY 10 pIece dIning room

A.I PAL....TI'\G and DecoraUng B&!!e- AGE~'TS ,VA:lII"TED SUI Ie ,"r~' nice cons'!tlng ot Dun-mente spra\ed ",aterproofed Out- C'8n Phvre table 7Q-mch 81deboardSIde CsL caulking Sk,lIed colored Ql-ICK E"tra ca.h .ellmg Chrlstmas and eight chalr. Also .un Toom fur."."rke'" Llf~lonlt' exper,el'ce. Be!'t card- B,g r rotit. heque.t fl'ff n,ture rllg carpel cha r5, lampc t\ refere,'cc J•• q ('ant, •., at 5,.1- sample. It cost. nathlnl\' t~ tn ~1.20 E Jelfer-on Apt 6E LO .-,..-ter, MU 0182 or OL. 5.36. CI1lW> Elmcraft Card ('0 59<lQS Western W11for<l AH Chlcll~ 16 III n~;FRIGERATOR G E 7 cu !t Per.

Hr.'\::; Exclu-I,.< l)p~Orlltmg :5enlcs. - reet ",,,rhlng order 100 Nt ~4~1Pamtlnl;'. "all "a'hmg ".mdo.... HELP W.-\1\o'TED FE1Lo\LE HAXD Vaeuum, Boo,.er ,.acuum Withplpan,," <t'rm ".,ndo.... rpPlacpd'

ltlttllrhment. gJrl. Sch",m bike 26. \

gerprol '.ltl' g clPal l! ~ ~ .. r.~ ":" BF.AL'TY Or"Tator at the Gr,,'" Pte Inch w,th ha-k.t Black.tone .... h.rIn.uranee Call:.tA G SI-TE 3-1189 I Wood- B. aut :-11< I' 7T 2 ~~~ all ,1\ pcrfe<-t M"dl',on !>o d/!alen

RELIABLE \\ ,,,,,n I' r ,tPad' l.h 8 TU :-.1;;"1] nrS da" Da\ 'tf' rk J () SunOl!.'! 1\ EW Single maple bed. m.ttr~~.~Z~,1r~~. Ph,l. S.... et Shop, 2lJ75:.J "prIng matrhlnl( maple chest. lamp,

Intenor and Exterior drape. TUII' ~SO complete ~-pleee


_----------- "" ~lnut d1nll1~ c;;uit~ g'ood: COnd\tl'On

PICKERING and STELTER ~ITGA.TION WANTED-FE'lALE $",-; \ A 4-~~~ "\f"F..H.1F'\,(,FD HI~h 0; 1'0 1 -.nlC'lr Dr, T~G Smh. DUT1C"an Ph-vIe !.pl



12014 W Warren TYler 7.7807\ ",'1." ~ \<1 eHO an'l 1,,,1' ) '" ....- mal,,'!,a'1' TO" c)r,!ln,," me"r" 1I w rlo. ,10,"' r 0\ n"n .... \\ III 'la' '" IllU.t >ell :-1 20171 1(),')4 Beac(,n.'

A:1P-;\l;\TrR -:'1 ~-D.r r.';"-~ -,mUller I nm' l[ .Ie-'" ~ Pl~a~. . fi ld.I r t"\ r ~l", h rei 1\31 \\Alnut I ,:1 ,It ")-;.... II.JI'OL't Club. ~1ef"1,hart •." 7 't,'I"- 21I I ,,~_, J-,,\PFI n"cj:'P01r;;-1-"'-nlan"'~ '" <1' $'ltl A. ,,,,,,, hu). 11211BeA' I

1'\"TJ,r;(-P 1""::1." ...,-c-'Z ....-'I"::\r ...-,,:i-\ l~\ 11;!,\1 'C" l'l\l'l"'dn tull ,or PArt __ C'_ 'Clt1"'2-I--:~ ~6Z.Ej1 I

IJ <'T f'! l ,. (~r ...~(' f I tt' 1rnm4' I JIIf(! tun ..... l rf <;;\;1 r 11 t~ arri ])t.p t n-r.1 L,\ r:OE "lng ("halT ~hd~r 1.1.",.-1 GRr- I, 0\ ( r, . of " ~lr' Tt : nl< 'ro' p Tl I -;. , l~n" ~,n, 0 ol"',,r c"ll'Po «Tlndpr I_ _ .. __ ~ 'n ;]';1 Hft"'r "l 8.nri ~.kf'!111'"

: t '; ,"T ;,: "',/'" \-t ;' z \~rr ntl - p~U:\-TING &;-DicOR.\n~ I' T'II:FT9~l2r~Du-;;;'-;;-l'~T-- .ra III - ..... -I<>,e 'I,'c arhel.. ('all VA

i 4 1("'.2 II elf'; CARD OF QL,'ALITY L (' ~,nTH T'N'",r\trr fun keh""r" ..."..." ~'n",lI,'n $.1tl Tl' 2-

I ,o,;tl

! BPfi"A'K"A~T F' ),.....i;.•"";t-rl"t'i ~~: t~ n_lnn 'Ilhl,.. r "ur rro"" lean ~r ~r t I1 ~~ 1.\':ir" Llke 11PW E\IF"nin"!l

• A RteA.l TIF, L T ...ln'''~<lrMm_t lr-

I1,-1 .,.r , 9. ....1' \ snrl ('I,,.-t ,.r rira,«,"l!'r'"

'-t'mlln~ ~ "lr'lt ("'omr1Iloh' '\\ trI nn!"- t'tl "1m )., r"'" Tt 1 Q1<1:

",:"\ }l"IK.,jh ~

I 11 ~RO-T1(~ 't\;~-"!I't~r t'l k n~ l II I" Ine- '1", -Ifir .lilT11 jlA. '".qo .....r\ .,..,tc "n.1 (l1tlrll" ~12 .., ,hJ .. llll'"

\ tllh lIlI1I e'A"'d '12 , ,;',H "./) 1 I'k"'" I.r '1 -1'1 T"I"~ (1f1lR"

~ r 1 1 • ll;oI'r , "I 1,.. .-) 7d till\\1 "," ~:-:: """'R."'~1-1 I, ~ n '\ 1'1 .... (;,~ V~ -1"1'[ frlllm "11 \I ",It 0' ~ "1:44 '''' 'I "'''x4. , .... "I)....\"h 21j2Q GAl1kl,.r Rn.~\\nc .~\\

P~ J-'P lr.rRATOR ~II,lilhi71;:;rrl'';;'.r "p"rtmt"l' ,,\ ...~ If' I ~I' 1.-,r1

I '" r ".' $ .....) lA'kl"s It 91 oak~ , flof"1 Hr.I'ldr-

VA. 2-6588Nels Swanson

Painting, Paper Hangingand Decorating


DECORATINGPaperhangmg • Color SChemesGraining • Steaming. Glazing

KARL ERHARDT13410 Maiden

PIngree 3118Neat, Clean Decorating

and Paperhanging

F\n;t Class Work: GuaranteedEXPERT WAJ.L ct.EANING




"COLOR SCHEMES"Which Are Outstantling


Finest Workmanship

~~l...... N I. 4255

TU 28274

PAINTING &; DECORATINGA. C HOUK, decorating, palntlnr. In-

terlor and extenor, ....allpaptlr re-roo, ed. ....aahmg and cleemul 13:l9Lakepolnt/! V A 2-551l7

GARDEN SERVICESoddmg - Seeding - Gradmg


Tree RemovingTrimming - GUYing


Greater DetroitLandscape Company


Free EstImatesTUxedo 2-2275

L,A.DIE SHave Your Spring Cleanlng

Done Bv


SERVICEW1UTake Down Storm WindowsPut Up SCleens. A .....nmg.s Etc

Wall Washing Our Specialty .

Call TR. 1-0294~~ee Estimate

We~1 uf~ru'~-Hoa<1\\? IIltJO'lo C'eknhl¥

Storm alHJ s( ree-ll Her\keBrooks Window Cleaners

VA 2.JI04 IG~7 Ural'11 YEARS F.xllerl~llro, wt,,<lo,..1 \\ alii

and calkl"g, bulltHIL&, cleUtlng IIC Carl.on VA 1.&108 .

a~d ReplaCing) ard Gell\ery

'.' ./v1FORDSl""'11"' ___

~'-\.-'--, COVERING

Intenor and exle\1or. En-trOIl~ or na.r pwdI.. K.J.totIen

r=eat,on room!!. atticl'aIlloaelllll'. Prolllpt aervlee.

workmlJlablP. S. Iil. Ilarber.Kublt, NI ~7M.



I ....-, r~ t.c:st \Varren\11 r. ./'v-r-io :- - -


~'BR\EN BROS.\/mco_w Cleaning

",Nr;a'lYr '11 ,~ \ and SCreen SI'!;, Ice

\, I WasbmlrPd:Y •f. r~ • ' Calclmuw Clean('dt'lt l'I~(, W~JnIr E"

~~(, \Yrn for Evcry JobAla r~ Cheerfully Given

;,a\~ A Good Job

\,A, 2-8180



Free Estimates

PRospect 2952&: CEMENT &£PAIRS


~~!I7C 'epalr rlasteTlng In an~;;tJ \ P "'1"1fUTnsh taboT mater-lIII:;d.-t a'"l\ ~ob At OnCe.

CLYDE H, WHITEa., ~:, F' 12 'dlle Road

r ~ ., Rosefllle 39'l,




and cement rep&j'l'll, ~,; Il~ne .Iepa, drlTe .. a,ya. ,arale.'" g".ral repalt" De Gn!e.

I.It-r l.oad VAlIev 4-11ll:l~'E\' 1 <"aIr brlckla} 111«. caulk-rocftr;r In.ured \"A 1-506.',:T \\, r~ :>ew or repa,lrlnll

Jr~~ ';t, a ka ba~f"ment:!!, et<: Tt:U a.ft{ .. p m

and Ceillng! wuhe4 andclUllec1 High qauhty workIl7 expeneDced men.. VA.

WI.t re<:Vnuncnded ....all .. ullin&,

by rehned ....blt. IDUo callOD {l9~,

W And "all wll1lhlng. Call U8<our ...all ....alllng and stonnon taken down. Prlc. atn't be

\' A. I- .J;;5. afte!' Ii call LA.l:l

IT'S Wall WUhlnr and l'p-Cle.nmg Machlna Methodl

mcld '" orkel'll IMW'ed, Com-II\d R •• ldentlal. Free Estl-cau VEnice 8-0710 or LA. 8-


Electrical Contra.ctorLicensed

eommerdal • Resldentlal• Plugs. FI.'(tures - SWltcbes

1iouse WiringFluorescent FbtUJ1lll

VA 2-5727




Pingree 4864-




PERSONALSl----~iEN!I!J.GE A,.,lal Ie III ~ our horoe bl~ I Il!UU' ('all before II p w

,pp.>ILIDleut MU 1161.


, '

Page 8: R. k L Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006. 3. 1. · 1 \ ~ l, '1 I'j • I I...,.," I',, c,,i,. t, 0' • • Mr. Gardner was wen ple.- WIth the IlUccess



•ThW'lday, JUly ~


"~ey 2-1185

lepaind, Replleed JIIdCleaned-

Metal Decb-Porches-Flat100finC














PioD181 BooliDg aDd Shee. Met- -

~.~ ....... fIII/!t

Domestic SEWMACHINES are the last word In beaand engmeering effICIency. Truer, faster, morenomical sewmg wIll be yours with the greatDomestIc Sewmachines.




16205-17 Mac kat Bedford TU. I-I


Now Ap{te&l'ing NighUy Except MondayComplete Dinner Service 5:10 P.M. to 1 A.M. Daily

Except Monday SlIDday 3 to 1Treat the Famu:y to One of OUT DtlU:lous Dmners

14948 East Jefferson at Barrington MU,9

LAKE SHOI. MOTO_ SALISl4IU & Je •• _. UODC.t: _ l'1.l'JIIIUlJ'U.

A~.... ('..... plet. Parte 1'\__



G.lI'IDteed Workmaubip - 1.0. Price

Prompt Service - EXPERT :fdEOiANICSAvailable to Serve You NOW on All Ouysler Cars


Lake Shore Motor Sales14615 Ii. )EFFERSoN

''PAT'' AT ADA."SPat O'Brien, who has Immor-

talized on the screen, such fabul-ous personalities as Knute Rockneand Frank Cavanaugh (The IronMaJor) adds ned laurels to hiScareer With hiS portrayal of"FIGHTING FATHER DUNNE"at the Adams Th ..atre.

llEFRESIIING ThOUGHTFor a cool refreshmg 5W1m on

hot summer days try one of theYWCA pools. Pools are open Mon-day through Fnday at threeYWCA branches-CentraI. High-land Park and Lucy Thurman. The

L Lucy Thurman pool IS also openo on Saturday from 10 to 3 No dipso are allowed during SWlmmmg1 classes SO call the nearest YW1 branch lor a schedule.

1 The YWCA, a Red Feather2 agency, IS open to all women and2 gll"ls,1

WI-DefouresUns .••••••••••.• 22-AmVets 2

Church last week in the Neighbor-hood Club Softball League.

The VIctory enabled AmVets toshare 1st place WIth DeFoures whoset ba.ck Pagota's 4 to 2. The lead-ers are undefeated in two starts.

Other games played last weekIncluded FIsher Record 7, G. &: P.Bar 4. Ernie Thomas and JimlIIacDonald leading the attack forFIsher With five luts betweenthem.

Pete Moore's pitcher Kovak, al.lOWed Eastern Heatmg battersthree hits II he shut them out 3to O. Grosse Pomte Merchant!laced Uptown Cleaners 9 to 3.Hudson A, A, beat Chrysler Mo-Par 12 to 2 behind the three luthurling of Bobby Wenzlotf.


,I Safety De,oIiI Bol.V Dme-I. Wi....\! licld D.,.nr,

HOrK&,18 a lID. t<> 3 pm nail .. - ".t 'a.m '" 12 llo ......

Frida,. E~e11I.1r $.11 P ll(


or East DetroitZ3400 Mack Aye. ROMylli. 1300

lot. nalr 1'110",,", ll(!fllira.

l'>j ......

"~-5 C Burr PhD~O

Harvey Divens, Sandlotter of the Week" is admiringhis prIZe possession, the baseball bat, he used in Jutting thetrIple with the bases loaded to WIn the season's opener forthe Metropohtan Club in the new Pointe Junior BaseballLeague. Sharing Harvey's admiration for the bat are thethree teammates who scored on the hit. From left to rightthey are Paul Toby, Dick Lowery and BIll Mason.

Outfielder Bob Bunkls's homerun paved the way for a 4 to 1wtn for AmVels Over Grace

.JUST A BIG SISSYAlthough an elephant s skin IS

one mch thick, the huge animal'shide IS very sensItive ,explainS theWorld Book Encyclopedia The 3-Flsher Record ....•••• , .. 2bite of a horsefly Will draw blood, 4-Pagota Soda Bar. _••••••. 2and the strong bea.st 15 as ..aslly S--Pete Moorell ... ,., •••••• 1frosted a& a fr&glle bean plant. 6-Ea.stern Heatlng ••••••••• 1

7-----<; a: P Bar B-Q ,O8--Grace Church .....•.••• 0

SooUi Dh1atoa

Will-O-Way ToShow "Dear Ruth"

Bloomfield HIlls' young produc-er. Bill Merrill announced that hewtll star beautiful Virginia Gil-more m lus prelentatlon of "DearRuth," the hit comedy, at the Will-O-Way Playhouse.

The Ruth Gordon comedy opensJuly 13. suc.ceedmg "Years Ago,"wluch IS currently enjoying a suc-cessful stay at the Will-O-Way.InCidentally "Years Ago" lS afSOa Ruth Gordon creatIOn.

Pointe NineReturns ToLegion Play

Behind the live hit hurllnr: ofBob Sreen, the Grosse POinte Post303 nme defeated Red Arrow 5 too at Water Works Park last week

Sretn who was named the"S"andlott ..r of the week' last weekstruck out t ..n batterl Baird John-son, eatcher, led the local attackWith t~ree hits,

After a brief rest over the holl'day weekend, the Pomte team wasschedUled to relume play In theAmerIcan LegIOn Lt'ague W..dnes.day, July 6 at Belle Isle agamstFaust Post.

Sunday, July 11, Pomte will faceBrlg'gs Post at Water Works Parkat 1 pm; and on the followmgWednelday they mel't N Y. Cen-tral at Be)Jf' Isle {diamond threeat 5.30 pm)

The team, coached by Bill Du-Rocher II In second place.

Hits Triple With Bases Loaded P k H Id:~y~.::~:~:~~~~"o!:'h:~:e~,:.~ ~;~,~phballga.m .. last week IIhen he hit a dymg' at Country Club, r. eage "triple With the bases loaded to Harvey prefers bauball to golf Johnson aboard the "Field Sloopenable lIIetropohtan Club to beat In fact he told a Review reporter IImshed first m the Gro~:ol~~eGrosse Pointe Lions 9 to :5 In the that he would much rather be a ~~rk ~all~ng rJ~e ~n Th I' tlm~Pomte Junior BasebaU League major league ballplayer than a air, un ay, y. 2:r 6season's opener "name" golfer. for the dlltance WIIS ours

The mighty blow came In the nunutes and 17 secondlt.eight inning alter two were out, "I'd rather play ball than eat," Just five mmutes later Fredand earned Harvey the "Sandlot. be sud all he pocketed the T1ger Buckbmder steered hiS "Smpe"ter of the Week ay,ard. autographed baaeball he received across the finlshmg line, closely

Harvey also gave a good ac- from the ReView. followed by J. W. McCarthy, oncount of bunself ~t third base to Harvey Is the son of Mr and the 'Defender".be the major factor In the Mrs. Carl Divens, of Cloverly Others who competed IncludedVIctOry, Road He attends U ot D Hlgb In the order that they Bnlshed were

The youth also Singled in four SChool and was a member of the B B. Wellman, "8 Sloop" • A,hmes at bat to set hiS average school's nme earlier thiS year. Walch, "Sloop", F. C Ebner, "Seaat 375 The Sandlotter of the Week" Gull"; D. Watson, "18 Sloop", C.

"Harvey IS a fme player to have award IS a regular feature or the McPhalI, "Sea Gull"; and F. M,on the team," commented Coach Review. Each play, chOHJJ in Miller, "Bounty."Van tlen "He has a good ann, coopl'ratJon With team managers -----covers plenty of ground, and IS 18 given a TIger autographedthe spark-plug or the Infield" baseball by this new.paper. Two Get All '~ "

He stands 5 feet four mchee Watch the Revtew for nextand weighs 140 pounds, When he week's "Sandlotter of the Week,"

Record At U-MLeaders Remain Undefeated All A records were achieved by

166 students at the UmveJ"Slty of

In POI.nte Softb II Le Que Michigan dUring the Spnng Se-a a mester. Students wbo made theperfect records were enrolled Inthe Colleges of Literature, SCIenceand the Arts, Engineering, Phar-mac~', and the School!! of Educa-tion, Forestry and Conservation,MUIIC!,Pubhc Health and BusmessAd,nmlstration. A list Will be Is-Ilued later by the College of Law.

Includtd in tlus group wereMargaret R. Morese. 465 Moran;and Mildred Dlckeman, 813 Pem-bforton. Both were enrolled In theCollege of Lltera.ture, SCience andthe Arts. ~

GPYC Bowlers MeetWLOn Lochmoor Links Roose Vanker 1 0

The Grosse Pomte Yacht Club Surface Grlnding ••••••••••• l 0will hold a "Day" at the Loch- Hudson A A ...•.••.•••••••. 2 1moor Club on Tuesday, July 20 Old Brick Inn ...•••.•.••••.. 1 1

The "Day" \\ III inclUde a golf IGrosse PIe Merchant" ....... l 1toumamt'nt for th.. GPYC bowl. Chrysler Mo Par ..••••• _. _•. 1 1ers" prizes. dmner and entertam- Rustlc Log ...•..••••••••••. 0 2ment UptOl.\-n Cleaners ••..••.••.. 0 2






CONDITION1 ".. Car, r...t".... d. r", wa.... (to...p.t'-.r ••• ~..If.t .......


TU. l.tl13 ~xEARL RICURDSSHIELL SIItYICK20397 Mack Ave.Grosse Pointe W~

-9 C Burr Photo.JULIET BISTRA..'l

Accordmg to our MichiganFencmg experts, Juhet E,Blstran of 2120 Brys Drive.is an up and coming fencerwho has great aspirabons ofbecoming a MIchIgan fencingchampion. Her movements

, are graceful, WIth split - tim-ing precision and great co-ordinatIOn. Th,ese attributesspell a good fencing artist inthe makmg.

She has been fencing at the IDeTuscan S<'hooI of FpTlringwhere she has won a fIrstplace medal in team tourna-ment and placed second InnovIce champIOnship of theState of MIchigan annualmeet. _

W"-TCH YOrR SIGXSA 'Delld End' sign has bern


(rected at St ..phrn at Be au pr ...aIM' Caution Chtldrrn' ql~q hllv ..bt'l'n placf'd at CalVIn and Mack,

Illnd Altr!"d snd Mllck

It was announced by FarmsPollcr

I '*"l't'





•and basketball. Since September of last year,He graduated this year from the 427 IH'Ople have made uae of the

University's School of EnglJleermg f th d Ita tBa h 1 f services 0 I' tramI' consu ntalung a degree of c I' or 0 who gives audiometric tests toChemical Englneenng. people who have suffered a hear-

Tluelmans. also a graduate of ling losl to determme whether aSt. Ambrose HIgh School, served medically approved heanng aidon the Titans pltclung staff. A would be of value to the mdlVld-lOuthpa.W, Tluelmans participated ual.in IIx game, dunng the '48 Ilea- Increaaed attendance in dassesson actmg as IL relief pitcher in 1m-reading public llpeakmg

His earlier baseball carere saw llpeech correctIOn and aUdlto~Thlelmanl captalnmg hiS high tramlng has meant the opening ofschool squad and receiving the new c1aues. An average of 78award of "moat valuable player" hard of heralng persons attendin 1942. cllasse8 at the Center each month.

In 1946, as a member of the The Heanng Center also hu aGrosse POinte League, "h~, aided in recreatJon program With bowlmgtheir taking the C1aIs B Champ. alleys, ping-pong tables, and poolJonships. 1947 saw a repeat per- tables. Dances and card partlesformance ~th the Detroit Base- are held.ball Federation. The Center Is a part of the De-

Thielmans IS at, present enrolled troit League for the Handlcap~dIn the University s School of Fl- and IS a Red Feather service sup.nance where he 15 maJOnng 111 the ported by the COmmumty Chest.accountmg fteld, It 18 operated in cooperabon with

the Detnot Society for BetterBeanng and the.Aural Guild.

People Who are Interested In at-tending hearmg classes are inVItedto call the Center at CAdillac 1135.

Tip Toppers .......AnnounceAnnual Formal Dance

The public IS inVIted, all agel,all alzes. to attend the Tip Top-pers Club of Detnllt annual sum-mer formal dance at the St ClairShores Civic Center on JeffersonAvenuc on Friday, July 16.

several Grosae Pointer. aremembers of Tip Toppl'rs ClUbwhich lS compnsed of tall gals andfelJoWII,

FOUB DAYS LATEThe .tlrst celebration or the

DeciaratJon of Independence wasnot held on July 4. It was heldon July 8. 1776 - four days afterCongrell8 offlClally adopted thehlstonc document.

Window Shades

Including ubor, P,m,Gaslen ,nd Oil




Call TU. 1.9889Beaupre & Fannon

l.aM M.ek An. lit lFI.... rGro!lle Pointe Fanns



CI Cyl. MU.)

• Editor', Note: John Hutton was heat In the Peopll'l Regatta on• memlK'r of the DBC &quad that Julv 4 In the ftnals, that alter-made the trIp to Philadelphia for noon, they repeated their perform-the regatta ance With easy Win over the Vel'

B,' IOHX H'''!'TON per, Nened and Malta Boat ClubsVeter~ coxwaln George Hub. At no time did Hubbard order hiS

bard and three oarsmen from crew over a 32 strokes a minuteGroase POinte took part In the De- The time Will 7 09.trolt Boat Club's successful InVIlI' •Jon of Phlladt'lphla oVl'r the holl. The next day In the Nationalsday weekend to ('ngage In the 74th the heavy eIght swept over theAnnual National ROWing Champ. mill' and quartl'r course m a gruel.lonshlps and th .. PeopJ('s Rl'gatta hng 100 degrre t ..mperature to aon the Schuvlklll River. 311 lrngth vll:tory over P ..nn A C

• • N..w York A, C and Old Doman-Hubbard was a ml'mber of the Ion Boat Club. The tLme was 6 42

DBC s VictoriOUS jUnior heavy four DBC got oft' to a bad start butoared shell In the P ..ople's and Its HUbbard ordered ten hard onelNational title winning Intermedi. and they drew even with the Iud.ate eIght The other three local er, Pnen A, C" who they puaedboYI wer.. Bill Que ..n, Jim Con. lK'fore the half mile mark, Duringnors, and Dick Ryan, Cox of the the last half.mlle, Stroke JohnDBC'I Junior 14S lb ('Ight which E:chenbaur had hiS crew rOWIng aftnlahed second to \\'pst Sid!" Row- ternlic 40 strokes a minuteIng Club of Butfaio, ~ Y In th.. The VictOry brought DBC theSenior 1-45 lb. race In the Nation. U S National Intermediate Heavy H • Cals Eight Championship and the Rich. eanng _ enter

BIll FItzgerald also of Grolse ard K, Fox Trophy. .Pomte, made the trip. • I\ll. T mmg..

• DBC WIll next com~te at the VUen raThe OBC is operahng almolt en- Royal CanadIen Ht"nley at St.

th CAtthenne. Ontario during the last 'Many dear pl'ople who havet1rely With a green crew II year f hunder the dlrectlon of & new coach, week 10 July Later m August the given up the Idea 0 I'ver earmg

DBC crews Will ~e action 1n the are dally being tramed at th .. D ..-Bob Toomey. h d CentnrJ State R..gatta, trolt Hearing Center, 418 WestThe Junior heavy "4" a very dlittle practice and amazed every- Richard Winkler and Ronme Elizabeth, to enJoy sounds anone when they Iwept to an easy 10 Millner of Grosse Pomte Will Jom caonv ..rsatlOn agam, according' tolength VictOry In the quallfymg the crews for thrse me ..ts. IMrs LeWIS E Schultz, chairman

of education for the Center

b G d W. Through the use of the right

St Am rose ra uates In heanng aid and IIp-readl1lg tram-• Ing many people can partiCipate

II normally m general conversations

Honorson U-D Baseba Team :Ch~~e :'~~heJr hamucaps, Mrs

.... DIbt

Crosse Pointers Lead DBC MetropolitanCrews To Regatta Honors Club Leads

Junior LeagueThe Metropolltan Club appl'ara

to be the team to beat In theI'olnle JUnior Ba~ball 1A'ague asthe four teams bfogan the IIecondweek of play thll week

Undeft"ated In two startll, M&tro-pohtan Il'ada the league which i.spon.llor~ by Grosse Pointe Sl'rv-Ice Clubs The If'ader has defeatedthe LloJ15 9 to 5 and the Klwani.III to 7.

The other three mnes enteredthiS week WIth one victory andone defeat each Results of theirgames were Ophmlsts 5, KiwaniS3 LIOns 10 Optlmults 2, little MikeWallace being credited WIth a live-hitter 1n thiS one.

N'elCt Sunday's llChedule palrlKiwaniS and the Optimists at1':elghborhood Club fteld, and Met-ropollatn and the LIOns at Kerbyfield Both games at 2 pm.


IJoyd Brazil, University of De.trolt athletic director. hu an-nounced that Thomas Lendzlon andAlbert Thlelmans were among 16members of the Titan bueballteam to receive monograms forUleir ~rformances on the TitanJUne dunng the put season.

A regular third a&eker on Ar.tbur J. (Bud) Boennger's TitanJUne pnor to the war, Lendzionreturned to the Univermty In theSpnng of 1947. He cUd not partlCl-pate In any lport that season, pre-fernng to concentrate on his stud-tea.

During \be 1948 lIeuon he served011 B1'8ZlI'1 team as a utJllty in.hlder coming through With a bat-tulg ILverage of .143 In Bve games.

LendzlOn prepped at St. Am-brose High School where he wonthree letters-in baseball, football

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