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Page 1: R E L I E F P A I N N A T U R A L - Optimal Nutra...Section 1- Eating For Chronic Pain Relief- The Inflammation Diet Following an anti-inflammatory diet is powerful therapy for pain

Scientifically-studied, evidence-based research

on drug-free alternatives for pain relief.





Page 2: R E L I E F P A I N N A T U R A L - Optimal Nutra...Section 1- Eating For Chronic Pain Relief- The Inflammation Diet Following an anti-inflammatory diet is powerful therapy for pain

Optimal Nutra is pushing the boundaries of personal health, wellness and natural healing across the world.

We combat the world-wide nutrition deficit by delivering and publishing evidence based, scientific research driven solutions to educate and teach people how to live healthier lives.

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6 Winners Circle, Unit 3 Suite B

Arden, NC 28704


Page 3: R E L I E F P A I N N A T U R A L - Optimal Nutra...Section 1- Eating For Chronic Pain Relief- The Inflammation Diet Following an anti-inflammatory diet is powerful therapy for pain

Introduction Due to the rising addiction to opioid-based pain medication, and the side-effects of over-the-counter pain relief, we wanted to provide scientifically-studied, evidence-based research on drug free alternatives for pain relief. The following is a collection of physical and nutritional do’s and don’ts for dealing with chronic pain conditions.

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Page 4: R E L I E F P A I N N A T U R A L - Optimal Nutra...Section 1- Eating For Chronic Pain Relief- The Inflammation Diet Following an anti-inflammatory diet is powerful therapy for pain

Section 1- Eating For Chronic Pain Relief- The Inflammation Diet

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is powerful therapy for pain control with many beneficial side effects.

Nutrition that supports a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods is another approach to chronic pain management. The anti-inflammatory diet is a lynchpin of such an integrative approach. Although there are no magic foods, putting the right combination of foods into your diet can produce remarkable results.

Below are a list of foods that have been shown to help the body naturally reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of chronic pain:


Ginger has been used as a medicinal plant for generations. Originating out of China, ginger is a flowering plant filled with nutrients and bioactive compounds that support a myriad of health benefits.

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Many people know about the benefits of ginger to help treat nausea or motion sickness, but did you know it has anti-inflammatory properties?


Boswellia is an herbal extract taken from the Boswellia Serrata tree. Resin made from boswellia extract has been used for centuries in Asian and African fold medicine. Boswellia is rich in boswellic acids, substances that may have anti-inflammatory effects.


Ashwagandha has been leveraged for thousands of years in Ayurveda medicine and is quickly gaining popularity due to the new studies validating its effectiveness.

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Patients with complex inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and other forms of joint pain have seen significant benefits from its use.

Cannabidiol Oil

Since the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018 which made growing hemp federally legal in the United States, hemp derived CBD oil has become a well-known natural pain reliever. There are widespread accounts and testimonials about the benefits of CBD for arthritis, inflammation, joint pain, and much more. Cannabidiol or CBD for short, works by helping the body’s natural endocannabinoids system maintain balance. To truly understand CBD’s powerful, it’s important to understand our endocannabinoids system’s functions.

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Functions of the Endocannabinoid System There are two main types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are mostly found in the brain, while CB2 receptors are primarily spread throughout the body.

In the brain, these CBD receptors exist with the highest concentration in the limbic system. The limbic system is not a separate part of the brain but is a collection of the hippocampus, hypothalamus, piriform cortex, amygdala, and more.

This crucial brain region is mostly responsible for emotion, mood, behavior, olfaction (smell), and memory.

When these systems are not functioning optimally, it can cause extreme stress in the body, a potential overproduction of cortisol (among other things), and host of complications which may include:

Insomnia Brain Fog Gastrointestinal Problems Pain Underactive Thyroid Cold Hands and Feet Frequent Urination Weak Appetite Low Blood Pressure

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Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD) Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency is a condition where an individual has a lower amount of endogenous cannabinoids than experts consider necessary to promote health and well-being.

Scientists now believe CECD may play a role in the following conditions:

Fibromyalgia Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Migraines Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Neuropathy Huntington’s Parkinson’s Motion Sickness Autism

These conditions often require a significant amount of medications to manage and treat. And while those medications are helpful, some of them come with a pretty significant amount of potential side effects. This list includes things like nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, numbness, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, breathing difficulties and in some cases, death. These side effects are not incredibly common but they do exist.

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But, there is good news. Because CEDC is considered a factor in so many illnesses, researchers across the globe are currently conducting studies to see if using a substance like CBD oil to elevate the cannabinoids in the body can have a positive impact on some of these conditions, providing relief without so many dangerous side effects.

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Curcumin is a substance derived from Turmeric, a popular Indian and Asian spice. It’s one of the main ingredients used in curry powder. However, it is also extensively studied for its medical qualities, focused in on anti-inflammation, antioxidant and potentially anticancer properties. Many studies point to its benefits for those with arthritis.


The Yucca plant is known for its tough sword shaped leaves, originating in the dry parts of the Americas and the Caribbean. With high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants, yucca is used to help boost the immune system and fight against free radicals. This makes it a powerful tool in the fight against arthritis.

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Section 2- Simple Exercises Strategies Proven To Relieve Pain

For most people with chronic pain, the main thrust of an effective pain treatment program is to keep them as physically active as possible. The human body is designed to be used.

Inactivity can actually make pain worse over time, despite the temporary relief that often accompanies it. Gradual but continual advancement of activity levels is recommended. There is strong evidence that regular physical activity and therapeutic exercise programs are beneficial for persons with chronic pain.

They restore flexibility, strength, endurance, function, and range of motion, and can decrease discomfort. In addition, active exercise, particularly walking, has positive effects on brain chemicals.

It usually improves mood and has been recognized as one of the most effective treatments for depression. Also, research has shown that walking and other appropriate exercises are usually the best treatments for chronic low back pain.

After consultation with a healthcare professional and/or physical therapist, a therapeutic exercise program should be initiated at the start of any chronic pain treatment program.

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Therapeutic exercise can be classified to include:

1) Range-of-motion exercises

2) Stretching

3) Strength training

4) Cardiovascular conditioning

Such programs should emphasize education, independence, and the importance of an on-going self-directed exercise regimen.

We focused this ebook on physical and nutritional techniques that we felt most people may not be aware of. Below are some activities and techniques that are well known for helping chronic pain, and yet, many suffering from chronic pain have never heard of:


Qigong is a Chinese term used to describe exercises that require focus and concentration, full body presence, breath awareness/coordination, and skill.

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“Qi” means vitality or energy, and “gong” means work; together in the term “Qigong” the literal translation of the practice is “the work of energy or vitality.”

The exercises take the body into natural range of motion, and they are done slowly to encourage a sense of attention and care.

In the Qigong “tradition,” forms and practices are categorized by purpose and appropriateness to the season, the environment, and the person who does them.

The form of Qigong that is most appropriate in health settings is the Qigong for improving function and increasing vitality. This type of Qigong has been referred to in some circles as “Qigong for Health and Vitality” or “Medical Qigong.”

This basic approach is geared toward strengthening the body and mind through various safe and gentle practices done in a slow and restful way while observing the body and the mind.

The regular practice of Qigong for health improves concentration, posture, balance, range of motion, and confidence.

Slow movements keep the muscles mildly engaged to promote circulation, and then the mind/attention is engaged to follow sequences and combinations of movement.

Qigong does not only involve bodily movement; it is also surprisingly mentally engaging, meditative, and restful.

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The Feldenkrais Method® uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve ease and efficiency of movement, increase range of motion, and improve flexibility and coordination. This method is based on the principle of becoming aware of one’s habitual movement patterns through movement sequences.

The Feldenkrais Method is taught through Functional Integration® and Awareness Through Movement®.

Functional Integration is a hands-on approach in which the practitioner subtly positions the client through gentle touching and cueing to allow improved positioning and movement.

Awareness through movement classes use verbal instruction to guide the participant through movement sequences. Chronic pain can lead to guarded and stiff movement and Feldenkrais can be used to allow improved ease of movement and body awareness.

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Postural Re-Training

There is considerable debate regarding the link between posture and spinal pain and much of the research indicates that there is either a weak correlation or no correlation between posture and pain.

However, most clinicians believe that poor posture is a risk factor to spinal pain and maintaining good posture can benefit other structures of the body. Many rehabilitation programs focus on improving posture. Below are three common methods.

The Egoscue approach focuses on posture therapy and claims to get to the root of your chronic pain by returning your body to proper alignment, function, and balance. Egoscue uses a series of gentle exercises and stretches to return musculoskeletal balance and symmetry back to the body.

The Gokhale Method focuses on regaining healthy posture and movement to help restore the body’s structural integrity. This approach emphasizes correcting positioning in everyday movement rather than periodic exercise sessions.

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Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) is an approach based on the idea that the muscular system can face shortening resulting from genetic factors and body type, behavioral, and psychological factors.

Treatment includes a thorough analysis and observation of a person’s individual anatomy, physiology, and their presentation of symptoms and the consequences of such symptoms.

GPR focused on each individual body, as a whole, with the understanding that the true cause of a problem could arise from a different part of the body. Part of the philosophy is that there are different series of interconnected muscles (or muscles chains) that have specific roles in function.

GPR makes use of a series of specific postures adapted to each patient according to the chain of muscles that are affected while taking into account the whole body. The ultimate goal of this approach is to improve postural symmetry, which is believed to reduce pain and disability.

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Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a method that teaches how to find an improved balance in one’s body by releasing unnecessary tension and changing inefficient habits of movement.

The philosophy of 23 American Chronic Pain Association Copyright 2018 this technique includes bringing attention to tensions throughout the body that have previously gone unnoticed, and that these tensions are very often the root cause of many common ailments.

It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a reeducation of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique allows one to become aware of balance, posture, and coordination while performing everyday actions.

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Thank you for reading! We at OptimalNutra.com hope the information in this eBook was beneficial. We do our best to provide up to date and accurate information to all our readers. Please come see us again and find us online! References: Altman, R. D., & Marcussen, K. C. (2001). Effects of a ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 44(11), 2531-2538.

This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on osteoarthritis patients who received ginger extracts and placebo with acetaminophen and were assessed for pain intensity. The results of this trial show that ginger root extract has a moderate effect and does reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, and only mild gastrointestinal adverse effects were recorded.

Zahmatkash, M., & Vafaeenasab, M.R. (2011). Comparing analgesic effects of a topical herbal mixed medicine with salicylate in patients with knee

osteoarthritis. Packinstan Journal of Biological Sciences, 14(13), 715-9.

In a double-blind, randomized study on osteoarthritis, patients who received a topical combination of ginger, cinnamon, mastic, and sesame oil found it decreased their pain, morning stiffness and limited motion.

Cheeke, P. R., Piacente, S., & Oleszek, W. (2006). Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic

effects of Yucca schidigera: a review. Journal of inflammation, 3(1), 6.

In this review of the scientific literature, authors explore the link between yucca extracts, arthritis, and inflammation. After their revision, they conclude that this plant contains phytochemicals and steroidal saponins with various effects, including anti-protozoal activity, anti-arthritic effects and a reduction of inflammation through phenolic substances found in yucca.

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Ince, S., Kucukkurt, I., Turkmen, R., Demirel, H. H., & Sever, E. (2013). Dietary Yucca schidigera supplementation reduces arsenic-induced oxidative stress in Swiss albino mice. Toxicology and industrial health, 29(10), 904-914.

This study was designed to assess the effects of dietary yucca supplements on the antioxidant profile, lipid peroxidation, and other related parameters in mice exposed to arsenic. After a 28-day supplementation of Yucca schidigera extracts, mice experienced a protective effect in liver, kidney and heart tissue against the oxidative degeneration caused by arsenic.

AKimmatkar, N., Thawani, V., Hingorani, L., & Khiyani, R. (2003). Efficacy and tolerability of Boswellia serrata extract in treatment of osteoarthritis of knee–a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial. Phytomedicine, 10(1), 3-7.

After receiving 333mg of the supplement three times a day for eight weeks, a statistically significant improvement was evident in patients with osteoarthritis. Knee range of movement was improved, and patients experienced an improvement in their functional use of the articulation when walking, climbing stairs and performing other day-to-day activities.

Sengupta, K., Alluri, K. V., Satish, A. R., Mishra, S., Golakoti, T., Sarma, K. V., ... & Raychaudhuri, S. P. (2008). A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin® for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.

Arthritis research & therapy, 10(4), R85. This study showed the improvement in function and pain after using a Boswellin-based product to improve the symptoms in osteoarthritis. Compared to placebo, Bowellin was found to inhibit the wear down of cartilage by inhibiting a cartilage-degrading enzyme in

the synovial fluid.


