quran by muhammad sarwar rev-02

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  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Quran (Translation)Table of Contents

    About This Translation:

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  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 3 of 3

    In this translation:

    (a) Commentary Works consulted for

    clarification were Al-mizan By

    Allama Taba Taba'i and Mujma'ul

    Bayan by Allama Tabasi, which is famous in quoting the usage of

    Arabic language by the poets and

    orators pre and contemporary to the

    emergence of the Holy Quran.

    (b) Translation of all verses dealing with

    one idea or very closely related ones

    is arranged in paragraphs but such

    arrangements do not in any way or

    form adversely affect the order of the

    original text.

    Once the reader has an understandable

    idea of a passage of the holy Quran then

    by reading very often finds out the holy

    Quran very successful in conveying the

    principles of Divine message to people.

    It, however, should be noted that the

    need for explanatory notes about certain

    passages of the holy Quran does not

    deprive one of benefiting from a simple

    translation. With the intention to follow

    the Truth and some degree of general

    knowledge, reading a translation of the

    Holy Quran very often and sincerely,

    there is no doubt, one can benefit a great

    deal from a translation of the holy

    Quran; it is the text of Divine guidance

    for mankind.

    The favorable response of the readers of

    the first edition of this translation

    indicates clearly that the efforts of

    achieving clarity of the translation has

    been successful, by the grace of God.

    The following quotation is from

    Hamdard Islamicus, mentioned above:

    "Sarwar, Sheikh Muhammad, The Holy

    Qura'n Arabic Text and English

    Translation (Elmhurst, 1981,1 edn.

    Without any notes this explanatory

    translation paraphrases the contents of

    the Qur'an in a lucid style."

    Reading the Holy Quran, reflecting upon

    the meaning of its verses and practicing

    what the Holy Quran preaches all are

    virtuous deeds.

    Online users:

    Copyright 2004-2005 - AVINY.COM -

    All Rights Reserved

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    THE OPENING (al-fatihah) (1)

    Number of Verses: 7

    [1:1.] In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, theMerciful (1)

    [1:2.] All praise belongs to God, Lord of theUniverse, (2)[1:3.] the Beneficent, the Merciful (3)[1:4.] and Master of the Day of Judgment (4).[1:5.] (Lord), You alone We do worship and

    from You alone we do seek assistance (5).[1:6.] (Lord), guide us to the right path, (6)[1:7.] the path of those to whom You have

    granted blessings, those who are neithersubject to Your anger nor have goneastray (7) .

    THE COW (al-baqarah) (2)

    Number of Verses: 286

    In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the


    [2:1.] Alif. Lam. Mim. (2:1)[2:2.] There is no doubt that this book is a

    guide for the pious; (2:2)[2:3.] the pious who believe in the unseen,

    attend to prayer, give in charity part ofwhat We have granted them; (2:3)

    [2:4.] who have faith in what has beenrevealed to you and others before youand have strong faith in the lifehereafter (2:4).

    [2:5.] It is the pious who follow the guidanceof their Lord and gain lasting happiness(2:5).

    [2:6.] Those who deny your message will notbelieve whether you warn them or not(2:6).

    [2:7.] God has sealed their hearts and hearing

    and their vision is veiled; a greatpunishment awaits them (2:7).

    [2:8.] Some people say, "We believe in Godand the Day of Judgment," but they arenot true believers (2:8).

    [2:9.] They deceive God and the believers.However, they have deceived no onebut themselves, a fact of which they arenot aware (2:9).

    [2:10.] A sickness exists in their hearts towhich God adds more sickness. Besidesthis, they will suffer a painfulpunishment as a result of the lie whichthey speak (2:10).

    [2:11.] When they are told not to commitcorruption in the land, they reply, "Weare only reformers" (2:11).

    [2:12.] They, certainly, are corrupt but do notrealize it (2:12).

    [2:13.] When they are told to believe aseveryone else does, they say, "Shouldwe believe as fools do?" In fact, theythemselves are fools, but they do notknow it (2:13).

    [2:14.] To the believers they declare belief and,in secret to their own devils, they say,"We were only mocking" (2:14).

    [2:15.] God mocks them and gives them time tocontinue blindly in their transgressions

    (2:15).[2:16.] They have traded guidance for error, but

    their bargain has had no profit and theyhave missed the true guidance (2:16).

    [2:17.] (Their case) is like that of one whokindles a fire and when it grows brightGod takes away its light leaving him indarkness (wherein) he cannot see(anything) (2:17).

    [2:18.] They are deaf, blind, and dumb andcannot regain their senses(2:18).

    [2:19.] Or it is like that of a rain storm withdarkness, thunder, and lightning

    approaching. They cover their ears forfear of thunder and death. Godencompasses those who deny His words(2:19).

    [2:20.] The lightning almost takes away theirvision. When the lightning brightenstheir surroundings, they walk and whenit is dark, they stand still. Had Godwanted, He could have taken away theirhearing and their vision. God has powerover all things (2:20).

    [2:21.] People, worship your Lord who createdyou and those who lived before you, sothat you may become pious (2:21).

    [2:22.] Worship God who has rendered theearth as a floor for you and the sky as adome for you and has sent water downfrom the sky to produce fruits for yoursustenance. Do not knowingly set upanything as an equal to God (2:22).

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    [2:23.] Should you have any doubt about whatWe have revealed to Our servant,present one chapter comparable to it

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 5 of 5

    and call all your supporters, besidesGod, if your claim is true (2:23).

    [2:24.] If you do not produce such achapterand you never willthen guardyourselves against the fire whose fuelwill be people and stones and isprepared for those who hide the Truth(2:24).

    (Muhammad), tell the righteouslystriving believers of the happy news,that for them there are gardens whereinstreams flow. Whenever they get anyfruit from the gardens as food, they willsay, "This is just what we had before(we came here).

    [2:25.] These fruits are produced very muchlike them (those we had before)." Theywill have purified spouses and it is theywho will live forever (2:25).

    [2:26.] God does not hesitate to set forthparables of anything even a gnat. Thebelievers know that it is the truth fromtheir Lord, but those who deny the truthsay, "What does God mean by suchparables?" In fact, by such parables Godmisleads and guides many. However,He only misleads the evil doers (2:26)

    [2:27.] who break their established covenantwith Him and the relations He hascommanded to be kept and who spreadevil in the land. These are the ones who

    lose a great deal (2:27).[2:28.] How dare you deny the existence of

    God Who gave you life when youinitially had no life. He will cause youto die and bring you to life again. Thenyou will return to His Presence (2:28).

    [2:29.] It is He who created everything on earthfor you. Then, directing His ordertowards the realm above, He turned itinto seven heavens. He has knowledgeof all things (2:29).

    [2:30.] When your Lord said to the angels, "Iam appointing someone as my deputy

    on earth," they said (almost protesting),"Are you going to appoint one who willcommit corruption and bloodshedtherein, even though we (are the oneswho) commemorate Your Name andglorify You?" The Lord said, "I knowthat which you do not know" (2:30).

    [2:31.] He taught Adam all the names. Then Heintroduced (some intelligent beings) to

    the angels, asking them to tell Him thenames of these beings, if the angelswere true to their claim (that they moredeserved to be His deputies on earth)(2:31).

    [2:32.] The angels replied, "You are gloriousindeed! We do not know more thanwhat You have taught us. You alone areAll-knowing and All-wise" (2:32).

    [2:33.] The Lord said to Adam, "Tell the namesof the beings to the angels." WhenAdam said their names, the Lord said,"Did I not tell you (angels) that I knowthe secrets of the heavens and the earthand all that you reveal or hide?" (2:33)

    [2:34.] When We told the angels to prostratebefore Adam, they all obeyed exceptIblis (Satan) who abstained out of prideand so he became one of those whodeny the truth (2:34).

    [2:35.] We told Adam to stay with his spouse(Eve) in the garden and enjoy the foodstherein, but not to go near a certain treelest he become one of the transgressors(2:35).

    [2:36.] Satan made Adam and his spouse errand caused them to abandon the state inwhich they had been living. Then Wesaid, "Descend, you are each other'senemies! The earth will be a dwellingplace for you and it will provide youwith sustenance for an appointed time(2:36).

    [2:37.] Adam was inspired by some words (ofprayer) through which he receivedforgiveness from his Lord, for He isAll-forgiving and All-merciful (2:37).

    [2:38.] We ordered them all to get out of thegarden and told them that when Ourguidance came to them, those whowould follow it would have neither fearnor grief (2:38).

    [2:39.] But those who would deny the Truthand reject Our revelations would be thecompanions of the Fire in which theywould live forever. (2:39)

    [2:40.] Children of Israel, recall My favorswhich you enjoyed. Fulfill yourcovenant with Me and I shall fulfillMine. Revere only Me (2:40).

    [2:41.] Believe in My revelations (Quran) thatconfirms what I revealed to you ( aboutProphet Muhammad in your Scripture).

    [2:42.] Do not be the first ones to deny it norsell My revelations for a small price,but have fear of Me (2:41).

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 7 of 7

    you would protect yourselves againstevil (2:63).

    [2:64.] Again you turned away. Had God'sGrace and His Mercy not existed inyour favor, you would certainly havebeen lost. (2:64)

    [2:65.] You certainly knew about those amongyou who were transgressors on theSabbath. We commanded them,"Become detested apes," (2:65)

    [2:66.] in order to set up an example for theircontemporaries and coming generationsand to make it a reminder for the pious.(2:66)

    [2:67.] When Moses said to his people, "Godcommands you to sacrifice a cow," theyasked, "Are you mocking us?" "Godforbid, how would I be so ignorant,"said Moses (2:67).

    [2:68.] They demanded, "Ask your Lord to

    describe the kind of cow He wants us toslaughter." Moses explained, "It mustbe neither too old nor too young, thusdo whatever you are commanded todo." Moses then told them to do as theywere ordered. (2:68)

    [2:69.] They further demanded Moses to askthe Lord what color the cow has to be.Moses answered, "The Lord says thatthe cow must be yellow, a beautifulyellow" (2:69).

    [2:70.] They said, "We are confused about thecow, for to us all cows look alike. Ask

    your Lord to tell us exactly what thecow looks like, so that God willing, weshall have the right description." (2:70)

    [2:71.] (Moses) said, "The Lord says that itmust not have even tilled the soil norirrigated the fields and it must be free ofblemishes and flaws." They said, "Nowyou have given us the rightdescription." After almost failing to findit, they slaughtered the cow. (2:71)

    [2:72.] When you murdered someone, each oneof you tried to accuse others of beingguilty. However, God made public whatyou were hiding (2:72).

    [2:73.] We said, "Strike the person slain withsome part of the cow." That is how Godbrings the dead to life and shows youHis miracles so that you might haveunderstanding (2:73).

    [2:74.] Thereafter, your hearts turned as hard asrocks or even harder for some rocksgive way to the streams to flow. Watercomes out of some rocks when they are

    torn apart and others tumble down inawe before God. God does not ignorewhat you do. (2:74)

    [2:75.] Do you, the believers in truth, desire theunbelievers to believe you? There was agroup among them who would hear theword of God and understand it. Thenthey would purposely misinterpret it(2:75).

    [2:76.] On meeting the believers, they woulddeclare belief but to each other theywould say, "How would you (againstyour own interests) tell them (believers)about what God has revealed to you (inthe Bible of the truthfulness of theProphet Muhammad)? They willpresent it as evidence to prove youwrong before your Lord. Do you notrealize it?" (2:76)

    [2:77.] Do they not know that God knows

    whatever they conceal or reveal? (2:77)[2:78.] Some of them are illiterate and have no

    knowledge of the Book except for whatthey know from legends and fantasy.They are only relying on conjecture.(2:78)

    [2:79.] Woe to those who write the Bookthemselves and say, "This is from God,"so that they may sell it for a small price!Woe unto them for what they have doneand for what they have gained! (2:79)

    [2:80.] They have said, "Hell fire will neverharm us except for just a few days."

    (Muhammad), ask them, "Have youmade such agreements with God Whonever breaks any of His agreements oryou just ascribe to Him that which youdo not know? (2:80)

    [2:81.] There is no doubt that evil doers whoare engulfed in sins are the companionsof hell fire wherein they will liveforever (2:81).

    [2:82.] As for the righteously striving believers,they will be among the people ofParadise wherein they will live forever.(2:82)

    [2:83.] We made a covenant with the childrenof Israel that they should not worshipanyone except Me, that they shouldserve their parents, relatives, orphans,and the destitute, that they should speakrighteous words to people, and that theyshould be steadfast in their prayers andpay the religious tax. But soon after youmade this covenant, all but a few of youbroke it heedlessly. (2:83)

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 8 of 8

    [2:84.] We made a covenant with you that youshould not shed each other's blood orexpel each other from your homeland.You accepted and bore witness to thiscovenant, (2:84) yet you murdered eachother and forced a number of yourpeople out of their homeland, helpingeach other to commit sin and to behostile to one another. When you hadexpelled people from their homelandand later they had been made captives(of other people), you then paid theirransom (thinking that it was a righteousdeed).

    [2:85.] God forbade you to expel these peoplein the first place. Do you believe in onepart of the Book and not in the other?Those who behave in this way shallreap disgrace in this world and severepunishment on the Day of Resurrection.

    God is not unaware of things that youdo (2:85).

    [2:86.] They have traded the life hereafter inexchange for their worldly life. Theirpunishment will not be eased nor willthey receive help. (2:86)

    [2:87.] We gave the Book to Moses and madethe Messengers follow in his path. ToJesus, the son of Mary, We gave themiracles and supported him by the HolySpirit. Why do you arrogantly beliesome Messengers and murder otherswhenever they have brought you

    messages that you dislike? (2:87)[2:88.] They have said that their hearts cannotunderstand (what you, Muhammad,say). God has condemned them for theirdenial of the Truth. There are a veryfew of them who have faith (2:88).

    When a Book came to them from Godwhich confirms what is with them (thefact of truthfulness of the ProphetMuhammad in their Scripture), and,despite the fact that they had beenpraying for victory over the disbelievers

    (by the help of the truthful Prophet),they refuse to accept this book, eventhough they know it (to be the Truth).

    [2:89.] May God condemn those who hide theTruth! (2:89)

    [2:90.] Evil is that for which they have soldtheir souls: They have refused to acceptGod's revelations in rebellion against

    the servant of God whom He has, byHis Grace, chosen to grant His message.They have brought upon themselvesGod's wrath in addition to the wrath thatthey had incurred upon themselves fortheir previous sins. The disbelieverswill suffer a humiliating torment. (2:90)

    [2:91.] When they are told to believe n God'srevelations, they reply, "We believeonly in what God has revealed to us,"but they disbelieve His other truerevelations, even though theserevelations confirms their own(original) Scripture. (Muhammad) askthem, "Why did you murder God'sProphets if you were true believers?"(2:91)

    [2:92.] (Moses) brought you certain miracles.Not very long after, you beganworshipping the calf which was nothing

    but senseless cruelty to yourselves.(2:92)

    [2:93.] (Children of Israel) when We made acovenant with you, raised Mount Tur(Sinai) above you, and told you toreceive devotedly what We hadrevealed to you and to listen to it, yousaid that you had listened but youdisobeyed. They denied the truth andbecame totally devoted and full of lovefor the calf. (Muhammad) tell thesepeople, "If, in fact, you are truebelievers, then what your faith

    commands you to do is evil." (2:93)[2:94.] (Muhammad), tell them, "If your claimis true that the home with God in theeverlasting life hereafter is for youalone, you should have a longing fordeath" (2:94).

    [2:95.] But they can never have a longing fordeath because of what they have done.God knows the unjust well. (2:95)

    [2:96.] However, you will find them thegreediest of all men, even more than thepagans, for life. They would each gladlylive for a thousand years, but such along life would not save them from thetorment. God sees what they do. (2:96)

    [2:97.] (Muhammad), tell the people, whoeveris an enemy to Gabriel who hasdelivered the Book to your heart as aguide and as joyful news to thebelievers, (2:97)

    [2:98.] and as a confirmation of (original)Scripture and whoever is the enemy ofGod, His angels, His Messenger,

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 9 of 9

    Gabriel and Michael, should know thatGod is the enemy of those who hide theTruth (2:98).

    [2:99.] (Muhammad) We have given youenlightening authority. Only the wickedsinners deny it. (2:99)

    [2:100.] Why is it that every time they (theJews) make a covenant, some of themabandon it. Most of them do not evenbelieve (2:100).

    [2:101.] When a Messenger of God came tothem confirming the ( original)revelation that they already hadreceived, a group of those who had theScripture with them, threw the Book ofGod behind their backs as if they didnot know anything about it. (2:101)

    They followed the incantations that thedevils used against the kingdom ofSolomon. Solomon did not hide thetruth but the devils did. They taughtmagic to the people and whatever wasrevealed to the two angels, Harut andMarut, in Babylon. The two angels didnot teach anything to anyone withoutsaying, "Our case is a temptation for thepeople, so do not hide the truth."

    People learned something from the twoangels that could cause discord betweena man and his wife. However, theycould harm no one except by the

    permission of God. In fact, the (people)learned things that would harm themand render them no benefit. They knewvery well that one who engaged inwitchcraft would have no reward in thelife hereafter.

    [2:102.] Would that they had known that theyhad sold their souls for that which isvile! (2:102).

    [2:103.] Would that they had known that if theyhad embraced the faith and avoidedevil, they would have received better

    rewards from God. (2:103)[2:104.] Believers, do not address the Prophet as

    ra'ina (whereby the Jews, in their ownaccent, meant: Would that you wouldnever hear, but call him unzurna)(meaning: Please speak to us slowly sothat we understand), and then listen.The unbelievers will face a painfultorment. (2:104)

    [2:105.] (Muhammad) the disbelievers amongthe People of the Book and the pagansdo not like to see anything goodrevealed to you from your Lord. Godreserves His mercy for whomever Hechooses. The generosity of God is great.(2:105)

    [2:106.] For whatever sign We change oreliminate or cause to recede intooblivion, We bring forth a better sign,one that is identical. Do you not knowthat God has power over all things?(2:106).

    [2:107.] Do you not know that the kingdom ofthe heavens and the earth belongs toGod and that no one is your guardian orhelper besides Him? (2:107)

    [2:108.] Do you want to address the Prophet inthe same manner in which Moses wasaddressed? Anyone who exchanges

    belief for disbelief has certainly gonedown the wrong path. (2:108)

    [2:109.] Once you have accepted the faith, manyof the People of the Book would love,out of envy, to turn you back todisbelief, even after the Truth hasbecome evident to them. Haveforgiveness and bear with them untilGod issues His order. God has powerover all things (2:109).

    [2:110.] Be steadfast in your prayer and pay thereligious tax. You will receive a goodreward from God for all your good

    works. God is Well-aware of what youdo. (2:110)[2:111.] They have said that no one can ever go

    to Paradise except the Jews orChristians, but this is only what theyhope. Ask them to prove that their claimis true (2:111).

    [2:112.] However, one who accepts Islam insubmission to God and does good, willhave his reward with God. Such peoplewill have nothing to fear nor to grieveabout. (2:112)

    [2:113.] The Jews accuse the Christians ofhaving no basis for their religion andthe Christians accuse the Jews of havingno basis for their religion, even thoughboth sides read the Scripture. Theignorant ones say the same thing. Godwill issue His decree about their disputeon the Day of Judgment. (2:113)

    [2:114.] Who is more unjust than those whostrive to destroy the mosques andprevent others from commemorating the

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 11 of 11

    a Muslim (submitted to the will of theLord of the Universe)." (2:132)

    [2:133.] Were you (believers) there when deathapproached Jacob? When he asked hissons, "Whom will you worship after mydeath?" They replied, "We will worshipyour Lord, the Lord of your fathers,Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac. He is theonly Lord, and to Him we havesubmitted ourselves." (2:133)

    [2:134.] That nation (children of Abraham) isgone. They have reaped what theysowed, and the same applies to you.You are not responsible for their deeds.(2:134)

    [2:135.] The Jews and the Christians have askedthe Muslims to accept their faith to havethe right guidance. (Muhammad) tellthem, "We would rather follow theupright religion of Abraham who was

    not a pagan" (2:135).[2:136.] (Muslims), say, "We believe in God and

    what He has revealed to us and toAbraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and theirdescendants, and what was revealed toMoses, Jesus, and the Prophets fromtheir Lord. We make no distinctionamong them and to God we havesubmitted ourselves." (2:136)

    [2:137.] If they have faith in all that you believe,they will have the right guidance, but ifthey turn away, it would be for noreason other than their own malice. God

    is a Sufficient defender for you againstthem; He is All-hearing and All-knowing. (2:137)

    [2:138.] Say, "Belief in God and following theguidance of Islam are God's means ofpurification for us. Islam is the baptismof God. No one is a better baptizer thanHe and we Muslims worship Him."(2:138)

    [2:139.] (Muhammad), ask the People of theBook, "Why should you argue with usabout God, Who is our Lord as well asyours, when we are sincere in our beliefin God? (2:139).

    [2:140.] Everyone will be responsible for hisown deeds. Do you (People of theBook) claim that Abraham, Ishmael,Isaac, and their descendants were Jewsor Christians?" Ask them, "Whopossesses greater knowledge, you orGod? Who is more unjust than one whorefuses to testify to the truth that God

    has given to him?" God is not unawareof what you do. (2:140)

    [2:141.] That nation is gone, they have reapedwhat they sowed and the same appliesto you. You are not responsible for theirdeeds. (2:141)

    [2:142.] Fools will soon say, "What has madethem (Muslims) change the direction towhich they had been facing during theirprayers (the qibla) ?"

    (Muhammad), tell them, "Both the Eastand West belong to God and He guides(whomever He wants), to the rightdirection." (2:142)

    [2:143.] We have made you (true Muslims) amoderate nation so that you could be anexample for all people and the Prophetan example for you.

    The direction which you had beenfacing during your prayers (the qibla)was only made in order that We wouldknow who would follow the Messengerand who would turn away.

    It was a hard test but not for those to whom Godhas given guidance. God did not want tomake your previous prayers worthless;God is Compassionate and All-merciful.(2:143)

    [2:144.] We certainly saw you (Muhammad)often turn your face to the sky, so Weshall instruct you to face a qibla thatyou will like.

    (Muhammad) during prayer, turn yourface towards the Sacred Mosque (inMakkah). Muslims, also, wherever youare, during your prayers, turn your facestowards the Sacred Mosque.

    The People of the Book certainly know

    that this command (to change the qibla)is truly from their Lord. God is notunaware of what they do. (2:144)

    [2:145.] Even if you were to bring all kinds ofauthoritative proof to the People of theBook, they still would not accept yourqibla, nor would you accept theirs, norwould they accept each others.

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    Edited by: MIA(Saturday, June 02, 2007) Rev:01 Page 12 of 12

    Were you to follow their desires afterall the knowledge that has come to you,you would certainly have been one ofthe unjust. (2:145)

    [2:146.] Those to whom We have given the

    Book (Bible), know you (Muhammad)just as a well as they know their sons. Itis certain that some of them deliberatelyhide the truth. (2:146)

    [2:147.] Never doubt that the essence of truthcomes from your Lord (2:147).

    [2:148.] Every one pursues his goal. Competewith each other in performing gooddeeds. Wherever you are, God willbring you all together. God has powerover all things. (2:148)

    [2:149.] (Muhammad), wherever you go, turnyour face towards the Sacred Mosque(in Mecca).

    This is the truth from your Lord who isnot unaware of what you do (2:149).

    [2:150.] (Muhammad) wherever you go, turnyour face to the Sacred Mosque andMuslims, wherever you are, turn yourfaces in the same direction so that nogroup of people, except the unjustamong them, would have any reasonagainst you and so that I may establishMy commandments for your people tohave proper guidance. (The unjust maycriticize you) but do not fear them, fearonly Me. (2:150)

    [2:151.] As We have sent a Messenger fromyour own people to show you evidenceabout Me, to purify you from sins, toteach you the Book, give you wisdomand instruct you in that which you didnot know, (2:151)

    [2:152.] therefore, remember Me and I shallremember you. Thank Me and do nothide the truth about Me. (2:152)

    [2:153.] Believers, help yourselves (in youraffairs) through patience and prayer;

    God is with those who have patience.(2:153)

    [2:154.] Do not consider those who are slain forthe cause of God to be dead. They arealive but you are unaware of them(2:154).

    [2:155.] We shall test you through fear, hunger,loss of life, property, and crops .

    (Muhammad), give glad news to thepeople who have patience (2:155)

    [2:156.] and in difficulty say, "We are theservants of God and to Him we shall allreturn" (2:156).

    [2:157.] It is they who will receive blessings andmercy from God and who follow theright guidance. (2:157)

    [2:158.] Safa and Marwah (names of two placesin Mecca) are reminders of God. It is nosin for one who visits the Sacred House(in Mecca) to walk seven times between(Safa and Marwah.) Whoever willinglydoes a good deed in obedience to God,will find God All-knowing and FullyAppreciative. (2:158)

    [2:159.] Those who hide the authoritative proofsand the guidance that We have revealed,after it has been made clear for thePeople of the Book, will be condemned

    by God and those who have the right tocondemn (2:159).

    [2:160.] However, I shall accept the repentanceof those of them who repent for theirsins, reform their manners, and preachthe truth; I am All-forgiving and All-merciful. (2:160)

    [2:161.] Those who deny My existence and diewith such attitude will be subject to thecondemnation of God, the angels, andall people (2:161).

    [2:162.] They will live condemned forever, willhave no relief from the torment, and no

    attention will be paid to them. (2:162)[2:163.] Our Lord is the only Lord. There is noGod but He, the Beneficent andMerciful. (2:163)

    [2:164.] The creation of the heavens and theearth, the alternation of nights and days,the ships that sail in the sea for thebenefit of the people, the water that Godsends from the sky to revive the deadearth where He has scattered all kindsof animals, the winds of all directions,and the clouds rendered for servicebetween the sky and the earth are allevidence (of His existence) for thosewho use their reason. (2:164)

    [2:165.] Some people consider certain thingsequal to God and love them just as oneshould love God. However, thestrongest of the believers' love is theirlove of God. Had the unjust been able toreflect about their condition, whenfacing the torment, they would have hadno doubt that to God belongs All-power

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    and that He is stern in His retribution.(2:165)

    [2:166.] When the leaders see the torment andlose all their resources, they willdenounce their followers (2:166).

    [2:167.] The followers will say, "Had we had thechance we also would have denouncedour leaders." That is how God will showthem their regrettable deeds. They willnot be able to escape from hell fire.(2:167)

    [2:168.] People, eat of the good and lawfulthings on earth. Do not follow thefootsteps of Satan; he is clearly yourenemy (2:168).

    [2:169.] He tries to make you do evil andshameful things and speak against Godwithout knowledge. (2:169)

    [2:170.] When some people are asked to followthe revelations of God, they say, "We

    would rather follow what our fathershave followed," even though theirfathers had no understanding and couldnot find the true guidance (2:170).

    [2:171.] Preaching to unbelievers is like talkingto someone who cannot hear anythingexcept yells and shouts. They are deaf,dumb, and blind; they have nounderstanding. (2:171)

    [2:172.] Believers, eat from the good things thatWe have given you and give thanks toGod if you worship only Him (2:172).

    [2:173.] God has forbidden you to eat that which

    has not been properly slaughtered,blood, pork, and the flesh of any animalwhich has not been consecrated with amention of the Name of God. However,in an emergency, without the intentionof transgression or repeatingtransgression, one will not beconsidered to have committed a sin.God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.(2:173)

    [2:174.] Those who receive some small gain byhiding the Books which God hasrevealed, have, in fact, filled up theirstomachs with fire. God will not speakwith them on the Day of Judgment, norwill He purify them; instead, they willface a painful torment (2:174).

    [2:175.] They have exchanged guidance for errorand forgiveness for torment. Whatmakes them seek the fire so earnestly(for they are doomed to be punished)?(2:175)

    [2:176.] God has revealed the Book in all Truthand those who dispute it are filled withmalice which has taken them far awayfrom the truth. (2:176)

    [2:177.] Righteousness is not determined byfacing East or West during prayer.Righteousness consists of the belief inGod, the Day of Judgment, the angels,the Books of God, His Prophets; to givemoney for the love of God to relatives,orphans, the destitute, and those whoare on a journey and in urgent need ofmoney, beggars; to set free slaves andto be steadfast in prayer, to pay thereligious tax (zakat) to fulfill one'spromises, and to exercise patience inpoverty, in distress, and in times of war.Such people who do these are trulyrighteous and pious. (2:177)

    [2:178.] Believers, in case of murder, the death

    penalty is the sanctioned retaliation: afree man for a free man, a slave for aslave, and a female for a female.However, if the convicted personreceives pardon from the aggrievedparty, the prescribed rules ofcompensation must be followedaccordingly. This is a mercifulalteration from your Lord. Whoevertransgresses against it will face apainful punishment. (2:178)

    [2:179.] People of understanding, the law of thedeath penalty as retaliation grants you

    life so that perhaps you will have fear ofGod. (2:179)[2:180.] If one of you facing death can leave a

    legacy, he should bequeath it to hisparents and relatives, according to thelaw. This is the duty of the pious(2:180).

    [2:181.] Whoever intentionally changes the willof a deceased person, he has committeda sin. God is All-hearing and All-knowing. (2:181)

    [2:182.] One who is afraid of the testator'sdeviations and sin and settles the matteramong the parties involved, he has notcommitted a sin. God is All-forgivingand All-merciful. (2:182)

    [2:183.] Believers, fasting has been mademandatory for you as it was mademandatory for the people before you, sothat you may have fear of God (2:183).

    [2:184.] Fasting is only for a certain number ofdays. One who is sick or on a journeyhas to fast the same number of days at

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    another time. Those who can afford aredemption should feed a poor person.Good deeds performed on one's owninitiative will be rewarded. However,fasting is better and will be rewarded.Would that you knew this! (2:184)

    [2:185.] The month of Ramadan is the month inwhich the Quran was revealed; a guidefor the people, the most authoritative ofall guidance and a criteria to discernright from wrong. Anyone of you whoknows that the month of Ramadan hasbegun, he must start to fast. Those whoare sick or on a journey have to fast thesame number of days at another time.God does not impose any hardship uponyou. He wants you to have comfort sothat you may complete the fast, glorifyGod for His having given you guidance,and that, perhaps, you would give Him

    thanks. (2:185)[2:186.] (Muhammad), if any of My servants

    ask you about Me, tell them that theLord says, "I am near; I accept theprayers of those who pray." Let Myservants answer My call and believe inMe so that perhaps they may know theright direction. (2:186)

    [2:187.] It is made lawful for you, during thenights of fasting, to have carnalrelations with your wives. They areyour garments and you are theirgarments. God knew that you were

    deceiving yourselves. He relentedtowards you and forgave you. Now it islawful for you to have carnal relationswith your wives and follow what Godhas commanded. Eat and drink until thewhite streak of dawn becomesdistinguishable from darkness.Complete your fast, starting from dawnto dusk. It is not lawful to have carnalrelations with your wives during i'tikafin the mosque. Such are the limits of thelaws of God. Do not come close totransgressing them. Thus has Godexplained His evidence to men so thatperhaps they will have fear of God.(2:187)

    [2:188.] Do not use your property amongyourselves in illegal ways and thendeliberately bribe the rulers with yourproperty so that you may wronglyacquire the property of others. (2:188)

    [2:189.] (Muhammad), they ask you about thedifferent phases of the moon. Tell them

    that they are there to indicate to peoplethe phases of time and the pilgrimageseason. It is not a righteous act to enterhouses from the back. Righteousness isto be pious and enter the houses fromthe front door. Have fear of God so thatperhaps you will have lasting happiness.(2:189)

    [2:190.] Fight for the cause of God, those whofight you, but do not transgress, for Goddoes not love the transgressors (2:190).

    [2:191.] Slay them wherever you may catchthem and expel them from the placefrom which they expelled you. The sinof disbelief in God is greater thancommitting murder. Do not fight themin the vicinity of the Sacred Mosque inMecca unless they start to fight. Thenslay them for it is the recompense thatthe disbelievers deserve (2:191).

    [2:192.] If they give up disbelief and fighting,God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.(2:192)

    [2:193.] Fight them so that there will be nodisbelief in God and God's religion willbecome dominant. If they change theirbehavior, there would be no hostilityagainst anyone except the unjust.(2:193)

    [2:194.] It is because of their disrespect of asacred month that you are also allowedto retaliate against them in a sacredmonth. If any one transgresses against

    you, you also may retaliate against themto an equal extent. Have fear of Godand know that He supports the pious.(2:194)

    [2:195.] Give money for the cause of God but donot push yourselves into perdition. Dogood; God loves the people who dogood deeds. (2:195)

    [2:196.] Complete the hajj and umrah (two partsof the rituals of pilgrimage to Makka )in obedience to God. If you areprevented from completing the duty ofhajj, offer whatever sacrifice is possibleand do not shave your heads before thesacrificial animal is delivered to theprescribed place. If one of you is ill oris suffering because of some ailment inyour head, you must redeem the shavingof the head by fasting, or paying money,or offering a sheep as a sacrifice. Whenall is well with you and you want tocomplete the umrah in the hajj season,offer whatever sacrifice is possible. If

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    you do not find an animal, you have tofast for three days during the days of thepilgrimage rituals and seven days athome to complete the required tenfasting days. This rule is for those wholive beyond (a distance of twelve milesfrom) the Sacred Mosque in Mecca.Have fear of God and know that He isstern in His retribution. (2:196)

    [2:197.] The months of the hajj (pilgrimage)season are well known. Whoeverundertakes to complete the hajj rituals,must know that, after commencing theacts of Hajj, he is not allowed to havecarnal relations or to lie or to swear bythe Name of God. God knows all yourgood deeds. Supply yourselves for the journey. The best supply is piety.People of understanding have fear ofMe. (2:197)

    It is not a sin if you try to make a profitout of the bounty of your Lord (bytrading during hajj).

    [2:198.] When you leave Arafah, commemoratethe name of your Lord in Mash'ar, thesacred reminder of God. CommemorateHis name as He has given you guidancewhile prior to that you had been in error(2:198).

    [2:199.] Then leave Mash'ar as the rest of thepeople do and ask forgiveness from

    God; He is All-forgiving and All-merciful. (2:199)

    [2:200.] After you complete the acts of yourHajj, also commemorate God, just asyou would remember your father, oreven more earnestly. Some people say,"Lord, give us what we want in thislife," but in the life hereafter they haveno beneficial share (2:200).

    [2:201.] Others pray, "Lord, give us good thingsboth in this life as well as in the lifehereafter and save us from the tormentof fire" (2:201).

    [2:202.] They will have their share of the rewardfor their deeds. God's reckoning isswift. (2:202)

    [2:203.] Commemorate (the names of) God inthe prescribed days. For one whoobserves piety, it is not a sin to be hastyor tardy during the two days. Have fearof God and know that before Him youwill all be raised after death. (2:203)

    [2:204.] There are some people whose wordsabout this life may please you. They saythat God knows what they have in theirhearts. But, in fact, they are the mostquarrelsome opponents (2:204).

    [2:205.] As soon as they leave you, they quicklycommit evil in the land, destroying thefarms and people. God does not loveevil (2:205).

    [2:206.] When they are asked to have fear ofGod, sinful pride prevents them frompaying heed to such advice. It is enoughfor them to have hell as a terribledwelling place. (2:206)

    [2:207.] There are those among people who givetheir lives to seek God's pleasure. Godis Affectionate to His servants (2:207).

    [2:208.] Believers, submit yourselves to the willof God as a whole. Do not follow thefootsteps of Satan; he is your sworn

    enemy (2:208).[2:209.] If you are seduced after you have

    received the authoritative guidance,know that God is Majestic and Wise.(2:209)

    [2:210.] Have they decided not to believe untilGod comes down in a shadow of cloudswith the angels so that then the matter issettled? To God do all matters return.(2:210)

    [2:211.] (Muhammad), ask the children of Israelabout how many visible miracles Wehad shown them. God is certainly stern

    in His retribution to those who changethe bounty of God (His revelation), afterhaving received His guidance. (2:211)

    [2:212.] The worldly life is made to seemattractive to the disbelievers who scoffat the faithful, but the pious, in the lifehereafter, will have a position far abovethem. God grants sustenance (withoutaccount) to anyone He wants. (2:212)

    [2:213.] At one time all people were only onenation. God sent Prophets with gladnews and warnings. He sent the Bookwith them for a genuine purpose toprovide the people with the ruling aboutdisputed matters among them. No onedisputed this matter except those whohad already received evidence before.Their dispute was only because of theirown hostility. To deal with this dispute,God, through His will, sent guidance tothe believers. God guides to the rightpath whomever He wants. (2:213)

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    [2:214.] Would you think that you could go toParadise without experiencing the kindof suffering others have experiencedbefore you? Distress and afflictionsbattered them until the Messenger andthe believers said, "When will God sendhelp?" Certainly God's help is near.(2:214)

    [2:215.] They ask you what to spend for thecause of God. (Muhammad) tell themthat whatever you spend, give it to yourparents, the orphans, the destitute, andthose who may be in urgent need ofmoney whilst on a journey. Whatevergood you do, God certainly is Aware ofit. (2:215)

    [2:216.] Fighting is made mandatory for you, butyou dislike it. You may not likesomething which, in fact, is for yourgood and something that you may love,

    in fact, may be evil. God knows, butyou do not know. (2:216)

    [2:217.] (Muhammad), they ask you aboutfighting in the sacred month. Tell themthat it is a great sin. However, creatingan obstacle in the way of God, disbeliefin Him and the Sacred Mosque, anddriving away the neighbors of theSacred Mosque is an even greater sin inthe sight of God: Disbelief in God isworse than committing murder.

    (The pagans) still try to fight you to

    make you give up your religion. Thedeeds in this life of those of you whogive up their religion and who diedisbelievers will be made void and inthe life hereafter. These people will bethe dwellers of Hell wherein they willremain forever. (2:217)

    [2:218.] The believers and the Emigrants fromMecca who fight for the cause of God,indeed have hope in receiving themercy of God; God is All-forgiving andAll-merciful. (2:218)

    [2:219.] (Muhammad), they ask you about wineand gambling. Tell them that there isgreat sin in them. Although they havebenefits for men, the sin therein is fargreater than the benefit. They ask youabout what they should give for thecause of God. Tell them, "Let it be whatyou can spare." This is how God

    explains for you His guidance so thatperhaps you will think (2:219)

    [2:220.] about this life and the life hereafter.

    They ask you about the orphans. Tellthem, "The best thing to do is what is

    for their good. They are your brethren ifyou would associate with them. Godknows who is corrupt or a reformer.Had God wanted He would havebrought upon you hardship. God isMajestic and All-wise. (220)

    [2:221.] Do not marry pagan women unless theybelieve in God. A believing slave girl isbetter than an idolater, even though theidolaters may attract you. Do not marrypagan men unless they believe in God.A believing slave is better than anidolater, even though the idolater mayattract you. The pagans invite you to thefire, but God invites you to Paradise andforgiveness through His will. Godshows His evidence to people so thatthey may take heed. (2:221)

    [2:222.] They ask you about women's menses.Tell them, "It is an ailment. Avoidhaving carnal relations with them untiltheir period is over." Then you mayhave carnal relations with themaccording to the rules of God. Godloves those who repent and those whopurify themselves. (2:222)

    [2:223.] Your wives are as fields for you. Youmay enter your fields from any placeyou want. Reserve something good foryour souls (for the life hereafter). Havefear of God and know that you aregoing to meet Him. (Muhammad) givethe glad news to the believers. (2:223)

    [2:224.] Do not swear by God not to do goodthings, or have piety, or make peaceamong people. God is All-hearing andAll-knowing (2:224).

    [2:225.] God will not take into account yourinattentive oath. However, He will

    question you about what your heartshave gained. God is All-forgiving andLenient. (2:225)

    [2:226.] Those who swear by God not to everhave any carnal relations with theirwives (will not be punished), if theydecide to resume marital relations againwithin four months. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful (2:226).

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    [2:227.] If they choose divorce, God is All-hearing and All-knowing. (2:227)

    [2:228.] The divorced women must wait up tothree menstrual cycles before anothermarriage. If they believe in God and theDay of Judgment, it is not lawful forthem to hide what God has created intheir wombs. Within their waitingperiod their husbands have the right toresume marital relations, if they wantreconciliation. Women have benefits aswell as responsibilities. Men have astatus above women. God is Majesticand Wise. (2:228)

    [2:229.] A marital relation can only be resumedafter the first and second divorce,otherwise it must be continued withfairness or terminated with kindness. Itis not lawful for you to take back fromwomen what you have given them

    unless you are afraid of not being ableto observe God's law. In this case, itwould be no sin for her to pay a ransomto set herself free from the bond ofmarriage. These are the laws of God.Do not transgress against them; thosewho do so are unjust. (2:229)

    [2:230.] After a divorce for the third time, it isnot lawful for the husband to resumemarital relations with her or remarry heruntil she has been married and divorcedby another husband. In that case, thereis no sin for the former husband to

    marry her if they (both) think that theycan abide by the law. These are the lawsof God. He explains them for the peopleof knowledge. (2:230)

    When you divorce your wives and theirwaiting period has almost ended, youmay resume marital relations withhonor or leave them with kindness. Donot force them to live with you insuffering to satisfy your hostility.Whoever commits such transgressions,he has only harmed himself. Do not

    make jest of God's words.

    [2:231.] Remember the favors that God has doneto you and the Book and wisdom Hehas revealed for your guidance. Havefear of God and know that God hasknowledge of all things. (2:231)

    [2:232.] When the waiting period of thedivorced women has ended, you (her

    relatives) must not prevent them frommarrying their (previous) husbandsagain if they might reach an honorableagreement. This is an advice for thoseof you who believe in God and the Dayof Judgment. It is the most beneficialand pure way of treating each other.God knows but you do not know.(2:232)

    [2:233.] Mothers will breast feed their babies fortwo years if the fathers want them tocomplete this term. The father has topay them reasonable expenses. No soulis responsible for what is beyond itsability. None of the parents shouldsuffer any loss from the other becauseof the baby. The heirs are responsible tolook after the children of a deceased. Itis no sin for the parents to have amutual agreement about weaning the

    baby. There is no sin in hiring a womanto breast feed your children for areasonable payment. Have fear of Godand know that God is well aware ofwhat you do. (2:233)

    [2:234.] The wives of those of you who die haveto wait for a period of four months andten days. After this appointed time, it isno sin for the relatives of the deceasedto let the widows do what is reasonable.God knows well what you do. (2:234)

    [2:235.] It is not a sin if you make an indirectmarriage proposal or have such an

    intention in your hearts. God knows thatyou will cherish their memories in yourhearts. Do not have secret dates unlessyou behave lawfully. Do not decide fora marriage before the appointed time isover. Know that God knows what is inyour hearts. Have fear of Him and knowthat He is All-forgiving and All-merciful. (2:235)

    [2:236.] Also, it is not a sin if you divorce yourwives before the consummation of themarriage or the fixing of the dowry. Butthe dowry will be due from a husbandwhether he is rich or poor. It is payablein a reasonable amount according to thehusband's financial ability. This is anobligation for the righteous ones.(2:236)

    [2:237.] If you divorce your wives before theconsummation of the marriage and theamount of dowry has been fixed, payyour wives half of the amount of theirdowry unless she or her guardians drop

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    their demand for payment. To drop sucha demand is closer to piety. Be generousto each other. God is Well-Aware ofwhat you do. (2:237)

    [2:238.] Pay due attention to your prayers,especially the middle prayer and standup while praying, in obedience to God(2:238).

    [2:239.] In an emergency you may say yourprayers while walking or riding; butwhen you are safe, remember God, asHe has taught you what you did notknow before. (2:239)

    [2:240.] Those who are about to die and leavewidows behind should bequeath fortheir wives the expenses of one year'smaintenance. The widows must not beexpelled from the house for up to oneyear. It is no sin for the relatives of thedeceased to permit the widows to leave

    the house before the appointed time anddo what is reasonable. God is Majesticand Wise. (2:240)

    [2:241.] The divorced women have the right toreceive reasonable provisions. It is anobligation for the pious (2:241).

    [2:242.] Thus does God explain His revelationsto you so that perhaps you will haveunderstanding. (2:242)

    [2:243.] (Muhammad), consider the thousandswho left their homes for fear of death,who were then caused by God to dieand brought back to life. God is

    generous to men but most people arenot grateful. (2:243)[2:244.] Fight for the cause of God and know

    that God is All-hearing and All-knowing. (2:244)

    [2:245.] One who generously lends to God willbe paid back in many multiples of theloan. It is God who reduces andexpands things and to Him you will allreturn. (2:245)

    [2:246.] (Muhammad), remember that group ofthe Israelites after Moses whodemanded a Prophet of their own toappoint a king for them who would leadthem in the fight for the cause of God.Their Prophet then said, "What if youare ordered to fight and you disobey?"They said, "Why should we not fight forthe cause of God when we and our sonshave been expelled from our homes?"However, when they were ordered tofight, all refused except a few among

    them. God knows well the unjust.(2:246)

    [2:247.] Their Prophet said, "God has appointedSaul as a king for you." They replied,"How can he dominate us when wedeserve more to be king than he.Besides, he does not have abundantwealth." Their Prophet said, "God haschosen him as your ruler and has givenhim physical power and knowledge.God grants His authority to anyonewhom He wants. God is Provident andAll-knowing. (2:247)

    [2:248.] Their Prophet further told them, "As theevidence of his authority, he will bringto you the Ark which will be a comfortto you from your Lord and a legacy ofthe household of Moses and Aaron. Itwill be carried by the angels. This is theevidence for you if you have faith."

    (2:248)[2:249.] When Saul set forth with the army he

    said, "God will test you with a river.Those who drink its water will not be ofmy people and those who do not eventaste the water or who only taste someof it from within the hollow of theirhand, will be my friends. They all drankthe water except a few of them.

    When Saul and those who believed inhim crossed the river, his people said,"We do not have the strength to fight

    against Goliath and his army." Thosewho thought that they would meet Godsaid, "How often, with God'spermission, have small groups defeatedthe large ones?" God is with those whoexercise patience. (2:249)

    [2:250.] Advancing towards Goliath and hisarmy, they prayed to God for patience,steadfastness in battle, and for victoryover the unbelievers (2:250).

    [2:251.] They defeated their enemy throughGod's will. David slew Goliath and God

    granted David the kingdom and wisdomand also taught him whatever Hewanted. Had God not made one groupof people repel the other, the earthwould have become full of corruption,but God is generous to His creatures.(2:251)

    [2:252.] (Muhammad), these are the revelationswhich We recite to you for a genuine

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    purpose. Certainly you are one of OurMessengers. (2:252)

    [2:253.] We gave some of Our Messengerspreference over others. To some ofthem God spoke and He raised the rankof some others. We gave authoritativeproofs to Jesus, son of Mary, andsupported him by the Holy Spirit. HadGod wanted, the generations who livedafter those Messengers would not havefought each other after the authority hadcome to them. But they differed amongthemselves, some of them believed inthe authority and others denied it. Theywould not have fought each other hadGod wanted, but God does as He wills.(2:253)

    [2:254.] Believers, out of what We have givenyou, spend for the cause of God beforethe coming of the day when there will

    be no trading, no friendship, and nointercession. Those who deny the Truthare unjust. (2:254)

    [2:255.] God exists. There is no God but He, theEverlasting and the Guardian of life.Drowsiness or sleep do not seize him.To Him belongs all that is in theheavens and the earth. No one canintercede with Him for others except byHis permission. He knows aboutpeople's present and past.

    No one can grasp anything from His

    knowledge besides what He haspermitted them to grasp. The heavensand the earth are under His dominion.He does not experience fatigue inpreserving them both. He is the Highestand the Greatest. (2:255)

    [2:256.] There is no compulsion in religion.Certainly, right has become clearlydistinct from wrong. Whoever rejectsthe devil and believes in God has firmlytaken hold of a strong handle that neverbreaks. God is All-hearing and knowing

    (2:256).[2:257.] God is the Guardian of the believers andit is He who takes them out of darknessinto light. The Devil is the guardian ofthose who deny the Truth and he leadsthem from light to darkness. These arethe dwellers of hell wherein they willlive forever. (2:257)

    [2:258.] (Muhammad), have you heard about theone who argued with Abraham abouthis Lord for His granting him authority?Abraham said, "It is only my Lord whogives life and causes things to die." Hisopponent said, "I also can give life andmake things die." Abraham said, "Godcauses the sun to come up from theEast. You make it come from theWest." Thus the unbeliever wasconfounded. God does not guide theunjust people. (2:258)

    [2:259.] (Or have you heard) of the one who, onpassing through an empty and ruinedtown, said, "When will God bring it tolife?" God caused him to die andbrought him back to life after a hundredyears and then asked him, "How longhave you been here?" He replied, "Oneday or part of a day."

    The Lord said, "No, you have been here for onehundred years. Look at your food anddrink. They have not yet decayed. Butlook at your donkey and its bones. Tomake your case evidence (of the Truth)for the people, see how we bring thebones together and cover them withflesh." When he learned the wholestory, he said, "Now I know that Godhas power over all things." (2:259)

    [2:260.] When Abraham prayed, "Lord, show

    me how you bring the dead back tolife," the Lord said, "Do you not yetbelieve?" Abraham replied, "I believebut want more confidence for myheart." God told him, "Take four birds,induce them to come to you, cut andscatter their bodies leaving parts onevery mountain top, then call them andthey will swiftly come to you." Knowthat God is Majestic and Wise. (2:260)

    [2:261.] Spending money for the cause of God isas the seed from which seven ears maygrow, each bearing one hundred grains.

    God gives in multiples to those whomHe wants. God is Munificent and All-knowing. (2:261)

    [2:262.] Those who spend their property for thecause of God and do not make therecipient feel obliged or insulted shallreceive their reward from God. Theywill have no fear nor will they begrieved (2:262).

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    [2:263.] Instructive words and forgiveness arebetter than charity that may cause aninsult to the recipient. God is Rich andForbearing. (2:263)

    [2:264.] Believers, do not make your charitiesfruitless by reproachfully reminding therecipient of your favor or making themfeel insulted, like the one who spendshis property to show off and who has nofaith in God or belief in the Day ofJudgment. The example of his deed isas though some soil has gathered on arock and after a rain fall it turns hardand barren. Such people can not benefitfrom what they have earned. God doesnot guide the unbelievers. (2:264)

    [2:265.] The example of those who spend theirproperty to please God out of their firmand sincere intention is as the garden ona fertile land which, after a heavy

    rainfall or even a drizzle, yields doubleproduce. God is Well-Aware of whatyou do. (2:265)

    [2:266.] (What do you think of the case) of oneof you who wishes to have a garden ofpalm-trees and grapes with waterflowing therein and producing all kindsof fruits, especially if he is welladvanced in age and has weak childrenwho need support, and then a hurricanewith fire in it strikes the garden andburns it to the ground? This is how Godexplains to you His evidence so that you

    may think. (2:266)[2:267.] Believers, spend for the cause of Godfrom the good things that you earn andfrom what we have made the earth yieldfor you. Do not even think of spendingfor the cause of God worthless thingsthat you yourselves would be reluctantto accept. Know that God is Self-sufficient and Glorious. (2:267)

    [2:268.] Satan threatens you with poverty andcommands you to commit sin. Godpromises you forgiveness and favors.God is Munificent and All-knowing(2:268).

    [2:269.] God gives wisdom to anyone whom Hewants. Whoever is given wisdom,certainly, has received much good. Onlypeople of reason can grasp this (2:269).

    [2:270.] God knows all about whatever youspend for His cause or any vows thatyou make. The unjust people have nohelper. (2:270)

    [2:271.] It is not bad to give alms in public.However if you give them privately tothe poor, it would be better for you andan expiation for some of your sins. Godis Well-Aware of what you do. (2:271)

    [2:272.] (Muhammad), you do not have to guidethem. God guides whomever He wants.Whatever you spend for the cause ofGod is for your own good, provided youdo not spend anything but to pleaseGod. For anything good that you maygive for the cause of God, you willreceive sufficient reward and noinjustice will be done to you. (2:272)

    [2:273.] (If the recipients of charity are) the poorwhose poverty, because of their strivingfor the cause of God, has become anobstacle for them, and who do not havethe ability to travel in the land, theyseem rich compared to the ignorant,

    because of their modest behavior. Youwould know them by their faces. Theywould never earnestly ask people forhelp. God knows well whatever wealthyou spend for the cause of God (2:273).

    [2:274.] Those who spend their property for thecause of God, any time during the dayor night, in public or in private, willreceive their reward from their Lord.There will be no fear for them nor willthey grieve. (2:274)

    [2:275.] Those who take unlawful interest willstand before God (on the Day of

    Judgment) as those who suffer from amental imbalance because of Satan'stouch; they have said that trade is justlike unlawful interest. God has madetrade lawful and has forbidden unlawfulinterest. One who has received advicefrom his Lord and has stoppedcommitting sins will be rewarded forhis previous good deeds. His affairs willbe in the hands of God. But one whoturns back to committing sins will be ofthe dwellers of hell wherein he will liveforever (2:275).

    [2:276.] God makes unlawful interest devoid ofall blessings and causes charity toincrease. God does not love sinfulunbelievers. (2:276)

    [2:277.] The righteously striving believers whoare steadfast in their prayers and pay thezakat, will receive their reward fromGod. They will have no fear nor willthey grieve. (2:277)

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

    [2:278.] Believers, have fear of God and give upwhatever unlawful interest you stilldemand from others, if you are indeedtrue believers (2:278).

    [2:279.] If you will not give up the unlawfulinterest which you demand, know thatyou are in the state of war with God andHis Messenger. But if you repent, youwill have your capital without beingwronged or having done wrong toothers. (2:279)

    [2:280.] One who faces hardship in paying hisdebts must be given time until hisfinancial condition improves. Wouldthat you knew that waiving such a loanas charity would be better for you!(2:280).

    [2:281.] Safeguard yourselves against the daywhen you will return to God and everysoul will be rewarded according to its

    deeds without being wronged. (2:281)

    Believers, if you take a loan for aknown period of time, have a just scribewrite it down for you. The scribe shouldnot refuse to do this as God has taughthim. The debtor should dictate withoutany omission and have fear of God, hisLord. If the debtor is a fool, a minor, orone who is unable to dictate, hisguardian should act with justice as hisrepresentative. Let two men or one manand two women whom you choose, bear

    witness to the contract so that if one ofthem makes a mistake the other couldcorrect him. The witness must notrefuse to testify when their testimony isneeded.

    Do not disdain writing down a small ora large contract with all the details. Awritten record of the contract is more just in the sight of God, more helpfulfor the witness, and a more scrupulousway to avoid doubt. However, ifeverything in the contract is exchanged

    at the same time, there is no sin in notwriting it down.

    [2:282.] Let some people bear witness to yourtrade contracts but the scribe or witnessmust not be harmed; it is a sin to harmthem. Have fear of God. God teachesyou. He has knowledge of all things.(2:282)

    [2:283.] If you are on a journey where youcannot find a scribe, finalize yourcontract in the form of a deposit inwhich the goods are already given to theparties. If you trust each other in such acontract, let him pay back what he hasentrusted you with and have fear ofGod, his Lord. Do not refuse to testifyto what you bore witness. Whoeverdoes so has committed a sin. Godknows what you do. (2:283)

    God belongs whatever is in the heavensand the earth. God will call you toaccount for all that you may reveal fromyour souls and all that you may conceal.

    [2:284.] God will forgive or punish whomeverHe wants. God has power over allthings. (2:284)

    [2:285.] The Messengers and the believers havefaith in what was revealed to them fromtheir Lord. Everyone of them believedin God, His angels, His Books, and HisMessengers, saying, "We find nodifference among the Messengers ofGod." They also have said, "We heardGod's commands and obeyed them.Lord, we need Your forgiveness and toYou we shall return." (2:285)

    God does not impose on any soul aresponsibility beyond its ability. Everysoul receives whatever it gains and isliable for whatever it does.

    [2:286.] Lord, do not hold us responsible for ourforgetfulness and mistakes. Lord, do notlay upon us the burden that You laid onthose who lived before us. Lord, do notlay on us what we cannot afford. Ignoreand forgive our sins. Have mercy on us.You are our Lord. Help us against theunbelievers. (2:286)

    THE IMRANS (al-imran) (3)

    Number of Verses: 200In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

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    [3:1.] Alif. Lam. Mim. (3:1)

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    [3:2.] God exists. He is the only Lord, theEverlasting and the Guardian of life(3:2).

    [3:3.] He has sent the Book (Quran) to you(Muhammad) in all Truth. It confirmsthe original Bible. He revealed theTorah and the Gospel (3:3)

    [3:4.] before as a guide for the people andnow He has revealed the criteria ofdiscerning right from wrong. Thosewho reject the revelations of God willface the most severe torment. God isMajestic and capable to revenge. (3:4)

    [3:5.] Nothing in the heavens or the earth ishidden from God (3:5).

    [3:6.] It is God who shapes you in the wombsas He wills. He is the only Lord, theMajestic, and All-wise. (3:6)

    [3:7.] It is God who has revealed the Book toyou in which some verses are clear

    statements (which accept nointerpretation) and these are thefundamental ideas of the Book, whileother verses may have severalpossibilities. Those whose hearts areperverse, follow the unclear statementsin pursuit of their own mischievousgoals by interpreting them in a way thatwill suit their own purpose. No oneknows its true interpretations exceptGod and those who have a firmgrounding in knowledge say, "Webelieve in it. All its verses are from our

    Lord." No one can grasp this fact exceptthe people of reason. (3:7)[3:8.] They say, "Lord, do not cause our

    hearts to deviate from Your guidance,and grant us mercy. You are the MostAwarding One (3:8).

    [3:9.] Lord, it is certain that one day You willgather all the people together. God doesnot break His promise." (3:9)

    [3:10.] The wealth and children of theunbelievers will never serve them as asubstitute for their belief in God. Suchpeople will be the fuel for the fire(3:10).

    [3:11.] They do as the people of Pharaoh andthose who lived before them did. Theycalled Our revelations mere lies. Godpunished them for their sins. God isstern in His retribution. (3:11)

    [3:12.] (Muhammad), tell the unbelievers thatthey will soon be defeated and driveninto Hell, a terrible dwelling. (3:12)

    [3:13.] There, certainly, is evidence (of theexistence of God) for you in the case ofthe two armies. One of them fought forthe cause of God. The other weredisbelievers. The disbelievers appearedto be twice the size of the believers.However, God supports through Hishelp whomever He wants. It is a goodlesson for the people of true vision.(3:13)

    [3:14.] Worldly desires, wives, children,accumulated treasures of gold andsilver, horses of noble breed, cattle, andfarms are all made to seem attractive tomen. All these are the bounties of theworldly life but in the life to come Godhas the best place for people to dwell.(3:14)

    [3:15.] (Muhammad), ask them, "Shall I tellyou what is far superior to worldly

    pleasures? Those who have fear of Godwill have (as their reward) gardenswherein streams flow and wherein theywill live forever with their purifiedspouses and with the consent of God.God knows all about His servants."(3:15)

    [3:16.] (Such will be the reward of) those whosay, "Lord, we have believed in you.Forgive us our sins and save us from thetorment of fire," (3:16)

    [3:17.] who exercise patience, speak the truth,who are devoted in prayer, spend their

    property for the cause of God and seekforgiveness from God during the lastpart of the night. (3:17)

    [3:18.] God Himself testifies that He is the onlyLord. The angels and the men ofknowledge and justice testify that Godis the only Lord, the Majestic, and All-wise (3:18).

    [3:19.] In the sight of God Islam is the religion.The People of the Book createddifferences in the matters (of religion)because of their hostility amongthemselves, only after knowledge hadcome to them. Let whoever denies therevelations of God know that thereckoning of God is swift. (3:19)

    [3:20.] (Muhammad), if the People of the Bookargue against you, say, "I and those whofollow me have submitted ourselves toGod." Ask the People of the Book andthe illiterate ones, "Have you embracedIslam?" If they embrace Islam, they willfind guidance but if they turn away,

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    your task is just to preach. God knowsall about His servants. (3:20)

    [3:21.] Warn those who deny the revelations ofGod and unjustly slay the Prophets andthose who call people to be just, thatthey will suffer a painful torment (3:21).

    [3:22.] The deeds of such people are madedevoid of all virtue in both this life andthe life to come. There will be no one tohelp them. (3:22)

    [3:23.] (Muhammad), consider those who havereceived a share of the Book. Whenthey refer to the Book in order to judgeamongst themselves, a group of themturn away with disregard (3:23)

    [3:24.] because of their belief that the fire willonly touch them for a few days. Thisfabricated belief has deceived them inmatters of their religion (3:24).

    [3:25.] What will happen to their belief when

    We bring them together on theInevitable Day when every soul will bejustly recompensed for its deeds? (3:25)

    [3:26.] (Muhammad), say, "Lord, Owner of theKingdom, You give authority towhomever You want and take it awayfrom whomever You want. You givehonor to whomever You want andhumiliate whomever You want. In Yourhands is all virtue and You have powerover all things (3:26).

    [3:27.] You cause the day to enter into thenight and the night to enter into the day.

    You cause the living to come out of thedead and the dead to come out of theliving. You give sustenance towhomever You want without keepingan account. (3:27)

    [3:28.] The believers must not establishfriendship with the unbelievers inpreference to the faithful. Whoever doesso has nothing to hope for from Godunless he does it out of fear or taqiyah(pious dissimulation).

    God warns you about Himself. To God

    do all things return. (3:28)

    [3:29.] (Muhammad), tell them, "God knowsall that you may conceal in your heartsor you may reveal. He knows all that isin the heavens and the earth. He haspower over all things (3:29).

    [3:30.] On the day when every soul will see itsgood and bad deeds right before its very

    eyes, it will wish for the longest periodof time to separate it from its bad deeds.God warns you about Himself. God isCompassionate to His servants. (3:30)

    [3:31.] (Muhammad), tell them, "If you loveGod, follow me. God will love you andforgive your sins. God is All-forgivingand All-merciful." (3:31)

    [3:32.] Tell them, "Obey God and theMessenger." If they turn away (let it beknown) that God does not love theunbelievers. (3:32)

    [3:33.] God chose (and gave distinction to)Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham,and Imran over all the people of theworld (3:33).

    [3:34.] They were the offspring of one another.God is All-hearing and All-seeing.(3:34)

    [3:35.] Remember when Imran's wife prayed to

    her Lord saying, "I have made a vow todedicate to Your service whatever is inmy womb. Lord, accept it from me.You are All-hearing and All-knowing"(3:35).

    [3:36.] When the baby was born she said,"Lord, it is a female." God knew this.Male and female are not alike. "I havenamed her Mary. I pray that You willkeep her and her offspring safe fromSatan, the condemned one." (3:36)

    [3:37.] Her Lord graciously accepted the offerand made Mary grow up, pure, and

    beautiful. Zachariah took custody ofher. Whenever he went to visit her inher place of worship, he would findwith her some food. He would ask her,"Where did this food come from?" Shewould reply, "God has sent it." Godgives sustenance to whomever He wantswithout keeping an account. (3:37)

    [3:38.] Zachariah prayed to his Lord there,saying, "Lord, grant me, by Your Grace,virtuous offspring. You hear allprayers" (3:38).

    [3:39.] When he was standing during prayer inhis place of worship, the angels calledhim saying, "God gives you the gladnews of the birth of your son, John whowill be a confirmation of (Jesus) theWord of God. He will become a chaste,noble leader and one of the righteousProphets. (3:39)

    [3:40.] He said, "How can there be a son for mewhen I am already senile and my wife is

  • 8/14/2019 Quran by Muhammad Sarwar Rev-02


    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    barren." The angel replied, "God doesas He wills." (3:40)

    [3:41.] Zachariah prayed to God saying, "Lord,show me the evidence (that it is Divinerevelation)." The Lord replied, "Youmust not speak to people for three daysexcept with gestures. Commemorateyour Lord often and glorify Him in theearly mornings and the evenings."(3:41)

    [3:42.] "Behold," the angels told Mary, "Godhad chosen you, purified you, and givenyou distinction over all women (3:42).

    [3:43.] Mary, pray devotedly to your Lord,prostrate yourself before Him and bowdown with those who bow down beforeHim." (3:43)

    [3:44.] (Muhammad), that was some of thenews about the unseen, that We haverevealed to you. You were not among

    those who cast lots by throwing theirarrows to find out who would takecustody of Mary, nor were you amongthose who disputed the matter. (3:44)

    [3:45.] "Behold," the angels told Mary, "Godhas given you the glad news of thecoming birth of a son whom He callsHis Word, whose name will beMessiah, Jesus, son of Mary, who willbe a man of honor in this life and thelife to come, and who will be one of theones nearest to God (3:45).

    [3:46.] He will speak to the people while in his

    cradle and preach to them when he willbe a man. He will be one of therighteous ones. (3:46)

    [3:47.] (Mary) said, "How can there be a sonfor me when no mortal has touchedme?" The angel replied, "That is howGod creates whatever He wants. WhenHe decides to do something He justorders it to exist and it comes intoexistence." (3:47)

    [3:48.] God will give (Jesus) wisdom and teachhim the Book, the Torah, and theGospel (3:48).

    [3:49.] He will be a Messenger of God to theIsraelites to whom he will say, "I havebrought you a miracle from your Lord. Ican create for you something from clayin the form of a bird. When I blow intoit, it will become a real bird, by thepermission of God. I can heal the blindand the lepers and bring the dead backto life, by the permission of God. I cantell you about what you eat and what

    you store in your homes. This is amiracle for you if you want to havefaith. (3:49)

    [3:50.] "I testify to what is true in the Torahand make lawful for you some of thethings that were made unlawful. I havebrought you a miracle from your Lord.Have fear of God and obey me (3:50).

    [3:51.] God is my Lord as well as yours.Worship Him for this is the right path."(3:51)

    [3:52.] When Jesus found them denying thetruth, he said, "Who will help me in thecause of God?" The disciples replied,"We are the helpers of God. We believein Him. Jesus, bear witness that we havesubmitted ourselves to His will." (3:52)

    [3:53.] They prayed, "Lord, we have believedin what You have revealed to YourMessenger and we have followed him.

    Write down our names with those whotestify in support of the Truth." (3:53)

    [3:54.] The unbelievers plotted and Godplanned, but God is a much betterplanner; (3:54)

    [3:55.] He told Jesus, "I will save you fromyour enemies, raise you to Myself, keepyou clean from the association with thedisbelievers, and give superiority toyour followers over the unbelieversuntil the Day of Judgment. On that dayyou will all return to Me and I shallresolve your dispute (3:55).

    [3:56.] I shall sternly punish the unbelievers inthis life and in the life to come and noone will help them. (3:56)

    [3:57.] However, to the righteously strivingbelievers I shall give their reward in fullmeasure." God does not love the unjust.(3:57)

    [3:58.] (Muhammad), what we recite to you arerevelations and words of wisdom.(3:58)

    [3:59.] To God the case of Jesus is as that ofAdam whom He created from the earthand then said, "Exist," and Adam cameinto existence (3:59).

    [3:60.] (Muhammad, the essence of) the Truthis from your Lord. Never have anydoubt about it. (3:60)

    [3:61.] If anyone disputes (your prophesy) afterknowledge has come to you, say, "Leteach of us bring our children, women,our people, and ourselves to one placeand pray to God to condemn the liarsamong us." (3:61)

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    Quran Translated By: Muhammad Sarwar (Friday, February 21, 1997) AVINY.COMA Last Divine Revelation of Peace for all ages & Reminder from God to mankind.

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    [3:62.] This is the true story (of Jesus).

    There is no Lord but God. It is God who isMajestic and All-wise (3:62).

    [3:63.] If they turn away (from the Truth, let it

    be known that) God knows well theevil-doers. (3:63)[3:64.] (Muhammad), say to the People of the

    Book, "We must come to a commonterm. Let us worship no one exceptGod, nor consider anything equal toHim, nor regard any of us as our Lordbesides God." However, if they turnaway from (the Truth), tell them, "Bearwitness that we have submittedourselves to the will of God." (3:64)

    [3:65.] Ask the People of the Book, "Why doyou argue about Abraham? The Torahand Gospel were revealed only afterhim. Why do you not understand?(3:65).

    [3:66.] You even argue about what is alreadyknown to you. What can you learn fromarguing about that which you have noknowledge? God knows but you do notknow." (3:66)

    [3:67.] Abraham was not a Jew or a Christian.He was an upright person who hadsubmitted himself to the will of God.Abraham was not a pagan (3:67).

    [3:68.] The nearest people to Abraham, amongmankind, are those who followed him,

    this Prophet (Muhammad) and the truebelievers. God is the Guardian of thetrue believers. (3:68)

    [3:69.] A group among the People of the Bookwould love to mislead you but theymislead no one but themselves.However, they do not realize it. (3:69)

    [3:70.] (Muhammad), say, "People of the Book,why do you deny the revelation of God(the Quran) even though you know verywell that it is from God? (3:70).

    [3:71.] Why do you mix truth with falsehoodand knowingly hide the truth?" (3:71)

    [3:72.] Some of the People of the Book say,"Believe in what is revealed to theMuslims during the day only andabandon it in the evening. This willperhaps make them give up theirreligion" (3:72).

    They also say, "Do not believe anyoneexcept those who follow your religion,

    so that no one may have what you havereceived or may argue with you beforeyour Lord."

    [3:73.] (Muhammad), tell them, "The onlyguidance is the guidance of God. All

    favors are in the hands of God. Hegrants His favors to whomever Hewants. He is Munificent and All-knowing" (3:73).

    [3:74.] God grants priority in granting mercy towhomever He wants. God's favors aregreat. (3:74)

    [3:75.] If you entrust some of the People of theBook, with a large quantity of gold,they will return it to you while if youentrust others among them with a smallquantity of gold, they will not give itback to you unless you keep insisting onits return. For