quizlings feb 2015 part2

Quizlings – Quizician for Teenagers https://www.facebook.com/groups/Quizlings/ Feb 2015 Part 2 Transcribed by BalajiKasiraj

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Quizlings – Quizician for Teenagers


Feb 2015 Part 2

Transcribed by Balaji Kasiraj

#1)US Dwight D. Eisenhower was

on his official plane when a

commercial flight in the same

airspace as the President’s plane

shared the same call sign, causing

much confusion.

What resulted from this?

Answer: Air Force One

#2)Caltech scientist Kip Thorne

helped with a movie script last


Kip Thorne's name featured in a

bet in a movie this year.

( going by India release dates)

Name both moviesBy-abhishek u


Interstellar and Theory of


#3)These are members of the family

'Sturnidae', or what we call Mynah in

India. In many parts of the world they

form huge flocks like shown in the

picture. Such flocks are called what?

Pic in next slide->

Answer: Murmuration (of starlings)

#4) 466453 .com is a Google-

owned domain name used by their

SMS system. Why 466453?

From:Md Irfan

Answer: It spells out google on a

phone keypad

#5)Which hobby or pastime of

Sherlock Holmes is reflected here?

(has been blanked out)

Pic in next slide->

Answer:Bee Keeping

#6) During his baseball career,

what jersey number did Michael

Jordan sport?

Answer:45 (in baseball and for a

short while in Basketball!!...of

course he mostly used 23 in


#7) The painting by Cristiano Banti

depicts a trial on charges of heresy,

an act which was acknowledged to

be a mistake centuries later. Who is

the subject of the inquisition?

From-Ramesh Athreya

Pic in next slide->


#8) Which animated character's

surname is apparently Marquez?

(voiced for long by Peru born

Kathleen Herles)

Answer:Dora the Explorer

#9) Though its predecessor is

better known, the Lorenz was a

successor and vast improvement to


Answer: The German Enigma

cipher machine

#10) What is the name of the

human-like inhabitants of the land

of the Houyhnhnms, discovered by

Captain Lemuel Gulliver in 1711?

from -Prasoon Bopche


#11)Which Government service for

communication was in operation in

Odisha till about 2005 and is still

apparently used by its police force

during emergencies?

From- Md Irfan

Answer-Pigeon post

#12) In Hindu mythology, Jaya and

Vijaya are the two demigod

gatekeepers of Lord Vishnu. For

insulting the Kumaras, they are cursed

to take three births as Lord Vishnu's

enemies on Earth. First as

Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha.In

their second life they were born as

Ravana and Kumbhakarna.

Who were they born as the third time?

Answer: Sisupala and Dantavakra

#13) "The Dresden atrocity, tremendously

expensive and meticulously planned, was so

meaningless, finally, that only one person on the

entire planet got any benefit from it. I am that

person. I wrote this book, which earned a lot of

money for me and made my reputation, such as

it is. One way or another, I got two or three

dollars for every person killed. Some business

I'm in".

ID the the book written by the author, known for

satire, humour and science fiction, partially

based on experiences as a POW.

Answer: Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt


#14) What connects Taranjeet

Singh Bhatia, Ritika Singh and

Shraddha Prasad ?

From- Hindol Heroic Hazra

Answer: Indians selected for mars trip

#15)The Jade Emperor (to facilitate

something he was was working on)

summoned all the creatures onEarth

to participate in a race.

1) who won first place? Who was last?

2) who were in the middle?

From-Rajiv Rai


This is the Chinese zodiac. Rat came

first, by, what most conservative folks

will call, cheating (hitched a ride on

the ox and then jumped off last

minute). Pig was last, very distracted.

Ox, tiger, dragon, rabbit, snake etc

were the other 10

#16)What are Sylvester Da Cunha

and Eustace Fernandez best known

for creating ?

Answer : Amul girl

#17)"Revolution" was an American

post-apocalyptic science fiction

television series. The show takes place

in the post-apocalyptic near-future of

the year 2027, 15 years after the start

of a worldwide, permanent electrical-

power blackout in 2012.

What is the second "o" in "Revolution"

stylized as ?

Answer:The power symbol

#18)Who as



Steve Jobs as Eustace Tilley from

the New Yorker

#19)Two parts:

Identify the


featured in this

artwork. While

at it, explain

how his work

is aptly

represented in

the art work

Answer: Suraj Menon and Atishay


#20) What four letter word could

connect the two politicians?


Benazir..and nickname for Netanyahu

#21) 2 violins, 1 viola and a cello

together commonly form what?

Answer: String Quartet

#22) After Coca-Cola was forced

out of India in the 1970's, a brand

named 77 replaced it. Why was

this brand called 77?

Answer: To commemorate the

defeat of the Congress Party by the

Janatha Party (corrected) in 1977

#23) James Moriarty, Holmes's arch

enemy is a professor of what?


#24) A Puritan Minister left his

library of four hundred books to a

certain college in his will. The

grateful college promptly named

the college after him. Which




#25) Who


appears in

public dressed

like this, with

her face


Answer: The singer Sia

#26) Connect the person on the left to

the bestselling book on the right


Ross Perot. The book documents

his successful attempt to rescue of

his employees from Iran

#27) Which product (and brand) did

Mahatma Gandhi describe as 'one of

the most useful things ever invented?'

Answer: Khadi/sewing machine

#28) One sure shot way of listing all a

country's neighbours would be to start

somewhere on the national border and go

all the way around clockwise, listing out

the neighbours till you come back to the

same point.Do that with Vietnam and you

get Cambodia, Laos and China. Perfect.

Now try this with South Africa and you get

Namibia,Botswana, Zimbabwe,

Mozambique and Swaziland. Right, oops,

wrong. Which country did I miss and why?


San Marino and Vatican City.

#29) Which brand is named for a

wrestler in antiquity who won

many victories in the most

important athletic festivals of

ancient Greece and is believed to

have run a marathon with a young

cow on his shoulder?

Answer: Milo

#30) The demand for shark fins in

China dropped by some 50% last

year after the Chinese Government

took what step?

Answer: They banned Shark fin soup

from official banquets

#31) The name of which mythical

creature is used to denote a Silicon

Valley start-up company that

reaches a $1 billion valuation?


#32) Who or what is a Lessepsian


Answer: Its like a migration of

marine species across the Suez

canal from the Red sea to the

Mediterranean sea.

#33) Identify the person whose photo

has been used in this anti-smoking ad..

Answer: John Terry

#34) Which country has the longest

name with alternating vowels &

consonants ?

(example Mali , Peru etc)

Answer:United Arab Emirates

#35) This is a punctuation mark

designed for use especially at the end

of an exclamatory rhetorical question.

Example : 'You call that a hat?!'"

What is it called?

Answer: Interrobang

#36) Essentially a confederation, it was

one of the largest and one of the most

populous countries of 16th- and 17th-

century Europe. It goes by many

names but the best known one

incorporates the names of two present

day European nations both part of the

EU today.

Name the entity

Pic in next slide->

The Polish–Lithuanian

Commonwealth, formally the

Kingdom of Poland and the Grand

Duchy of Lithuania

#37) Who refused a Nobel Peace

prize on the grounds that when

awarded, peace had not yet been

achieved in his country?

Answer: Le Duc Tho (Vietnam)

#38) Which non-SI unit, first

named in 1910, bears a surname,

though the commission which

agreed on this name never

declared as to which person it was

specifically named for ?


#39) In Pro wrestling who or what

is a 'Baby Face?

Answer: A 'good' character

#40) Cover art

for the 10th


edition of

which 2002

book? it was

also made into

an acclaimed

film in 2009



#41) The Brelfie is more than a fad. Its

a sort of rebellion against FB and

(mostly western) social norms.

what specifically do Brelfies depict?

Answer: A selfie taken while


#42) 'Reunion'

photo. Who are

these people?

Answer: The kids from 'The Sound

of Music'

#43) Which



album is

being re-

released to

mark its 40th


Answer: Led Zeppelin.. Album is

Physical Graffiti

#44) From a 1920s interview of

George Mallory. What is the iconic

blanked out retort?

Answer : Because it’s there

#45) The name of which Australian

geographical feature essentially

means 'No trees?'

Answer:Ann Arbour(Michigan)

#46) Regards the Gymnastics floor

exercise competition, what is the

difference between the events for the

men and the women?

Answer: No Music for male event

#47) In the 1956 novel by Dodie Smith,

the crime involved 97 juveniles. In the

movie version 5 years later (and its

1996 remake), to simplify the story,

this number was increased to 99.

What are we talking about?

Answer: The movie 101 Dalamations

#48) Name the

film..and the

structure in



The Dark Knight Rises

Mehrangarh fort

Thank you