quiz 10

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quiz 10


No Questions and Answers Quiz 101 In the Chinese New Year what year follows Rat? Ox2 Genuphobia is the fear of what? Knees3 Percy LeBaron Spencer invented what in 1945 in USA? Microwave Oven4 St Peter was the first Pope - Who was second? St Linus5 What 1945 film won best picture, actor, director Oscars? The Lost Weekend6 What is the literal translation of pot-pouri? Putrid Pot7 Who did James Bond marry - character - (both names)? Theresa Draco8 What is studied in the science of somatology? The Body9 What was Hugh Hefner's jet plane called? Big Bunny10 What profession did Handel originally study? The Law11 What European nation was the first to drink tea? The Dutch12 Beaufort - the wind scale man - had what job? Sailor (Admiral)13 What bird is the symbol of Penguin books (children's section)? Puffin14 Diane Leather was the first woman to do what? Sub 5 minute mile15 What is Admiral Sir Miles Messervy usually known as? M (Bond films)16 Which part of the body is most sensitive to radiation? The Blood17 What film made 58 times - cartoon, porrno, operatic, ballet? Cinderella18 Mr Chips said goodbye from Brookfield school - What subject? Latin19 In which American city can you get doctorate in hambugerology? Hamburger College Chicago20 Which author created The Saint (both names)? Leslie Charteris21 What is sericulture? Growing Silkworms22 What was Eddison's first practical invention? Tick a Tape for stockmarket23 Frigophobia fear of what? Being Cold24 Which company invented the transistor radio in 1952? Sony25 Who is the only solo performer to win Euro song twice? Johnny Logan 1980 and 198726 Franz Liszt was the farther in law of what composer? Richard Wagner27 In what town was Leonardo Da Vinci born? Vinci28 Who directed the Halloween series of films? John Carpenter29 What metal impurity makes rubies red and emeralds green? Chromium30 Helen Mitchell became famous as what soprano? Nellie Melba31 Robert Whithead invented what weapon in 1866? Torpedo32 Zymase and Glucose combine to form what drug? Alcohol33 Translated literally what does television mean? Far Seeing34 Not as soups what have gazpacho - vichyssoise in common? Served Cold35 Who was the Greek goddess of retribution? Nemesis36 47 people worked on a committee to produce what work? Authorised version of Bible37 What was the first feature length British cartoon? Animal Farm in 195438 Who first said "Publish and be Damned"? Wellington re Harriot Wilson mistress39 Edwin Drake sank the first of them in 1859 - what were they? Oil Wells40 Calico cloth was invented in which country? India41 What is dittology? Double meaning42 Who played Pink in the movie The Wall? Bob Geldorf43 Rhabdophobia fear of what? Being Beaten44 Dr C W Long was the first to use what (anaesthetic) in 1842? Ether45 Hey Big Spender comes from what musical? Sweet Charity46 Jamie Farr played what role in MASH? Corporal Clinger47 Whets the correct name for golf club called Texas Wedge? Putter48 Whose nickname was slowhand (both names)? Eric Clapton49 Which country invented the mariners compass? China50 What countries international car registration letters are DZ? Algeria51 The name Malissa means what? Bee52 What was Acadia? Nova Scotia (French Name)53 Dragoon, Antwerp, Poulter, Tumbler, Horseman types of what? Pigeon54 What was the first frozen food available in Britain in 1937? Asparagus55 If you suffer from cynanthropy what do you think you are? Dog56 What is the phonetic alphabet word for letter P? Papa57 What is a runcible spoon? A broad Pickle fork58 The artist Abbott Thayer's developed what for military use? Camouflage colours59 What did Francis Bacon call The Purest of Pleasures? The Garden60 What is the largest single known gold object in the world? Tutankhamens Coffin61 Madame Pauline de Vere first female circus performer - do what? Head in Lions Mouth62 How was Alexander the Greats body preserved? In large jar of honey63 Californian law no shooting any animal moving car except what? A Whale64 Peter Falk plays Lt Colombo but who was first offered role? Bing Crosby65 What type of birds (Hugin + Munin) sit on the shoulders of Odin? Ravens66 Where are you most likely to have a serious accident? In your home67 Melvin R Bissell invented what in 1876 in the USA? Carpet Sweeper68 Peniaphobia fear of what? Being Penniless69 About which game has most books been written? Chess70 Albert De Salvo was better known as who? The Boston Strangler71 What was the last European nation to accept the potato? France72 Students at Cambridge - no dogs - what Lord Byron keep? Bear73 King Mongut had aprox 9000 wife's/concubines what country? Siam - Thailand74 Only approx one third worlds population uses what regularly? Fork75 William Tayton was the first man to do what? Appear on TV on Bairds demo76 Clemintina Campbell famous as who? Cleo Lane77 What should you give after 15 years of marriage? Crystal78 What is a Charollais? Type of Cattle79 What place is called Rapa-nui by its native inhabitants? Easter Island80 Where was/is the original Penthouse? In a Real Tennis Court81 What pop group took their name from a Herman Hess novel? Steppenwolff82 How often does a Hebdomadal Council meet? Weekly83 What was unusual about Tyrell's car in the 1976 Spanish G Prix? Six Wheels84 In what country is the Eucumbene Dam? Australia New South Wales85 Males outnumber females by 5 to 1 in what addiction? Alcoholism86 For what would an Edgar be awarded or won? Mystery Writing87 What are salopettes? Snow proof Dungaree trousers88 Which society cared - plague victims when physicians left 1665? Apothecaries89 Domenikos Theotocopoulos born Crete - died Spain - who? El Greco90 What nation on average takes most time to eat meals? French91 Dr F Lanchester invented what motor safety aid in 1902? Disc Brakes92 Halophobia fear of what? Speaking93 Arthur Jefferson better known as who? Stan Laurel94 Why is the city La Paz in Bolivia safe from fire? To high - Not enough air to burn95 What is the national drink of Yugoslavia? Slivovitz96 Agnes the girls name means what? Chaste97 What were the wicks in the Vestal Virgins lamps made from? Asbestos98 Who is the Patron Saint of France? St Denis99 What are you supposed to give/get for 40 years of marriage? Ruby100 What is the Roman Numeral for 1000? M