quintessentially british


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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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The very best of Britain...


Page 1: Quintessentially British
Page 8: Quintessentially British

Proud to be British

Images: Fish/Chips – via Pinterest Strawberries – via Pinterest Pint – via Pinterest Fans – via Pinterest George Best – via Pinterest ‘66 World Cup – via Pinterest Goal celebration – via Pinterest Gazza – via Pinterest Rooney – via Pinterest The Beatles – via Pinterest Spice Girls – via Pinterest Freddie Mercury – via Pinterest Tom Jones – via Pinterest Diana & Princes – via Pinterest Kate Middleton – via Pinterest The Queen – via Pinterest Shakespeare – via Pinterest Jane Austen – via Pinterest JK Rowling – via Pinterest Kipling – via Pinterest Oasis – via Pinterest David Brent – via Pinterest Harry Hill – via Pinterest Monty Python – via Pinterest Only Fools & Horses – via Pinterest

According to new research (via best budget broadband winner Plusnet’s community blog), eight out of ten people in the UK are proud to be British. Perhaps it’s the atmosphere after such a patriotic summer of sport, but nearly a third of Brits said they feel the proudest they’ve felt in a decade! For a relatively small country, Britain has an incredible legacy of sport, comedy, music, literature, royalty and cuisine. What makes you proud to be British?