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Question 31-40 English











Questions 31 35

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

31. Who sends the three children to school?

AEncik Adam

BPuan Noraini

CPuan Rosna

DPuan Salma

32. The word trip in the passage refers to

Athe bus

Bthe school

Cthe visit

Dthe meeting

33. Puan Salma is a





34. What can you see at the British Council Library?

APeople singing.

BEducational materials.

CLanguage games.

DPeople acting.35. Which activity below is not conducted during the society meeting?




DDancingQuestions 36 40

Read the following details below and answer the questions that follow.NAMEAGERACERELIGIONOCCUPATIONHOBBIES

Amir Rosli25MalayMuslimTeacherReading

Tan Hock Chye30ChineseBuddhistContractorSinging


Jason Abraham32IndianChristianArchitectListeningto music

Syamsul Kamal29MalayMuslimDoctorTravelling

36. Who is the youngest among the five men?AAmir Rosli

BJason Abraham

CSyamsul Kamal

DTan Hock Chye

37. What is Tan Hock Chyes occupation?





38. Which of the following is the place of worship for Jason?





39. Where does Syamsul Kamal work?





40. A lawyer is a person who .

Ateaches pupils

Btreats sick people

Cbuilds buildings and bridges

Dis trained about laws and orderSET 2Questions 31 35

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Zaki wanted to make a kite. He looked for bamboos to make

the frame. He went to the shop to buy the paper, glue and strings. Then, he made the frame and stuck the paper onto it.

When it was finished, it was a beautiful kite. Zaki took it to the field to test it. There was a strong wind and the kite flew high into the sky. Zaki held the string and ran all over the field.

Suddenly, the string broke and the kite crashed into a tree. Zaki ran to the tree. He saw his kite stuck onto a branch. He climbed up the tree to get it. He saw that the kite was torn. He felt very sad. He took it down and walked home sadly. On the way home, he met Fahim. Fahim was flying his new kite.

Let me help you repair it, said Fahim, when he saw Zakis kite. Soon, the kite was repaired. Luckily the frame was not broken, said Fahim.

Yes, so all we had to do was to change the paper, said Zaki happily.31. What are the things that Zaki did not buy from the shop?





32.The word it in the first paragraph refers to


the glue

Bthe kite


the paper

Dthe frame

33. Why did Zaki go to the field?


to fly his kite

Bto climb a tree


to play with FahimDto look for his kite

34. Which of the following is true?


Zaki made the kite himself


Zaki made another new kite in the end


Zaki gave his kite to Fahim


Zaki bought his kite from the shop

35. The passage is mainly about


how Zaki broke his kite Bhow Zaki made his kite


how Zaki repaired his kiteDhow Zaki played with his kite

Questions 36 40

Study the following graph below and answer the following questions.

The bar graph shows how pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Setia go to school. The school is situated in a town. Most of the pupilslive in the nearby housing area and some of them live further away.36. How many people are there in Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Setia?A





37. How many pupils go to school by buses and cars?






38. What is the most common means of transport for the pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Setia?





39. Why do you think the pupils come to school by bus?A

They live near the school


They like to travel by bus


They live further away from the school


Their parents own a bus

40. Some of the pupils walk to school. Why?


Their house is within a walking distance


They want to exercise


There is no bus


They like to walk

SET 3Questions 31 35

Study the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.

Rashid is in a shop.Salesman:Good evening. Can I help you?

Rashid:Yes. Id like to buy a badminton racquet. What types

do you have?


:We have many different types. It depends on how

much you want to spend on it.


:Something not too expensive. It should cost less than



:This is the Sureshot. It is quite popular. It costs only



:Are the strings and the cover included?


:Im afraid not. The strings cost RM10.00 and the cover



:Oh..Thats too much. Do you have any other

racquet to show me?


:What about this one? It is a Supersmash. With the

strings, it costs just RM 55.00.


:Does it come with a cover?




:May I try it to see whether it has a good grip?

(holds the racquet for a minute)

Mmm it feels quite alright. Can you reduce the



:Okay. Ill make it RM52.00.


:All right. Please wrap it up for me.Salesman

:Please wait for a moment.


:Thank you.

31. What types do you have? Rashid is asking the salesman

Ato give him some racquets.

Bto show him some racquets.

Cto name him some racquets.

Dto sell him some racquets.32.The word popular means

Amost people buy it.

Bmany people buy it.

Csome people buy it.

Dvery few people buy it.33. How much is the price of Rashids racquet?





34. Why didnt Rashid buy the Sureshot racquet?

AHe did not like the grip.

BHe did not like the cover.

CHe did not like the price.

DHe did not like the strings.

35. Which of the following is not true?

AThe salesman was rude.

BThe salesman was polite.

CThe salesman was helpful.

DThe salesman was pleasant.Questions 36 40

Read the television programme below and answer the questions that follow.

36. At what time do the television programmes start?

A7.00 p.m

B7.00 a.m

C12.00 noon

D1.00 a.m

37. What is the name of the cartoon programme?

ABozo The Clown

BHappy Hour With Cheeky


DHello Kitty Sing Along

38. How many times is the News programme broadcasted?





39. What is the last show?

AMidnight Kung-fu


CUgly Betty


40. Which of the following is true?

AFull House is a cartoon programme.

BAll the programmes are in Bahasa Malaysia.

CThere is only one programme for kids.

DThe programmes end at 1.00a.mSET 4Questions 31 35

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

31. What does a postman do after he has collected the letters?A He puts them in his bag.BHe puts a mark on them.CHe sends them to other towns.DHe sends them to the post office.32. The word collected in paragraph 1 means


Btaken.Csorted. Dbrought.33. When a postman delivers letters, he never


Bgoes on a bus.Ccycles.

Dgoes on a van.34. The word they in paragraph 2 refers toAthe marks.

Bthe stamps.Cthe letters.

Dthe post boxes.35. What is the passage mainly about?

AHow letters are delivered to houses.

BHow letters are sorted at the post office.

CHow letters are delivered to the post office.

DHow letters are collected from the post boxes.

Question 36 40

Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.

36. What is the most suitable title for the chart above?

AThe history of a frog.

BThe life-cycle of a frog.

CThe life-span of a frog.

DThe place where a frog breed.37. A frog is

Aa fish.

Ba reptile.

Can insect.

Dan amphibian.

38. Which of the following statement is true?

ATadpoles live only on land.

BTadpoles live only in water.

CTadpoles can live without water.

DTadpoles can live on land and in water.

39. Tadpoles begin to breathe with their lungs

Aafter three weeks.Bafter three months.Cbefore three weeks.Dbefore three months.40. The last stage of the cycle of a frog is

Awhen the frog starts to lay eggs.

Bwhen the frogs hind legs appear.

Cwhen the frog starts to breath with their lungs.

Dwhen the frog starts to wiggle around.

SET 5Questions 31 35Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.


Go for assembly after the school bell has rung Never be late for school

Must be at the school hall every morning for assembly

Must wear the school tie everyday

Must stand at attention when the National Anthem and the

School Song are played every morning Keep the school clean and tidy Must not make noise when the teacher is not in the


Never eat in the classroom

Greet the teachers when you meet them or when they

enter the classroom

Get a letter of excuse from parents or guardians if you

are absent

Study hard, work hard and play hard

Must not make noise in the library

Be proud of our school and honour it

31. What must we do when the bell has rung?

AGo for assembly.

BBe quiet.

CWear our school tie.

DGreet the teacher.32. Where is the assembly being held every morning?

AAt the field.

BIn the classrooms.

CAt the school hall.

DOutside the classrooms.33. When the National Anthem is played, we must

Abe quiet.

Bstand at attention.

Clisten to it.

Dtalk to our friend.34. What must we do when we are absent from school?

AGet our parents or guardians to inform the teacher.

BLet our teacher know immediately.

CGet a letter of excuse from our parents or guardians.

DInform our friends.35. Why do you think it is good to follow the school rules?

AThe rules teach us to become good citizens.

BThe rules help us to get good results in examinations.

CThe rules help us to discipline ourselves later in life.

DThe rules help us to get along with friends and teachers. Questions 36 40

Look at the sign below and answer the questions that follow. 36. What is the meaning of sign No. 1?


No entry . BTurn right.


Be careful. DWalk slowly.37. Sign No 1 and 2 can always be seen ________________


at the library.

Bat the supermarket.


on the road.

Dat the seaside.

38. Which sign is suitable to be pasted on the Year 6 certificate?


Sign No. 4

BSign No. 7


Sign No. 5

DSign No. 3

39. Sign No 6 remind us to ______________.


turn on the tap


turn off the tap


turn right


turn left

40. If you want to post the letter which sign are you going to choose?


Sign No. 5


Sign No. 7


Sign No. 4


Sign No. 6 SET 6

Questions 31 35 Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow.

31. Who wrote the letter?

AThe secretary of the factory.

BThe manager of the factory. CThe manager of the English Language Society.

DThe secretary of the English Language Society.32. The factory is situated in __________________

Aa garden.

Ban industrial park.

Ca food court.

Da housing estate.33. The number of participants involved in the trip is _____________





34. How long is the trip ?

A1 hour.

B2 hours.

C40 minutes.

D1 hour 15 minutes.35. The pupils will be visiting the factory on

A11 June.

B15 June.

C11 September.

D15 September .Questions 36 40Read the label below and answer the questions that follow.

36. The food label is about

Afiltered water

Bsoya drink

Csoya bean

DDeli drink37. The product is best consume within _________________

A10 months

B13 months

C12 months

D11 months38. Refrigerate if open, means that the drink _____________

Amust be consumed cold.

Btaste better if it is keptin the refrigerator.

Cshould be stored in the refrigerator all the time.

Dmust be properly stored in the refrigerator after being opened.39. What is the main content of the product?

Asoya bean extract Bfiltered water

Csugar Dpreservative40. The word ingredients tells us

Awho distribute the product.

Bwho produced the product.

Cwho made the product.

Dwhat the product contains.

SET 7Questions 31 35Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.


The English Language Society is planning a trip to Kuala Lumpur on 24 September. We will visit the Parliament House, the Aquaria KLCC and other interesting places in the city. This trip is only for Year 6 students. All those interested in going, please give your names and RM100.00 to your class teachers.The money is for the bus fare, food and lodging. Programme:

Day 1 - 7.30 a.m-Bus leaves for Kuala Lumpur

2.00 p.m-Reaches Kuala Lumpur

-Lunch / rest

5.00 p.m-Bus Tour / sight seeing around Kuala Lumpur

- Dinner

10.00 p.m-Back to hotel Day 2 -8.00 a.m-Breakfast

9.00 a.m-Tour of the Parliament House

-Visit to the National Museum and the National Monument

12.00 noon-Lunch at Taman Perdana

3.00 p.m-Aquaria KLCC

6.00 p.m-Back to hotel

7.30 p.m-Dinner

9.00 p.m-Bus leaves for Jitra

2.00 a.m-Bus arrives at Sekolah Kebangsan Seri Murni

(please arrange for transport to take you home)

The following teachers will be going for the trip:

Puan Mahani&Puan Sofiah

Mr. Chandran & Encik Malik There will be a meeting for those who are going for the trip at the school hall on 20 September.

**Class Teachers:Please submit the list of names to Mr. Chandran by 15 Sept.

Please hand the money to Puan Sofiah by 20 Sept.

31. The notice is addressed to

Athe pupils in Year 6

Ball the pupils in the school

Cthe members of the English Society

Dthe class teachers and the pupils of Year 6

32. The visit to Kuala Lumpur will be on

A15 September

B20 September

C24 September

D23 September

33. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

APupils who are going must meet in school before 7.30 a.m.

BPupils who are going must pay RM100.00.

CPupils who are going must be in Year 6.

DPupils must bring their own food.

34. Which of the following places is not in the list of visit?

ANational Monument

BNational Museum

CKuala Lumpur Tower

CAquaria KLCC

35. Sightseeing can best be replaced with




Dstrolling. Questions 36 40

Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

36. What is the notice all about?

AA second hand good sale

BA garage sale

CA warehouse sale

DA jumble sale

37. A warehouse is most probably a place where

Agoods are stored

Bgoods are sold

Cgoods are manufactured

Dgoods are imported

38. What is the motive of a warehouse sale?

Ato make a profit

Bto sell the latest designs

Cto attract buyers

Dto clear the old stocks

39. Based on the advertisement, the warehouse will be opened for ________ hours everyday.





40. The advertisement can be found in the






Question 31 35Read the diary below and answer the questions that follow.

31. Fluffy, Wiwi and Pinky are __________







32. Who is the writers female cousin?







33. In what Year is the writer this year ?


Year 3

BYear 4


Year 5

DYear 6

34. Why was the writer sad?


his grandmother passed away


the school holidays would end soon


Lisa and Lan played on his computer


The school books were difficult

35. What did the writer do at Jitra Mall?


ate fried chicken

Bplayed computer games


shopped with parentsDread school books

Question 36 40

Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.

36. The purpose of this contest is to __________

Aget people to buy Hot Chocolate.Bget people to fill in the entry form.Cget people to know the rules of the contest.Dtest people about Hot Chocolate.37. There are altogether _______ prizes.


Btwenty - six


Dthirty six

38. The word entertained can best be replaced by ___________.





39. Mansor is still studying at a college 20 kilometres from his house. He has no

transport. He enters the contest. From the above statement, Mansor wishes

to win the _________ .

AYamaha MotorcycleBcotton t-shirt


DSharp Television39. Who can enter the contest?

AAll the people in West Malaysia.

BAll the people living in Malaysia

CAll the people working in Malaysia

DAll the people in Sabah and Sarawak

SET 9Question 31 35

Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow.


Why did Nora take such a long time to reply Wardahs letter?

AShe was busy

BShe was away on holidays

CShe was getting married

DShe had fever

32 The word holidays can best be replaced with






From the letter, we know that the writer is from .






Which one of these places is not mentioned in the letter?

ACable Car Ride

BCenang Beach

CEagle Square

Dthe Burnt Rice site

35 Why is Nora inviting Wardah to her house?

ATo visit her family

BTo celebrate her birthday

CTo attend her brothers wedding

DTo spend a vacation

Question 36 40Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.

36. Where will Mustafa go if he wants to borrow books?


National Library

BPolice Station

CAbu Bakar Mosque

DPost Office

37. The _________ is between the Abu Bakar Mosque and the National Library.



Bfriends house


Dgrandparents house

38. How many traffic lights does Mustafa have to pass to reach his school?






39. What would be the transport used by Mustafa to go to his school?






40. Mustafa has to go to the _____________ to buy a stamp.




Cpost office


SET 10 Questions 31 - 35

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

It was 8.00 a.m., Susan and Sharmila were waiting at the bus-stop. The bus was very late and they were worried that they might be late for work.

Suddenly, Susan felt someone snatched her handbag. She screamed when she saw a youth running with her handbag. Sharmila too joined Susan and screamed for help.

Luckily, two policemen who were walking nearby heard them and chased the thief. Passers-by who saw the incident joined the police and managed to capture the thief. The thief tried to break free but the policemen and the people managed to catch him.

The police then returned the handbag to Susan. They thanked the police and the people for helping them.

31. Susan and Sharmila were

Agoing home

Bgoing to school

Cgoing to the market

Cgoing to work

32. Who screamed for help?


Bthe people


DSusan and Sharmila

33. The incident took place

Ain the evening

Bin the afternoon

Cat night

Din the morning

34. The thief snatched

ASusan and Sharmilas handbag

BSusans handbag

CSharmilas handbag

Dthe policemans handbag

35. Which of the following statement is false?

ASusan and Sharmila were waiting for a bus.

BTheir bus came very late.

CThree policemen chased the thief.

DThe police returned the handbag to Susan

Question 36 40Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

36. Which of the items below are not described in the poem?

AHis looks

BHis size

CHis clothes

DHis habits

37. Why was he once called a scarecrow?

ABecause of his protruding teeth.BBecause of his badly fitted clothes.CBecause of his kindness.DBecause of his untidiness.38. In the phrase This worried him not at all , the word this refers to

Ahis ill fitted clothes.Bthe fact that he was called a scarecrow.Chis untidy hair.Dhis friend, the naughty boy.39. Which of the following statement is false about the person in the poem?

AHe is handsome and well dressed.

BHe is an honest and kind person.

CHe is a poor man.

DHe doesnt get angry easily.

40. Where do you think the man lives?AIn a house

BOn the street

CIn an old folks home

DWith his children

SET 11Questions 31 - 35

Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.

Look around you and you will find many things made of plastic. Plastic was first made in United States of America about 90 years ago. It is a man-made material. Plastic can be moulded into many shapes and colours. It is light, strong and does not rust. The mind map belowshows the different uses of plastic.

31. When was plastic first used?

AA few years ago.

B9 years ago.

C90 years ago.

D19 years ago.32. Why are many things made of plastic?

AIt is easy to find.

BIt lasts long.

CIt rusts easily.

D It melts easily.33. What kind of plastic is used to make garbage bag?

ASoft plastic

BHard plastic

CClear plastic

DColoured plastic

34. Why are telephone booths made of plastic?

AIt is easy to clean.

BIt can be made into different shapes.

CIt is not damaged by rain and sunlight.

DIt can be made easily.35. Which of the following is not true about plastic?

AIt was first made in South America.

B It can be moulded into many shapes.

COnly a few things can be made of plastic.

DWe can use plastic over fire.

Question 36 40Read the invitation card below and answer the questions that follow.

36. The above invitation is sent to


Natasha Bt. Hashim

BMuhamad Farid B. Ali


Encik Hashim B. AhmadDEncik Zulkifli and Puan Juriah

37. Encik Hashim and Puan Kamariah are celebrating the marriage of their







38. Who is the bride?



BMuhammad Farid


Puan Juriah

DEncik Zulkifli

39. The wedding dinner is to be held at


Encik Hashims house


a town hall


a hotel


a restaurant

40. What is the relationship between Puan Kamariah and Muhammad Farid?


wife and husband


mother and son


mother-in-law and son-in-law


sister and brother

SET 12 Questions 31 - 35

Read the report below and answer the questions that follow.

31. The news above told us about ______________


an accident

Ba traffic jammed


an exploded oil tanker Da killed driver

32. When did the incident happen?


2.45p.m on Monday B2.45p.m on Wednesday


2.45p.m on Tuesday

D2.45p.m on Sunday

33. G.Mutusamy is _____________ .


a pedestrian

Ba fireman


a motorcyclist

Dthe oil tanker driver

34. The oil tanker was on its way to _______________.


Klang Lama


Port Klang


Batu Cave


the petrol station

35. From the news we know that


the driver of the oil tanker was injured


Encik Adam Ahmad was killed


the oil tanker was full


the incident happened at Jalan Klang Lama.

Questions 36-40

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

36. What happened in the above picture ?


An accident

B.A fire


An earthquake

D.A burglary

37. The vehicle in the picture is ______________.


an ambulance.

B.a tanker.


a fire engine.

D.a train.38. Why do the firemen wear helmets on their heads?


For protection


For fun


For playing


For style

39. Why do you think the uniform is made of special materials?


To protect the firemen from cold.


To help the firemen walk smoothly.


To protect the firemen against fire.


To keep the firemen warm.40. Which of the following is not used by the firemen to put out fire?


Fire hydrant




D.Water SET 13Question 31 35: Read the process below and answer the questions that folow. To make a chocolate cake we need cup of cocoa powder, 2 cups of flour, teaspoon of soda bicarbonate, teaspoon of baking powder, 2 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of fresh milk, cup of cooking oil, 1 cup of boiling water and a pinch of salt .

First, we need to sieve the flour, cocoa powder, soda bicarbonate and baking powder. Next, add in the eggs, sugar, milk, cooking oil and salt. Then, mix them well. After that, add boiling water. Next, stir and pour the mixture into a baking tray. Finally put the baking tray in the oven and bake it. After 45 minutes, switch off the oven and take out the baking tray. Now, the cake is ready to be served.

31. What are the main ingredients mentioned in the text above?


oil and baking powder Bflour and cocoa powder


fresh milk and sugar Dsalt and boiling water32. If the sugar is not added to the mixture what will happen to the cake?


It will be tasteless. BIt will be salty.


It will be bitter.

DIt will be crunchy.33. What is the third step of the process?


add in the eggs

B bake the mixture

C sieve the flour

D mix all the ingredients except boiling water

34. Which of these statements is correct?


The flour is sieved together with the sugar, milk and baking powder.


Eggs, sugar, milk, cooking oil and salt are added in the second step.


The boiling water is added on the fifth step.


The cake is baked for one hour.35. How many steps are there in the process of making the chocolate cake?


6 B 7


8 D4

Question 36 - 40

Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.

1 SAL ROOM 2 REMEDIAL ROOM 3- COUNSELLING ROOM 4 STORE36. The map above shows a ______________





post office Dcommunity hall

37. The resource centre is opposite the _______________





staff room

Dstore38. The computer laboratory is _____________ the science laboratory


in front of




Dnext to 39. Puan Husna is at the year one classroom. She is going to the computer

laboratory. She has to walk straight and turn _____________ at the counseling room.


around B



right D

left40. From the map we know that there is a ____________ around the pond.








classroom SET 14

Question 31 35: Read the report below and answer the questions that follow.

31. The report above is A. a story from the story book B. an advertisement from the newspaper C. an article from the newspaper D. a notice from a magazine

32. When was the flood ? A. on Thursday B. on Friday C. on Saturday D. on Monday

33. What is the meaning of the word There in line 8 :

A. in the boat B at the Community Centre C in Jitra D. in Kubang pasu 34. Why must they closed the routes to the traffics ? A. To avoid the flood.

B. To help the Red Crescent.

C. To avoid accident.

D. To bring them to the Community Centre. 35. What is the suitable title for this text ? A. The flood in Jitra B. The flood in Kubang Pasu C. The worst flood D. The heavy rain that caused flood. Question 36 40: Study the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

36. Qairina would like to buy 3 sets of Chic Combo Set on the

1st August. How much does she has to pay ?


RM 28.50 BRM 11.99


RM 35.97 DRM 9.5037. The Donald Duck Sticker _______________


is given as a free gift.

Bwill be sold at a low price to the early customers.


will come together with every set.

Dwill be sold only to the early customers.

38. The Chic Combo Set is _____________ .


a balance meal.

Ba heavy meal.


a type of fast food. Da healthy meal.39. The phrase Valid until : July 2008 means that


the Chic Combo Set will not be available after the date.


the Chic Combo Set will not be available at the Mc Duck Restaurant.


the Chic Combo Set will be sold at normal price.


the Chic Combo Set will be sold at special price.

40. Why do you think the restaurant is selling the Chic Combo Set at special



To attract the customers.


The Chic Combo Set is already expired.


The restaurant is organizing a fair. DThe manager of the restaurant is very generous. SET 15 Question 31 - 35

Read the speech below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Good morning everybody. Today, I would like to remind you a few

things. The first thing is, when you come to school early in the morning, either you cycle or walk, dont cross the busy road. Please use the overhead bridge. I dont want to see any of our pupils knock down by the car or lorry. So, I strictly remind you not to cross the road. The next thing is, next week will be our Co Curriculum Day. I want all of

you to go back and tell your parents and relatives to come to our school and buy food

and things sold on that day. Your teachers will be selling different types of food and handy craft materials. You can buy the coupon from Pn. Zunita now. The coupon will

be used on that day. One more thing, I want all of you to take care of the school. Dont throw

rubbish everywhere. Use the dustbin. If you see the rubbish anywhere please collect it

and put it in the dustbin. Your family will be coming to our Co Curriculum Day next week. You should show that our school is clean and tidy. They will be proud of you. You should practice good moral values to show that you are a good citizen. Before I end my speech today, I want all of you to remember the important thing that I have said just now. Please dont talk while singing the national anthem. You should show your respect to our national song. Stand straight when you

sing all the songs. Sing your school song loudly. Okay, thats all for today children.

Thank you. 31. The speech above was probably delivered byA. the head prefect B. the gardenerC. the headmaster D. the policeman 32. How many things did the speaker remind his pupils ?A. seven B. six C. five D. three 33. The school is probably situated A. near the highway. B. near the shop.C. near the village. D. near the paddy field. 34. When do you think the speech was delivered? A. During the co curriculum day.B. During the lesson.

C. During the assemblyD. During recess. 35. The speaker asked the pupils to sing the school song loudly A. so that they will stand straight. B. so that they will keep quiet. C. to show that they are afraid of the speaker. D. to show their love to the school. Question 36 40:Study the pie chart below and answer the questions that follow.

36. The pie chart above shows types of _____________ at SK

Dayang Senandung Resource Centre.


magazines and comics Bstory book and newsletter


reading materials Dnewspaper and news letter

37. The Resource Centre are probably visited most by the _______________.






Dprefects 38. The popular reading material is the _________________





news letter

Dstory book

39. __________________ became the least popular reading materials.


newspaper and factual B story book and factual


comic and magazines D story books and factual book 40. Factual books are not popular among the pupils of SK Dayang Senandung

probably because they __________________.


are thick


are good


are not interesting


are hard to understandQuestions 31 35

Study the advertisement below carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Lihat iklan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

31 What is the advertisement mainly about?

A A drawing competition

B A lucky draw

C A free gift

D A sale

32 How long has Super Plaza been opened for business?

A 3 years

B 5 years

C 11 years

D 12 years

33 Rosita wants to buy three files and a box of colour pencils. Where should she go to?

A Gents Department

B Ladies Department

C Childrens Department

D Stationery Department

34 If you want to know more about the drawing competition, you must

A be the first 500 customers.

B go to Super Plaza everyday.

C buy RM50 worth of goods.

D get details from the information counter.

35 Suzi wants to buy a dress from the ladies department which costs RM50. How much

does she have to pay? A RM25

B RM30

C RM40

D RM50

Questions 36 40

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.There are two types of pandas. They are the popular Giant Pandas and the Red Pandas which we rarely hear of.

The Red Panda lives in the cold mountains of the Himalayas. This mammal has thick reddish brown fur and a bushy tail.

Unlike the Red Panda, the Giant Panda is a larger bear with black and white fur. It also lives in the cold mountains but can only be found in China. This shy mammal lives in bamboo forests. It loves eating these bamboo plants. The female Giant Panda gives birth to one or two tiny white cubs. They are born in caves or holes. They look more like mice.

The Giant Panda has sharp claws to climb trees. It climbs high to hide among the branches to escape from enemies.

The Government of China is taking care of these animals. They are falling in numbers because the bamboo plants are being cut down by man.

(Adapted from

36 The cubs of the Giant Pandas are

A black and white.

B red and brown.

C black.

D white.

37 What do the Giant Panda love to eat?

A Tall trees

B Bamboo plants

C Bamboo forests

D Branches of trees

38 The word falling in the last paragraph means

A getting fewer.

B escape from enemies.

C giving birth to two cubs.

D cut down bamboo plants.

39 From the passage, we know that pandas

A live in trees.

B are mammals.

C look like mice.

40 If the Giant Panda are not taken care of, they will

A stay in caves.

B slowly disappear.

C go to the Himalayas.

D hide among the branches.

Questions 36 40

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Baca petikan dan jawab soalan soalan yang berikut.

The recorder was one of the most popular musical instruments in Europe from the 14th to the 18th century. By 1750, it became less popular because only few people were writing musical notes for the recorder.

Recorders come in five different sizes and names. They are bass, tenor, treble and descant. The smallest recorder is sopranino. It is only 22 centimetres long. The smaller the recorder, the higher the tone produced.

In Malaysia, teachers use this musical instrument to teach their pupils basic music skills. It is one way of making pupils learn, love and enjoy music.

It is very easy to learn to play this instrument. It is also inexpensive and can be carried around easily. It is blown like a whistle with eight holes for the fingers. The fingers are used to open or close the holes of the recorder to produce musical sounds.(Adapted: The Musical Instrument, RIC Publication Australia)36Why did the recorder become less popular in 1750?

AIt was no longer cheap.

BFingers were used to cover the holes.

CThere too many of different shapes and sizes.

DNot many people wrote musical notes for the recorder.

37The word It in the passage refers to the




DSopranino38In Malaysian schools the recorder is suitable for learning music because it

Ais easy to play.

Bhas eight holes.

Cis blown like a whistle.

Dhas different shapes and sizes.39How does a person play the recorder?

ABy using only the mouth.

BBy using only the fingers.

CBy blowing and covering all the holes.

DBy blowing and opening or closing the holes.

40Which of the following statements is not true?

AThe recorder is used by the pupils in Malaysia to learn basic music skills.

BThe recorder was the most popular musical instrument in Europe.

CThe tone produced is depended on the size of the recorder.

DThe smaller the recorder, the more expensive it is.Questions 31 35

Read the information in the diagram below and answer the questions that follows .

Baca penerangan tentang rajah di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

31The hen sits on its eggs to

Alay several eggs at one time

Bmake the egg white soft

Cpeck a hole on the shell

Dwarm and hatch them

32Which parts of the body develop first?

AEyes and feet

BBeak and eyes

CHead and backbone

DFeathers and head33How long does it take for an egg to hatch?

AWithin five days

BExactly five days

CLess than three weeks

DMore than three weeks

34The feathers start to grow after the

Atiny dot appears in the yolk

Bfood is provided for the foetus

Cchick struggles out of the shell

Dother parts of the body are formed

35The word starts can best be replaced with




DstayQuestions 36 40

Read the conversation below and answer the questions that follows.

Baca perbualan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

36What happened at the post office?

AJason bought some stamps.

BAunt Sofia waited for Aina.

CMuthu posted a letter.

DAina met her friend.

37Who is Jason?

AA school netball coach

BMuthus new neighbour

CAinas former classmate

DA pupil of SK Kampung Gemilang

38When will the netball game be held?





39The word bright can be best be replaced with





40The conversation tells us that

AAunt Sofia lives in Kampung Gemilang

BJason shifted to his new house on Friday

CAina will be joining Muthu and Jason for tea at the stall

DAina and Muthu will be sitting for their exam on MondayQuestions 31 35

Read the story below and answer the questions that below.

Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan soalan berikut.

One sunny day, two little squirrels were running happily on the branches. Suddenly, they heard a loud roar. One of the squirrels was so scared that it fell off the branch. It saw a tiger trapped in a net.

The tiger asked the squirrel to free him from the net. Both the squirrels bit the net. At last, the tiger was freed. It thanked the little squirrels.

Not long after that, a hunter and his son went hunting in the jungle. They saw a squirrel eating, some fruits. The hunter quietly pointed his gun at the squirrel. At the moment, the tiger was searching for food. It saw the hunter pointing his gun at the same squirrel that had helped. The tiger roared loudly. The hunter was frightened and missed his shot. The hunter and his son ran as fast as they could. The squirrel thanked the tiger.

31. What were the two squirrels doing on the trees?

A.running on the branches.

B.searching for food.

C.helping the hunter .

D.biting the net.

32. The tiger was _______________________.

A.shot by the hunter.

B.searching for food.

C.trapped in the net .

D.roaring loudly.

33. What is the story about?A.Helping one another .

B.Squirrels running about.

C.The hunter shot a squirrel.

D.A hungry tiger and a squirrel.

34. From the story, we know that the two squirrels were ______________.





35. The word they in the passage refers to the _______________________.

A.two squirrels.

B.hunter and his son.

C.tiger and a the squirrel

Questions 36 40

Study the map carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Lihat peta di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan soalan berikut.

36. Andy and his brother want to go to the post office. They will have to walk pass the ______________.

A. railway station

B. traffic lights

C. bus station

D. museum

37. The mosque is situated at _______________.

A. Jalan Intan

B. Jalan Ismail

C. Jalan Tunggal

D. Jalan Pinang

38. Where is the hospital?

A. Behind the mosque.

B. Opposite Sun Supermarket.

C. In front if the fire station.

39. If Andy wants to withdraw money, he should go to the _____________.

A. bank

B. shop

C. market

D. supermarket

40. Andy is a Christian. He goes to the ____________ every Sunday.

A. hospital

B. temple

C. church

D. museum

Questions 31 - 35 Read the information of the process below and answer the question that follow.

Baca penerangan tentang proses di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang


Sabrina wants to make a vase for her mothers birthday. Below are the steps to make the vase.

Put a lump of clay in a bowl and mix it with a little water. Then, knead the clay with your hand into a smooth dough.

Roll the dough between your hands into long strips.

Take one strip and coil it round and round. Make it as a flat coil for the bottom of the vase.

After that, put the other coils on top of each other, to make the sides. Make it into the shape you want.

Smoothen the sides with a flat, wet stick. Dry the vase in front of a fire or in the sun.

Finally, paint and decorate the vase.

31. What is the main item needed to make the vase?

A. Stick

B. Clay

C. Bowl

D, Water

32. To get a long strip of dough, we _________

A. flatten it with our hands. C. roll it between our hands.

B. knead it with our hands.

D. smoothen it with a wet stick.

33. The word bottom can best be replaced with _________.

A. top

B. base

C. sides

D. Corner

34. How do we dry the vase?

A. Drying it in the sun.

C. Putting it in fire.

B. Coiling it around.

D. Using our hands.

35. Why did Sabrina make the vase?

A. To keep her flowers.

C. To give to her mother.

B. To show to her family.

D. To decorate her house.

Questions 36 40Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca surat di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutmya.

No. 41, Taman Cahaya,

54200 Ampang.

Kuala Lumpur.

27 January 2009

Dear Amira,

How are you? This is my third day here. The city seems to be very busy with heavy traffic and people moving here and there. The streets are never empty and some people regard Kuala Lumpur as the city of life because youngsters find that there is a lot of entertainment around. Some of them even enjoy going around riding there motorcycles noisily late at night.

Truly speaking, I dont quite like the environment here. Unlike Bandar Hilir, the city is rather noisy. I thought of staying here longer but due to the uncomfortable situation. I will return to Melaka in a weeks time. I have already asked my uncle to buy me a bus ticket home.

By the way, how are you doing? I really miss the fun with you and our friends. Most people here mind their own business and that makes my life even more boring. I cant wait to go home to be with my family.

I have to stop writing now as my uncle is taking me to the Eye on Malaysia at Taman Titiwangsa. We are going in his new car. Im looking forward to having lunch at the revolving restaurant at KL Tower. When I see you, Ill tell you about my experience here and my first ride on the monorail.

Please send my regards to all our friends.

Yours sincerely,

Mei Lin36. Why is Kuala Lumpur called the city of life?

A. The city is seldom noisy.

B. There is a lot of entertainment.

C. The people enjoy moving here and there.

37. How will Mei Lin return to Melaka? She will _______.

A. take a monorail

C. ride her motorcycle.

B. drive her uncles car.

D. travel by bus.

38. The phrase mind their own business means that _______.

A. youngsters are riding their motorcycle.

B. people do not care about others.

C. her uncle has his own business.

D. the situation is very boring.

39. Mei Lin is looking forward to _______.

A. stay longer in Kuala Lumpur.

C. be with her family.

B. write to her friends.

D. find a place for entertainment.

40. From the letter, we know that the writer _______.

A. bought a bus ticket home.

C. enjoyed going around the town.

B. stayed with Amiras family.

D. visited Kuala Lumpur in January.

Question 31 35

Study the timetable below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

31. There is ________ every day.

A English

B Science

C Mathematics

D Bahasa Malaysia

32. Local Studies is taught on every _________

A Sunday and Monday

B Wednesday and Thursday

C Tuesday and Thursday

D Sunday and Tuesday

33. How often do the pupils have their Science lesson in a week?

A once

B four times

C twice

D three times

34. How long do the pupils of Year 4 Azam learn English on Monday?

A thirty minutes

B forty minutes

C one and a half hours D an hour

35.Why is the holiday class organized for the Year 4 Azam pupils?

A On parents request

B Pupils need extra coaching in their studies.

C Pupils have nothing to do

D The headmaster likes to give extra work to the teachers

Question 36 40

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Asyraf and Afiq walked home from school together in the afternoon. As they were

walking, they saw a little boy playing by the river. They were worried as he was playing quite

close to the river bank.

Just then, they heard a splashing sound coming from the river. They turned and saw that

the little boy had slipped and fell into the river. He was struggling in the water.

Quick ! Run to that house to get help, said Asyraf to Afiq.

Meanwhile, Asyraf jumped into the river. He caught hold of the little boy and pulled him

out of the water. Soon, Afiq came running with the boys parents. They were grateful that

Asyraf was there to save their son.

36.Asyraf and Afiq were

A going for a swim

B walking to school

C walking to the river

D returning home after school

37. Why were the boys worried?

A A little boy jumped in the river.

B A little boy was playing near the river bank.

C A boy was struggling in the water.

D A little boy was running to the river.

38.The phrase struggling in the water shows that the boy .

A was playing in the water

B was a good swimmer

C was drowning

D could swim very well

39.The word grateful can best be replaced with .

A thankful

B happy

C enjoyed

D helpful

40. Who saved the little boy?

A The boys parents B Asyraf and Afiq

C Asyraf D Afiq

Question 31 35

Study the pie chart below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

31. The pie chart above shows the favourite _________ of the SK Palang pupils.

A. games B. hobbies C. ambition D.

32. What is the most popular hobby of the pupils of SK Palang?

A. gardening B. fishing C. playing games D. cycling

33. Lily likes growing flowers and she always waters her plants in the evening. It shows

that Lilys favourite hobby is ________________.

A. gardening B. reading

C. playing games D. watching television

34. From the mentioned hobbies below, which hobby is like by most of the girls?

A. reading B. fishing C. playing games D. cycling

35. From the pie chart, we know that ____________

A gardening and reading are equally like by the pupils.

B reading is the most popular hobby among the pupils.

C reading is the second popular hobby among the pupils.

D cycling is the least popular hobby among the pupils.

Question 36 40Read the dialogue below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

RAJA:Soo Choon, you are all wet. What happened?

SOO CHOON:Look inside that paper bag. There are kittens inside.

RAJA:Kittens? Let me release them. Oh, they are all wet. Poor things.

SOO CHOON:Two naughty boys pushed them inside the bag. Then, they threw the bag into the drain.

RAJA:Thats terrible. The drain is full of water. The kittens would have drowned.

SOO CHOON:I know. I saw them from the road. I shouted and raced down. When the boys saw me, they ran away. I climbed into the drain and picked up the bag. Then, you came along.

RAJA:Did you recognise any of the boys?

SOO CHOON:One of them was Ah Meng.

RAJA:I know where Ah Meng lives. Come with me. Well go to his

house. His mother is a very nice person. We must tell her what happened.

SOO CHOON:Shell be mad with Ah Meng.

RAJA:Yes, but what Ah Meng did was very cruel. Then, well go over to Mak Timahs house. Shed love these kittens.

36Who saved the kittens?

ARaja BAh Meng C Soo Choon

37Why did Soo Choon get wet? Because

A the boys threw water at her B she saved the kittens from the drain

C she slipped and fell into the drain D Ah Meng pushed her into the drain

38What were the boys doing to the kittens?

AThey were trying to drown them. BThey were trying to rescue them.

CThey were taking them away. DThey were playing with them. 39The word mad can best be replaced with

Asad Bangry C upset D happy 40What kind of boys were Ah Meng and his friend?

ACruel BSelfish C Friendly D kindSECTION E

Question 31 35

Read the advertisement below carefully and answer the questions that follow.



Take advantage of our SMART deals being offered from now until

12 June. Our SMART DEALS come with SMART choice of tickets and

travel packages, SMART price bargains and SMART values.

SMART THAILAND Smart Deals On Domestic Holidays

Super Deals

* Return air ticket + airport transfer

*5 Days Bangkok / Pattaya* 2-night hotel accommodation

from RM1129 * Daily breakfast


3 Days Kuantan

* Legend Resort Merati


Kuala Lumpur






06-7627642 Melaka

Johor Bahru


Kota Bharu06-2245167




31This advertisement was most probably published on

A1 June B 4 June C 5 June D 6 June


Aair tickets, travel packages,price bargains and smart values

Bairport transfer, accommodationand daily breakfast

Caccommodation and price bargains

Dtravel packages and price bargains33How much would the trip to Bangkok / Pattaya cost during the SMART TRAVELLERS WEEK?


B RM799 C RM330 D RM599

34Legend Resort Merati is most probably a


B motel C hotel D chalet

35If you were living in Shah Alam and wanted to take up one of the

offers, which number would you dial?

A24860720 B2261669

C2245167 D7473448

Question 36 40Read the text below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

Puan Maimunah sells nasi lemak in my school. Her nasi lemak is very delicious and

cheap. She has been selling nasi lemak for several years. She is thin and hunched. Her hair is grey and she has many lines on her face. She works very hard to support her family. She is a very hardworking lady.

Every morning, she wakes up at four to make nasi lemak to sell during the day. First, Puan Maimunah makes sure she has everything she needs, like eggs, anchovies, chilli, rice, cucumbers and coconuts. Then, she starts by cooking the rice with santan. While the rice is cooking, she makes the sambal. She does not cook the cucumber but cuts them into slices. Puan Maimunah also slices the eggs after she has boiled them.

Once the rice is cooked, she begins tearing the banana leaves into little square pieces.She uses them to pack the nasi lemak. At about six oclock she puts her nasi lemak packets into a basket and takes them to school. Each packet is sold for sixty cents. Everybody likes

her nasi lemak very much.

36What doesnt Puan Maimunah put in her nasi lemak?

ABanana leaves B Cucumber

CChillies D Eggs

37Which of these items is served raw in the nasi lemak?

ARice B Eggs

C anchovies D Cucumber38Who would most probably buy Puan Maimunahs nasi lemak?

APupils B Tourists

C Office workers D Housewives39Puan Maimunah is

Aa young girl B an old woman

Ca young woman D a plum woman40What is santan?

ACows milk

B Coconut milk

C Powdered milk D Condensed milk

Section EQuestions 31 35Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

To have a healthy body, we ought to have a healthy diet and eat the right food. What can give us the nutrients for strength and energy? Chocolates? Sweets? No. It is a well-balanced diet. The tip of the food pyramid starts with sugar, salt and oil. They make our food taste better and should be used carefully. The next level is meat and alternatives like milk, eggs and beans. They give us calcium, protein and iron. Then we have the vegetables and fruit groups. They add important vitamins and minerals to our diet. At the base of the food pyramid is rice and alternatives which includes bread, noodles and cereal.

31. Food that provides protein are

A. meat and milk. C. cereal and white bread.

B. sweets and cakes. D. vegetables and fruits.

32. All the food below are unhealthy food except .

A. ice creams C. whole-meal bread

B. sweets D. cakes

33. Which of the following is NOT included at the tip of the food pyramid?

A. sugar C. salt

B. oil D. meat

34. The word They in line 5 refers to .

A. bread and alternatives C. vegetables and alternatives

B. meat and alternatives D. salt and alternatives

35. Based on the passage, there are .. levels in the food pyramid.

A. two C. five

B. four D. three

Questions 36 40Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Good morning, Uncle Lim, said Miss Sally as she walked into the grocery shop.

Good morning, Miss Sally. How can I help you? said Uncle Lim.

Can I have three tins of sardines, a dozen of eggs and two loaves of bread?

said Miss Sally.

Sure. What is the special occasion? asked Uncle Lim.

I am going to make sandwiches for my niece, Lily. She is going to celebrate her tenth

birthday tomorrow, said Miss Sally.

Miss Sally looked around the shop while Uncle Lim packed the items for her. Is this

mayonnaise a new product? I have never seen it before, said Miss Sally.

Yes, it is. The mayonnaise is made in Malaysia, said Uncle Lim.

I think, Ill try this mayonnaise, said Miss Sally. She put the bottle on the counter.

She paid Uncle Lim RM50 and he returned RM24.50 to her.

36. What time did Miss Sally come to the grocery shop?

A. 9.00 p.m. B. 12.00 p.m. C. 9.00 a.m. D. 2.00 a.m.

37. Which word described Uncle Lim?

A. Rude B. Friendly C. Lazy D. Greedy

38. Miss Sallys niece is going to celebrate her

A. picnic B. wedding C. birthday D. speech day

39. How much did Miss Sally spend?

A. RM 25.50 B. RM 22.00 C. RM 33.50 D. RM 24.50

40. The mayonnaise was made in .

A. Thailand B. Indonesia C. Singapore D. Malaysia


Question 31 35

Study the pie chart below and answer the questions that follow.

Save the Earth Campaign by the Year 5 Mawar Pupils.

31Which of the following items was collected the most by the pupils?

A. aluminium cans.

B. old newspapers

C. plastic bottles

D. old clothes

32What is the purpose of the campaign?

A. exhibition

B. competition C. recycling D. cleaning

33Which of the following items had the least number of collection?

A. aluminium cans.

B. old newspapers

C. plastic bottles

D. old clothes

34All of these can be classified under papers except

A. old newspaper B. magazines C. T-shirt D. books

35. Based on the chart, which of the following statements is true?

A. Magazines were the lowest collected items.

B. Aluminium cans were the most collected items.

C. The campaign was carried out by the Year 4 Mawar pupils.

D. The purpose of the campaign is to protect our environment.

Question 36 40

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The woodcutter, one day went out into the jungle to do his job. He brought with him a hanky full of boiled carrot. After collected quite an amount of firewood, he walked home. Unfortunately the woodcutter left his lunch in the forest by accident because he was so happy as he managed to collect a lot of firewood. During the night, some little fairy rabbits came out of the ground. They found the little bundle and tried the carrots. They liked it so much that they put a gold bar inside the hanky to say thank you. The next morning, the woodcutter went into the jungle to find his bundle. He followed the same path that he used the other day. After about one hour walking, he found his hanky bundle. He was so happy to see it. When he tried to lift it, he realized something different about it. It seemed that the bundle was heavier than before. He opened it and saw something he could hardly imagine. He didnt believe his eyes at first. He pinched his cheek to make sure that he was not dreaming. The gold bar in the bundle really amazed him. After that, the woodcutter gave up his job and spent his days placing knotted hankies full of carrot all around the forest, in the hope of receiving more gold. People still bring bowls of boiled carrot into the woods, dreaming of becoming rich, but instead of that, they get nothing, granny said, finishing off the story.

36. What did the woodcutter do for a living?

A. collected and sold firewood.B. cut trees for other people

C. sold boiled carrots

D. caught and sold rabbits

37. What did the woodcutter bring for lunch?

A. fried chicken

B. boiled potatoes

C. boiled carrots

D. fried rice

38. Why did the fairy rabbits put a gold bar into the hanky ?

A. To make it heavier

B. To amaze the woodcutter

C. To pay for the firewood

D. To thank the woodcutter39. Why did the people still bring bowls of boiled carrot into the woods?

A. To catch the fairy rabbits

B. To get some gold bars

C. To be cooked

D. To be sold

40. Which of the statements is true?

A. The fairy rabbits didnt like the boiled carrots.

B. The woodcutter didnt like the fairy rabbits.

C. The fairy rabbits liked the carrots.

D. The woodcutter caught the fairy rabbits.

Question 31 35

Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.




:One year old


: Siamese


:1 kg


:Brown and white

Descriptions: Dark brown eyes, long tail.

- Missed dearly by owners child

- Reward offered for safe return.

- If seen: call 012-4918881 (En. Hamid)

- Address : No. 10, Jalan Suria, Jitra.

31. The missing pet is a ___________________ .

A dog

B cat

C hamster

D child

32. How long has the pet been missing?

A one day

B seven months

C one year

D seven days

33. The word reward in the notice above can best be replaced with .

A gift

B hamper

C money

D a pet

34. Who misses the pet ?

A The owner

B The owners neighbour

C The owners child

D The neighbour

35.Which of the following is not true?

A The pet is called Comel.

B It is black and white in colour.

C It is 1 year of age.

D It weighs one kilogramme.

Question 36 40

Read the story below carefully and answer the questions that follow. A long time ago, there lived and old woman with her hen. The hen was special because it produced big and fresh eggs everyday. The news spread all over the places. Many people from all places came and bought the eggs.

Eventhough, the old woman made a lot of money from selling the eggs, she was not really

satisfied with it. So, she decided to feed her hen two times more than usual because she thought

that it would produce more eggs.

Unfortunately, the hen became fat and lazy. Eventually, the hen stopped laying eggs and only

then the old woman realized her mistake. She became poorer and poorer until the rest of her life.

36.Who was the old woman?

Aan egg seller

Ba fruit seller

Ca butcher

Da fishmonger

37.Why was the hen considered as special?

AIt produced meat.

BIt was fat and lazy.

CIt produced big and fresh eggs.

Dit produced golden eggs.

38.The opposite of the word lazy is ..





39.What happened to the hen when it was fed twice as much?

A It became fat and smart.

B It laid bigger eggs.

CIt started to lay more eggs.

DIt stopped laying eggs.

40. From the story, we know that .

AThe old woman was greedy.

BThe old woman had a lot of money.

CThe hen was very skinny.

DThe old woman became rich.


Question 31 35

Read the E-mail below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

To: Mumtaz

CC :

Subject : Hi Mumtaz,

My pals, Rafael and Torres have come to visit me. They want to visit Sabah and Sarawak.

I intend to bring them to Gunung Mulu National Park. There are famous limestone caves here. There is also the worlds largest cave passage and the worlds largest rock chamber here.

About Sabah , I dont have much ideas. I hope you can help me out. I have only planned a week of outings for them. They will only return to Europe after a month. Please give me more information.

Your cousin,


31.Rafael and Torres are Lalithas

Afriends Bcousins

Crelatives Dneighbours.32.The reason for Lalitha to send an e- mail to Mumtaz is because she wants

AMumtaz to give her information on places of interest in Sabah.

BMumtaz to join her to go to Sabah.

CMumtaz to know better about Europe.

DMumtaz to give information on places of interest in Europe.33.Which one of these is not found in Gunung Mulu National Park ?

AIt has the longest bridge in Asia.

BIt has famous limestone caves.

CIt has the largest cave passage.

DIt has the largest rock chamber. 34.Rafael and Torres are __________

AEuropean BPeruvians

CMalaysians DJapanese35.From the e-mail above , we could understand that

ASabah has got nothing much to visit

BLalitha lives in Sarawak.

CSabah and Sarawak can be discovered within a month.

D Rafael and Torres are Lalithas cousins.

Questions 36 - 40Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

The leopard looks very much like the cat. It is a beautiful animal and like the cat, it has a round head, a short nose and a long thin tail. Its claws are very sharp and long. Its teeth are stronger than that of a lion. The body of a leopard is covered with dark spots on a yellow background.

The leopard is very good at running, jumping, climbing trees and swimming. It hunts without stop and preys on birds, monkeys, antelopes and cattle. It is very difficult for the leopards victim to spot it, especially when it hides in the trees. The colours of the leopards body match that of tree trunks and dried leaves.

A leopard that has become a man-eater can be more dangerous than a tiger or a lion. It is often called the most dangerous wild animal in the jungle by experienced hunters. There was a report that in India a leopard killed more than 200 people over two years before it was finally caught.

36Which animal looks almost like the leopard?

AThe cat B The tiger

CThe lion D The Cheetah

37Which of the following statements about the passage is not true?

AThe leopard hunts continuously.

BThe leopard is not a beautiful animal.

CThe leopard does not have a long nose.

DThe leopard is very dangerous when it starts preying on people.

38The leopard hunts the following except

Acattle B spiders

Cbirds D monkeys

39When does the leopard become very dangerous?

AWhen it starts hunting human beings

BWhen it is attacked by human beings

CWhen it hides in the trees

D When it was finally caught

40The most suitable title for this passage is

ADangerous Animals

BHunting Leopards

CWild Animals

DThe Leopard


QUESTIONS 31 --- 40:

Read the passage below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

The scorpion is a poisonous animal. It belongs to the same family as the spider. If you look at the scorpion it is rather frightening. It has a pair of terrifying pincers. It uses its pincers to catch and kill insects for food. What is more dangerous is its poisonous sting. It is long and strong. When in danger the scorpion will sting its attackers. The poison is found at the swollen end of its tail. The poison can kill the small victim in a few minutes. It can kill human being too if they get late treatment.

Scorpion has four pairs of legs. In the middle of the head is a pair of eyes. It lives on insects. It uses its jaws to chew its food. It can be found at damp places such as under the rock, under the brick, in the garden or in the bushes. Normally it will lay its eggs at the hidden places so that the eggs will hatch safely. Scorpion will lay more than hundred eggs at a time. The eggs will take about two to three weeks to hatch. The young scorpions will feed on small insects around them after they hatched. Scorpions are dangerous to animals and human beings.

31. The passage above tells us about _______________.

A. the scorpion B. part of the scorpions body

C. the terrifying pincers D. the poison in the scorpions body

32. The poison in the scorpion can be found

A. in the middle of its head B. at the swollen end of its tail

C. in its terrifying pincers D. in a pair of its eyes

33. Scorpion can be found in damp places EXCEPT ..

A. in the orchard B. under the flower pot

C. under the rock D. in the river

34. A scorpion has

A. six legs B. four legs

C. eight legs D. twelve legs35. From the passage above , we know that scorpion is .

A. a useful animal B. a small dangerous animal

C. a mammal D. an insect

Questions 36 40:

Study the map below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

36. The map above shows

A. the Kenangan village B. the Kenangan town

C. the Kenangan island D. the Kenangan city37. The tourists from America would like to see the antique things. Where should the tourist guide bring them to ?

A. The fire station B. The mosque

C. The museum D. The petrol station.

38. Which of the statements below is TRUE ?

A. The Kenangan City Hospital is next to the fire station.

B. The MDKT field is situated behind the Kenangan 1 Supermarket.

C. Sek. Keb. Sri Kenangan is behind the mosque

D. The museum is situated at Jln. Kenangan 3.

39. Taman Sri Kenangan is a

A. housing estate B. factory C. village D. park40. From the map above we can say that, the residents of Taman Sri Kenangan most probably like playing

A. table tennis B. football C. badminton D. chess


Look at the map below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

WARNING TO VISITORS! There are no vehicles on this island

Litterbugs, keep out!

31This island can only be reached by

A bus B boat C bicycle D aeroplane

32Visitors who come to this island will have to

A learn how to fish Bfeed the dugongs

C stay in the fishing village Dwalk from one place to another

33The people who live on this island work as

A farmers B taxi drivers C fishermen D tourist guide

34. Which of the following statements is true?

A Many natural attractions are found around the island.

B Modern facilities for tourists are available on the island.

C Visitors have to sleep in tents on the beach.

35. Since many sea animals visit the island, we can safely say that the sea around it is A clean B famous C beautiful D interesting


Read the story below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Once upon a time, all the animals in the jungle lived peacefully with one another. They were ruled by the King of the Jungle, a wise old lion. One day, a strange panther wandered into the jungle. He was very large and strong. He was also very arrogant. He cried, Whos the old fool who calls himself the king? Ask him to come and fight with me!

The old lion knew he was no match for the newcomer. He went up to him and said humbly, You are so strong, you ought to be the king. The problem is, theres another animal who wants to become the king as well. Im afraid hes more powerful than you are.

Take me to him and Ill show you whos more powerful, roared the panther. The old king took him to a deep well, Look inside carefully. He lives in the water. The arrogant panther stood at the edge of the well and peered inside. With a sudden movement, the old lion pushed him over the edge. The panther fell into the water and that was the end of him. The old king said to himself, Theres more to being a king than just a strong body.

36Who was the King of the Jungle?

A A panther B An old lion C A young lion

37The word arrogant can best be replaced with

A brave B proud C angry D clever

38What did the panther want?

A He wanted to be the king

B He wanted to live in peace.

C He wanted the old lions advice.

39Which of the following statements is not true?

A The lion was old and wise.

B The panther was very powerful.

C The lion was not as strong as the panther. D The panther fought with the animal in the well. 40 What happened to the panther in the end? AHe drowned in the well.

BHe ran away from the jungle.

CThe animal in the well killed him.

D All the animals in the jungle chased him away.

The postman takes the letters from the post boxes and puts them in a large bag. After he has collected the letters he brings the bags to the post office.

At the post office the stamps on the letters are cancelled. This means a mark is made on the stamps. After the marks are made on them, they cannot be used again. A machine is used to do this.

After the stamps are marked, the letters are sorted out according to the different places. A postman later delivers them to the different houses. He usually uses a motorcycle or a bicycle to go from house to house. In certain countries, the postman delivers the letters by van. He seldom walks. He never takes a bus. Letters to other states or overseas are sent there by train, ship or plane.

Encik Adam and Puan Noraini live in Alor Setar. Their three children Asyraf , Arif and Nisha go to Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Sepakat. Every morning their father drives them to school.

Asyraf and Arif are members of the English Language Society. Every Wednesday afternoon they attend meetings. Their English Language teacher, Puan Rosna conducts interesting English activities such as riddles, quizzes, singing, acting and language games.

Next Friday, the English Language Society is organising a trip to the British Council Library in Penang. Their headmistress, Puan Salma insists that all members join in this trip. The bus will leave the school on Friday at 7.30a.m. It is important for all pupils to know the educational materials available at the British Council Library, says the headmistress.

EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 \s

7.00 a.m -Programme Summary

7.15 a.m -Good Morning Malaysia

9.00 a.m -Bozo The Clown

9.30 a.m -Happy Hour with Cheeky

10.00 a.m -Spiderman (cartoon)

10.30 a.m -Majalah 4 (magazine)

11.30 a.m -News in Bahasa Malaysia

12.00 noon -Jamaluddin Al-Afghani

(Egyptian Drama)

1.30 p.m -News in English

2.00 p.m -Full House (comedy)

3.00 p.m -Behind Silk Curtain


4.00 p.m -Ugly Betty (Telenovela)

5.00 p.m -News in Mandarin

5.30 p.m -Oprah (Talk Show)

6.30 p.m -Alpha Kids

7.30 p.m -Hello Kitty Sing Along

8.00 p.m -Prime News

9.00 p.m -CSI Police Story

10.00p.m -Midnight Kung-fu

(Mandarin movie)

1.00 a.m -Close



Win one of these great prizes


1.Answer the two questions in the entry form and complete the slogan.

2.Send your entry form with a label of Hot Chocolate to:

3.You may send in as many entries as you like but each entry must be attached to one label of Hot Chocolate.

4.Incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified.

5.The closing date is 1st May 2009. Late entries will not be entertained.

6.The judges decision is final . Winners will be notified by post.

7.This contest is opened to all residents of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

1 x 1st Prize Perodua Viva

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3 x 3rd Prize - Sharp Television

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20 x 5th Prize-Cotton t-shirt

Hot Chocolate Contest

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31000 Kuala Lumpur


127, Jalan Meranti,

Taman Cendana,

06007 Jitra, Kedah.

1st March 2008

Dear Wardah,

I received your letter a few days ago. I am sorry for taking such a long time to reply. Actually I was down with fever. By the way, thank you for the birthday card.

I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed your holidays in Langkawi. I agree with you that Langkawi is a beautiful island. Cenang Beach is a lovely place to spend a vacation. Tourists also can visit the giant eagle statue in the Eagle Square in Kuah, the Crocodile Farm and the historical site of the Burnt Rice ( Beras Terbakar).

Will you be going anywhere this coming school holidays? Please make yourself free on the 15th of March 2008. My eldest brother is getting married and I hope you will come.

Your friend,


Hard plastic

-chairs and motorcycle helmets

Soft plastic

-shower curtains and garbage bags

Nobody could call him handsome

With his long untidy hair

Broken nose and protruding teeth

And his old tattered clothes

Fitted him so badly

That a naughty child

Had once called him

a scarecrow

This worried him not at all

Though he had scratched his ears

As he always did

When he was thinking

He was honest and truthful

And in his dark eyes

You could see

Great kindness.





cordially invite

Encik Zulkifli and Puan Juriah

To a wedding dinner

On the occasion of the marriage of our princess

Natasha Bt. Hashim


Muhamad Farid B. Ali

Sunday 8 June 2008

at 8.00 p.m

at the Anggerik Ballroom

Angsana Hotel

Jalan Maharajalela, Alor Setar





Tuesday, 31st May.


An oil tanker which was on the way from Port Klang to Batu Cave, exploded in the middle of Jalan Klang Lama yesterday. The incident happened at about 2.45 p.m. There was a heavy traffic jammed along Jalan Klang Lama . The Klang Lama Assisstant Commissioner Police, Encik Adam Ahmad confirmed about the incident.

Besides the driver, G. Mutusamy , a few pedestrians and two motorcyclists were killed in the incident. Two passers- by were injured. The lorry was totally damaged. The Klang Lama Fire Brigade managed to put out the fire after an hour. Encik Adam commented they believed that the oil tanker was not in a good condition. Luckily, the tanker was empty. It has just unloaded the oil at the Port Klang petrol station. The traffic jam was released after two hours of the incident.









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