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Questionnaire for target audience By Stephanie Jenkins

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Questionnaire for target audience

By Stephanie Jenkins

‘What gender are you?’I have chosen to ask this question because I wish to find out what gender would read my magazine. There is mostly a male audience (52.38%) where as females ( 50%) who would read the magazine.

‘How old are you?’I have chosen to ask this question because I would like to know what age group would appeal most to my music magazine. The figures show that 16-18 was the most popular age group in my questionnaire as out of 100% it was 76.19%.

‘How often would you buy a music magazine?’

I have chose to ask this question in my questionnaire because this information would tell me the frequency publication on how often my target audience would buy my magazine. The figures show that they would buy my music magazine quarterly.

‘What colour scheme would you link with an indie/alternative music magazine?’

By asking this question this has gave me an insight in to what colours appeal to my target audience. The favourite was red followed by black and purple.

‘What would you find appealing on a front cover of an indie/alternative music magazine?’

I have include this question into my questionnaire because I need to know what my target audience find appealing on a front cover of a music magazine. My target audience have said free giveaways and coming second the famous cover star by using this data I will make sure Include these in my front cover as they appeal to my target audience.

‘How much would you pay for a music magazine?’

I need to know how much my target audience is willing to pay for a music magazine this will be because if my price is to high they won’t buy my magazine or if it is priced to low they would think it is bad quality. My target audience have indicated that they would pay £1:50 to £2:50 for my magazine so I will aimed to place my magazine at £2:00

‘What incentives would appeal to you when you buy a music magazine?’

I have asked this question because to appeal to my target audience of 16-18 years olds I need to know what incentives they would like to have in the magazine. Most people said concert tickets this was followed by a free CD.

‘Who is your favourite band or singer in the genre indie/alternative?’

By choosing to ask this question I have had a wide range of responses in this genre these include Bastille, Coldplay e.c.t. This will give me an insight into what image would be present on the front cover or articles which will be written about.

‘What indie/alternative magazines do you currently read?’

Asking what indie/alternative magazines do they read is a good question to ask because it means I can look at the competitors such as Rolling Stones and compare them to my music magazine.

‘What kind of content would you like to see in the magazine?’

By asking my target audience what type of content they would like to see in a music magazine. I will include interviews as this was the most common thing they would like to see in a magazine.

‘What three words would associate with an indie magazine?’

Asking what three words would my target audience associate with indie music this will give me some ideas in that colours to use the title in which to call my magazine. For example I will consider using bright colours and making my masthead a unique font. By making my music magazine edge it will appeal to my target audience has other competitors do not have this.