questionnaire design for e-commerce confusion

1. In the past three months, have you purchased products or services through the Internet. a. Yes b. No 2. How often do you use the web for shopping a. Less than once per month b. 1-2 times/month c. 3-5 times/month d. 6-9 times/month e.10 or more times/month 3. On average, how many minutes do you spend searching for the product/service? a. Less than 5 minutes b. 5-10 minutes c. 10 - 20 minutes d. 20 - 30 minutes e. 30 - 60 minutes f. More than 60 minutes 4. Do u actually end up buying a product/service every time, whenever u have an intention to buy online a. All (close to 100%) b. Most (close to 75%) c. Half (close to 50%) d. Few (close to 25%) e. None (close to 0%) 5. If the above answer is other than option (a) then which of the following could be the reason for it a. Huge product variety leading to confusion b. Frequent price fluctuations leading to confusion c. Negative Reviews d. Other. Please specify 6. Suppose you have gained sufficient knowledge of a product/service positively. Now before actually purchasing it if you come across negative reviews would you still go ahead with your purchase? a. Yes b. No 7. Suppose an internet vendor is varying prices of a product/service very frequently ,How will it affect your purchase a. I will postpone your purchase b. I will never purchase c. I will purchase as and when need arises 8. If there are different variants of the same product available would you go through all of them to make a purchase decision ?

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Questionnaire design for consumer confusion in E-commerce.


1. In the past three months, have you purchased products or services through the Internet.Comment by Sita: Focus only on productsa. Yes b. No

2. How often do you use the web for shoppingComment by Sita: Make it Q3, what do you mean by less than once, start with option 1-2 times/montha. Less than once per month b. 1-2 times/month c. 3-5 times/month d. 6-9 times/month e.10 or more times/month

3. On average, how many minutes do you spend searching for the product/service?Comment by Sita: How many minutes in a week

a. Less than 5 minutes b. 5-10 minutes c. 10 - 20 minutes d. 20 - 30 minutese. 30 - 60 minutes f. More than 60 minutes

4. Do u actually end up buying a product/service every time, whenever u have an intention to buy onlineComment by Sita: Use proper likert scale Always Very Often Sometimes Rarely NeverComment by Sita: Do you end up buying a product whenever you have an intention to buy onlinea. All (close to 100%) b. Most (close to 75%)c. Half (close to 50%)d. Few (close to 25%)e. None (close to 0%)

5. If the above answer is other than option (a) then which of the following could be the reason for it a. Huge product variety leading to confusionb. Frequent price fluctuations leading to confusionComment by Sita: Add more options from secondary studyGive a clear cut instruction to mark as many as relevantc. Negative Reviewsd. Other. Please specify

6. Suppose you have gained sufficient knowledge of a product/service positively. Now before actually purchasing it if you come across negative reviews would you still go ahead with your purchase?a. Yes b. NoComment by Sita: As suggested in class, formulate statements for all reasons (as sub-part) in one question and ask respondents to give their viewpoint on a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agreeSuch as I would like to buy a product irrespective of negative reviews available onlineIll postpone my decision if its price changes frequentlyYou can form 10-12 such statements.

7. Suppose an internet vendor is varying prices of a product/service very frequently ,How will it affect your purchase

a. I will postpone your purchase b. I will never purchase c. I will purchase as and when need arises

8. If there are different variants of the same product available would you go through all of them to make a purchase decision ?A.Yes B. Probably Yes C. Probably Not D. No

9. If yes, how often do you end up buying, every time when you go through an entire product assortment?a. All (close to 100%) b. Most (close to 75%)c. Half (close to 50%)d. Few (close to 25%)d. None (close to 0%)

10. Are You Satisfied with the Products in your Order? (Ratings Scale will be provided)a. Quality.b. Products matching the description on website.c. Value.d. Other options like sizing and color.

11. How did your product perform?a. Miserablyb. Somewhat Satisfactoryc. Very Satisfactoryd. Delightfully

12. Were all your problems (if any ) resolved by customer care ?a. Yes Completely b. Somewhatc. Not at all

13. Would You Refer the website to a Friend?a. Yes b. NoComment by Sita: In the end demographic profile.