questionnaire analysis

Analysis of questionnaire The majority of people that filled out my questionnaire were female. This means my magazine will have more stereotypical female colours such as pink and purple and the magazine will either be on famous women who a female might look up to or a male who could be seen as a sex symbol to women.

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Post on 15-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Questionnaire analysis

Analysis of questionnaire

The majority of people that filled out my questionnaire were female. This means my magazine will have more stereotypical female colours such as pink and purple and the magazine will either be on famous women who a female might look up to or a male who could be seen as a sex symbol to women.

Page 2: Questionnaire analysis

The conclusive result is that the majority of people were 11-20 which means they will be mainly teenagers. This means my magazine will feature younger musicians as this will attract a younger audience. The colours will also be brighter and more vibrant to attract a younger audience and excite them. This was the result I was expecting as pop music magazines attract a younger audience whereas music such as classical is associated with a younger audience.

Page 3: Questionnaire analysis

The end result was mainly students although there was an even mix of other classes. This will affect the price of my magazine as unemployed/receiving benefits/ students will not have much money and will not buy my magazine if it is over priced. This was the result I was expecting as a younger audience are more likely to read music magazines for pop although due to having to pay for it I was expecting maybe a working class audience might be reading it as they are more likely to afford it. The stereotypes of an audience like students are brighter colours and intriguing storylines.

Page 4: Questionnaire analysis

The conclusive result is mostly British. This is what I was expecting as the music magazine was only sent to British people as I live in the UK. This will impact my magazine as it will all need to be in English so they understand and should focus on topics that people in England will understand.

Page 5: Questionnaire analysis

The vast majority said they prefer decorative fonts. I was not expecting this result as most music magazines have serif fonts. This will affect my magazine as with this type of font the layout must match it. This means I will have to make sure my magazine doesn’t look too much and fits on the page looking professional.

Page 6: Questionnaire analysis

There was a 50% split on my results on £1-£2 and £2-£3 so I will therefore meet in the middle with £2. As the majority of my audience will be students I will make it cheaper so they can afford it and are therefore more likely to buy it. This also means that higher classes will also buy it if it looks professional as it is cheap so all audiences can afford it. I was expecting the result to be lower around £0-£1 as the majority vote before hand was students although I will go with their choice and as long as it looks intriguing and professional I am confident with the price chosen. This will affect my magazine as it will need to look the price it is valued at.

Page 7: Questionnaire analysis

The majority of people chose the colour scheme pink and black. I think this was because the main audience who filled out the questionnaire were female. The pink would therefore attract them. The flowers are also stereotypical to a younger female audience which matches the previous results in the questionnaire. This might impact me to use pinks to attract female audience as well as stereotypical objects aimed at females such as flowers, hearts etc.

Page 8: Questionnaire analysis

Most people said they would like to see my magazine once a week although it was closely followed by monthly. I will therefore have my magazine look like it will be released very often. This will be different if it was released monthly as I would fit more information on there to keep the reader happy although as it is weekly I will go more in depth to fewer stories. I was expecting this result as most magazines are released every week to keep up to date with things that are happening in music/fashion/news/reviews/fashion.

Page 9: Questionnaire analysis

The main vote was music which I was expecting as it is a pop music magazine. This will not affect my music magazine as it is already the key topic on there. It was a conclusive result. The topic music was followed by celebrity’s and then fashion. I think I will include celebrity’s in as they are the people who make and sing the music. Although I will not include fashion as I believe too many subjects will make my magazine look crowded. This was the result I was expecting as music magazines are usually focused on topics such as music and celebrity’s.

Page 10: Questionnaire analysis

Just over half of the people chose the layout below for their favorite. After seeing the results about font I was expecting the audience to prefer this. This will work with the font and wont change much about my magazine apart from the colour as having a complex colour for the background would look too much alongside the font.