question and answer manifesto version 1.0

Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015 What are the core philosophies of your organisation? That is a very good question and an important one indeed. A lot of ideologies inspire our organisation such as open-source, DIY(Do-it-yourself) and MLM(Marxism-Leninism-Maoism). Our organisation is a collection if you will of the most interesting ideals and advice and from these movements, way of thinking or philosophies. Philosophy is probably the most degraded word in most languages. It is best described by the picture fist by A.A.Deineka where the abused women represents what I think the definition of philosophy is today. I think what you are probably trying to ask me more about is what am I planning to learn. From this, you might be able to find out what am I planning to do in the near future and the basic things that I may be thinking about while I conduct a particular action. Would values of action be more of what you are talking about? 1 SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN 6 POINTS IN THIS MANIFESTO, WE WILL DIVIDE EACH MAIN POINT INTO SMALLER POINTS. BY DOING THIS HOPE, WE HOPE TO BE ABLE TO NOT ONLY ORGANIZE OUR WEBSITE BUT OUR OWN THOUGHTS AND IDEAS AS WELL. WE HAVE CHOSEN A QUESTION AND ANSWER FORMAT AS IT IS MORE ENGAGING. AND ENSURES THAT WE HAVE SOME CONTROL OVER OUR THOUGHTS AND ARE ABLE TO DIRECT THEM IN A WAY THAT IS GOOD FOR US. MOREOVER, AN ACROSTIC FORMAT IS USED WHICH MAY ALLOW THE READER TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS ORGANIZATION IS ALL ABOUT. Fist- A.A.Deineka

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This is a manifesto by the socialist organization Azadidome, written in a question and answer manifesto. The main focus of this manifesto is written for those who are interesed in Azadidome and its members. The main focus of this manifesto is to expand on the values of action stated in the previous manifesto


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What are the core philosophies of your organisation?

    That is a very good question and an important one indeed. A lot of ideologies

    inspire our organisation such as open-source, DIY(Do-it-yourself) and

    MLM(Marxism-Leninism-Maoism). Our

    organisation is a collection if you will of

    the most interesting ideals and advice and

    from these movements, way of thinking or

    philosophies. Philosophy is probably the

    most degraded word in most languages. It

    is best described by the picture fist by

    A.A.Deineka where the abused women

    represents what I think the definition of

    philosophy is today. I think what you are

    probably trying to ask me more about is

    what am I planning to learn. From this, you

    might be able to find out what am I

    planning to do in the near future and the

    basic things that I may be thinking about

    while I conduct a particular action. Would

    values of action be more of what you are talking about?




  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    All right then, what are the main values of action?

    Our main values of action are as seen from our earlier 6 point manifesto are peer

    feedback and criticism, knowledge annexation, protracted revolution, science and

    technology, efficiency, work and innovation.

    How is peer-feedback and criticism important for your organisation?

    I would say that peer-feedback and criticism is one thing in particular which

    separates as the saying goes the boys from the men. It is the one thing that

    prevents a movement or an organisation no matter how large or small it is to not

    only survive but to truly

    accomplish their goals.

    Personally speaking, it is the

    constant conflicts between the

    movement which helps develop

    the movement as a whole. One

    reason why the points over

    here are continuously under

    development is due to criticism

    and feedback that members of

    the organisation provide to

    each other. The only thing an

    organisation is good for is the testing

    of ideas and the will of the members

    of the organisation to push each others ideas. In addition, challenge themselves.

    Hence, we embrace the concept of peer-feedback and criticism.


    Father and Son in Dark-A.A.Deineka

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Yes, but what areas in particular within peer-feedback and criticism are you going

    to look at.

    We are going to use the acrostic CIGAR. Peer-feedback is what keeps a movement

    alive. A corporate cigar contains nicotine which may be very addictive. Hence,

    smoking a corporate CIGAR is very addictive. In a similar way, criticism is very

    addictive. In small quantities it might be used in order to in the short term reduce

    stress. In this way, a criticism may be used in order to reduce stress in the short

    term.. However, is bad for health in large quantities. Similarly, too much criticism

    or peer-feedback in the long term other way it is negative and even destructive.

    What does CIGAR stand for?

    C stands for Criticism and Action.

    I stands for Internal Conflict.

    G stands for Good and Bad Habits.

    A stands for Appropriateness.

    R stands Rainstorm.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Criticism and Action?

    As seen from our manifesto of written rules and 6-point for party it is probably

    obvious to you that in our organisation we consider the practice and application

    of studies, data and information in general as of most importance. We consider it

    very important to have a good influence between criticism and action.

    Who Influenced you with this theory?

    We being Marxists are deeply influenced by Engels. Our procedure of action is

    based on Engels philosophy. The good thing about Engels is that he is a very

    practical person. Engels statesan ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.

    Criticism (also known as reflection) is a type oftheorizing. This is primarily

    because it does not involve direct and concrete actions. It is what the men sitting

    down are doing. Action is what the people standing up are doing. This is best

    expressed by the painting Dance by A.A.Deineka. Hence, Engels being a practical



  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    socialist made this statement among others to encourage his fellow comrades and

    socialists to be much more practical. We firmly stand by such realists and think

    such methods of approach. For having ideals is good and to a certain degree of

    importance. But failure to achieve any progress on such ideals is what leads to the

    death of any organisation.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    But how did you necessarily balance criticism with action?

    After a long debate about the correct method to balance both reflection, criticism

    and peer-feedback with concrete and indirect/direct action we decided that a

    mathematical method was most appropriate. After a long mathematical debate,

    we arrived to the conclusion that for every eight hours of action, we should have a

    corresponding one hour of criticism.

    The formula for the amount of criticism is given by: ([number of hours of action] /

    8) * 60) minutes total.

    We know that the guys at NSA love to do maths because they are nerds hence we

    intentionally added a special maths section to help them do their work easier. Just



    Criticism+Action WTF-Azadnikov

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    You seem to have a lot of emphasis on productive action. How do you differentiate

    productive and non-productive actions?

    Action in itself is defined by the productive and necessary actions of peoples.

    Thus, transport time, rest, and eating breaks, for example, are not taken into

    account in the amount of action. Its almost if you would say like moving from one

    point of a circle to the opposite end. The easiest way is a line which is the shortest

    distance between two points. The easiest way should be taken as often as possible.

    People dont take the easiest way. However, I think what they truly mean is

    dont take the comfortable way. In which more time is taken for an activity

    which should in actuality have taken little time. This can be best seen by the

    illustration Tennis Ball Problem where the shortest lines between the green and

    red arc is marked as an easy way. The longer line between red arc and the green

    arc is difficult way

    7Tennis Ball Problem=Azadnikov

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Can you try to demonstrate your theory with a practical example?

    For example, if a Red Guard chooses to conduct an operation that lasts 6 hours, he

    must know that criticism must be conducted for ([6] / 8) * 60) = 45 minutes total.

    How should criticism be done in a constructive manner?

    The criticism conducted must be done constructively. The criticism in fact

    encompasses two areas: an area of self-criticism and an area of collective talk.

    They are respectively divided into 2/3 of self-criticism and 1/3 of the total time of

    criticism is collective criticism

    Can you explain this visually?

    I think its best to illustrate this visually by a pie chart as we have to demonstrate



    2/3 1/3

    Blue Shade=Collective Criticism

    Red Shade=Self-criticsm

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    If we go back to the red guard who had to unfortunately do 45 minutes of

    criticism than he has to spend 1/3 of his time of criticism on collective criticism

    hence that would be 15 minutes. And 2/3 of his time on self-criticism which is 30



    30 minutes

    15 minutes

    Blue Shade=Collective Criticism

    Red Shade=Self-criticsm

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    How would you define self-critcism?

    The self-criticism (2/3 of criticism) is the action of criticizing yourself in a

    constructive manner through the asking of questions to yourself.

    What type of questions should you be asking yourself?

    We are still fairly new to this concept. We believe that in this type of criticism the

    hard you ask yourself hard questions such as:

    What happened during the action that went wrong?

    What should be improved?

    What should you strive to do next time if the same operation was re-conducted?


    The Road to the South-A.A.Deineka

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is for you the intent of self-criticism?

    The intent of this is to improve your revolutionary actions and notice by yourself

    any mistakes that you may make. In essence, this is done to improve yourself. If

    you are being over-violent, or have done some wrong and/or inappropriate

    actions, you should reflect upon them so that you can correct your actions for the

    next time. This time should be productive, and that it is pointless to use it to think

    of other things. This is precisely why proportionality or the ration between actions

    and criticism exists: because it is a necessary part of practical socialism and a

    movement. It is essentially to push yourself to set new goals.

    How does collective talk work?

    First let us define collective talk. A collective talk consists1/3 of criticism. It is

    basically when a group of people get together and collectively talk about what

    went wrong when conducting a particular assignment and/or action. They discuss

    ways to improve. The collective that were conducting an action or a project should

    meet and discuss together concerns about a particular task.. This can be done at

    break times during the action (at dinner for example). Note that during this

    collective talk individuals can propose issues, that will be debated as a group.

    What type of questions should be asked during the so called collective talk?

    Some possible questions maybe:

    -What occurred that you believe should be taken up as a group? (this may include

    essential questions).

    -What happened during the action that went wrong concerning the group?

    -Do you think some actions were poorly conducted?

    -What can the group do concretely in a similar situation to improve?


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is the main intention of collective talk?

    When in a group type situation it is very easy for us to isolate certain members for

    sometimes reasons that arent worthy or shouldnt occur. Remember that

    sometimes decision arent made against particular people, but in the interest of

    the group, for it is the group that will lead us to socialism!

    We are all people. The masses too are people. The effect that the socialist group

    has on the people should be one of the main focuses of the group. From a

    dialectical materialist perspective, what goes on society has a direct affect on the


    Collective farm meeting-A.A.Deineka

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    people in the group. This ranges from cultural and fashion trends to societal

    trends and religious trends.

    Does your work on action and criticism end there?

    No, it doesnt end there. This is one of the preliminary work that we have done.

    However, there is also other work that we plan to do.

    Such as

    Basically every month we will publish a magazine which will contain:

    1)An 5-paragraph essay in response to a quote by a philosopher which looks into

    the importance of criticism and action in balance.

    2)A mathematical or numerical or logical concept developed from the quotation

    explained in a question and answer format.

    3)A poster which literally illustrates the quotation.

    4)Limitations after a month of practice

    5)Extension-this involves adding new variables to certain concepts

    6)Rating given by other parties about the method that we have generated via

    concept and our practice in general. A rating system is coming out soon which will

    aim to rate our magazine via the 6 point of the party.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is internal conflict?

    Internal conflict is when there is a strong disagreement on a particular course of

    action, ideology or organs within an organisation. A lot of the best organisations

    ranging from political parties were improved thanks to internal conflicts. Lenin

    was able to encourage engineering and scientific disciplines within the Soviet

    Union however found it hard to understand how art may be used in order to

    promote particular concepts such as hygiene which was more of Stalins area of

    focus and expertise.

    So you are basically saying that Internal Conflict is useful?

    Look too little of something or too much of anything is destructive in different

    ways. This applies to internal conflict as well. If there is too little internal conflict

    than the partys program will probably never get updated. The party or

    organisation in addition may take on particular actions or policies which are

    destructive to the party and sometimes even the masses. Internal conflict helps

    you to keep awake and on your toes and makes you change your party line.

    However, too much of internal conflict too is negative as it means that the

    organisation will be inefficient and will be contradicting itself on every move.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    The more you heat a particular metal, the more you melt it. Due to this, you can

    then shape it and remould it.

    However, if you melt it too

    much than you may not be

    able to reshape your

    organisation. The organisation

    is a work of art. The

    blacksmiths are the members

    of the organisation. The

    constant conflicts and hustles

    within the organisation

    constantly melt and solidify,

    the if you will particles or tenants of the organisation and remould it to improve

    the organisation into a new one. Usually, so far, to a better one every time.

    This is what must happen in an organisation. Just the right amount of internal-

    conflict may be melt certain fallacies and flaws of the organisation and reshape

    and renovate the metal according to your wishes . Behind the scenes, Domekhan

    and Azadnikov get into loads of arguments and debates which melt the

    foundations of the organisation and themselves to the right amount most of the

    time. Hence, they are able to continuously improve the tenants of the

    organisation. (At least in the long term.)


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to go with this concept of yours called Internal Conflict?

    We plan to use internal conflict. First of all we are planning to get rid of external

    emotions as far as possible. What we mean by this is that say you are stressed

    about something random which a lot of us are at random times of our life. We

    plan to find ways to prevent that affecting your communication with fellow

    comrades. This prevents wasteful Internal Conflict.

    We plan to publish a monthly magazine which will contain:

    1) Enhanced or timed debate between two or more people within the party about

    a certain concept which there is uncertainty or disagreement on with conclusions

    that each party member has received.

    2)Conclusions from this debate present in a tabular or diagrammatic form.

    3)Conclusion in web-diagram.

    4)Application or change in program-notice

    5) Comment by each member of debate on where the

    6)Evaluation of debate and rating according to other organisations using rating

    system(coming soon)

    We are also planning to have a program in which complaint forms are made

    which allow a member to criticise another member in a productive manner.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Good habits and Bad Habits. I heard a lot about them. But what are you planning

    to look into for this concept?

    People from leaders to scientists to intellectuals have good habits and bad habits.

    It is important that we accumulate the good habits of each of these people. From

    this we know what good daily habits that we may intentionally practice to achieve

    a level of perfection or greatness which leaders had. Habits include just methods

    of thinking to daily habits such as time of waking.

    What do you plan to do with Bad Habits?

    Bad Habits or those ways of thinking or those things or actions that you daily that

    may prevent you from being revolutionary. Sometimes bad habits may feel

    comfortable. However, they decrease productivity.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Can you please provide me with an example of good habit in practice?

    One of the most productive socialist leaders of the world Lenin had implemented

    good habits in practice which made him much more productive compared to his

    peers within the same socialist or bolshevik party. For example, Lenin frequently

    spoke to young children and took them to rides along rural areas in the Soviet

    Union. This allowed him to reduce his stress levels. I know this as I have

    personally spoken and just been around little kids.


    Lenin on a walk with Children-A.A.Deineka

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Is there any member of the Soviet party who was unable to improve himself due

    to a bad Habit?

    Stalin who was a good leader however he was unable to control his stress levels

    without a cigarette. This lead to temper tantrums and frequent mistakes.

    How do you plan to do this?

    Each month we plan to plan to publish a magazine which will study a good habit

    and a bad habit

    1)Poster promoting good habit.

    2)5-paragraph essay looking at how the most effective leaders utilised the good

    habit to advantage and how the failure of following a good habit led to a

    detriment of some leaders

    3)5-paragraph essay looking at a bad habit and how some ineffective leaders used

    the bad habit and how an already affective leader may have improved him or


    4)Question and answer which allows people to understand the psychological

    reasons for how the habit works

    5)Reflection after a month of implementation.

    6)Peer-feedback by other parties using rating sytem(coming soon)


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is appropriateness?

    Appropriateness is primarily focused on when it is inappropriate or appropriate to

    conduct criticism. For example, maybe if there is something very violent going on

    in the world and a comrade has a strong desire to focus on that particular

    incident. And find out how he or she could best change or have a positive impact

    on that particular situation, than it may be inappropriate to conduct criticism.

    Leon Trotsky should have considered that Stalin was more concerned about

    fighting against the Germans before proposing to promote his internationalist

    theory and course of action.

    How do you plan to do this? How do you plan to study appropriateness?

    I plan to study appropriateness by many ways. We plan to study self-criticism

    forms and peer-feedback forms created by some of the worlds most productive

    and efficient organisations and try to find out when it may be approporiate to

    conduct self-criticism. Not only in a day, in a context. If a person is a of a certain

    personality type than it may be appropriate to provide them criticism in a certain

    then if they are in another mood.

    We plan to block out time during the year in which criticism should not be done.

    This is usually before exam in a school year.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Ive heard about brainstorm. But what is rainstorm?

    You know they are times in the day where you are just way too pissed out. When this happens you are most likely not going to think clearly as emotions are clouding your judgement. Or in other words, preventing you from thinking clearly and effectively. We plan to study leaders with a high temper such as Stalin and aim to find out how can you control your own emotions while criticising other people and providing peer-feedback. We are going to create forms which eliminate external emotions from the picture. However, at times it is of vital importance to make people pissed and irritated so that they may do some work.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Aggression with direction is good as then you are capable or controlling and directing it. Consider the women that are fighting against the soldiers in the picture below.

    They are in a war and they know their target is to get rid of the well-armed troops. They have anger that is directed and in good control. They have got a dog to help them in their battle. Which is to the left of the fallen man. Horses to help them gain a height advantage. Which is to the top left of the page. In addition, they are taking good care of ill or injured soldiers, seen by the pale naked women in the carriage below the horse. However, if these women were not in control of their aggression, they have a rainstorm. In which case, they might end up punching each other or fight ineffectively. Hence, allow the well-armed troops to enslave them or kill and rape them at the same time like the helmeted soldier is doing in the center background of the page.


    Battle of the Amazons-A.A.Deineka

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is your acronym for knowledge annexation?

    Knowledge annexation is a KNIFE for revolution.

    Whats KNIFE?

    Knowledge Pyramid

    Now Yourself

    Infliction of knowledge


    Environmental Studies

    What do you plan to do for a Knowledge Pyramid?

    Knowledge pyramid is a website we are planning to run which allows readers to input in their definition, facts and other information in a hierarchical order similar to the food pyramid. A food pyramid is a hierarchical structure which allows dietitian to direct to people who much of each food does a person need to take. One of our favourite leaders Mao Tse Tung said that some people gain knowledge or seek knowledge which is not relevant for them. We are also inspired by an article by MakeUseOf which reviewed the technological book The Information Diet. In which the author, claimed that we are taking in too many fun facts or deserts for our

    information and it will be more helpful we will be able to balance our diet more and more.

    23Food Pyramid

  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Consider the painting At Study by A.A.Deineka.

    The world has so much knowledge. And this is only increasing. It is important to personalize the information and libraries so that you can get the information that you want. The students in this particular painting seem to have their eyes on the book the entire time which illustrates that they are reading with a purpose. This is what we must do as revolutionaries. We should be able to use information for our own advantage both as individuals and as a collective.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    However, we think that the primary reason for this is that people are unable to categorise or prioritise information. Later on we will try to arrange to add more features and tools however in the initial stages we are gong to be on a very basic stage as learning new thing about computers is very tricky and dicult.

    This is going to be a work in progress as we will have to learn more about the diet, computing and so on But beware it will be coming soon.

    What will you do with the information that you will gain on the way?

    We will plan to publish the information that we gain through pamphlets and guides. When we initially research and are in still in the exploration of a particular topic or concept or technique we shall publish such information through pamphlets. Our pamphlets serve almost as a diary hence they are very personal. You are basically venturing into the brains of one of us when you read a pamphlet. However, we aim to make them more and more logical with time. Hence, balance both logic and reflection at the same time. Guides are much more colder in terms of emotion and thought and serve pretty much as a practical explanation or How To or Do-it-Yorself if you will methodology to aspects of our work.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to do for a Now Yourself ?

    Now yourself is a program which encourages people to be aware about themselves. I think this very important as it allows you to have good knowledge about yourself. This I think is of most importance. You have to learn what you are good at and bad at. Moreover, you have to learn what type of skills that you have and what you can do in your sleep. You should develop these skills and milk these skills in times of diculty.

    Consider the artist in the painting Majakovsky in ROSTA by A.A.Deineka

    This particular artist is using his skill which is the ability to paint in order to create Soviet propaganda for USSR, probably for a war. Similarly, when times get hard or dicult, you must be able to milk your skills as and when it is required.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Why do you say now?

    We say Now. Because most people do not understand the importance of themselves as individuals in a collective revolution.

    We say Now. It is the least researched term. Hence, less I wont say capitalised because that is a capitalistic term. I would say taken advantage of.

    We say Now. As only with such a knowledge will a true revolution may be carried out to its ultimate success is through the understanding of personal knowledge.

    We say Now. As only now we have developed our understanding of this more and more.

    We say Now as in our earlier manifesto, we claimed that Knowledge was a key-element of hip-hop.

    We say Now. As with a closer look into the tenants of hip-hop we realised that we didnt read properly. In actuality, the final element is knowledge of self. Which as the name suggests is basically about a person finding out more about them self and looking at the world from a balanced perspective with their goals being motivating to the individual and self-fullfilling. However, also keeping the needs of the people and the environment in context of their actions.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to do for a Infliction of Knowledge?

    Infliction of knowledge focuses on how we should best transfer information from one person to another. Basically, this entire section focuses on the distribution of information.

    You yourself Azadnikov are a writer. How do you think this applies to you?

    We as writers and artists especially independent writers and artists may feel threatened by the lack of help that the people are willing to provide to us. Some of us that includes me unfortunately have expected some kind of weird kickback or magical or pathetic system or train of thoughts to occur in the minds of the people which might allow us to distribute our literature. We expect the people to be interested in our literature. Even though it may be crap or its not contexualized. We must realise that the people are composed of individuals. And they have priorities. It is not only their right but their responsibility to choose their own priorities. To deny this truth. Is to be a fuckin superficial socialist.

    What do artists have to do? Can you give me an example?

    We as artists must come with even more innovative distribution techniques and methodologies to not only appeal but reach the masses. To bolshevize literally. The Russian word bolshevik means the masses. What I mean by this is simply this I mean that we should find ways to make our ideas more relevant to the masses. If you paint a flag of Palestine on a wall say someplace in India or China than although this might encourage the people to be interested in vibe with Palestine. The majority of the people who are realists or the masses or the bolsheviks will not take in the message as we have failed to make it more relevant. We cant expect the people to inspired by such acts. We must be artistic as this is our nature. However, we must also be slightly realists. We must be ambitious however realistic. We must be expressive however not rhethorical or dogmatic. We must balance our if you will ideas and personal goals and desires with that of a revolution. The imbalance of one may be damaging to either the revolution, a revolutionary or sometimes both.

    What do you plan to do with this tenet?

    We are planning to publish guides on how to reach new audiences. We plan to make websites where independent artists especially hard-working independent artists may be able to make their whatever music, sculptures and art more important to the people.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    You called yourself a mad scientist. You seem to be taking that term very seriously.

    Yeah, I do. We all do, in fact. We are focused more on balancing idealism with realism. I dont know what we are doing honestly for this concept. But I predict. You know like as a hypothesis we may be able to create new forms of literature. New types of leaders. New types of art and possibly new symbols and re-utilize some old ones from the past. This is one area where we just like lets experiment. I good gut fealings. So Im just like shit lets do it. We fuck up, worst comes to worst, we look back when we older and well just be like never ever ever again. But if we dont push ourselves, than I dont think we can expect much from other people. So lets fuckin lead by example.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Formation?

    In formation, we look at areas in which knowledge can be divided. This is similar to Areas of Knowledge. Basically, areas of knowledge are categories that we can divide the conclusions that we gain in socialism or communism. If you remember reading the red book, you will know that all of the most important quotes are published in certain It will be one of the areas of study which will eventually help us to create the project of the Food pyramid and more projects that are to come.

    Which areas of formation are you planning to look into?

    That is the question we are looking into. The more knowledge we are going to gain. Which is inevitable, the more well have to edit not only the organisation but the areas of knowledge or formation. Their may be new fields which neither Marx Lenin or Mao have gathered as we are entering the 21st century. Not doing so will not only be deceit to ourselves, but to the organisation and to the masses.

    Why is formation importnat?

    As I stated earlier formation looks at the dierent sectors in which information may be divided. It is similar to Areas of Knowledge. If you are aware of Areas of Knowledge it becomes much more easier to organise knowledge and facts. If we do this than we can organise our ideas. Due to this, we do not only have better arguments against capitalists but can also cook data and random information for the peoples benefit.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Consider the painting A. Soldiers Kitchen by Chekalov Vladimir.

    If you are a revolutionary socialist. You must be able to cook information in the right way and in large masses kind of like soldiers in the picture. They have prepared the food for themselves and already eaten. In addition, they have eectively categorized the food into cauldrons or giant containers which allow them to distribute the food to the populous. Food represents knowledge for me. We must be able to categorise information for upcoming Marxists so that when they are may want to start reading or start learning about Marxism or MLM they are allowed independent reign over their methods of learning about any theory they want. However, when they want to receive extra information from Marxists with more experience, we are able to provide them with the correct information and are thoroughly clear about our opinions about certain thoughts


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What are some areas of formation that you are planning to have?

    Some of the areas of formation that we are thinking of now are history, economy and dialectics. However, there are more to come. Thats the only thing that is guaranteed when you talk about Azadidome. When we do anything, we always aim to re-innovate and smash dierent ideas together like idiotic and crazy scientists.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    This must be about nature. What are you planning to study about nature through environmental studies?

    Yes, you are correct we are studying about nature. We plan to look at the modern capitalistic system is unsustainable from an environmental perspective. However, we as socialists are going to be pathetic if we cant be better than modern day capitalists. We are considering to release Capitaloholic which looks at how capitalism is damaging the environment.

    American Landscape-A.A.Deineka


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    And how those socialists who stand back or dont want to or coward away from radicalness are basically sponsors of the destruction of the environment. However, as you might have remembered. We are practical. Hence, we are also looking at how we as socialists may reduce our reliance on the capitalistic system. In addition, make ourselves artwork or useful tools through recycling. You might also have guessed that we try our best not to be revisionists or the corporate intellectuals. Hence we are going to study how tribal cultures use nature to their advantage and how we might use it to our advantage. Any one can observe what animals do and its easier for every day people to vibe to and get accustomed to.

    What are you planning to do with the intellectual world?

    The main purpose of this is to catch these so called Im better than everyone else cause I can read or hmm. I have a degree now, I must be the most intelligent motherfucker in the world or Contemplate with me,now intellectuals by surprise and encourage them to get rid of their concept of supremacy. Basically, we want to grab them from their seats and make them stand the fuck up. Cause you know a chump can sit on a chair. A revisionist can shit on a chair. I can sit on a chair. So can anyone. But standing up. That is the breaking point. That is what separates the weak from the strong. The scared from the brave. It helps convert shy people to public speakers. As Huey P. Newton says, Each one, teach one. If all of us give each other the respect required than we may be able to at general gain more knowledge. Not only book knowledge. But also practical knowledge. Struggle knowledge. You know Im saying. Such a diversity of knowledge flowing from dierent minds, I feel may help reduce bias. And light up the fire in the people who think that they have a right to go asleep.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is your acronym for protracted revolution?

    For us the general aura of long-term or protracted revolution is a ROSE.

    R-Right it Yourself



    E-Eternal doors

    What is RIY?

    RIY. Is one of our mad ideas that we are going to create. Basically, it stands for Right-it-yourself.

    Why do you want to do this?

    We want to continue such a movement for 3 reasons.

    One reason is that too many people look at literature like little kids stare at artwork in museums. Nah I mean. They just get lost in it. However, they have no desire to make it theirs. They have no desire, to renew it. To improve it. To make their own artwork. The same thing applies to literature. A lot of people are observers of art. However, only a few of them are able to be innovative.

    The second reason is to make past folktales and their messages and so on to the modern folks. So that they may be able to understand the language that is present. This democratises and bolshevizes literature. It makes it more relevant to the masses. Which is more important. Literature is good. However, if it is only able to some business suit and university students. Than what the fuck is worth. Fuck the borgeoise! Fuck the revisionist. Nah Im saying. We need to graduate literature from a fuckin sit down and win sipping gift to some shit that you could stand up to. This is part of our infromalism campaign.

    The third reason is to push ourselves. Literature its like two year olds game for me.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Why are you advocating for this?

    We are advocating this as we want to eliminate voluntary revisionism. And really push forward for a new movement. We need to liberate ourselves. A movement is led by the peoples. This means that the fuckin intellectuals need to stop sulking in their chairs and stand the fuck up

    Consider the painting Chudodeynitsa by A.A.Deineka.

    The bourgeoisie intellectuals is the person who is trying to hypnotise the molested women with the cross. The molested women is what the revolutionary intellectuals who read dystopian novels feel like. They consider themselves molested and unable to move. If you look carefully you may see a sad pregnant mother standing behind the molested woman and another pregnant mother standing behind towards the right hand side of the women that I spoke of earlier. They represent the intellectuals who read utopian fiction such as Zeitgeist. They are those who are already molested and have chosen to fit in temporarily to hide their scars and wish for the better days. What I wish that I could see in this picture another woman trying to strangle the hypnotiser representing the bourgeoisie intellectuals. Console the molested women and help her recover. Which will metaphorically means taking aspects of that dystopia and building


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    a society secured to prevent the dystopias from entering into the culture. In addition, provide the pregnant women with a consolation and guarantee them freedom.

    What we need are people like Lenin. Who are able to push themselves. People like Mao. Who are ready to self-criticize. People like Marx. Who are ready to fall and trip and make some mistakes. People like Stalin. Who have the fire in them.

    We need to shake up the world. This requires people to have a more risk-taking approach. We must be ready to renew ourselves. My favourite Jamaican raege artists says it the best way, In a movement, its always a state of improvement. The same thing we need with literature.

    What are you going to produce for this?

    We are planning to adapt folk tales, plays and other usually bourgeois, intellectual, feudalist or reactionary literature into modern day plays and folk tales and plays.

    Why do you think this occurs on our society?

    This occurs because too many people over-estimate the value of gaining practical knowledge. When ever you want to start an initiative. The planning, conducting the task or assignment and held and the reflection which usually occurs after that is for at least and also stated by most influential leaders such as Mao the most important type. Most people including revolutionaries dont understand that this.

    What if these so called revolutionary associates dont understand how to write?

    For me honestly, its something that comes naturally. However, it did take some time for me to initiate and complete my first short story. The first time you are going to do something there is always a hump. Which means that there is always a learning curve. You are always going to face challenges. Some of them are complex. However, after you are through which such challenges you learn a lot.

    For some other people, short stories are not that easy. It doesnt come naturally to them. Just as, dialectic materialism seems like a puzzle to me at the moment.

    I am planning to publish some guiding questions if you will. Which may help writers gain their own style of writing and escape from problems such as writing blocks. Our section on rainstorm might also come cross-over here.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is an objective?

    An objective is basically anything that you want to achieve. They can come in dierent representations and of dierent categories. You could write it out as an acrostic, a question and answer or a pitch. There are dierent types of goals of SMART goals.

    Why do you need objectives for?

    An objective allows you to be more focused. This is because you are less likely to procrastinate and try stupid stu which doesnt fit your goal. In hip-hop we have a concept called Hustle. Hustle means work. What an objective does is it basically provides you with an endpoint you have to reach. Objectives allow you to hustle properly. They allow you to move in a certain direction, that you need to go. Many people dont understand or allow themselves time to polish their objectives, some people however spend too much time worrying about objectives both of which fuck up or mess up the entire hustle. The work that needs to be done is delayed or never done which is what messes up the relationships within and sometimes even the foundation of the organisation.

    To keep a movement going, you need to keep on challenging yourself. That helps you build a better organisation and make you a better person.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What are you planning to do with objectives?

    We are planning to accomplish them. Hahahaa

    Quite honestly speaking, we ourselves are working on this particular task. Objectives are required for everything from a rap song to a piece of written work to an ordinary action on a day to day basis.

    Consider the painting Before the Onset-A.A.Deineka

    The title of this painting is before the Onset. Onset in this case will mean attack. The soldiers realise that their main purpose is the eliminate an enemy. Hence, they can aim and prepare and adjust their cannons as required. Depending on the specifics of their objectives, they may have to fix or create more cannons. If the enemy is at a certain location then they can adjust the cannons to injure more enemies. They are in a military hence they need objectives. To survive. The same thing applies for an organisation. In order to keep an organisation or movement running. We just realised that. We will keep you posted as we learn about more frameworks of objectives such as SMART.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is self-training?

    Self-training is an entire section based on developing yourself to handle negative situations. For example, if you are stressed out than you need to be able to find out ways to decrease your stress in sometimes a quick or other times in a productive way. In this section, we will work on put people under stressful conditions and make them use their own creativity to help them find their own ways out of them. This will help them reduce their stress levels and maybe develop some new productive tactics for everyone.

    Stress by itself is negative if not handled in a correct manner. It may also encourage stupid or rushed decisions. On the other hand, it may also prevent people to take up important tasks or necessary work. Or not allow someone to enjoy something which they usually do.

    Consider the painting Electrician by A.A.Deineka

    If you use stress or societal pressure to your advantage than doesnt matter if you are 60 years old or even 16, you can do anything. You can use your emotions to your advantage and you dont allow them to interfere with where you are going. You are


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    basically like the electrician that is walking or the little child next to him. You will create success around you. Consider it. The electrician is responsible for the communication wires, the train and the factories that are around him.

    However, if you don't than you will be like the guy who is sitting down sulking. Basically, you would loose control over your life and hence have to watch other people being productive while being unproductive yourself.

    What do you plan to publish for self-training?

    We plan to educate people on how some of our techniques work psychologically or metaphysically. How they may be used in an organisation. Methods to integrate them into our lifestyle. And so on.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What are Eternal doors?

    As the saying goes never put all of your eggs in one basket. This is exactly what we want to do. We want to spread the risks that are present in the organisations. However, in order to spread the risks. Sometimes you need to take a risk.

    What we want to do is force ourselves to take some new risks or try new stu out and develop a culture of change within ourselves and within the organisation which will allow us to be more flexible and creative.

    What our idea is that if we develop new risk taking assessments and schemes we may be able to push members to try taking in new ideas. This will allow us to expand and improve. This is in contradiction to most organisations which aim to slow down or take less risk in order to spread risks.

    Whether it is an organisation. A new manifesto. A new artwork. A new short story. A novel. A pamphlet. An invention. Pushing yourself to do something new actually provides you with new experience. This may not directly provide you with more success. However, you gain new insight into practical knowledge. Some very specific to particular tasks. Some to life. Some which serve as general principles which may be constant to everything.

    If we push ourselves hard enough in this sector of our organisation. Than we will have is an inherent culture of risk-taking within people and the organisation which allow us to reach new heights of innovation and so on.

    This reminds me of one of the catch-lines that we are going to use, Practice makes sense. Innovation takes perfect, And innovation requires risk-taking.

    You might want to read the Preface of the 7th Habits of Highly Eective People in which the conservative and reactionary however truthful writer states. In his preface, he states one of the reason that people arent successful is due to fear and a strong feeling of insecurity.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Consider the painting Farewell to Beloved Home by A. Tkachev, S.Tkachev.

    In which a Soviet Soldier wishes his family good-bye before leaving through the front door to fight in a war. According to traditional structure of family, leaving the door implies risk and lack of safety. Often revolutionaries want to do new things however they are not willing to due to such a traditional structure. Leaving your comfort zone indeed is very risky an uncomfortable. However, it undeniably opens opportunities for you and provides you with a new perspective of looking at the world. Over time through mistakes and so on you learn to take more educated risks. Some of which undeniably open you to receive more opportunities.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What are you planning to publish?

    We plan to publish risk-taking frameworks which allow you to almost fill in some of the stu that you need to be aware of when you take a new risk. This will allow us to discriminate bad risks and good risks in a very short time and also allow people to decide whether or not to take a risk. And we also plan to create tasks by which a person may intentionally change from a fearful to brave mood.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is your next value of action?

    Our next value of action is science and technology.

    What is your acrostic for science and technology?

    Our acrostic is SPADE

    Source MovementProj-animal Agriculture



    What is the source movement?

    The open-source movement is basically a technological movement which believes that the populous should have the right to information such as safety in the use of technology and scientific research. For example, a kid who has a computer in a third world country should be able to access research done by a top most scientist in Europe. The open-source movement believes that the spreading and distribution of information to the populous at their disposal is of topmost necessity.

    Some capitalistic examples may be say Wikipedia, Wikia. However, more and more socialists are starting to understand the importance of thee source movement and this is so far a positive movement.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Why is the source movement important?

    I believe that the source movement is important as it democraticizes information. Their exists a Selected Works by Karl Marx by Penguin or some other company. However, it had strong copyrights. Due to this, it couldnt be used by most of the Marxists websites. On the other hand, the LCW(Lenin Collected Works) or Stalin Collected Works(SCW) and MCW(Mao Collected Works) was open-source hence anyone could publish or use it or edit or organise it as they wished.

    We are going to look at famous Open-Source advocates like The Pirate Party.

    It basically allows everyone to have a fair swing at capitalism. Consider the painting The Defense of Sevastapol by A.A.Deineka.

    In this painting, you might observe that there are Soviet men and women with a variety of dierent weapons. The front-man is striking the Nazis with a premature weapon made of a series of wine bottles. The guy with a topless shirt is swinging a Molotov. In the background, some people are striking with bayonets and some are just using the side of their guns as a weapon. The open-source movement allows everyone to gain new knowledge which might help them take a swing at capitalism with their own creativity.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is proj-animal?

    The proj-animal is basically an entire value on action of our organisation which is based on studying animals to find out how some of our behaviours are same as theirs and also how we can use animals to create metaphors which might help us escape writer and thinking blocks and innovate in a more eective manner.

    What do you plan to publish for proj-animal?

    We plan to publish a pamphlets for proj-animal. We also plan to publish entire posters which illustrate our inspiration. We are ourselves are going to use this to help us innovate and create our websites and so on.

    What is the agriculture?

    Agriculture is basically a study of animal and plant husbandry which looks on how to best grow and develop tools and knowledge to allow for more ecient farms and the introduction of new species or the lack of in some cases may allow common people to solve rampant community problems such as stress, lack of innovation, pests and so on, in the urban environment.

    Moreover, it may also allow the common people to do their sustenance. Its like this. You are a human. You need food. Hence, if you need food than you need to find food. However, you want the find food, the only thing that can get nowadays is the food from supermarkets because they are more cheaper. If you are slightly rich, than you might be able to purchase from farmer markets and so on. The one thing that we could do as a socialist community is increase our knowledge of farming and increase the amount of community farms or communes.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    You might want to consider the painting Resolved Unanimously by A.A.Deineka.

    In a group of say 500 revolutionaries. Probably all of us, are like the people in the painting. If asked if you want capitalism to be abolished all of us will put our hands up. If we were asked if we would want a revolution than all of us will put our hands up and we will still you know act like the people in the picture. However, if we were to be asked to take some action, than the majority of us will place our hands down because we have so much fear that we will not meet for Physiological needs while conducting a revolution.

    This is why the peasantry is very important as they help us meet our physiological demands. If we would build community agricultural centres, than risk-taking will be slightly more easier as we will have the ability to ignore or not be afraid to loose our physiological needs.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to do for agriculture?

    For agriculture, we plan to study the impact on agricultural scientists and some of their respective policies. We plan to study how to grow plants economically and how to bring the power back to the people.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is the DIY?

    DIY basically stands for Do-it-yourself. This particular movement within technology encourages us to connect with our youth by building whatever we want by ourselves. Its basically encourages the populous to be ingenuous and rely on themselves and each other not only to complain but to solve their own problems by themselves. If you want a house, build it yourself. If you cant call up a couple of your friends and work together in order to do it. If you want a new shelf and you feel sad as you have to go to a capitalistic place such as IKEA to buy it than make it yourself. If you want a hammer and sickle fridge magnet, then research how to make one and do it. You know what Im saying. Basically, the DIY movement encourages you to be Bob the builder in real life. You know the song, Bob the builder can you build it yes we can. Basically, the concept of DIY is that if there are enough Instructables or guides on how solve small problems and issues than the individuals become more independent. Through small successes, they will as a collective gain confidence and slowly be encouraged to take more risks. Through small successes they will influence other people into the DIY movement. After some time, the community by itself will be able to construct and provide for itself. The community will gain confidence and take on more challenges. Hence, create community politics which is an integral part of popular socialism.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Consider the painting After the Liberation by T.Gaponenka

    If you study this painting carefully. You will notice that there is a man who is working with a fellow friend to fix the ceiling of the centre they are in. Due to this, DIY skill of construction, the community may benefit from having adequate shelter. You might also observe that there are small pockets of people consoling or helping out members of their community who are struggling with loosing fellow family members. This DIY skill of mediation and consoling may help the community with getting on and being more productive. Moreover, through this emotionally traumatised people are taken into care with the revolution.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to publish for DIY?

    We plan to publish a guide on how to make some of the regular stu that normal people are very attached to at home. So if you like Ice-cream, we plan to have a special tutorial on how to make ice-cream at home so that you dont have to go to the supermarket to get one.

    What is Environment?

    In this case, we are not talking about environment like we discussed for the knowledge annexation part of the manifesto. We are talking more about the environment. In terms of work environment. In terms of the environment which is present within various organisations.

    Basically, in this value of action we are going to focus on how science and technology may be used on how to change the environment of the organisation so that the members of the organisation are more focused. New sciences of socialism and are going to probably emerge from this sector such as how the first part of Taylors Theory of Scientific management which is that humans are primarily motivated through the completion of tasks may be used to increase motivation within particular parties.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Consider the painting Snipers by A. Intezarov.

    An organisation is like a room. It must allow members to take a rest or breaks when it they really need to take one and must provide a protective environment to do so such as the women sleeping on the bunk. However, it must also encourage or even force members to learn to take sacrifices such as stay awake or keep hustling when they are tired. Such as the women with a sniper rifle. She is still awake however it is clear through her facial expressions that she is really tired. And it must provide them with a supportive environment to hustle. The environment within the organisation has to be framed in a way that allows the members to hustle way past their comforts when it is required to do so. An observer of the painting may consider the way that the women with the sniper rifle is helping her friend who is well-awake and doesnt have a desire to sleep write something. The organisation must have an environment with challenges revolutionaries however allows them to fit in duties in their daily lives.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to publish for the Environment?

    In this case, we plan to publish studies on some theories such as Taylors Theory of Scientific Management by a practical method such as a guide.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is your acronym for efficiency?

    Our acronym for efficiency is KEYCHAIN for the revolution. What does KEYCHAIN stand for? Kraft Kamera Kite E-tools Yolk of goals Charts against rhethoric Hectic Hexagon Absences Ivy Ignorance Illusion-how to prevent ignorance and arrogance within party Number Shelling. What does Kraft Kamera Kite stand for? It is important to have a balanced action plan. Because too much of anything even philosophising or reading or watching documentaries or even party or political work may be deteremental to a persons personality. What I mean is definitely you may have a specialisation and interest in one certain sort of action over another. However, too much of an action without the slight inclusion of other actions will definitely make you an unbalanced person in the long run. Which in some cases may not only mess up your physical health but make you either ignorant or arrogant in the long run. I was inspired by an episode of London Real in which Brian Rose which in more personalized or paraphrased terms says that it is important to Develope, Publish and Enforce certain disciplines or philosophies not only within a political party but within yourself. Kraft is when you develop or innovate. Kamera is when you record what you did. Cameras are used in order to take pictures and record memories. Kite is when you publish your ideas. When you fly a kite, you show of your This is important process to ensure a social realist style of writing which basically writing in which the plot, character, style or techniques are in such a way as to encourage the proletarian or the farmers or the common people to rise up. Personally, I use this technique to add new characteristics to my short stories and plays. For example, make


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    them more interesting to factual, emotional to cold and from more philosophical to more What inspired you to make this system of Kraft Kamera Kite? In innovation one of the most important things are design cycle. Me and Domekhan learnt this at school for DT(Design Technology). Basically, the design goes like this Initiation, Investigation, Design, Plan, Create Evaluate. The advantage of this is that is very easy to follow and fairly systematic. Hence, after you do it for a while, its like almost mechanical or robotic. However, the problem with this is that is not philosophical enough and it doesnt not encourage creative thinking. And you know it is fairly hard to remember. So one time me and Domekhan were thinking about what should we have for innovation. I was like name me an organisation which is efficient. Domekhan laughed and said KKK. It was retarded joke. But we were brain-dead so we redid the KKK acronym. And because we are an organisation which stresses proactive-ness. We used KKK(as an acronym) for Kraft Kamera Kite. Kamera and Kite are objects or nouns. And hence which allows us in our speech within the party to shortcut past long tedious discussions and arguments. So if I went up to Domekhan and I wanted us to rework our ideas on Dialactical Materialism. I could just say Kraft Dialectical Materialism or Kraft DM. And if he wanted to say man I am sick and tired of crafting Dialectical Materialism and wanted to publish a writing about Dialectical Materialism he could just say, Kite DM. I am pretty inspired by Central American Mayans, and you know I heard that they believe that every object has an identity. When they create infrastructures or systems they research about the physical and chemical properties of an object which allows them to innovate and escape traditional thinking blocks.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What are e-tools? E-tools are basically technological programs either online or on desktop which may help conduct out certain tasks or make the action of certain tasks more easier. Consider the painting Builders #1 by Dox Trash

    When you have more tools you are like the carpenter in the picture above. If you put your mind to it, you are able to just create more and be much more productive. The carpenter in the picture has tools on the shelf above him and below him. The internet is like this workshop it has a lot of tools. You can also create your own ones inspired by those on the internet. But you need to have tools as they allow you to actually create what you want in a more feasible manner. However, if you dont have tools than however hard you try the success of your organisation will be temporary or only happen a couple of times. You can be organised for one session and then be completely disorganised from 5 to 6 years. You might have a lot of participation for a single day of the organisation however you might not be able to push yourself too much other times. Getting over such humps in life and society require you to have tools in place. Internet is the best


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    method of distribution to provide tools and nowadays if you are creative you can make them work for you in a variety of ways. So you are basically going to just suggest e-tools? We plan to not only study such technological programs however we also plan to study their effectiveness and find how they are effective. Maybe if we get smarter and we have enough time in the future than we may plan to make our e-tools. What are the yolk of goals? The yolk is the core part of an egg. If you consider the egg to be a goal. You as a cook must be aware of the yolk of the egg. Hence, you have to learn how to make better goals. This is basically look into the objective part from protractive revolution. You also have to be aware of where the pan is, you must know how to relate the core of your goals to your foundation or your belief system. You need to be aware if the flame under the pan is on in the right moderation. Or in metaphorical terms you must be able to control your mind on how much it is ideologically driven. Basically, this entire section is an extension of the objective part of the organisation however more focused on how to set your mind to achieve your target with much more efficiency.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is the chart against rhethoric? Charts against rhetoric is a movement that we plan to initiate for our infromalism campaign and our anti-rhethorical campaign. Basically, it encourages writers to use charts instead of words in order to formulate opinion. This especially goes for non-fictional writers however may very soon start to creep in moreover fictional work. Who inspired you to do this? On of our teachers for English had a very interesting opinion, she had loads but one in particular which states that nowadays too many people base their opinions on random stuff or other opinions rather than statistics and information. We are also inspired by the ancient Gadar party from India which has a lot of focus on research based on concrete statistics and the scientific method. Why is Charts against rhethoric important? We think that it is important to illustrate what you do and what you want to communicate with Statistics. It is seen that a lot of revisionists choose to use a shit load of rhethoric to criticize other parties or choose to claim themselves as being the best political party however dont have concrete data on what they say. They say they make progress and their evidence is that they changed their logo. They say that they are helping out the people, they justify this by spending $1 out of $100 for buying one object for a poor person while spending $99 out of the $100 for buying stupid shit like cushions for themselves. Basically, if such a move it is intentional than we can call such an organisation revisionist. If an organisation knows that its not doing enough and chooses to hide this via such rhetoric than we can call them revisionist. However, if an organisation even our organisation for that matter looses sight of what needs to be done and cannot make progress, what we call this is revolutionary suicide. Which is a term coined by Black Panther. What it basically means is death or loss of ideals or focus while conducting a revolution change. Its best for an organisation to counter its own dogma and its believes about itself through charts and statistics.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Isnt Charts against rhetoric the same as number shelling? Charts against rheoric is focused more on using graphs. Number shelling is more focused on raw statistics.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Hectic Hexagon mean? Hectic hexagon is a concept that we are working on which states that there are 6 dierent types of work. We still havent polished the actual types of work there are Xiaxiang, Xiafang, peoples work, enhanced work, necessary work, collective work or progressive work. It is basically a hexagon. On each side you have dierent types of work.

    Why did you choose a Hexagon? We chose a Hexagon as a Hexagon has 6 sides. And you see we already had some sort of development of 6 different types of work, which we did earlier. Why is the Hectic Hexagon important? If you have listened or read a lot of self-improvement books, you learn that there is something called Behaviors. Which by the way include how much time in a day you provide yourself more logical tasks like Making Manifestos and creative tasks such as Writing. Consider the painting Card Players by Charles White

    Imagine that you are playing Texas Holdem or any other poker styled game like the people in the picture. If you want to the winner of the game than you are going to need the correct or best set of cards. Or in other words you need to correct set of behaviors or know how to act in a certain manner. You need to identify and distinguish different


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    types of work. Then you need to learn how to do them. You also know how to accomplish them. You need to know how to not be a procrastinator. Or if you need to be one, find out how to be a structured procrastinator. Which is a concept that we will explore within this project.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Why do you think Absenses are important to consider for effeciency? We think it is important to consider absences as they allow the organisation in general to find out how they should structure within the organisation. Because if someone is not efficient or unable or unwanting to do some party or limit his or her party work for a certain period of time than this is totally acceptable and maybe for some good reasons. If someone feels like they are going to be sharper or more efficient after a certain time period than they should excuse themselves for that required period publicly within the organisation. However, I think it should be more prescribed. Like Imma not do any party work or just this little amount. However, after this particular day, I will continue and get back on my game, So my point is that it is important to give people a certain break from the organisation when they require it so when it comes back to their task they dont have a reason to provide themselves wiggle room or excuses like I dont feel like it cause they have mentally prepared themselves for doing a certain task and are more committed to complete certain tasks. Consider the painting Women with two Children-Diego Rivera

    Somedays you might be like the child on the left. You will be more into creating things hence you might want to explore a creative side of yourself which you have never explored or havent explored for a while. In this case, if you have a logical task in front of you, you might be incapable of doing so, not because you dont want to but because you


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    do not posses a logical framework of thinking or thought. If this occurs once in a while than it is ok and its even normal. However, if this occurs for a while than you need to take a break from the logical task but with a margin. So basically you have to give yourself a day where you are going to promise yourself to re-start the particular task that you were on. Overtimes, you may be like the mother in the middle. You will be worried or stressed. If this happens for long, than it suggests that something is wrong with you and stress and worrying has become your core personality. In which case you should take a timed break and just chill the fuck out and return with a brand new positive but yet productive attitude. What is Ivy Ignorance Illusion- are important to consider for effeciency? Its one of those crazy concepts that we got while just randomly brainstorming and trying to escape from a writers block or blocks cause its multiple people who were involved in the block. So the Ivy plant is pretty much useless in modern day medicine and to the people except for poisoning. Ignorance pretty much fits these exact characteristics. It is useless to us unless we are talking about in intellectual words intellectual suicide or in simple words being voluntarily stupid. When you choose to be voluntarily stupid, you do so at large because there is a truth or a bunch of truths in front of you which you choose to ignore because you consider yourself to be like god or you consider yourself to be a superior to other people. However, you have no achievements. Hence, you are basically arrogant. Personally, Achievement+Realization of achievement=Self-esteem Celebration-Acheivement=Realization of achievement However, in the second case, you basically feel a sense of achievement which may be outdated. Maybe its in relation to something you did a long time ago or its expired. You know. This is what we call arrogance, which is realisation of achievement in a case where the achievement is expired or in an area which doesnt occur. This is what we call arrogance. So basically for this value of action you are going to look into different methods by which you can if you will cure ignorance or arrogance within the general public and within your party and you will study the major causes of ignorance and arrogance. Yes, that is exactly true.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    I heard a lot about work. But why is innovation important for your organization. We have a saying within our organisation, Practice makes sense, innovation makes perfect,. When we say this we say mean that practice or the repetition of a task and the application of a task can allow you to understand yourself and your ideas and your organisation and your comrades. Which I think it is important and vital for any person or organisation. So basically if you want to understand either yourself or your organisation or other comrades. The only or the most suitable way to do so is by proposing or even better conducting various activities within the organisation. However, if you dont innovate your ideas or your tasks along with the work than you wont improve. If you do the same thing over and over again without any improvements or any innovations than you will end up failing with a revolution. You have to for the sake of revolution learn to change your habits. Because changes happen in a grassroots style. From door to door, mind to mind, brain to brain or person to person. Hence, work has to be done to convert from revisionist to revolutionary. However, to maintain if you will a revolutionary organisation or ideal, revolutionary innovation is also important.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is your acrostic for your work and innovation? Our acrostic for work and innovation is RUNGINE. Which is a cross-bread between run and engine. Basically, everyone agrees that a little kid or a newborn has to work hard to walk. However, what people mis out is that they must be able to innovate to run. Our organization is a brand new one and its coming in the 21st century in which the only constant is change. In order to survive and be able to walk we must work. But to run we must be able to innovate and work at the same time.

    Realism U-laboration Non-negative Group or not group work that is the question Incisive web Necessary work Enhanced work What is realism? Realism as a self-help category of thought or a think tank term which basically states that as a philosophy or person or organization starts to focus more on reality and on the real world or real world examples or real world application than that philosophy or person or organization improves a lot. Basically, you are saying that you should not have ideals. No, I think ideals are important or even necessary. Basically, its what makes you who you are. The same thing applies with information and knowledge in general. You know. However,if you have your ideals and then forget all about your actions. If you forget about reality. Or you dont know how to achieve or advance not only yourself but also your local or global environment than you are in a brief period of LSD socialism. Which is a form of socialism similar to spiritual socialism which believes that the world changes just because of your belief, which is absolute b.s. You must learn how to be realistic. In terms that, you must know that the only way you can change certain aspects of society is to influence some pressure on society.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Consider the image Milkmaid by A.A.Deika

    This milkmaid may have an ideal of providing working with both animals and community. However, if she didnt consider her ideal in a realistic manner than she might have been unable to come up with a brilliant idea to milk cows and provide that milk to her community. Which might have meant that she would have been unable to provide milk for her community which is bad for her community and might have meant that she wont be living with her ideals less and less. Due to this, she might be stranded in her ideals as she cannot make it a reality. In a similar way, it is your own responsibility to provide yourself with a continuously realistic way to approach your ideals.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to publish for realism? We plan to learn how to convert ideals to reals. We will basically conduct studies on some ideas which are usually LSD socialistic and hunt for if you will the good game. We will explore concepts or advice from LSD socialists which allow us to be more effecient. However, we plan to study them linguistically and logically and publish this through guides. We also plan to study how to force ourselves more realistic. And we will publish our research through guides.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is U-laboration? U-laboration is a cross bread between You and Collaboration. What it basically means is that it is better for you if you can make collaboration a good learning experience for you and your fellow comrades. Who inspired you to create such a program? We were inspired majorly by Mao Tse Tung and his theory of Xiaxiang and Xiafeng. Why do you think U-laboration is important? U-laboration is important it allows everyone within the committee or group or collective doing a certain action to gain something from that action however at the same time it gets the main thing what the group wants to do effectively done. Consider Years of Hardships by A. Tkachev, S.Tkachev

    If you look at this painting you see a family pushing through a plough to make the field more usable for agriculture. The family is learning how to get along by this activity. Hence, the family is more united. In addition, they learn a lot of lessons about life. Some of which may be used later in their future to be more successful than a bourgeoise person watching TV. They are gaining more in terms of both physical muscle and also lessons via such a collective hard-work compared to other people. They are all working hard which ensures that all of them learn something from this experience.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What do you plan to publish for U-laboration? For U-laboration we plan to publish how could collaboration be done more effeciently through new guides. We will create new manifestoes for ourselves and each other which force ourselves and each other to shove each other much more in a more revolutionary manner.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Non-negative? Non-negative is a tenant within our value of action of work and innovation which focuses on how a person should be less negative or in other words more positive and make that part of this main behaviour or mood rather than negativity. We are also going to focus on how the negative rainstorm(to use a Azadidome term) Why is Non-negative important? Non-negative is important. There are different types of negative. But in this I will mainly focus on 2 main types to illustrate you how being a negative thinker all the time is basically dangerous to yourself. Ill list each type of negativity and discuss how it is negative to give you if you will a sample of the type of thinking that we will do: Negative Rainstorm Type 1: This guy is doing something wrong, he has a problem, she has a problem. The world is imperfect, everyone is imperfect. Using Negative Rainstorm to advantage 1: A person who wants to use such negative rainstorms for his or her advantage may want to personalise the negative criticism for himself. For example, if a person thinks that Hugo Chavez was too idealistic, than the person stuck in such as rainstorm criticising Chavez may focus on making him or herself more realistic, in order to be a better revolutionary or just a person in general. Possible Positive alternative 1: A lot of people in the world are being imperfect just so I, sitting here can improve myself. Negative Rainstorm Type 2: I do not have this. I do not have that. If only I could get this, I could do that. Use Negative Rainstorm to advantage 2: This is in self-help terms called self-victimisation. Which basically means that you consider yourself a victim and the world to be like a bully. You know. This happens to everyone. But what you have to understand in this case, is that a person who takes such an approach has created him or herself a trap which he or she has created by him or herself. When you are in such a mood or trap, you need to analyse the sentences which you have created, I couldnt do this, because of that. In such a sentence, you basically surrender your power up to someone else. Hence, you loose power. You assume that if someone else does something than only your fate or your life may change. What you have to do is try a positive approach to your rainstorm.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Possible Positive alternative 2: (a) I couldnt do something when I depended on them, because I had a high caliber. I must work to complete an x or y task to provide myself with more achievements which provide myself with more self esteem. (b) Try to look at how much other people have helped you and consider from their perspective Consider On the Leningrad Highway by George Nissky

    See the tanks going on the highway. These are what are required in battle. You need to always artillery in battle. In an organisation, especially the grassroots organisations, the artillery are the people. When you are in a revolutionary organisation or group, than it is important to understand that you are on a road to change. The more artillery that you have with you , the greater your potential dominant you will be on the road to change that is just simply how it goes. The more tanks youve


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Group or not group work that is the question? We have to choose whether to work on a group or work individually during certain tasks. Some tasks are better to be done in a group and others may chose to work as individuals. What is Incisive web? Incisive web is basically a study on how to spread out the divisions of innovation and cut through braindead times. Why is incisive web important? Incisive web is important as it forces you to do necessary work or encourages you to innovate when you may not feel like it or even against it. I dont really like Pacifists due to their enjoyment of being lazy and their concept that revolution may be passed on from one person to another telekinesis. Hence, we have a tendency to counter Pacifistness or the notion that revolution occurs through the change of a single person or that wishing a revolution can occur will actually cause a revolution. A revolution can occur only through the people. The people must be evoked or awakened which any start-up organisation such as ours must be responsible for a revolution. It is not enough to examine the character and personality faults in capitalist leaders. We have to not only avoid such faults but must improve ourselves past them. If there are any arguments between members of the organisation over issues that are about the organisational activities or non organisational activities or just tensions from living and dealing with every day stresses, being braindead or absen-minded for revolutionary tasks is a real problem for most revolutionaries. Even the young ones. I being a 16 year old revolutionary is writing this as I deal with getting over a time in which Im slightly braindead due to capitalistic pressures. What do you plan to publish for this value of action? We plan to publish guides on how to escape such times of braindead and provide some advice on what needs to be considered as part of the action plan to escape from such a braindead zone.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Necessary work? Necessary work are the basic tasks or assignments that need to be completed or handled in an organisation. Why is necessary work important? Necessary work allows for an organisation to succeed. If it is not done than the organisation will be unsuccessful. This is usually the type of work that everybody tries to shirk off or not conduct on a daily basis. Basically, you think that necessary work is hard and boring work which the organization has to do in order to innovate I dont really think so. I think at times this necessary work actually changes you much more than you think it would. Consider Boys Leggins by the Kiowa culture

    These leggings are engineered in such a way that they erase footprints which makes tracking much more difficult for enemy soldiers. This was created by the Kiowan cultured when they were against tribe and various enemies. Going to fight may be considered as necessary work as no-one wants to actually do it due to the risks involved. However, the Kiowans used this threat of war to their advantage to allow them to grow. We can as socialists and communists use our threats to our advantage by using them to encourage or force us to be more innovative with ourselves


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    What is Enhanced work? Enhanced work is work or taks done under timed conditions.. Why is Enhanced work important? Enhanced work is important as it allows for people to force themselves to innovate. Moreover, allows them to slowly reduce time for some of their thinking activities which allows them to commit to revolutionary work. Consider the painting, Fallen Painting by Oleg Vassiliev in memory is construction not simple imprints.


  • Azadidome Manifestoes _____ 27th of May 2015

    Fallen painting is an artwork. In which a person leaves from a painting and goes out to another painting. This shows how perception is not reality because you are not really sure whether the woman is either in one painting or the other. However, if you can see that she is heading towards the direction of the mountains. In a similar way, it is less important in the present what you have done in the past. You may use the past in order to provide you with motivation and reflect to help you change your habits. It is much more important to consider where you are heading and how can you most effeciently reach there. Enhanced work basically operates on such a principal, it forces you to set aside time to do the work which of the most importance to you and

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