question 5 media studies

How did you attract/address your audience? Question 5

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Post on 11-Apr-2017



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How did you attract/address your audience?Question 5

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• To attract my audience I took inspiration from my researched magazines such as Q. Shuffle and Q have a similar target audience and therefore I wished to make sure my magazine was as conventional with inspiration from Q. Their approach to the readers is similar to what I wanted to achieve therefore I believe that the magazine was a good source to use. They use informal language and effective techniques to attract their young audience which is similar to my target audience therefore I would have a similar approach to attract readers hand be effective. I had to make my magazine eye catching and attractive to interest the audience by using the right mode of address in which I believe I included in my magazine.

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To attract my target audience, I inserted a vibrant masthead to attract the attention of the audience. I also used a different font for the ‘S’ to represent the shuffle symbol which is relevant to music as well as the audience which use technology to listen to music therefore it will be familiar to them. In my magazine I decided to use the colour scheme of red, black, yellow and white as the colours compliment each other as well as standing out on the page and drawing the audience into the magazine. I used certain colours to make certain words and phrases stand out to catch the readers eye. The image of Kieran attracts the readers attention due to the image being a medium close up. His casual approach also attracts the young audience due to being able to relate to his fashion. I decided to use a male to address my mainly female audience as my research from my questionnaire revealed that the majority of females are attracted to males featured on the front cover of a magazine.


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Contents Page

• On my contents page I have included features which directly shows the audience what is included in this issue. In the bottom left hand corner there is a section for subscriptions, therefore revealing to the readers what benefits there are to subscribing and creating a relationship between Shuffle and the readers, guaranteeing sale numbers. It will also reveal that Shuffle is a multi-platform brand and as the majority of readers are younger, they are more likely to be technophiles therefore will use various media platforms to receive information. All the images shown on the page are youthful and are at a similar age to the magazines target audience, attracting their attention.

• My audience would be interested as my contents page navigates the reader to specific page such as meeting Rhianna, attracting fans of the singer.

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The way I addressed the audience is through he mode of address. I used a first person interview in an informal tone to interest the youthful audience. I also used the heading ‘Blood, Sweat and Gigs’ to reflect Kieran’s daily life and dedication to his work.The article may appeal to the younger audience as tit reveals his upbringing revealing the struggles he has faced, making him more relatable to the readers facing hard times.

Double Page Spread

In the article, there is also information about Kieran’s new album and up coming tour which would appeal to the audience and Kieran’s existing fan who would wish to read about the star. Kieran’s web address and social media names are also included so those who want to know further information can look themselves. This is also due to the audience being mainly technophiles.