question 1 evaluation

Question 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions used in a real media product?

Upload: dominiklbh

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions used in a real

media product?


The key thing that makes my magazine diverse from other magazines being distributed is the fact that not only do I focus on well-established and current urban artists, but I also highlight on some raw up and coming artists, both male and female. This is rare feature in magazines as publishers think they will sell more if they display and exploit well known artists that their target audience are already familiar with. With my magazine it has allowed customers to not only keep track of their favourite artists, but they also give customers the opportunities to give see who they should look out for in the near future.

In addition, another difference from other magazines is that for the double page spread, most articles relating to the cover story use a simple Q&A whereas my article is more journalistic, however still has some questions and answers. I believe this makes my magazine very different from others as they use one or the other when I use both.

Also, what I have noticed in other magazines is that their masthead isn’t as large as mine and is usually always covered by their cover star. However, my masthead is large and stands out. In addition my cover is large, but it does not cover my masthead to represent the fact that the cover star is not as important as the magazine itself. This is because my cover star is an up and coming artist and is not established enough to have more importance than my masthead.

A major similarity within my magazine and well established magazines is the colour scheme. A large amount of magazines use the same colour scheme as I do. The only difference I make my models consistently match the colour of their clothes with the colour scheme of the magazine.

Another similarity is that the colours of the masthead is very bright, vibrant and eye catching. I used this convention to attract my audience.


In addition, I also use similar features on the cover page such as free bees. Many magazines present free hand outs in the magazine to make readers want to buy the magazine so I included a mix tape of my cover star giving readers some insight on how the artist performs.