queer dissertations as of 6 november.pdf

Allison, Terry Lane 2000 University of California, San Diego The Good Gay Citizen: A Cross- Cultural Analysis of Gay Male Rhetoric of Good Citizenship Dissertation Reid, Roddey Amidon, Stevens 2003 University of Rhode Island Manifestoes: A Study in Genre Dissertation Schwegler, Robert Archer, Deborah 1999 University of Nebraska Past Lives and Contemporary Longings Dissertation Ferguson, Moira Bacon, Jen S. 2000 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Refusing to Get the Story Straight: Cultural Rhetorics and Queer Identities Dissertation Gordon, Tamar Bakelaar, Philip 1997 Temple University The Issue Culture of the Gay and Lesbian Religious Controversy in the Age of AIDS: Moral Argumentation in American Mainline Religious Communities as a Symbolic Contest Between Competing Interpretations Dissertation Simons, Herbert Balboa, Jaime Ronaldo 2003 Graduate Theological Union The World Made Queer: Implications for a Liberationist Imago Dei Dissertation Compier, Don H. Banks, William Paul 2003 Illinois State University Performing the Not-me: Ethos in Four Portfolios Dissertation Neuleib, Janice W. Barrios, Barclay 2005 Rutgers The Subtle Kife: Writing Programs and Technology Dissertation Miller, Richard E. Basham, Elizabeth 2001 University of Lousiville Organizing Discourse Under a Different "Sign" Dissertation Dietrich, Julia C. Author Year Institution Program Title Format Advisor Committee Queer Dissertations as of 6 November 1

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Allison, Terry Lane 2000

University ofCalifornia, SanDiego

The Good GayCitizen: A Cross-Cultural Analysisof Gay MaleRhetoric of GoodCitizenship Dissertation Reid, Roddey

Amidon, Stevens 2003University ofRhode Island

Manifestoes: AStudy in Genre Dissertation Schwegler, Robert

Archer, Deborah 1999University ofNebraska

Past Lives andContemporaryLongings Dissertation Ferguson, Moira

Bacon, Jen S. 2000


Refusing to Getthe Story Straight:Cultural Rhetoricsand QueerIdentities Dissertation Gordon, Tamar

Bakelaar, Philip 1997 Temple University

The Issue Cultureof the Gay andLesbian ReligiousControversy in theAge of AIDS:MoralArgumentation inAmerican MainlineReligiousCommunities as aSymbolic ContestBetweenCompetingInterpretations Dissertation Simons, Herbert

Balboa, JaimeRonaldo 2003

GraduateTheological Union

The World MadeQueer:Implications for aLiberationist ImagoDei Dissertation Compier, Don H.

Banks, WilliamPaul 2003

Illinois StateUniversity

Performing theNot-me: Ethos inFour Portfolios Dissertation Neuleib, Janice W.

Barrios, Barclay 2005 Rutgers

The Subtle Kife:Writing Programsand Technology Dissertation Miller, Richard E.

Basham, Elizabeth 2001University ofLousiville

OrganizingDiscourse Under aDifferent "Sign" Dissertation Dietrich, Julia C.

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Bauer, Danny Alan 1997New Mexico StateUniversity

NegotiatingCultural and SocialBarriers ThroughConfrontation: TheTextual Force ofLiberationTheology andAIDS Rhetoric Dissertation Herndl, Carl

Berger, Jeanette 2003Indiana Universityof Pennsylvania

Keeping the Faithin Florida: CriticalTeachers, CriticalTeaching, and aPedagogy ofElusive Particulars Dissertation Pagnucci, Gian S.

Berry, William 2009Union Institute andUniversity

TransformingExperience:Negotiating Sexualidentity in theComposingProcesses of GayMen Dissertation Chabries, Carole

Brookey, Robert 1998University ofMinnesota

Reinventing theMale Homoseual:The Rhetoric andPower of the GayGene Dissertation

Campbell, KarlynKohrsZita, Jacquelyn N.

Brooks, Christina 2011McMasterUniversity

Recitations: TheCriticalFoundations ofJudith Butler'sRhetoric Dissertation

Buchanan,Rebekah 2009 Temple University

Zine Narratives:Subjectivities andStories of FiveInfluential ZineCreators Dissertation Hill, Marc L.

Goldblatt, EliSmith, Michael W.Sheridan-Rabideau, Mary P.Davis, James E.

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Cahill, SeanRobert 1998

University ofMichigan

LanguageStruggles in GayRightsControversies:How Anti-gayDiscourse ShapesContemporaryUnited StatesPolitics Dissertation Herzog, Donald

Chase, Rebecca 1999 NYU

Writing anExamined Life: ALesbian FeministEducator's InquiryInto WritingAutobiography Dissertation Sobelman, Marilyn

Cole, Caroline 1997

University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign

Woman, Feminist,Lesbian:negotiatedIdentities inWorking With Man-made AcademicDiscourseConventions Dissertation Kramarae, Cheris

Comstock,Michelle 1999 Purdue University

Rhetoric &Composition

Re-mapping theTerritory of"Youth": Youth-generated Sites ofRhetorical,Cultural, andPolitical Practice Dissertation

Sullivan, PatriciaA.

Dadas, Caroline 2011 Miami UniversityComposition &Rhetoric

A Theory of CivicRhetorics in aDigital Age Dissertation Simmons, Michele

McKee, HeidiPalmeri, JasonPeterson, LeightonRonald, Kate

Deem, Melissa 1998

University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign

Rhetoric on theMArgins of theEcond Wave:Feminism, CulturalMemory, and theTransformation ofthe Political Dissertation

Gaonkar, DilipParameshwar

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Digrazia, Jennifer 2005 UMass Amherst

Style, Substance,Audience: AQualitative Studyof the Use of aQueer Text inThree CompositionCourses Dissertation

Harrignton, AnneJ.

Downer, Christa 2006Texas Woman'sUniversity

The Making of aPluralisticEgalitarianSociety:Reconceptualizingthe Rhetoric ofMulticulturalism forthe 21st Century Dissertation Souris, Stephen

Driskill, Qwo-li 2008Michigan StateUniversity

Rhetoric, Writing,and AmericanCultures

YelesaleheHiwayonaDikanohogidaNaiwodusv/GodTaught Me ThisSong, It isBeautiful:CherokeePerformanceRhetorics asDecolonization,Healing, andContinuance Dissertation Powell, Malea

Drorbaugh,Elizabeth Thaxter 2002 NYU

Queer Adaptationsof Classic Playsand ThePrecipitate ofChange Dissertation

Munoz, JoseEsteban

Dunn, Thomas 2011University ofPittsburgh Communication

QueerlyRemembered:Tactical andStrategic Rhetoricsfor Representingthe GLBTQ Past Dissertation Olson, Lester

Fala, Grace Marie 1993 Penn State

Coming Out of theCloset: ARhetorical Analysis Dissertation

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Falc, Emilie 1997 Ohio University

An Analysis andCritique of theVernacularDiscourse inSelected FeministScience FictionNovels Dissertation Aden, Roger C.

Faunce, RobertJoseph 2009 CUNY Literature?

A Semester inPurgatory: At theIntersections ofPedagogy,Interpellation,Queerness, andMourning Dissertation


Kelly, William F.Kruger, Steven F.

Fox, Catherine 2004Iowa StateUniversity

Be-comingSubjects:Reclaiming aPolitics of Locationas Radical PoliticalRhetoric Dissertation

Herndl, CarlPrice-Herndl,Diane

Friedling, Melissa 1997The University ofIowa

recovering Bodies:Rhetoric,Feminisms, andAddiction Dissertation


Furrow, Hannah 2005Indiana Universityof Pennsylvania

LGBT Students inthe CompositionClassroom Dissertation Bencich, Carole

Garst, Jennifer 1997Michigan StateUniversity

NarrativePassages andBeliefs AboutSocial Groups:Fiction VersusNonfiction Dissertation

Goncalves, Zan 2000 UMass Amherst

Speaking OurTruths: Literacy,Sexuality andSocial Change Dissertation

Herrington, AnneJ.

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Gorkemli, Serkan 2005 Purdue UniversityRhetoric &Composition

The Globalizationof DigitalTechnologies andLGBT Identities:The TurkishCollegiateLesbigayPopulation'sAccess to theInternet and theFormation ofLesbigay Identitiesand Communitiesin Turkey Dissertation

Sullivan, PatriciaA.

Greene, Carlnita 2006 UT Austin

Beyond theBinaries to Self-fashioning: Identityas the Rhetoric ofSocial Style Dissertation Brummett, Barry

Grindstaff, Davin 2000 Penn State

Rhetorical Secrets:A Genealogy ofGay Male Identityin TwentiethCentury America Dissertation

DeLuca, KevinMichaelBrowne, Stephen

Gunter, Kimberly 2001

University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign

QueeringComposition andIdentity: MovingBeyond Inclusionin CompositionClassrooms andthe Field Dissertation Prior, Paul

Hall, KimberlyQuinn 1994 SUNY Binghamton

MulticulturalAlliances and thePolitics ofDifference: Writing,Power, andResistance Dissertation

Hewett, Gregory 1989 SUNY Albany

A Rhetoric ofAndrogyny: TheComposition,Teaching andEthics of Gender Dissertation Knoblauch, C. H.

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Horrigan, PatrickE. 1994


Out in the open:Gay Identity andthe Writing ofCultural Criticism Dissertation

Hudson, JohnHenry 2007

University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign

Language,Rhetoric, andComposition

Silent Readers,Silenced Readers:LGBT StudentPerceptions ofLGBTRepresentation inCompositionReaders Dissertation Mortensen, Peter

Ilyasova, KseniaAlex 2007


Writing, Identity,and Practice: TheRole of SexualIdentity in theCompositionClassroom Dissertation Grim, Nancy

Inayatulla,Shereen 2010 UW Milwaukee

RedressingLiteracy Narrativesin Composition Dissertation Gillam, Alice

Kaplan, Michael 2005NorthwesternUniversity

Friendship andCitizenship in theLiberal Imaginary Dissertation

Gonkar, DilipParameshwar

Kopelson, Karen 2002 Purdue UniversityRhetoric &Composition

Teaching Trouble.Performativity andCompositionPedagogy:ComposingConnections Dissertation

Sullivan, PatriciaA.

Kopp, Bryan 2000 Purdue UniversityRhetoric &Composition

The CulturalRhetorics ofDeviance: TrueCrimes in PostwarAmerica Dissertation Harkin, Patricia

Kuzmanovic,Dejan 2003 Rice University

SeductionRhetoric,Masculinity, andHomoeroticism inWilde, Gide,Stoker, and Foster Dissertation Lamos, Colleen

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Lester, JodySimone 1997 Yale University

Power andMarginality: ThePolitics of WritingAbout Black orLesbian Identity Dissertation

Lewis, BrianCharles 2004

Michigan StateUniversity

Critical Studies inthe Teaching ofEnglish

LGBT StudentNegotiations ofAcademicLiteracies: TheBuilding ofDisciplinary andCampus LiteracyCommunities Dissertation Cushman, Ellen

Liang, AnitaCarolyn 1998 UC Berkeley

The DiscourseSystem of Americaof AmericanLesbians andGays Dissertation

Malinowitz, Harriet 1993 NYU

Lesbian and GayReality in theWriting Class Dissertation Mayher, John

Mazza, Michael 2009University ofPittsburgh

Critical andCultural Studies

This FierceGeometry: Uses ofthe Judeo-Christian Bible inthe Anti-Abolitionist andAnti-Gay Rhetoricof the UnitedStates Dissertation

Carr, JeanFerguson

McKenzie, CharlesB., Jr. 2006

The University ofArizona

Rhetoric,Composition, andthe Teaching ofEnglish

Maverick Ethos:The Principles andPractice ofPostidentification Dissertation Enos, Theresa J.

Meaker, Irene 1999University ofNebraska

At Risk in theWriting Classroom:Negotaiting aLesbian TeacherIdentity Dissertation Brooke, Robert

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Metzger, ElizabethJune 1998

University ofDenver

Negotiating theCloset: CulturalIdentity EnactmentandCommunicationPractices ofLesbianAdministrators inHigher Eduction Dissertation

Mitchell, Danielle 2003The University ofArizona

ComposingContainment:Incorporating theQueer IntoProfessional andCultural Rhetorics Dissertation McAllister, Ken

Mulkin, JamesEdward 1999 CUNY

A Commentary onAeschines 'AgainstTimarchus' 1-115 Disseration

Nusholtz, Jody 2004Union Institute andUniversity

Writing forTransformation:Fiction andConsciousness. ANovella andContextualEssay/ProcessJournal Dissertation Penn, Sherry Eve

Parsi, Novid Pake 1997 Duke University

Voice-Over:Violent Serene (anovel-essay) Dissertation

Sedgwick, EveKosofsky

Pauliny, TaraSuzanne 2002

The Ohio StateUniversity

"I am Your King": ATheorization ofRhetorical Female-to-Male Drag Dissertation

Halasek, EvonneKay

Peele, Thomas B. 2002University of SouthFlorida

QueerCommentaries:Subjectivity,Sexuality, andWriting Dissertation Worsham, Lynn

Penner, James 2005

University ofSouthernCalifornia

American LiteraryCulture from theDepression to theSexual Revolution Dissertation Braudy, Leo

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Phillips, Julie 2002 Purdue University Communication

Gran Fury and thePolitics of AIDS:The Rhetoric ofVisual Argument inthe Gay andLesbian RightsMovement Dissertation Stewart, Charles J.

Platt, Carrie Anne 2008

University ofSouthernCalifornia

Communication &Journalism

Focusing on theFamily: TheRhetoricalConstruction of"Family Values" inContemporaryCultural Politics Dissertation


Goodnight,Thomas G.Gross, LarryHays, Sharon

Pritchard, EricDarnell 2008 UW Madison

Composition &Rhetoric

"A Litany forSurvival": BlackQueer Literacies Dissertation Brandt, Deborah L.

Prosser, JayDamon 1996 CUNY

TransnationalMatters: The BodyNarratives ofTranssexualAutobiography Dissertation Miller, Nancy K.

Quinlivan, Raena 2008 Penn State

Corporeality andthe Rhetoric ofFeminist Body Art Dissertation

Rallin, Aneil 1999The Ohio StateUniversity

Rhetoric(s) ofRupture Dissertation

Lunsford, AndreaA.

Rand, Erin J. 2006The University ofIowa

RiskingResistance:Rhetorical Agencyin Queer Theoryand QueerActivism Dissertation

Biesecker, BarbaraJ.

Rawson, Kelly 2010SyracuseUniversity

Composition andCultural Rhetoric

ArchivingTransgender:Affects, Logic, andthe Power ofQueer History Dissertation Himley, Margaret

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Ritcey, Joanne 2009University ofAlberta

HegemonicHeterosexuality,Moral Regulationand the Rhetoric ofChoice: SingleMotherhood in tehCanadian West,1900-Mid 1970's Dissertation

Salamon, Gayle 2002 UC Berkeley Rhetoric

Assuming a Body:Transgenderismand Rhetorics ofMateriality Dissertation Butler, Judith

Sedberry,Jonathan 2008

University of SouthCarolina

Rupture andRepair: Literature,Genre and theAIDS Epidemic Dissertation

Madden, NormanEdward, Jr.

Sheldon, Rebekah 2010 CUNY

The Rhetoric ofFuture Harm:Representationsand Figurations ofthe Child inContemporaryAmericanDiscourses ofCatastrophe Dissertation

Reid-Phaur,Robert F.

Bianco, JamieSkyeHintz, CarrieKruger, Steven

Siebler, Kay 2002 Miami University

Teacherly Acts ofTransgression:How FeministEducators areChangingComposition Dissertation Ronald, Kate

Siesing, Gina 1999 UT Austin

FictionalDemocracies: TheFormation ofLesbina-FeministLiterary Publics Dissertation Cvetkovich, Ann

Sinkey, Anne 2009 Emory Universitythe Rhetoric of theManifesto Dissertation


Jordan, Mark D.Willett, Cynthia D.

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Slagle, RayAnthony 1998

The Ohio StateUniversity

(Re)Conceptualizingthe Role of Identityin Rhetoric: QueerTheory andCommunicationStudies Dissertation Garrett, Mary

Smedman, LornaJ. 1996 CUNY

Gertrude Stein andthe Politics ofGrammar Dissertation Miller, Nancy K.

Smith, Trixie 2002University of SouthCarolina

Identifying Spacefor Diversity: APhenomenologicalInvestigation ofTeachers' andStudents'Perceptions of theCompositionClassroom Dissertation

Thompson, NancyS.

Spicer, GregoryAllen 1997

University ofPittsburgh

"Victims of Desire"and OtherFragments Towarda Genealogy of theSexual Subject:Rethinking theEthos of GayLiberationDiscourse Withinthe Rhetoric ofHomo/HeteroSexual Distinction Dissertation

Stewart, Craig 2006Carnegie MellonUniversity

Orderrs ofDiscourse in theScience-basedControversy Over"reparativeTherapy" forHomosexuality Dissertation


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Still, Brian 2005University of SouthDakota

The VirtualActivism ofIntersex Persons:Countering Onlinethe Norms ofMedical andGender Discourse Dissertation Wolfe, Susan

Taylor, Matthew 2000

University ofSouthernCalifornia

The Defense ofMarriage Act: gayand LesbianIdentity and theRhetoric ofTolerance Dissertation Hollihan, Thomas

Thacker, DawnStephanie 2008

Arizona StateUniversity

Rhetoric,Composition, andLinguistics

Silent Soldier:RhetoricalConstructions ofSubjectivity in the"Don't Ask, Don'tTell" Army Dissertation

Thomas, Erika M. 2011Wayne StateUniversity Communication

Recognition of theTransgender Self:An Examination ofthe Apologia of"The PregnantMan" Dissertation

Young, Kelly M.Trapani, William

Garrett, MaryCherney, James L.Harden, Jacalyn D.

Thompson, JulieMarie 1998 Indiana University

Mommy Queerest:The Rhetoric ofAmbivalenceAbout "LesbianMother" as anOxymoron, 1970 to1995 Dissertation

Lucaites, JohnLouis

Topp, SarahSuzanne 2010

University ofKansas


RhetoricalInteractions ofSocial MovementOrganizations in aMovement: AStudy of theINtersex RightsAdvocacyMovement Dissertation Parson, Donn W.

Harris, Scott L.Rowland, RobertC.Pennington,DorothyMuchlenhard,Charlene

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Waite, Stacey 2011University ofPittsburgh

Teaching Queer:Possibilities forWriting, Reading,and Knowing Dissertation

Werner, MargaretMacGregor 2011

The University ofArizona

Rhetoric,Composition, andthe Teaching ofEnglish

Intervention: (Re)articulating LGBTSocial-MovementIdentities Dissertation Miller, Thomas P.

Enos, Theresa J.Licona, Adela C.

Wingard, JenniferLeanne 2008


Composition andCultural Rhetoric

Figuring Others:Toward aTransnationalFeministRhetorical Analytic Dissertation

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