quarterly winter 2011

YOUR NEW-LOOK QUARTERLY Same great content, fab new cover ESSENTIAL VILLAGE NEWS Catch up with what’s been happening and what’s to come WINTER RECIPES A seasonal treat from Joanna Merrills Plus... Your guide to the festive season & onwards

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Tasburgh Parish Council magazine


Page 1: Quarterly Winter 2011

YOUR NEW-LOOK QUARTERLYSame great content, fab new cover

ESSENTIAL VILLAGE NEWSCatch up with what’s been happeningand what’s to come

WINTER RECIPESA seasonal treat from Joanna Merrills

Plus... Your guide to the festive season & onwards

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Tasburgh Quarterly and Church News - Winter 2011



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Tasburgh Quarterly and Church News - Winter 2011


Useful ContactsParish CouncilChairman Mr Dave Moore 01508 471041Parish Council Clerk To be advised

District Councillor Florence Ellis 01379 650032County Councillor Alison Thomas 01508 530652Norfolk Police Emergency 999 Non-emergency 101Safer Neighbourhood Team [email protected]

ChurchReverend Chris Martin 01508 470768Reverend Adrian Miller Inc Church News 01508 498317Parochial Church Council Mrs Pat Crowley 01508 471228Yellow Pages Mrs Julia Orpin 01508 470983

Village HallChair Deborah Sacks 01508 471002Bookings Mrs Sheila Plunkett 01508 470485 Mr Tony Lacey 01508 470870Village Hall 01508 471189

Preston Primary School 01508 470454

Village GroupsPlayschool Amanda Ellis 01508 470795Scout Group Mr Graham Pates 01508 471518Social Club Mr Don Proudfoot 01508 471408Netball Club Mrs Rebecca Heaser 01603 812472Tasburgh Tots Rebecca Orford 01508 471539Players Mr Steve Beckett 01508 471198Eurolink Mr Steve Beckett 01508 471198Coffee Pot and Crafts Mrs Shirley Brooks 01508 470369St Mary’s Guild Mrs Margaret Madgett 01508 471525Tasburgh KnitWits Mrs Denise Kitchen 01508 470732Fitness Club (Over 50's) Mrs Ann Gibbins 01508 470225Fat Dad’s Football Mr Bill Wheeler 01508 471633Martial Arts Andrew Gillingwater 07775 890359

Inaccuracies or omissions? Please contact the Parish [email protected].

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Parish Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of themonth, in the Committee Room of the Village Hall at 8pm(refreshments available from 7.30pm). Planning Meetings, ifrequired, are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month, inthe Village Hall Committee Room at 7pm. Agendas are posted onthe village notice boards and the website at least three daysbeforehand.

Public are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings; there’san opportunity to speak or ask questions.

Please note, if you would like an item to appear on the agenda,details must be sent to the Clerk at least eight days before themeeting.  The Council is unable to make a decision on anythingnot included on the agenda but can discuss newly raised mattersand refer them to the next meeting.

Minutes of meetings are posted on the website or are availablefrom the Clerk.

Parish Council Surgeries

Councillors are always willing to discuss any issues with you; theircontact details are on page 7. In addition, Councillors areavailable on the evenings of their main council meetings (thirdTuesday of the month) between 7.30pm and 8pm during whichtime refreshments are served.

Tasburgh Parish Council,Serving the Village of Tasburgh

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Tasburgh Parish Council,Serving the Village of Tasburgh

During August and September, the Council were involved in severalmeetings concerning South Norfolk Council’s consultation on theLocal Development Framework (LDF), looking at those sites that havebeen proposed for possible development. This led to a publicconsultation in September alongside the Village Fete, where DistrictCouncillor, Florence Ellis, answered questions from parishioners andexplained the LDF in detail. There was plenty of interest in the plansand people were encouraged to make their own submissions to theconsultation.

Ongoing items include:

The ‘Grove Lane Bends’ – councillors agreed to seek a feasibility studyon practical and cost effective ways forward;

Recreational footpath from Low Road to the Heritage Site –discussion and negotiations with land owners is ongoing;

Allotments – agreement has been reached with the Village HallTrustees for access and the Council are now awaiting further detailsconcerning fencing around the site;

The Council have agreed that a number of trees will be planted onChurch Road to enhance the outlook of the area;

Tasburgh Scouts made a presentation at one of the recent meetingshighlighting their work with bio-diversity and emphasised howimportant Burrfeld Park is as part of their ongoing work in this area.They also offered to help with tree planting and ongoing care as partof this work.

The Council are committed to Burrfeld Park and the work undertakenthere as an enhancement of the pastoral and recreational facilities inthe village, and recently were awarded a CPRE Norfolk Award inrecognition of the work that has been carried out at the site.

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Father Christmas

Father Christmas will be paying his annual visit to Tasburgh onChristmas Eve, 24th December. He will be in the Church Porchbetween 6pm and 7pm.

In September, the Council learnt that Julie King, the Clerk, was toresign having given six years to the service of the Council. TheProcedural Advisory Committee have already instigated a recruitmentprocess to find a new clerk and at the time of going to print, 11people had responded to the advertisements.

The Council would wish to thank Julie for her years of dedicatedservice to the Council. It is with her work that the Council were ableto obtain ‘Quality Status’ and so we are deeply indebted to her andwish her well in the future.

And finally, to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee next year, 300 bluebellshave been planted by volunteers at Burrfeld Park which should makea colourful display next year!

Tasburgh Parish Council,Serving the Village of Tasburgh

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Contacting the Parish Council

If you would like to know more, have any comments about TasburghParish Council and its work or you have any issues you wish to beraised, please contact one of the Councillors or the Parish Clerk.

ChairmanDave Moore 16 Henry Preston Road 471041 [email protected]

Vice-chairGeoff Merchant 14 Orchard Way 470606 [email protected]

CouncillorsJill Casson 12 Hastings Close 470334 [email protected]

Brian Hill 8 Harvey Close 471011 [email protected]

Tony Lacey 1 Grove lane 470870 [email protected]

Don Proudfoot Aprilia Lodge, Saxlingham Lane 471408 [email protected]

Keith Read Thornly Barn, Saxlingham Lane 470229 [email protected]

Deborah Sacks Glebe Cottage, Low Road 471002 [email protected]

Rachel Simmons 2 Prior Close 471197 [email protected]

ClerkTo be advised [email protected]


Tasburgh Parish Council

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Burrfeld ParkWildlife Photo Competition

Congratulations go to the winners of the Burrfeld Park WildlifePhoto Competition; the photos taken could be of any type ofwildlife but had to be taken in Norfolk.  The winners were JoeDawson - in the under 12s category - and Pauline Anderson.

Joe won a book on garden birds kindly donated by Carole Hill, andPauline a Marks & Spencer's voucher kindly donated by RogerBurnett.

Comma Butterfly by Pauline Anderson

Crab spider eating a hoverfly by Joe Dawson

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10am to 4pm

Paintings and works of artby Local Artists

Many exhibits for sale Ideal and unique Christmas gifts

Teas, Cakes & Homemade SoupsSocial Club bar

(www.tasburghvillagehall.org.uk)Registered Charity no. 304085

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Tasburgh Village Hall

It’s been a busy quarter at Tasburgh Village Hall, with ongoingsupport from our regular user groups, plus a good variety ofadditional hires – it’s been a bumper year for weddings! Thanks to allwho have supported us during 2011.

A Better Hall for You...

In addition to Trustee Responsibilities, Tasburgh Village HallManagement Committee have been generous in volunteering theirtime and skills for a variety of work to improve the facilities – inparticular we’ve continued the work on the small committee roomwhich now looks smart with new kitchen units in addition to theimproved décor from earlier in the year. Work is underway torefurbish the changing rooms and to add an extra WC, enablinggreater flexibility in the rooms we can offer for hire, including thepotential to support for multiple-hires of the hall at the same time.

Tasburgh Village Fete 2011

Thanks to everyone who supported the Village Fete this year. We hadstalls run by most of the user groups and the Church, which allappeared to do quite well. There were a few victims of the suddenstorm, mainly the scout tent, but we didn’t let that spoil the day. Thesocial club bar was well supported as always. I have not got figuresfrom all the user groups but the Village Hall raised £245.

We are looking for ideas for next year, and would welcome yourcomments. Is there a better time of year (over the summer?), shouldwe have a produce/flower show, what other attractions would youlike to see?

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Tasburgh Village Hall – 300 Club:

August September October

1st £30 D King B Waters J Fair

2nd £20 K Read B Hill J Willis

3rd £10 Mrs Beckett I Anderson T Goose

4th £10 Mrs Stewart J McKinney K Read

5th £5 Mrs Symonds K Hogan B Waters

If you would like to make a contribution towards the Village Hall,please join the 300 Club. A form can be found on the Village hallwebsite at www.tasburghvillagehall.org.uk/300-club/ orobtained from Tony Lacey on 470870.

Tasburgh Village Hall

If you have any ideas for next year, please get in touch with GrahamPates (01508 471518) or Mel Goodall (01508 470195).

Events and Availability

Check out our website: www.tasburghvillagehall.org.uk for details ofupcoming events, or to check availability for your Christmas & NewYear hires – remember, you can now book (& pay) online for yourconvenience.

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Tasburgh United Charities

The Trustees of Tasburgh United Charities would like to remindparishioners that they have available each year a certain amountof money to be applied in helping the residents of the Parish who,regardless of their age and for whatever reason, find themselves inneed of financial help.

Assistance can be given by outright grant towards generalexpenses, by contribution towards a particular expense, atemporary loan or by purchases of equipment for use. Items offurther education will also be considered. Remember, the money isthere for use by any resident of Tasburgh. All applications areconsidered in the strictest confidence.

If your circumstances are not already known to the Trustees andyou feel that they might be able to help you please contact one ofthe trustees:

Mrs. Jill Casson12 Hastings Close,470334

Mr. Keith Read,Thornly Barn, Saxlingham Lane,470229

Mr. Ben Goodfellow,Rookery House, Saxlingham Lane,470668

Mr. Geoff Merchant,14 Orchard Way,470606.

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We are a small and friendly local group supportingmums with babies or toddlers. We meet for play,

craft, refreshments and chat. Come along to makenew friends for yourself and your child.

Wednesdays, 10 - 11.30am (term-time)Tasburgh Village Hall Committee Room

£2.00 per family, per session, first session free.

For details contact Rebecca Orford (01508 471539)

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Dates for Your Diary

Sat 10th & Sun 11th Dec Art Exhibition 10am – 4pmSat 24th Dec Father Christmas, Church Porch, 6–7pmSat 18th Feb Eurolink, Wine Tasting

If you would like your event listed onthis page just let us [email protected]

Church Cycle Ride

After participating in the annual Charity ride for the fifth time insuccession this year, I thought I would like to say a Thank You toall the generous people who have signed up to the cause overthat period.You may be interested to know that the five-year total is almost£1,000.00, which has been increased to £1400.00 when MatchedFundraising from Barclays Bank has been added in the lasttwo years.

Ian Anderson

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Mobile Library TimetableDates of visits to Tasburgh 8th December 22nd December 5th January 2012 19th January 2nd February 16th February 1st March 15th MarchStop Arrival Departure Time TimeValley Road Opposite No. 2 14.40 14.50Valley Road Near No. 27 14.55 15.10Lammas Rd / Henry Preston Rd 15.15 15.30Lammas Rd Near Prior Close 15.35 15.55Orchard Way 16.00 16.10Harvey Close 16.15 16.45

Any queries please telephone 01603 222267.

Long Stratton LibraryOpening Times

Monday: 10.00–1.00; 2.00–5.00; Tuesday: 2.00–5.30; Thursday: 10.00–1.00; 2.00–7.30;

Saturday: 9.00–1.00.

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Volunteer Drivers NeededHelp us support even more people with dementia

and their carers locally.

We need assistance transporting people with dementia andtheir carers from their homes to groups within the Norwich

area and also throughout Norfolk, providing a returnjourney several hours later.

We also need help at the groups, assisting people living withdementia in joining in with social activities

(board games, crafts, singing).

It is important you are willing to develop your knowledge ofdementia, have good communication skills and the

ability to be patient and caring.

We can provide ongoing support, good training andany out of pocket expenses

Helen Dingle 01603 [email protected]

Plant Sales

Once again, a big Thank You to everybody for their wonderfulsupport with ‘Pauline's Plant Sales’. I have recently sent a chequefor £350.00 to the East Anglian Air Ambulance, which I am surethey will be delighted to receive.

Pauline Anderson

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Norfolk Community Law ServiceUpdate on Services

Free Discrimination Advice Clinic

1st Monday of every month, by appointment 1pm - 4pm.

Free Legal Advice for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Appointments with a solicitor for legal advice and assistance onall types of civil injunction. Appointments available alternateWednesdays between 10am and 1pm.

Free Legal Advice Drop-in

The sessions continue to run twice a week, Tuesdays & Fridays 12noon. A list is opened at 11.15am of those who require advice.Family Law – Tuesdays, Employment Law – Fridays and a generaladvice solicitor is available at both sessions.

Debt Advice Service

Available for offenders, ex-offenders and their families, youngpeople aged 16 – 25 years and to clients who currently have asupport worker.

Migrant Worker Advice

We can provide free and independent advice to migrant workerson issues such as employment, discrimination and benefits.

Mediation Service

Service currently for Norwich City Council housing tenants, to tryto prevent repossession hearings for rent arrears. Available to allsocial landlords.

Any queries or to make an appointment please call:01603 496623

Norfolk Community Law ServiceBoardman House, Redwell Street, Norwich NR2 4SL

www.ncls.co.uk email: [email protected]

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Could you be the next Tasburgh VillageGames Sports Coordinator?

You may remember reading in the last edition, that on 12th JuneTasburgh, along with 17 other villages, took part in the SouthNorfolk Village Games at Framingham Earl School.

Preparations for Village Games 2012 are now underway andalthough Graham Pates did a sterling job this year as our VillageGames Sports Coordinator, he feels that he is not able to combinethis with his many other commitments again next year. The searchis therefore on for a Coordinator for 2012.

South Norfolk Village Games 2012 will take place on Sunday 10thJune at Framingham Earl Sports Centre, followed by the Countyfinals at the UEA Sportspark on Sunday 15th July 2012. Thecoordinator would take responsibility for putting a team together,there is a small financial incentive to cover costs incurred.

If you think this could be you, please get in touch with the ParishClerk, [email protected] or Laura Avenal, Rural SportsDevelopment Officer, Active Norfolk, 07795 291256.

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Pr e- Sch oo l & P lay grou p

T a s V a l l e y

Tas Valley Pre-School and Playgroup

Pr e- Sch oo l & P lay grou p

T a s V a l l e y

Offers pre-school education and play for children2 ½ years to school age

We are now offering 5 sessions a week Monday to Friday 9.30 to 12.30

Tasburgh Village Hall.The new Wednesday morning session offers links to Tasburgh Tots,

so that the younger children can enjoy peace in one hallwhile the older ones are entertained by us.

All of our activities are planned to offer learning opportunities while takingchildren’s interests into account. During the last half-term we have enjoyed

lots of autumn activities; conker hunts, leaf painting, making bird feedersand firework pictures, and cooking marrow and squash cakes (the marrow

we grew ourselves!). Now in the build-up to Christmas there’s lots ofglitter in our craft activities and we are learning new songs to sing to

parents on the last day of term.We have close links with Henry Preston and Hapton Primary Schools

including some sessions run at the schools to help the childrenwith transitions.

As we sent 25 children to the two schools last July,we currently have spaces in all sessions.

Eligible for government funding for 3 and 4 year olds.Ask about our special discount for twins!

For more information or to register a place please contact:Rachel Clayton 01508 470147 email [email protected]

Or feel welcome to just pop in and see us one morning.

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Playgroup Paper Skip

The paper skip is now parked at the rear of the Village Hall car park.Please continue to bring all of your paper and card down to us – thiscontinues to be a very valuable fundraiser for us.

The next dates will be:

Saturday 14 January 2012 Saturday 10 March 2012 Saturday 12 May 2012

The skip is manned between 8.30 and 11.30.

Tas Valley Pre-School and Playgroup

Consumer Champions needed

Norfolk County Council’s Trading Standards’ team is appealing forvolunteer ‘Consumer Champions’ to help people in communitiesobtain advice and information when they need it most.

Consumer Champions will be able offer consumer advice toneighbours and people in their local area, and direct them to theright organisation if they require further information. They will alsobe able to pass on information or news about scams or roguetraders and let Trading Standards know of any potential consumerproblems in the area.

Anybody interested in becoming a Consumer Champion can tele-phone Phil Childs on 01603 638078 or [email protected]. For more information aboutTrading Stardards, visit www.norolk.gov.uk/tradingstandards.

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Preston Primary School

The new school year has begun. There are a lot of new faces in theReception (Ladybirds) class and we have a new confident Year 6ready to follow in the footsteps of the children who left in Septem-ber. The newcomers, a lovely, lively group of children, look so small.Years 1 to 5 look bright and confident and Year 6 seem to have grownmuch taller and more mature over the summer holiday.

On 16th September years 1 to 6 visited ‘Africa Alive’. It was a lovelyday and the weather was very good. We had a talk about the animalswhere we were able to handle a Giant African Snail, and a snake. Wemanaged to see most of the animals and watched the giraffes andlions being fed. The animals which were in the remotest parts of thepark could be seen from the train which ran every half an hour. Thevisit entailed a lot of walking about but everyone was enjoyingthemselves too much to notice if their legs were tired. One child washeard to say “this is the ‘bestest‘ time I have ever had” – enough said.It was a very enjoyable day, we managed not to lose anyone (at leastwe returned with the same number we went with) and the children,as usual, behaved very well.

Saturday 1st October was ‘Grounds Day’ on Preston’s Plot, when helpwas needed to build fences, lay paths, weed flower beds andhopefully build a pond dipping platform. Thanks to all the parents andchildren who worked very hard the plot has a very professional look.

On Friday 7th October we held our Harvest Festival which wasattended by parents and friends. A collection at the end of this eventraised £1,202 which will be sent to St. Anthony’s Nursery School in

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Parent/Teacher appointments were held on 13th and 18th October.

School photographs were taken on 18th October so that they will beready in time for Christmas.

School closed for half-term from 24th October to 28th October.

Friends organised a Children’s Disco on Friday 21st October.

Tuesday 1st November was ‘Bug Hotel Day’ and the children werejoined by a member of How Hill’s staff who helped them to build bughotels with moss, sticks, stones, flower pots and logs. The childrenwere very enthusiastic and proud of their efforts and learned a lotabout bugs and their habitat.

A Maths Evening for parents of children in years 5 & 6 took place onWednesday 2nd November. An opportunity for parents to understandthe way maths is taught in school today so that they can help theirchildren at home.

Boxes for Operation Christmas Child were collected on 14th

November and on Friday 18th November the School Council looked atorganising events for ‘Children in Need’ more about this in SpringEdition.

The Christmas holidays commence on 19th December, there will bemore activities during December which will be included in the SpringQuarterly, including the Christmas Play on 13th December (Seniorcitizens and playgroup at 10.45 a.m.) and 14th & 15th December at2.15 p.m. for parents.

Preston Primary School

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The Editors of theTasburgh Quarterly and Church News would like to be

among the first to wish you a very merry Christmas anda peaceful New Year.

Remember the newnon-emergency number – 101

Norfolk Constabulary has introduced a newtelephone number for people who want totalk to the police about non-urgent issues.

Instead of ringing the current switchboardnumber of 0845 456 4567, people shoulddial 101.

The introduction of 101 in Norfolk is part of a nationwide initiativewhich will see all forces adopting the number by the end of theyear.

It is designed to offer one easy way to contact your local policeforce to report non-emergency crimes, disorder or anti-socialbehaviour or to speak to your local police officers.

The police rely on the vigilance of communities and would appealto residents to report all suspicious activity to the police on thefollowing numbers:

999 – emergencies only 101 – Police non-emergency line

0800 555 111 – Crime Stoppers which is anonymous

Norfolk Police

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Recreation for All

New Adult Fitness Equipment

Thanks to a grant from Norfolk Rural Community Foundation’s ‘Activeat 60’ fund, three pieces of adult fitness equipment have beeninstalled on the playing field at the village hall. As the name suggeststhese are for teenagers and adults and it is hoped that in the futurethey can be added to to create a whole range of fitness equipment.The grant received covered the cost of the equipment, with installa-tion being funded from Recreation for All funds. Tasburgh ParishCouncil have now taken on responsibility for the equipment. If youare yet to see or use the equipment, give them a look and a try nexttime you are at the hall.

Equipment purchased from and photos courtesy of Fresh Air Fitness

Air Skier

Hip Twister

The Rider

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We have had a busy term working for lots of badges. We have com-pleted our Healthy Living Badge, have cookedsausages over open fire and have practised knots and lashings Beaverstyle in Tyrells Wood!

Congratulations must go to Noah Bradbury, Ben Way, Jacob Goodall,Scott Leeder, Cody Gray, Matthew Richardson and Mia Howes whohave all gained their Chief Scouts Bronze Award.

We are running a small waiting list at the moment but if you wouldlike your child to join us please contact Kirsteen on 01508 471739.

We will be starting to run two separate Scout Troops after Christmas,due to the large increase in numbers moving up from Cubs. We haveanother 10 due to join us during the first half of next year, which willtake us to around 45 Scouts.  This is far too many for our normalVillage Hall sessions, so although we will do some joint activities suchas wide games in the woods, most of our sessions will be split and willtake place at different locations.

We need to double our number of Leaders in order to run the newsection.  We plan to split our existing Leader team, giving eachsection someone with experience to run things.  Although we are

Tasburgh Scout Group

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lucky enough to have some parents who often offer to help out, wedo need regular commitment every week in order to run two Troopssuccessfully.Our planning for the spring term will start during December, thereforewe need replies as soon as possible.  If we do not have additionalLeaders available at this point, our programme will be based uponmeeting on alternate weeks, which is not ideal as the amount ofScouting that our young people are able to do will be halved.

If you would like to have a chat about what is involved in being afull-time Scout Leader, please feel free to talk to any of the existingLeadership team.  It's great fun – we wouldn't keep doing it if itwasn't!  You get to do most of the activities that the Scouts do, and it'svery rewarding seeing them grow and develop over their time inScouts.

Paul Williams, Scout Leader

Since the last quarter, we have had another successful Tae Kwon-doevening with slightly more adventurous moves and blocks.

Tasburgh Scout Group

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Every Explorer thoroughly enjoyed the evening and there are eventhoughts for a leaders evening session!

On Sunday, all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers took part in theannual Remembrance Day parade. The Explorers lead the way withtheir newly found march and made the parade look professional. Avery positive way to set a good example for the Beavers, Cubs andScouts. Everyone was well dressed and looked very smart, a great wayto remember those who have lost their lives since World War 1.

Explorers is a great way to meet new friends and gain newexperiences. It helps your child develop into a mature young personand is a fun way of gaining skills ready for adult life.

If you're interested or have any questions, please don't be hesitant.Visit www.tasburghexplorers.co.uk for contact details.

Tasburgh Scout Group

Picture courtesy of Jackie and JimHarlow

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If you are interested in knitting, be it beginner or more advanced,then come and join us. We run every other Thursday at TasburghVillage Hall from 7–9pm.

For more details please ring Denise Kitchen on 470732.

If anyone has any scraps of wool they want to donate to our club,we would really appreciate it as we knit items for charities.

Craft Fair – Saturday 12th NovemberOn behalf of Tasburgh Knit Wits we would like to thank everyonewho participated and helped to raise money for PACT & ChedgraveMS Society. We raised an amazing £531.26. Also £103 was raisedfor children in need.

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Tasburgh Eurolink

We are holding a wine tasting evening at the village hall on the18th February. If past years are anything to go by, this will beanother entertaining evening so please book the date and claimyour tickets when they go on sale in the New Year. Our Belgianfriends will be coming to Tasburgh next May and we are exploringoptions for their visit. It looks as though the group trip will be toHardwick to visit the war museum and other treasures, where amixture of nostalgia, food and good company should make for agood evening.

Steve Beckett, Secretary

A large print version of theTasburgh Quarterly andChurch News is availableupon request. Pleasecontact the Parish Clerk.

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Celebrate Safely this ChristmasPeople often get distracted by the hustle and bustle of Christmasand are unaware of the potential fire hazards and toxic threats thatcan lurk in fairy lights, candles and flammable decorations.

The risk of fire in the home is an all year round issue – however, weare particularly vulnerable at Christmas for many reasons, rangingfrom unsafe electrical decorations, unattended candles through tocooking whilst drunk. Christmas should be a time for celebrationrather than tragedy and for this reason Norfolk Fire and RescueService is urging the public to take fire safety seriously.

Here are our top tips to stay safe from fire this Christmas:

1. Ensure you have a working smoke alarm installed on all levelsof your home.

2. Never leave cooking unattended.3. Never leave candles unattended.4. Ensure you switch off fairy lights and unplug them before you

go to bed, or leave the house.5. Always use an RCD (residual current device) on outdoor

electrical equipment .6. Don’t overload sockets – ensure only one plug per socket.7. Make sure cigarettes are extinguished properly and never

smoke in bed.8. Check on older relatives and neighbours this Christmas, as

they are at greater risk from fire.9. Ask the experts – us!10. And finally, if a fire does break out in the home, then Get out,

Stay out and Call 999.

For more information on fire safety in the home, or Home FireSafety Visits, go to www.norfolkfireservice.gov.uk,www.direct.gov.uk/firekills or call us on 0800 9178137.

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Whenever I sit down to write my ramblings about all things countryfor the Quarterly, there is always a moment of tension when Iwonder if there could possibly be anything new or refreshing that Ihave to share with you. I fill the kettle, turn on my computer take adeep breath and re-acquaint myself with the previous article and theone I produced for the same edition last year. Ordinarily, that processis enough to quell my concerns and set my fingers tapping …however, this morning there is something definitely amiss.

My autumn notes were filled with optimism that the forthcomingseason would behave itself and boasted cleared borders and theexpectation of a garden filled with frost and feathered friends, as wellas brisk country walks accompanied by the sharp thrill of ‘dragon-fashion’ breath. Sadly however, my prophesising has failed.

The garden is still ridiculously green and any cutting back would bedisastrous, and as for our feathered friends, well, nature is stillapparently more than adequately providing for them. True enough Ican hear them singing, even above the din of the A140, butsustenance is not yet required and I am going to have to discard thenuts in the feeders as they are now far from fresh.

With this prolonged spell of mild weather in mind I suggest you turn ityour advantage and make the most of the great outdoors at night. Ihave recently discovered that during moonless nights on the NorthNorfolk coast during November the sea water around shallow saltmarshes and within shallow tidal pools offers their own spectacularnatural fireworks. The bioluminescence of millions of tiny planktonlight up the water turning it blue and green. Sailors of old, I haveread, used to believe it was the sunken treasure of sea gods. Couplethis expedition with a warming picnic and a spell of star gazing andyou will certainly have a night to remember!

Closer to home, why not venture out on mild still nights into yourown back garden? There you will hear the eerie sounds of nocturnalwildlife going about their secret and often unseen business. Listen

Country Notes, by Heidi-Jo Swain

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out for the snuffling hedgehog or the haunting cries of a fox in thedistance. If you are really lucky and have mature trees nearby youmay even hear Tawny owls calling to each other. The female providesthe ‘toowit’ and the male responds with ‘towoo’.

I have to admit the Tawny is my favourite owl, despite the ghostlycharms of the barn owl which I have been fortunate enough, alongwith my daughter, to see hunting in our own village and not always atdusk and dawn. Mid-morning was the preferred time for the hauntingbeauty after a night of prohibitive rain, so keep your eyes peeled allyou walkers!

Despite the best efforts of the weather we are all aware thatChristmas and post-Christmas bills are on the horizon andconsequently I am looking for outdoor entertainment on a budgetthis winter. I have plans to tempt the birds back into the garden witha festive filled tree laden with peanut garlands, coconut shells and fircones filled with rich homemade treats and seeds. Any dormantshrub will provide enough bare branches to ‘deck the halls’ if youhave no access to a tree. I may even dress the bay tree outside ourfront window as the blue tits can often be seen scavenging upsidedown for insects on the chilliest days! Access to water is just asimportant of course so keep shallow dishes topped up and ice free.

The much favoured game of pooh sticks, created by AA Milne, canhelp provide free heating on the coldest winter walks as familiesbecome increasingly animated as they struggle with stick

Country Notes, by Heidi-Jo Swain

Barn Owl in flight

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identification and ‘rules’. Locally we have a variety of places to visitclose at hand to indulge such childhood passions and get everyone offthe sofa and away from the television.

Whitlingham Country Park is only a short drive away and plays host toinnumerable bird species during the winter – both on the frozenGreat Broad and within the peripheral planting. It is a wonderful freelocal attraction and a great place to walk off those extra calories thatseem to settle so readily around the waist during the New Year… Fora small fee, the park is offering an educational morning about howbirds cope during the winter on December 15th. If you are interestedcall the visitor centre on 01603 756094.

On a less frugal note, I have been searching for countryside themedgifts, which make unusual presents throughout the year and I havecome up with a couple of interesting options for even the mostawkward aunt! Did you know that it is now possible to plant orsponsor a tree at various locations throughout the country? Newwoodlands are being created and mighty old forests re-planted. Myfavourite find however comes from the Wildlife Trusts throughoutthe country who offer sponsorship of native wildlife including redsquirrels, bats, seals and owls to name just a few. You can evensponsor a hare! I wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to find one in mystocking this December 25th?

Festive greetings to one and all, and a final reminder to embrace thegreat outdoors whatever the weather throws at you!

Country Notes, by Heidi-Jo Swain

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Long Stratton Medical Practice

We had a quiet time in September and October thanks to theexcellent weather. Now that autumn has arrived the lurgies are be-ginning to circulate as we close the windows and get stuffy. Freshair and exercise are good.

Our campaign to tackle the ‘DNA’s (did not attend) has had somesuccess with evidence that we are winning back about ten hours amonth of otherwise wasted appointments. Twelve hours to go.Our snotty letters are not always well received but patients thatare ill and in pain who need to be seen are very appreciative!

We are also looking at those with unusually large ‘Health Foot-prints’ – those who are not chronically ill who consult six timesgreater than average – that’s 18x/year! There are a couple ofdozen patients in this category who impact on the overall servicewe provide to the vast majority. We feel Responsibility should gowith Rights.

Doctors Willis and Kestin plan to reduce their commitment to threedays a week from next April – they are NOT retiring for a few yearsyet! We are delighted to welcome on board Dr Jane Loughridgewho will be coming to us from her current position in Beccles –from whence she will be sorely missed. She will share Malcolm andKathy’s lists. Dr Prash Prabhu will come from Scotland and start tobuild a new list as we expand. His presence will mean we shall bemuch less reliant on locums who cannot provide the continuity ofcare that is such an essential part of good medical care.

Our team here do a rewarding job very well thanks to the amazingpatients who do so much to make sure that scarce resources areconsiderately utilised. Times are changing. Institutions and thepeople who work in them change too. The principles that drive ushere at The Long Stratton Medical Partnership will stay the same.The future is looking very bright. Thank you for helping us throughthe transition.

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Recipe of the Season

Once again, Joanna Merrills has found some deliciouslydifferent ways with seasonal produce.

Pumpkin in Syrup

1 kg peeled and seeded pumpkin500g caster sugar1 lemon2 tsp cardamom seeds1 tsp ground ginger75g walnuts cream to serve.

Prepare the pumpkin removing any stringy bits. Cut the flesh into 3-4cm chunks.Place in a large saucepan with 250ml water. Cover with a lid and cookover a low heat for about 15 minutes or until tender.Add the sugar, juice of the lemon, cardamom seeds, ginger and 350mlof water. Return to the heat and stir carefully until the sugar hasdissolved. Simmer for about 10 minutes until the syrup thickens. Turnthe pieces of pumpkin over occasionally in the syrup. Cool – if thesyrup is too thick add a little more water and reheat. Serve coldsprinkled with the chopped walnuts and cream.

Serves 8.

This dessert is very rich so only serve in small portions. It will keep inthe refrigerator for up to two weeks.

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Boozy Quinces

4 Quinces1 lemon6tbsp clear honey2 star anise1 cinnamon stick1 bayleaf1 sprig of rosemary600ml red wine Mascarpone cheese to serve

Peel 3 strips of peel from the lemon, avoiding the white pith, put in alarge saucepan with the honey, herbs, spices and red wine. Bring tothe boil and simmer for 5 minutes.Peel, halve and core the Quinces and place in the saucepan, adding alittle water if necessary so that the Quinces are covered. Place a lidon the pan and poach gently for 30-45 minutes until the Quinces aretender, turning once. Remove with a slotted spoon to a serving bowl.Strain the liquid, return to the pan and boil to reduce by a third untilthe liquid is syrupy. Pour over the Quinces and leave to cool. Servewith Mascarpone cheese.

Serves 4, or 8 if the Quinces are large.

Recipe of the Season

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Tasburgh Sports and Social Club

Chairman's Blog

Winter is upon us but as you can see from our adverts, there areplenty of events taking place at your Social Club. As well as top localacts like ‘G’  on Christmas Eve, ‘Outathablues’  and ‘StretcherMonkeys’ in the New Year, why not pop in for a winter warmer, acrack at the Christmas Draw and pick up your New Years Eve Discotickets (the Christmas Draw takes place on Dec 23rd, NYE Disco is freeto members and under 16s).

For our real ale drinkers we are now serving award winning ales fromThe Nethergate Brewery, voted Best Brewery of the Year in the new2012 edition of the Good Pub Guide, we will also be having new guestLagers over the coming months.

The Sports and Social Club now has two successful Ladies’ Dartsteams, and in the New Year would like to add a men's team. If youare good on the ocky please get in contact or drop into the club.

I'd like to thank all our members for their continued support over thepast year and would like to extend an invitation to help further; weare always grateful for help in running the club bar at our events andbehind the scenes on our committee. If you feel that you would liketo be a bigger part of your club, again  please get in contact([email protected]) or drop in on one of our clubnights.

That's all for now, but we'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmasand we look forward to seeing you over the festive period.

Don Proudfoot, Chairman.

Opening Times

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7pm - 11pm, Fridays 6pm - 11pm

[email protected]

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Cost of Advertising

If you wish to advertise in the Quarterly please contactthe Parish Clerk,

[email protected].

Prices as follows:Greyscale

full page £30.60, half page £20.40, quarter page £10.20

Colourfull page £61.20, half page £40.80, quarter page £20.40.

Discount of 10% available to those livingand trading in Tasburgh.

It looks promising for a Player’s return for our 35th year in 2012. Wehave been going through a challenging time since our last productionin 2010, but we had a good meeting with the Village Hall Committeewhich resolved a few outstanding issues, and are planning to discussoptions with the social club at the end of November to see if adetailed agreement can be reached between the two groups. If that ispossible we are planning a show with a production during the first fullweek in June. So watch this space.

Tasburgh Players

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Let me help you to overcome painand unhappiness.

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Tasburgh Quarterly and Church News - Winter 2011


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Grateful Thanks and Appeal for Assistance

After 25 editions, Jane Mann will be resigning as features editorand proofreader for the Quarterly. Grateful thanks are extended toJane for her invaluable work over the past six years.

If you feel you could take on this role then do contact the ParishClerk at [email protected].

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Next Edition

The spring edition of the Quarterly and Church News will bedistributed by the end of February.

All regular articles to the Parish Clerk, [email protected] Sunday 12th February.

Many thanks.

Front Cover

The more observant amongst you, will have noticed that theQuarterly is sporting a new-look cover. This was designed by OliverProudfoot, the Parish Council are very grateful to Oliver for comingup with such a stunning design.

It is the intention to use a different, seasonal photo for eachedition. If you would like to submit a copyright-free photo for afuture edition then please e-mail it to the Parish Clerk,[email protected], we will of course credit the source!

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