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Quantum Field Theory Uwe-Jens Wiese Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Bern August 21, 2007

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Quantum Field Theory

Uwe-Jens WieseInstitute for Theoretical Physics

University of Bern

August 21, 2007



1 Introduction 7

2 From Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory 11

2.1 From Point Mechanics to Classical Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 The Path Integral in Real Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.3 The Path Integral in Euclidean Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.4 Spin Models in Classical Statistical Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.5 Quantum Mechanics versus Statistical Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.6 The Transfer Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.7 Lattice Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3 Classical Scalar Field Theory 29

3.1 Scalar Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.2 Noether’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4 Canonical Quantization of a Scalar Field 35

4.1 From the Lagrange to the Hamilton Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.2 Commutation Relations for Scalar Field Operators . . . . . . . . . 36

4.3 Hamilton Operator in Scalar Quantum Field Theory . . . . . . . . 37



4.4 Vacuum and Particle States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.5 The Momentum Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5 Path Integral for Scalar Field Theory 41

5.1 From Minkowski to Euclidean Space-Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.2 Euclidean Propagator and Contraction Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.3 Perturbative Expansion of the Path Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

5.4 Dimensional Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5.5 The 2-Point Function to Order λ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.6 Mass Renormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.7 Connected and Disconnected Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.8 Feynman Rules for φ4 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.9 The 4-Point Function to Order λ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.10 Dimensional Regularization of J(p2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5.11 Renormalization of the Coupling Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.12 Renormalizable Scalar Field Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

6 Canonical Quantization of Electrodynamics 61

6.1 From the Lagrange to the Hamilton Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

6.2 The Hamilton Operator for the Photon Field . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6.3 Vacuum and Photon States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

6.4 Electromagnetic Momentum Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

7 Path Integral for Scalar Electrodynamics 67

7.1 Gauge Fixing and Photon Propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

7.2 Feynman Rules for Scalar QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


8 Lattice Field Theory 73

8.1 Fermionic Path Integrals and Grassmann Algebras . . . . . . . . . 73

8.2 The Fermion Doubling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

8.3 The Nielsen-Ninomiya No-Go Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

8.4 Wilson Fermions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

8.5 Abelian Lattice Gauge Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

8.6 The Notion of Lattice Differential Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

8.7 Wilson loops and the Lattice Coulomb Potential . . . . . . . . . . 81

8.8 Lattice QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

8.9 Lattice QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

8.10 Confinement in the Strong Coupling Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

8.11 Confinement in Compact Abelian Gauge Theory . . . . . . . . . . 88

8.12 The Monte Carlo Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94


Chapter 1


Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at atomic and subatomicscales. It is the quantum version of Newton’s classical mechanics and reduces tothis theory when ~ is sent to zero. Of course, Planck’s quantum is a fundamentalconstant of Nature that is indeed non-zero. This has consequences not only formechanics but for all of physics. In particular, Maxwell’s theory of classical elec-trodynamics also needs to be modified by incorporating the principles of quantumphysics. It turned out that this is a rather nontrivial enterprise which kept peoplelike Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga busy for some time after world war II.Their success was awarded with the Nobel prize for quantum electrodynamics(QED) — the quantum field theory that describes the electromagnetic interac-tions of electrons and positrons resulting from the exchange of photons. Thefundamental degrees of freedom in QED are fields — not particles. In partic-ular, photons — the elementary particles of light — emerge as quantum statesof Maxwell’s electromagnetic field. Similarly, electrons and positrons emerge asquanta of the 4-component spinor field that Dirac first introduced. In quantumfield theory, particles result as quantized field fluctuations.

The most important feature of field theory is locality. The field degrees offreedom located at a given point of space are coupled only to the field values atinfinitesimally neighboring points. The principle of locality is also at the heartof relativity theory which is inconsistent with instantaneous nonlocal interac-tion over a finite distance. Unifying relativity and quantum physics thereforenaturally leads to quantum field theory; it cannot be achieved within quantummechanics alone. In relativity theory, particle interactions cannot be described byinstantaneous potentials but must be mediated locally. This is possible if thereare physical degrees of freedom everywhere is space. These degrees of freedom



are nothing but the field values. Quantum field theory has enormously advancedour understanding of physics. It was originally developed to describe elementaryparticles but it is equally useful in condensed matter physics. In fact, it is ex-tremely useful for describing any local interaction of many degrees of freedom atmicroscopic scales.

Our present understanding of fundamental physics is based on the field con-cept. At each point of space there is a set of field degrees of freedom whosefluctuations lead to the propagation of a variety of elementary particles. Eachparticle has its own field: the photon, the electron and positron, the gluons, thequarks and anti-quarks, the W- and Z-bosons, the neutrinos and anti-neutrinos,etc. These various fields are distinguished by their transformation properties un-der a variety of symmetries: space-time rotations, parity P , charge conjugationC, gauge transformations, etc. In fact, the various quantum field theories arecharacterized by their symmetry properties. For example, QED is a gauge the-ory with the Abelian gauge group U(1)em which respects the symmetries C andP . Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the quantum field theory that describesthe strong interactions between quarks and anti-quarks mediated by the exchangeof gluons. Its structure is similar to the one of QED. QCD is a gauge theory withnon-Abelian gauge group SU(3)c which also respects the symmetries C and P .Both QED and QCD are incorporated in the standard model of particle physicswhich summarizes all we know about the fundamental forces of electromagnetism,as well as the weak and strong interactions (but not gravity). The standard modelis a gauge theory with the non-Abelian gauge group SU(3)c ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Ywhich, however, strongly violates parity P and charge conjugation C. Even thecombined symmetry CP is weakly broken. Unlike QED and QCD, the standardmodel is a so-called chiral gauge theory in which left- and right-handed particlescarry different charges.

The quantization of field theories is a highly non-trivial issue. After all, quan-tum field theories are quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom— a given number per space point. This enormity of degrees of freedom gives riseto ultraviolet divergences which must be regularized and renormalized. Learningfield theory is a non-trivial and sometimes rather technical task, which will, how-ever, throw you right in the middle of current research in particle and condensedmatter physics. Quantum field theory is such a powerful tool that it is indispens-able in these fields of physics. You simply need to master quantum field theoryif you want to understand — let alone contribute to — these very exciting fieldsof current research. It will naturally take a while before you can call yourself aquantum field theorist. It requires some time and a lot of hard work, but theawards are plenty. At the end of your studies you will have a basis for under-


standing all that is currently known about the microscopic quantum world. Theregularization of chiral gauge theories like the standard model is a topic of cur-rent research. For example, only a few years ago, Luscher from CERN achieveda breakthrough by quantizing a chiral gauge theory beyond perturbation theory.Naturally, when learning quantum field theory, we will start with much simplerfield theories than the full standard model, or even QED. In fact, we will startwith a simple relativistic theory of a scalar field. Scalar fields play an importantrole in both particle and condensed matter physics. The yet to be discoveredHiggs particle — a corner stone of the standard model — is described by a scalarfield. Similarly, scalar fields are used to describe Cooper pairs in superconductorsor the order parameter in superfluid helium. Later we will move on to fermionicfields as well as to gauge fields. Even at the end of the course, we will not havereached the quantization of non-Abelian gauge theories like QCD or the standardmodel. However, by then you will hopefully have a solid basis in quantum fieldtheory, which will allow you to proceed to these more advanced topics whenevera research project requires it.


Chapter 2

From Mechanics to Quantum

Field Theory

This chapter provides a brief summary of the mathematical structure of quan-tum field theory. Classical field theories are discussed as a generalization of pointmechanics to systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom — a given numberper space point. Similarly, quantum field theories are just quantum mechani-cal systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. In the same way as pointmechanics systems, classical field theories can be quantized with path integralmethods. The quantization of field theories at finite temperature leads to pathintegrals in Euclidean time. This provides us with an analogy between quantumfield theory and classical statistical mechanics. We also mention the lattice regu-larization which has recently provided a mathematically satisfactory formulationof the standard model beyond perturbation theory.

2.1 From Point Mechanics to Classical Field Theory

Point mechanics describes the dynamics of classical nonrelativistic point particles.The coordinates of the particles represent a finite number of degrees of freedom.In the simplest case — a single particle moving in one spatial dimension — weare dealing with a single degree of freedom: the x-coordinate of the particle.The dynamics of a particle of mass m moving in an external potential V (x) isdescribed by Newton’s equation

m∂2t x = ma = F (x) = −dV (x)

dx. (2.1.1)



Once the initial conditions are specified, this ordinary second order differentialequation determines the particle’s path x(t), i.e. its position as a function of time.Newton’s equation results from the variational principle to minimize the action

S[x] =

dt L(x, ∂tx), (2.1.2)

over the space of all paths x(t). The action is a functional (a function whoseargument is itself a function) that results from the time integral of the Lagrangefunction

L(x, ∂tx) =m


2 − V (x). (2.1.3)

The Euler-Lagrange equation


δ(∂tx)− δL

δx= 0, (2.1.4)

is nothing but Newton’s equation.

Classical field theories are a generalization of point mechanics to systems withinfinitely many degrees of freedom — a given number for each space point ~x. Inthis case, the degrees of freedom are the field values φ(~x), where φ is some genericfield. In case of a neutral scalar field, φ is simply a real number representing onedegree of freedom per space point. A charged scalar field, on the other hand,is described by a complex number and hence represents two degrees of freedomper space point. The scalar Higgs field φa(~x) (with a ∈ {1, 2}) in the standardmodel is a complex doublet, i.e. it has four real degrees of freedom per spacepoint. An Abelian gauge field Ai(~x) (with a spatial direction index i ∈ {1, 2, 3})— for example, the photon field in electrodynamics — is a neutral vector fieldwith 3 real degrees of freedom per space point. One of these degrees of freedomis redundant due to the U(1)em gauge symmetry. Hence, an Abelian gauge fieldhas two physical degrees of freedom per space point which correspond to the twopolarization states of the massless photon. Note that the time-component A0(~x)does not represent a physical degree of freedom. It is just a Lagrange multiplierfield that enforces the Gauss law. A non-Abelian gauge field Aa

i (~x) is charged andhas an additional index a. For example, the gluon field in chromodynamics witha color index a ∈ {1, 2, ..., 8} represents 2 × 8 = 16 physical degrees of freedomper space point, again because of some redundancy due to the SU(3)c color gaugesymmetry. The field that represents the W - and Z-bosons in the standard modelhas an index a ∈ {1, 2, 3} and transforms under the gauge group SU(2)L. Thus,it represents 2 × 3 = 6 physical degrees of freedom. However, in contrast to thephoton, the W - and Z-bosons are massive due to the Higgs mechanism and havethree (not just two) polarization states. The extra degree of freedom is providedby the Higgs field.


The analog of Newton’s equation in field theory is the classical field equation ofmotion. For example, for a neutral scalar field this is the Klein-Gordon equation

∂µ∂µφ = −dV (φ)

dφ. (2.1.5)

Again, after specifying appropriate initial conditions it determines the classicalfield configuration φ(x), i.e. the values of the field φ at all space-time pointsx = (t, ~x). Hence, the role of time in point mechanics is played by space-time infield theory, and the role of the point particle coordinates is now played by thefield values. As before, the classical equation of motion results from minimizingthe action

S[φ] =

d4x L(φ, ∂µφ). (2.1.6)

The integral over time in eq.(2.1.2) is now replaced by an integral over space-time and the Lagrange function of point mechanics gets replaced by the Lagrangedensity function (or Lagrangian)

L(φ, ∂µφ) =1


µφ− V (φ). (2.1.7)

A simple interacting field theory is the φ4 theory with the potential

V (φ) =m2

2φ2 +


4!φ4. (2.1.8)

Here m is the mass of the scalar field and λ is the coupling strength of its self-interaction. Note that the mass term corresponds to a harmonic oscillator po-tential in the point mechanics analog, while the interaction term corresponds toan anharmonic perturbation. As before, the Euler-Lagrange equation


δ(∂µφ)− δL

δφ= 0, (2.1.9)

is the classical equation of motion, in this case the Klein-Gordon equation. Theanalogies between point mechanics and field theory are summarized in table 2.1.

2.2 The Path Integral in Real Time

The quantization of field theories is most conveniently performed using the pathintegral approach. Here we first discuss the path integral in quantum mechanics


Point Mechanics Field Theory

time t space-time x = (t, ~x)

particle coordinate x field value φ

particle path x(t) field configuration φ(x)

action S[x] =∫

dt L(x, ∂tx) action S[φ] =∫

d4x L(φ, ∂µφ)

Lagrange function LagrangianL(x, ∂tx) = m

2 (∂tx)2 − V (x) L(φ, ∂µφ) = 1

2∂µφ∂µφ− V (φ)

equation of motion field equation


δ(∂tx) − δLδx = 0 ∂µ

δLδ(∂µφ) − δL

δφ = 0

Newton’s equation Klein-Gordon equation

∂2t x = −dV (x)

dx ∂µ∂µφ = −dV (φ)

kinetic energy m2 (∂tx)

2 kinetic energy 12∂µφ∂


harmonic oscillator potential m2 ω

2x2 mass term m2

2 φ2

anharmonic perturbation λ4!x

4 self-interaction term λ4!φ


Table 2.1: The dictionary that translates point mechanics into the language of

field theory.

— quantized point mechanics — using the real time formalism. A mathematicallymore satisfactory formulation uses an analytic continuation to so-called Euclideantime. This will be discussed in the next section.

The real time evolution of a quantum system described by a Hamilton oper-ator H is given by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation

i~∂t|Ψ(t)〉 = H|Ψ(t)〉. (2.2.1)

For a time-independent Hamilton operator the time evolution operator is givenby

U(t′, t) = exp(− i

~H(t′ − t)), (2.2.2)

such that|Ψ(t′)〉 = U(t′, t)|Ψ(t)〉. (2.2.3)

Let us consider the transition amplitude 〈x′|U(t′, t)|x〉 of a nonrelativistic pointparticle that starts at position x at time t and arrives at position x′ at time t′.Using

〈x|Ψ(t)〉 = Ψ(x, t) (2.2.4)

we obtain

Ψ(x′, t′) =

dx 〈x′|U(t′, t)|x〉Ψ(x, t), (2.2.5)


i.e. 〈x′|U(t′, t)|x〉 acts as a propagator for the wave function. The propagator isof physical interest because it contains information about the energy spectrum.When we consider propagation from an initial position x back to the same positionwe find

〈x|U(t′, t)|x〉 = 〈x| exp(− i

~H(t′ − t))|x〉



|〈x|n〉|2 exp(− i

~En(t′ − t)). (2.2.6)

We have inserted a complete set,∑

n |n〉〈n| = 1, of energy eigenstates |n〉 with

H|n〉 = En|n〉. (2.2.7)

Hence, according to eq.(2.2.6), the Fourier transform of the propagator yields theenergy spectrum as well as the energy eigenstates 〈x|n〉.

Inserting a complete set of position eigenstates we arrive at

〈x′|U(t′, t)|x〉 = 〈x′| exp(− i

~H(t′ − t1 + t1 − t))|x〉


dx1〈x′| exp(− i

~H(t′ − t1))|x1〉

× 〈x1| exp(− i

~H(t1 − t))|x〉


dx1〈x′|U(t′, t1)|x1〉〈x1|U(t1, t)|x〉. (2.2.8)

It is obvious that we can repeat this process an arbitrary number of times. Thisis exactly what we do in the formulation of the path integral. Let us divide thetime interval [t, t′] into N elementary time steps of size ε such that

t′ − t = Nε. (2.2.9)

Inserting a complete set of position eigenstates at the intermediate times ti, i ∈{1, 2, ..., N − 1} we obtain

〈x′|U(t′, t)|x〉 =



dxN−1〈x′|U(t′, tN−1)|xN−1〉...

× 〈x2|U(t2, t1)|x1〉〈x1|U(t1, t)|x〉. (2.2.10)

In the next step we concentrate on one of the factors and we consider a singlenonrelativistic point particle moving in an external potential V (x) such that

H =p2

2m+ V (x). (2.2.11)


Using the Baker-Campbell-Haussdorff formula and neglecting terms of order ε2

we find

〈xi+1|U(ti+1, ti)|xi〉 = 〈xi+1| exp(− iεp2

2m~) exp(− iε

~V (x))|xi〉


dp〈xi+1| exp(− iεp2

2m~)|p〉〈p| exp(− iε

~V (x))|xi〉


dp exp(− iεp2

2m~) exp(− i

~p(xi+1 − xi))

× exp(− iε~V (xi)). (2.2.12)

The integral over p is ill-defined because the integrand is a very rapidly oscillatingfunction. To make the expression well-defined we replace the time step ε by ε−ia,i.e. we go out into the complex time plane. After doing the integral we take thelimit a→ 0. Still one should keep in mind that the definition of the path integralrequired an analytic continuation in time. One finds

〈xi+1|U(ti+1, ti)|xi〉 =





2(xi+1 − xi

ε)2 − V (xi)]). (2.2.13)

Inserting this back into the expression for the propagator we obtain

〈x′|U(t′, t)|x〉 =

Dx exp(i

~S[x]). (2.2.14)

The action has been identified in the time continuum limit as

S[x] =

dt [m


2 − V (x)]

= limε→0



2(xi+1 − xi

ε)2 − V (xi)]. (2.2.15)

The integration measure is defined as

Dx = limε→0



N ∫



dxN−1. (2.2.16)

This means that we integrate over the possible particle positions for each inter-mediate time ti. In this way we integrate over all possible paths of the particlestarting at x and ending at x′. Each path is weighted with an oscillating phasefactor exp( i

~S[x]) determined by the action. The classical path of minimum ac-

tion has the smallest oscillations, and hence the largest contribution to the pathintegral. In the classical limit ~ → 0 only that contribution survives.


2.3 The Path Integral in Euclidean Time

As we have seen, it requires a small excursion into the complex time plane tomake the path integral mathematically well-defined. Now we will make a bigstep into that plane and actually consider purely imaginary so-called Euclideantime. The physical motivation for this, however, comes from quantum statisticalmechanics. Let us consider the quantum statistical partition function

Z = Tr exp(−βH), (2.3.1)

where β = 1/T is the inverse temperature. It is mathematically equivalent tothe time interval we discussed in the real time path integral. In particular, theoperator exp(−βH) turns into the time evolution operator U(t′, t) if we identify

β =i

~(t′ − t). (2.3.2)

In this sense the system at finite temperature corresponds to a system propagatingin purely imaginary (Euclidean) time. By dividing the Euclidean time intervalinto N time steps, i.e. by writing β = Na/~, and again by inserting completesets of position eigenstates we now arrive at the Euclidean time path integral

Z =

Dx exp(−1

~SE [x]). (2.3.3)

The action now takes the Euclidean form

SE[x] =

dt [m


2 + V (x)]

= lima→0



2(xi+1 − xi

a)2 + V (xi)]. (2.3.4)

In contrast to the real time case the measure now involves N integrations

Dx = lima→0



N ∫



dxN . (2.3.5)

The extra integration over xN = x′ is due to the trace in eq.(2.3.1). Note thatthere is no extra integration over x0 = x because the trace implies periodicboundary conditions in the Euclidean time direction, i.e. x0 = xN .

The Euclidean path integral allows us to evaluate thermal expectation values.For example, let us consider an operator O(x) that is diagonal in the position


state basis. We can insert this operator in the path integral and thus computeits expectation value

〈O(x)〉 =1

ZTr[O(x) exp(−βH)] =



Dx O(x(0)) exp(−1

~SE [x]). (2.3.6)

Since the theory is translation invariant in Euclidean time one can place theoperator anywhere in time, e.g. at t = 0 as done here. When we perform the lowtemperature limit, β → ∞, the thermal fluctuations are switched off and onlythe quantum ground state |0〉 (the vacuum) contributes to the partition function,i.e. Z ∼ exp(−βE0). In this limit the path integral is formulated in an infiniteEuclidean time interval, and describes the vacuum expectation value

〈O(x)〉 = 〈0|O(x)|0〉 = limβ→∞



Dx O(x(0)) exp(−1

~SE [x]). (2.3.7)

It is also interesting to consider 2-point functions of operators at different in-stances in Euclidean time

〈O(x(0))O(x(t))〉 =1

ZTr[O(x) exp(−Ht)O(x) exp(Ht) exp(−βH)]



Dx O(x(0))O(x(t)) exp(−1

~SE [x]). (2.3.8)

Again, we consider the limit β → ∞, but we also separate the operators in time,i.e. we also let t→ ∞. Then the leading contribution is |〈0|O(x)|0〉|2. Subtractingthis, and thus forming the connected 2-point function, one obtains


〈O(x(0))O(x(t))〉 − |〈O(x)〉|2 = |〈0|O(x)|1〉|2 exp(−(E1 − E0)t). (2.3.9)

Here |1〉 is the first excited state of the quantum system with an energy E1. Theconnected 2-point function decays exponentially at large Euclidean time separa-tions. The decay is governed by the energy gap E1 − E0. In a quantum fieldtheory E1 corresponds to the energy of the lightest particle. Its mass is deter-mined by the energy gap E1 − E0 above the vacuum. Hence, in Euclidean fieldtheory particle masses are determined from the exponential decay of connected2-point correlation functions.

2.4 Spin Models in Classical Statistical Mechanics

So far we have considered quantum systems both at zero and at finite tempera-ture. We have represented their partition functions as Euclidean path integrals


over configurations on a time lattice of length β. We will now make a completelynew start and study classical discrete systems at finite temperature. We will seethat their mathematical description is very similar to the path integral formu-lation of quantum systems. Still, the physical interpretation of the formalism isdrastically different in the two cases. In the next section we will set up a dictio-nary that allows us to translate quantum physics language into the language ofclassical statistical mechanics.

For simplicity, let us concentrate on simple classical spin models. Here theword spin does not mean that we deal with quantized angular momenta. Allwe do is work with classical variables that can point in specific directions. Thesimplest spin model is the Ising model with classical spin variables sx = ±1.(Again, these do not represent the quantum states up and down of a quantummechanical angular momentum 1/2.) More complicated spin models with anO(N) spin rotational symmetry are the XY model (N = 2) and the Heisenbergmodel (N = 3). The spins in the XY model are 2-component unit-vectors,while the spins in the Heisenberg model have three components. In all thesemodels the spins live on the sites of a d-dimensional spatial lattice. The latticeis meant to be a crystal lattice (so typically d = 3) and the lattice spacing has aphysical meaning. This is in contrast to the Euclidean time lattice that we haveintroduced to make the path integral mathematically well-defined, and that wefinally send to zero in order to reach the Euclidean time continuum limit. TheIsing model is characterized by its classical Hamilton function (not a quantumHamilton operator) which simply specifies the energy of any configuration ofspins. The Ising Hamilton function is a sum of nearest neighbor contributions

H[s] = J∑


sxsy − µB∑


sx, (2.4.1)

with a ferromagnetic coupling constant J < 0 that favors parallel spins, plus acoupling to an external magnetic field B. The classical partition function of thissystem is given by

Z =

Ds exp(−H[s]/T ) =∏



exp(−H[s]/T ). (2.4.2)

The sum over all spin configurations corresponds to an independent summationover all possible orientations of individual spins. Thermal averages are computedby inserting appropriate operators. For example, the magnetization is given by

〈sx〉 =1




sx exp(−H[s]/T ). (2.4.3)


Similarly, the spin correlation function is defined by

〈sxsy〉 =1




sxsy exp(−H[s]/T ). (2.4.4)

At large distances the connected spin correlation function typically decays expo-nentially

〈sxsy〉 − 〈s〉2 ∼ exp(−|x− y|/ξ), (2.4.5)

where ξ is the so-called correlation length. At general temperatures the cor-relation length is typically just a few lattice spacings. When one models realmaterials, the Ising model would generally be a great oversimplification, becausereal magnets, for example, not only have nearest neighbor couplings. Still, thedetails of the Hamilton function at the scale of the lattice spacing are not alwaysimportant. There is a critical temperature Tc at which ξ diverges and univer-sal behavior arises. At this temperature a second order phase transition occurs.Then the details of the model at the scale of the lattice spacing are irrelevant forthe long range physics that takes place at the scale of ξ. In fact, at their criticaltemperatures some real materials behave just like the simple Ising model. This iswhy the Ising model is so interesting. It is just a very simple member of a largeuniversality class of different models, which all share the same critical behavior.This does not mean that they have the same values of their critical temperatures.However, their magnetization goes to zero at the critical temperature with thesame power of Tc − T , i.e. their critical exponents are identical.

2.5 Quantum Mechanics versus Statistical Mechanics

We notice a close analogy between the Euclidean path integral for a quantum me-chanical system and a classical statistical mechanics system like the Ising model.The path integral for the quantum system is defined on a 1-dimensional Euclideantime lattice, just like an Ising model can be defined on a d-dimensional spatiallattice. In the path integral we integrate over all paths, i.e. over all configurationsx(t), while in the Ising model we sum over all spin configurations sx. Paths areweighted by their Euclidean action SE[x] while spin configurations are weightedwith their Boltzmann factors depending on the classical Hamilton function H[s].The prefactor of the action is 1/~, and the prefactor of the Hamilton function is1/T . Indeed ~ determines the strength of quantum fluctuations, while the tem-perature T determines the strength of thermal fluctuations. The kinetic energy12((xi+1 − xi)/a)

2 in the path integral is analogous to the nearest neighbor spincoupling sxsx+1, and the potential term V (xi) is analogous to the coupling µBsx


Quantum mechanics Classical statistical mechanics

Euclidean time lattice d-dimensional spatial lattice

elementary time step a crystal lattice spacing

particle position x classical spin variable s

particle path x(t) spin configuration sx

path integral∫

Dx sum over configurations∏



Euclidean action SE[x] classical Hamilton function H[s]

Planck’s constant ~ temperature T

quantum fluctuations thermal fluctuations

kinetic energy 12(xi+1−xi

a )2 neighbor coupling sxsx+1

potential energy V (xi) external field energy µBsx

weight of a path exp(− 1~SE[x]) Boltzmann factor exp(−H[s]/T )

vacuum expectation value 〈O(x)〉 magnetization 〈sx〉2-point function 〈O(x(0))O(x(t))〉 correlation function 〈sxsy〉

energy gap E1 − E0 inverse correlation length 1/ξ

continuum limit a→ 0 critical behavior ξ → ∞

Table 2.2: The dictionary that translates quantum mechanics into the language

of classical statistical mechanics.

to an external magnetic field. The magnetization 〈sx〉 corresponds to the vacuumexpectation value of an operator 〈O(x)〉 and the spin-spin correlation function〈sxsy〉 corresponds to the 2-point correlation function 〈O(x(0))O(x(t))〉. The in-verse correlation length 1/ξ is analogous to the energy gap E1 − E0 (and henceto a particle mass in a Euclidean quantum field theory). Finally, the Euclideantime continuum limit a→ 0 corresponds to a second order phase transition whereξ → ∞. The lattice spacing in the path integral is an artifact of our mathemat-ical description which we send to zero while the physics remains constant. Inclassical statistical mechanics, on the other hand, the lattice spacing is physicaland hence fixed, while the correlation length ξ goes to infinity at a second orderphase transition. All this is summarized in the dictionary of table 2.2.

2.6 The Transfer Matrix

The analogy between quantum mechanics and classical statistical mechanics sug-gests that there is an analog of the quantum Hamilton operator in the contextof classical statistical mechanics. This operator is the so-called transfer matrix.


The Hamilton operator induces infinitesimal translations in time. In classicalstatistical mechanics, on the other hand, the analog of continuous time is a 1-dimensional spatial lattice. Hence, the transfer matrix cannot induce infinitesimalspace translations. Instead it induces translations by the smallest possible dis-tance — namely by one lattice spacing. For a quantum mechanical system thetransfer matrix transports us by one lattice spacing in Euclidean time, and it isgiven by

T = exp(−a~H). (2.6.1)

Now we want to construct the transfer matrix for the 1-dimensional Ising modelwithout an external magnetic field. The corresponding partition function is givenby

Z =∏





sxsx+1). (2.6.2)

The transfer matrix obeys

Z = TrTN , (2.6.3)

where N is the number of lattice points, and its matrix elements are given by theBoltzmann factor corresponding to a nearest neighbor pair by

〈sx+1|T |sx〉 = exp(βJsxsx+1). (2.6.4)

This is a 2 × 2 matrix. The eigenvalues of the transfer matrix can be written asexp(−E0) and exp(−E1). The energy gap then determines the inverse correlationlength as

1/ξ = E1 − E0. (2.6.5)

It is instructive to compute ξ as a function of β to locate the critical point of the1-d Ising model.

Here we will do the corresponding calculation for the 1-d xy-model. In the xy-model the spins are unit vectors (cosϕx, sinϕx) in the xy-plane that are attachedto the points x of a d-dimensional lattice. Here we consider d = 1, i.e. we studya chain of xy-spins. The standard Hamilton function of the xy-model is given by

H[ϕ] = J∑


(1 − cos(ϕx+1 − ϕx)). (2.6.6)

In complete analogy to the Ising model the transfer matrix is now given by

〈ϕx+1|T |ϕx〉 = exp(−βJ(1 − cos(ϕx+1 − ϕx)), (2.6.7)


which is a matrix with an uncountable number of rows and columns, because thereis a continuum of values for ϕx and ϕx+1. Still, we can ask about the eigenvaluesof this matrix. For this purpose we consider the Fourier representation

〈ϕx+1|T |ϕx〉 =∑


〈ϕx+1|m〉 exp(−βJ)Im(βJ)〈m|ϕx〉, (2.6.8)

where〈ϕx|m〉 = exp(imϕx), (2.6.9)

are the eigenvectors of the transfer matrix. The eigenvalues are given in terms ofmodified Bessel functions

exp(−Em) = exp(−βJ)Im(βJ). (2.6.10)

The energy gap between the ground state and an excited state is given by

Em − E0 = logI0(βJ)

Im(βJ), (2.6.11)

which is nonzero for finite β. In the zero temperature limit β → ∞ we have


Im(βJ)∼ 1 +


2βJ, (2.6.12)

such thatξ = 1/(E1 − E0) ∼ 2βJ → ∞. (2.6.13)

Hence, there is a critical point at zero temperature. In the language of quantummechanics this implies the continuum limit of a Euclidean lattice theory corre-sponding to a quantum mechanical problem. In the continuum limit the energiescorresponding to the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix take the form

Em − E0 ∼ m2

2βJ. (2.6.14)

These energies are in lattice units (the lattice spacing was put to 1). Hence, toextract physics we need to consider energy ratios and we find

Em − E0

E1 − E0∼ m2. (2.6.15)

These are the appropriate energy ratios of a quantum rotor — a particle thatmoves on a circle. Indeed the xy-spins describe an angle, which can be interpretedas the position of the quantum particle. Also the eigenvectors of the transfermatrix are just the energy eigenfunctions of a quantum rotor. Hence, we just


solved the Schrodinger equation with a discrete Euclidean time step using thetransfer matrix instead of the Hamilton operator. The fact that energy ratiosapproach physically meaningful constants in the continuum limit is known asscaling. Of course, the discretization introduces an error as long as we are not inthe continuum limit. For example, at finite β the energy ratio is




log(I0(βJ)/I1(βJ), (2.6.16)

which is different from the continuum answer m2. This cut-off effect due to afinite lattice spacing is known as a scaling violation.

2.7 Lattice Field Theory

So far we have restricted ourselves to quantum mechanical problems and to clas-sical statistical mechanics. The former were defined by a path integral on a 1-dEuclidean time lattice, while the latter involved spin models on a d-dimensionalspatial lattice. When we quantize field theories on the lattice, we formulatethe theory on a d-dimensional space-time lattice, i.e. usually the lattice is 4-dimensional. Just as we integrate over all configurations (all paths) x(t) of aquantum particle, we now integrate over all configurations φ(x) of a quantumfield defined at any Euclidean space-time point x = (~x, x4). Again the weightfactor in the path integral is given by the action. Let us illustrate this for a freeneutral scalar field φ(x) ∈ R. Its Euclidean action is given by

SE[φ] =

d4x [1



2φ2]. (2.7.1)

Interactions can be included, for example, by adding a λ4!φ

4 term to the action.The Feynman path integral for this system is formally written as

Z =

Dφ exp(−SE[φ]). (2.7.2)

(Note that we have put ~ = c = 1.) The integral is over all field configurations,which is a divergent expression if no regularization is imposed. One can makethe expression mathematically well-defined by using dimensional regularizationof Feynman diagrams. This approach is, however, limited to perturbation the-ory. The lattice allows us to formulate field theory beyond perturbation theory,which is very essential for strongly interacting theories like QCD, but also for thestandard model in general. For example, due to the heavy mass of the top quark,


the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs and top quark field is rather strong. Theabove free scalar field theory, of course, does not really require a nonperturbativetreatment. We use it only to illustrate the lattice quantization method in a simplesetting. On the lattice the continuum field φ(x) is replaced by a lattice field Φx,which is restricted to the points x of a d-dimensional space-time lattice. Fromnow on we will work in lattice units, i.e. we put a = 1. The above continuumaction can be approximated by discretizing the continuum derivatives such that

SE[Φ] =∑



2(Φx+µ − Φx)

2 +∑




x. (2.7.3)

Here µ is the unit vector in the µ-direction. The integral over all field configu-rations now becomes a multiple integral over all values of the field at all latticepoints

Z =∏


∫ ∞

−∞dΦx exp(−SE [Φ]). (2.7.4)

For a free field theory the partition function is just a Gaussian integral. In fact,one can write the lattice action as

SE[Φ] =1



ΦxMxyΦy, (2.7.5)

where the matrix M describes the couplings between lattice points. Diagonalizingthis matrix by a unitary transformation U one has

M = U†DU . (2.7.6)


Φ′x = UxyΦy (2.7.7)

one obtains

Z =∏


dΦ′x exp(−1




x) = (2π)N/2detD−1/2, (2.7.8)

where N is the number of lattice points.

To extract the energy values of the corresponding quantum Hamilton operatorwe need to study the 2-point function of the lattice field

〈ΦxΦy〉 =1


DΦ ΦxΦy exp(−SE [Φ]). (2.7.9)


This is most conveniently done by introducing a source field in the partitionfunction, such that

Z[J ] =

DΦ exp(−SE[Φ] +∑


JxΦx). (2.7.10)

Then the connected 2-point function is given by

〈ΦxΦy〉 − 〈Φ〉2 =∂2 logZ[J ]

∂Jx∂Jy|J=0. (2.7.11)

The Boltzmann factor characterizing the problem with the external sources isgiven by the exponent


2ΦMΦ − JΦ =


2Φ′MΦ′ − 1

2JM−1J. (2.7.12)

Here we have introducedΦ′ = Φ −M−1J. (2.7.13)

Integrating over Φ′ in the path integral we obtain

Z[J ] = (2π)N/2detD−1/2 exp(1

2JM−1J), (2.7.14)

and hence

〈ΦxΦy〉 =1


xy . (2.7.15)

It is instructive to invert the matrix M by going to Fourier space, i.e. by writing

Φx =1


Bddp Φ(p) exp(ipx). (2.7.16)

The momentum space of the lattice is given by the Brillouin zone B =] − π, π]d.For the 2-point function in momentum space one then finds

〈Φ(−p)Φ(p)〉 = [∑


(2 sin(pµ/2))2 +m2]−1. (2.7.17)

This is the lattice version of the continuum propagator

〈Φ(−p)Φ((p)〉 = (p2 +m2)−1. (2.7.18)

From the lattice propagator we can deduce the energy spectrum of the lattice the-ory. For this purpose we construct a lattice field with definite spatial momentum~p located in a specific time slice

Φ(~p)t =∑


Φ~x,t exp(−i~p · ~x), (2.7.19)


and we consider its 2-point function

〈Φ(−~p)0Φ(~p)t〉 =1

∫ π

−πdpd〈Φ(−p)Φ(p)〉 exp(ipdt). (2.7.20)

Inserting the lattice propagator of eq.(2.7.17) one can perform the integral. Oneencounters a pole in the propagator when pd = iE with

(2 sinh(E/2))2 =∑


(2 sin(pi/2))2 +m2. (2.7.21)

The 2-point function then takes the form

〈Φ(−~p)0Φ(~p)t〉 = C exp(−Et), (2.7.22)

i.e. it decays exponentially with slope E. This allows us to identify E as theenergy of the lattice scalar particle with spatial momentum ~p. In general, Ediffers from the correct continuum dispersion relation

E2 = ~p2 +m2. (2.7.23)

Only in the continuum limit, i.e. when E, ~p and m are small in lattice units, thelattice dispersion relation agrees with the one of the continuum theory.


Chapter 3

Classical Scalar Field Theory

Scalar fields play an important role in various areas of physics. For example, theHiggs field of the standard model of particle physics is a scalar field that gives riseto the spontaneous breakdown of the SU(2)L⊗U(1)Y gauge group to the U(1)emgauge group of electromagnetism. This is how particles obtain their masses in thestandard model. The lightest strongly interacting particle is the pion that arisesin QCD. The pion is a so-called pseudo-Goldstone boson associated with thespontaneous breakdown of the approximate global chiral symmetry of QCD. Inchiral perturbation theory, a technique developed by Gasser and Leutwyler, thepion is described by a scalar field. Furthermore, scalar fields are used to describeCooper pairs of electrons in the condensed matter physics of superconductors.In that case, the scalar field dynamics leads to the spontaneous breaking of theU(1)em gauge symmetry itself. Besides being physically relevant, scalar fields aresimpler to handle theoretically than fermion fields or gauge fields. This is the mainreason why we begin our investigation of quantum field theory using scalar fields.It should be mentioned that there are reasons to believe that truly elementaryscalar fields may not even exist. For example, the scalar field describing Cooperpairs is composed of electron fields. Similarly, at a more fundamental level thepion field of chiral perturbation theory is composed of quark-, antiquark-, andgluon fields. It is likely that the Higgs field of the standard model is also nottruly fundamental. Since the Higgs particle has not yet been observed, this isremains an open question.



3.1 Scalar Fields

Scalar fields transform trivially under space-time transformations. In particular,they are invariant under Lorentz transformations. As a consequence, unlike vectorfields, scalar fields do not carry any Lorentz indices. Still, scalar fields maytransform non-trivially under certain internal symmetries. Such symmetries giverise to conserved charges which could be coupled to gauge fields. The simplestscalar field is neutral and has no additional indices. It is simply described by asingle real number per space-time point x. A charged scalar field, such as theone representing a Cooper pair of electrons, is described by a complex numberper space-time point. The scalar Higgs field of the standard model is a complexdoublet. It is described by two complex (or alternatively four real) numbers perspace-time point. Finally, the pion field of chiral perturbation theory has threeinternal degrees of freedom. It is described by a special unitary 2 × 2 matrixU(x) ∈ SU(2) (i.e. with determinant 1) per space-time point x.

Let us consider an N -component scalar field φi(x) with i ∈ {1, 2, ..., N}. Aneutral scalar field corresponds to N = 1, while a charged scalar field correspondsto N = 2. In case of the standard model Higgs field one has N = 4. TheLagrangian of the corresponding scalar field theory is given by

L(φ, ∂µφ) =1




∂µφi∂µφi − V (φ). (3.1.1)


V (φ) =m2

2φ2 +


4!φ4, φ(x)2 =



φi(x)2, (3.1.2)

is a scalar potential that contains the so-called bare mass m of the field as well asthe bare coupling constant λ of its self-interaction. Bothm and λ get renormalizedin the quantized theory. At this point we consider the theory at the classical level.The classical equation of motion for scalar field theory is given by


− δLδφi

= ∂µ∂µφi +

dV (φ)

dφi= ∂µ∂

µφi +m2φi +λ

3!φ2φi = 0. (3.1.3)

The classical vacuum configuration, i.e. the configuration of lowest energy, issimply given by φi(x) = 0. Due to the uncertainty principle, the vacuum of scalarquantum field theory (i.e. its ground state) cannot just be given by φi(x) = 0.This is in complete analogy to an anharmonic oscillator with potential V (x) =12mω

2x2 + λ4!x

4. While the energy of the classical oscillator is minimized forx = 0, the quantum ground state contains quantum fluctuations around the


classical vacuum. For example, for the harmonic oscillator (with λ = 0) thesefluctuations are described by a Gaussian wave function. Let us also look fornon-zero solutions of the equation of motion from above. Due to the nonlinearityof the equations this is a non-trivial task. The situation simplifies significantlywhen we ignore the self-interaction of the scalar field and put λ = 0. The classicalequation of motion of the resulting free field theory

∂µ∂µφi +m2φi = ∂2

t φi − ∆φi +m2φi = 0, (3.1.4)

is known as the Klein-Gordon equation. It admits simple plane-wave solutions

φi(x) = φi0 exp(i(~k · ~x− ωt)), (3.1.5)

which obey the relativistic dispersion relation

ω2 = k2 +m2. (3.1.6)

Here E = ~ω and ~p = ~~k can be identified as the energy and the momentum ofa relativistic free particle with energy-momentum relation

E2 = p2c2 + (mc2)2. (3.1.7)

Since we have put ~ = c = 1 this is completely consistent with the previousequation. In particular, the parameter m in the Lagrangian can be identified asthe mass of the resulting free particle. It should be pointed out that the Klein-Gordon equation admits solutions for both positive and negative energies. Uponquantization, the latter give rise to anti-particles.

3.2 Noether’s Theorem

The Lagrangian of scalar field theory has an O(N) symmetry, i.e. it is invariantagainst rotations

φ(x)′ = Oφ(x). (3.2.1)

Here O is an N × N orthogonal rotation matrix, i.e. OTO = OOT = 1. Incomponents the previous equations take the form

φi(x)′ =






OTijOjk =



OjiOjk = δik. (3.2.2)

Symmetries are always important because they give rise to conserved quantumnumbers. It should be noted that the O(N) symmetry of our scalar field theory


is global, i.e. the symmetry transformations O do not depend on space or time.This is in contrast to gauge theories in which symmetries are realized locally.Gauge theories have conserved charges. For example, electric charge is conservedboth in classical and in quantum electrodynamics. In classical electrodynamicscharge conservation is encoded in the continuity equation ∂µj

µ = 0 for the elec-tromagnetic current jµ(x) = (ρ(x),~j(x)). Here ρ(x) and ~j(x) are the charge andcurrent densities, respectively.

The O(N) symmetry of scalar field theory also gives rise to a conserved cur-rent. In order to derive this current we now consider local O(N) transformations

φ(x)′ = O(x)φ(x). (3.2.3)

Interestingly, the potential contribution to the Lagrangian V (φ) is invariant evenagainst these local O(N) transformations. This follows simply from

φ(x)′2 = φ(x)O(x)TO(x)φ(x) = φ(x)2. (3.2.4)

Next we will compute the variation of the kinetic contribution to the Lagrangianwith respect to infinitesimal local O(N) transformations

O(x) = 1 + ǫ(x). (3.2.5)

The orthogonality of O(x) implies

O(x)TO(x) = [1 + ǫ(x)T ][1 + ǫ(x)] ≈ 1 + ǫ(x) + ǫ(x)T = 1 ⇒ǫ(x)T = −ǫ(x). (3.2.6)

The infinitesimally transformed scalar field takes the form

φ(x)′ = [1 + ǫ(x)]φ(x), (3.2.7)

and hence∂µφ(x)′ = ∂µφ(x) + ∂µǫ(x)φ(x) + ǫ(x)∂µφ(x). (3.2.8)

Consequently, one now obtains

∂µφ′∂µφ′ = ∂µφ∂

µφ+ ∂µφ∂µǫφ+ ∂µφǫ∂µφ

+ φ∂µǫT∂µφ+ ∂µφǫ


= ∂µφ∂µφ+ ∂µφ∂

µǫφ− φ∂µǫ∂µφ, (3.2.9)

and the variation of the action under local infinitesimal O(N) transformationstakes the form

S[φ′] − S[φ] =

d4x [L(φ′, ∂µφ′) − L(φ, ∂µφ)] =





∂µǫijjµij =




ǫij∂µjµij , (3.2.10)


with the O(N) Noether current given by

jµij = φi∂µφj − φj∂µφi. (3.2.11)

Indeed, the current is conserved, i.e. ∂µjµij = 0, as a consequence of the classical

equations of motion. This follows directly from

∂µjµij = ∂µ[φi∂µφj − φj∂µφi] = φi∂µ∂

µφj − φj∂µ∂µφi

= −φidV (φ)

dφj+ φj dV (φ)


= φi[m2φj +λ

3!φ2φj ] − φj [m2φi +


3!φ2φi] = 0. (3.2.12)

Note that the derivation of current conservation is similar to the one for theprobability current in ordinary quantum mechanics.


Chapter 4

Canonical Quantization of a

Scalar Field

Canonical quantization of field theory is a rather tedious approach. Therefore wewill concentrate on the path integral for the rest of this course. However, canon-ical quantization has the advantage that it is rather similar to Schrodinger’sapproach to quantum mechanics which we are very familiar with. Here we con-sider the canonical quantization of a free 1-component scalar field, which is fairlyeasy to carry out. The complications of canonical quantization versus the pathintegral show up only when interactions are included.

4.1 From the Lagrange to the Hamilton Density

Let us consider a 1-component real scalar field φ(x) with the Lagrange density

L(φ, ∂µφ) =1


µφ− m2

2φ2. (4.1.1)

The canonically conjugate momentum to the field φ(x) is given by

Π(x) =δL

δ∂0φ(x)= ∂0φ(x), (4.1.2)

which is just the time-derivative of φ(x). The classical Hamilton density is givenby

H(φ,Π) = Π∂0φ− L =1

2Π2 +




2φ2. (4.1.3)



Here the index i runs over the spatial directions only. The classical Hamiltonfunction is the spatial integral of the Hamilton density

H[φ,Π] =

d3x H(φ,Π) =

d3x (1

2Π2 +




2φ2). (4.1.4)

The Hamilton function is a functional of the classical field φ(~x) and its canonicallyconjugate momentum field Π(~x). Upon quantization the Hamilton function willturn into the Hamilton operator of the corresponding quantum field theory.

4.2 Commutation Relations for Scalar Field Opera-


In the canonical quantization of field theory the field values and their conjugatemomenta become operators acting in a Hilbert space. As we discussed before, thefield value φ(~x) is analogous to the particle coordinate ~x in quantum mechanics.Similarly, Π(~x) is analogous to the momentum ~p of the particle. In quantummechanics position and momentum do not commute

[xi, pj ] = i~δij , [xi, xj] = [pi, pj ] = 0. (4.2.1)

Similarly, (now putting ~ = 1) one postulates the following commutation relationsfor the field operators φ(~x) and Π(~y)

[φ(~x),Π(~y)] = iδ(~x − ~y), [φ(~x), φ(~y)] = [Π(~x),Π(~y)] = 0. (4.2.2)

It is important to note that these commutation relations are completely local.In particular, fields at different points in space commute with each other. Inquantum mechanics the momentum operator is represented as the derivative withrespect to the position

pi =~


∂xi. (4.2.3)

Similarly, the field operator Π(~x) can be written as

Π(~x) = −i ∂

∂φ(~x), (4.2.4)

i.e. as a derivative with respect to the field value.


4.3 Hamilton Operator in Scalar Quantum Field The-


After turning the classical fields into operators it is straightforward to turn theclassical Hamilton function H[φ,Π] into the quantum Hamilton operator

H =


2(Π2 + ∂iφ∂iφ+m2φ2). (4.3.1)

At this level it should be obvious that quantum field theory is really just quantummechanics with infinitely many degrees of freedom (in this case one for each point~x in space).

As usual, solving this quantum theory amounts to diagonalizing the Hamil-tonian. For this purpose it is convenient to go to momentum space. Hence, weintroduce Fourier transformed fields

φ(~p) =

d3x φ(~x) exp(−i~p · ~x), Π(~p) =

d3x Π(~x) exp(−i~p · ~x). (4.3.2)

Note that, unlike φ(~x) and Π(~x), φ(~p) and Π(~p) are not Hermitean but obey

φ(~p)† = φ(−~p), Π(~p)† = Π(−~p). (4.3.3)

Using the commutations relations for φ(~x) and Π(~y) one derives the commutationrelations between φ(~p) and Π(~q) as

[φ(~p), Π(~q)] = i(2π)3δ(~p + ~q), [φ(~p), φ(~q)] = [Π(~p), Π(~q)] = 0. (4.3.4)

Similarly, one can now write the Hamilton operator as

H =1



2(Π†Π + (~p2 +m2)φ†φ). (4.3.5)

This Hamiltonian is reminiscent of the one for the harmonic oscillator with ω =√

~p2 +m2 playing the role of the frequency. This suggests to introduce creationand annihilation operators a(~p)† and a(~p) as

a(~p) =1√2[√ωφ(~p) +


Π(~p)], a(~p)† =1√2[√ωφ(~p)† − i√

ωΠ(~p)†], (4.3.6)

which obey the commutation relations

[a(~p), a(~q)†] =i

2[Π(~p), φ(−~q)] − i

2[φ(~p), Π(−~q)] = (2π)3δ(~p − ~q),

[a(~p), a(~q)] = [a(~p)†, a(~q)†] = 0. (4.3.7)


In terms of these operators, the Hamiltonian takes the form

H =1



~p2 +m2(a(~p)†a(~p) +1

2V ). (4.3.8)

The volume factor arises from

δ(~p) =1


d3x exp(−i~p · ~x) ⇒ (2π)3δ(~0) =

d3x 1 = V. (4.3.9)

4.4 Vacuum and Particle States

In analogy to a single harmonic oscillator, the vacuum state |0〉 of the scalar fieldtheory is determined by

a(~p)|0〉 = 0, (4.4.1)

for all ~p. The vacuum is indeed an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian from above withthe energy

E =1




~p2 +m2. (4.4.2)

The volume factor represents a harmless infrared divergence. It is natural in afield theory that the energy of the vacuum is proportional to the spatial volume.However, even the energy density







~p2 +m2 =1


∫ ∞

0dp p2

~p2 +m2, (4.4.3)

is still divergent in the ultraviolet. This is a typical short-distance (i.e. high-momentum) divergence of field theory. The theory must be regularized in orderto make the vacuum energy density finite. This can be achieved, for example, byintroducing a momentum cut-off Λ. The regularized vacuum energy density

ρ =E




∫ Λ

0dp p2

~p2 +m2 ∼ Λ4, (4.4.4)

of course, again diverges in the limit Λ → ∞. The vacuum energy of field theorygives rise to one of the greatest mysteries in physics — the cosmological constantproblem. When one couples classical gravity, i.e. Einstein’s general relativity, toquantum field theory, the vacuum energy manifests itself as a cosmological con-stant. Recent observations have shown that the cosmological constant in Natureis extremely small but still positive. This leads to an accelerated expansion of theUniverse, instead of the deceleration expected for a matter-dominated Universe.


Understanding the origin of the vacuum energy density is one of the most chal-lenging questions in physics today. A naive consideration from field theory wouldperhaps identify the cut-off Λ with the Planck scale MP = 1/

√G ≈ 1018GeV,

at which quantum effects of gravity become important. Here G is Newton’s con-stant. Hence, a naive field theoretical estimate of the cosmological constant isabout

ρtheory ≈M4P . (4.4.5)

The observed cosmological constant, on the other hand, is

ρobservation ≈ (10−3eV)4, (4.4.6)

such thatρtheory

ρobservation≈ 10120. (4.4.7)

This is presumably the greatest discrepancy between theory and observation everencountered in all of physics. To explain this discrepancy is the essence of thecosmological constant problem.

From a pure particle physics point of view, i.e. ignoring the gravitationaleffect of the vacuum energy, the divergence of ρ is rather harmless. In particular,the energies of particles (which are excitations above the vacuum) are differencesbetween the energy of an excited state and the ground state (the vacuum). Inthese energy differences the divergent factor drops out. In particular, the singleparticle states of the theory are given by

|~p〉 = a(~p)†|0〉, (4.4.8)

with an energyE(~p) = ω =

~p2 +m2. (4.4.9)

This is indeed the energy of a free particle with rest mass m and momentum ~p.More precisely, E(~p) is the finite energy difference between the divergent energyof the excited state and the ground state. Multi-particle states can be obtainedby acting with more than one particle creation operator on the vacuum state.For example, the 2-particle states are obtained as

|~p1, ~p2〉 = a(~p1)†a(~p2)

†|0〉, (4.4.10)

Since [a(~p1)†, a(~p2)

†] = 0 one finds

|~p2, ~p1〉 = |~p1, ~p2〉, (4.4.11)

i.e. the 2-particle state is symmetric under particle permutation. The same istrue for multi-particle states. This shows that the scalar particles of our fieldtheory are indeed indistinguishable identical bosons.


4.5 The Momentum Operator

Let us also consider the momentum operator of our theory. Energy and momen-tum are components of the so-called energy-momentum tensor

θµν = ∂µφ∂νφ− gµνL. (4.5.1)

The Hamilton density from before is given by

H = θ00 = ∂0φ∂0φ− g00L = Π2 − L. (4.5.2)

Similarly, the momentum density is given by

P = θ0i = ∂0φ∂iφ− g0iL = Π∂iφ. (4.5.3)

Accordingly, in quantum field theory, a Hermitean momentum operator is con-structed as

Pi =


2(Π∂iφ+ ∂iφΠ)



d3p ipi1

2(Π(~p)φ(−~p) + φ(−~p)Π(~p))



d3p pia(~p)†a(~p). (4.5.4)

The vacuum |0〉 is an eigenstate of the momentum operator with eigenvalue ~0.Hence, as one would expect, the vacuum has zero momentum and is, consequently,translation invariant. The single particle states are again eigenstates,

~P |~p〉 = ~p|~p〉, (4.5.5)

which shows that ~p is indeed the momentum of the particle.

Chapter 5

Path Integral for Scalar Field


As we have seen, the quantum mechanical path integral is particularly well de-fined in Euclidean time. Even the path integral in Minkowski real-time requiresan infinitesimal excursion into the complex time plane. In addition, the Euclideanpath integral is intimately related to quantum statistical mechanics. Hence, wenow consider quantum field theory in the framework of the Euclidean path in-tegral. This has the additional advantage that this formulation also works be-yond perturbation theory. In particular, lattice field theory is also formulated inEuclidean time. Just like the paths of a particle contributing to the quantummechanical path integral in Euclidean time, Euclidean fields themselves are notdirectly physical objects. Instead they just serve as integration variables whichallow us to derive physical quantities such as particle masses and coupling con-stants. There is a rigorous connection between the Euclidean time path integraland the real world. In particular, it yields the same physical results as the pathintegral formulated in Minkowski space-time. However, one should not confusethe Euclidean field configurations with time-evolutions of physical fields in realtime.

5.1 From Minkowski to Euclidean Space-Time

Let us start from the Lagrangian of a scalar field in Minkowski space-time

L(φ, ∂µφ) =1


µφ− V (φ) =1

2(∂tφ∂tφ− ∂iφ∂iφ) − V (φ), (5.1.1)



which gives rise to the action

S[φ] =

dtd3x L(φ, ∂µφ). (5.1.2)

The path integral in Minkowski space-time is given by the formal expression

Z =

Dφ exp(iS[φ]). (5.1.3)

We now analytically continue the time coordinate to purely imaginary values

x4 = it. (5.1.4)

The Lagrangian then takes the form

L(φ, ∂µφ) = −[1

2(∂4φ∂4φ+ ∂iφ∂iφ) + V (φ)] = −[


2∂µφ∂µφ+ V (φ)]. (5.1.5)

In Euclidean space-time the distinction between co- and contra-variant indicesis no longer necessary because the metric is simply given by gµν = δµν . Due tothe time-integration the action picks up an additional factor i and now takes theform

S[φ] = i

d4x [1

2∂µφ∂µφ+ V (φ)], (5.1.6)

where d4x = dx4d3x. The path integral in Euclidean time now takes the form

Z =

Dφ exp(−SE[φ]), (5.1.7)

with the Euclidean action given by

SE[φ] =

∫ β


d3x [1

2∂µφ∂µφ+ V (φ)]. (5.1.8)

We have introduced a finite extent β = 1/T of the periodic Euclidean time dimen-sion, which puts the field theory at the finite temperature T . The path integralZ is nothing but the corresponding partition function of quantum statistical me-chanics. It should be noted that, as it stands, the path integral Z is a highlydivergent formal expression which needs to be regularized and properly renormal-ized. We have already seen how this can be done nonperturbatively by using thelattice regularization. While it is unavoidable in nonperturbative calculations,for perturbative calculations the lattice regularization is not the most convenientchoice. It is much simpler to use dimensional regularization, i.e. an analytic con-tinuation in the dimension of space-time. This is what we will concentrate on in


what follows. From now on we will keep the space-time dimension d as a contin-uous complex parameter. Then the formal expression for the Euclidean actionreads

SE[φ] =

ddx [1

2∂µφ∂µφ+ V (φ)], (5.1.9)

and the corresponding partition function — including an external field j(x) —takes the form

Z[j] =

Dφ exp(−SE[φ] +

ddx jφ). (5.1.10)

Of course, one should not forget that this approach is limited to perturbationtheory, and does not define quantum field theory nonperturbatively.

5.2 Euclidean Propagator and Contraction Rule

In Euclidean field theory, physical information is extracted from n-point correla-tion functions, which correspond to vacuum expectation values of time-orderedproducts of field operators

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn)|0〉 =1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn) exp(−SE[φ]). (5.2.1)

For example, the 2-point function can be obtained as

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)|0〉 =1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2) exp(−SE [φ])




dj(x1)dj(x2)|j=0. (5.2.2)

In complete analogy to the lattice calculation discussed before, for a free scalarfield one obtains

Z[j] = Z exp[1


ddxddy j(x)G(x − y)j(y)], (5.2.3)

where G(x) is the Euclidean propagator. In momentum space it takes the form

G(p) =

ddx G(x) exp(−ipx) =1

p2 +m2. (5.2.4)

For a free field the n-point functions are simply related to the 2-point function.


For example, the 4-point function takes the form

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)φ(x3)φ(x4)|0〉 =



Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)φ(x3)φ(x4) exp(−SE [φ]) =




dj(x1)dj(x2)dj(x3)dj(x4)|j=0. (5.2.5)

Using eq.(5.2.3) one finds

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)φ(x3)φ(x4)|0〉 = G(x1 − x2)G(x3 − x4) +

G(x1 − x3)G(x2 − x4) +G(x1 − x4)G(x2 − x3). (5.2.6)

In a Feynman diagram the propagators are represented as lines connecting theexternal points xi. This is an example of a general contraction rule for n-pointfunctions with even n (the n-point functions for odd n simply vanish)

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn)|0〉 =∑


G(xi1 − xi2)G(xi3 − xi4)...G(xin−1− xin).

(5.2.7)The sum extends over all partitions of the indices 1, 2, ..., n into pairs (i1, i2),(i3, i4), ..., (in−1, in). There are (n− 1)!! = 1 · 3 · 5 · ... · (n− 1) such pairings. Forn = 4 there are indeed (4 − 1)!! = 1 · 3 = 3 contractions.

5.3 Perturbative Expansion of the Path Integral

Let us divide the Euclidean action into a free and an interacting part

SE [φ] = Sf [φ] + Si[φ] (5.3.1)


Sf [φ] =


2[∂µφ∂µφ+m2φ2], (5.3.2)


Si[φ] =


4!φ4. (5.3.3)

The interaction term makes it impossible to compute the full path integral an-alytically because it is no longer Gaussian. In perturbation theory one assumesthat the coupling constant λ is small and one expands

exp(−SE[φ]) = exp(−Sf [φ])[1 + Si[φ] +1

2Si[φ]2 + ...]. (5.3.4)


Inserting this expansion into the path integral, the expression for the n-pointfunction takes the form

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn)|0〉 =1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn) ×∞∑





dvk φ(v1)4φ(v2)

4...φ(vk)4 exp(−Sf [φ]). (5.3.5)

This expression is similar to the one for the n-point function in the free theory.However, in addition to the external points x1, x2, ..., xn, we now also have kinternal points v1, v2, ..., vk whose positions are independently integrated over allof space-time and which are known as interaction vertices. These are the pointsat which the field φ experiences its self-interaction.

As before, we can apply the contraction rule. However, we now have fourfields φ(vi) at each interaction vertex. Correspondingly, there are now contrac-tions that connect a vertex back to itself via a propagator G(vi − vi) = G(0). Ina Feynman diagram such propagators appear as internal lines, while the prop-agators connected to external points xi are denoted as external lines. In fourdimensions the propagator at zero distance G(0) is an ultraviolet divergent quan-tity. This divergence is regularized by analytically continuing the dimension ofspace-time.

5.4 Dimensional Regularization

Let us consider the propagator in d-dimensional space-time

G(x) =1



p2 +m2. (5.4.1)



p2 +m2=

∫ ∞

0exp(−t(p2 +m2)), (5.4.2)


we can write

G(x) =1


∫ ∞


ddp exp(ipx− tp2)



∫ ∞

0exp(−tm2 − x2


ddq exp(−tq2)



∫ ∞

0t−d/2 exp(−tm2 − x2



(2π)d/2md−2(m|x|)1−d/2K1−d/2(m|x|). (5.4.3)

Here Kν(z) is a Bessel function. For |x| 6= 0 the propagator is finite for any valueof d. However, for |x| = 0 we have

G(0) =1


∫ ∞

0t−d/2 exp(−tm2) =


(4π)d/2md−2Γ(1 − d

2), (5.4.4)

which diverges for d = 2, 4, 6, ... but is regular for other values of the space-timedimension. It should be noted that the above integral over t converges only ford < 2. However, the result of the integral can still be analytically continued togeneral d, except to even integer dimensions. Near d = 4 the Γ-function takesthe form

Γ(1 − d

2) =


d− 4− Γ′(1) − 1 + O(d− 4), (5.4.5)

which reveals the ultraviolet singularity as a pole in the space-time dimension atd = 4. Of course, the analytic continuation in the space-time dimension is justa mathematical trick that makes the propagator well-defined in the ultravioletlimit. Unlike the lattice regularization, dimensional regularization is difficult tointerpret physically. Still, it is a rather elegant way to make the formal expressionsof continuum field theory mathematically well-defined — at least in perturbationtheory. Furthermore, it yields the same results in the perturbative continuumlimit as e.g. the lattice regularization or other regularization schemes, but is mucheasier to handle. It is remarkable and reassuring that the physics is ultimatelyregularization-independent.

5.5 The 2-Point Function to Order λ

We will now use perturbation theory to evaluate the 2-point function to order λ.One obtains

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)|0〉 =1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)[1 − λ


ddv1 φ(v)4] exp(−Sf [φ]).



Also the partition function itself must be expanded accordingly, i.e.

Z =

Dφ [1 − λ


ddv φ(v)4] exp(−Sf [φ]), (5.5.2)

which implies

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)|0〉 =1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2) exp(−Sf [φ])

− 1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)λ


ddv φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ])



Dφ λ


ddv φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ])

× 1


Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2) exp(−Sf [φ]). (5.5.3)


Zf =

Dφ exp(−Sf [φ]), (5.5.4)

is the partition function of the free theory. The first term in eq.(5.5.3) is thefree propagator, and the other terms are corrections of order λ. Let us usethe contraction rule to evaluate these terms. In the second term φ(x1) can becontracted either with φ(x2) or with one of the factors in φ(v)4, for which thereare four possibilities. Hence, we obtain



Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)

ddv φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ]) =

G(x1 − x2)1



ddv φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ]) +

ddv G(x1 − v)1


Dφ φ(x2)φ(v)3 exp(−Sf [φ]). (5.5.5)

In the last term there are three ways to contract φ(x2) with one of the factors inφ(v)3 such that



Dφ φ(x2)φ(v)3 exp(−Sf [φ]) = 3G(v − x2)G(0). (5.5.6)

Similarly, by putting x2 = v in this expression, we obtain



Dφ φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ]) = 3G(0)2. (5.5.7)


Inserting these relations into eq.(5.5.5) one finds



Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2)

ddv φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ]) =

3G(x1 − x2)G(0)2∫

ddv 1 + 3G(0)

ddv G(x1 − v)G(v − x2). (5.5.8)

Similarly, the last term in eq.(5.5.3) gives rise to




ddv φ(v)4 exp(−Sf [φ]) ×



Dφ φ(x1)φ(x2) exp(−Sf [φ]) = 3G(x1 − x2)G(0)2∫

ddv 1. (5.5.9)

It should be noted that, like another term obtained before, this term is infrareddivergent, i.e. it goes to infinity with the space-time volume

ddv 1. However,the two infrared divergent terms cancel. Both terms arise from so-called vacuumbubble diagrams. In those diagrams there are pieces completely disconnectedfrom any external point xi. In that case, the integral over the correspondingvertex vk is unsuppressed and diverges with the space-time volume. One can provethat the contributions of vacuum bubbles to general n-point functions alwayscancel. We will not present the formal proof for this, but we will use this resultand always drop vacuum bubble diagrams.

Putting everything together, one thus obtains

〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)|0〉 = G(x1 − x2) −λ


ddv G(x1 − v)G(v − x2). (5.5.10)

The integral over v corresponds to a convolution in coordinate space, which aftera Fourier transform turns into a simple product in momentum space. Hence, inmomentum space the previous equation takes the form

G′(p) =1

p2 +m2− λ



(p2 +m2)2+ O(λ2) =


p2 +m′2+ O(λ2). (5.5.11)

Here G′(p) is the full propagator to order λ and m′ is the mass also corrected tothat order. One reads off

m′2 = m2 +λ

2G(0) = m2 +




(4π)d/2md−2Γ(1 − d

2). (5.5.12)


5.6 Mass Renormalization

We have seen that the mass m of the free scalar particle changes to m′ when theφ4 interaction is taken into account at leading order in λ. Although eq.(5.5.12)yields a finite value for m′ for almost all values of d, m′ still diverges when oneapproaches the physical space-time dimension d = 4. This is a manifestation ofthe ultraviolet divergences of field theory which, unlike infrared divergences, donot simply cancel. In particular, as it stands, the expression form′ still diverges inthe physical limit. To cure this problem, in addition to regularizing the ultravioletdivergence (in this case, by an analytic continuation in the dimension of space-time), we must now renormalize the bare mass parameter m. As we have seen,in the presence of the φ4 interaction, to order λ, the physical mass is now m′

and no longer m. Hence, m′ is physical and should thus be finite, while m is aso-called bare (i.e. unrenormalized) parameter that appears in the Lagrangian,but has no direct physical meaning. Renormalization of the mass means that welet the unphysical bare parameter m depend on the cut-off parameter (i.e. in thiscase on d − 4) such that the physical renormalized mass m′ remains fixed. Inparticular, we now put

m2 = m′2 − λ

2G(0) = m′2 − λ



(4π)d/2m′d−2Γ(1 − d


= m′2 − λ





d− 4− Γ′(1) − 1 + O(d− 4)], (5.6.1)

which means that m depends on d. In particular, now m2 diverges (it has a poleat d = 4) while the physical mass m′ remains finite.

At the end we have traded an unphysical bare parameter m for a physicalmass m′. However, the theory itself does not predict the physical value of themass. Just as we could choose any value of m in the free theory, we can nowchoose any value of m′ for the interacting theory.

5.7 Connected and Disconnected Diagrams

It is useful to classify Feynman diagrams according to their topology. An n-point function 〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn)|0〉 is represented by diagrams with n ex-ternal points xi, a number k of internal vertices at points vi, and a numberof propagators represented by lines connecting the points. There is one lineemanating from each external point and there are four lines running into each


vertex. Vertices that are not connected directly or indirectly to any externalpoints belong to vacuum bubbles. Feynman diagrams that contain vacuum bub-bles cancel and thus need not be considered. In the following we limit ourselvesto diagrams without vacuum bubbles. Such diagrams decompose into variousconnected pieces. A connected piece is characterized by the set of external pointsthat it contains. Those are connected to each other by propagators either di-rectly or indirectly via some vertices. All vertices belong to some connectedpiece, otherwise there would be vacuum bubbles. A Feynman diagram that con-tains more than one connected piece is called disconnected. The contribution ofsuch a diagram to the n-point function factorizes into contributions from eachindividual connected piece. Hence, the problem of computing a general n-pointfunction reduces to the evaluation of connected diagrams. For example, the 2-point function 〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)|0〉 automatically receives contributions from con-nected diagrams only. The 4-point function 〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)φ(x3)φ(x4)|0〉, on theother hand, gets contributions from various connected pieces corresponding to thepartitions [(x1, x2), (x3, x4)], [(x1, x3), (x2, x4)], [(x1, x4), (x2, x3)], as well as fromcontributions in which all four external points are connected with each other.

A useful category of connected diagrams are the 1-particle irreducible ones.Those remain connected when any single propagator line in the diagram is cut.Diagrams that fall apart into two disconnected pieces under the cutting operationare 1-particle reducible. The full 2-point function gets contributions from chainsof 1-particle irreducible subgraphs connected by single propagators. These termsbuild a geometric series. The first term of the series is the free propagator (p2 +m2)−1. The second term contains the remaining 1-particle irreducible diagramsand takes the form −(p2 +m2)−1Σ(p2)(p2 +m2)−1, where Σ(p2) is the so-calledself-energy. The third term is given by (p2 +m2)−1Σ(p2)(p2 +m2)−1Σ(p2)(p2 +m2)−1, etc., such that the full propagator is given by

G′(p) =1

p2 +m2− 1

p2 +m2Σ(p2)


p2 +m2


p2 +m2Σ(p2)


p2 +m2Σ(p2)


p2 +m2− ...


p2 +m2


1 + Σ(p2)/(p2 +m2)=


p2 +m2 + Σ(p2). (5.7.1)

One can now read off the physical mass m′ of the particle from the value p2 =−m′2 for which the full propagator has a pole, i.e.

m′2 = m2 + Σ(−m′2). (5.7.2)


The perturbative calculation from before implies

Σ(p2) =λ



(4π)d/2md−2Γ(1 − d

2) + O(λ2). (5.7.3)

The full propagator can be expanded around the pole at p2 = −m′2 and oneobtains

G′(p) =Z

p2 +m′2, (5.7.4)

where Z is the residue of the pole. Expanding

Σ(p2) = Σ(−m′2) + (p2 +m′2)Σ′(−m′2) + ... (5.7.5)

one identifies

Z =1

1 − Σ′(−m′2). (5.7.6)

The factor√Z is known as the wave function renormalization constant.

5.8 Feynman Rules for φ4 Theory

It is convenient to consider the Fourier transform of the n-point function


dxn 〈0|Tφ(x1)φ(x2)...φ(xn)|0〉

× exp[i(p1x1 + p2x2 + ...+ pnxn)] =

(2π)dδ(p1 + p2 + ...+ pn)Γ(p1, p2, ..., pn). (5.8.1)

The δ-function results from translation invariance. Dropping Feynman diagramscontaining vacuum bubbles or disconnected pieces, in perturbation theory onethen obtains

(2π)dδ(p1 + p2 + ...+ pn)Γ(p1, p2, ..., pn) =



Dφ φ(p1)φ(p2)...φ(pn) exp(−Sf [φ]) ×∞∑





dvk φ(v1)4φ(v2)

4...φ(vk)4. (5.8.2)

Here φ(p) is the Fourier transform of the field φ(x). Since we are interestedin connected diagrams only, we must contract a field φ(p) carrying an external


momentum p with a field φ(v) at an internal vertex v. The resulting contractiontakes the form



Dφ φ(p)φ(v) exp(−Sf [φ]) =exp(ipv)

p2 +m2. (5.8.3)

In addition, the remaining fields φ(vi) must be contracted among themselves,which implies



Dφ φ(vi)φ(vj) exp(−Sf [φ]) =1


ddqexp(−iq(vi − vj))

p2 +m2. (5.8.4)

The momentum q associated with the internal line connecting the vertices vi andvj must be integrated over. After performing the contractions, the positions ofthe vertices vi appear only in exponential factors. Hence, when one integratesover vi one generates a δ-function for the four momenta flowing into that vertex.

These observations lead to the following Feynman rules for the evaluation ofconnected n-point functions in a φ4 theory:

• Consider all pairwise contractions in the product of internal and externalfields φ(p1)φ(p2)...φ(pn)φ(v1)

4φ(v2)4...φ(vk)4 that lead to a connected Feynman

diagram. Each diagram has a multiplicity factor that counts the number ofpairings leading to the same topology of the diagram. Also one must take intoaccount the factor 1/k!.

• Write down a propagator (p2i +m2)−1 for each oriented external line.

• Associate a momentum qi with each oriented internal line and write downa factor (q2i +m2)−1.

• Write down a momentum conserving δ-function (2π)dδ(q1 + q2 + q3 + q4)for each vertex vi taking into account the orientation of the internal or externallines. To each vertex is also associated a factor −λ/4!.

• Finally, integrate the resulting expression over all internal momenta, i.e.write


The number I of internal lines can be determined as follows. There are fourlines emanating from each vertex, n of which are external. Each internal lineconnects two vertices and thus

I =1

2(4k − n). (5.8.5)

There are I integrations and k δ-functions. However, one of the δ-functionsreflects translation invariance and will remain in the final result. Hence, only k−1


δ-functions can be used to perform some integrations trivially. The remaining

l = I − (k − 1) = k + 1 − n


integrations determine the number of loops l in the diagram. The number of loopsincreases with the order k of the expansion and also depends on the number ofexternal momenta n of the n-point function. For example, at order λ (i.e. fork = 1) a 2-point function (with n = 2) receives a 1-loop contribution, while at thesame order a 4-point function has no contributions from loop diagrams. Diagramswithout loops (i.e. with l = 0) are called tree diagrams. The main difficulty inevaluating Feynman diagrams is to perform the loop-integrations over internalmomenta. While tree diagrams are easy to evaluate, multi-loop diagrams aremuch harder to deal with.

5.9 The 4-Point Function to Order λ2

Let us begin with something simple, the tree diagram for the 4-point function.There is just one vertex and all four external momenta flow into that vertex.There are four possible contractions for the external line with momentum p1,three remaining possible contractions for the external line with momentum p2,two remaining possible contractions for the external line with momentum p3, andfinally only one possible contraction for the external line with momentum p4.Hence, the multiplicity factor is 4 × 3 × 2 = 4!. Following the Feynman rules weobtain

(2π)dδ(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4)Γ(p1, p2, p3, p4) =


(p21 +m2)(p2

2 +m2)(p23 +m2)(p2

4 +m2)×


4!(2π)dδ(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4), (5.9.1)

such that

Γ(p1, p2, p3, p4) = − λ

(p21 +m2)(p2

2 +m2)(p23 +m2)(p2

4 +m2). (5.9.2)

In the next order k = 2 we need to study the 1-loop diagrams. Now there aretwo vertices. If all external lines would flow into the same vertex, the diagramwould be disconnected. Hence, either three or two external lines may run intothe same vertex. First, we consider the case where the external line with the


momentum p1 runs into one vertex and the other external lines (with momentap2, p3, and p4) run into the other vertex. There are 8 possible contractions forthe first external line with momentum p1. Then there are 4 × 3 × 2 possiblecontractions of the three other external lines at the other vertex. Finally, thereare 3 contractions for an internal line with momentum q1 connecting the twovertices and one remaining internal line with momentum q2 leading from the firstvertex back to itself. Hence, the total multiplicity factor is 8×4×3×2×3 = (4!)2.Following the Feynman rules one obtains the contribution



ddq1ddq2 (4!)2




(p21 +m2)(p2

2 +m2)(p23 +m2)(p2

4 +m2)×


(q21 +m2)(q22 +m2)


(4!)2(2π)2dδ(p1 − q2)δ(q2 + p2 + p3 + p4) =


(p21 +m2)2(p2

2 +m2)(p23 +m2)(p2

4 +m2)(2π)dδ(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4). (5.9.3)

The integration over q2 was performed trivially using a δ-function while the inte-gration over the loop-momentum q1 gives the divergent (but dimensionally reg-ularized) factor G(0). Similar expressions exist for diagrams where the loop isattached to the external lines with momenta p2, p3, and p4. These four 1-loop di-agrams just give rise to the renormalization of the mass of the incoming particles.Together with the tree diagram they lead to

Γ(p1, p2, p3, p4) = − λ

(p21 +m′2)(p2

2 +m′2)(p23 +m′2)(p2

4 +m′2). (5.9.4)

However, this is not the full answer to order λ2. We also need to take intoaccount the 1-loop diagrams where two external lines run into the same vertex.Then there are again 8 possible contractions for the external line with momentump1. If the external line with momentum p2 runs into the same vertex there are3 remaining possible contractions. The external line with momentum p3 has 4possible contractions at the other vertex, and the external line with momentump4 has 3 remaining contractions also at that other vertex. Finally there are2 possible contractions for internal lines with momenta q1 and q2 connectingthe two vertices. Hence, the total multiplicity factor for this diagram is again8 × 3 × 4 × 3 × 2 = (4!)2. The Feynman rules lead to the expression



ddq1ddq2 (4!)2




(p21 +m2)(p2

2 +m2)(p23 +m2)(p2

4 +m2)×


(q21 +m2)(q22 +m2)


(4!)2(2π)2dδ(p1 + p2 − q1 − q2)δ(q1 + q2 + p3 + p4) =


(p21 +m2)2(p2

2 +m2)(p23 +m2)(p2

4 +m2)(2π)dδ(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4), (5.9.5)



J(p2) =1



(q2 +m2)((p − q)2 +m2). (5.9.6)

We have introduced the so-called Mandelstam variable s = (p1 + p2)2. There

are two other diagrams with similar topology which depend on the Mandelstamvariables t = (p1 + p3)

2 and u = (p1 + p4)2. The total contribution to the 4-point

function at the order λ2 takes the form

Γ(p1, p2, p3, p4) = − λ− λ2[J(s) + J(t) + J(u)]/2

(p21 +m′2)(p2

2 +m′2)(p23 +m′2)(p2

4 +m′2). (5.9.7)

5.10 Dimensional Regularization of J(p2)

Just like G(0), J(p2) is divergent in four space-time dimensions and must beregularized. As before we choose dimensional regularization. In order to evaluatethe corresponding integral we use a trick due to Feynman and Schwinger



∫ 1



[(1 − τ)A+ τB]2, (5.10.1)

and we write

J(p2) =1



(q2 +m2)((p − q)2 +m2)



∫ 1



[(1 − τ)(q2 +m2) + τ((p− q)2 +m2)]2,


∫ 1





(q2 + m2)2. (5.10.2)

In the last step we have shifted the integration variable from q to q = q− τp andwe have introduced m2 = m2 − τ(1 − τ)p2. Also using


(q2 + m2)2=

∫ ∞

0dt t exp(−t(q′2 +m′2)), (5.10.3)

and performing the d-dimensional Gaussian integral



ddq exp(−tq2) = (4πt)−d/2, (5.10.4)

one obtains

J(p2) =

∫ 1


∫ ∞

0dt (4πt)−d/2t exp(−tm2)

=Γ(2 − d

2 )


∫ 1

0dτ md−4 = − 1

8π2(d− 4)+ ... (5.10.5)


The expression has a pole at d = 4. The ellipses indicate the remaining finitepiece. It should be noted that the divergent piece is independent of p2.

5.11 Renormalization of the Coupling Constant

Since the divergence of the 4-point function is momentum-independent, it canbe absorbed into a redefinition (a renormalization) of the coupling constant λ.The coupling depends on the momenta of the interacting particles. Hence, inorder to define the physical coupling in a unique way one must specify a so-calledrenormalization condition. The specific form of the renormalization condition isentirely a matter of convention. It is conventional to define the physical couplingat the center of the so-called Mandelstam triangle

s = t = u =4

3m′2, (5.11.1)

where m′ is the physical renormalized mass. We define the finite part of thefunction J(p2) as

J(p2) = J(p2) − J(4

3m′2), (5.11.2)

and we obtain

Γ(p1, p2, p3, p4) = − λ′ − λ′2[J(s) + J(t) + J(u)]/2

(p21 +m′2)(p2

2 +m′2)(p23 +m′2)(p2

4 +m′2), (5.11.3)

where the physical renormalized coupling constant is given by

λ′ = λ− 3



3m′2)λ2 + O(λ3). (5.11.4)

The cut-off is now removed by demanding that the physical coupling constant λ′

remains fixed at the value that describes experiments, while the bare couplingλ diverges. It is remarkable that the renormalizations of m and λ are sufficientto make all higher n-point functions finite without further adjustments. In otherwords, after fixing the renormalized mass and coupling at their physical values m′

and λ′, all other results of the theory are completely fixed. This implies a largepredictive power of the theory. Just like the classical φ4 theory, the correspondingquantum field theory has only two free parameters. Quantum field theories witha finite number of such parameters are called renormalizable.


5.12 Renormalizable Scalar Field Theories

Let us consider a scalar field theory in d space-time dimensions with a generalpolynomial self-interaction potential

V (φ) =∑


gpφp. (5.12.1)

The corresponding Euclidean action takes the form

S[φ] =

ddx [1

2∂µφ∂µφ+ V (φ)]. (5.12.2)

Since the action enters the Boltzmann factor exp(−S[φ]) in the path integral as anexponent, it must be dimensionless. Consequently, the field φ has the dimension

dφ =d− 2

2. (5.12.3)

For example, in d = 2 a scalar field is dimensionless (dφ = 0), while in d = 4 ithas the dimension of a mass (dφ = 1). Similarly, the coupling constant gp hasthe dimension

dgp = d− pdφ = d(1 − p

2) + p. (5.12.4)

For example, the φ2 term has dimension dg2= 2 irrespective of the dimension

d. Of course, the prefactor g2 = 12m

2 of this term is indeed given by the masssquared of the scalar particle. It will turn out that theories containing couplingswith negative mass dimension (i.e. dgp < 0) are not renormalizable. Hence,renormalizability requires

d(1 − p

2) + p ≥ 0 ⇒ p ≤ 2d

d− 2. (5.12.5)

As a result, in d = 2 space-time dimensions any polynomial potential (p ≤ ∞)leads to a renormalizable scalar field theory. In d = 3, on the other hand, renor-malizability requires p ≤ 6, and in d = 4 dimensions p ≤ 4. In d = 6 we havep ≤ 3, i.e. a φ3 interaction is formally still renormalizable. However, in the ab-sense of a stabalizing φ4 term, such a theory has an unstable vacuum and is thusinconsistent. Consequently, in more than d = 4 dimensions, renormalizable scalarfield theories are necessarily trivial, i.e. they are free field theories because thepotential is limited to at most quadratic terms, which lead to simple Gaussianintegrals.

Let us now derive eq.(5.12.5) by analyzing the degree of divergence of Feyn-man diagrams. For this purpose we choose a more physical regularization than


dimensional regularization, which is nothing more (and nothing less) than a veryneat mathematical device. The most natural physical regularization is the oneusing a space-time lattice. Here we choose something that is more easy to handlein the calculation of Feynman diagrams, namely a regularization using a momen-tum cut-off Λ. In this regularization the integrals over internal momenta qi arelimited to |q| ≤ Λ.

Let us consider a connected Feynman diagram for an n-point function in ad-dimensional scalar field theory with general polynomial self-interactions. Thereare n external lines, kp vertices of type p > 2 (with p lines emanating from them),and I internal lines. The total number of vertices is k =

p kp and the totalnumber of lines emanating from these vertices is

p kpp. Hence, the number ofinternal lines is given by

I =1



kpp− n). (5.12.6)

As before, each vertex is associated with a momentum-conserving δ-function,and, as a manifestation of translation invariance, there is one remaining overallδ-function. Hence, again there are

l = I − k + 1 (5.12.7)

non-trivial loop integrations. Each integration over an internal line momentum qicontains a measure factor qd−1

i , and each internal line propagator takes the form(q2i + m2)−1. We are interested in an upper limit on the degree of ultravioletdivergence of the Feynman diagram. Hence, we neglect m2 in the propagator(whoose ultraviolet contributions are dominated by q2i ≈ Λ2) and we replace thepropagator by q−2

i . The so-called superficial degree of divergence is then givenby

δ = dl − 2I =d− 2



kpp− n) − d∑


kp + d. (5.12.8)

The integral in the corresponding Feynman diagram is convergent if δ < 0, i.e. if


[kp(d− 2

2p− d)] <

d− 2

2n− d. (5.12.9)

In order to prevent the superficial degree of divergence to become arbitrarily largefor a large number kp of vertices, i.e. in order for a theory to be renormalizable,one needs

d− 2

2p− d ≤ 0 ⇒ p ≤ 2d

d− 2. (5.12.10)

This is just the condition of eq.(5.12.5). Theories for which p < 2d/(d− 2) for allvertices are called super-renormalizable. For example, φ4 theory (with p = 4) is


super-renormalizable in d = 3 space-time dimensions. In four dimensions φ4 the-ory is still renormalizable because then p = 2d/(d− 2). In a renormalizable (butnot super-renormalizable) theory Feynman diagrams are superficially divergentif

d− 2

2n ≤ d. (5.12.11)

For example, in d = 4, 2- and 4-point functions are divergent, but all highern-point functions are convergent, while in d = 3 dimensions 6-point functions arestill divergent.


Chapter 6

Canonical Quantization of


In order to get a good intuitive understanding of photons, we first consider thecanonical quantization of the free electromagnetic field. Interactions with scalarfields will be discussed in the next chapter using the Euclidean path integral.

6.1 From the Lagrange to the Hamilton Density

Let us consider the Lagrange density of the free electromagnetic field

L(Aµ) = −1


µν , (6.1.1)

where the field strength tensor is given by

Fµν = ∂µAν − ∂νAµ. (6.1.2)

The field strength (and thus the action) is invariant against Abelian gauge trans-formation

A′µ = Aµ + ∂µϕ. (6.1.3)

In order to isolate the physical gauge invariant degrees of freedom of the gaugefield we fix the gauge by choosing A0(x) = 0. This leaves a remnant invarianceagainst time-independent (but still space-dependent) gauge transformations. Inparticular, after a time-independent gauge transformation we still have

A′0 = A0 + ∂0ϕ = A0 = 0. (6.1.4)



It is convenient to fix the remnant gauge freedom by choosing the Coulomb gauge

∂iAi = 0, (6.1.5)

at an initial instance of time. Then the electric and magnetic field strengths aregiven by

Ei = Fi0 = ∂iA0 − ∂0Ai, Bi =1

2εijkFjk = εijk∂jAk, (6.1.6)

and the Lagrange density takes the form

L(Ai) =1

2(EiEi −BiBi). (6.1.7)

The canonically conjugate momentum to the vector potential Ai(x) is given by

Πi(x) =δL

δ∂0Ai(x)= ∂0Ai(x) = Ei(x), (6.1.8)

which is just the electric field. The classical Hamilton density is given by

H(Ai,Πi) = Πi∂0Ai − L =


2(ΠiΠi +BiBi) =


2(EiEi +BiBi). (6.1.9)

The classical Hamilton function is the spatial integral of the Hamilton density

H[Ai, Ei] =

d3x H(Ai, Ei) =



i + (εijk∂jAk)2]. (6.1.10)

The Hamilton function is a functional of the classical field Ai(~x) and its canoni-cally conjugate momentum field Πi(~x) = Ei(~x). Upon quantization the Hamiltonfunction will turn into the Hamilton operator of the corresponding quantum fieldtheory.

As in the canonical quantization of scalar fields we now postulate commutationrelations between the gauge field variables Ai(x) and their canonically conjugatemomenta Πi(x) = Ei(x)

[Ai(~x), Ej(~y)] = iδijδ(~x − ~y), [Ai(~x), Aj(~y)] = [Ei(~x), Ej(~y)] = 0. (6.1.11)

Again, these commutation relations are completely local, i.e. fields at differentpoints in space commute with each other. The field operator Ei(~x) takes theform

Ei(~x) = −i ∂

∂Ai(~x). (6.1.12)


6.2 The Hamilton Operator for the Photon Field

We now turn the classical Hamilton functionH[Ai, Ei] into the Hamilton operator

H =



i + (εijk∂jAk)2]. (6.2.1)

In order to diagonalize the Hamiltonian it is convenient to go to momentumspace. We introduce Fourier transformed fields

Ai(~p) =

d3x Ai(~x) exp(−i~p · ~x), Ei(~p) =

d3x Ei(~x) exp(−i~p · ~x), (6.2.2)

which obeyAi(~p)

† = Ai(−~p), Ei(~p)† = Ei(−~p). (6.2.3)

The corresponding commutations relations take the form

[Ai(~p), Ei(~q)] = i(2π)3δijδ(~p + ~q), [Ai(~p), Aj(~q)] = [Ei(~p), Ei(~q)] = 0, (6.2.4)

and the Hamilton operator can be written as

H =1




i Ei + (εijkpjA†k)(εilmplAm)]. (6.2.5)

It is important to note that one must also respect the Coulomb gauge constraint∂iAi = 0 which in momentum space takes the form

piAi = 0. (6.2.6)

Hence, the direction of Ai must be perpendicular to the direction of the momen-tum pi. For example, when the momentum points in the z-direction, i.e. when~p = (0, 0, p), there are two linearly independent modes Ax and Ay, correspondingto the two polarization states of an electromagnetic wave or a photon. Using thegauge constraint we can write

(εijkpjA†k)(εilmplAm) = (δjlδkm − δjmδkl)pjplA

†kAm) = ~p2A†

kAk. (6.2.7)

Hence, keeping in mind that their are only two physical transverse degrees offreedom for the electromagnetic field, the Hamiltonian takes the form

H =1




i Ei + ~p2A†i Ai). (6.2.8)

It should be noted that, for a given momentum ~p, the sum over i is restricted tothe two polarization directions perpendicular to ~p.


In complete analogy to the canonical quantization of a scalar field, usingω = |~p|, we now introduce creation and annihilation operators ai(~p)

† and ai(~p) as

ai(~p) =1√2[√ωAi(~p)+

i√ωEi(~p)], ai(~p)

† =1√2[√ωAi(~p)

†− i√ωEi(~p)

†], (6.2.9)

which obey the commutation relations

[ai(~p), aj(~q)†] =


2[Ei(~p), Aj(−~q)] −


2[Ai(~p), Ej(−~q)] = (2π)3δijδ(~p − ~q),

[ai(~p), aj(~q)] = [ai(~p)†, aj(~q)

†] = 0. (6.2.10)

In terms of these operators, the Hamiltonian takes the form

H =1


d3p |~p|(ai(~p)†ai(~p) + V ). (6.2.11)

Here V is the spatial volume. Again, the sum over i is restricted to the twopolarization directions perpendicular to the momentum vector ~p.

6.3 Vacuum and Photon States

In complete analogy to the case of a scalar field, the vacuum state of the electro-magnetic field is determined by

ai(~p)|0〉 = 0, (6.3.1)

for all ~p and all polarizations i. The vacuum is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonianfrom above with the energy

E =1


d3p |~p|. (6.3.2)

As usual, the volume factor represents a harmless infrared divergence which dis-appears when one considers the vacuum energy density

ρ =E




d3p |~p| =1


∫ ∞

0dp p3. (6.3.3)

As for the scalar field, the vacuum energy is still divergent in the ultraviolet.When we use a momentum cut-off, the energy density diverges as ρ ∼ Λ4.


The energies of photons are differences between the energy of an excited stateand the vacuum. In these energy differences the divergent factor drops out. Thesingle photon states are given by

|~p, i〉 = ai(~p)†|0〉, (6.3.4)

with an energyE(~p) = ω = |~p|. (6.3.5)

This is the energy of a free particle with vanishing rest mass and momentum ~p.Multi-photon states are obtained by acting with more than one creation operatoron the vacuum state. The 2-photon states are obtained as

|~p1, i, ~p2, j〉 = ai(~p1)†aj(~p2)

†|0〉, (6.3.6)

Since [ai(~p1)†, aj(~p2)

†] = 0 one has

|~p2, j, ~p1, i〉 = |~p1, i, ~p2, j〉, (6.3.7)

which shows that photons are bosons.

6.4 Electromagnetic Momentum Operator

Let us also consider the momentum operator of our theory. The energy-momen-tum tensor of the electromagnetic field takes the form

θµν = F ρµFνρ − gµνL. (6.4.1)

The Hamilton density from before is given by

H = θ00 = F0iF0i − g00L = E2i − L =


2(EiEi +BiBi). (6.4.2)

The momentum density is given by

P = θ0i = F0jFij − g0iL =1

2εijkEjBk. (6.4.3)

Accordingly, the Hermitean momentum operator of the photon field theory isgiven by

~P =


2~E × ~B. (6.4.4)

One can show that~P =



d3p ~p ai(~p)†ai(~p). (6.4.5)


As expected, the vacuum |0〉 is an eigenstate of the momentum operator witheigenvalue ~0. The single photon states are again eigenstates,

~P |~p, i〉 = ~p|~p, i〉, (6.4.6)

which shows that ~p is indeed the momentum of the photon.

Chapter 7

Path Integral for Scalar


In this chapter we consider the perturbative quantization of scalar electrodynam-ics using the path integral in Euclidean space-time. This theory describes theinteractions of a complex (i.e. 2-component) scalar field with itself and with theelectromagnetic field. Scalar QED can be used to describe the physics of su-perconductors with the scalar field representing the Cooper pairs consisting oftwo electrons. In particle physics the more relevant theory is spinor QED — thetheory describing the interactions between electrons, positrons, and photons. Atfirst, in order to avoid extra complications due to the fermionic nature of elec-trons and positrons (which are described by the Dirac equation), we concentrateon scalar quantum electrodynamics. As in the case of φ4 theory we consider thephase in which the symmetry is unbroken.

7.1 Gauge Fixing and Photon Propagator

The Euclidean action of the free electromagnetic field is given by

SE[A] =


4FµνFµν , (7.1.1)

where the field strength is given by

Fµν = ∂µAν − ∂νAµ. (7.1.2)



Both the field strength and the action are invariant under gauge transformations

A′µ = Aµ + ∂µϕ. (7.1.3)

The path integral in Euclidean time now takes the form

Z =

DA exp(−SE[A]). (7.1.4)

Again, this formal expression must be properly defined by imposing an appro-priate regularization. In addition, in a perturbatively quantized gauge theoryone must also fix the gauge. Otherwise there would be a divergence result-ing from path integration over infinitely many gauge copies with the same Eu-clidean action. Without gauge fixing the photon propagator would take the form(p2δµν − pµpν)

−1. This is expression is a singular matrix (with an infinite eigen-value) in the space of Lorentz indices because

(p2δµν − pµpν)pµ = 0. (7.1.5)

In the perturbative path integral quantization of non-Abelian gauge theoriesgauge fixing is a non-trivial issue. Interestingly, when non-Abelian gauge the-ories are quantized nonperturbatively, using a space-time lattice, gauge fixing isnot even necessary. Still, even on the lattice, the quantization of (non-compact)Abelian gauge theories does require gauge fixing. Fortunately, in Abelian gaugetheories gauge fixing is much easier to implement than in non-Abelian gauge the-ories. In contrast to canonical quantization were we chose the Coulomb gauge, inthe path integral quantization it is easier to work with a Lorentz-covariant gaugesuch as the Landau gauge

∂µAµ = 0. (7.1.6)

The gauge fixing is incorporated as an additional term in the Euclidean actionwhich then becomes

SE[A] =

ddx [1

4FµνFµν +


2α(∂µAµ)2]. (7.1.7)

In the limit α → 0 only those gauge fields that satisfy the Landau gauge fixingcondition have a finite action and thus contribute to the path integral. However,we’ll keep the gauge fixing parameter α as an arbitrary free constant. As we’llsee, physical results are independent of α.

In momentum space the Euclidean action takes the form

SE [A] =1



2Aµ[p2δµν − pµpν(1 − 1

α)]Aν , (7.1.8)


from which we read off the photon propagator [p2δµν − pµpν(1 − 1/α)]−1. Thisexpression is no longer singular unless α → ∞. A particularly simple situationemerges in the so-called Feynman gauge, α = 1, for which the photon propagatorreduces to δµνp


7.2 Feynman Rules for Scalar QED

Let us now couple the electromagnetic field to charged matter described by acomplex scalar field φ = φ1 + iφ2. The total Euclidean action of scalar QEDtakes the form

SE [φ,A] =

ddx [1


µν +1

2α(∂µAµ)2 +



∗Dµφ+ V (φ), (7.2.1)

where the covaraint derivative is given by

Dµφ(x) = (∂µ − ieAµ(x))φ(x), (7.2.2)

and the potential for the scalar self-interaction takes the familiar form

V (φ) =1

2m2|φ|2 +


4!|φ|4. (7.2.3)

Since we now have both scalar fields and gauge fields we can consider mixedn-point functions consisting of nφ scalar fields and nγ photon fields. The corre-sponding n-point function is given by



)|0〉 =



DφDA φ(x1)...φ(xnφ)Aµ1


) exp(−S[φ,A]).


Again, it is natural to consider the Fourier transform of the n-point function∫






× exp[i(p1x1...+ pnφxnφ

)] exp[i(p′1x′1...+ p′nγ

x′nγ)] =

(2π)dδ(p1 + ...+ pnφ+ p′1 + ...+ p′nγ

)Γµ1...µnγ(p1, ..., pnφ

, p′1, ..., p′nγ



Again, the δ-function results from translation invariance.


From the terms in the action which are quadratic in the fields one reads offthe propagators and from the non-quadratic terms one reads off the vertices. Thecovaraint derivative term



∗Dµφ =1

2(∂µ + ieAµ)φ∗(∂µ − ieAµ)φ, (7.2.6)

gives rise to a 2-scalar-1-photon and a 2-scalar-2-photon vertex. One arrives atthe following Feynman rules for scalar QED.

• Consider all pairwise contractions in the product of internal and externalfields that lead to a connected Feynman diagram. Each diagram has a multiplicityfactor that counts the number of pairings leading to the same topology of thediagram.

• Write down a propagator (p2i +m2)−1 for each oriented external scalar field

line, and a propagator δµνp′i−2 (in Feynman gauge) for each external photon line.

• Associate a momentum qi or q′i with each oriented internal line and writedown a factor (q2i +m2)−1 for each scalar line and δµνq

′i−2 for each photon line.

• Write down a momentum conserving δ-function (2π)dδ(q1 + q2 + q3 + q4) foreach 4-scalar vertex taking into account the orientation of the internal or externallines. To each vertex of this kind is also associated a factor −λ/4!.

• Write down a momentum conserving δ-function (2π)dδ(q1 + q2 + q′1) foreach 2-scalar-1-photon vertex. To each vertex of this kind is associated a factore(q1µ − q2µ).

• Write down a momentum conserving δ-function (2π)dδ(q1 + q2 + q′1 + q′2) foreach 2-scalar-2-photon vertex. To each vertex of this kind is associated a factor2e2δµν .

• Finally, integrate the resulting expression over all internal momenta, i.e.write





The numbers Iφ and Iγ of internal scalara and photon lines can be determinedas follows. There are four scalar lines emanating from each of the kφ4 scalar self-interaction vertices. There are two scalar and one photon line emerging from a2-scalar-1-photon vertex of which there are kφ2A, and finally there two scalar andtwo photon lines emanating from a 2-scalar-2-photon vertex of which there arekφ2A2 . Hence, one obtains

Iφ =1

2(4kφ4 + 2kφ2A + 2kφ2A2 − nφ), Iγ =


2(kφ2A + 2kφ2A2 − nγ). (7.2.7)


There are I = Iφ +Iγ integrations and k = kφ4 +kφ2A +kφ2A2 δ-functions. Again,one of the δ-functions reflects translation invariance and remains in the finalresult. Hence, only k − 1 δ-functions can be used to perform some integrationstrivially. The remaining

l = I − (k − 1) =1

2(4kφ4 + 2kφ2A + 2kφ2A2 − nφ)


2(kφ2A + 2kφ2A2 − nγ) − kφ4 − kφ2A − kφ2A2 + 1

= kφ4 +1

2kφ2A + kφ2A2 − nφ/2 − nγ/2 + 1 (7.2.8)

integrations determine the number of loops l in the diagram.


Chapter 8

Lattice Field Theory

When we regularize individual Feynman diagrams, e.g. using dimensional regu-larization, we quantize a field theory in the framework of perturbation theory.Even if we could calculate to all orders of perturbation theory (which is, of course,practically impossible), the sum of all perturbative diagrams would not define thetheory nonperturbatively. In order to quantize a field theory beyond perturbationtheory, we must regularize the entire theory at once. A natural nonperturbativeregularization arises when we replace the Euclidean space-time continuum by a4-dimensional hypercubic lattice. The lattice spacing then serves as an ultravioletcut-off.

8.1 Fermionic Path Integrals and Grassmann Alge-


We have defined the path integral by using the classical action. Theories withfermions have no immediate classical limit, and the definition of the path integralneeds special care. The first step is to define a so-called Grassmann algebra, whichworks with anticommuting classical variables ηi with i ∈ 1, 2, ..., N . A Grassmannalgebra is characterized by the anticommutation relations

{ηi, ηj} = ηiηj + ηjηi = 0. (8.1.1)

An element of the Grassmann algebra is a polynomial in the generators

f(η) = f +∑


fiηi +∑


fijηiηj +∑


fijkηiηjηk + ... (8.1.2)



The fij...l are ordinary complex (or sometimes real) numbers, which are anti-symmetric in i, j, ..., l. One also defines formal differentiation and integrationprocedures. The differentiation rules are

∂ηiηi = 1,

∂ηiηiηj = ηj ,

∂ηiηjηi = −ηj , (8.1.3)

and integration is defined by∫

dηi = 0,

dηi ηi = 1,

dηidηj ηiηj = −1. (8.1.4)

These integrals are formal expressions. One should not ask over which range ofηi we actually integrate.

The Grassmann algebra we use to define fermion fields is generated by Grass-mann numbers Ψx and Ψx, which are completely independent. The index x runsover all space-time points as well as over all spin, flavor or color indices. Let usconsider the simplest (completely unrealistic) case of just two degrees of freedomΨ and Ψ, and let us perform the Gaussian integral

dΨdΨ exp(−mΨΨ) =

dΨdΨ (1 −mΨΨ) = m. (8.1.5)

Note that the expansion of the exponential terminates because Ψ2 = Ψ2 = 0.When we enlarge the Grassmann algebra to an arbitrary number of elements theabove formula generalizes to


dΨxdΨx exp(−ΨxMxyΨy) =

DΨDΨ exp(−ΨMΨ) = detM. (8.1.6)

In the two variable case we have∫

dΨdΨ ΨΨ exp(−mΨΨ) = 1, (8.1.7)

which generalizes to∫

DΨDΨ ΨxΨy exp(−ΨMΨy) = M−1ij detM. (8.1.8)

8.2 The Fermion Doubling Problem

In the continuum the Euclidean free fermion action is given by

S[ψ, ψ] =

ddx ψ(x)(γµ∂µ +m)ψ(x). (8.2.1)


In Euclidean space the Dirac matrices γµ are Hermitean. Again the partitionfunction

Z =

DψDψ exp(−S[ψ, ψ]) (8.2.2)

is a formal expression that requires regularization. On the lattice the continuumfermion field ψ(x), ψ(x) is replaced by variables Ψx,Ψx that live on the latticepoints x. The continuum derivative is discretized by finite differences, such that

S[Ψx,Ψx] =∑



2(ΨxγµΨx+µ − Ψx+µγµΨx) +


mΨxΨx. (8.2.3)

It is instructive to bring this expression to momentum space, because it allowsus to read off the lattice fermion propagator

〈Ψ(−p)Ψ(p)〉 = [i∑


γµ sin pµ +m]−1. (8.2.4)

In complete analogy to the scalar field case we can analyze the fermionic 2-pointfunction for its exponential decay. The energies E of lattice fermions with spatialmomentum ~p show up as poles in the propagator. Here the lattice dispersionrelation takes the form

sinh2E =∑


sin2 pi +m2. (8.2.5)

Like in the scalar field case the continuum dispersion relation is recovered inthe continuum limit for small E, ~p and m. However, there are other momentawhere E becomes small for small m. These are at the corners of the Brillouinzone at which at least one component of the momentum vector takes the valuepi = π, because also then sin pi goes to zero. This is in contrast to the scalar fieldcase, and it is due to the fact that the fermionic action contains only a singlederivative. As a consequence, the lattice dispersion relation leads to extra statesin the spectrum that are absent in the continuum theory. The extra states do notdisappear in the continuum limit, such that the naive lattice discretization of thefermionic action does not lead to the correct continuum theory. The extra statesappearing in the lattice dispersion relation show up as extra physical particles.These so-called doubler fermions are a manifestation of a fundamental problemof lattice regularized fermionic theories. This so-called doubling problem leadsto a multiplication of fermion species. The above lattice fermion propagator has2d poles instead of just 1 as in the continuum. Hence, the naively discretizedfermion theory contains 2d − 1 extra fermion species. The origin of the doublingproblem is deeply connected with chiral symmetry and can even be traced backto the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly. The doubler fermions pose a severe problemin lattice field theory. Without removing them we cannot describe QCD (or theStandard model) which has definitely less than 16 quarks.


8.3 The Nielsen-Ninomiya No-Go Theorem

Before we try to eliminate the doubler fermions let us prove a general theoremdue to Nielsen and Ninomiya: a chiral invariant free fermion lattice action, whichis translation invariant, Hermitean, and local, necessarily has fermion doubling.The theorem is based on topology. In fact, it holds because the lattice momentumspace (the Brillouin zone) is a torus. A general chiral and translation invariantlattice action leads to a propagator

〈Ψ(−p)Ψ(p)〉 = [i∑


γµρµ(p)]−1. (8.3.1)

Of course, the mass term is now absent because it breaks chiral symmetry. Theabove action is Hermitean only if ρµ(p) is real. Locality of the action, i.e. expo-nential suppression of couplings at large distances, implies that ρµ(p) is regularin momentum space, i.e. there are no poles or discontinuities. Most impor-tant, translation invariance implies that ρµ(p) is periodic over the Brillouin zone.Poles of the propagator — and hence physical or doubler fermions — correspondto points p with ρµ(p) = 0 for all µ. Hence, the theorem states that with theabove properties, ρµ(p) = 0 at more than just one point. Let us prove this firstin d = 1. Then there is a single regular periodic function ρ1(p), which should atleast have one zero to describe the physical fermion pole. Then the function ispositive on one side of the zero and negative on the other side, such that it mustgo through zero again in order to satisfy periodicity. A double zero (with thefunction not changing sign) is not allowed, because this would lead to a wrongdispersion relation for the physical fermion. In higher dimensions the proof isanalogous. In d = 2 there are two functions ρ1(p) and ρ2(p). The zeros of ρ1(p)lie on a closed curve in the 2-dimensional Brillouin zone. This curve may be closedvia the periodic boundary conditions. The zeros of ρ2(p) lie on another closedcurve that intersects the first one in the pole position of the physical fermion.Due to the periodic boundary conditions of the Brillouin zone, the curves thannecessarily must also intersect somewhere else. Again, the curves cannot justtouch each other, because this would lead to a wrong dispersion relation. In d di-mensions the zeros of ρµ(p) (with µ = 1, 2, ..., d) lie on d closed d− 1-dimensionalmanifolds. Those cannot intersect in just one point. If they intersect once theynecessarily intersect also somewhere else. This proves lattice fermion doublingfor a chiral invariant lattice action. The theorem does not specify the number ofdoubler fermions. It is definitely possible to reduce the number of doublers from2d − 1 to 1, but it is impossible to eliminate doublers completely. Of course, onemay try to evade the theorem by violating one of its basic assumptions. In fact,people have worked on random lattices because it has no translation invariance,


and hence no periodic momentum space. However, there is not much one cando analytically on a random lattice, even for a free fermion, and it is unclear ifthe consequences of the no-go theorem are indeed evaded. When one violatesHermiticity one looses contact with Minkowski space and it is unclear what theEuclidean results mean. People have also worked with nonlocal actions. Thenρµ(p) is not a continuous function (it may have poles or discontinuities), and thetheorem which relies on topology obviously does not apply. Still, it has turnedout that most nonlocal actions have serious problems. For example, the resultingcontinuum theory may be nonlocal or not Lorentz invariant. In work on latticegauge theory Wilson removed the fermion doublers in a very direct and radicalway, simply by breaking chiral symmetry explicitly. Then the theorem is evadedbecause the propagator then contains terms without γµ. Of course, this leadsto all kinds of complications. In particular, it is nontrivial that chiral symmetrywill be recovered in the continuum limit. For vector-like theories like QCD thisis under control. For chiral theories like the Standard model, however, it is stillunclear if we can define them nonperturbatively due to the notorious fermiondoubling problem.

8.4 Wilson Fermions

In his original work on lattice gauge theory Wilson has avoided the fermion dou-bling problem by breaking chiral symmetry explicitly. The so-called Wilson termgives the doubler fermions a mass at the order of the cut-off while the physicalfermion remains massless. Hence, in the continuum limit chiral symmetry is re-stored in the physical sector. Wilson’s modification of the naive fermion actiontakes the form of a discretized second derivative

S[Ψ,Ψ] =∑



2(ΨxγµΨx+µ − Ψx+µγµΨx) +






(2ΨxΨx − ΨxΨx+µ − Ψx+µΨx). (8.4.1)

Then the lattice propagator takes the form

〈Ψ(−p)Ψ(p)〉 = [i∑


γµ sin pµ +m+1



(2 sin(pµ/2))2]−1. (8.4.2)

It is instructive to work out the corresponding dispersion relation, and in par-ticular to determine the fermion mass as a function of the bare mass m. TheWilson term acts as a momentum dependent mass term. For small momenta it


vanishes quadratically, and hence it does not effect the dispersion of the physicalfermion at least in the continuum limit. For the doubler fermions, on the otherhand, the Wilson term is nonzero, and effectively gives them a mass of the orderof the cut-off. In the continuum limit the doubler fermions are hence eliminatedfrom the spectrum of the theory.

8.5 Abelian Lattice Gauge Fields

Let us consider an Abelian gauge field aµ in the continuum. A gauge transfor-mation then amounts to

a′µ(y) = aµ(y) + ∂µϕ(y). (8.5.1)

Since a gauge field is described by a Lorentz vector the corresponding latticefield is naturally associated with the links connecting neighboring lattice points.We denote the lattice gauge potential by Aµ,x where x denotes the center of thecorresponding lattice link. The gauge transformation equation for Abelian latticegauge field then takes the form

A′µ,x = Aµ,x + Φx−µ/2 − Φx+µ/2, (8.5.2)

where Φx is the lattice gauge transformation associated with the lattice pointx. The derivative of the continuum gauge transformation has been replaced by afinite difference, and we have again put the lattice spacing to 1. The field strengthof the continuum gauge field is

fµν(y) = ∂µaν(y) − ∂νaµ(y), (8.5.3)

while the lattice field strength is

Fµν,x = Aν,x+µ/2 −Aν,x−µ/2 −Aµ,x+µ/2 +Aµ,x−µ/2. (8.5.4)

Here x denotes the center of a lattice plaquette (an elementary lattice square)such that the lattice field strength is the oriented sum of gauge links around theplaquette. In complete analogy with the continuum action the standard latticegauge action takes the form

S[Aµ] =∑



4e2F 2

µν,x. (8.5.5)

Again one can construct a perfect gauge action by blocking from the continuum.The natural way to block a continuum gauge field is

Aµ,x =


ddy (1 + yµ − xµ)aµ(y) +


ddy (1 − yµ + xµ)aµ(y). (8.5.6)


It is instructive to prove that with this blocking a continuum gauge transforma-tion ϕ(y) induces a lattice gauge transformation

Φx =


ddy ϕ(y). (8.5.7)

The derivation of the perfect gauge action is in complete analogy to the scalarand fermionic cases, and will not be presented here. As in the scalar field case,the perfect action turns out to be local.

8.6 The Notion of Lattice Differential Forms

Lattice fields have a natural place to live on the lattice. For example, gaugepotentials live on the links, while gauge transformations live on the lattice pointsand field strength variables live on plaquettes. The notion of lattice differentialforms is based on this fact, and it allows to perform complicated manipulationsof Abelian lattice fields in a simple and transparent manner.

Let us consider a 4-dimensional hypercubic lattice. It decomposes naturallyinto k-dimensional oriented elementary cells ck. These are the lattice points c0,the links c1, the plaquettes c2, the cubes c3 and the hypercubes c4. The duallattice is obtained by shifting the original lattice by half a lattice spacing in eachdirection. The dual lattice consists of (4 − k)-dimensional dual cells ∗ck. Thepoints ∗c4 of the dual lattice are dual to the hypercubes of the original lattice,the links ∗c3 are dual to the original cubes, the plaquettes ∗c2 are dual to theoriginal plaquettes, etc. On the cells ck one defines fields — the so-called k-formsΦ(ck). For example, a gauge transformation is a 0-form because it lives on points,while a gauge potential is a 1-form because it lives on links. To each k-form thereis associated a dual (4 − k)-form simply by

∗Φ(∗ck) = Φ(ck). (8.6.1)

The exterior differential d increases the rank of a form by one

dΦ(ck+1) =∑


Φ(ck), (8.6.2)

i.e. dΦ is a (k + 1)-form defined on the cells ck+1. It is a sum of the k-formsΦ living on the oriented boundary of ck+1. For example, the field strength is a2-form constructed as

F = dA, (8.6.3)


and a gauge transformation takes the form

A′ = A+ dΦ. (8.6.4)

Applying the exterior differential twice always gives d2 = 0. For example, theAbelian field strength is gauge invariant because

F ′ = dA′ = dA+ d2Φ = dA = F. (8.6.5)

The codifferential δ =∗ d∗ lowers the rank of a form by one and is given by

δΦ(ck−1) =∑


Φ(ck). (8.6.6)

For example, the continuum Landau gauge condition ∂µaµ(y) = 0 takes the formδA = 0 on the lattice. The Laplacian ∆ = dδ + δd leaves the rank of a formunchanged. Each form can be written as a Hodge decomposition

Φ = d∆−1δΦ + δ∆−1dΦ. (8.6.7)

One defines a scalar product of two k-forms Φ and Ψ by

(Φ,Ψ) =∑


Φ(ck)Ψ(ck). (8.6.8)

This induces a norm ||Φ||2 = (Φ,Φ). For example, the standard lattice gaugeaction takes the form

S[A] =1

2e2||F ||2 =


2e2(dA, dA). (8.6.9)

The rule for partial integration on the lattice simply reads

(dΦ,Ψ) = (Φ, δΨ), (8.6.10)

where Φ is a k-form, and Ψ is now a (k+1)-form. For a gauge field in the Landaugauge one can rewrite the gauge action as

S[A] =1

2e2(A, δdA) =


2e2(A, δdA + dδA) =


2e2(A,∆A). (8.6.11)

The notion of differential forms is very useful, in particular because it allows usto perform partial integrations on the lattice in a simple manner.


8.7 Wilson loops and the Lattice Coulomb Potential

Let us consider an Abelian lattice gauge theory (a theory of free photons) cou-pled to external electric currents. The currents may represent infinitely heavycharged particles. In the continuum the interaction of a gauge field with an ex-ternal current is described by

ddy jµ(y)aµ(y). Expressed in form language thecorresponding lattice expression reads (J,A). Let us consider the lattice currentof a heavy charged particle moving along the links of the lattice. The currentis then 1 on the links that form the world line of the particle, and zero on allother links. The Wilson loop observable is associated with the propagation of acharge-anticharge pair that is created and later annihilated. The correspondingworld line is a closed loop C and the so-called Wilson loop is given by

WC = exp(i(J,A)). (8.7.1)

The expectation value of a rectangular Wilson loop of spatial size R and temporalsize T is related to the potential V (R) of a static charge-anticharge pair


〈WC〉 ∼ exp(−V (R)T ). (8.7.2)

Let us calculate this quantity for an Abelian gauge theory. The lattice quantizedpath integral

Z =∏


∫ ∞

−∞dA(c1) exp(− 1

2e2||F ||2) (8.7.3)

is still undefined because the implicit integration over all gauges results in aninfinite factor. The quantization of Abelian (noncompact) gauge fields on thelattice does indeed require gauge fixing. Here we choose to work in the Landaugauge, i.e. we introduce a δ-function constraint in the functional integral

Z =∏


∫ ∞



δ(δA(c0)) exp(− 1

2e2||F ||2). (8.7.4)

This expression is now well-defined. In the Landau gauge we can write the Wilsonloop expectation value as

〈WC〉 =1



∫ ∞



δ(δA(c0)) exp(− 1

2e2(A,∆A) + i(J,A))

∼ exp(−e2

2(J,∆−1J)). (8.7.5)

Going to momentum space and performing the large T limit one can derive thelattice Coulomb potential from this expression. The lattice Coulomb potential is


slightly distorted at short distances due to discretization artifacts, but it agreeswith the ordinary Coulomb potential at large separations. The Wilson-loop ex-pectation value is an order parameter of lattice gauge theory. In the case of anAbelian gauge theory it indicates that we are in an ordinary Coulomb phase withthe typical interactions between static charged particles.

8.8 Lattice QED

To construct the action of lattice QED we have to add interaction terms to thefree fermion (electron) and free gauge field (photon) actions from before. Inparticular, the free Wilson fermion action

S[Ψ,Ψ] =∑



2(ΨxγµΨx+µ − Ψx+µγµΨx) +






(2ΨxΨx − ΨxΨx+µ − Ψx+µΨx) (8.8.1)

is not gauge invariant. Under a U(1) gauge transformation the fermion fieldtransforms as

Ψ′x = exp(iΦx)Ψx, (8.8.2)

while the gauge field transforms as

A′µ,x = Aµ,x + Φx+µ/2 − Φx−µ/2. (8.8.3)

To make the fermion action gauge invariant we now introduce the parallel trans-porter field

Uµ,x = exp(−iAµ,x) ∈ U(1). (8.8.4)

Under a gauge transformation it transforms as

U ′µ,x = exp(iΦx−µ/2)Uµ,x exp(−iΦx+µ/2), (8.8.5)

such that

S[Ψ,Ψ, Uµ] =∑



2(ΨxγµUx+µ/2,µΨx+µ − Ψx+µγµU








(2ΨxΨx − ΨxUx+µ/2,µΨx+µ − Ψx+µU+x+µ/2,µΨx)(8.8.6)


is indeed gauge invariant and has the correct naive continuum limit. Note that+ here denotes complex conjugation. The concept of a parallel transporter con-necting neighboring lattice sites in a gauge covariant way extends naturally tothe continuum. In fact, one can define a parallel transporter along any curve Cconnecting the points x0 and x1 as

UC = exp(−i∫

Cdyµaµ(y)). (8.8.7)

Under a continuum gauge transformation

a′µ(y) = aµ(y) + ∂µϕ(y) (8.8.8)

the parallel transporter transforms as

U ′C = exp(iϕ(x0))UC exp(−iϕ(x1)). (8.8.9)

The Wilson loop defined above is nothing but a parallel transport around aclosed curve. When one adds the free photon action to the above expression forthe electron-photon interaction one obtains the action of lattice QED.

Lattice QED is of theoretical interest because it is unknown how QED be-haves for large values of the electric charge. This can only be investigated in anonperturbative formulation such as lattice gauge theory. Numerical simulationssuggest that the renormalized electric charge never becomes large. In fact, somecalculations indicate that QED is trivial, i.e. the renormalized electric chargevanishes in the continuum limit. To locate the continuum limit in such calcu-lations it is essential to measure the electron mass, i.e. the inverse correlationlength of the electron field. The naive correlation function 〈ΨxΨy〉, however, isnot gauge invariant, and therefore does not contain information about the elec-tron mass. The reason for the gauge dependence is that the physical electronconsists not just of the bare electric charge carried by the fermion field, but alsoof the photon cloud surrounding the charge. The charged field of the physicalelectron can be constructed as follows

Ψc,x = exp(−i(Ex, A))Ψx. (8.8.10)

Here Ex is a 1-form describing the electric field of a static charge located at thepoint x, i.e.

δEx = δx, (8.8.11)

where δx is a 0-form which is 1 at x and zero otherwise. The field Ex is localizedin the specific time slice defined by xd, and it is zero in all other time slices.This is very essential, because otherwise the definition of the electron field would


require information about the Euclidean past or future. This would destroy thecausal structure of the theory, and would prevent us from constructing a transfermatrix, and hence from rotating our physical results back into Minkowski space-time. Under a gauge transformation one finds

Ψ′c,x = exp(−i(Ex, A

′))Ψ′x = exp(−i(Ex, A+ dΦ)) exp(iΦx)Ψx

= exp(−i(δEx,Φ)) exp(iΦx)Ψc,x = Ψc,x. (8.8.12)

Here (δEx,Φ) = (δx,Φ) = Φx has been used. Hence the physical charged field isgauge invariant. Its correlation function 〈Ψc,xΨc,y〉 does indeed decay exponen-tially with the electron mass.

8.9 Lattice QCD

The concept of the parallel transporter is even more important in non-Abeliangauge theories. Not even the pure gluon part of lattice QCD can be formulated interms of vector potentials Gµ,x. Instead, the whole action is formulated in termsof link parallel transporters

Ux,µ = exp(iGaµ,xλa) = exp(iGµ,x) ∈ SU(3). (8.9.1)

Again, the parallel transporter has a meaning already in the continuum. In non-Abelian gauge theory it arises as a path ordered exponential

UC = P exp(i

CdyµGµ(y)) = lim



exp(iεGµ(y)). (8.9.2)

It is instructive to prove that under a non-Abelian gauge transformation

G′µ(y) = g(y)(Gµ(y) + ∂µ)g(y)+, (8.9.3)

the parallel transporter transforms as

U ′C = g(x0)UCg(x1)

+, (8.9.4)

in complete analogy to the Abelian case. Consequently, the quark-gluon interac-tion part of the lattice QCD action has exactly the same form as the electron-photon interaction part of the lattice QED action of eq.(8.8.6). Of course, nowthe parallel transporters are SU(3) matrices and the fermion fields have a colorindex (which is suppressed in our notation).


The pure gluon part of the action, on the other hand, is quite different fromthe free photon action in QED. This is because the gauge transformation equa-tion (8.9.3) cannot be discretized in a gauge covariant way, when one uses thevector potential Gµ. Instead Wilson has constructed the pure gluon part of thelattice QCD action again using parallel transporters. First, he builds a paralleltransporter around an elementary plaquette

Uµν,x = Uµ,x−ν/2Uν,x+µ/2U+µ,x+ν/2U

+ν,x−µ/2. (8.9.5)

Then the action is constructed as a sum over all plaquettes

S[Uµ] =∑




Re Tr(1 − Uµν,x). (8.9.6)

It is a good exercise to prove that this expression reduces to the correct continuumaction

S[Gµ] =



TrGµν(y)Gµν(y). (8.9.7)


To fully define the lattice QCD path integral we also must consider the mea-sure. For the quarks we have the ordinary Grassmann variable integrations. Forthe gluons we must integrate over the configurations of parallel transporters Uµ.To discuss this, let us concentrate on a pure gluon theory. The lattice partitionfunction of that theory is given by

Z =∏


SU(3)dUµ,x exp(−S[Uµ]). (8.9.8)

We integrate independently over all link variables using the so-called Haar mea-sure dUµ,x for each parallel transporter. The Haar measure is a left and rightinvariant measure, i.e.

SU(3)dU f(gLU) =

SU(3)dU f(UgR) =

SU(3)dU f(U), (8.9.9)

for any function f and for any SU(3) matrices gL and gR. It is convenient tonormalize the measure such that

SU(3)dU 1 = 1. (8.9.10)

One can show that the Haar measure is unique and that it has the followingadditional properties

SU(3)dU Uij = 0,

SU(3)dU UijUkl =


3δjkδil. (8.9.11)


Here ij determines a specific matrix element, i.e. i, j, k, l ∈ {1, 2, 3}. For compactgroups like SU(3) the integration is over a finite domain. This is in contrast toQED in which we integrated the gauge potential Aµ over all real numbers. Thismade it necessary to fix the gauge in lattice QED. In lattice QCD, on the otherhand, the path integral is finite from the beginning, and gauge fixing is notnecessary. This is a big advantage of the formulation using parallel transporters.

The above pure gluon partition function contains a single parameter — thebare gauge coupling gs. When we want to perform the continuum limit, we mustsearch for values of gs for which the correlation length of the lattice theory di-verges. As always, we are looking for a second order phase transition. To analyzethe phase structure of a gauge theory, one needs to study order parameters likethe magnetization 〈sx〉 in the Ising model. A simple local order parameter like〈Uµ,x〉 does not make sense in a gauge theory. This follows from Elitzur’s theorem,which states that gauge non-invariant observables vanish in lattice gauge theory(formulated with parallel transporters). This is trivial to prove using eq.(8.9.11).A useful order parameter in a gauge theory must be gauge invariant and, in ad-dition, nonlocal. A good order parameter in the pure gluon theory is the Wilsonloop

〈WC〉 = 〈Tr∏


Uµ,x〉. (8.9.12)

For a rectangular curve with side lengths R and T the Wilson loop describesthe instantaneous creation and annihilation of a static quark-antiquark pair atdistance R that lives for a time T . As in QED the Wilson loop is related to thestatic potential


〈WC〉 ∼ exp(−V (R)T ). (8.9.13)

In QCD we expect quarks and antiquarks to be confined to one another by apotential rising linearly at large separations R, i.e.


V (R) ∼ σR, (8.9.14)

where σ is the string tension. In a confinement phase the Wilson loop henceshows an area law


〈WC〉 ∼ exp(−σRT ). (8.9.15)

If confinement would be lost (by going through a phase transition) the Wilsonloop would no longer show area law behavior. A Coulomb phase, for example, ischaracterized by a perimeter law.


8.10 Confinement in the Strong Coupling Limit

In lattice gauge theory it is straight forward to prove confinement for large val-ues of the bare gauge coupling gs. In the strong coupling region, however, thecorrelation length is small and we cannot take the continuum limit. In fact, dueto asymptotic freedom we expect the continuum limit to be at gs → 0. It is anopen question if confinement persists in the continuum limit. However, there isa lot of positive numerical evidence that this is indeed the case. Assuming thatthere is no phase transition between the strong and weak coupling regions, thederivation of confinement in the strong coupling regime would carry over to thecontinuum limit. In the strong coupling expansion we expand in powers of 1/gs

around gs = ∞. To leading order the pure gluon action is then simply zero. TheWilson loop operator takes the form

WC = U1ijU2jkU3kl...UNmi, (8.10.1)

where N = 2(R + T ) is the number of links along the loop. Using the firstformula of eq.(8.9.11) then immediately implies WC = 0. The second formula ofeq.(8.9.11) suggests that to get a nonzero result one needs to have the productof two matrix elements for each link variable on the Wilson loop. This can beachieved by expanding the Boltzmann factor of the action to higher orders in1/gs. The lowest nonzero contribution comes from tiling the Wilson loop withplaquettes that result from expanding

exp(− 1


Re Tr(1 − Uµν,x)) = exp(− 3


)(1 +1


Re TrUµν,x) (8.10.2)

for the plaquettes in the interior of the Wilson loop. Taking the Uµν,x term forall these plaquettes and using the second formula of eq.(8.9.11) gives

〈WC〉 =1


RT. (8.10.3)

Indeed we find an area law and we read off the string tension as

σ = − log(1


). (8.10.4)

Higher order corrections arise from deformations of the simple tiling from above.The leading correction comes from eliminating one of the RT plaquettes of theoriginal tiling, and replacing it with five plaquettes at the surface of an elementarylattice cube, such that the resulting surface bounded by the Wilson loop has noholes. The cube can be attached above and below the plane of the Wilson loop,


and it can go out in the two possible orthogonal directions. This results in 4RTcontributions, which all have four more plaquettes than the leading term, andare hence suppressed by 1/(g2

s )4. Up to that order one finds

〈WC〉 =1


RT(1 + 4RT



4). (8.10.5)

The last two terms are the first term in an exponential, and hence we can readoff the corrected string tension as

σ = − log(1


) + 41

(g2s )4

. (8.10.6)

The string tension has been computed to higher orders. Still, one is unable to goto high enough orders to reach the physically interesting scaling region in whichwe can perform the continuum limit. At present, only numerical simulation tech-niques are powerful enough to enter that regime. Consequently, the above resultfor the string tension cannot yet be compared with experimental results. It isinstructive to derive the glueball mass in a similar manner. For this purpose oneconsiders the correlation function of two elementary plaquette operators sepa-rated in Euclidean time. Using the strong coupling expansion one can identifythe exponential decay, and extract the correlation length whose inverse is themassgap or glueball mass.

8.11 Confinement in Compact Abelian Gauge Theory

The above strong coupling calculations prove that lattice QCD confines at largevalues of the bare gauge coupling. However, the calculation does not really hint atthe dynamical mechanism that confines color. It is a subject of ongoing researchto understand the confinement mechanism in non-Abelian gauge theories. Inabelian gauge theories, on the other hand, the issue is completely understood,even analytically. Of course, as we saw earlier, the Wilson loop in an Abeliangauge theory yields the Coulomb potential, which does not confine in d = 4. It is,however, possible to modify the formulation of Abelian gauge theories, such thatthey also confine at strong coupling. This is achieved simply by working withparallel transporters in the pure gauge action, as we were forced to do in non-Abelian theories. This leads to the compact formulation of Abelian lattice gaugetheory, which is very similar to Wilson’s lattice formulation of non-Abelian gaugetheory. The use of (compact) parallel transporters instead of (noncompact) vectorpotentials has drastic consequences in Abelian gauge theory. As we will see, thecompact theory has magnetic monopoles as additional degrees of freedom, which


turn out to be responsible for confinement. In fact, the monopoles condense inthe confinement phase (like Cooper pairs condense in a superconductor), whilethey are ordinary charged particles in the Coulomb phase.

As we will see, the confinement mechanism in a compact Abelian gauge the-ory is the dual of the Meissner effect in a superconductor. An external magneticfield is constricted to flux strings within the superconductor. The flux stringscost energy proportional to their length, i.e. they have a nonzero string tension.If there would be single magnetic monopoles, in a superconductor their magneticflux would form a string ending in an antimonopole, and hence monopoles andantimonopoles would be confined to one another. In QCD color electric charges(quarks and gluons) are confined. This could be described by a dual Meissnereffect. The Meissner effect in a superconductor arises because electric charges(Cooper pairs) are condensed. A dual superconductor would require the conden-sation of magnetic charges (monopoles). This is exactly what happens in compactQED. It is still unclear if the same mechanism is responsible for confinement inQCD, although there is some positive numerical evidence.

To understand the role of the monopoles let us now consider 4-d compactU(1) lattice gauge theory. This is lattice QED without electrons, but — as wewill see — with magnetic charges. For simplicity we consider the theory in theso-called Villain formulation, for which the partition function takes the form

Z =∏


∫ π




exp(− 1

2e2‖dθ + 2πn‖2), (8.11.1)

where the gauge field θ is a 1-form on the links c1, n is a 2-form on the plaquettesc2 and e is the bare electric charge. First we replace the link integration in thepath integral by an integration over the plaquette angles θ� = dθmod2π. TheBianchi identity is implemented by a δ-function constraint

Z =∏


∫ π





2πdθ� − k)



exp(− 1

2e2‖θ� + 2πn‖2)





∫ π




exp(− 1

2e2‖θ� + 2πn‖2) exp(i(dθ�, k)).



The constraint has been eliminated using the Poisson summation formula. There-by we have introduced an integer valued 3-form k. Now we perform the integra-tion over the variable F = θ� + 2πn, and we obtain

Z =∏




∫ ∞

−∞dF (c2) exp(− 1

2e2‖F‖2) exp(i(dF, k))





∫ ∞

−∞dF (c2) exp(− 1

2e2‖F‖2) exp(i(F,∗ d∗k))





2‖d∗k‖2). (8.11.3)

Eq.(8.11.3) describes a Z gauge theory with dual link variables ∗k and with aquadratic action.

The dual Z gauge theory is the κ→ ∞ limit of scalar QED with gauge groupR. The dual noncompact gauge field ∗A ∈ R is a 1-form on the dual links ∗c3, andthe complex scalar field Φx = exp(i∗χx) is defined in terms of the dual 0-form∗χ ∈]− π, π]. To make the action periodic in ∗χ we also introduce a dual integervalued 1-form ∗k ∈ Z such that the partition function reads

Z =∏


∫ ∞



∫ π




exp(− 1

2g2‖d∗A‖2 − κ

2‖d∗χ+ 2π∗k − ∗A‖2). (8.11.4)

The scalar field Φx carries the bare charge g. In the unitary gauge ∗χ = 0 thepartition function is

Z =∏


∫ ∞




exp(− 1

2g2‖d∗A‖2 − κ

2‖2π∗k − ∗A‖2). (8.11.5)

Now it is clear that for κ→ ∞ only configurations with ∗A = 2π∗k contribute tothe functional integral and that we thus recover the dual Z gauge theory with

Z =∏




2‖d∗k‖2) (8.11.6)

for e = 2π/g. This is exactly the Dirac quantization condition for the bare electricand magnetic charges. Since the scalar particle of the dual gauge theory carries


the charge g, it is natural to identify it with the magnetic monopole of the originalmodel. We will see later that such an identification is indeed justified.

Luscher has derived an inequality between the bare and renormalized chargein noncompact scalar QED in the Coulomb phase

gr ≤ g. (8.11.7)

Here gr is the renormalized magnetic charge. The Dirac quantization conditionrelates the renormalized electric and magnetic charges by

er =2π

gr. (8.11.8)

Duality in the κ→ ∞ limit together with the Dirac quantization condition thusturns the inequality eq.(8.11.7) into an inequality between the bare and the renor-malized electric charge in compact U(1) lattice QED

er =2π

gr≥ 2π

g= e. (8.11.9)

Consequently, magnetic monopoles lead to antiscreening of electric charge, asopposed to the screening of electric charges in ordinary QED. Now it becomesclear why the presence of monopoles can lead to confinement of electric charges.Because monopoles enhance the renormalized electric charge, they can drive thetheory to strong coupling, where Coulomb’s law breaks down and confinementsets in. This is in fact what happens in compact lattice QED. At small bareelectric charges the theory is in the Coulomb phase. Then the monopoles arestable magnetically charged particles, and external electric charges interact viaCoulomb forces. For large bare electric charges the model is in the confinedphase, in which the monopoles are condensed and magnetic charge is not a goodquantum number. In the dual formulation the confined phase is equivalent to theHiggs phase of scalar QED, in which the scalar charged particle (the monopole) iscondensed. The Coulomb phase of compact QED, on the other hand, correspondsto the Coulomb phase of noncompact scalar QED.

In the dual formulation of the theory the monopole is an ordinary chargedscalar field. Therefore it is straightforward to construct a creation operator for it.As discussed before the bare charged field Φx cannot create the physical chargedstate, because it is not gauge invariant. Φx only creates the bare monopole, butnot the dual photon cloud surrounding it. The gauge dependence of Φx is fixedby going to the Coulomb gauge. We perform a gauge transformation ∗ϕ in thetime slice containing the point x

∗A′ = ∗A+ d∗ϕ,∗χ′ = ( ∗χ+ ∗ϕ)mod2π. (8.11.10)


Coulomb gauge fixing generates the dual Coulomb field surrounding the mono-pole. The appropriate gauge transformation at the point x is given by

∗ϕx = −(∗Bx,∗A), (8.11.11)

withδ∗Bx = δx, (8.11.12)

where δx is the Kronecker delta function on the dual lattice, i.e.

δx =


1 for y = x0 otherwise.


∗Bx is the magnetic field of a monopole located at the point x. It is nonzero onlyon the dual links located in the time slice containing the monopole creation pointx. The explicit form of ∗Bx is given by

∗Bx = d3∆−13 δx, (8.11.14)

where d3 is the 3-dimensional exterior differential and ∆3 is the 3-dimensionalLaplacian. In the Coulomb gauge the charged field is

Φc,x = exp(i∗χ′x) = exp(−i(∗Bx,

∗A))Φx. (8.11.15)

This has exactly the same form as the charge creation operator discussed earlier,except that we are now using a dual formulation. If we again go to the limitκ→ ∞ and fix to unitary gauge Φx = 1, ∗A = 2π∗k we find

Φc,x = exp(−2πi(∗Bx,∗ k)). (8.11.16)

This is the monopole field from which one can construct all monopole Greenfunctions. Now we will investigate the vacuum expectation value of the monopolefield

〈Φc,x〉 =1




Φc,x exp(−e2

2‖d∗k‖2) (8.11.17)

after transforming back to the original compact QED. From there one arrives at aCoulomb gas representation of the correlation function, which makes the creationand annihilation of monopoles explicit.

When one performs the duality transformation again one goes back to theoriginal compact lattice QED. The expectation value of the monopole field thentakes the form

〈Φc,x〉 =1



∫ π




exp(− 1

2e2‖dθ + 2πn + 2πδ∆−1(B − ω)‖2), (8.11.18)


The integer valued 3-form ω ∈ Z is a remnant of the Dirac string which emanatesfrom the monopole position x. It obeys

∗(dω) = δx (8.11.19)

such that d(B − ω) = 0. B and ω give rise to a plaquette shift 2πδ∆−1(B − ω)which acts as an external background field.

In the present form it is unclear why eq.(8.11.18) describes the creation ofmonopoles. Therefore we now rewrite the theory as a Coulomb gas of monopoleworld lines. First we perform a Hodge decomposition of n

n = d∆−1δn + δ∆−1dn = d∆−1δn + δ∆−1m, (8.11.20)

where the monopoles are described by the 3-form m = dn. The dual 1-form ∗mdescribes monopole world lines on the dual links, which form closed loops becauseof the continuity equation for magnetic charge

δ∗m = ∗dm = ∗d2n = 0. (8.11.21)

When n is shifted to n′ = n+ dl, where l ∈ Z is a 1-form we still have

m′ = dn′ = dn+ d2l = dn = m. (8.11.22)

One may thus eliminate n from the path integral in favor of m and l

〈Φc,x〉 =1







∫ π


exp(− 1

2e2‖d(ϕ + 2πl + 2πδ∆−1n) + 2πδ∆−1(m+B − ω)‖2).


Introducing a noncompact gauge field A = ϕ+ 2πl + 2πδ∆−1n one now writes

〈Φc,x〉 =1





∫ ∞


exp(− 1

2e2‖dA + 2πδ∆−1(m+B − ω)‖2). (8.11.24)

Using partial integration and d(m+B − ω) = 0 one finds

〈Φc,x〉 =1









Z =∏




e2(m,∆−1m)). (8.11.26)

The expectation value is expressed as a ratio of two partition functions. Z inthe denominator describes an ensemble of closed monopole world lines. Themonopoles interact with each other via long-range Coulomb forces represented bythe inverse Laplacian. In the numerator there is, in addition, one open monopoleworld line that starts at x. Now it is clear that a monopole has indeed been cre-ated at the point x. This shows explicitly that the expectation value, which wasoriginally constructed in the dual scalar QED, does indeed describe the creationof the topological excitations of compact QED. Note that the invisibility of theDirac string is now obvious, because ω has disappeared from the final expression.

Because of the Dirac quantization condition strong electric couplings e cor-respond to weak magnetic couplings g. Hence, the strong coupling limit of theoriginal compact QED corresponds to the weak coupling limit of the dual non-compact QED. We can make use of this to show that monopoles are indeedcondensed in the confined phase. For this purpose we investigate the monopolefield expectation value 〈Φc,x〉 in the strong coupling e = ∞ limit, which corre-sponds to the weak coupling g = 0 limit in the dual formulation. In this limit onlythe configurations with zero dual action contribute to the path integral. Thenk = 0 and consequently

〈Φc,x〉 = 1, (8.11.27)

such that monopoles indeed condense in the confined phase.

8.12 The Monte Carlo Method

The most interesting questions in lattice field theory — especially those thatmay eventually lead to a solution of QCD — cannot be answered analytically.For example, the strong coupling expansion does not converge well in the weakcoupling scaling region, in which we want to take the continuum limit of latticeQCD. Fortunately, the close analogy with classical statistical mechanics allowsus to use other techniques developed there. A powerful numerical technique tosolve problems in statistical mechanics is the so-called Monte Carlo method. Theidea is to compute the partition function (do the path integral) by generatingfield configurations numerically. Of course, the path integral is an extremelyhigh dimensional integral, such that doing it with standard numerical integrationtechniques is completely hopeless. In the Monte Carlo method predominantly


those field configurations are generated that have the largest contribution to thepath integral. In fact, the Boltzmann factor exp(−S[Φ]) is used as the probabilityto generate the field configuration Φ.

In a Monte Carlo simulation one generates a sequence of field configurations

Φ(1) → Φ(2) → ...→ Φ(N), (8.12.1)

which form a so-called Markow chain, by applying an algorithm that turns theconfiguration Φ(i) into Φ(i+1). The initial configuration Φ(1) is either picked atrandom or selected otherwise. Ultimately, nothing should depend on this choice.After a (possibly large) number M of Monte Carlo iterations (applications ofthe algorithm) an equilibrium is reached, and the system has forgotten aboutthe initial configurations. Only the configurations generated after equilibrationare used in the actual calculation. To estimate the expectation value of someobservable one averages its values over all configurations of the Monte Carlosample

〈O[Φ]〉 ≈ 1

N −M



O[Φ(i)]. (8.12.2)

In the limit N → ∞ the approximation becomes exact. At finite N −M onemakes a calculable numerical error that decreases proportional to 1/

√N −M .

Hence, to increase the numerical accuracy by a factor of two one must run theMonte Carlo algorithm four times as long. The Boltzmann factor exp(−S[Φ]) isnot explicitly included in the above sum. It is implicitly included, because theconfigurations in the Markow chain occur with probability exp(−S[Φ]).

To demonstrate that a particular Monte Carlo algorithm converges to the cor-rect equilibrium distribution it is sufficient to show that it is ergodic and obeysdetailed balance. Ergodicity means that starting from an arbitrary initial config-uration the algorithm can in principle reach any other field configuration. Thiscondition is obviously necessary, because the correct value for the path integralcan be obtained only if all field configurations (of finite action) are included.Detailed balance means that

exp(−S[Φ])w[Φ,Φ′] = exp(−S[Φ′])w[Φ′,Φ]. (8.12.3)

Here w[Φ,Φ′] is the transition probability for the algorithm to turn the config-uration Φ into Φ′. A Monte Carlo algorithm is completely characterized by itsw[Φ,Φ′]. Since the algorithm definitely generates a new configuration the propernormalization is

DΦ′ w[Φ,Φ′] = 1. (8.12.4)


When the Monte Carlo algorithm converges to an equilibrium distribution p[Φ] offield configurations, this distribution is an eigenvector of w[Φ,Φ′] with eigenvalue1

DΦ p[Φ]w[Φ,Φ′] = p[Φ′]. (8.12.5)

Now we want to show that the canonical Boltzmann distribution

p[Φ] = exp(−S[Φ]) (8.12.6)

is indeed an eigenvector of w[Φ,Φ′] if the algorithm obeys detailed balance. Wefind

DΦ exp(−S[Φ])w[Φ,Φ′] =

DΦ exp(−S[Φ′])w[Φ′,Φ]

= exp(−S[Φ′])


= exp(−S[Φ′]). (8.12.7)

Assuming ergodicity one can show that only one eigenvector with eigenvalue 1exists, and that the equilibrium distribution is therefore unique.

A simple example of an algorithm that is ergodic and obeys detailed balanceis the so-called Metropolis algorithm. In this algorithm a new configuration Φ′

is randomly chosen in the vicinity of the old configuration Φ. If the action ofthe new configuration is smaller than the action of the old configuration, the newconfiguration is accepted, i.e.

S[Φ′] < S[Φ] ⇒ w[Φ,Φ′] = 1. (8.12.8)

On the other hand, if the new action is larger, the new configuration is acceptedonly with a certain probability, i.e.

S[Φ′] > S[Φ] ⇒ w[Φ,Φ′] = exp(−S[Φ′] + S[Φ]). (8.12.9)

Otherwise the old configuration is kept. This algorithm obeys detailed balance.Let us consider two configurations Φ and Φ′. We can assume that S[Φ′] < S[Φ]such that w[Φ,Φ′] = 1. Then of course, S[Φ] > S[Φ′] such that w[Φ′,Φ] =exp(−S[Φ] + S[Φ′]), and hence

exp(−S[Φ])w[Φ,Φ′] = exp(−S[Φ]) = exp(−S[Φ′]) exp(−S[Φ] + S[Φ′])

= exp(−S[Φ′])w[Φ′,Φ]. (8.12.10)

The Metropolis algorithm is particularly simple, but not very efficient. Itturns out that subsequent configurations in the Markow chain are correlated with


each other. Hence, to generate a new statistically independent field configurationmay require a large number of Monte Carlo iterations. The autocorrelation timeτ of the Metropolis algorithm actually increases when one approaches a secondorder phase transition (or equivalently the continuum limit). At a second orderphase transition the correlation length ξ diverges (or equivalently the particlemass in lattice units vanishes). One finds so-called critical slowing down

τ ∝ ξz, (8.12.11)

where z is a dynamical critical exponent characterizing the efficiency of a MonteCarlo algorithm. For the Metropolis algorithm one finds z ≈ 2, which leadsto a very bad critical slowing down behavior. In lattice gauge theory the bestalgorithm that is presently known (the so-called overrelaxation algorithm) hasz ≈ 1. For simpler spin models so-called cluster algorithms exist which havez ≈ 0, and which hence eliminate critical slowing down. These algorithms areextremely efficient, and allow one to perform very accurate numerical simulationsin these models. Unfortunately, for lattice gauge theory no algorithm with z ≈ 0is known.

The inclusion of quarks poses additional very hard problems in numericalsimulations of QCD. As a matter of fact, computers cannot deal with Grassmannnumbers directly. Therefore, one integrates out the fermions analytically and ob-tains a fermion determinant, that is a very complicated function of the gluon linkvariables. One includes the determinant in the effective gluon action, which thenbecomes highly nonlocal. To evaluate the change in action, which is necessaryfor the Metropolis step, then is a very time-consuming procedure. Simulationswith dynamical quarks are therefore orders of magnitude more complicated thansimulations of the pure gluon theory. It is a matter of ongoing research to findbetter ways to handle quarks numerically. Due to the tremendous difficulties tosimulate dynamical quarks, people often use the so-called quenched approxima-tion, in which the fermion determinant is simply put to 1. It is unclear how thisvery drastic approximation affects the physics. Especially for light quarks oneexpects that the quenched approximation should be bad. On the other hand, forsomewhat heavier quarks the approximation seems to work reasonably well.