quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are...

ORIGINAL PAPER Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified crystalline cellulose surfaces: benchmarking interactions and adsorption of water and electrolyte Philippe Bourassa Jean Bouchard Sylvain Robert Received: 28 August 2013 / Accepted: 12 December 2013 / Published online: 22 December 2013 Ó The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract In this study, we investigate the hydration of three different functional groups present on cellu- lose nanocrystal (CNC) surfaces: hydroxyls, carbox- ylates and sulphates by means of quantum chemical calculation. The performance of several density func- tional theory (DFT) functionals in reproducing, against higher level MP2 benchmark calculations, relevant non-covalent CNC interactions is also assessed. The effect of a sodium ion on the hydration of the surface functional groups was also investigated. Major restructuring of the hydrogen-bonding network within cellulose was found in the presence of a sodium ion. The calculated binding energy of water with a surface group ion pair was also greater, which indicates a greater hydrophilicity of CNC surfaces in the presence of adsorbed sodium. Cellulose hydro- philic surfaces (1 1 0) and (1 -1 0) were also calculated using DFT methods. The results indicate that the surfaces possess different electrostatic poten- tial maps. Hydrogen bond restructuring is found on the chemically modified surfaces. The adsorption energy of water and electrolyte is also found to be different on each surface. Keywords Cellulose nanocrystals DFT Solvation Surface modification Self-assembly Non-covalent interactions Introduction Cellulose is the most abundant biomaterial on earth. It is the main structural constituent of plants and is also found in various bacteria, fungi, algae and even animals (O’Sullivan 1997). In its crystalline form, cellulose can be found in two different configurations: Ia (Nishiyama et al. 2003) which is mostly present in algae and bacteria and the Ib allomorph (Nishiyama et al. 2002) which can be obtained from woody biomass. Cellulose Ib can be isolated from the natural wood fibres by acid hydrolysis, which leads to crystals of nanometric dimensions (Elazzouzi-Hafraoui et al. 2007). These crystals possess a large aspect ratio and their surfaces can be readily modified selectively on the C6 carbons for use in diverse applications, notably in the field of composite materials (Habibi et al. 2010; Moon et al. 2011). Both negatively charged sulphate (Beck-Candanedo et al. 2005) and carboxylate groups (Hirota et al. 2009) can be introduced to the surface of the nanocrystals. These modified CNC particles are found to be easily dispersible in water at neutral pH P. Bourassa S. Robert (&) Centre de Recherche sur les Mate ´riaux Lignocellulosiques, Universite ´ du Que ´bec a ` Trois- Rivie `res, 3351 boulevard des Forges, Trois-Rivie `res, QC G9A 5H7, Canada e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] J. Bouchard FPInnovations, 570 boulevard Saint-Jean, Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 3J9, Canada e-mail: [email protected] 123 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 DOI 10.1007/s10570-013-0150-x

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Page 1: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium


Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modifiedcrystalline cellulose surfaces: benchmarking interactionsand adsorption of water and electrolyte

Philippe Bourassa • Jean Bouchard •

Sylvain Robert

Received: 28 August 2013 / Accepted: 12 December 2013 / Published online: 22 December 2013

� The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract In this study, we investigate the hydration

of three different functional groups present on cellu-

lose nanocrystal (CNC) surfaces: hydroxyls, carbox-

ylates and sulphates by means of quantum chemical

calculation. The performance of several density func-

tional theory (DFT) functionals in reproducing,

against higher level MP2 benchmark calculations,

relevant non-covalent CNC interactions is also

assessed. The effect of a sodium ion on the hydration

of the surface functional groups was also investigated.

Major restructuring of the hydrogen-bonding network

within cellulose was found in the presence of a sodium

ion. The calculated binding energy of water with a

surface group ion pair was also greater, which

indicates a greater hydrophilicity of CNC surfaces in

the presence of adsorbed sodium. Cellulose hydro-

philic surfaces (1 1 0) and (1 -1 0) were also

calculated using DFT methods. The results indicate

that the surfaces possess different electrostatic poten-

tial maps. Hydrogen bond restructuring is found on the

chemically modified surfaces. The adsorption energy

of water and electrolyte is also found to be different on

each surface.

Keywords Cellulose nanocrystals � DFT �Solvation �Surface modification � Self-assembly �Non-covalent interactions


Cellulose is the most abundant biomaterial on earth. It

is the main structural constituent of plants and is also

found in various bacteria, fungi, algae and even

animals (O’Sullivan 1997). In its crystalline form,

cellulose can be found in two different configurations:

Ia (Nishiyama et al. 2003) which is mostly present in

algae and bacteria and the Ib allomorph (Nishiyama

et al. 2002) which can be obtained from woody

biomass. Cellulose Ib can be isolated from the natural

wood fibres by acid hydrolysis, which leads to crystals

of nanometric dimensions (Elazzouzi-Hafraoui et al.

2007). These crystals possess a large aspect ratio and

their surfaces can be readily modified selectively on

the C6 carbons for use in diverse applications, notably

in the field of composite materials (Habibi et al. 2010;

Moon et al. 2011). Both negatively charged sulphate

(Beck-Candanedo et al. 2005) and carboxylate groups

(Hirota et al. 2009) can be introduced to the surface of

the nanocrystals. These modified CNC particles are

found to be easily dispersible in water at neutral pH

P. Bourassa � S. Robert (&)

Centre de Recherche sur les Materiaux

Lignocellulosiques, Universite du Quebec a Trois-

Rivieres, 3351 boulevard des Forges, Trois-Rivieres,

QC G9A 5H7, Canada

e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

J. Bouchard

FPInnovations, 570 boulevard Saint-Jean, Pointe-Claire,

QC H9R 3J9, Canada

e-mail: [email protected]


Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86

DOI 10.1007/s10570-013-0150-x

Page 2: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

(Beck et al. 2012; Montanari et al. 2005) and the

resulting suspensions can be used to make solid films

which display interesting optical properties (Revol

et al. 1998). These films show iridescence specular

reflection. The wavelength can be controlled by

adding electrolytes to the suspension (Dong et al.

1996; Dong and Gray 1997; Beck et al. 2010).

The optical properties of cellulose nanocrystal films

arises from its self-assembled chiral nematic liquid

crystal structure (Pan et al. 2010; Eichhorn 2011;

Klemm et al. 2011). This mesoscopic structure is

retained upon drying the suspension to form the film

(Liu et al. 2011). Other than the optical properties, the

chiral nematic structure of CNC has been used as a

template to induce chirality in mesoporous silica

(Stein 2010; Shopsowitz et al. 2010) and carbon films

(Asefa 2012). Such novel materials based on CNC’s

particular structure show potential applications in gas

storage, asymmetric catalysis and chromatography

(Liang et al. 2008).

To better help understand the behaviour of CNC

particles in suspension, we studied the microhydration

of relevant functional groups present on the surface of

cellulose nanocrystals with and without the presence

of an electrolyte (sodium) by means of high-level

quantum chemical computations. The functional

groups are primary alcohols, which are ubiquitous in

cellulosic materials, carboxylates and sulphates. Such

results will help design future classical simulation

force fields and/or mesoscale force fields which are

needed to tackle problems involving nanocellulose

due the sheer size of these systems. Moreover, the

results will also help better understand the effect of

chemical modification occurring on the different

nanocrystal surfaces as well as the behaviour of those

particles towards water and electrolytes. The perfor-

mance of recent DFT functionals at correctly repro-

ducing key interactions is also assessed.

Computational methods

The computation work in this manuscript was devised

as follow. First, the accuracy of the several DFT

functionals at reproducing interaction energies

between different functional groups fragments and

water or electrolyte was tested against higher level

calculations. Once the DFT methods have been tested,

the calculation of crystalline cellulose surfaces is

performed using other, lower cost DFT methods

because of the size of the systems. These methods

are also tested against the higher level calculations

described above. The adsorption energies of water and

sodium is also computed using these DFT methods.

Finally, the interaction energies between crystalline

cellulose slabs is computed as well. The following

sections describes in-depth the procedures and meth-

ods used (Scheme 1).

Benchmark potential energy curves

Potential energy curves between water and ethanol,

carboxylate and methyl sulphate ester used as stand-

ins for the functional groups found in native or

modified cellulose were constructed to evaluate the

behaviour of selected computation methods at prop-

erly reproducing the benchmark values near the

equilibrium distance and also at longer ranges. The

interaction energy between water and the surface

moiety as a function of intermolecular distances was

calculated and basis set superposition error (BSSE)

was corrected using the counterpoise method (Boys

and Bernardi 1970; Simon et al. 1996). The distances

chosen between the hydroxyl oxygen and water

oxygen for ethanol, and between the water oxygen

and the central carbon and sulphur atoms for the

carboxylate and sulphate ester groups were used for

the potential energy curves. The interaction energies

were also computed using the same distance criteria in

the presence of a sodium ion with and without water.

The systems used for the calculation of interaction

energy are shown in Fig. 1. Relaxed potential energy

scans (geometry optimization at each point on the

curves) were done up to a distance of 10 A. The

interaction energies were calculated as followed:

DEinteraction ¼ ETotal � ðEFragment þ EH2OÞ ð1Þ

In the cases where there are three fragments present,

the energy component EFragment consists of the ion


C3C2 C1












Scheme 1 Structure of cellulose with atom numberings

72 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86


Page 3: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

pair. All calculations were done in the gas phase with

the Gaussian09 Rev. C.01 (Frisch et al. 2011) and

Spartan 10 V1.1.0 (Shao et al. 2010) software.

Geometry optimizations were done at the MP2 level

using Dunning’s consistent correlated cc-pVTZ basis set,

and the energies were evaluated with the aug-cc-pVTZ

basis set (Dunning 1989) as benchmarks. MP2 calcula-

tions offer good accuracy for non-covalent interactions

both for geometries and binding energies, especially for

systems containing hydrogen bonds (Hobza 2011). The

potential energy curves were also calculated using DFT

methods. The B3LYP (Becke 1993; Lee et al. 1988),

M06-2X (Zhao and Truhlar 2007) and the long-range

dispersion corrected xB97X-D (Chai and Head-Gordon

2008) functionals were also used with the 6-311??G**

Pople basis set. DFT methods are much faster and scale

better with system size than MP2 methods, hence the use

of truncated systems. The accuracy of those less compu-

tationally intensive methods will be compared against

MP2 results.

Simulation of cellulose surfaces

Since the morphology of cellulose Ib nanocrystals in

aqueous dispersion has both the hydrophilic (1 1 0)

and (1 -1 0) surfaces exposed to the solvent (Moon

et al. 2011), those surfaces were studied. The surfaces

were built using the known x-ray crystal structure and

cleaving the proper planes (Nishiyama et al. 2002).

The surfaces were optimised using both the solid state

periodic DFT code CASTEP as implemented in the

Materials Studio 6.0 package (Clark and Segall 2005)

and wave function methods using Gaussian09. In the

CASTEP calculations, the systems were optimized

using the PBE functional (Perdew et al. 1996) with

Grimme’s dispersion correction scheme (Grimme

2006), as this method proved useful in predicting the

crystal structure of cellulose I (Li et al. 2011). The

energy cut-off for all periodic DFT calculations was

600 eV, and norm-conserving pseudopotentials were

used. The system was built with 3 slabs of 2 cellulose

chains with periodic boundary conditions along the

chain axis, mimicking infinite chain length. Upon

optimization of the surfaces, the adsorption energies of

water, sodium and water-on-cellulose/sodium ion

pairs were also calculated.

Calculations using wave function methods used the

surfaces of 4 cellulose strands of 3 glucose molecules

each arranged in the Ib form. The B3LYP functional

along with the 6-31G* basis set was used. Adsorption

Fig. 1 MP2/cc-pVTZ optimised geometries of the monohydrated complexes. Sodium ion is shown in purple

Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 73


Page 4: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

energies of water, sodium and water-on-ion pairs were

also computed at the same level of theory, using BSSE

correction. Those interaction energies were also

computed in implicit water using the IEFPCM solva-

tion scheme (Scalmani and Frisch 2010). The implic-

itly solvated interaction energies were not BSSE

corrected since the counterpoise method was not

available with solvation.

Cellulose surface–surface interaction energies

In order to better understand the interaction between

CNC rods, the potential energy curves between the

(1 1 0)—(1 1 0) and (1 -1 0)—(1 -1 0) surfaces were

calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory, using

single point calculations only. The previously opti-

mised surface fragments were placed on top, parallel

to each other, and separated by distances from 9 to

25 A. The effect of the molecular orientation was also

studied by placing the cellulose clusters 10 A apart,

and then having the topmost surface rotated clockwise

from 0 to 25 degrees, by increments of 5 degrees.

Results and discussion

Intermolecular interaction potentials

between water: CNC functional groups

The single water hydration complex structures with

ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in

Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and

the equilibrium distances computed using the MP2

and DFT methods are compiled in Table 1. The

potential energy curves for the monohydrated com-

plexes computed at various levels of theory are shown

in Fig. 2. Calculations show the RO–O ethanol–water

equilibrium distance at 2.883 A at the MP2/cc-pVTZ

geometry. This result is similar with a previous study

(Fileti et al. 2004) which shows this distance at

2.914 A at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ. These slight

differences can be attributed to the use of diffuse

functions in the augmented polarization of consistent

basis sets. Intermolecular distances of hydrogen

bonded complexes have been shown to be susceptible

to the use of such augmented basis sets (Lane and

Kjaergaard 2009). The counterpoise corrected inter-

action energy calculated at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ

level is -19.0 kJ/mol, similar to the (Fileti et al. 2004)

previous study where they obtained a value of

-17.9 kJ/mol at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level.

The binding energies and geometries were also

calculated with DFT methods using a lighter, speedier

basis set. As can be seen in Table 1, the equilibrium

RO–O values for the B3LYP, M06-2X and xB97X-D

functionals are 2.914, 2.882 and 2.878 A respectively.

The M06-2X method reproduces best the MP2/cc-

pVTZ intermolecular distance at a fraction of the

computational cost. When it comes to the binding

energies, B3LYP yields the best results with -19.3 kJ/mol.

Both the M06-2X and xB97X-D functionals lead to

stronger binding energies then those obtained at

the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ levels. A recent study (Hirota

et al. 2009) assessed the performance of various DFT

Table 1 Equilibrium distances (A) and interaction energies (kJ/mol) of the monohydrated complexes for the various computational

methods used

Complex B3LYP/6-311??G** M06-2X/6-311??G** xB97X-D/6-311??G** MP2/cc-pVTZ MP2/aug-


req DE req DE req DE req DE DE

EtOH–H2O 2.914 -19.3 2.882 -22.6 2.878 -22.1 2.883 -18.4 -19.0

EtOH–Na? 2.192 -119.6 2.181 -121.0 2.212 -115.5 2.252 -109.7 -108.3

EtOH/Na?–H2O 4.458 -90.5 4.418 -93.4 4.494 -87.7 4.582 -84.1 -81.1

CH3COO-–H2O 3.171 -84.7 3.146 -93.9 3.162 -90.4 3.116 -81.3 -85.2

CH3COO-–Na? 2.506 -413.9 2.480 -479.2 2.524 -604.3 2.544 -482.2 -595.2

CH3COO-/Na?–H2O 3.101 -130.8 3.045 -146.9 3.096 -133.2 3.081 -125.2 -124.8

CH3OSO3-–H2O 3.484 -59.4 3.393 -72.1 3.428 -67.2 3.391 -59.1 -63.0

CH3OSO3-–Na? 2.747 -465.7 2.721 -537.3 2.765 -536.7 2.806 -621.7 -525.4

CH3OSO3-/Na?–H2O 3.568 -92.3 3.533 -102.4 3.554 -98.2 3.539 -90.5 -90.0

74 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86


Page 5: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

Fig. 2 Potential energy

curves of the monohydrated


Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 75


Page 6: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

functionals for the prediction of binding energies of

water clusters, and it also concluded that B3LYP

outperforms the M06-2X functional. xB97X-D yields

less accurate results for the interaction energy.

Water binding to an acetate molecule was investi-

gated. In this case, the acetate moiety mimics the

carboxylate groups on the surface of the CNC. The

MP2/cc-pVTZ optimised intermolecular distance

obtained is 3.116 A. The counterpoised corrected MP2/

aug-cc-pVTZ interaction energy (-85.2 kJ/mol) is in

good agreement with another study (Rezac and Hobza

2012) which evaluated this binding energy at -88.1 kJ/

mol at the CCSD(T)/CBS level of theory. It can be seen

from Table 1 and Fig. 2 that all DFT methods yield

higher intermolecular distances, with the M06-2X func-

tional being the closest to the MP2 computed value. As

was the case with the ethanol–water complex, the popular

B3LYP function gives the best accuracy in regards to the

binding energy with an error of only 0.5 kJ/mol against

the highest level of theory used in this study. Other

functionals overestimate this interaction energy by

8.7 kJ/mol (M06-2X) and 5.2 kJ/mol (xB97X-D).

Sulphate ester groups are also common CNC

surface modifications. The intermolecular potential

curves are shown in Fig. 2. Given the results compiled

in Table 1, the M06-2X functional gives the best

geometrical results (3.393 vs. 3.391 A) while B3LYP

still gives the best interaction energy estimates with an

error of only 3.6 kJ/mol. The next closest functional is

the long-range dispersion corrected xB97X-D, which

gives an error of -4.2 kJ/mol. Overall, for both

neutral and negatively charged hydration complexes,

B3LYP performs well for energetics while Truh-

lar’s M06-2X gives accurate geometrical parameters.

The computed interaction energies show that water

has greater affinity to the carboxylate group than the

methyl sulphate group and finally the primary alcohol.

CNC suspensions are usually easier made with

negatively charged nanoparticles (Lu and Hsieh


Interaction potentials between the sodium ion

and CNC surface groups

The interaction potentials between the sodium ion and

the cellulose nanocrystal surface functionalities were

evaluated. The equilibrium distances and interaction

energies can be seen in Table 1 and the structures are

shown in Fig. 1d–f. Sodium ion shows great affinity

with both the carboxylate (-595.2 kJ/mol) and the

sulphate group (-525.4 kJ/mol) at equilibrium dis-

tances of 2.544 and 2.806 A respectively, as is

expected of anion–cation interactions. Sodium ion

also has affinity for primary alcohols; the binding

energy between the ion and ethanol is -108.3 kJ/mol

which is typical for cation–dipole non-covalent inter-

actions (Atkins and Paula 2006). There are some

noticeable differences between the interaction ener-

gies computed with the cc-pVTZ and aug-cc-pVTZ

basis sets, especially with the negatively charged

molecules. This indicates the importance in using

diffuse basis functions when treating such ionic

interactions. The interaction energies of the Na? ion

with functional groups present on the crystal surface

are more than fivefold the binding energy for water.

This seems to indicate that adsorption of sodium on

CNC surfaces is likely.

Figure 3 shows the potential energy curves com-

puted at the various theory levels. In the anion–cation

interactions, some energy curves computed by DFT

functionals show unexpected variations at longer

distances. This is the case with the B3LYP and M06-

2X functionals. This raises doubts on the reliability of

those functionals to properly evaluate the behaviour of

such interactions at longer range. Even more so, the

B3LYP and M06-2X functionals show large errors on

the interaction energies. Compared to the MP2/aug-

cc-pVTZ values, B3LYP underestimates the binding

energy by more than 30 percent while M06-2X does

so by 19.5 %. The xB97X-D functional gives the best

results for both the interaction energies and the

intermolecular distances for all complexes. It also

better reproduces the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ curves at

longer distances, implying that among the tested

functionals, it is the best choice for strictly anionic


Effect of the sodium ion on the water potential

energy curves

Energy curves between the various nanocrystalline

functional group ion pairs and water are shown in

Fig. 4. The global minimum complexes are shown in

Fig. 1g–i. The geometry of the complexes seem to

indicate that there are cooperative interactions with

both the sodium ion and the CNC surface groups. On

the carboxylate and sulphate groups, water interacts

with both hydrogen bonding and cation–dipole

76 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86


Page 7: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

Fig. 3 CNC functional

groups interaction potentials

with sodium ion

Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 77


Page 8: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

Fig. 4 Potential energy

curves of the monohydrated

complexes with sodium

78 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86


Page 9: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

interactions through the oxygen lone pairs. Indeed, the

stronger calculated interaction energies over the single

water hydration complexes support this claim. The

interaction energy of water with the carboxylate/

sodium ion pair is -124.8 kJ/mol at the MP2/aug-cc-

pVTZ level. The value is -90.0 kJ/mol for the

sulphate group. The interaction energy of water with

the ethanol/sodium pair is also higher with a value of

-81.1 kJ/mol. The B3LYP and xB97X-D both give

good results for the interactions energies with B3LYP

being slightly superior with an average relative error

of 6.3 % while xB97X-D overestimates the binding

energy by 8.0 %. The M06-2X functional is clearly the

worst at reproducing the MP2 interaction energies of

such complexes with an error of 15.6 %. The xB97X-

D functional also predicts best the equilibrium


Interestingly, with the inclusion of a sodium ion, the

potential energy curves (Fig. 4) of the carboxylate and

sulphate groups show a second local minimum at

around 5 A. The MP2/cc-pVTZ geometries and aug-

cc-pVTZ binding energies of those complexes are

shown in Fig. 5. The C–O and S–O equilibrium

distances in those structures are quite similar (5.008

and 5.255 A respectively). In these configurations,

water no longer interacts with both components of the

ion pair but rather with sodium only in a ‘‘sandwich’’

type structure, much like the one found with ethanol.

The inclusion of modified CNC surface groups creates

different types of hydration complexes around them

upon the addition of sodium chloride, which

showcases the affinity of both the sodium cation and

water towards cellulosic materials.

DFT optimised cellulose surface structures

Very few studies have been done on crystalline

cellulose at the quantum level until recently. Other

than the prediction of the crystal structure of cellulose

I using DFT methods (Li et al. 2011), the vibrational

spectra of polysaccharide clusters was predicted using

the B3LYP functional (Barsberg 2010). Moreover, a

benchmark study testing the ability of various DFT

functionals at reproducing the most stable conforma-

tions of several carbohydrates, including b-D-gluco-

pyranose, has been done previously (Csonka et al.

2009). Unfortunately, the calculations were limited to

carbohydrates in vacuum therefore neglecting crystal

structure effects. Nevertheless, their calculations

shows that the PBE structures are in good agreement

with reference MP2 calculations made on the same

structures. Other than that, insight has been gathered

on the stacking of cellulose chains via hydrogen

bonding and dispersive interactions using cellobiose

units as input models with the M06-2X functional

(Parthasarathi et al. 2011). However, to the best of our

knowledge, no studies were carried out on modified

cellulose surfaces. The optimized structures of the

cellulose surfaces using both the PBE-D and B3LYP

functionals are similar. The PBE-D structures, along

with the electrostatic potential maps of the surfaces are

shown in Fig. 6. The optimised unmodified surface

shows a O3���O5 hydrogen bond which is consistent

with the crystal structure and previous computational

work as well (French et al. 2013). The most striking

effect of the carboxylate and sulphate ester chemical

modifications is the overall more negative potential

energy surface, which is to be expected. We also find

the gt conformations of the C6 hydroxymethyl group

are the most stable, which is consistent with experi-

mental NMR data, hence the lack of intermolecular

O6���O2 hydrogen bonds (Isogai et al. 1989). More-

over, the O3���O5 intrachain hydrogen bond is broken

as O3 now acts as a donor to carboxylate oxygen,

although this interaction is rather weak. We also find

the O2 hydrogen interacts with the other oxygen atom.

In the case of the sulphated surface, we find again that

the O3 acts as a hydrogen bonding donor to one of the

sulphate oxygens. However, the geometry of the

surface does not allow O2 to form hydrogen bonds. We

Fig. 5 MP2/cc-pVTZ optimised structures and geometrical

parameters of the second minimum configurations

Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 79


Page 10: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

find very similar geometries between the (1 1 0) and

(1 -1 0) surfaces, and only the topmost surface layers

showed structural changes. However, upon inspection

of the electrostatic potential maps, we find the (1 -1 0)

carboxylated and sulphated surfaces to be slightly

more negative than their (1 1 0) counterparts.

Adsorption of water and sodium ion

on the cellulose surfaces

The adsorption of water and sodium cation on the

pristine and modified cellulose (1 1 0) and (1 -1 0)

surfaces was calculated at the PBE-D and B3LYP/

Fig. 6 Optimised PBE-D

structure of the cellulose

surfaces along with the

electrostatic potential maps.

Note the O3_O5 hydrogen


80 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86


Page 11: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

6–31G* levels. The size of the systems made the use of

the more complete 6-311??G** basis set impossible

and thus, the PBE-D and B3LYP methods were also

benchmarked using the same models as previously

indicated. The calculation of the PBE-D interaction

energies of water with ethanol, acetate and the methyl

sulphate ester fragments are shown in Table 2. Those

energies vary by -2.9, -5.4 and -3.1 kJ/mol respec-

tively compared to the higher level MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ

calculations. This shows that this function slightly

overestimates the binding energies with water. The

optimized distances are also found to be lower than the

MP2 ones, by 0.027, 0.046 and 0.015 A. Similar

results are found using the B3LYP/6–31G*. It is found

that this method overestimates the interaction energy

of water with ethanol and acetate by 4.1 and 3.1 kJ/

mol. The interaction of water with the methyl sulphate

ester is found to be underestimated by 6.3 kJ/mol.

These results seem to indicate that those methods

show rather small errors in order to enable the

computation of larger, more realistic cellulosic sur-

faces. However, the calculations involving the sodium

cation seems to be less reliable at those levels of theory

since compared to the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calcula-

tions, the energies can be underestimated by values up

to 33 %(Acetate–Na?) and also overestimated by

16.7 % (EtOH–Na?). Those methods also seem to

show large errors for the systems involving sodium

and water, especially in the cases of the acetate and

methyl sulphate ester moieties. Errors in the computed

energies are found to be as large as -34.5 % for the

acetate molecule and -13.9 % for the methyl sulphate

ester. In conclusion, the benchmarking of the PBE-D

and B3LYP/6–31G* level methods show decent

ability to reproduce the interaction energies and

geometries of water complexed with the fragmented

functional groups. It seems larger basis sets/high

levels of theory are useful with systems involving

mixed ionic/electrostatic interactions.

The geometries of the (1 1 0) and (1 -1 0) surfaces

with adsorbed water and sodium ion were optimized

with the PBE-D and B3LYP/6–31G* level methods.

The structures of the B3LYP/6–31G* (1 1 0) surfaces

are shown in Fig. 7 and the adsorption energies in

Table 2. The PBE-D and B3LYP (1 1 0) and (1 -1 0)

surfaces show strong similarities when it comes to the

conformations of adsorbates. First, the adsorption

energy of water with the unmodified cellulose (1 1 0)

surface is found to be much higher than the benchmark

calculations, in both the PBE-D and B3LYP models.

Upon inspection of the optimized structure in Fig. 7a,

we found that the water molecule forms hydrogen

bonds with two sites, which is not possible to observe

in the models used in the benchmark calculations. The

B3LYP/6–31G* absorption energies of water with the

carboxylated surface is close to the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ

which indicates benchmark models can be accurate.

However, the adsorption energy of water to the

sulphated surface is lower than the benchmark models,

which can be attributed by the discrepancies between

the benchmark models and the more realistic surface


Table 2 Benchmarking of the PBE-D and B3LYP/6-31G* methods equilibrium distances (A) and interaction energies (kJ/mol) of

water and sodium with the small model fragments and adsorption energies with the (1 1 0) cellulose surfaces

Cellulose Surface PBE-D (Benchmark



(Benchmark models)




(solvated in water)

req DE req DE req DE req DE DE

Unmodified—H2O 2.910 -21.9 2.859 -23.1 2.782 -76.6 2.765 -65.6 -67.4

Unmodified—Na? 2.199 -122.1 2.172 -126.4 2.506 -608.0 3.887 -356.3 -73.9

Unmodified/Na?–H2O 4.510 -87.8 4.360 -100.9 3.561 -79.4 3.768 -110.3 -81.4

Carboxylated—H2O 3.162 -90.6 3.136 -88.3 3.316 -71.3 3.398 -90.8 -87.4

Carboxylated—Na? 2.524 -497.6 2.544 -395.7 2.724 -854.1 2.663 -649.5 -124.8

Carboxylated/Na?–H2O 3.638 -86.3 3.690 -79.0 3.694 -76.0 3.562 -64.5 -84.1

Sulphated—H2O 3.406 -66.1 3.403 -56.7 3.415 -53.9 3.479 -42.0 -26.7

Sulphated—Na? 2.760 -427.9 2.719 -450.7 2.921 -910.1 2.829 -652.0 -113.7

Sulphated/Na?–H2O 3.641 -81.7 3.610 -77.5 4.094 -76.1 3.903 -77.4 -62.7

The distance criteria for the cellulose surface and the water/sodium ion components are the same as those in the benchmark


Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 81


Page 12: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

The adsorption energies of the sodium cation on the

(1 1 0) surface are also found to be much higher than

those calculated with the benchmark models. Looking at

the structures shown in Fig. 7d–f, we find that the

sodium interacts with multiple oxygen atoms on the

surface, in similar fashion to experimental structures

found previously by a joint experimental and theoretical

study (Peralta-Inga et al. 2002). The very high interac-

tion energies show that the cation has very strong

affinity toward crystalline cellulosic surfaces—more

than water. When calculating surfaces with both sodium

and water molecules present, we find conformations in

which water interacts with both the surface and the

sodium cation in a similar fashion as the benchmark

complexes. Those structures are shown in Fig. 7g–i.

The adsorption of water with surfaces containing

sodium is found to be higher with the unmodified and

sulphated surface (-110.3 and -77.4 kJ/mol at the

B3LYP/6–31G* level) than the surfaces without

sodium. Water binds more weakly to the carboxylated/

Na? surface. This shows the inclusion of sodium ions on

the surface of cellulose can tune its hydrophilicity.

Adsorption of water and ions were calculated on the

(1 -1 0) surface. The interaction energies are reported

in Table 3. The adsorption energies of water to the

surfaces are found to be slightly higher in all three

cases. The same can be said for the adsorption of

sodium cation. Water and ions thus interact differently

with the different facets of cellulose crystals, which

may help explain the previously observed anisotropic

behaviour (Holt et al. 2010; Beck-Candanedo et al.

2006; Dong and Gray 1997).

The absorption energies were also calculated with

implicit solvation in water to obtain more realistic

energetic values, especially with the sodium cation. In

the gas phase, sodium adsorption on cellulosic

surfaces has interaction energies even higher than

some covalent bonds (Atkins and Paula 2006). The

calculation of adsorption energies with implicit water

with the B3LYP functional of water with both the (1 1

0) and (1 -1 0) surfaces only changes by a few kJ/mol.

However, in the systems containing sodium, the

interaction energies are significantly lower with values

corresponding to typical non-covalent interactions.

Fig. 7 B3LYP/6–31G* optimised (1 1 0) cellulose surfaces with adsorbed water and sodium cation. The bottom cellulose layers are

omitted for clarity. Only a still retains the O3_O5 intramolecular hydrogen bond

82 Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86


Page 13: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

Table 3 Equilibrium distances (A) and interaction energies (kJ/mol) of water and sodium with the (1 -1.0) cellulose surface. The

distance criteria are the same as those in the benchmark calculations

Cellulose surface PBE-D B3LYP/6-31G* B3LYP/6-31G*

(solvated in water)

req DE req DE DE

Unmodified—H2O 2.758 -66.2 7.761 -71.4 -77.9

Unmodified—Na? 2.382 -577.6 3.464 -351.2 -65.7

Unmodified/Na?–H2O 4.211 -80.4 4.284 -106.9 -77.7

Carboxylated—H2O 3.195 -73.8 3.233 -91.5 -87.4

Carboxylated—Na? 2.609 -973.8 2.603 -732.9 -157.2

Carboxylated/Na?–H2O 3.822 -74.3 3.581 -91.5 -73.8

Sulphated—H2O 3.442 -52.1 3.555 -64.6 -59.9

Sulphated–Na? 2.911 -956.6 2.868 -689.2 -103.6

Sulphated/Na?–H2O 3.421 -100.2 3.492 -102.1 -83.2

Fig. 8 Interaction energies

between cellulose surfaces:

a the curves as function of

the distance between the

surfaces and b the curves as

function of the angle

between the surfaces

Cellulose (2014) 21:71–86 83


Page 14: Quantum chemical calculations of pristine and modified ...ethanol, acetate and methyl sulphate are represented in Fig. 1a–c respectively. The interaction energies and the equilibrium

Even with the solvation scheme, it is still found that

sodium adsorption on the crystal surface is likely, even

in the case of the neutral, unmodified surface.

Potential energy curves for cellulose surface–

surface interaction

Interaction energy curves between two cellulose (1 1

0) and two cellulose (1 -1 0) surfaces were calculated

as a function of distance and angles between them at

the B3LYP/6–31G* level of theory. The results are

shown in Fig. 8. The unmodified surfaces show little

to no repulsion between each other which is to be

expected since pristine CNCs are difficult to disperse.

Sulphated surfaces show the strongest repulsions. The

results also show, the (1 -1 0) surfaces show stronger

repulsion towards each other which could lead us to

believe that CNCs self-assemble by stacking (1 1 0)

surfaces. Moreover, the energy curves were also

calculated by varying the angle between the cellulosic

clusters. The curves in Fig. 8b show that the repulsion

strength of (1 -1 0) sulphated surfaces decreases

when the surfaces are rotated away from each other

while it very slightly increases in the case of the (1 1 0)

surface. This could indicate that the chiral nematic

behaviour of CNC suspensions are not only caused by

chiral twists in cellulose found in a previous compu-

tational study (Paavilainen et al. 2011) but also by the

crystals simply rotating away from each other in order

to minimize the repulsion energy.


The study of monohydrated hydration complexes

reveals the performance of three DFT functionals at

reproducing higher level MP2 results. B3LYP was

found to correctly reproduce the potential energy curves

of single water complexes with ethanol, acetate and

methyl sulphate. When dealing with strictly ionic

interactions, the long-range dispersion corrected func-

tional xB97X-D best reproduced the MP2 results. For

complexes with both water and sodium, the B3LYP and

xB97X-D functionals both yield satisfactory results.

The PBE-D and B3LYP/6–31G* methods were also

benchmarked and were found to correctly reproduce the

interaction energies with water. Unmodified, carboxyl-

ated and sulphated cellulose surfaces were optimized

using the B3LYP and PBE-D functionals, and it was

found that the (1 -1 0) surface has a slightly more

negative electrostatic potential map. Both surfaces show

strong affinity toward water and sodium cations. The

adsorption energies are found to be slightly higher on the

(1 -1 0) surface. The introduction of negatively charged

groups on the surfaces also showed hydrogen bond

network changes. Potential energy curves between

cellulose surfaces were also calculated. The results

showed that the (1 -1 0) surfaces were more repulsive

toward each other than the (1 1 0) surfaces. Those results

can help better understand the self-assembly mechanism

of CNCs in order to accelerate development of novel

materials based on natural resources.

Acknowledgments We thank NSERC (National Sciences and

Engineering Research Council of Canada), ArboraNano and

FRQNT (Fonds de Recherche du Quebec–Nature et

Technologies) for financial support. We thank the Compute

Canada network and Calcul Quebec for their computational

resources. We also thank FPInnovations.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the

original author(s) and the source are credited.


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