qualities of sound. the sound


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. When any object vibrates, it causes a movement in the air particles producing SOUND WAVES.

When our ear is close to the vibrations of the sound waves, we hear the sound.

Sound can travell very fast. Sound travells at 340 meters per second.

Reverberation or reverb: When the sound waves find an obstacle, they back off. That explains the fact that music does not sound the same way in different places.

PRIMARIA\Resonancia en una copa de cristal.avi

Sound, is collected by the pinna and directed through the outer ear canal.

The sound, makes the eardrum vibrate, which in turn causes a series of three tiny bones( the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup) in the middle ear to vibrate.

The threshold of hearing is the minimum sound level that an average ear can hear, 10 decibels.

The sound which produce pain is the threshold of pain, 120 decibels.

Humans can normally hear sound frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hertz, that is between 20 and 20, 000 Vibrations per second.

When a sound waves frequency lies above 20,000 Hertz it is called an ultrasonic wave, and when a sound waves frequency lies below 20,000 Hertz is called an infrasonic wave.

Silence, is the relative or total lack of audible sound. In music, silence is as important as sound.

Some composers have used silence like main element of their creations, such as John Cage with his musical composition 4`33”.

Noise pollution, is a displeasing human, animal or machine-created sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life.

Noise pollution, can cause hypertension, high stress levels, sleep disturbances, etc.

The sound is an essential element in a music creation.

The study of its qualities and elements and the way in which they are organized is so called musical language.

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PRIMARIA\Bobby McFerrin - Concert Solo.avi





How loud of soft the sounds are. The intensity of a sound is measured in decibels (DB).

The intensity of a sound depends on the amplitude of the sound wave.

Amplitude is the size of the vibration, and this determines how loud the sound is.

How long or short notes are.

The duration of a sound depends on the persistence of the sound wave, that is, the amount of time in which the vibration is extinguished.

The highest persistence, the longest sound.

The lowest persistence, the shortest sound.

Figuras: signos que representan la duración del sonido

A rest: Is an interval of silence in a piece of music. Each note has got a rest.

Compás: división del tiempo en partes iguales. Numerador: número de tiempos Denominador: figura unidad de tiempo

Music is often divided up into units measures or bars.

Simple time measure, consist of two numerals, one stacked above the other:

A.The top number tells us how many beats.

B.The bottom number tells us what kind of note gets the beat.

The most common simple time signatures are 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4.

Tempo: velocidad de interpretación de una obra musical

Largo: muy despacio Adagio: despacio Andante: normal Allegro: deprisa Presto: muy deprisa

Frequency, the perception of a high or low sound, is mesure in Hertz ( Hz).

Frequency is the speed of the vibration. The highest the frequency, the highest

sound. The lowest the frequency, the lowest


The timbre, is the combination of qualities of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.

It depends on the mixture of the fundamental sound and its harmonic sounds.

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PRIMARIA\M. Falla. La vida breve.Danza española nº 1. Lucero Tena.avi

PRIMARIA\CARMEN Prelude by Bizet Berlin Philharmonic Abbado.mp4

Musical notation, is the special language used by musicians to represent music.



HIGH ( alto)


SOFT ( suave)


SHORT (corto)


INSTRUMENTS (instrumentos)

1. What is sound?2. What are the qualities of sound?3. How is sound produced?4. How fast can sound travell?5. What is reverberation?6. What is echo?7. How do we hear? Explain the process.

8. What is an ultrasonic wave?9. What is an infrasonic wave?10. What is the threshold of hearing?11. What is the threshold of pain?12. What is silence?13. What is noise pollution?14. Which problems can noise pollution

cause?15. What is frequency? Explain the notation

16. What is duration? Explain the notation

17. What is duration? Explain the notation

18. What is intensity? Explain thenotation. 19. What is timbre? Explain the notation 20. What is amplitude? 21. What are the measures? Explain.

1. Listen carefully to the four pieces of music that we show you where you can appreciate the work of the different qualities of sound.

1. Otoño(1º movimiento) Vivaldi2. Goyescas(intermedio)Granados.

3. Sherezade. Rimsky Korsakov4. Guía de orquesta para jóvenes.Britten

2. Match each piece of music with the qualities of sound.

Holst Frequency Brahms Duration R. Strauss Intensity Beethoven Timbre