quaker chemical corpt - infohouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfmicrocut/microgrind 541-pw page...

/ F%5€39 . - QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt MICROCUT/MICROORIWD 541-PW HIGH PERFORMANCE, COMPLETELY SYNTHETIC-EMULSION TYPE MACHINING & GRINDING FLUID This 100% active synthetic fluid is recommended for use in medium to severe machining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. It is particularly useful for medium to heavy-duty machining operations on aluminum alloys containing silicon where critical finish and/or dimensional tolerances are demanded. It contains no phenols, petroleum hydrocarbons (mineral oil, solvents, etc.) polychlorinated biphenyls, mercurials, nitrites, phosphates, glycols or borates. ADVANTAGES 1. Synthetic composition is stable in hard water of up to 350 ppm and affords excellent bioresistance for long sump life. and long-term cost stability when compared to petroleum-based products. It also assures availability 2. Highly polar, synthetic lubricating ingredients: a. Reduce tool wear. b. Produce excellent finish characteristics. 3. Formulated to be machine tool compatible. Contains inorganic Salts of any type. machine parts, particularly important on transfer machines. Completely fluid residues will not cause sticking of gauges and 4. Low foaming - even at high coolant pressures. 5. Formulation does not contain chlorine, sulfur, or phosphorus, making it desirable for Aerospace applications. - continued -

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Page 1: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity


F%5€39 . -




This 100% active synthetic fluid is recommended for use in medium to severe machining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. It is particularly useful for medium to heavy-duty machining operations on aluminum alloys containing silicon where critical finish and/or dimensional tolerances are demanded.

It contains no phenols, petroleum hydrocarbons (mineral oil, solvents, etc.) polychlorinated biphenyls, mercurials, nitrites, phosphates, glycols or borates.


1. Synthetic composition is stable in hard water of up to 350 ppm and affords excellent bioresistance for long sump life. and long-term cost stability when compared to petroleum-based products.

It also assures availability

2 . Highly polar, synthetic lubricating ingredients:

a. Reduce tool wear. b. Produce excellent finish characteristics.

3. Formulated to be machine tool compatible. Contains inorganic Salts of any type. machine parts, particularly important on transfer machines.

Completely fluid residues will not cause sticking of gauges and

4 . Low foaming - even at high coolant pressures. 5 . Formulation does not contain chlorine, sulfur, or phosphorus, making it

desirable for Aerospace applications.

- continued -

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Microcut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2


Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid

Viscosity @ 100°F: 800 - 1000 S.U.S. WeightfGallon @ 6OoF: 7.86 Pounds

pH of 3% Used Emulsion: 8.8 - 9.2 Freezing Point: NfA

Flash Point: 400°F C.O.C.


Falex test using steel pins and V-Blocks:

A 5% concentration gave full load (4500 pounds] at a torque of 53 in./lbs. V-blocks and pins had light wear.


For both machining and grinding, this product is normally used in the 1:20 to 1:50 dilution range depending on the severity of the operation. suggested that ambient temperature water be used for dilution.

It is The product

be added to water and vice versa.


This product responds well to acidfalum and/or inorganic saltfpolymer demulsifying techniques. product is also suitable for use in areas using physical separation techniques, such as ultra-filtration.

Due to the particle size of the emulsion, the

*This data not intended for specification purposes.

Prior to using this product, please consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for instructions regarding safe handling.

RCL/AM/CCC 1-10638

The information contained and the mommendations made in this data sheet are based upon data collected and believed by us ta be corn However. no guarantee or warranty of an kind, expressed or implied, is made herein with wpect ta the products described and the buyer m aasumetuUwponaibilityforehe~ults, r" theusethemof. Consult theMate~alSafetyDataSheetand containerlabelmgardingstor~pro use and dmposability

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SRegistered Ttademark of Quaker Chemical Corporation

tners in Processing

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les Offices And Manufacturing Elm & Lee Streets Conshohocken, PA 19428

14301 Binvood Avenue Detroit, MI 48238

(215) 832-4000

(215) 832-4000

13131 931-6910 I ,

10735 Kadota Avenue Pomona, CA 91766 (714) 629-9776 AREHOUSES Houston, TX Cleveland, TN Albaw, OR UAKER PETROLEUM HEMICALS COMPANY P.O. Box 2927 Conroe, TX 77305 (409) 231-2244 LPINE LABS P.O. Box 161309 Fort Worth, TX 76161 C PRODUCTS, INC. 172 East La Jolla Street Placentia, CA 92670

UAKER CONSTRUCTION IODUCTS, INC. 8810 W. 100th Street South Sapulpa, OK 74066

Multi-Chemical Products, Inc. 2128 North Merced Avenue

(714) 630-7311

(918) 227-4535

P.O. Box 3567 South El Monte, CA 91733 (213) 686-0682


P.O. Box 579 (Pty.) Limited 142@CN, Uithoorn 188 Lansdowne Road The Netherlands

Quaker Chemical B.V. P.O. Box 39 1420 AA, Uithoorn The Netherlands Quaker Chemical Limited Woodchester, Stroud Gloucestershire, GL5 5Ht England Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5M1

20, rue Antoine Lavoisler 95300 Pontoise France

Lungadige Attiraglio N. 50-51 37025 Diga Parona LICENSEES:

Quaker Chemical Europe B.V. Quaker Commercial Chemicals

Jacobs, 4052, Natal Republic of South Africa

Apartado Postal 4425 SUC. de Correos "H" Monterrey, N.L., Mexico QuakerChem Canada Limited 6800 Kitimat Road, Unit 32

PcniQuimia Mexicana S.A. de C.V.

Quaker Chemical S.A.R.L. Canada Kelko Quaker Chemical, S.A. Av. Francisco de Miranda Edificio Parque Cristal, Piso 7 "re Este, Los Palos Grandes Caracas 106OA, Venezuela Quaker Chemical, S.p.A.

Verona, Italy Quaker Quimica Espaiiola, S.A. Poligono Industrial URVASA Calle Maresme esquina Ripo1li.s 08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda Barcelona, Spain Quaker Chemical Holdings UK Limited Inveresk House, Aldwych London WC2B 45P, England

Quaker Chemical (Australasia)

Queppler S.A. Suipacha 472 Ninth Floor, Office 901 1008, Buenos Aires Republic of Argentina H.L. Blachford, Ltd. 2323 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K5 Canada

1, Acharya ragadish Chandra Bose Road

Asian01 Lubricants Pvt. Ltd.

Pty. Limited Calcutta 700 020 8 Abbott Road India Seven Hills, N.S.W. 2147 Australia 703 Yangjae-Dong

1-3, 2-Chome, Shibukawa-Cho Seoul, Korea Yao City Osaka, rapan

Buhmwoo Company, Ltd.

Nippon Quaker Chemical, Ltd. Seocho-Ku

QSC Products, Ltd. 8810 W. 100th Street South Sapulpa, OK 74066 (918) 227-4535 Selby, Battersby & Co. 8810 W. 100th Street South Sapulpa, OK 74066 (918) 227-4535

QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPORATION Elm & Lee Streets Conshohocken, PA 19428 Tel: (215) 832-4000 Telex: 685-1093 (Worldwide]

'b ,.:' w '- ,. .

Page 5: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity


The Cool Facts


Recycling Metalworking



Coolants are one of the most often over-looked costs in the metal working industry. Skyrocketing disposal costs and increasingly strict discharge limitations are forcing more metalworxing industries to evaluate their coolant management programs. Rather than expend valuable resources on end-of- pipe treatment systems, source reduction and recycling are becomlng the methods for reducing waste generation.

This fact sheet Introduces basic techniques for extending coolant life while decreasing waste disposal costs and environmental liability. The techniques and technologies reviewed within are applicable to any size facility and readily adaptible to each individual situation.

Common Problems Associated with Metalworking Coolants

0 Lost production time and dollars due to frequent fluid replacement 0 Excessive tool breakage, poor quality finish 0 Growth of bacteria leading to fluid failure and offensive odor 0 Uncoordinated purchasing of a variety of coolants for similar

apDiications 0 Increasingly strict discharge iimlts on fats, oils, and grease

Source Reduction is the Solution

The life span of most metal working coolants can be extended two to three fold with proper management techniques.

will eliminate the majority of factors that lead to premature coolant disposal. Coolant can often times be recycled on site to further extend the life of fluid.

. Removal of tramp oils, metal fines and control of bacterial growth


Incentives for Recycling Metalworking Fluids



. Reduced environmental liobilifv

Substantial savings from reduced purchase / disposal fees improved worker health and work environment Increased productivity due to reduced down time and tool costs . Efficient use of minimum number of coolant types

Office of Technical Assistance, EOEA. 100 Cambridge St. Rm 1904, Boston, Ma 02202

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Remove Tramp Oils

Tramp oils, floating and emulsified, are a primary food source for aerobic (which significantly degrade coolant) and anaerobic (which produce the 'Monday morning' stench) bacteria. These bacteria break down the lubricants and corrosion inhibitors in the coolant package and. contribute to skin irritations.

Floating oils can be skimmed from surface by either a belt or disc skimmer. Belt skimmers allow the tramp oil to be deposited directly to a drum or other container, but disc skimmers may be easier to install and maintain in areas where space is tight and fluid level changes are slight. Timers can be placed on skimmers to eliminate the need to be turned off manually.

Emulsified oils (those which mix with the coolant and will not float to the surface) can only be effectively removed through the use of high- speed, disc-bowl centrifuges. To effectively break the emulsions, remove metal fines and most bacteria, coolants should be centrifuged on a regular preventative maintenance schedule.

Remove Metal Chips

Metal chips from grinding, milling and other processes present the largest source of contamination to cutting fluids by fouling machining operations and serving as a site for bacterial growth.

Pre-screen metal fines at the caolant entrances to work station sumps. Larger end of pipe screens can be placed at the central collection tank if coolant sumps can not be modified.

Control Bacterial Growth

Thoroughly clean machines using an alkaline cleaner and remove all bacteria laden sludge from sumps.

Schedule sump pump-outs and monitor pH and concentration to reduce the need to 'shock' the coolant with biocides.

Centrifugation and/or pastuerization are the preffered means to control bacteria without excessive biocide use.

Additional Considerations

Ion Exchange columns should be considered in areas of particularly hard tap water to further extend the life of the fluids.

Refractometers or titration kits can help maintian manufacturers recommended coolant to water ratios, simply, and inexpensively, further extending coolant life.

Careful selection of a long life coolant will help extend coolant life in machine sumps that are dimcult to access or in remote locations of the shop.

Location, size and accessibility of coolant sumps should be considered when purchasing new equipment. External or removable sumps constructed of sheet metal with rounded corners are easiest to clean.

Disposal. Coolants should not go bad during normal use if they are recycled on a regular basis. However, accidental contamination or coolants left idle over a two week shut down may require disposal. To reduce disposal costs the following options might be considered. Coolant can be run through an in house ultra-filtration unit, chemically split or evaporated.

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The following is a partial list of vendors speclalidng in metalworking coolant technologies. This list is by no means complete, and does not reflect the preferences of the Office of Technlcoi Assistance.


Angus Chemlcol Company 211 sanders Rd. Northb&,IL 60062 800-323-6209

LTD 1 4 & Englneeling, lnc. 72 CamWge St. Worcester, MA 01603-2369 50&799-0190

Master chemloal Cap. 610 W. Boundary Rd.. Box 361 Penysbug. OH 435510361 419-874-7932

Rad0 a co., Inc. 34 Albany st. Worcester, MA 01613 508-756-2461

Rohm & Hoos Co. Gemlnl Tower 1. Sulte 405 1991 O&er Rd. W&ke.OH 44145 216-892-0077


A M L Induslrles. Inc.

Hdboro,PA 19040 21 5443-7878

3500 Davisvnle RCJ.

Andrew 8. Anderson P.0.Box 184 Worcester, MA 01613 61 7-753-7580

Barrefi CenMfugak Box 15059 Worcester, MA 01615059 508-7554306

HA. Wilson Co. P . 0 . b ~ 252 Lexington, MA 02173 61 7-861-8030

.. Mars - Tech

BlW Wl. PA 19422 2156434709

250 Copper Beech Dr.

Master chemlcol Cap. 610 W. Boundary Rd., Box 361 P e W w g , OH 435510361 419-074-7902


Bulier Rltratlon Cow. 251 Moody st. Ludl0w.MA 01056 413-647-8557

Clean 011 l e c h n o ~ 743 N. Maln St. Leomlnster, MA 01453 5085374477

Ruki Recyd!ng of CT 99 Clark Dr. Berlin.CT 06023 203-82a-iaa

Recovery Systems 342 E. Washlngton St. North Affleboro, MA 02760 508-699-4382


Hyde Products Inc. 28045 Ranney Parkway Cleveland. OH 44145 2 16-87 1-4885

Northeast Fluld Control 1100 Mass. Ave. Arlington. MA 02173 617-861-8033

Romlcon, Inc. 100 Cummlngs Park Wobum, MA 01801 61 7-9357840

This fact sheet is one in a series put together to provide information on technologies available for source reduction within industry. The Office of Technical Assistance (OTA) has been actively helping industry reduce toxics use since 1983. To find out more about OTA, source reduction, or information on reducing a particular waste stream please call. (61 7) 727-3260. OTA gratefully acknowledges the Upper Biackstone Water Pollution Abatement District for underwriting the expenses of this fact sheet.

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The Raymond Corporation. a medium sized machine shop in Greene, N.Y., was plagued by many typical metalworking

Operator dermatitis and monday

High disposal costs for spent coolants. 0 Bulid up of tramp oils.

Seven different coolants In one shop.

Raymond Corporation engineers designed a system to remove tramp oils and process coolant at a central IocaRon separate from the machine tools, minimizing production down time. A sump cleaner, with separate compartments for clean and dirty coolant, is brought to each machine sump where all the old Coolant and debris are removed. The machine sump Is then thoroughly cleaned and fliled with new coolant.

After several machines are serviced. the dirty coolant in the sump cleaner is pumped to a settling tank. The cooant is then run through a coalescing unit to remove tramp oil. Clean fluid is stored in a holding tank, the waste oil is burned. Make up coolant, added to compensate for evaporative and drag out losses, is mixed with deionized water by means of an automatic mixing unit. This ensures a steady supply of properly mixed coolant. The use of deionized water insures a fluid free of mineral salts, often present in public water supplies. whlch can result In corrosion, gummy deposits and emuision splitting.

under $20,000. The use of this system has resulted in the following savings:

0 $8,00O/year in purchased coolant. $10,0OO/year in disposal costs. $8,80O/year in downtime.

Recycling coolant saved Raymond

. problems: . morning odor.

The coolant recycling equipment cost

Corp. $26,000 in the first year and paid for itself in 10 months (Reprmted wllh permission from Raymond Corp.)

Many of the techniques for extending the life of metalworking coolants mentioned in this fact sheet are depicted in the diagram below. If space allows, the use of a centralized recycling area In your shop will keep the production areas clear of the recycling operation. A hlgh- speed, disc-bowl centrifuge is an important part of the recycling system since it removes 011s that won't float or settle out. A pH meter connected to the centrifuge oulflow will help malntaln fluid quality. Flnally. adding a few additional controls, It would be posslble to totally automate the central coolant recycling system.

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DESCRIPTION As a new-generation Semisynthetic fluid. CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid uniquely blends the teohnologiedl advantagas Qf modern day synthetics with the performance capabilities of soluble oils.

CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid is a clean, completely water-soluble, nonnitrile, nonphenolic, non. sihone, semisynthetic product, having exceptional cor- rosion and rancidity control.

CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid is exceptional- ly mild, which makes it an ideal product for individual machine applications where mixes tend to concentrate. CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid can also be used in central system applications.

CiMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid’s flexibility and broad operating range complement the new era of flexible manufacturing technology.

Easy to maintain and control. CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid can be recycled for reuse by the CIMCOOL‘ Full CycleTu Module, or can easily be treated for disposal.

APPLICATION Recommended for general-purpose machining and grinding of ferrous metals including carbonhast steel, casUnodular/malleable/gray iron, stainless Steel, and high alloy steels. Can also be used on some light- to moderateduty applications on nonferrous metals.

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. Cspt Nodular Carbon Alloyed bpper

Iran Steels Steels Alloys lmn Alum,num Operailon

Milling. Drilling, Turnlng 1:20 (5%) 1:20 (5%) 1:20 (5%) 1:15 (6.7%) 1:25 (4%) 1:15 (6.7%) Grinding 1:20 (5%) 1:20 (586) 1:ZO (5%) 1:20 (5%) 1% (4%) 1:20 (5%)

CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalworking fluid isto be mixed with water for use (add concentrate to water). Add no other subtanas to Ihe conoentrate of mix unless approved by Clmcool Technical Services (1SOO-On 2 time, or in Ohlo mll 1-860-582-7522).

Pilutlon I 1:lO (10.0%) 1 1:20 (5.0%) I 1:2$ (4.0%) 1 1:30 (3.3%) 1 1:40 (2.5%) Tip Size 43 46 51 53 55

After installation of the tip, titrate the mix to be sure the concentration is correct. Leaner dilutions may be needed for makeup.

For concentration analysis, use the CIMCOOL' "Mini" Kl I, Mixed Indicator (MI) Titration Procedure, or a refractometer.

Physical stale. ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appearanoeandodor ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . clea Colors available. .............................................. .pink, undyed Solubility in water.. ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lQOVt Weight, Ib/gal, 60°F (15.WC). ................................. . . . . . . . . .8.42 Specific gravity (H20 = 1). ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.009 Boiling point, OF ("c). ..................... ...................... .a2 (100)

. . . . . . . . . . .none: self-extinguisfling Fire point, COG, OF PC). ............................... .none; Self.extinguishing

Extinguishing media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .no fire hazard Unusual fire & explosion hazards. ................................ .none

Freezing point (or pour point), OF (T). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 (-2) Protect from freezing.

pH, concentrate.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pH, 1:25 (4.0%) mix, typical operating conditions. Total chlorinelchloride. wt Oh, calculated. ........ . . . . . . . . . ,0.150llOSs Total sulfur, wt V o , calculated, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphates, mercurials, PCB's. PTBBA, diethanolnitrosamine,

Flash point, COC, O F ("c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

phenols, silicones, nitrites, chlorinated paraffins, ........................ .none

Available in 5-gallon pails. 55-gallon drums, Liqua Bins, and in tank truck quantitles.

Do not reuse container before cleaning. After cleaning, remove label and relabel appropriately.

Hazardous Materials Description and Hazard Class (49 CFR 172.101): Proper Shipping Name (49 CFR 172.101):

Not a hazardous material. Not applicable

Page 12: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity

EXCELLENT FERROUS CORROSlON CONTROL Rust inhibitor package is extremely effective in preventing in-process rust 0

Very effective on cast/malleabie/gray/nodular iron. Contains nonferrous corrosion inhibitors which prevent stain on aluminum alloys,

SUPERIOR RANCIDITY CONTROL Effective protection against bacteria and mold. No "Monday Morning" odors. This ensures long fluid life, minimizes the use

machines and parts. FEATURES AND BENEFITS

brass, copper, and bronze.

of additives, and increases operator satisfaction.

MULTI-PURPOSE PRODUCT CIMSTAR QUAL STAR metalwotking fluid can be used wnomicaliy throughout the shop on light; moderate; and some heavyduty operations; just vary the dilution to suit the job requirements. Liquid residue-keeps machine tool components free-moving regardless of equipment age. Excellent choice for individual machine applications.

EFFECTIVE LUBRICATION AND COOLING QUALITIES Physicial and chemical lubricants provide good machining and grinding prop


enies; keeps parts and tools cool.

No smoke; no slippery film on parts, machines or floors; low misting; mild to the skin when used as recommended; no ammonia Odors.



Ask your local Cincinnati Mllacmn Distributor for a trial today.


Metalworking Fluid By using the American Optical Refractometer Fluid Tester, Model 10440, or the Atago Refractometer, Model SPR-N (refer to Conversion Chart at left).


a d

e 6.0

I% 4.0 1 2.0 I

E 0 2A 4.0 60 81) 100 12.0

percent Concentration

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Product Safety Data CIMSTAR" QUAL STAR'


Not for internal consumption. Emergency and Flmt Ald ProCedureC %

Skin - Avoid prolonged contact with concentrate. Flush with water immediately. Eyes - In case of contact wlth concentrate, flush with running water for 15 minutes. Call a physician. Ingestion - I f concentrate is swallowed, do not induce vomiting, Dilute with water or milk. Call a physician. Inhalation -No first aid required; concentrate not Volatile.

The following toxicity tests were conducted in accordance with the techniques specified in the Regulatlons for the Enforoement of the Federal Hazardous Substance6 &(I6 CFR 16003, revised I M a , and a hazard determjna- tion was conducted in accordance with provisions of the OSHA Hazard Communication Rule(29 CFR 1910.1200):

Acute Oral Toxicity (LDso-Rats) - Above 5 g/kg (undiluted). Not orally toxic. Acute Eye Irritation (Rabbits) - Positive (undiluted): negative for a 10% mix. Concentrate is an eye

Primary Skin Irritation (Rabbits) - Negative (undiluted); noncorrosive and not a primary skin irritant; however, skin irrilalion may amur I used improperly (doncentrate or mix.

Acute Dermal Toxicity (LDW-Rabbits) - Above 2 g/kg (undiluted). Not dermally toxic.

Concentrate is alkaline. Harmful i f taken internally. No adverse chronic effects expected when used as recommended.

irritant, Eye damage may occur from contact with concentrate. I

REACTlVlTY DATA Stability - Stable. Hazardous polymerization - Incompatibility (materials to avoid) - What volatile products are given off if subjected to open flame or abnormally high temperatures - Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and organic vapors.

Will not occur. Avoid contact of concentrate with strong acids;

SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be taken if material is released or spilled - Thoroughly flush with water to sewer. Recommended disposal method(s) - FOR USED MIX: 1) Ultrafiltration for sewer disposal, or

2) sewer disposal if applicable according to local regula- tions. or 3) recycle equipment for reuse, or 4) treat with polymer or inorganic de-emulsifiers. then dispose of top layer by incineration or landfill, and dispose of water layer in sanitary sewer in compliance with state, local and federal regulations. FOR UNUSED CONCENTRATE: Incinerate. or contact vendor.

SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection - Ventilation - Protective' Gloves -

Product not volatile. General. Waterproof gloves required when handllng concentrate.

Eye Protection - Other Protective Equipment or Clothing - Effective metalworking plant protective clothing as appropriate.

Safety shield or goggles required when handling concentrate.

SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Handling and Storage - Use only as recommended by Cincinnati Milacron. Avoid all contact of Mncen-

Other Precautions - irate with eyes or prolonged contact with skin. Do not swallow. Contains amines. Do not add sodium nitrite or other nitrosating agents to this product. Suspected cancer-causing nitrosamines could be formed.

Minm lormulafion Cnanws or nolmal variations in 108 milnulaclure 01 this prddud may 0ause slight variances in the date prasentea on znis sheel.

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~. . . .. , . , . , ,. .. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ,~,.. . .


CIMTECH'" 400 M4t DESCRIPTION CIMTECH 400 metalworking fluid contains a unique synthetic lubricant. MSL, developed and patented by Cincinnati Milacron. CIMTECH 400 metalworking fluid is a clear, water-based synthetic product which is free of mineral oil. nitrite. phenols, mercuriais, phosphates, PCB's, FTEEA, diethanolnitrosamine, chlorine, sulfur, and boron compounds.

APPLICATION Recommended for heavy-duty machining and grinding of steel and Cast iron to replace cutting oils and soluble oils. Especially effeotive for machining and grinding alloy steels and exotic metals. Excellent choice for central system applications.

MAJOR AOVANTAGES Very economical-low makeup rates (1:60-1:lOO).

* Provides exceptional tool life-patented synthetic lubricant outperforms the cut zone lubricity obtained with oil-based extreme pressure culling fluids. Results in very high productivity-infrequent tool changes: higher speeds and feeds than with heavy. duty soluble oils. Reduces heat (the enemy of tool life) during chip formation.

* Eliminates oii mists associated wifh petroleum products; excellent cleanliness properties. Provides extraordinary mildness properties.

* Rejects high percentage of tramp oil. Leaves a soft or slightly liquid residual film that is rinsable. The rfue synthetic-contains a new proprietary synthetic lubricant developed by CIMCOOL chemists, Contains no nitrite.

Page 16: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity

Practices GOXI petsondl hygiene s h a l d always be followed. ~

Page 2

Page 17: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity

... Y & L ? . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ill ...'. i . ~ . .~ - EXCELLENT LUBRICITY

Provides a wide range of machining capabilities varying from high-spezd operations to such slow-speed OperatiOnS as broaching. tapping, and sawing. Displays good grinding abilities-tests conducted in centeriess grinding operation$ have resulted in at least a 30% increase in wheel life. Product provides best G ratio data of any non-oil based product tested. Uses a hhh efficiency synthetic lubricant-patented by Cincinnati Milacron, the world leader in metalworking technology.

SUPERIOR TOOL LIFE Superior tool life when tested against slraight cutting and soluble oils. Tool life increases in a range of 2910 to 1000°/o have been experienced depending upon the metal involved and the operations performed. Allows high feeds and speeds that increase production.

* Reduces heat in the chip formation process. Provides exoellent cooling properties, resulting in more precise pan geometry. Exhibits good settling properties-effectively Settles both cast iron and steel


~. . fines, preventing the recirculation of finish-marring swarf and clogging of lines.

ECONOMICAL lower cost per mixed gallon than cutting oils and many heavy-duty soluble oils; VetylOW makeup concentration required to maintain recommended dilution; low carryoff on parls and chips. Long Product life-eliminates expensive and time-consuming recharges.

* Excellent part quality-few rejects. Long tool and grinding wheel life. Good filterability-foms a good cake on positive fiiters, reducing media usage;

CiMTECH 400 metalworking fluid can be recycled for reuse by the CIM(;OOLG filters well in all types of filtration systems.

FULL CYCLE" Module to reduce wastewater volume.

EXCEPTIONAL RANCIDITY CONTROL Long product life. Greatly reduces odor problems associated with soluble oils in individual

Infrequent use of biocidal additives.

LIGHT RESIDUAL FILM Product leaves soft liquid residual film that is rinsable. Excellent cleanliness-less residue buildup in low flow and splash zones than

Has good washing action to keep machine tools clean. Operators like CIMTECH 400 metalworking fluid because it causes no oily mist.

Ask your local Cincinnati Nlilacron Distributor for a trlal today.


with other synthetics.

Concentration Check For CIMTECH'" 400

Metalworking Fluid CONCENTRATION 4.0 By using t he American Optical Refractometer Fluid

Tester. Model 10440, of the Atago Refractometer. Model SPFi-N (refer to Conversion Chart at left).

n 6 2 3.0 E

i 2.0 6 I w

5 1.0 - 8 a

0 2.0 l.0 6.0 8,6 I O 0 Pelcent C0nccn:r;iiGn

i '.

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Nor for infernal consumption. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Skin - Avoid prolonged contac$with concentrate. Flush with water. Eyes - In case of contact with concentrate, flush with running water for 15 minutes. Call a physician. Ingestion - If concentrate is swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Dilute with water or milk. Call a physician, Inhalation - No first aid required; concentrate not volatile.

The following toxicity tests were conducted in accordance with the techniques specified in the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (16 CFR 1500.3. revised 1982), and a hazard determina- tion was conducted in accordance with provisions of the OSHA Hazard Communication Rule (29 CFR 1910.1200):

Acute Oral Toxicity (LD50-Rats) - Acute Inhalation Toxicity (LCSo--Rats) -Above 20 mgll for a 10% mix. Acute Eye Irritation (Rabbits) -

Primary Skin Irritation (Rabbits) -

Acute Dermal Toxicity (LDSo-Rabbits) -Above 2 glkg (undiluted). Not dermally toxic. Additional Testing: Bacterial Mutagenic (Ames) Test - Concentrate is alkaline. Harmful i f taken internally. No adverse chronic effects expected when used as recommended,

REACTIVITY DATA Stability - Stable. Hazardous polymerization - Incompatibility (materials to avoid) - What volatile products are given off i f subjected to open flame or abnormally high temperatures - Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and organic vapors.

Steps to be taken i f material is reieasod or spilled - Thoroughly flush with water to sewer. Recommended disposal method@) -

Above 5 glkg (undiluted). Not orally toxic.

Positive (undiluted); negative for a 10% mix. Concentrate is an eye irritant. Eye damage may occur from contact with concentrate. Negative (undiluted): noncorrosive and not a primary skin irritant; however, skin irritation may occur if used improperly (concentrate or mix).


Will not occur. Avoid contact of concentrate with strong acids.


FOR USED MIX: 1) Ultrafiltration for sewer disposal, or 2) sewer disposal if applicable accofding to local regula- tions, or 3) recycle equipment for reuse, or 4) treat with polymer or inorganic de.emulsifiers, then dispose of top layer by incineration or landfill, and dispose of water layer in sanitary sewer, in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. FOR UNUSED CONCENTRATE; Incinerate, or contact vendor.

SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection - Ventilation - General. Protective Gloves - Eye Protection - Other Protective Equipment of Clothing - Effective metalworking plant protective clothing as appropriate.

Handling and Storage - USG only as recommended by Cincinnati Milacron. Avoid all contact of concenlmle with eyes or prolonged contact with skin. Do not swallow.

Other Precautions - Contains amines. DO not add sodium nitrite or other nitrosating agents to this product. Suspected cancer-causing nitrosamines could be formed.

Product not volatile.

Waterproof gloves required when handling concentrate. Safety shield or goggles required when handling concentrate.


-. Minor IoriOuIeliOn coai'mgr: 0 1 ooimrl variattons in m e mznulaclure 31 thi: p ~ u o u ~ l muy c w s c slight valiance3 / r ~ lht l daln i1re5imxi 09. mi: $neb!.

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Page 19: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity

+ ''sasS1pnN %we==---

1441-43-5 26896-20-8

3 F p n

I 124-68-5 c - 111-14-8

13.2-05-0 I I 102-71-6

c 3 m - - - I

Page 20: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity

F.11:13 . . . . . .

Carhon Steels, Cast Steels

. Operation . Cast Iran ' RECOMMENDEO


I .

High Alloy Steels, steels . . . . . . . . Stainless Steels




Milling. Drilling. Turning

Machining-heaqdul y Reaming, Tapping.


Cutoll& Sawing

Broaching, Form Milling





1% (4.0%) 1:25 (4.0%) 120 (5.0°/o] 120 (5.0%)

1:25 (4,004 W.0 (5.0%) 1:20 (5.0%) t15 (6.7%)

1:20 (5.0%) 1% (6.7%) 1:10 (10.0%) 1:lO (10.0%)

125 (4.0%) 130 (3.3%) 1:25 (4.0%) 120 (5.0%)

135 (6.7%) V i 5 (6.7%) 1:10 (10.0%) 1:10 (10.0%)


Tip size


;. : ' . 50 . 62 54 57 62 66 68 70


t;:. . ,:;r . .

Hazardous Materials Description and Proper Shipping Name (49 CFR 172.101):

Not a hazardous material.

s .,, ,.. ClMTECH400 metalworking fluid is to be mixed with water for use (add concentrate to water). Add no other substances to the concentrate or mix unless approved by Cimcool Technical Services (1-800.011 2 time, or in Ohio call 1-800-582-7522).

;, ... : l,i : :

< ' ' . . : ... .... . .

Hazard Class (49 CFR 172.101):

Not applicable

Page 21: QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPt - InfoHouseinfohouse.p2ric.org/ref/25/24663.pdfMicrocut/Microgrind 541-PW Page 2 . c TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Appearance: Viscous, amber liquid Viscosity

. . -

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