qt for beginners part 2 widgets

Qt For Beginners - Part 2 Widgets Brian Quinn, Qt Consultant and Engineer Integrated Computer Solutions Visit us at http://www.ics.com Video Available at: http://bit.ly/qt-beginners-part-2-widgets Copyright 2016, Integrated Computers Solutions, Inc. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. 1

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Qt For Beginners - Part 2Widgets

Brian Quinn, Qt Consultant and EngineerIntegrated Computer SolutionsVisit us at http://www.ics.com

Video Available at: http://bit.ly/qt-beginners-part-2-widgets Copyright 2016, Integrated Computers Solutions, Inc.

This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc.


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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Why Widgets? ● Solid and Reliable

● Easy to Use

● Multitude of Features

● Extensive Documentation


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All of the Parts and Pieces

● The Lowly QWidget○ Basis of all visual items in the widget “family”○ Just an empty rectangle○ Makes sure that it looks like it’s native to the OS

● Parent-child relationship○ x,y coordinates in relative regions○ Parent defines coordinate space

● Custom widgets


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● Displays○ Labels○ Digital Display○ Progress Bar

● Inputs○ Line Edits○ Spin Boxes ○ Combo Boxes

● Buttons○ Push Buttons○ Checkboxes ○ Radio buttons

● Containers○ Group Boxes○ Frames○ Tabs

● Views○ Lists○ Tables○ Trees

● And Much More!

The Many kinds of Widgets


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Display Widgets

Only meant display information, no user interaction

QLabel● Shows a string of characters and or an image

QLabel *myLabel = new QLabel("Qt Fundamentals!", parent);myLabel->setPixmap(pic);

QLCDNumber● Stylized numeric display

QLCDNumber *myLCD = new QLCDNumber(parent);myLCD->display(552016);

QProgressBar● Percentage and animation included

QProgressBar *myProgress = new QProgressBar(parent);myProgress->setRange(0, 100);myProgress->setValue(70);


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Text Input Widgets

QLineEdit● Can mask input● Data validationQTextEdit● Accepts HTML tags

QLineEdit *line = new QLineEdit(parent);line->setText("Edit me");line->setValidator(validator);

QLineEdit *output = new QLineEdit(parent);output->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);

connect(line, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) ...


QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit(parent);edit->setPlainText("Plain Text");edit->append("<h1>Html Text</h1>");


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Button Widgets



● Abstract base class of buttons, providing all of their core functionality


● The most basic buttonQPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Push Me", parent);


setCheckable(bool); - toggle button


● Radio buttons are autoExclusive by defaultQRadioButton *radio = new QRadioButton("Option 1", parent);


● An inclusive choice selectorQCheckBox *check = new QCheckBox("Choice 1", parent);

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QSpinBox and QDoubleSpinBox● Numeric-exclusive data● Keyboard and Mouse input● Stepwise incrementing included

QSpinBox *spin = new QSpinBox(parent); spin->setRange(10, 80);spin->setValue(42);spin->setSuffix(" USD");connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)) ......QDoubleSpinBox *dspin = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent); dspin->setRange(0.0, 1.0);dspin->setValue(0.5); dspin->setSuffix(" Kg");connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)) ...


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Sliders, Dials, and Combo Boxes

QSlider and QDial● Drag or click to the desired value

QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, parent);slider->setRange(0, 99);slider->setValue(0);connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)) ...

QDial *volDial = new QDial(parent);

QComboBox● enter or select the desired value from the drop-down list

QComboBox *combo = new QComboBox(parent);combo->addItems(QStringList() << "Apples" << "Bananas" << "Cherries");


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Organizer Widgets

QGroupBoxbox = new QGroupBox("Your Options", parent);

setCheckable(bool) - checkbox in title

QTabWidgettab = new QTabWidget(parent);

tab->addWidget(widget, icon, "Tab 1");

connect(tab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)) …

● setCurrentWidget(widget)○ Displays page associated with widget

● setTabPosition(position)○ Defines where tabs are drawn

● setTabsClosable(bool)○ Adds close buttons


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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Doing It Yourself

● Place and resize widgets○ move()

○ resize()

○ setGeometry()

● Example:QWidget *parent = new QWidget(...);

parent->resize(400, 400);

QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox(parent);

cb->move(10, 10);


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Making Qt Do The Work

DefinitionLayout: Specifying the relations of elements to each other instead of the absolute positions and sizes.

● Advantages:○ Works with different languages.○ Works with different dialog sizes.○ Works with different font sizes.○ Better to maintain.

● Disadvantage○ Need to think about your layout first.

Thinking about layout is not a disadvantage!


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Layout Management Classes

● QHBoxLayout○ Lines up widgets horizontally

● QVBoxLayout○ Lines up widgets vertically

● QGridLayout○ Arranges the widgets in a grid

● QFormLayout○ Lines up a (label, widget) pairs in two columns.

● QStackedLayout○ Arranges widgets in a stack

■ only topmost is visible


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QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayout

● Lines up widgets horizontally or vertically● Divides space into boxes● Each managed widget fills in one box

QWidget *window = new QWidget();

QPushButton *one = new QPushButton("One");

QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout();




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Widgets In a Grid - QGridLayoutQWidget *window = new QWidget();

QPushButton *one = new QPushButton("One");

...QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();

layout->addWidget(one, 0, 0); // row:0, col:0

layout->addWidget(two, 0, 1); // row:0, col:1

// row:1, col:0, rowSpan:1, colSpan:2

layout->addWidget(three, 1, 0, 1, 2);


● No need to specify rows and columns before adding children


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● A two-column layout○ Column 1 a label (as annotation)○ Column 2 a widget (as field)

● Respects style guide of individual platforms.

QPushButton *one = new QPushButton("One");

QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout();

layout->addRow("One", one);


● Form layout with Cleanlooks and Mac style


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Some Layout Terms

● Stretch○ Relative resize factor○ QBoxLayout::addWidget(widget, stretch)

○ QBoxLayout::addStretch(stretch)

● Contents Margins○ Space reserved around the managed widgets.○ QLayout::setContentsMargins(left,top,right,bottom)

● Spacing○ Space reserved between widgets○ QBoxLayout::addSpacing(size)


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Nested Layouts

● A Box within a box○ Allows flexible layouts○ QLayout::addLayout(...)


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources


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Qt Designer

● Design UI forms visually● Visual Editor for:

○ Signal/slot connections○ Actions○ Tab handling○ Buddy widgets○ Widget properties○ Integration of custom widgets○ Resource files


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Designer Tips

● Use the Designer! ● Avoid d'n'd of layouts from the Widget Box in favor of

multiple-selection + Layout Toolbar Buttons above the Widget Editor.● "Signals and Slots" edit mode is easier for creating signals and slots. The

"signals and slots" dockable is good for editing and removing already existing connections.

● Don't add something to a GroupBox until it is already laid out correctly.● Move things temporarily to another empty widget as scratch-space when you

have complicated nested layouts and Group Boxes.


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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Dialog Windows - QDialog● Base class of dialog window widgets● Modal dialog:

○ Remains in foreground, until closed○ Blocks input to remaining application

QDialog myDialog(this);…if (myDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // exec blocks until user closes dialog}

● Modeless dialog:○ Operates independently in application○ Use show()

● No need to keep dialogs around forever○ Call QObject::deleteLater()○ Or setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose)


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Asking for Files - QFileDialog● Asking for a file name

QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"));if (!fileName.isNull()) { // do something useful}

● QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames()

○ Returns one or more selected existing files● QFileDialog::getSaveFileName()

○ Returns a file name. File does not have to exist.● QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory()

○ Returns an existing directory.● setFilter("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)")

○ Displays files matching the patterns


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Showing Messages - QMessageBox● Provides a modal dialog for …

○ informing the user○ asking a question and receiving an answer

● Typical usage, questioning a userQMessageBox::StandardButton ret = QFileDialog::question(parent, title, text);if (ret == QMessageBox::Ok) { // Do something useful}

● Other convenience methods○ QMessageBox::information(...)○ QMessageBox::warning(...)○ QMessageBox::critical(...)○ QMessageBox::about(...)


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Feedback Progress - QProgressDialogQProgressDialog dialog("Copy", "Abort", 0, count, this);


for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {


if (dialog.wasCanceled()) { break; }

//... Copy one file


dialog.setValue(count); // Ensure set to maximum

● Can estimate time or work left with setValue()● Can check if operation was canceled:

○ Connect to QProgressDialog::canceled()

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Other Common Dialogs

● Selecting Color - QColorDialog○ QColorDialog::getColor(...)

● Selecting Font - QFontDialog○ QFontDialog::getFont(...)


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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Code Integration

● Code integration of .ui files with C++ classes:○ Separates UI from back-end code○ Allows drag and drop WYSIWYG adjustments○ Easy communication to/from C++○ Using properties and signal/slot connections


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Designer UI Form Files

● Form stored in .ui file○ format is XML

● uic tool generates code○ From myform.ui

■ to ui_myform.h○ Class created in the Ui namespace

● List form ui in project file (.pro)○ FORMS += mainwindow.ui


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From .ui to C++


OrderForm.uisaves to


Qt Designer orDesign Mode in Qt Creator

class Ui_OrderForm { public:QVBoxLayout *verticalLayout;QLineEdit *lineEdit; QDoubleSpinBox *doubleSpinBox; QSpinBox *spinBox;[...]

#include "orderform.h"#include "ui_orderform.h"

OrderForm::OrderForm(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::OrderForm)

{ ui->setupUi(this);}

OrderForm::~OrderForm(){ delete ui; }





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Code Integration - Header

// orderform.hnamespace Ui { class OrderForm;}

class OrderForm : public QDialog {private: Ui::OrderForm *ui; // pointer to UI object};● Host widget derives from appropriate base class● *ui member encapsulate UI class

○ Makes header independent of Designer generated code


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Code Integration - C++

// orderform.cpp#include "ui_orderform.h"

OrderForm::OrderForm(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::OrderForm){ ui->setupUi(this);}

OrderForm::~OrderForm(){delete ui;

}● Default behavior in Qt Creator


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Forms and Multiple Inheritance

Another way to integrate forms is through multiple inheritance● Inherit from both a QWidget and the Ui_Form class● Advantage: Simple and easy to use● Disadvantage: Header dependent on Designer generated code● Disadvantage: Risk of name-clashes with inherited QWidget members// orderform.h#include "ui_orderform.h"

class OrderForm : public QDialog, private Ui::OrderForm{ …};

// orderform.cppOrderForm::OrderForm(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this);}


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources


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Main Window

● QMainWindow: main application window● Has own layout

○ Central Widget○ QMenuBar○ QToolBar○ QDockWidget○ QStatusBar

● Central Widget○ QMainWindow::setCentralWidget(widget)○ Just any widget object


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Create Menu Bar

● QMenuBar: a horizontal menu bar● QMenu: represents a menu

○ indicates action state● QAction: menu items added to QMenu

void MainWindow::setupMenuBar() { QMenuBar *bar = menuBar(); QMenu *menu = bar->addMenu(tr("&File")); menu->addAction(action); menu->addSeparator();

QMenu *subMenu = menu->addMenu(tr("Sub Menu")); ...


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Creating Toolbars - QToolBar

● Movable panel …○ Contains set of controls○ Can be horizontal or vertical

● QMainWindow::addToolbar(toolbar)○ Adds toolbar to main window

● QMainWindow::addToolBarBreak()○ Adds section splitter

● QToolBar::addAction(action)○ Adds action to toolbar

● QToolBar::addWidget(widget)○ Adds widget to toolbar

Example:void MainWindow::setupToolBar() {

QToolBar *bar = addToolBar(tr("File"));



bar->addWidget(new QLineEdit(tr("Find ...")));



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● Quick-access button to commands or options● Used when adding action to QToolBar● Can be used instead QPushButton

○ Different visual appearance!● Advantage: allows to attach action

QToolButton *button = new QToolButton(this);button->setDefaultAction(action);// Can have a menubutton->setMenu(menu);// Shows menu indicator on buttonbutton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup);// Control over text + icon placementsbutton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon);


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QIcon, QPixmap, QImage

● Qt has different classes for representing images○ QPixmap

■ for on-screen images○ QImage

■ for off-screen images○ QIcon

■ Support for:● different sizes● states (on, off)● modes (active, disabled, selected)


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The Status Bar - QStatusBar

● Horizontal bar○ Suitable for presenting status information

● showMessage(message, timeout)○ Displays temporary message for specified milli-seconds

● clearMessage()○ Removes any temporary message

● addWidget() or addPermanentWidget()○ Normal, permanent messages displayed by widget

void MainWindow::createStatusBar() {QStatusBar *bar = statusBar() {bar->showMessage(tr("Ready"));bar->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Label on StatusBar")));...


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Creating Dock Windows - QDockWidget

● Window docked into main window● Qt::DockWidgetArea enum

○ Left, Right, Top, Bottom dock areas● QMainWindow::setCorner(corner,area)

○ Sets area to occupy specified corner● QMainWindow::setDockOptions(options)

○ Specifies docking behavior (animated, nested, tabbed, ...)

void MainWindow::createDockWidget() {QDockWidget *dock = new QDockWidget(tr("Title"), this);dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea);QListWidget *widget = new QListWidget(dock);dock->setWidget(widget);addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, dock);...


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QMenu and Context Menus

● Launch via event handlervoid MyWidget::contextMenuEvent(event) {


● or signal customContextMenuRequested()○ Connect to signal to show context menu

● Or via QWidget::actions() list○ QWidget::addAction(action)

○ setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu)

○ Displays QWidget::actions() as context menu


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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Resource System

● Platform-independent mechanism for storing binary files○ Not limited to images

● Resource files stored in application's executable● Useful if application requires files

○ E.g. icons, translation files, sounds○ No risk of losing files, easier deployment


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Using Resources

● Resources specified in .qrc file

<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">






</RCC>○ Can be created using Qt Creator

● Resources are accessible with ':' prefix○ Example: ":/images/cut.png"○ Simply use resource path instead of filename○ QIcon(":/images/cut.png")

● To compile resource, edit .pro file○ RESOURCES += application.qrc

○ qmake produces make rules to generate binary file


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● Path Prefix○ <qresource prefix="/myresources">

○ File accessible via ":/myresources/..."● Aliases

○ <file alias="cut.png">images/scissors.png</file>

○ File accessible via ":/cut.png"● Static Libraries and Resources

○ Need to force initialization○ Q_INIT_RESOURCE(basename);

● Loading resources at runtime○ Use rcc to create binary and register resource○ rcc -binary data.qrc -o data.rcc○ QResource::registerResource("data.rcc")

● Traverse resource tree using QDir(":/")

Resource Specifics


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● Introduction to Widgets● Layout Management● Qt Designer Introduction● Dialogs● Designer Forms and Code Integration● Application Creation● Resources● Q & A


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Next Time on Qt for Beginners!

Join us as we explore QML on May 19!